THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OfctGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 191 5 EVENING EDITION FIVE gSlQNALjIRECTORt H. Harper mr.nei. nhnni. tftfl-Tl '-ffliMNO CONTRACTOR jffi furnlBhedon request i .i ii QhnW I1' fiir. Kow "nrt 'r"ro F J&8BB FIWKD ,,A Women nml ChlUre f,on. 80. -"----.v. 202, Irving "" SSfflg?- 1 nUleei! 206 Irving Block LioM.or S67J. ..- uv - iiLnonrioin iirnrni ilKl"""w"" - iTciiandJer BljDlw" 1302. Coke Bulldlw Urbfleld, Oregon h. S. Turpen MarihfleU. Oregon. dmm) Rnllmnnr Plight, a vn TEACHER L itt Studio. 217 No. Third It I" Phono 3-L 0CTU COOS RIVER BOAT I SWIIHJi. I , .rtvnr kxpress I L . Multifield every day j, m. Leaves hontl of river ctwamimi RAINBOW I Lm bead of river daily nt 7 j I . . ll.l..1.1 n O n I Lpl. IiCflTCS .Murn -l iuju ... . ? ..- .i.nWah niitilr nn linartL I ..nimo u umitii I iv ........... t Proprietors ROOFING mm, CONTRACTING, nOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BHIUE 118. P. 89. 4 , IBB KEAL QUESTION t Question Is not. will mon lour you for your work? ! tlut does your work honor jroiit Your concorn Is not 4 air lo crcato profit for touuclf, Lut to mnko thnt nrhlch - 111 profit many bo- ilJei yourself, 03 BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono G7-rf. i iolin and Piano Anthony w May s. Mug Orchestra Work IBtmllo 381, Central Ave. nt 202-J. Apartment ft SAVE MONEY t by ordering tho lamoiu HENRYV LLF COAL Urtll Mf fAn .4 An pCcil, per ton 60.00 1 Nr ton of both 95.00 1). MUSSON, Prop, j 18-J or leave onlern nt nillyer's Cigar Store. - - .-ji I AUTO CALL ! FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS' l'liono iJO.L. M(!lit mid Day. Hlfibt t'nfc. ' CARS. (MltEI-'l'L DUIVEUS, 1- h. 1O0TE. AT iPBELL'S WOODYARD ior Krot HtrMt. JTmi 70 .'ilAA.A TV.UTO T CO. . wy and XI clit !(.,.. i, . or tl, phono L'O, Chandlor Hotel ' touring mrs, phono 20, iha-idicr Hotel 1-X liMIII"l'll. P,n ' Ci-. x,.... A L00O 4 4 4 44 Commutation nn lckcts $2.00 U; mtn i.. . "rl,u uio uin rrll-i to SniiM. cin..i. PTla t 11 a, in.; to Empire & KINO. ProM. UNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS Will h t. " TO THE PUBLIC 1 "Pilar c ii .. Hi j " iiicunou i I f will bo la I . chargo ono 103-J IHOQD vJffltedvsSK "- iL 69 Years to ake a Suit Back in 18-16 the makers of Clothcraft began to manufacture medium-priced clothes for menand youngmen. Their idea was to keep in that field about $10 to $20 and make the best possible Clothes for the money. This sticking at it for 69 years has produced extraordinary results through continuous ad vancement of factory methods, improved ma chines, training of workers and so on. We haven't any more hesitation in investing in Clothcraft Clothes than we would in buy ing gilt edged securities. We know what you'll say when you see Cloth craft 5130 Blue Serge Special at SI 5 and the other spring models at $10 to $20. Come in today CLOTHCRAFT All Wnnl CloUies noio 5 00 Ready T ZKJ toVcar Woolen Mill Stores ' Two Stores MARSHFIELD NORTH HEM) , . . jj. -i fiClothcraftStoj , O eoil TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 4 Freight nnd Baggage. 