EIGHT 1x. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APPRIL 10, 1915 EVENING EDITION. f - Pm jr.. t (Continued from pape 2) IWnrrcn I)coy, Mm. SI. Jutstrotn, wvvvvwvvW Mm. W. II. Smith, Sirs. Nathan Cut- 4, . illp. Mm. L. I), gmlth, Mr. W. 0. 1 i:aAfllXMKT ANXOUXCI I .MorKan, Mrs. James Landrlth, Mrs.' .MI2NTH I j. j. Cllnkcnbcard, Misses Ada' Cllnkonbcard. Sirs. J K. Olilldcra. '. Sir. and .Mrs. A. A. 8lmpon of , Mr ,. h Doxtcr, Mrs. W. Richards, llunkor Hill have nnnounecd the on.MrB. R. ,,, cutlln. Mrs. mvld Hunch.! fcaffcmenl of their d.iiRhlor Florence Mri a. 8, 8inlth and M, vloyA f, . Knola to John 0. Vasoy, the wed- tu ' j .l . ..I. - t ... ...- ...... ........ I ming iu ibko pmcq m 1110 near Illliiro. , iMlss Simp ion who hag held a iosl-.. tlon In the loral rout offlro for tho 1 ,. ... .. ., LpaiL two jnim, roilgned a few days iB0 and It wag then that tho follow-. Tbe ,tU(ly of work nmonir ,ho era of Cupid hosnn nodding thor noproog under tho subject "A. Ulaek lioada In a knowing mnnnor. Sflo cloud of Witnesses" wna nhl- led lla one of Marahfleld'a popular young )y Mrg. Ci A gohlhrrdo. at tho focoplo and U surrounded by a largo! meeting of tho C. W. II. M., with SOCIAL OALUXDAR TUESDAY North Ilcnd Catholic Guild with McDonald. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Davis n llunkor Hill. Kastslde Ladles' Aid with Mrs. H. Itogcr Drinklcy. L. T. L. Hnnquct In Fin nish Hall. Ladles' Guild In Guild Hall Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. 8. J. Immel. WEDNESDAY Swedish Aid with Mra. Hjubeck. Klostcr Club with Mra. N. II. McMillan. Auction Urldge Club with Mrs. W. H. Kennedy. THURSDAY Alert Club with Mrs. W. II. l'lper. A. N W. Club with Mra. It. B. Irwin. FRIDAY Past Matrons with Mrs. n. 0. Flanagan. Norwegian Lutheran Y. I. t 8. In chapel parlors. Thlmblo Club with Mrs. 8. Jennlni;. llclous luncheon. Harry Schwartz The members present were: Mrs. II. Bergman, Mrs. L. F. Falkenstcln, Mrs. J. G. Horn, Mrs. A. E. War ren, Mra J. W. Mitchell. Mrs. Kane Mrs. Jccobson and the special guests Mrs. M. K. Temple, Mrs. E. A. Roe and Mra. Itnlph Parr. The club nas disbanded for tbe summer, this being the last meet ing. T CIIIIISTLVX SISTKKHOOI). ) LADIES' ART CLt'll Mra. It. H. Walter was a charm ing hostess yesterday afternoon at the regular weekly meeting of the Ladles' Art Club, tho house decora- Hnna lmfntr nt prnan. suit whit.. II. . .. lacs. Mrs. Walter had ns special A business meeting and sewing session was held last Tuesday after noon by tho Christian Sisterhood at the home of Mrs. J. W. Motley, and n special meeting Is called for next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. S. J. Immel for tho purpose of sewing car pet rags for the new church ball rugs. The ladlen out were: Mrs. J. C Jones, Mrs. E. L. Hopson, Mrs. A. W. Gregg, Mrs. W. A. Held, Mrs. D. C. McCaxty, Mrs. H. W. Painter, j Mr. Mattlo Dlaln, Mrs. J. W. Motley Mrs. n. A. Copple and Mrs. W. D. t'y.l' u-. .fl IhJ WltrVl W S";.VJ v,m lAUM St It&l 2W! I