The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 17, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 2, Image 11

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The Agricultural College Is a Valuable Friend to thepw
Bulletins and News Notes From the Staff at Pullman. "IM
Spraying in the Spring and Summer
BY H. L. KKES, Plant Pathologist.
TUB annual Spring spraying during
tho (lorniaut season Is tho one which
tho owner of a home or commercial
orchard Is llablo to bo rather careless
about. Spraying must bo done at tho
right tlnio and very thoroughly to make
It successful and profitable. Tho fault or
habit of "putting It off" when applied to
spraying, causes moro loss and dissatis
faction than any other factor. Everything
should bo ready In ample season, bo that
when tho proper time to spray arrives tho
work can bo douo Immediately. Fungi
and Insects do not wnlt for tho turdy fruit
grower. "Whllo ho Is hunting up pumps,
nozzles, hose and sprays, and preparlug
them for use, tho pests keep right on de
veloping, growing nnd spreading damago
and death. When finally tho procrastin
ating grower Is ready to spray ho flnd3
tho pcsls so thoroughly Intrenched thnt
at tho most ho can only succeed In de
stroying n part of them. His delay has
removed his chnnces to prevent or eradi
cate theso pests, whereas prompt nnd
vigorous action on his part at tho right
time would havo assured a healthy and
unaffected crop.
In tho April, 1914, Monthly Bulletin,
two comprehensive articles on sprays,
spraying and spraying machinery wero
published, and while tho points and facts
noted there nre still true In tho main, this
article Is published at this tlmo to remind
tho growers that it is necessary to tnko
i,teps Immediately to combat tho orchard
pests if they nre to bo kopt under control
this Summer. To successfully combat any
jirst thero are four essential problems
which must be settled first boforo spray
ing Is begun.
1. What Is tho nest against which wo
are working?
2. What spray should bo tiBed?
:i. When should tho spray bo applied?
I. Will tho nvallablo equipment apply
the spray efficiently and economically?
Iteasoim for Failure.
When theso ciuestloiiB havo boon satis
factorily answered nnd tho proper equip
ment provided, tho grower Is rendy to
Hprny. Many growers fall becauso of tho
lack of attention to theso problems. Prob
ably tho most failures result from ono of
tho following points:
1. Uso of tho wrong spray.
2. Spraying at tho wrong time.
3. hack of necessary pressure.
4. Luck of thoroughness in applying
Tho use of tho wrong spray or Improper
methods in mixing or diluting spray will
render it valuoloss. Llkowlso tho appli
cation of It too soon or too Into will not
give tho desired results. Tito necessary
amount of prcssuro needed is usually
overlooked by tho grower. Ah long as. ho
has enough to scud tho sprny a fow feet
distant from tho nozzlo ho may think that
that Is sufficient, regnrdloss of ItB pono
1 rating power. It must bo romombered
that a Hlngle cylinder hand pump of any
hind must bo worked energetically anil
faithfully to glvo tho desired results. Tho
nozzlo Is probably given tho least thought
and yet Its Importanco Is considerable.
Without going Into a discussion of tho
iclutlvo nioiitH of tho different nozzles,
MUfflco it to Bay thnt tho largo chambcied
disc nozzle Is tho best. Then finally thero
In tho personal element. With every other
condition right, absnluto failure may re
sult from carelessness in tho method of
uppblng or lack of thoroughness.
Ah stated beforo tho annual Spring
praying Is ono nbout which tho grower
aro Inclined to bo careless; but which Is
important. Tho horticultural law of the
State of Wellington requires a Spring
(A pime uf lntrrrnK Itnu from Ilia
Orrjcon .Urlrullural ('nitric t c.,rulll
inlll nlfrriiate In thr furui lirrkly i a
;iK of urn nulr from llm Wiolilnntoa
Mt Cullrgr at l'ulliuaii, 'llili u uffor.l
mi Intrrilmnce of lr frm lli tno lilr
nKfUuKiiml rullrsr of llir Nurttirt (lint
? tlimilil protv i,r l.nirfli u,,, r(.Ul)rr for
1 tlioln.lltulloiikilrul m1i .Imllur prolixin..
dormant spraying of fruit trees, likewise
lntor spraying for protection and pro
entlon. Tho following spraying programmes for
Spring, Summer nnd Kail, havo been
found to bo efficient and satisfactory both
in Washington and Oregon nnd uro lee
ommended for Western Washington or
chards. Apple mid IVars.
