THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915-EVENING EDITION. TWO COOS BAYTIMgJQ eHl M SPEED M. C. MAIAiSKV. IMItor mid Pub. DAN i:. MAMJXIIV, Sewn IMIlor Ilmiilnn Port C'oiiuiiIhIoii TaUt Ac tion to Stop KxvllnK Wlilch (h IhiitinKfne Klvcr llankn Hngiilatlon of the speed attained by boats which traverse tho river Entered at the iWfUe at M.h"- I UP l .mntt ?.' ' c LZ .J ftnlil. Oregon, for transmission , uanuun nom in mis .-n.- -.--. Official J'miht of C'ooi County Official J'npcr City of MnrelifleM. Address all communications to COOS IIAV IIAIIiV TIMKS. through tho mails as second-class mall matter. The speed which some of tho boats develope In their efforts to beat one another In time consumed In pas-( sage between liandon and Coqnllle has steadily Increased until It Is be- icome n problem. The wash from the HUllSCmi'TION ItATKS WAHiV. One yoar t6-'?' ler month 5U itMftlKl.l' IMII"1!!1. 1 .. ... I . I.... One year J 1.50 1 propeiiors anu paumu wm-eis uu- When paid strictly In advaneo theKers the banks and an ordinance was subsetlptlon pileo of the Coos llay , , t , od nt th(J port ,neCtltig to Konth.5 "" e8r r ' -h this matter. As originally . . . '.. proposed the ordinance limits river ' An Independent Itepubllcan nows- currorg to a speed of ten miles peri paper, published every oveolng ox- honr rMn ,mt 0, gpcC(, , mhicct Tlfe fw ?"' TI,Zl'ui,IM.I..c Co. , to revision and may be changed some ; - ' In tho final paBsngo but the port O igeoms dotormlned to take some action r cattiiim: i.m.kt hkhvikkh ,of th0 klnt ' Tl10 cotnmlsslonurs nlso appro- Ijlst Sunday In place of the reg- printed f.6,000 for piles to be driven tilar morning aervlc', the children go as to strengthen tho banks be of the Utiltoil Hrotharn Sunday i tween naudon and Couullle. School of CatchhiK Inlet, itave an j fho gap on tho north sldo of tho Banter program with Mr. J. 1. ijotty will alxo receive attention from 1'arkor In charge. TIip hark of the . tho commission. A call has been ask. rostrum was a solid maw of wood ed for bids for this work. land greens with the sentence "Thoj I.urd is union manning uiu in nu"i i i letters. The altar was wiverod witli fragrant apple hlooin and lilies, While wlillo butterflies wero sus potitled from tho colling. After tho Hcrlpturo roadlug by tho psstor, J. I. Parker, there were songs, rec itations, dialogiios mill solos and nt the last, several beautiful tab leaux. Tho churrh was crowded with an appreciative audience. The following program was alvan: First stansa "All Hall the 1'owor of Jesus' Name." Scripture reading Pastor J'rnyer Pastor Song. "KaBler Itoy." Hocltatlon Oren Parker Hoc. "The Transformation." . . . Wllus SiHlthgall Hoc. "Kastor Morning." Klla Johnson Hoc. "Kaater'ii Illrth." Kdltk Johnson Solo. "Mr. Itobln.". .Kllsablh lloss Kastor lSxerclse Six boys Hi. "What Master Means." . . . Oslo Jueksen Song. "This Is Josms' Day." Kaitor Dialogue ..Aruo dish mid Hdllh Johnson Hoc. "For Hester.".. Nettle Smith "Kastor TIUIaKS." Gladys Collver and Millard Song. "The I. Song. "Christ WATERFRONT NEWS I V. 1). Ilutlcr, of the K. S. Ixop Lumber Company, and Captain V A. Perry, formerly master sit vessels oporatcd by the Simpson Interests of Coos Hay, have ombarked In the stevedoring business nt Portland. Tie government dredge Colonel! P. 8. Mlchlo motod from the North wost Sleol Cbmpany's dock last eve ning to tho plant of tho Willamette Iron & Steel Works, whore the al terations being made to her will be completed. Telegram In the cargo of the Hrltlsh steam er llazol Dollar, which loaded at Marshflold for Kobe, was a con signment of 3272 bales, or 1, 220,000 poundB, of wood pulp, valued at $2J,18. Her manifest has been re ceived at tho Portland custom house. Tologram. That she may bo overhauled from stem to stem and truck to keel tho gasoline schoner Hustler this morn ing wont on tho ways at the Kruso and Hanks yards In North llend. She will bo repaired nnd repainted before again entering into the Hogue Hlver run. With miscellaneous freight, the Red Top Fisk Bicycle Tires $2.?5 $3.10 FISK TIRES Ford and Buick Agency Complete Stock Ford parts and accessories FORD SPECIAL CYLINDER OIL FOR REAL SERVICE AND BIG MILEAGE ifttin:iiitsT .V KI.NfiN COMMENT OX X1!V TlltKS. The Gorst & King auto line, operating clghteit .am. hae ul sine April 1st, 1114. t'2 FISK TIHKs! Sng this ,L three replacements ,.,. made FISK TIKU always rfjj -jr. -""J gu.rAnteed and very frequently go SO00 .les. We have had any MjuNN mm. all jjrt on nea.y cars ami In the very hardet kind of service. We hare tried ot eight other wakos of flm and ,re glad to reeonunend FISK TIHBS." Slgswl. (SOK8T k KING. . A few retoraa FISK TIHBS tnken from Gorw ft King a tire rewrU book: Serial Number iHlos of FISK TIHK. " M 3CSC60 !0 mttea K SI 193 - SflOO miles M S7S89S ... 500 miles M 3I26C2 , 7C00 willos M 3224S2 7100 miles Xo iH'til to pay more tlmn FISK PHICI1S. Plain Tmul. Serial Niiwlwr Mlleag of FISK TIRH. ,lMn M tflfMS 7M6 m,,e M 3J47li ...., M ro,'w K Sta se0 mllw k mi !!!.'!.!"!.'!. - ; K $211 ...: : 640fl m Hotter uliies .!. not M. I " Hipm. prices. X. ... CM I.. It.-.t Toil TlllK't. .iiii-riMiu ' - 30x3 30x3 J -2 32x3 -2 34x3 -2 34x4 36x4 J -2 BUY FISK $ 9.00 . n.6o 13.35 14.90 19.40 27.35 $ 9.45 12.20 14.00 15.65 20.35 29.70 THE (l.(M)O Mllci (Sunnuiteoo.) $11.35 13.40 15.40 22.40 31.60 $2.35 2.70 2.30 2.95 4.00 5.20 BUY FISK Fisk Service Gunnery Fisk Service Fisk Distributors Southwestern Oregon. GORST & KING GARAGE, KIME & VON PEGERT, S. G. WHITSETT, North Bend Agents. Coquille Agents. Bandon Agent. BI FLHIAGAN I BENNETT OLDKST BANK IX COOS COC.VTT Established 18S9, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 latrrtvt Paid o Ttiw Itpotj Offlcn: J. W. Ilcnnett, President. J. 11 Flanagan, Vlrr-Prr.Mft. 1U F. William, CVxlikr. i:ri P llu.1, . ",'"r""T, Jm. f, Smile ! ji Tho world take off Its Imt (a th mm 1UismS, It tuniM tho roM OiohIiIw to iIm ImhiKtiul ht w sour nt n iHinflti. Mil lof ihr ma wtlh Vvu luiigli. He li otir friend. Ili my ivWf f! wlilili o jrii, anil mivis hr m hli tbtnnj fhoiililers. 1 tn t jon sjj- "It's hard t. n w men n slrklj grtn wlirn )H'r ln 1,.1, uk m ngitlust llie mid old uoilil." i Mill cttv Uh r Miu. HerT'' the miiki!- . Start a ImmI rroi t j our first rnrulugi. Add to It. rWm th Mlj hnblt. Wall It tho arcouut grow. T1k mll. tttn p wftli It. It U no troulilf at all to l.utfi !,,, Iine liioiiry In tln bank. FIRST MATIOHAL BHIK OF COOS BAY Sofcty Deposit Boxes For Tlcnt. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA gaollnu schooner Hoamer la today , Suonaril. reaily for aoa. bouml for Qardlnor Kin of Katr Day.", and Florence. Aroae." This morning tko Oeorgo W. Kt-, . ... Cengrg4itloc dor rroHitnl In from Portland bring- "Chrlil nHd th Angela".. Six glrli Ing 67 puMcngura nnd will leave down at C i. in. for Kuruka. At 1 a. in. the Hroakwator left her llp and down tku" Hay bound tor, Portland. For lumber tho Btoam schooner Yellowstone, of the Saye and Iloyt line, rroiwed In at S a. m., and will be here probably until Wedut day loading lumbtt at North Uend ' for San Francisco. I ! Pictures & Framing Walker Studio ' : i X WESTERN LOAN AND J t BUILDING CO. ? X J t Assets $2,340,000.00 X I I Pays 8 per cent on savings I I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. X X Local Treasurer X MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y BENNETT TRUST CO.' MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus ant! undivided proflU ,., IIII.M1 OFK1CEH8; J. W. Ilcnnett, President Arthur MrKtovs, Sx!j Tom T. Ilcnnett, Vlco President IttantU Bati, Trme Transacts a trust buslnoss only. Arts as ttuitMof fiptvi and also as czcoutor and administrator ef titstri. TttcffM Company In Oregon outside of PortUnd orktsli4 itftrmM law In thla state. COOS IIAV TIIS WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS nrv an riMvniir-MixiTi: WAK map wmi.i: thi: SUPPLY liASTS XOItTH IIILVI) I'l'III.It? I.IIIUAUV Amoag the good thtngn rcted nt tha North l)nd public library this ueok U ' Pnarod." written by llaeth-TarkingtON and itOMtMt to the1 Horary by Mr. 0a. llasr. Critical hare praNounccU "PNrod" tae greateat boy story sJhc Mark Twain's j "Tow Sawyer." 1.U Turn Aawyarj Hen Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend AT THE HOTELS t i-nrwi m WH "7 "r mj. i i cliamller Hotel. Is a story Mit hoya for grow.a Ku c JJB Portland; K. F Fur to read. Krary teachar of hoya aBdirsr jKaniaad; Mabel Hansen, Port or) jKir-nt alHWld read Penrod H'talld. JollH Tonpls. Portland, J L onler la btwr uMtanrtaad the! Aa'M UIU w,(e conultle. Georg II charxe. cowmKted to their n. Any-1 KwMtan m wfe uaalHg. Mkh . o who carefully raads Paarod mo I a K MaltoiU. Sh Pranclaco; O. la aaa taauincaa b carried back In i coolhangh, SH Francisco; F. K Ds wviaory to hU iwn youth aad thr'9n( Jutland; W. S. MtUtw. by hava a brotborly aywwiay with porti; M. R. I.kly, Allagaay. childhood, parttculartr ih boyhood j T ciaw, uw. Sawael durtag thai tryiM vtoi from u ,4allUo-0- jskUimI; Charles W. I A year, what a boy waata lo b lot 0rBUia. 4a a Frcmelsco; W. J Kat alowo to load hhi oa III, to taot ,to elyudt j. s. gth aad law Ma own power, to ork out hi oa My c4r ipot; Joseph Fyfe. Jr . foiratioa. la a word to flaa hlawoit tal fTawejN)t j. . MarUa. Xorth a aurtlo. poiat toward wool ho tm. y Q Hiadrth. .VorU wd. aspire to bcoa to asaobood. whh- w M khUt. Xofth lalot; 2aa out th traonMlUu. thoogb ottaBwaaa jrasad' M. J. O'Coaaor. aosHMtary. aolptal ad aoodtaD fortuad; iao U-ach. IortUad. Uiflaea of paroaul aatberily or K i McDoagal. Portfaad. ewlal cwavoaitoa. Mod Poarod U St uw NI. Too aaro bk aao so. o IU fbol' )maa Baaor. Wagaar; AUco Ail rovald for yoor troMo. j,,,, Ho-rt: Or- U K KlU, Otbor boou roortted loot woak ay' vm. R. ftlcaarda. Saaiaor. C. P. Ms library sr "A Xo ahad ' Ooloaaa. Tea MU. W H. Kaode. Hum: by ry WUbuu, Jadtfa'tagoor; w M MWor aad 1ro. Wi UarabaaVi dabior. oao t tJM m; Ooora B Preotoa.. Saiwaor: Psaay booaa; "Tb Woatoraor." by rUm proasaa. Saasaor; Mw- Joa IstMrt Edward WbHo. OwmMt ala Coabagao. Saausor; B- K. faUU4 Xalcbborv" by AUoo toa; "Maw tad lro .harthwd. Xadrr Oroar. Isrtahor aad too Lady ol tao iaaojM.' Batata, by Krodortca laaaai ! uj rtrt, Tata ory by Kroaoricfc laaaai b)' Toai Htllawa. South. JMala porbApa tao aMOt roavaattc of bU JacKoaaa. Panbuad. aaaiaal X lonos aivonac ataca la iboaso aad na, Portlaad. C KorataMt Xaoab rylo ol aoart Barr UrCauaooa load; WlDsa Mrto btb a ajw ao Itawr Monb TXoa. X. J wMh lovoia of laaisan m4 dartac Rlwr. C A, Wailo. SaoAoM. P Utt. advoatoro Tbo optrtt of b ttaoy.dar. taataor; K- O- tastao, Co4 ll inlaw aad V Btor. )Uta MKlora. Porifoad. th UMdoa MMMiat d Tao Db aa MUlor. PortUad. Ha4u bA laajfaT aaoa iddad bt liUa r. Ibo aMpuUao iwaawlfUbn Mat Tao . j Moliaw Com Kivor ladlaosMr to kbafRr datad UM abttroa. UXaaaW. R, library a tao talaaair of lal - Mo . w T Wttsoa. XirUn fl aoftaakoi. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL . Phone 3171. Marshf ield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Service Lcwws Marlifleld at llusy Corner 10:00 A.m. 2:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. Irarca Xortli llnd 1.1 min ute lntrr Irareti Kmplre. 8:30 U:0 a.m. S: so p.m. T. J. HCAIFK A. II. UOIK31N8 s Mnrshfiplrl PA,NT AND iviarsniieia DCorating co. i:tlitutrs hHimlklicd 'Phone 140-1U Mlliflrld. Orrgnn o To"oVo ovoooooo oo I'Oll AMI TUANSFKIl KTOIIAfiK IIOL'SKIIOI.I) COOKS Freight a ml lUggagc. Call FKltt.lSOV TltAXSFHIl Phone lOSt. P.clilonre llione 1S-J. Market ave- and Waterfront TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: -:- has beta a hobby with us for a good iny years and a lot of our customers will tell you when It comes to gettlt g good, sound, durable framing material at the right price we know our bust ness. Just tell what you want to balld and tb amount you want to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil and figure out th beat your noney can buy. Try us. u C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. unTAiii HKPAimtKjrr CCT THK FUEL UIUj 1 TWO III U.SIXO OCK WOOII PHOVK 100. 183 KnlTII imnADWAT INTER-OCEAN THAWSPDRTATIQMtt Weekly Scrrlce Cooa lUy and San I'raarfw, STEAMSHIP il 1 Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays. I'HO.M MAIISIII'lltl.ll, NATl'IIHAl. U'llll 10. AX t l Kan FrancUco Office, BOO Fllo llulldlug, aad rv : Cooa Bnv Aecut. C. P. rcGEoituE. ?hm H o ,.-- .. r OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAVE MONEY by ordering tho raraoaa HENRYVILLE COAL Nut toaU pr tea . ....... .91.00 Lussp Coal, nr too . . ...... W.00 Or halt ton of both .13.00 ' H. MfSSO.V, Prop.' Ptiooe 1H-J or leave order at IHllycr's Cigar Store. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS, NUtrt aaj Day. ItlWl tf. .Gt'MJIi t lit I tltl.l'll. I)lll IlltS II U lKrK We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash. GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. Phone 31M-J. To Portland every Thursday ToEurito every Motfcf TIIK FAST AMI COMFOICTAIIU S S. Geo. W. Elder VirW'I.T Knirrii PArivir MTiiiimuiP (XX a k. McGKonni: aoilvt w f!' Phee. 4 4, Marshflald tt- II' r D WOOD Koontz Garage Aevy tor OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street Phone 180-J KQUU'1'U) WITH vrtrtKU- Steamship Breakwitef ALWATH OS TIM. MUM I'llOM IMtSliril J MIX) M i Hta J os thi: roi.ujuixj iuti u- i iT ' ,j Al'Illl. IS. AT - l . AI'UII. ! t .. r - f AT n.tMi , . AMI IflUDI I'tmil 1"' ' I a11 A. M. -A a AMI OAK oTItlim-N MMTI-U. PWo SJ. i It Wta " AT CAMPBaL'S W00DYARD Xertk roat KiroH, ttrt aro u a a. m. viii o.rr tao la I HUM Kftraat uaA at f rotroUr laaota K lOOK. Hot ,rMM. J V Moyaos. 'TWt4s rarUa4. Mr (( axa ao4 Ma. LaB. jr4va4 M J. Mubaai w TM- Wcaor. I Uo TaaM. i , rosat J x rraa Vnm Cooa W 1. Mr. J. J. S. XlUor. r. ftarttUMl Xoaay. ?t- MyrtW Cwoa Hio Ur J Kk OlllMKETa FtRE 1'LAO'C J. N, BAYLISS Asy K1o4 of BrUt Work at Prt Ttit Ar HI ii AJ ail Weak Oaartrl CaM at Ta- yV4U " JohCMO UUc. UT bto4 St. Phoat 4JI-J Prsxth Rsatto. Boliar Work Abstracts ron itKUAiiu: AiuTiucrsi of titu: a.u t.Fuiucnui ABOtTC COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See riTlE GUARANTEE I ABSTRACT CO., Inc MAltnUlILIJ) ami tOQllLU: C1TT. OltlMKIX GiyfKIULAOl-VTS, I V.VTSliK,AMiSIAUTltKl-.d AJIUmOX AGILYTS lull C IVUilAV I'AllFU IUIUIOAU 11M MKMtV aXJ!.TACKUX. MAKAOirH . ' Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams. RrirfnRt RnHrflnnc (WAafeJ O COMPLETE PLAMTS FOR HARBOR fVJ V.'ork Iht Dredge "Seattle" ttx bmav irorrfol. lt rt4ott I -ft' Coos Bnv offioA. Mat-! Marshf ieJd, Oregon. ( i.i - . ; . mflT ""i 'na?j!aWJda'rJa- r ' -"- - ..M ..rrT - "" aeJaa.-. t. , . ,