guests, Mrs. George Ayrc, Mrs. James I . i.i ... .. . .. . J 4- KWUDIHH LADIES' AID 1 Itolandson, Miss Hess Ayre, Mrs. J. 1 . w. .Miicneu ana jus Manic iang. . . tho last two helping serve appetlrlng I Tno ruiies' Aid o; the Swedish refreshments to tho following ladles: 1 Lutheran Church were guests last 'Mrs. Ayre, Mrs. Itolandson, Miss Wednesday afternoon at tho homo JAyre, Mrs. J. Illatt, Mrs. A. S. of Mrs. Oren. The time was passed I lllanchard, Mrs. W. H. Curtis, Mrs. ' socially ta ronversatlon and sewing Jas. Cowan, Sirs. Olivia Edman, Mrs. and a tempting luncheon waa served F. M. Flye, Mrs. AV. H. Foley, Sirs, to Mrs. L. Stone, Mrs. C. J. L. F. Falkenstcln, Mrs W. B. Hoag-! Hlllstrom. Mrs Eric Johnson, lloyal Auction IJrldgs Club ,n'. Mrs. Lydla Unc, .Mrs. Chas. ,Mrs. Ito-liort Myren, Mrs. J. Uack- Lndlcs' Art Club with Mrs. clrclo of friends and acquaintances. Mra. n. c. McCarty last Tuesday af. with Mrs. C. F. McKnleht. ' Chapolle, Mrs. E A. SIcArthur, I mn, Sirs. G. Gllbertson, Mrs. A. .Mrs. .Nols Itasmusten, .Mrs. Iloss utorganf, Mrs. V. Ogren, Sirs. II. Smith, Sirs. F. L. Sumner, Sirs. IvyiB- Coffin, Sirs. A. Carlson, Sirs. BATUItDAY Condron, Sirs. Charles Fcnslcr, and Alfred Stora, Mra. L. Irscn, Sirs. D. SI. C. evening party ' Sirs. Henry Hoock. During the after-! A. Sandqulst, Slra. J. Hlllstrom, Sirs. with Sir. and Slra. Henry .noon Sllss Ayrc favored tho gucsU J- Ontnt. Sirs. H. Ostllnd, Sirs. Kern. . with several very nrcttv Tocal selec- lOIhla Edman, Sirs. W. Ostllnd, T- .. -.. r. vasoy. son of .Mr. and Mrs. J. tornonn. T, Vascy of Hall Avenue Is nlsol Interesting thoughts on tho study John A. Illatt wen known In Mirshflcld. Ho rcprc-wcr presented In n paper by Sirs. aBta tho Iteservo Loan IJfo Insur-i W. A. Held. Sirs. Samuel Oregc aura Comtunr of Indiana. ctvo n xnlendM talk nn i)i nrV ' ' - I Jirnnnir thn vnunif nmrn tn ml A Tho engagement of Miss lUtirn woineri In tho South and Sirs. II. ' KriMo to w J. Conrad wi announcj A. Coppln's paper told of "Children with Mr. and Mrs. Sloestrllnr. meet with Sirs. J. A. Illatt M this week by Mr. and Mrs. IC. V.' In the Orient." Sirs. II. W. Painter 4 Krum Thn weitillni' lll lain iiIhpm I allul tfiiil it Vnrv Imlrnrtlvn uttnnr I. -w ... , - , . , ... . .. ..w.. .. ,...,..... After the program, Mra. SlrCarty. ( rrrfttj an niri(ing mnoneon 10 . iuifriiik- i I ' ' the following: Slra C A. Bchlbrede, lJit evpnlng ' Hhls summer Sllis Kruno whoso homo I In North ilend. Is prominent In octal circles and hag won many friends and acquaintance by her attractive manners and aunny ril wiltlon. Mr. Conrad Is a prominent iroung (Minium man of Marshflald id la popular In aoelal olrclM. Prlscllla evening party tlons. Next Friday, tho ladles will f Mr, Elward Erlckson, Sirs, David cison and the Silases: Lena Lund, I Slay Myren, Selmn Edwards, Stella I Grant, Edna Asplund, Emma Sonne, 'son, Hannah Johnson, .Margaret J KnrdoH and Itcv. Hcngston and Sir j I I I'lllLATIIKA ELECTION Young Men's Hats! THAT'S our business and the whole story. For just so long as a man can feel the difference in hats, he can look the calendar square in the eye and tell it to mind its own business! Spring Stetsons Now Soft hats Stiff hate and the Self-conforming Derby with tho feather-weight and elasticity that conforms to your head without breaking-in. Take a few minutes today, and get your Spring Stetson. