J?0"3 AND FA MAP.A7mW SECTI0N Latest Transcontinen.nl I?,,"w lf Roncl Nenrs the Pacific 'Ji WOOD TANKS r Wer. Oil. Wine. Mlnlns and Cyanlilo. 1 ' ' i i i I' . j PlDf for Irrlunllon, Cltj S711- PacificTank&PipeCo. JJ5 Onk Street, 1-ortlnnd, Or. W'Y TtmA nnrl IVIonOV WOOD FIBRE SWall Board 2 Cheaper tlinn lnth 7nnd I'laster. Easy to ;im on, iiuiiniK ui root to tho studding A 1(.'C)S 1110 ilOUSO MWorni end Dry. 'ii'itoi Ver ,fii"""""1 . AM tb 1 .sijiinro Vert. (Send for Frco Sam- m mas A'ft tf pic.) .t.TH PAmnlnln I 1 1 II a a IniYMUnitrd catnlotTiio of NJcaJoftliiilldliiB matorlnla LnV- malloil frco on ap plication. LUMBER V'n.VM'ftT, Send us your Lumber Hill for MtlmMe and Sao 30 por cent. P. A. ROVIG CO. 120 Tout M. SKATTLIJ, WASH. l!3!?.!iw'IIIHi HTO'JHIUi kwltUtlirititpoR(lfrorcIfiIdlitffTltia HVff IIAND-POWER JCV. STUMP PULLER I 1 KNOW von ein cull l our alumna with tk I "K." cbeiper, quicker and better dun with I eay otber known drrlrr. IttlUMJ U.1LI 11 LU3. I One nun enllr landlre made of Kruea I Keeti can't bleak ot cet out of order. alaple. l compact, acre joFinf rnormom power, rulle . igyanmeiMi Mncnrterlciue win bold. 200 (eel aire cable toil all equipment In- ciodfJ. woike inrwnerc uaej by u. s uor i m AiaiKi ana oy ter erai aiaiee and rounuea. Toecaaajala 128 laid mmL llOOaaacralaaparallaaanoit.l i mue iway lor ciiaior aoowiof . aauaiDDMOfrafiuaoime k" . . . . in uir, ana apaetal oaar.aatlaH orf.r. W.I.FrrZMTRlCKl . BoJI.lV262dAr, Semlc. Waah. Our Baby Chick Hatcherv 1111 itart January 1. Tlaco your order I DOW rftP iMMf a ten... liinl. Im.J IIMltnti) 11 pniiniiW '"" "Hii"uitu iijiujv l.. v.vM" eRBMroducer. Homo of v.r uiraa nave a record or 280 ckkb. vauiogun aim prices on application. .o i xzj:: :.:"::'!" ?': .". i tan Li... ill " V'.-Tr-.ITS "', It Helena Incubator Co., Toledo, Waahlntton !'(! I IE ARE CASH HUYERS FOR YOUR ,,Ui' EG(IS' VEAL AND HOGS. NO COMMISSION. Hllhent Prices AhvayM Try U. PATTEItSON & CO., -....., t.ti MtUUIIU XJUIllf.. LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED Ki-5."11.' DlMkltf rilli. Low frlca. freih. tellatla! srtftrred b4 I "Mwro uoclmen UctUM thy ara pt M, ."' " iei fm I HI . '' for booklet and tnllmonJiU. IjLill !S'ic" 'k(l- oikiai run si.es kn. nitaklai Pill! YoS "UNrloriiT .V,.!.nT 'nJecfor. but Cuttar'a beat .Wk ,V cSy.'i' '," :"'". Mruaii oily. "I CUIIIH LaainBLJ,,,.I", ?w" 0't. "inn lABOHATOWY. Berkeley, CHIfernll. JiFf,CIAL LIMBS ""S3 v" jsrviriuto '" ilnluuu St.. l-..r.l....l ,. 'urtland. Or. " n-ii ' 10 Cn,1,l,"ni Northern , ,. "n'lwuy from 0Ccnn to ocenn " wns tho statement made by . Creelmnn Norths ,!mSrr "V' SSS lumbln, Is be iik closnii ,. ! ,.riU81' c n i.nir UU !ncltB moro ll' four jonra of Sl'S1.1. r-lt0 ncrosa ll'o contlneiit n5 Tho Canadian Northern Is tho latest nf tho transcontinental-, pigbably tho last ?n our generation, and plans nro now ft S".?cotadrlVO US E0,,,e,, A wtthiS continent with tho lowest trade of nnv American transcontinental. T ho "lino ex tends from Quebec, whore connection Is mndo with Its own lino or Atlni itlc istenn -ships, throiiBh tho principal cities of ( Can ada Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto Port A? thur. WlnnlpcR, Reglna, Cl Ca SinYri:"8 l,,rl),1K,, t0 Vancouver" on tho Pacific. It Bpans millions of rich acl cultural land In Western Canada hover H by a rnllwny lino, besides largo timber and mineral resources hitherto In nccesslblo owing to Jack of transportation. in iiCn"ild,nM Nort,on Is also bulla ln,R a, n '" Victoria, on Vancouver Island, to tho northern part of tho Island' Connections with tho mainland at Van couver will bo established by hugo car ferries which will ply to IMtrlca Day, from wl,i l..n l1.110 now r,ln8 t() Victoria." 3100 miles from Quebec to Vancouver, tho feeders Incrcaso tho total mlleago of tho systom to slightly ovor 9000 miles .nearly two-thirds of illicit has been Iii operation for n number of years "Tho completed transcontinental will bo a monument to the entrprlso of two long-famous railroad builders, Sir Will ln.,n. Mnc,conzl nnd Slr Donnltl Mann, flieir first cxpcrlenco In railroad build ing enmo with tho construction of tho ??n"ll',nn rnclflc 30 'c:u'8 nK- Slnco 1800 thoy novo been nctlvoly engaged on tho Canadian Northern systom, pushing Its lines Into every part ot Canndo, and whoso slogan "Ocenn to Ocean by 101C" Is now nbout to come true. .Mr. Crrol mnn concluded by saying that through passenger nnd freight trnfflo would, un doubtedly, bo established on tho