Ufi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. TWO - COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEV, Editor nml Pub WAN R. MALONEV, Ncwi Edltoi Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos Count of .Marshfield Address nil communications to COOS I1AV DAILY TIMES. Entered nt the Postoffice at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for tranBinlsslot through the malls as second-clast wail mntter. 8UIJSCIUPTIOX HATES DA1LV. Ono year ?6.0' 1'or month &' WEEKLV. Ono year $' When paid strictly In advance tin subscilptlon in Ico of the Coos Unj Times is IR.&0 per year or ?2.50 foi bIi months, An Independent Republican nows pnpor, published ovcry evening ex copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tlio Cooh liny Tlnieo PuhlMilfiR Co speakixo of taxes s HI DRATDH CTIOSEX TO DELIVER DECOHA TIOX WAV OHATIOX A COOS DAY business man who attended the recent Fellowship banquet said that between the Increasing taxes and the many now laws and city ordinances Including war stamps nnd Doc Strnw, n busi ness man these days Is literally between tlio dell and the deop sea. Thoro'o law for this and law for that, Tlio mnn In business sighed, It keeps mo BuessliiK whero I"m at And how my hands aro tied. My reat concern today Is not That I may shortly fail, I havo to rIvo my every thought To keeping out of Jail, For profits that may comfort mo No longer can I plnn, It's taking alt my tlmo to bo A law-abiding man. Oh, sorry Is tlio plight I'm in, I hnvo no pnth to choose, .Toff Thrift will nab mo If I win, Alf Johnson If I lose. It looks ns It thoso Coiiilllo fol lows get us going nnd coming. I WITH THE TOAST i AND THE TEA t (;ooi) EVEXINO Thoso who llvo on tlio mountain havo a longer day than thoso who llvo In tlio valley. BomiitlmcH all wo need to brighten our day Is to rise a UUIoJilgJicr. John Harrows. SimnMi-Ainerlcnn Wnr Veterans Ar-l-nncn Iiiiiu aslvc Services. Of- fleers Elected by Camp Dr. H. M. Shaw was chosen last' evening nt a meeting of the Spanish-, Unerlcnn war veterans to deliver the , Decoration Day nddress in Marsh tlold. Officers wore elected for the year and resolutions were passed re-1 inestlng Mayor Allen to issue n pro clamatlon to decorate the city on ' the legal holiday. I, h. llradley, of the 20th Kansas infantry in the Philippines, nnd who j rt-as at one tlmo orderly to General , Kunstnn, was elected commander; J. '. Telander, senior vice commander; li. M. AIbei, Junior vice commander; K. II. Joehnk, adjutant; A. O. Unas, nun rtorniastcr. There will bo nn ol- ctlon of other officers nt a special meeting of the camp to be held next ' Wednesday evening In the Chamber or Commerce rooms. To make the celebration of Decora tion Day fitting and imprcsslvo Is the plan of tho veterans, working In lea- j no with the G. A. It. It Is planned o inaku n nersonnl canvass of thn , business houses previous to that dato with a view toward having them i all properly decorated, j Though tho stores nro not rcgu larly closed on that date tho veterans aro of tho belief that they may bo , "losed during certain hours. Thcro i will possibly bo n parade, led by tho Coos Hay Concert Hand nnd tho G. A. H. will bo escorted In cnrrlagcs to j tho cemetery whoro the nddrcsa nnd tho exercises nro to tako place. LET HIN GO I STOPPED FLETCH HECKER THIS MORNING FOR EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT. YOU RE CRAZY," ARGUED FLETCH, WAS ONLY GOING FOUR MILES AN HOUR. YES, LAUGHED "BUT SEE HOW FAST YnURP SMOKING THAI, BISHOP IS COMING UKillT ItEV. St'MXEH, I). I), wi VISIT MAHSIIKIELD LL Head of Oregon Dlocino to Muuo an Official Visitation to Coos Hay III .1 1113 Hy arrangomcuts mndo while he was In Portland recently, the Hector of tho Mnrshflcld Episcopal church nunouuccH that thu Hlshop of tho Diocese, tho Hlght Hcv. Waller Tay lor Sumner, D. D., will como horo for his official visitation tho latter part of June, to administer tho un dent rlto of Confirmation In tho E-plBcopal churches on tho Hny and at Gardiner. Ho will nrrlvo hero on the lUth via Eugene nnd remain on' tho hny for ono week, proceeding to Hnnilon to visit thu cliurchea under ' tfrco delivery, H n. -I mwni.Mfc - mm 111 THE jmKk Wm mm exceptional AMfflM$&Bm 1RI Illf CIGARETTE gMSggHF COUPONS IN w L CS EACH PACKAGE E$ L 20FORlO """" Ji W i