4 Call FERGUSON TRANSFER 4 Phone l(i:i. Residence Phono 13-J. 4 Market nvo. nnd Waterfront $ WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings J I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t t Local Treasurer t t t 44444444444444 Now Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" alBo principal distributor "flMYY" and "HARPT" HOSE I S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestlo CHINA Pictures & Framing Walker Studio HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. rififiv mt,. Tim kind YOU have ALWAYS FSRD. Phone 72. Pnciflo Livery nnd Transfer Company. A T- 4444444444444444 , WEATHER FOItKOAST I (Or AocUtM Tm to Com Da? Tlmti, 4 Oregon Fair, light frost 4 west, henry frost cast; north- crly winds. 4 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORJ) 4 For the 24 hour ending nt 1:43 n. m., April 11, by 4 nonj, Ostltnd, special gov- ernment meteorologist: Maximum B3 Minimum 33 At 4:13 n. m 35 Precipitation 35 Precipitation alnco Sept. 1, 1014 G9.0G Precipitation same period 4 4 lost year CO. 19 Wind: Northwest, partly V cloudy. 44444444444444 HORN 4 4 DODGE To Mr. and Mrs. Joo Dodgo of North Bend, Tuesday, April II, a 9 pound boy. Mother nml child nro doing nicely and Joo says he's Jake. Mllllconm Club Dunce. The Mil llcoma Club Is planning to glvo a dnnco Friday, April ICth In tho club rooniB. Pianist Plen.sos. Miss Frances Batchelor, who nppoared In a con cert nrrnuged by Perl Hlloy Dnl llngcr nt tho Presbyterian church Monday evening was grcoted cn tlniBlatitlcnlly by n good-slr.od au dience. Miss Ilntcholor's technique was exceptionally flno hor facllo rendering of many difficult numbors on tho program eliciting much prnlso. In rcsponso to repeated en cores Miss Ilatciiolor played, "Tho Dancing Doll," by Poldlnl, nnd "Tho Swan" by Sain Sacns. Mr. It. E. Miller contributed two numbors to tho program which wcro given In her usual pleasing and nrtlitlc manner. Movon Into N"jw llmno. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Oulovson h vo moved In to their cozy and prcLy now homo In Perham Park. it, .moitow wrinn. j, .. .111111:1 'Z'ZZZ. tJnZ, Dr. .Morrow Write I. N. Miller ORPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better RUNAWAY JUNE ORPHEUM TONIGHT. Wednesday and TliurMlay. Tho second Instnllmont, In two rools, of "Runaway Juno," promises to bo oven moro interesting than tho first. Juno Is pursued down Fifth uvcnuo by tho man in tho black van dyko and sovornl closo up scenes nro shown at Rector's, tho world famous restaurant. Tho intorest Is woll maintained nnd tho story grows continually moro Interesting. Tho most striking, attractive features of this wonderful serial aro tho live action, tho clean nnd ontortnlnlug story, tho entlro absonco of n "blood nnd thunder" plot nnd tho scones laid In Now York and beau tiful Bormuda. RUIX OF MAXijEY. Two-reel Amorlcnn. .MUTUAL WEEKLY Condensed world's happenings. This one of pnrtlculnr interest. KEYSTONE COMEDY LOVERS' POST OFFICE Mnrshflold Orphoum patrons nro laughing just as loud nnd ns long at tho Keystone ns tho rest of tho world. Thoy cost moro and nro worth moro, but wo hand them out to you two times each week nt a dime. DUBLIN DAISY. In catchy songs. Tho dainty Dub lin Daisy Is doing nlcoly with clean and catchy songs. ' Adults, 10c; children, Dc. Matlnoo Sunday at 2:00 p. m. Tho Orpheuin has a long lino of features coming. Don't miss nny performances at tho Orphoum as n strong program Is booked each night with a very well blended bill nnd every night Is a featuro night, T. J. SCAIFE A. II. IIODGINS 3) Marshfield rZco. Estimates Furnished i Phone 110-R. Marshfield, Oregon ', gtj' f ' i i , i J:l:, MFfflGER SERVICE 1S8R i 11 - - - - - TWO PHONES. CALL US FOR