HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION v '- 3 .V ? mEm (PAT. APPLIED FOR) CATPAW .m Shock Absorbers For FORD Cars Save Tires and Springs Stop Vibrations Genuine Springs of Pleasure Fully Adjustable Save Their Cost in a Few Months in Eliminating Wear and Tear On Your Car 3 IM mtk om a, M S 1 V5m NOTE .Reduce Tire Expense 20 to 30 the strong, simple PREVENT SPRING BREAKAGE CONSTRUCTION - a 799 Havc most convenient outside adjustment for load and position. Frictionless, noiseless. No 1 ATP AW wheels to take off. No holes to drill. Attach to the standard spring perch. Havc no dust lOttC ABbUKDiliKD in 20 minutes. Absolute guarantee of workmansliin and material. Ere will wear longest when tightly inflated, which also makes it ride roughly. CATPAW Shock absorbers enable you to ii comfortably and economically with, hard tires. Float your car over the rough spots. PRICE $12 PER SET OF FOUR, HALF SET $7 Power Engineering Co. . 179 W. Washington St., Chicago, III. Write for Circular and Information. MIEN ORDERING state whether for FORD Touring Car or Roadster nesting News Notes of Northwest c..,lll Hlnt-t lfll. IHFIELD, Or. Several sawmills ..i tml nnnrnlion In tills I which mcaiiH tho employment .t I.... .tin Gll.11- j thousand men mum " - I,. ,...! ni-n (lint n Hiilnlitlld Lie lumber Industry Is assured. Fruit Crop Assured. rQRD, Or, r run trees nro m Apples nnu pears navo at- U,ki n iiaco whoro a bumper mred for this year. Indications t rilf price, ana h is u "--tt til fruit la tltls territory will .j.nKri.oi In thn United States, it yir continues. Jtanr Xew Farmhouses. Ell. Ida. A Brent many new fici ire being built In this sec lor to tho low price of lumber Itljh price of. wheat ami alfalfa. iMloni are tne dcsi seen in sev- pkallurol Hummer School. LLUP. Wash. A Summer school kirloui branches of agriculture, krt, manual training and domes- tail!! be held at this place- from Ito Jalr 30. P. 0. Krencor, prln- ! the Waihlngtou state- College br department, will bo In charge. orulM? ltunitxr Crops. VIEW. Wash. Orchards In tare In full bloom and already promUe of u bumper crop. ' trop, from prcsont indication. lecrtatest la years. halt firowcrs Meet. RALU. Wash. A nicotine of Ibjtoa Fruit Qrowers' Assocla- i ttld at the Commercial Club Lait J ear's fruit rron In this u marketed at a profit, duo operation ot the various coun- . ftorton was elected nresldent . lllleni secretary and manned sjolngyear. . Plenty of Irrigation. iTO.V I.ln Tlw Mcn. L -' " IVDUI1UII Hi P Irrigation Company, sup- T"'"" uitiuiru irucis Willi 1 tt-n filial ... n,,. .... ' nor of wattr. Tho ground U Hiorated and tho porlod for mi probably not becln as early as iiRual. Fruit prospects were novcr better. It Is cousldcrcd that fruit Is now so far along that there Is uo dan gor from frosty Utile Spring Wheat Sown. WILnUK, Wash. In this section here tofore Sprint; wheat has been grown, but tho splendid yield of Fall wheat last Summer has encouraged farmers to sow In tho Fall. Hybrid wheat Is tho Winter varioty sown. Somo Spring wheat had been sown and there is a splendid out look for a bumper crop. Xew lluslness Hoiim. SAND POINT, Ida. Fnrmin & Son have started n one-story brick building, ncrosa from the postofflce. Tho building will bo 05 by SO, with a full basement. (image to Meet. PULLMAN, Wash. T. A. Hodges, master of tho Whitman County Pomona Orange, has called a meeting for May 7 nt Garfield. Farmers In this locality re port tho general crop conditions as tho best In years. Much Wheat Sown. llAKEIt, Or. Reports from nil parts of IJaker and Grant counties show that there Is n larger acrcago of wheat than over and with the heavy rains last week tho yield promises to bo large, and al ready contracts havo been made for dis posal of much of this ut 1 per bushel for Soptembcr delivery. Itallroud Money Assured. NOISE, Ida. It Is an assured fact that money necessary for tho construction of tho HoIse-IJutto-Sun Francisco Hallway from Butte via nolso to tldowater at San Francisco has been raised. This will open up one of tho finest territories in tho Pacific Northwest. Kxhlblt Model .Mine Shaft. COItVALLIS. Or. The model mlno shaft equipped with tho latest