The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 17, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 8, Image 17

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VHP- TWPTO ft J' im
planted roccniii.Tr"-"".
Many Inducements to Homeseekers In Polk County, Or,
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rBV sections of the United States of
fer moro inducement to tlio homo
builder than does tlio County of Polk,
Oregon, possessing us It docs n woudor
ful coniblniitloii of ellmulo mid noil. As
many as three crops on tlio sumo land In
n single season nro not unusual; two of
votcht'H uud Brain, followed by corn and
matured uulflelently for excellent feed,
eighteen and ulght-toulhs (ohh of best
(tuallty forage crops for tho dairy cow
liavo been measured und weighed per
There aro thousands of acres of pruritic
tlro soil us jot undeveloped In Polk
County, and there lies an opportunity for
'many a man of molcrato nieuiis. l'ollc
County Is tho leader In Mohair produc
tion and ranks M-conri among tho 34 coun
ties of the stale In tho production of hops.
It Is fifth hi plums, prunes and cherries;
sixth In pears: seventh In strnwherrles
and raspberries, In area It ranks 20th.
Thero is room In Polls County for agri
culturist, stock raiser, machinist, olec
trhiau, dalonmn, investor or business
man. l'ollc County presents ulluvlal mill,
mild Winters, cheap transporlalou facili
ties, pure mountain water, low-priced fuel
and healthful surroundings, l'ollc County
li on tho cast slopo ot the Cyatt Iluuge
TyyO'c-ejZbJr County Orc&ar-cZ.
Mountains. It northern lioutwliu-v holm-
CO miles south ot Portland. H has n land
area or 709 square miles or 153,700 ncies,
an estimated population of 15,000, of
which 0000 nro In cities and towns of
over 300 Inhabitants. The population Is
90 per cent American boru.
ll,t71 Acre-. 0mmi.
Of the aggregate area ll.r.20 acres are
In forest u-serves and 151 acres In pub
lic lands, mukliig 11,971 acres not deeded
or patented. About 111,789 acres aro In
private ownership. Fully 200,308 acies
ure Improved. 1 37,102 acres cultivated.
120,205 uncultivated and 17S,Ct2 acres
unimproved. Thero aro 2SS0 acros In
incorporated cities and towns.
Polk County toutulns 1557 farms with
an nvoroso of 1C7.2 acres per farm, with
an average value of J51.08 per acre. The
value of farm properly has lucre-ised near
ly 100 per cent In 10 yeais.
Anything giown In n temperate zone
should bo produced in Polk County nt a
profit without Irrigation. If diversified
and intensified farming Is followed 10 to
20 acres aro sufficient for the general
farmor, nnd for general funning from 10
to 80 ncres and upward nro required Tho
aveago rainfall is 12 Indies, In tho es.
troiuu western portion of tho county tlio
rainfall is 53 Inchos. Tho amount of
snowfall Is light and rare on tho slopes
and the valleys. The average number of
rainy days per year Is 133. Tho average
maximum temperature in July Is SO de
grees und the average mlultnum is 5 1 de
grees. The uveruges for January nro 45
and 31 degrees.
Prune, Apples am Cherries.
Conditions prevailing In Polk County
make It exceptionally profitable for tho
!)ir.V.(,".cUo,l ot I"-"110"- I'ollt County ranks
ilith In this Industry among Oregon coun
ties, huvlng an nverugo yield ot 6,000,000
pounds of greon or 2,200,000 pounds of
dried fruit, per year. Within tho boun
dary of Polk Couuty there aro 1200 acroB
of prunes full-bearing, nnd 600 acres in
young orchards. Young trees may be
had for about ?10 per 100.
. i?J.t. '' '"U'ortanco in commercial fruit
In Polk County is tho apple, of -which
tliere Is an over-Increasing acreage being
brought into bearing. Tlio same culture
and climatic conditions that favor tho
prunes nro no detriment to the npple. Tho
Polk County growers, whoso ideas aro
tho highest, are proving that tho mod
ern methods employed will bring profitH
to hose Investigating in apple land In
Polk Couuty., Many crops have ueeu
Klll II flta 11. "Mil I rk . v
growers '0 Jg' ItS
H't mrkctiWW5e to iff' 55
' iKi,' " "" 18 available "' h3
territory. un prof,, jj
Tho .,,.,,8'nalIU.
-......'""' iru ts ....