teM&H' mm H W BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield Creamery We want your cash business and rnak an oojecc lor you to pay GET A RECEIPT '' Coos Bav Tea, Coffee an4 9j tt e nous?. " Phono JJOl-j. U versa! Telephone Service The LOX(J DISTANCE LINKS of (his ,.,.,.. . CONNECTED with tho cM-limiRi's i.r l0 c '' !" fcn phme O.mpnny (KAIIMKIIS MM;s) t Mvi!TiirrT nnd COOUILLE. Our pillions ulll fll(1 h ,''.''' '"'Nt list) tlio direct telephone eoniiiiiiiili'uiloii ((, COmcnWt (ho Co.iulllo Vnlli-y Oimpnny. "scrlbtr, c( COOS AXI) C'UltUV TKI.KIMKKM: COMPAQ Abstracts fou uemahm: ahsteacts ov titli: and mv AllUUC foiumiQj COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Inc. BIAIISIIKIBLII AXI) COQUIMiK CITV, OlinOOS uiiiiniuin iniiiinai ni'nioilMV il.llf J5r..i.,jl'4UKi;V'0 AGENTS l-'OU CAXADIAX I'ACIEIO HAIMlflAn I ADDirtnt r imtt. - .. " i'ItU;llJ IjAVTU 1IKNIIV SEXGSTACKEN, JIAXAGKn MADIS UXHEK SANITAIIY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODEHN FAGTOKY. BTEItUilZEl) MII.K AND CIIEA3I. PURE ICE o KiSSX i"rT.'.fS3gl . MrtlfrTHPErgmromaBMaHBMM Weathemroof is exnense-woof Trinidad Lake arnhalt makes roofinir lastinclv tmht nuainst rain..l . .... . .. .. . V i li ' Klin, wiiiu, miuw, ileal aim cum. This is the everlasting waterproofcr of Nature. Wc use it to make .THE TRINIDAD-LAKE-ASPHALT ttoacKOQag ' Because it gives lasting protection Gcnasco is economical roofing i, 'it costs loss in the end. Call and get samples. C. A. SMITH LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. Marshfield, Oregon. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME una boon r hobby with ur for a good jany years ana i u .. our cuato-.ners will toll you whon It comes to gettli g irooJ il? durnblo frnmlng mntorlal nt tho right prlco wo know onr a noBB. JuBt toll what you want to build nnd tlio amount ion in to spend nnd wo'll got busy with our poncll and ficure out thw your aonoy enn buy. Try ui.i-iJtjt!ajJjajljaulA,tail,j1JB5 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, U ETA Hi DKI'AKTMENT cot the fui:l dill i two iiv usixa oun wood PHONE mo. 1H2 SOUTH DIWADgH tho vlinrgo of Dean Win. Ilorufnll,; roHidcut at Ilniidou. On tho Third , 'Sunday after Trinity, Juno 20th, tho1 I Itfulmit xv til imiflftM lit r HTufuli- You needn't roam tho world nround !., pirch , , ,. , t Emplro in tho ovenlni;. Thoso who WIIEKE THE IIEAKT IS SlXCIXii I. Phono in, mid ii 7!t. p. in. For Joya that llfo Id hrlnKlwK; Tho hnllelulu caniplii" Kround Is whoro tho heart la uIiikIiik. II. You needn't pliimu your wIiirh for fllKlit To dlHtaut HtnrhcaniH rlliiKliiK'. To you will ruiiiii thu IiIIIh of liKht If Htlll tho heart In hIiikIuk. HI. Then will your Joyoim llfo ho crowned With frulta of hlKh endeavor; Thn luillolula raiuplu' Krouud Ib whoro thu heart bIiikh ever. Frank 1.. Ktuiitnii. havo not already mndo urnuiKOiiicnta for I'onflrmntlou aro kindly aalted to ron for with tho rector. Confirma tion lectures will ho Klven on Frldny evenliiKK in tho oliurrh, IickImuIiik next Friday thu :Mril. ArriuiKcmentB itit oilier puliitu will ho mndo also. Whllo hero on tho Hay n public recoption for tho pcpplo of Mnrah field will lie held in honor of tho' lliahop. Whllo In Chicago, llltjliop! Sumner wna closoly Identified with1 ul rlvlc niiittorH nnd many notnlilu, rnforniH worn rnrrled out undor hlrt dlreetlon. At thu laymen's dinner held at tho Multnomah Hotel last1 week HlRhop Sumner made n HtlrrliiK QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 10C-L. MAIISIII'IEM, OIIEGON '! .IITXEV HEItVICE TO KlltST ADDITION' I.oavcH Illunco Hotel every half hour via llroadway and Fifth Htreet. Leavoa First Addition qunrtor of nnd quarter nftor hour. This tuny ho tho laud of tho free, but don't Jump to thu i-oucIuhIoii Hint every wlfo la a (ioddetH of I.lh- ddroiM to mora thnn three hundred crty. repreeutallvo rhurrhmen of Port- Of courMO It Ih boiler to believe 'land, and the preceding day lio met everything you wiy than to my Mayor Alboo and nlxtoen of tho lead- WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, everything you hellovo. Jim Wat ho n, who IioIoiikm to thlr- Iiik rllixoiiH "f Portland at n dinner Klion In his honor, and told of tho teen lodKeH, nays ho has never boon work carried out In (MiIciiko. lllsh alibi to find out what their Moi-rotK op tSiiiuner Is a thlrtj-ueeond deKroe aro, Miihoii. 