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Money Talks SMiMliflrld, llnnclon, Myrtle Point Sirs. H. J. Immol. Sirs. Samuel Or. Sirs. A. W. Gregg, .Mrs. K. I- Hopion, Mra. K. A. MoDuffeo, laMTItlt DI.V.VHU Last evening at tho Haptlsl.Orcn. ohurrh parlors, tho Phllathea so-1 Thn Aid will meet tho first week Stay with Sirs. J. Ilackman and C. Satin ns hostessea. or. Mr It. A. Conn o. Mrs. W. A. """ " " J " "'"" .i, fnliowinr- rMl.it.. " H4d. Mrs. It . Corey. Mra. Wilson '"er Charln was hoit, to nineteen j ,,,,,,. ,,,, .,, i W. II. M. C. and baby. Mr. C. S. Hoffman .i.rf ,,,,l frlencls, who showered him with ,,. .,., ,,...u .... ...u.. I Ike shlMren present were: Warren ""Vfu J'0,h tt'?tu" p,n"r ! Beorefyy '.','l.oulso Thompson w union iiimii. kuiii nopson. Allen w"' ""' - ' wmi.u nuu.a rrcaimror Yesterday being the eighth birth-" , ' , ', ; . " , 1. ., ' , .... . , 4. ... .. icloty met and transacted their reg- 'n SI , dsy of Mailer Charles Vasey of Hall . .. . ,u.f, r . ( .-..., .. ... , ........,..- ."- t ........ n .. .imm Mra. W. II. Cei. Mrs. II. W. Paint- "'""" ""7- u" "" 7 orenrred the election of officer, with or. Mr It. A. Copplo. Mra. W. A. ,,h, " e ,,r ' t,wfrh the following result.. ' The third chapter of "The Child CFt Mr. j, UoM, Mrs J La Chap-' eg rni, prtfilMlAR a nry prutty " fer little Hobble Vasey whoso birth Slyrl Cox, Velma Iloss. ... n-.l- ll.l.... in Inspiration of an Mceptlonally gooj ,,. ,..n.en ,, .,v. I)0, .. I", "'" """-- '7. Mm,, ..I...-I-.. m., ' ., Hansen, sirs. Alva uoii. Mrs. will gto a miscellaneous pretrsa .. .. . In tho Midst" With thn Subiert "The .11. ....... Mr. and Mra Clad P1r f HmtU I MtDuIfrc, lllaneho Copplo, Uvlna e enjoyed by the children until n "y, Cot ,hn'' at n'1 ' Wurk" "-0oVney Mr. to Ml , ' 7 Itllfr Knlnrt.lnivJ al .tlnnAr lul .ul n...il. i.i.... ..... .-...- I SO n'eliwl, wlin whnl...mn. I.lrlh. ' ' "r 'Myr' LOX ..... . . UOSncy, .Mr.. Geo. WatKtns, Mrs. , Ml nda). lavltg as thrtr feuo.ta. Mr 'Orwe. day luncheon wa. servrd by Mr.. J. I.J ". ' ' . s.r" 'n",e for. dra. K.T Tlmraii, Mr. aad Mrs.! The nut meeting will b the T Vasey KssUted by Mrs. C. Holmes ,,"r ' K' C" ,n ",0 n"r ru- It. Piper. Ml JeaHetto Nowlln nrt TnwHlay In Slay with Sirs B. nl ! A.J. Hobertson. .. ,. , nd Will Piper. White dog wod A. MaDuIfe, There Here to birthday cake.' , ', ..' " 1"'T. "c" .1 u,l ir.,f,...Jr iu .ib-mii..- it. a s. win. ....1 -.1 -.n.ii-. .1.- t """' "' memoera present were: -. ,..-, w .,. .,w....v...n nl , ... "..II .. n..i, n ... v. ..,.. .Mi; .tfiMliil ..i.. . II.. ....... . .... niw EXTKKTAINMEXT it . T. i Wr 1 , r l , " " MyB0"' M"- " "' ,,fttfbott-.al to M. E. Church. North IKad. afternoon under the leadership of T vil " Z ,1 i' VSS6 M,H,W - - . w . - .. .t. .... -,. .