-err FIVE THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1915 EVENING EDITION 'EaM0WSWB COS 4MMMH' Sweet Singers of Oregon MINISTERS Th hort V IUVKR& LL. Joy to ope- If you have squandered your youth looking for smoke joy among the desolating peppergrass brands, come over in our -.4 n-1 fttr' n nlno r good old Prince Albert. Or, if you like '::::-:::::,'3illll yours roneu miu a inue paper pipe, smoke it jour way, but make it of P. A. There's no two guesses about the pleasingness and goodness of coos district method TOR'S CONVENE'lme h ' or I ti 1 Session In Conjunction -o Kpwurth Ijciiguo Convention Myrtle l'utnt the national joy smoke It is the smoke fuel gentle and lovable, made so by a patented process, con trolled exclusively by us, that takes out the bite and leaves a cool, free-burning, fragrant smoke. Stuff your old pipe to the brow with some of this ace-high tobacco or roll it in a cigarette and see how easy it feels on the tongue. The humi bang- on hand, :v:5WJSStWtiAVSraK4 i"& a&3SSSKKSHS iHHHF 'mMHHUIBinr-- W iPilwiMJw3 1 XKg "Hra2ff4 mlflHH !:$::&:,: P Piiliorsfty of Oicjiun Quartette. Now W-:-:-: U ' Appeal- nt Noblo Tliontci ..... . . .or-v"wv.."AAj;x.vxx:."iCw itriw v T:n atjixi: : "vv fot WflHynB - I "cm i fkf warri FBS'nFMaun nirai! 1111 liiPiK 'r.nnnnn ",-rrnn IflfSSPMPlL I l-nlBiyUiJlUHbiltlKl fc::::" &8&2) H I v ir on Tour of Coos County and Who IVtl-j- n .1 Kafiidny. (Special to Tho Times.) MYRTLE POINT, April H. Tho C003 district M. R. Ministerial Asso ciation and Epworth League conven tion were held In Myrtlo Point from Tuesday tho Blxth, over Sunday. Tho rcssIohs woro well attended and wera very helpful. Among tno visiting ministers present wcro C. M. Knight of Unndon, C. II. Bryan, wlfo and daughter of Conulllo, Josoph Knotts, wife and son of Marshflold, Hov. V. II. Myers, A. S. Hlsoy, J. J. Pacoy and District Superintendent J. T. Ab bott. Quito a number of leaguers woro present from all over tho coun ty. Miss Ilarkncss of Albany, gavo rcndlngs nt throo sessions. FOREIGN MARKETS XOW OPEN TO AMERICA Sweden, Fiance ami Spain arc la tlio Market to Purchase Coal in tHo Viillitl States fSpcclal to Tho Times.) WASHINGTON, 1).C. April 1-1. Four cullego warblers with a rango of vohcg and a rango of songs from ' the laleHt popular nlrt), tho old folic songs to classical boIos aru tho plum bers of tho University of Oregon Qimrtetto who uro to appear huro In, Certain countries of Europo hnvo eoncort at tho Noblo Theater Friday j been dopendont 011 Gormnny and tho nnd-Saturday. Tito young men camo j United Kingdom for their coal sup lu ycteiday mi tho stage, leaving for nly; Uonmark and Swedon purchaso tho Coiiulllo Valley whoro they hnvo almost nil their coal from tho United Hevoinl engagements. I Kingdom, and dlstitnco niul high i From Kugcno to Portland, from freight rates will handicap tho Amorl Portlaud along tho O.-W.' It. & N. can shlppor In competing for this ; to llaliin- City, tho entertainers havo trade when conditions return to nor. , mndu a host of friends with their mnl. Hut Sweden has bought somo olorvur cviponrnncos. In tho Christ-, American conl durlnir tho last fow mns vacations thoy traveled inoro months mid hn rccontlv turned to tlinn 1,000 nillos on their concert' aormany for coal and coko. Franco tour and this summer they nro ex- stands ready to purchaso In tho Unl- A drunken tramp caused a ltttlo fright on Hallroad avenue last week ono day. Ho wandered Into tho L. A. Roberts and Jako Strong homes i boforo ho was taken In hand by tho police. Ho was onrouto to Wagner to find work, had walked from Itoso