HOME AND FARM MAP.A7.tmp. SECTION 3 ; Irlancc w - fll,nff Moth Increase u L " ". aurh a foothold P pcst .Mtlons of tbo country nnd ""a, w Sorablo for Its multl KuwV weans must bo taken h ".?" S.iii. Bnraying nlono fiTSo "rk ,n BOm 0t Ur jtlonB. -,itinir moth con- M?"? county wo found that tho of one ?"nL, frit. tncludtna r .nni avernged from 3.5 per rand stuns, avt b avoraRO bQ. H5 per ".," Yet , 0 ano ' vV . . , iinows i" . lln nnBt season. MO. . . H.inimt9n rlin nnrns. f?LVh BDray B, but rather to ?1'S having badly ! Thirds, tho Importance of other u i - , Sfetnt,,llft Si know tho larvno of this "w.e ?; virv inrcoly under tho EriTof tho reo trunks. KK WVlll dortw a largo per E .larvae. Tho bummer uroou. ( tho IMW.J onnl -... ,mrj. B8 i r. .. i- Ptirnnml nnw Ea tao" P,acci1 "Vut ul trco lJe" Rammer larvao begin to pupa o, ' ou ... ...i- thrum nmi pnn in no Will 80 U11UC' """" If CO . i ..,-, Vnnnln rr Mild h tan bo aonc iwwuiu "" ...o ,e&!!Lb""5'i,liiSy.r Immuj of our counts on banded imsnarj "'"... .. ,1,i,i,t.. in ff Ho banded orchards enough to It well worth tho extra work nnd i.liAHtn1 ni1inerta moot our wpcri.-uui "'j . S with Hto siirays and bands gave . mjji cleaner mm. i""" miumui Ik eren sprays and no bands. Docs il College. . fnrairc and " ". ... .r. Curing liladioius cornis iktheR too much stress Is laid i Ho necessity for drying or curing Wore storing Tho moro drying ring thcro Is done, mo greater mu .n.lllf nml nnlv OIlOllcll drvlliff be practiced to frco tho bulb qf i moisture contained in me bkiu i .a iii nm will he no tendency to lAtter that tho bulbs enn bo stored i lirers safely in a rensonnuiy ury i temperature of 32 degrees r. to met F., for almost nn Indcflnlto : nni mir Idea to suggest that no Jbodone. but to caution ngnlnst lar the matter. A comparatively drjlnc is an mni is rcniiy necca nwlallr If this In dono In full tnin- ai i full circulation of nlr. Sun- tads to not onl dry out tho husk , bat It Is a great purilior nnd lJj and kills mold spores nnd cor- irai of futiRim Krowtli. Tlio sun icdi to eliminate various senb (lis al rots, anil Is n vnluablo help In flss troubles of this kind. storage of gladiolus conns has la given the caro and attention In t ibat It should iinvo nnd, and very i known on the subject except ns tctlcal details hnvo been worked i each Indhldiial himself. It is Id that storage under rofrlgorn- Itbe right place for gladiolus bulbs, (they aro so stored wo bollovo thnt ut bo carried, as hefnro Riiggostcd, Itenperaturcs stated for almost nn I! period and practically without killon. bsMtcem that bulbs might bo hold ner digging In tho Fall until the ill, for forcing during tho Winter. oolr by way of suggestion, but ( (111 doubtless mnko tho oxporl It Is well known thnt plant Ufa U retarded In this wny by cold at umrorm temperatures, nnd at Its natural season of growth i forced much moro quickly; Illy iller pips especially nro n good II- oa, and thcro seems no. good rcn- r (be samo prlnclplo will not np- W forcing of tho glndlolus. If !inoa is properly worked out, wo iwi, wimin tlio next fow years to 'ay different vailotlos uBod for . and tbo gladiolus will thus bo- i au-tne-jear-around flowor. Garden .Votes. p spraIng Is practiced, It is not i ipray nniii tno trco Is StOt) nnrnvfni' luat Imfn.n 41a : betlns. low-down, handy wagon Is of groat P.t;eJorc!la.rd Th08 wasons nro Uoided. Tim tl o- ...i.i. j IMea Into Ilelds where tho ground r iu uso narrow-tired wagons. io got niter tho tent cator- I to nut nn o nil ...... i IHeBDyhand. piporlatlon of mi,i.n .bin. , K;cee'18 '" vlu over 3.