CARS, TAXKUBS, EXPRESS WAGONS. MARSHFIELD OYCLERY. ISO BROADWAY ho went direct from Portland. Tho doctor stated ho would leave Now York this week bound for London and Calais and Is In all probability on tho water nt tho present time, crossing in one of tho American Red Cross relief ships. Ho has told his friends ho will write from there tell ing of his experiences near tho sent of war. Frank Catterlln also hnd a card from him stating ho had been presented to Prosldcnt Wilson (by Senator Chamberlain. CliniiKo Plo Supper. Tho date of tho plo supper whloh will bo given by tho Eastsido Indies has been changed from Saturday, April I7tn to Friday the ICth. Chnrlvnrl NevlyvedM. Friends from Allegany of Mr. nnd Mrs. Enrl Grey, nowlywcds, went Inst night to tho Gould logging enmp whoro whom thoy nro now living, nnd chnr Ivarlod the young couple, who quiet ly stolo nwny to tho county seat nnd got married. Refreshments wore brought out nnd nil enjoyed n good time. Saloon Is Hold Tom Bennett, ns attorney on behalf of tho plaintiff, Frank Lea In n suit ngnlnst tho own ers of tho Jesse Mooro Bar on nn unpaid note, today bid In tho Ba loon for ?400. This bar was clos ed about a month ago. Andy P. Dnvls, Deputy Sheriff, hnd chnrgo of tho sale. Tho questions now now nrlses whether or not tho sa loon could bo rc-6pcncd under tho license granted to Charles Kronholm nnd Paul Ritchie. Property Hold. After being nd vcrtlsed thrco times unplotted prop erty on North Brondway was sold today for tho street assessment's yet unpaid. Tho city bid tho property In for $3102.22 nnd this will bo given bnck to any claimants after tho assessments Is paid by thorn. This land Is on disputed territory nnd by a decision of tho Supremo Court Citj Attorney Goss received the right to sell tho land, Thoro wero not other bids received AcciimmI of MnsbliiK. Elmer Groth edgor nt tho Eastsido Mill, was ar rested last night ml charged with "Impeding tho passage of Loin Bald win on Broadway." In tho police court todny tho caso was dismissed on nccout of a lack of witnesses by tho plaintiff who Impeached tho tes timony nnd nskod her regarding hor past llfo and allegations that hor rooming houso nt tho presont tlmo would not bear tho spot light. Tho plaintiff denied the allegations. Of ficer Rlchnrdson testified that hor rooming .houso a year ago boro a bad reputation but has not lately. No Decision. No decision has boon received from tho Supremo Court regarding tho Port of Bandon caso nnd It Is bollovcd hero that nono was handed down yesterday, When tho caso was tried tho attorneys wero Blvon to understand that a speedy decision would bo granted. Tuesday Is tho regular day on which decisions aro granted and U Is bollovcd hero NOBLE THEATER Tho most populnr figum of tho motion picture screen, Dunlin Far lium, In THE VIRGINIAN From tho piny of Kirk LnShollu und tho book by Owen WUtor. It's a Paramount featuro In five pnrtn produced by tho same cast of plnyors that mndo "Tho Squaw Man." A big man In a big man's play. Learn to say "Paramount." It's tho hi Befit nrt in photoplays, Other Pictures. A PLOT AT THE RAILROAD CUT This Is tho second of tho "Haz ards of Helen," railroad series. Tho first of this thrilling story was n wlnnor nnd proved to bo ns adver tised. Tho most thrilling over pre sented In Mnrshflold. FORCING DAD'S CONSENT, It's a Vitagraph rlb-tlcklor, feat uring Billy Quirk. Always tho best and plenty of it. Lowor floor, 16c; balcony, 