burg and had only had a ltttlo rlco that day and tho finish of his whisky bottle. tidy red tin, 10c; toppyrcdbas,Gc; the pound and half -pound tin dors. Then, there's the 16-oz. P. -4. crystal-glass Humidor mats up for home and for the office. You've always a trcsli supply i , because the sponge in the ltd Itccps ttie tooacco pipe-tit. tBMZ3tEE2 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. KHZSKTaHMHaKPSaseSZatfttUS i pected to sing at tho Exposition. I As a means of wolcomo tho old i collojro men of Coos Hay aro plan-j I nlng a supper for tho Quartotto at .the Chandler on Friday evening til Jolly 'got-togothor np?ctlng to sing again tho old college gongs and talk' i of campus days. Tho mombors of tho qunrtotto nro' ted StatcH If prices can bo nrrangod. Italy Is thrcatoned with n coal fa in I no, nml It is reported by cablo from Madrid that Spain offers a mnr kcth for American coal of nil grades, South Aincrlcnn coal supplies have coino chiefly from tho United King dom, Australia, and Germany; but tho United States had inoro of a foot Prof. Italph Lyman, Paul Spraguo, hold on tho Southern continent than Albert roleh, Gillette and llelnlu llelilon- I llarslif ield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Service Leatcs Mnrshflohl at Hilny Corner 10:00 n.m. 2:00. p.m. r.MIO p.m. Lmtm Xurth Iloud ir min utes later Leaves Kmplro. H:!IO n.m. ll::tu n.m. n.-ao p.m. TO BOAT THE BUILD1MS GAME -: -:- i ku been a hobby with us for a Kfloi jany years and n lot of our cuito.nerj will toll yon whon 3k comos to gettli g good, sound, durable framing material nt tho Tight prlco wo know our buol ". Juit tell what you wnnt to IMA and tho amount you want to ipenj and wo'U got busy with our pencil and figure out the beat Tour uoney can buy. Try ui. j ,, C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RICTATL DRl'AItpiKNT CTJT THE FUEL UILIi 1 TWO HI USING OUIt WOOD PH0XR inn, 1H2 SOUTH HltOADWAV IMTER-DCEJW TRAMSPORTATiaM GO. Weekly Service Cooj Hay nml San Francisco. STEAMSHIP MAMN SMITH Freight and Passenger Service. From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays. MOM MAitSIIKIiaO, SATL'IJDAV, APHIL U), AT n l'. 51. San Fniiiclsco Office, COO File llulldlng, and I'lcr Number t!U Ooos Bny Agont, 0. F. McQeohoe, Phone 44. To Portland every Thursday cam uiii ,? TiwiimiB To Eureka every We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash. GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. Phono aoi-J. TJIK FAST AND C051FOUTAI1LM S S. Geo. W. Elder NKWIiY EQUIPI'KI) NOItTH PACiFIO STEA5ISEIP CO. O. F. McOL'OItan AaENT W. M. PAINTUIl Phono U, Marehflold Phono 421, North Bond EffiMKOUZCKSESra Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Strqet :: :: :: Phone 180-J KQOIPPKIJ WITH WIUEIiESH. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OV TIMK. SAIUS FK05I 5IAHS!IF1I-:M) UVKItY 5IOXDAV DUIMXfl APHIL O.V THE FOM.OWINO DATES: APItlL .T AT Jl!i0 P. 51. i APltlL IS-. AT 1) A. 51.; APHIL J, AT J2::0 P. 51.5 APUIL till, AT 8:00 A. 51. AND FUO.M POUT1UNO KVEKY FItlDAY AT H A. 51. TICKETS O.V SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICK, TII AND OAK SJTREin'S, PORTLAND. Phono 8&-J. O. D. LANDERS, Agent adveutiskij i,iyn:it list List of nnclalmod lottorn ronialnint; In tho Marshflohl, Oregon, Poet ot flco for tho wools onillng April 13, 1015. Porsoiis callliiK (or tho aamo will plcaso b nilvurtlsoil nnd pay ono cont for cncii letter calloil for. Aldrlch, Mrs. M. W. Alborl, Charles. Allison, Martin. Ulakoly, Clydo, 2. Urlnkloy, Thomas. ' uocic, uick ; . : r ' Cottor, 8. R. ' ' Cowun, Mrs. David. i Colo, V. E. , ' , - Corloy, Mrs. EtiBono. Dressier, Franc. Erlckson, Karl. , , ' FaniHWorth, Don. Ferris, J. D. Fitzpatriak, John II. Grear, Androw. OoorKO, PubIi. Coodpastor, Munrno. Harris, Clarouco. Harris, Clarence Haslott, Percy. Hnllaanon, Adam. Hnnor, Nowb. Hoffman, M. E, t ' ' LlndborK, Jlrs. 51. . , "' 5Ingniiaon, J. 5Inthors, T. O. , . 