1 JrSt&; 1 1- ' t, 9$ m repairs The owner of a pnssenger-aervico tV enr, running in the valleys nnd " mountains of California, vrites: "We have driven twelve thousand ', miles. Zerolcne has been used xS exclusively. We have never ad justed a bearing, ground a valvo ' nor cleaned a spark plug during this time. The engine runs more smoothly than the first thousand 1 miles." Standard Oil Company ' MAItHIIFlEMt .MATKHXITV IIOSPITAIj Sirs. M ..I. Ostrow, MKr. Mih. .1. E. Edmunds, 4 (Formerly Mrs. Dillon.) Head Xurso I BflSNortli Second stroot. ! Phono 1CG-U j Open to All Physicians ' 0 4. , "" V feflTK - - - J& TfUHvl AlpMII Lake - Marslifield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Sera Leaves MurshficUl lit Huny Corner kHtl En,P1"' 10:00 n.m. 8:S0 .m. Si 00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. lli30m' leaves North lleud IB inln- 3.30 p.m. utcs Inter Smile ! Tho world dikes off It s hut to tlio man with 11 .smile. It turns tho cnlil shoulder to 1I10 Individual who is sour us 11 lemon. Wo nil lovo tlio 111. 111 with a hearty IiiiikIi. He is our friend, the ray of Miiishluo for wlilrli wo yearn, and .suress porrlies on Ills cheerful hhoulileiN. Hut joii My: "It's haul to work up own a hlrMy jjrln wlion yoii'ro deiul hroko ami up aalnst the told old world." Wo will am 00 with joii mih, lloro'.s the ronieilt. Shirt, a hank ncooiint wllh jour first earnings. ,II lo it. Form tho mivIiik lialilt. Watch thn account fcimv. Tlio smllo will (jemv wllh It. It Is no trouble at nil to Iniif-h wlicu you hnvo money In tho hank. FIHST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. liTEo-BCEiTOlSPOmiliil Weekly Servlco Coos Hay and San Franclico. STEAMSHIP fJi'fJfJ SMITH Freight and Passenger Service SAILS I'HO.M .MAKSIII'IEI.I) KOIt SAX I'llAXCISCO, JIONMT, APIIIIj ID AT 1 P. M. San I'VaiuI.sco Office, 000 Vlto IliilUliiib', mid l'ier KmnUf Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeorqe, Phoned m To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE PAST AND COMFOltTAULl S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIITEU GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OV THE CADIIihAO AXI) DODOE AL'TO SUPPLIES EOU Alih MAKES OV CAHS (lati(omu) Po kton ill" (Vntral nv. Phone !17:Mj 1 WfcSTbRN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. BUY YOUR ZEKOLENE AT Koontz Garage i Agency tr OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J Assets $2,340,000.00 t vnifTii irrT?in uTi.'AMHlilP CO. O. P. McQEORGE AGENT W. TP Phono 44, Marehflold MnaMEBMff Phone 421, NorthBri mm & BEIETT B1K OLDEST ll.VXK IX COOS COUXT1 ENthlUhcd 1888. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid ox Tlmo Depolu Offlceri: J. W. Heniiett, President. J. II. FliiiMKnn, Vice-President. 11. P. Williams, Cashier. Geo. V, Winchester, Jsit. Oashior. EQUIPPED WIT1I WIHELKSB. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON T1MB- ,1II1MVfl ipEIl SAILS FKOJI MAHSIIITELI) KVKI1V IO.D.U UUIU ft OX THE POIJ.OWIXG IWPICS: APItlh AT !-: APHIL V2, AT 1) A. M.; APHIL 1, AT I2 1. W' AT H;00 A. SI. AXD PHOM lMJUThAXD KVWU H"" A. JI. ltnrtm. IS TICILETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITV TICKl.i "" - AND OAK 8TKEETS, rjfpEHS, IP Phono K-J. t Pays 8 per cent on savings t I I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t t Local Treasuier t I New Models I I I ! HENDERSON CORSETS" aiBo prinelpal dlstrlbutort I "ONYX" and "CADET" I HOSE I S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend I M BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON jgm Capital, surplus and undivided profits $125,000.00 OFFICERS: J. W. Dennett. President Arthur MeKeown, Secretary Tom T. neunett. Vice Pre.ld.nt Bennett Swanton. TreaauTer anT'r a T bUMDeM ,y- Ac,S as tn,8teo ot Pres3 trusti and im aa esecMlor and ,dmlBlilrator of Mt Tho only Trust 'ETiisr outi,de of Port,and oism " Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Consto"1 n COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WK , Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, host eouimicd nnd most thorough; twenty-lneh hytlrniillo dredgo In raclflo water twenty-lneh hytlrniillo dredgo In C.nnt Row nffinn Marshfield. Orenon. Seattle; Main office: iln oi'lc,e' ,n "Washington.