10c; children, Cc. Friday and Saturday Unlvorslty of Oregon Mnlo Quartotto and spe cial program of cxcolent photoplays. TIGHT H HE HOME I AFFY MADE I AVERN CANDY Wo make Ice croam B78 Central nve., Pnono 131-L - . thnt tho delay will bo at least for another week. Tho dredge Seattle finished her work In tho lowor Bay yesterday, according to superintend ent R. E. Miller and this week Is to bo moved to the S. P. docks for dredging close to tho piling. Councilman Mfc-dng. Becauso Councilman Bailey, of tho Eastsido city fathers has gono down Into Cur ry County prospecting there was no monthif nt tlin rnnnpll nnrrtfln Hin bay Inst evening nml probably will J not bo now for at lenst two Weeks. Grin Club To Meet. A meeting fof tho Mnrshflcld Gun Club hns been called for Thursday evening nt 8 1 p. in. in tho Chandler Hotel when several matters of Importance, such as tho proposed chango of location I will bo brought up for settlement. Cliniffj Dismissed. A chnrgo against Charles Isbcll for having tak en tho automobile of Dr. Bull one night thrco wcoks ago, In company with R. F. Schronborn, a dentist said to havo been practicing with out n llcenso In North Bend, was dismissed today. Tho attorneys show ed that Schronborn has disappeared and that Isboll went only ns a driver of tho the car. Funeral Friday. Tho funeral of Mrs. Margaret Bcattlo will bo held Friday morning at 11 o'clock In tho Presbyterlnn church aeordlng to nn announcement mndo this morning by members of tho family. Tho services will bo in chnrgo of Rev. Slubbol flcld. Tho Alert has boon chartered to lenvo Allegany at 7 n. m. on Frl day to bring tho old friends who wish to nttend tho services, returning In the afternoon nt 2 p. m. G. A. It. Meet. Them was a moot ing of the G. A. It, this afternoon in tho offlco of I. S. Kaufman, sov 'crol representatives of tho Spanish American War Veterans being pres ent. It was decided to lenvo all pre parations for Decoration Day in tho hands of tho tatter organization nnd thoy will hold a meeting this ovon Ing in tho Chamber of Commerce. Finns to erect a lnonumuct hero for departed members of tho G. A. R. was brought up for discussion 'and It will ho left to tho Spanish Amor lcnn Veterans and tho Sons of Vot ornnn to sound out public opinion ornus to sound out public sentiment regarding tho donation of funds for tho monument which would bo placed In tho I. O. O. F. comotnry within tho next few weeks. BEN HEUKER was hero today from his homo nt Lakeside. MRS. A. C. COX, of Coos River, Is visiting In Mnrshflold. TOM DASIINEY, of Powors, Is in tho city today on a business trip. ANDY P. DAVIS, doputy sheriff, enmo ovor oh tho morning train, M. D. ROBERTS camo down this morning on tho Mllllconm from Al-' legnny. 8UPT. A. G. RAAB, of North Bond, was a Mnrshflold visitor this af ternoon. LEW F. PRICE was a visitor In tho city today from his ranch nt Siimuor, MRS. HERB. SWEET, of Lakeside, wan among tho shopping visitors In tho city today. WILL STAUFF wont to Arngo yes terday to visit nt tho Stauft ranch at that place. SHERIFF JOHNSON, wlfo and fam ily, loft for homo on tho after noon train aftor two days horo. REV. FATHER M'DEVITT returned this morning on tho stngo from Floronco whom ho has boon ra gi'rdltig tho now Catholic Church. A. E. ADELSPERGER loft yestorday on a business trip to Gardiuor , and othor Douglas nnd La no Coun ty points. J. TEUSCHER, of tho Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, of