5Ioars, Jaok. ' I ' ; Slurry, R. D. f i ' Pooks. V. II. Powoll, C. L. Smith, Miss Lula.- StophonBOii, CuorKo A. Hum mors, Ed. Trowbrldgo, II. 51. AVhlto, J. J. Wilson, .Mrs., draco, Wltolioy, II. HUGH M'LAl.W 1'OBtmaater. It had In European markets, and Ain oricau exporters havo already begun to tnko udvantaKo o( presont comll tloiis to IncrcnBo tholr nalos. .Mnrkots for American conl In Europo, South Ainorka, Mexico, India, nnd Egypt nro discussed in Special Consular Ro. porls, No. CO, Foreign Mnrkots for coal, Just iBBiicd by tho lliiroau of Forolgn and Domcstlo Commcrco, Do- pnrtmont of Commcrco, copies of which may bo obtained, for flvo contn each, from tho Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Of fice, Washington, STATE DIRECTORY JU UlSli J OREGON AND WASHINGTON CJAZ iriTEKR FOR JDtfi. 11)1(1. Niv ICdllloii of Itiisluo.sH Directory l'or Two Slnlos llclng; Dellroi't'd to Coos Ilny HiiIimtIIhth It. L. Polk & Co. havo Just issued the ItiK.-lOlC edition of tliQ Orogou and WashliiRton Gazotccr and Dusl hbbh Directory, which Is tho only work of tho kind published, and Is being dolivcrcd to Cooa Day suhscrN burs this week by tholr roprcsontu ttvo Harry lluth. It contains an nc atirato biislnoBH directory of ovcry city, town and villaga u Orogou and Washington, mid tho names nnd ml drcsBca of country merchants and professional ineii, liimbormon, etc., who nro located adjacent to villngosj also lists of government and county officers; stato hoards, statutory pro visions, tornis of court, names of assisted by Miss Ada Pratt. courts, names of postofflces, oxpress, I mIbscb Llla and Eunice Smith who tolophoiiQ and tulegiaph offices, JiiB-jnro nttondlng school In town spent tlcos of tho poaco, hotels, dully and 'Sunday with homo folkH ubovo dray- lVftfll tf llnil'unn iiiJ ImuLlrm il. ' .. ww..j ,w ?(1Mt'Vl, UVOUIUO JUIlUJt 51VRTLE POINT SIENTION' (Special to Tho Times,). Mr. Chns. Fenalor of tho Marsh field Hub storo was a caller in town Wednesday. Miss Illanclio Noal nnd brothers, Hoy and LcbIIo, arrived from Califor nia for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. 5Iarshall McDonald was a visi tor from Coqulllo for a fow days. The first 191(5 Ford automobile arrived In Myrtlo Point last Wednes day for tho local agent, Mr. J. D. llarklow. i " Patrons of tho Unlquo theater on J yod tho film, "Tho Spollors," ono evening last week. Friday ovoulng tho Epworth Icaguo ontortalncd tho visiting delegates, to. tho district convention at Lundy Hall. Various games woro enjoyed and refreshments wcro served. Saturday evening at tho M. E. church, MIbh Orah Ilarkncss gavo a reading, "Tho Molting )Pot." Tho book wan proscntod In tour acts. Miss tiarknoss Is a reador oC raro ability and all who attended woro more than pleased. 