1. In tho Spring Just as tho tips of tho
leaves are emerging or just beforo. Sllgbt
Injury may occur to tho tips of tho first
leaves but this Is not serious.
Llmo suljiliur, 1-10 or 12; black leaf,
40, 1-1000. Dilute llmo sulphur and add
black leaf 40 at tho into of t pint to 120
or 125 gallons of spray. This spray Is
for mosses, lichens, scale Insects, aphis,
pear leaf blister mite and red spider.
2. When tho flower buds havo sep
arated in tho cluster and show pink:
Bordeaux, 5-5-50 or limo sulphur, 1-30,
preferably tho former.
Lead nrsennte, paste form, 2 pounds, or
powdered, 1 pound to 50 gallons of di
luted spray. Black leaf 40, 1-1000 it
aphis Is present.
This Is tho first scab spray and will
control tho bud moth It tho Kail spray
has not been applied, and also tho tent
caterpillars and other leaf eating insects.
Tho lime sulphur will also kill tho red
spiders If any are present.
3. Just utter the majority of petals
have fallen:
Llmo sulphur, 1-30.
Lend ursennte as under No. 2, If bud
moth or leuf-eatlug insects aro present.
Black leaf 40, as under No. 2, If aphis
Is present. Add whalo oil soap 1 pound
to 100 gallons of sprny if black leaf 40
Is added.
This Is tho second scab spray, and lend
arsennto and black leaf 40 aio to bo added
If necessary.
If previous spraying has not killed tho
oyster shell scale, black leaf 10 applied
about Juno 1 wheu they aro hatching will
destroy all of them provided tho spray
covers them.
4. Ten days or two weeks later.
Ilmo sulphur, 1-30.
Lead arsenate and black leaf 40 as un
dor No. 3.
5. First to 15th of September.
Bordenux, 4-4-50.
Lead nrcennto paste 2 pounds, or pow
der 1 pound to 50 gallons of water.
If anthracnoso is serious or has pre
viously nffected the fruit, uso Bordenux
at this tlmo. It lias been found In Oregon
thnt this .Is tho best tlmo of tho year to
kill tho bud moth. Lead arsennto should
bo applied If it hns not been controlled
by other sprayings.
C. After tho fruit Is picked:
Bordenux, C-G-50 or llmo-sulphuc, 1-10.
Tills spray is for tho control of apple
nnthrocnoso nnd should bo applied Im
mediately after tho fruit Is picked. Llmo
sulphur may control It, but Bordeaux Is
certain to. If the dlscaso Is serious, apply
again lit about two weeks.
Orc'liaid I'cMh.
Tho four principal posts of slono fruits
are leaf curl nnd brown lot, caused by
fungi, and aphis and slugs.
Leaf eurl Bordeaux 5-5-50 or lime
sulphur 1-10 or 12 as the buds aro swell
ing In tho Spring. Tho latter If scnlo In
sects aro present.
Brown Hot Difficult to control In
moist wenther.
1. Two weeks after blooming.
2. Threo weoks Inter.
3. Ono month beforo fruit ripens.
On prunos, cherry nnd plum, use Bor
denux 5-5-50 or atomic sulphur 1-10. On
peaches, atomic sulphur 1-10. Omit third
sprny on cherries. lu nny caso u sticker
should bo added. Hesln fish oil soap is
Aphis Black leaf 40, 1-1000 as soon
as they appear.