Improved typo of drllllug machine and a relief map of Oregon prepared by tho Oregon Bureau ot Mines, were features exhibited at the Oregon Agricultural Collego recently. The map will bo sent to San Francisco for the fair. To Appoint Assistant. WALLA WALLA, Wash. Charles W. Ollbreath will have an assistant In the Inspection of this horticultural district. All vegetables, fruits, uuraery stock aud orchards nro now required to bo In spected. This Increases tho duties of tho horticultural Inspector to such an extent that nn assistant Is ncccssnry. Great IVotpects for KIhIi. ASTOHIA, Or. The Columbia Ulvcr hulinou packers and cold storngo lncii have set the price for raw fish during tho Reason which begins May 1. Indica tions point to n great year In tho fish Industry. Fariner.s' Association to Meet. WALLA WALLA, Wash. A programme Is now being arranged for tho Trl County Farmers' Association meeting to bo held in Wnlia Walla April 17. Co operation among tho farmers In this sec tion Is tho keynote. To i:Hi'Imeiit Willi Maggot. PULLMAN, Wash. Proressor M. A. Yotlicra will leavo tomorrow for Puynl lup, where ho will spend considerable time In conducting expoilments with tho cabbugo root maggot. Xortliucslcrn Will Handle I'm It. MOOD niVBIt, Or. Tho Fruit Grow ers nxchango has contracted with tho Northwestern Fruit Kxchango to handle Its fruit for another year and will build n warohouso in tho Odell community. Nov Factory Opens, LEAVKNWOHTII, Wash. Tho box factory of tho Lamb-Davis Lumber Com pauy began operation this week, giving employment to u largo number of people. Tho Leavenworth Lumber Company saw mill also has started and reports enough contracts In sight to Insure a busy sea son. ' Many CVittlo Fed. WALLA WALLA, Wush. (irant Copo land Is feeding 1-00 head of caUlo on his Hooper, Wash., ranch. Ho has nrranged for tho transportation of 200 head of cattle from tho Hudson Hay country lo tho ranch. Cattle aie In exceptionally flue condition for tills tlmo ot the year through this territory. liOK Drives l&ifcy. NORTII YAKIMA, Wash. Tho Cas cado Lumber Company reports 35,000,000 feet lu their ponds ut tho present time. The splendid rains during tho past two weeks have raised the water to such un extent that log drives wero easy. Two hundred men havo beon engaged lu rounding up this drive. Hard lo Explain. Cumiuluga aud Welsuer were buslueiu rivals. Ono day at tho club they foil to talking. "Do you carry any llfo Insurance?" queried Cummliigs. "Yes," was tho answer. "I have fit). 000." "Mado paab!o to your wife?" asked Cumuilngs. "Yes," said Welsner. "Well," asked Cunniiliigs, "what kind of an excuse do you pull off to your wlfu for living?" New York Times. Get Your Farm Homo From the CanadianPacif ic ..TVw-! "5f-a? "& mu si-CT l.jl ductlveaoll Bootlcllinnto ready raamcis uqcxcciicu crampon-tlon-flno cliurchcn ami iclioolii iv hero you cad enjoy nil comforti of elYlfliitlon. Thlt land 11 sold only to nettlet who Trill actually occupy ocd Improve IU YouHave 20 Years to Pay rtWh Uni tar from til la tt Vt ir-tn'lfftl ,nd from (U. OotwfUrtti down. bo t Ithln iwtntr run. '"' Inttmt tt IK. LonfT (0 Una ciiaiml coJ du, raur tun "ifl TtiuldtoritKir. $2,000 Loan for Farm Improvements W will !! r UP P.OM oi ?rtln ttttit tlooj. with no oth.r sAcuntr thn th Iftnd Itaalr. WrtlraUraimnquftt. YculiatUrfinlorwr! tattrMt ooljf C. Iryoo fnt II plftc alrvftJf MUUliheil-rtadr -UIP luio-mt on u( w rtxlr-nud (rmi. lliim-d by tiptrU. Our nririiiJdflfllTarrM. T Oral Qlftr U Uttii m Cttd Ui. rintit l.nJ pn.cirlh for tnl.) furmlnjj tat rla crgwlag-Inlotra wA gtlrtrUixli. Dalrylna. Hon and Livestock MoUoUlB Income Horo Btock brinn f vA plc sad.'1! ",' clMpcr tbu aiurnbw 1m. CIU )! L radically ucViwwu no doty on limtark ioa anida. Idl country for Halrlor, Lul Eir'a araras rail ptva bald br CH; DJ; mpaar, Caljrary. wa ll.aj ir 1M IM. Oa tLk Lw idcif landwitb in aura rraucraoa, your.nnnkaHuproanriJ.inf arIn. Oalnit la preaant conditloM In Kurepa tUa Etloant nuat aiipplr KuroM with raln nd i proJacti, which laaorca IMut pWen ntr nra lTib.ttanqwlllttA.oBtat,lJtlina Il preclovi to you. Cailarmlta tOay. h. O. THOItNTON, Dist. Representative, 271 Tine St.. Portland. Or. til.