Blrawhrn-rin. LProtl,?ble pmMu??
canning or oraponSin!''' for u2?
V "Us section . .3
rows in nu orchard ZV'W 2
berries and other im.M Hlw T
ho expense of Siffifejft
., State of o.. 1
bottimio nr . re ln the flfk ?
of production beff cstttJ-ft
Tho pickers' ;ySftSK5
County crop. Mo htW &$
b.u...D, nu,- ana root Tcseiiku."""
big opportunity to the d.lrT,"' i
the best specimens ol th& fyt
ica are round In Polk ConB , i,i "
number of Guernsey. iw22.V N
orccus. Prices fnr i. i7:.,M
nearly 32 ront "',l '
ifni it.. .
. l'ollc is the banner conm.M.1...
Iu the mohair Industry. ThV.,
goats raised here have carrfed uJST
est roward wherever cxhlblM ,!. .
for tho high quality of bHtl'S
excellent quality of the TohUr'u!
of tho best Ancora Hark u?!'
bands from l'ollc County to ,"
tlons of the United State B??
gont was Introduced Into PolkCouhu
years ngo, from purrtd stiiL
Asia Minor. Tho lndu.trhl, &?&
I1 . .'i'i'L1 "ow tho annl"l dip linw
at M25.000. Single joaU itumft
from 2 to 5, whllo W&Sitt
lirlnif lili'lint riiir D Ht8
...u IIUIVJ,
Tho famous Petaluma dlairiri i
romla finds a rival In polk Couiir u
hecauso ot Its sheltered mIUm h.
heavy rains and chilling foaanJifa?
ngo equal to that of PUhma.PoUc
ty has very favorable couditloct forik
raising ot poultry. Prlcej fortkepoite
pruuuciti ure uuoui tile tana u Nti Tt
,1,1.1 llnulnn ,.-.,. l.ll, . , . '"
cents nor dozen dnrlnr iv. tv.
mouths. The demand it aln;i pife
show each year, aided by tbeCoatrtr
Club, at which high-quality blriiLiu
Polk Ctuuitr I.umhff.
Of tho 152,720 acres otforWW
?7!(l fin In fnrpl rActrvjw mJltl..
mated that privately owned forest M
win nu Ki.nnivnnn nnn fi hiii
Sold at tho rate of MO per 1000, tbbi
uriiiK 4iuv,uuu,vuu, jiajiag mr uwif
proximately $75,000,000. ItvoiMn-
quire five sawuillU, cutting I0O.IH tt
nor ilnv mni'n llinti CD vpjrt la tnn
tho comity's standing timber Into uiMm
atiio product, approximately
font nt Iniulipi' urn uhlnned innmllr. T
timber forests nro tapped by tbr n
Kdlinitluiial Paclllilrt.
Tim sottlcrs 111 a coniMratlreli i
country nro always Interested la tli m
ucutlouul facilities, njurei luerut
1913 and 1911 shon' the follotiirt
Nmnlinr nf rural Bchooli. tli i:
of city schools, 0; number olrtlMrHi
school ago, census l'Jis-ii, m, i
her or cliiuiren in primary " u
.iitn fTPniini l!tX9! number ot (tO
In grammar grade. 1376; nnmbtrofd
dron lu high school, 531; Tfrat
. f ... Ill VAMM
Ot UB)H 111 BVIIUU1 )') " ,,,ui
hor of days attendance la year, !i,K
averago dully anenaance lot i
2971; per cent of attendance for j
90.3; enrollment In city echoo'x "1
enrollment in rural scow, . -
lan.llAM ntlininfAll. ffiaie. Iff! lB
uor ui ii.-iii.iii-ip -r' --.. .,u
ber of teachers employed. t5IJ',2
teachers' salaries lor rar, , ji
total oxpendlturesios to -;
value of scnoouioubcs '"?;
J131.000: va no oi k"7.
grounus, ruiui, i'-; .7: null
furniture and lPtM .i"s
valuo of sclioot turn .u..r: r-
rural, 18,47 ;5?1Si
of teachers, male, JJ'.!W
ly salary of teachers. femiMil
number ot sianuuru "7;.y.toj
Tho only educational 1mUW?K
training of teacners iu iut - - ,
g?n Is located at mo,.
BChOOl town, loiai" .""',," TkWii
from Dallas, n. county KM v.
cUncluSti tt m' ''