Portland, Is on tho Bay, having arrived this morning and will spend several days hero. J. G. AASEN, of Aaaon Bros, log ging company, was ovor toduy from Coqulllo. Ho expects soon to begin logging operations a short dlstanco out of tho county seat. MRS. CHARLES MAHAFFEY was horo shopping this morning from hor homo at Allegany. Sho was accompanied by Miss Lou Mahnf foy. MRS. B. C. KIGHTLINGER, dough tor of A. E. Towor, who has Junt undbrgono a serious operation, has arrived with her daughter, Mory wkmmzS) Elizabeth, from Salem, nnd will bo here for some. time. KENNETH D. HAUSEIt, of Hnuser & Hnuser, left early this morning for North Inlot, epectlng to go over the entlro lino today. MISS LUCY POWERS Is homo from tho University of Oregon for her spring vacation and will bo hero for several days yet. She enjoys her work there nnd Is now n mom bor of tho Delta Gnmmn Sorority. 4444444444444444 4 SOCIAL CALENDAR 4 4 THURSDAY 4 4 Alort Club with Mrs. W. 4 4 B. Plpor. 4 A. N. W. Club with Mrs. 4 4 R. 12. Irwin. 4 FRIDAY 4 Past MatroiiB with Mrs. E. 4 4 G. Flanagan. 4 4 Norwegian Lutheran Y. P. 4 4 S. In ehnpol parlors. 4 4 Thlmblo Club with Mrs. S. 4 4 Jennings. 4 4 Royal Auction Bridge Club 4 4 with Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. 4 4 Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. 4 4 John A. Blatt. 4 FRIDAY 4 4 Mllllconm Club dance. 4 4 SATURDAY 4 I). M. C. evening party 4 4 wltlf Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry 4 4 Kern. 4 Prisclllft ovonlng pnrty 4 4 with Mr. nnd Mrs. Mocstollor. 4 FOR MISS HARKNESS Mrs. Gcorgo Dludlngor Is onlor tnlnlng Informally this afternoon nt hor homo in Flngstnft for Miss Orah Harkness of Albany who Is to np pear In recital at tho Mothodlst church this evening. AT THE HOTELS Chandler Hotel. It. E. Nenl, Mcdford; L. K. Rey nolds, Portlnnd, It. II. Lymnn, Eu gene; E. F. James, Bnndon; 8. Mc Naughton; K. D. Hausor, North In lot; O. II. Prewltt, Portland; 13. II. Martin, Portlnnd; It. Fostor Stono, Oakland; J. II. Mlllor, Ban Frnn- IpIhco! .T. n. AiiRon. Conulllo: Ned C. '.Koonoy, Coqulllo; M. M. Young, Co qulllo; Low F. Prlco, Sumner; I. A. Elrod, North Bond. Lloyd Hotel. Tony Koown, Portland; E. Ehr mnn, Bnndon; Otto Harry, Myrtlo Point; E. Jones, Myrtlo Point; Mrs. J, Horn, Coos Rlvor; Bon Houkor, Lakeside; Mrs. Herb Sweet, Lake Bldo; C. Y. Sydman, Coqulllo; A. Orr Coos Rlvor. St. Lnwivnco Hotel. Mrs. It. E. Anderson, Dnnlols Crook; J. E. Morris, Portland; C. Androws, Coqulllo; J. A. Goodwill, Cooh River; J. Teiichor, Jr., Port lnnd; A. T. Ford and wlfo, Eureka; G. S. Shnnnon, Portland; Robort Yattl"k, Portlnnd, lllnuro Hotel. John Nlolson, Bnndon; John Mll lor, Myrtlo Point; Georgo Kruso, Pony Inlet; It. W. Walworth, South Inlet; Louis Struobor, Prospor; I). P, Weaver, Bllvorton; II. Hnydon, Empire; Fred Hallmar, North Bond. NOTICE Momburu of tho Mnrshflold Gun Club nro requested to moot nt tho Chandler hotol Thursday ovonlng, April 10th. Important buslnosB. W. N. Ekblnd Secrotary TtdiTLANP.omoq Rates to You DO rooms ?LOO 100 rooms with bath 91.BO 100 rooms with bath $2.00 200 lago outsldo rooms, with bath $2.50 Extra porsor. In room, additional , ..$1.00 YOU'LL BE IN PORTIiAND .Sometime- within tho week, month or ji-ar. Stop at tilts hotel. Its tpl) Jidld facilities will appeal to your IdeiOs. Its the best in the Northwest and tho rates nro no hlghor lha:t tho rest. SfflS I J III Ml I JUl ' U 1 1 " i1 i ii n wmm tnkS 'IllW'i 11 Ml T r TTtTI I I I l J3JS? . w. 