cntlro lino soino tlmo this Slimmer. New Lease Law for Summer Homes in National Forests ACCORDING- to tho terms of tho agri cultural appropriation net recently passed by Congress, It Is now posslblo for responsible persons to lcaso, for periods not exceeding 30 years, not to execod five-acre tracts within tho Nntlonnl for ests for tho construction of Summer homes, hotols, stores, or other recrcntlon or public convonlonccs. This announce ment wns mado recently by tho District Korestor nt Portland, Or. Heretofore, camping sites, hotel sites nnd tho Hko could bo rented, nt u nomln nl feo, under special ubo permit. Whllo this permit wns given for an Indoflnlto porlod, It wns revocable In tho discretion of tho department. Undor tho terms of tho now law, how ever, such sites may bo leased for a term of years and tho lcaso can bo cancolcd only for n violation of its provisions. It is, of courso, optional with tho applicant whothor ho obtains his camping slto under special use permit or under leaso. It Is obvious that a man desiring to socuro a locntlon In tho forest for n Summer hotol would feel that his investment was better protected by a lenbc. ,.,..,., It should bo understood that this lcaso law is not n homestead law In any sense, nnd tho title to tho land remnlns with tho aovernment. At tho expiration of tho loaso, unless renowed, tho lands will ro vort to tho aovernment. Tho Improve ments, however, mny bo disposed of by tho owner ns provided In tho lease. Tho Secretary has no authority under this law to Issuo patents. Many pcoplo havo already availed them selves of tho camping slto privilege, and as n result there nro many Summer homes within tho National forests of tho North west. Thoro nro still many scattered lots nnd soino surveyed tracts which offor splendid opportunities for recreation grounds in tho forests of Washington nnd Oregon, notably In such localities as Klamath Lnlto, Oregon; I.nko Chelan, Lake Koechelus. I.ako Queniult and Cres cent Lako, Washington. It Is expected that tho Secretary of Ag rlculturo will approve In tho near futuro, regulations which will effectively carry out tho provisions of this law. . Rub paraffin ou .tho thread of a foun tain pen boforo screwing on, the head and It will prevent icnkliig. Mi 'ft. I l VTyXcVy it Your Crop Returns Ucpcntl upon the size of the yield, nnd tho yield is closely related to tho productiveness of tho soil. Keep your soil fertilo nnd productive by applying Beaver Brand Animal Fertilizer "A Fertilizer for 'Every Crop." It revives strength-gives new life replenishes tho soil with the necessary plant food to insure a large, healthy harvest. .iWillctllcr 'o raise grains, fruit or voRotablos NOW n,1 i'?n??u.r 'Um,..v: lllIc' 'V10 "mo to revitalize It wiui t his famous fertlllrer a Northwest fortlllzor in lilo I oMhNornfwcs'tr '" ,,,0NBU" fertilizer mamifacture'r" I'crillUcr llouklet V 48 free, Contnln Infornintlon of Vnlnc. a"ii klimzM. iMadc by Union Meat Company. North FbRTLAND.ORE. s emu rtairvM1 e,l.a.i &?f Our New Year's Announcement A Mogul Oil Tractor for $675 W announce for 1013 an , all-ourpoae. farm tractor with 8-H. P. at tha drawbar and 10 on tl.o belt-Mogul 8-10 '"""awoar A Small-Fann Tractor for all Farm Work npHIS new Mogul 8-i6 tractor has power to do the work of eight horses. Bcinjr a four-wheeled, all-purposo tractor, you can use it every workinpr day. It will dp all tho plowing, disking nnd seeding, bind V nianuro spreaders, wagons, hay loaders, mowers or It will run a corn sheller, feed Rrinder, small shredder, thresher or ensilago cutter. Any farmer can buy this now Mogul 8-1C tractor for $675.00, ca.h, f. o. b. Chicago. Tho man who can use ono of theso Mogul tractors pays, at this price, tho least for which a good, reliable, nll-purposo 8-1C tractor can bo Bold. If you want to uso a Mogul small-farm tractor for spring work, your order should bo placed now with tho I II C local dealer. Write us for full information. International Harvester Company of America UNConponATiD) Crawford, Nab. Dener,Col. Helena, Mont. Port land, Ora. SanFrancUco.Cal. Spokane, Watb. Salt Lake City, Utah FREE BOOKLET FREE "The Use of Explosives in Agriculture" How nnd why to Bubsoil, how to get out dumps, how to ditch, how to break up boulders. Written by nn expert. This is a modern farmer's handbook on up-to-dato methods. Sign blank below ant! send today. Name Address , CALIFORNIA TROJAN POWDER CO. 307 Railway Exchange Dltlg. PORTLAND, OREOON Hi ,. ,.mW ye... rTCTTaar-yf I