Cherry and Pear Slug Lead araenato
paste 2 pounds or powder 1 pound to 50
gallons of water, or throw lime, aib&s or
dust over each slug, thoroughly covering
thorn, until they disappear.
Applo Mildew Doraaat and tb
sprnxlng ma control. Jf tftj upy
atomic sulphur 3-50 ns soon ns tho mil
dew begins to appear.
Peach Mildew Atomic sulphur 1-10
as soon as tho mildew begins to appear.
Apple Tltigis and Applo Leaf Hopper
When Insects becomo ubundnnt, sprny
with black leaf 40, 1-1000 to. which hns
been ndded 1 pound of whale oil soap to
each 100 gallons of sprny.
Bud Weevils If insectB becomo abun
dant, band trees with tanglefoot, since
they ennnot fly.
- ltordcmiY Mixture.
Bordenux mixture Is mndo of copper
sulphate (bluestone) nnd stone limn
(quick lime). Under no clrcunistnnccs
should lime that Is cither partly or wholly
ulr sluked be used. Bordenux mixture
is employed In various strengths, the
4-4-50 and the C-C-50 being tho most
common. Tho first figure indicates tho
number of pounds of copper sulphnto, tho
second indicates tho number of pounds of
lime nnd tho third the number of gallons
uf witter used in tho mixture. A 4-4-50
solution then would coutnlti four pounds
of copper sulphate and four pounds of
llmo In every 50 gnllons of water.
Ono of tho two methods may bo used
in making Bordenux. Either It mny bo
made directly or stock solutions mndo and
these stock solutions used whenever the
fungicide is needed. In making tho spray
dliectly take the number of pounds of
copper sulphnto, Indicated by the first
number of tho formula for Instance, for
a 4-4-50 solution use four pounds, or the
proportionate amount necessary to make
up the desired quantity.
Put It In u coarse gunny sack, und
bang It In n barrel containing 25 gallons
of water so that tho copper sulphate hangs
In the upper part of the wnter. Tho cop
per sulphate will dissolve much moro
readily In this manner than It placed in
the bottom of the barrel, In another bar
rel slako four pounds of llmo, using
onoiigh wnter to slako It slowly. When
the llmo is slaked add enough water to
mako 25 gallons.
Pour the copper sulphnto solution Into
tho lime water while stirring. It is de
slrablo to have a slight excess of lime,
since It pi events nny Injurious nction of
tlio copper salts. If thero Is an excess .of
copper, foliage Injury Is llablo to result.
However, If the llmo used Is fresh und
v)ino it will bo fond that tho amount In
dicated In the formula Is sufficient.
In making stock solutions, dissolve cop
per sulphnto In wnter at tho rato of ono
pound to one gallon of water. Slako tho
llmo slowly In another receptacle, and
when slaked add water until a thick llmo
milk containing ono pound of llmo to one
gallon of water is formed. This Is dono
by using 50-gullon bnrrels. Fifty pounds
of copper sulphnto is dissolved lu 50 gal
lons of wnter, nnd 50 pounds of llmo Is
slaked In tho other and then water added
until tho whole Is 50 gallons. Caro must
ho exercised to avoid burning tho llmo
whllo slaking. When using tho Btock solu
tion In making up tho spray mixture, ono
gallon of coper sulphnto solution repre
sents ono pound of copper sulphate and
ono gallon of llmo water roprcsents ono
pound of llmo. Tho propor amount of
stock solutions should bo diluted In sep
arate vessols boforo mixing, nnd each
should bo poured togother In cqunl
amounts when. mixed. It n 5-5-50 Bor
deaux mixture is desired, flvo gallons, or
a proportionate amount of copper sul
phnto solution and flvo gallons of lime.,
water nre put in separate barrels and 20
gallons of wnter added to each. When
theso a io mixed thero will bo flvo pounds
ench of copper sulphate and llmo In ench
50 gallons of spray. Strain when pour
lug Into the spray tank mid ngltato thor
oughly while spraying.