- - "iti Latest lalkmg-Macliine Sensation lhe equal in tone-quality of any $200 model At lM7m (n. $00.80 -- hja.j-. ,r j in .n -&; tfcrKCni MT A OvXOadtaVkTnOimr.c'&fnihP,,r,'0, k""' th. . 1C. ""vu iiu iriar ity of any $100 mncliln mad fl Anf hnl n 1 .. monta at ihi' 12? JIP. .0?Sr.iLeo mUndld nw ln.r. t .. .--- v n uiii nr h n a. .. -.-- .---- thout farih.-,i..".u-'. "" '"c'.ua.. witn 8 rcorda. thria of tS.i .5y.5?iPM' n. eollcctlon S thar accemorlet. "d1 aupply of naw ncedltt ttt rneMcn & chaa rfcicHNta JSenj Duttdlntt BiwdwaY a.tAJdar.5. rkWTrVlVV ii iH i VL Portland, Oregon Delivered, over whore In the stato, for Free Trial Writo for actual photocrapha of this and othor new models Flowering Plants That "Make Good" , fKQVERAlLSI MANY peoplo at this season of tho yenr nro considering what flower ing plants thoy shall put In their gardens. Tho average housewife, who has not much tlmo to spare on tho mut ter, tho child who Is Just becoming In terested In growing plants, nnd the teach or who Is laying out a school garden for tho honeflt of her pupils will undoubtedly welcome somo slmplo suggestions nlong this line. Tho United States Department of Agrlculturo's specialist particularly recommends ns satisfactory and easily grown flowers, tho ngerntum, tho nas turtium, tho potunln, tho California poppy, and tho zinnia. Hero aro n fow pointers on each of them: Ageratuin. Tho ngerntum Is ono of the fow bluo flowers wo have. In Its form It some what resembles tho hcllotropo hut has no odor. Agcrntums grow well upon nl most nil soils nnd through n uldo rnugo of cllmnto. For that reason many com binations with them nro possible. Tho plunts nro neat, bushy nnd erect, nnd produce n provision or brush-llhu flowors throughout tho season. Tho dwarf bluo sorts mnko flue bmdets and aro much used wheto contrasting color crtects nro doslred. For early bloom tho seed should ho sown In cold frames or in boxes In tho houuo enrly in the season (March), but for Summer nnd Fall bloom tho seeds may bo bowh In April or early In May In well-prepared beds In tho open. Seeds hown In August will produce good plants for Winter flower ing. Xnstiiitliiiii. Tho largo seeds of the nnturtlum re nulro to bo planted much deeper than tho flno seeds of tho potunlu. Sow them In rows where tho plants nro to grow, placing tho needs nbout six Inches apart In tho row nnd cover thorn about an Inch dcop. When all plants nro up, thin so that they stand a foot apart If tho soil Is rich; If rather thin, It will bo as well to nllow them to stand at, tho planting distance. Tho plants should bo given clean culti vation to Induco rapid growth. If planted in tho open ut tho samo tlmo thnt beans uro planted, very satisfactory results will follow. For earlier bloom plant In nd vauco of this dato In hotbeds, cold frames or window boxes. lVtunhi. Whllo tho potunln grows readily and rapidly from seeds sown In tho open nbout corn-plnntlug tlmo, earlier bloom can bo secured by sowing tho seed in window boxes or hotbeds and transplant ing tho plants oaco boforo placing them in tho open. For localities north of New York the most satisfactory mothod of handling those plants will bo to start tho seeds hi window boxes about April 1, nnd to trans fer tho young plants to tho open when tho weathor pormlts about tho mlddlo of May. Tho seeds nro very small nnd should not bo covered with earth In tho ordinary way. Thoy should bo sown on tho surfneo and brought in contact with tho oartli by firming It with a board. California Poppy. Tho oschscholtzla, or California poppy, is an annual of striking character