51lss Harkncs is from Al bany, Ore. Tho Ladles' Art club mot Friday ovcnlng at the homo of Mayor and .Mrs. L. A. Roberta. Tho iusbands woro Invited and tho ovonlng was spout playing cards after which re freshments wcro sorvod by the host ess iiBslBtcd by her daughter, .Row ona. Mrs. Charles Schroeder was an over Sunday visitor nt tho W. E. Lawollon homo near Oravolford. Word has come that Miss Myrl McCloskoy is not gottlng along so well. .Miss McCloskoy was taken 111 of pneumonia at tho University in Hugona about two months ngo and whon hotter wont, to spond a fow weeks with an auiit In California In hopes of regaining hoalth and strength. Her many frleudB regret to loam of her Illness. Mr. nud MrB. David McNalr re turned Tuesday from n few dayB vis It with relatives In Ilandon, Mr. Henry Scliroedor roturnod from Powors Monday after oponlng tho now moving plcturo show up thoro. Programs woro given Wed nesday and Sunday. Mr. Schroodor reported an attendance of over throo hundred, Sunday, Tho W. C. T. U. mot Tuosday af ternoon with Mrs. Annln. Papers woro read by 5Irs. Peel, Mrs, T. D. Oner lu, Mrs. J. Strong, Mros, II. A. Guorlu and Mrs. Annln, Miss Ada Pratt sang two numbors, accompani ed by Miss Pratt. Aftor tho program tho hostess sorvod light refreshments 236 JAPS LOSE LIVES other information useful to all clas ses or business uiul professional men. A descriptive sketch of each nlaco Is given, embracing various items of J intorost, Biich as location, population, elford. " Mrs. Ron Crawford was in town from llakcr Crook botweon. tniltiB, Tuesday, rK HEU s AllIAJ ARSTRACTS OF TITLE AND INFORMATION Awuu COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See "TIE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HAUSIlFini.1) AND COQl'ILLK CITY, OREGON "En.L Af.rv-io . c.... , v.. cuvfiSTAfKEX'S ADDITION i. ARrv-.;: wo j-nin,,"v """'"" .;.;.. , jj -io lOR CANADIAN PAUFJU """'"' ' HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN,. MANAGER I Puget Soisnd Bridge &, Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available- for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped nml most dioroulily modern twenty-Inch hydraulic dictfgo In P.uiflc Muter Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. mi sir nmnrmT ' dlstnnco to dfforont points, tho most IVIIIMC HOOIUCIMI IcoiivonlontBlilppliiKBtal FIGHT ON RACING LAW IN ARKANSAS lout shipping stations, tho pro ducts that aro marketed, stage com- tiiunlcatlons, trado statistics, and Secretary f Stiito Ri-fusi's to Pub. churches. ' "slli M lMW Statutu Creating An im'porluut fnaturo Is tho olassi-' Racing ComniUblou fied directory, giving every business ' Dr Aut4 ru ta coo. iur tioim.i arranged undor Its special heading, LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 14. IVaifnl I'lidilltj- Rcpoi'led In Olio of Tlio Conl .Mlif In'tlio FloMery Kingdom -Dr AMocltlM Vtttt la Coot Ilr Timet.) TOKIO, April II A fatal aacl- ,dont In u coal mine near Shlmnosekl inns enabling Biibscrlbors to obtain Tno Puluskl circuit today denlod a rosultod In tho loss of 23G lives, uo-'nt a glanco a list of all houses manu-' petition for a writ of mandamus to cording to Information received lioro, I facturliin or dealing In any partial- compel the secretary of stato to pub- Jar lino of goods. llsh as a law tho Sawyer bill creating Tho work gonerally Is complied to a Btato racing commission and legal moot tho wants of tho business com-jlzlug tho Paris Mutual bettlnj, inunlty and la so thorough as to do- sorvo Its llboral patronage. I Doth tho Rrltlsh and German Prlco 19.00. Offices, Seattle, I armies aro studying methods for Portland, Spokano and Taconia, screening the movements of march- To record lion's egg laying cap- aoltlos two Now Yorkers havo pat ented u simple uost, loavlng which u I hen Is forcod ta mark a board with crayon attachod to n foot, different icolors beliii; used to distinguish dif ferent hens. I Times want ads bring results. ling troops and tho whereabouts of Have you tried Tho Times' want! stationary ones from aeroplano ads? i scouts. . . .AstkitMi tm f M m