Lime Sulphur.
Directions for tho preparation and dilu
tion of homo boiled nnd commorclul llmo
sulphur will bo found in tho April, 1014,
Monthly Bulletin. Too much emphasis
cannot bo placed on the necessity of using
a hydiomoter In diluting any lime sul
phur. Tho manufacturer may stnto tlio
strength of any commercial lime sulphur,
but this only npplles at tho tlmo It left
the factory nnd too concentrated a spray
will mean a financial loss by using moro
than necessary and tnuy mean foil a go in
jury, while u too weak solution means
loss of efficiency and falluie to coutrol
imatu pi..
than tlm ,J"l,r.?185ceii!,i..fl
Hlngle sear0111
For all Ji?jV'.
standard ln.,ectlri,u 2,BWt
the market threo dlfftrZiV?
arsenate under at .' l,t
L"5?.K "?. hlch ? M
over, tmly tWo k, ' mufl
combination We tw,u$
lltlVo linen t "r'..0' IMttbii
It should be TnderZS T1"
Hnble to cause foltrt
s nipy iefcrg t0 it. A ,'"' 1
content :in.i i. .' mWtti
proper.,es7hnnth .C. '
since only relatively ,m,f '
solub hi arsonnin ..I ,,ra.
cases to cause less follul ISl
Since follago Injur? It L . '
west, the "neutral" formVufaL
meet theso conditions. K
liriu.'fii. I.. .1.. i . . . "-J 1
know ci ire. iho fiii..ii.'?
should try tlio "acid" To raVffi
ntoly or In rnmhlniii. ,..?"
J....V ..u nu, Kci ueiifr rwifflj. h
Injury results then the "antnTi
minimi nu suusiuuietl. It mgstbtn
limed, however, that ,inf. iv....
form of tho "neutral" lead ul
ii kh-"i u'liuuiit'' io seiiif,tMfm,iJ
biiuuiu nu iiseu, tuner tin po!i
inu puhiu lorm oi me acid Inju
may no ttscu.
Caution. Never tntt Utt
any other snrav until rp3,tnu...
chemical decomposition uhlciuJd
on stunning may render It n!a
very injurious or loth.
Black Leaf 40 Sinn
This Is tlio standard tottmiJ
I Inn snrnv fnr all mrklnr IhuaJ
by far tho best Insecticide m
controlling aphis of anr U:( l
Black leaf 40 Ii a commctkl s
million uutnufuctured Ir tit 1
Tobacco Products CoBMBr. I
Ky. The uso of home mltl
preparations is not rccomo)Mli
runinM' Ml Thn rosl o! It a
for each is nbout the net uim
little worK is ncccssarr w p.
linmn mmtn unlntlnn! fil It tit
to know whether the homtcaJta
turn contains sutiicientmcoimi
n.iimiMt In 1tnVAa find cti'rl tf 1
and (3) olnco the nicotine It tWfl
ninuo preparation is m i ibj
form It may evaporate to ncl u
that tlio solution is vaiotiea
This is not true of BlactUK
-... 1. 1 i. i.Di.l nf thAitllntlfiicfta
of Black Lraf 40 to lOOOparUif
This would no at iue iww
125 gallons of water or In iwUl
.(-- ....n infill aitnnnfnl In fflttf flU
lli;, uimj iuuiwr.i..-r
walor, or ono teaspoonfol toonj
It must be noted that til In"
lusccticluo ami imm wi "
Kill it.
H.r. ri l(l!
uongrusaiiiau uij., '--Washington,
hns lj,lllcJ?rJ
n bill tor mo wbhu ,vi
ment of a railroad from M mvM
soutliwaru into mo .....
rOMH IX and h,ffi7i
AJdrri '?. Y
351 iinhlngto yur""
i inu u -- utmu hi mt -
nnllinif tueio ?"T LrM
fox 'Sm. flU