both as regards tho form and color ot Its flow ers, which nro bright and rich In their tints of yellow nnd ornngo. Tho plants nverago about a foot In height, have r at tractive silvery foliage, and produco thoir largo poppy-Ilka flowors qulto lavishly from early Spring until frost. Tho seeds of oschscholtzla may bo sown in window boxes or In a hotbed In March, or In tho open whoro tho plants nro to bloom ns soon ns tho soil Is In fit con dition, In April or Mny In tho lntitudo ot Now York. In latitudes south of Now York tho seeds may bo sown In tho Autumn for early bloom. Tho plants en Joy u rich loam nnd should bo allowed nbout five or six Inches of spneo In the row. When used In beds they mny bo sown broadcast. Zinnia. Tho zinnia is easily grown from seed sown In tho open ground. When sown In April tho plants will bloom nbundnntly nnd continuously through tho entire sea son. During tho month of August zinnias nro at their best. To securo largo flow ers and a profusion of bloom tho plants must bo given nmplo room for full de velopment, ns well ns nn abundant sup ply of food. Strong, rich soils suit tho zinnia. If tho seeds nro. sown In a dwolllng houso or in a hotbed In March and tho young plants nro pricked out onco or twlco boforo being placod In thoir por mnnout sltuntlons, moro satisfactory ro sults will bo secured than from outdoor sown seeds unless equal caro In thinning or transplanting Is given. In addition to thoir uso In tho school garden, zinnias can bo used for groups, beds, borders, garden Hues nnd Summer hedges. Their nverago holght Is 1 1-3 foot. Tho zinnia is n rather largo, formal flower whoso colors rnngo through tho shades of red nnd yollow. Their season ot bloom Is through tho lato Summor and Autumn nnd tho indi vidual blooms last for n long tlmo, both on tho plant nnd ns cut flowors. P ALU niCMTS RESERVED Keep KidsKleen The moil prictlcil. bnttMul, pli)llm inmrnlieiff lnvtntrd (or tblldirn 1 la S jrmi of lit. Mide In one pine un drop lick. Enilr illfpnl on or on. tiwr iibm. no tllbt clinic bind i to nop clraiUtlnn. MiJe In blue deolm, ind blue nd white hickory itflpci (or ill the yrtr round. Alio ilihirr wcltht nuicilil (or rummer weir. All ormrnii blmnrd with hit red or blue til'lrt. Mide In Dutch ntrk with rlbow tlrciri undhlrh neck ind long ilcctei. 75c the suit K your dealer ctnnot lurflr yon. we will I'nJ them, charm prepili on receipt o( price, 7 Sc each. A New rprr If They suit rlr,r. t;n I Madt By yLevI Strain & Co., San FranciicoJ jm' n HPJJJJPJkyVj HUM J HOTEL WILHARD Seattle. Washington This hotel I a thoroughly modern fireproof uulldlnir, con venient to the theater and shopping- district. Juit newly fur nlalicd and renovated. Kxcollent accommodation" at moderate rate. 11.00 a day and up, week ly rates on request. HOTEL WILHARD 7th Aieniie nnd Union Mreet, Senttlr, Vt'nttiliiElon. THE GEORGE GOGGLE Is Worn nntl Indorsed by Automnblllsti Hunters Golfers Fishermen Ilasetiall 1'layera Motorcyclluta laborers Engineers Firemen Tanners Mill Worker Stonecutter Harvester Threshers Motormen Three Colors: CLUAIl g.MOici:n AMiinu No Equal at Any Price Protect your eyes from sun. wind, dust and injury Autonuitlrall)' iiilJimU to your farr, Flexible Will bend but not breulc. I'rotrcilou No danger from broken glans. Kull VUlon Unobstrueted; will not fox Nou-llefrurieU l'rovent any eye strain, .Snullnry No felt to sweat. I'ratlicr-'Weltilit Weigh less than 16 ounce. Jlallrd roktpnld for S3 CViiU. Healers Wiuitrtl. Commerce -Utility Corporation 413 raunuia lliilldlnar, l'ortlnnd, OrrKon, fiir-rf5 lwnwtWWfHWWffitaamff