'NiLH ' , ti&rAlmifiraSL. 5Wf . i ray aLr B 9alTTjlm XI w n j m t ' h tni tbtLj" m-. I 'TalHn Q HI Q 4 HI i HjljfitMi I "xBKrl 1vwW8mbIES "" ' l E ACCOUNTING MADE OF lUVERS AND HARBORS BILL. EuietcA .lurches .Three .Time hrt Mitch nt Coos Bay Mr Harbor Woik; Cooi Bay May Get Moro Accounting for every dollar appor tioned under the $29,000,000 Rlvbrs nnd Harbors Bill for bayB and Inland waterways Is mado In a lottor Just received by Henry Sengstaekon, sec retary of tho Port. Eureka, tyhdro the Mlchio of Coos Bay, hns boon at work, received moro than thrco times ns much for Improvements as I tho local harbor and Portland closo to 30 times ns much. A million nnd n half hoes for work at tho mouth of tho Columbia river and closo to half n million moro for work In tho vicinity of the Roso City while the port of Grays Harbdr In Washington dug Into tho oflclnl sum for $450,000 to improve hor facilities. That there is n possibility of nn Incronso In tho Coos Bay appropria tion wfts tho expressed belief of Cap tain Mncgom on Saturday. Wednes day ho wilt hold a second consulta tion with Major Morrow, tho govern ment engineer In Portland, and ho thon expects to know doflnltoly If anything moro will bo allowed Coos Bay. In tho list It Is shown that San Frijclsco Imrbor resolves $12,060 this year nnd Oakland hnrbor $80, 000 and 8nn Pedro gets $75,000. As stated In tho first announcements from Washington tho Sluslnw will recelvo $117,000 nnd tho Coqulllo $70,000. WATERFRONT NEWS 4 Llko tho Queen of tho May tho ltnlnbow camo forth thU morning nftcr ft week's overhauling, replon dant In n coat of now paint from stom to Btcrn. Tho ExprosB has been on tho run during her vacation. Early tomorrow morning tho El der Is expected In from Eureka, being scheduled to sail nt id o'clock for Portland. Tho Nnhn Smith Is duo In tomor row morning from San Francisco. In ballnBt tho gaBolIno schooner Rnudolph, Captain E. L. McConnoll, nrrlvod from Mnrshflold last ovon lng. Sho will go from horo to Roguo River with ennnory supplies. Port land Tolosrnni. A crystal of boryl,-4iJionil-proclous stono rotated to tho Emorald, nearly n ynrd long nnd weighing 220 pounds, recently was found In Mad ngnscar ami prosonted to tho Froncli Academy of Sciences. Times want (ids bring results. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I ; 4 FOR SALE. Ncut Uireo-room house, with bath. Bunker Hill. Snap for cash. K. enro Times. FOR It EXT Furnished npnrthientj Phono Dr. Leslie, or call at Lcsllo building. WANTED. luly Mdh-ltor. Big pny to llvo wires. Howard Sales Co., O'Conncll Bldg. J VA. I rut I'.xprrR'iux-w Kiri u uu , general housework. Apply 910 I South Fifth strcot, or phone 397, EXPERIENCED dressmaker will tow by day. Phono 55L. WANTED I WANTED Til well lots 7, H and O, block 8, Sengstaekon Add, Price $1400 with stroot improvements or $120 paid. Box 417, Bandon, Or 1 FOR SALE f ,FOH SALE Fiirnlturo. ltiiiigo, Crib, etc. A. K. Day, Bay City. FOR HALE 2-hoiho Disc Harrow. Used ono souson. Phono 310X1, W. G. Bossoy. 1 FOR RENT t 4 f FOR RENT Two room liouw partly furnished, 90G Bo. 7th. Street. i i r - i i i (FOR RENT Vrooni house, $15.00, witn water. Appiy tus ao, mn street. ROOM with or without board In private family, 166 So. 10th st. FOR RENT l()-room Iioumi in So. Marshfield. Phono 119-L. WANTED HouMjcleniihig, washing or Ironing, by day. Phono 239-I. B CON GOES I F'L II h Sr 1 f,y i