-u..v . MV ,. 4-, lMMIt.- illU. feet. I VOIITII IIIIMi (Hlll.h I ,,.y (K.ouri( la Jun ,,lU who w, nol Jj" '. WW Ilonrbr.l.e, Mr. A. 7.. Downs The program follows: - be In Starshfleld at that time to Krante. Ung. Miriam Wright. Mary 1'a',or- "Tho Chlw Wr." K.IMM(H' ri.PH hl.SIt. I .. A all AmV 1.1H of 111. Ilaln, Ww Club waa bold at Ilia olub boure "''""' Mr. JimnlHg. olfer l t Thurt under la. ..,!. i. ,H " ana wltl laki. Friday V... ... .... .. ... . as thn day Im tttakn uurahk .uJ . vi wip 11 ik iftMV. sir. 1 -' -- .. Tlw North nd Altar Rulld met cei,i.r,,. Th. ,a.lhllll( ' ,. .' 1 MrArthur. Ituth MoUughltn, Star .t THursda, at the horn of Mr. !f, J? ?,. ., ' -T.l 7 S, "' i" r-lr and V SteMahon. ford. Juu MeUughlln. frothy, .J"! "1, r-l-r mr,lnB will bo Murphy. Oa.hryn Itudluff. Dorothy' th "m lrUUr ,n 5Ujf' llalne. (Jlenda Abbott. Marsaret Itobertkon anit Mulnra. lnl li... ' --- . -. - --. n. ...... Ill I. II lUrtltt. The lIIa bavn dllr,J to take Mr. A. V. Ilassford Paper "Chlneso and Japanese Carrie Ross. Alice Tlckell. Reverends, U II. Stclnhoff, 0. L. Hall. A. F.SOMirTHIXnjXKW IX IMtKsKHlK. n.Mford and Slasters Muster Cos- 1X0 Pator fMl. Curt.. Ne. Wm. Da.hney. ' VMMV AmilLVOX SHU'IXCI a. -- .. kUA.fl.a ! .. . .. , Smith. Mr. B II. OutllM. and Mr. 'T "- . "w": 'w,." Hverelt H.rrln.,on ai,. W.hh-V A Udlll lmrM " Fe M flay. ... .... ,," . ' :.':";.''.". TB Sorlh Hend Friday Club met I HUI Uilttf ..wimwm .!.., Il(iir HHIHIBIIl, I.ltfj-U . ..,., ... . , Iiurlag tb mrntM Uw. tlH TL?!' . .. n. .aha iiii. Ahi.. fBr 0!,, 'rnoon of .rwlng at lea btulej thMHM.f. Mk Utr T! .".. L "'' )"r ' ' ' " the home of Mr.. I II turtle ye.ter- tubrOdrt TK al wUh isafw T WTO " '"W""1 r ' ;Uay afteraoon and er entertained n t'hat. a lef 4.r Urn awri . T' . . j' roow madt very raarwlr.g with ' " raw I'HWH , a Httty arraageraetit or tulips. Tlw'.,. Mi IVwaf 1 1 Hit l1iril.l4X 01.1'n Un . R Koanedy wM prent wwrr Mrs. A. HL Monen , ., ,u, M, -- -r, w.Hnr IWH. . ww M.H ar II. it, U ,B U .flfrnoH ,h hettM, evrry t1 Ktr amw.Mfw I At l.trali, tlM b4ii( MTt txiuntifHi cMiikMn 4MHHM-. tM tlasV fa folK k a iHaHrwu. maMw ney and Kverett Harrington. If you ant to make your ewt Th IrlM 1.111 &.. .Mil. .. I .m- .... .. m.l tnnM. I..V ...... Children- ...Mr.. H. II. Patehett .,"... ... " ' '" "i""- "u "u ""' . --. -w .... M iruuvunjr in .May; me piace u to roe. i win cut ana iu it sat ll be announced later. show you what to do. you s bm i my machine and Just as few dajrs u .you like all for 11.00 per dty Ycir i chanra to get your drwa tie?. IXI'OUMAL CHAT, JwiLLKV, over Norton t !Laa'i . Phmm 1C9J. f African Children Sirs. John La Chapelto Paper "Persian Children" , Mm. D. D. Ilosn Paper "Children At Work In Atuer- j lea" Str. F. II. Dreuer.1 pa(r -tier man Calldren" t .. . ... ... Slls. Ruth Matthews left tedav I ir. j. rwrocaraiiiga . ' VoJ Duet Mra. Geo. W.tkln. and '"nn ,8'B,)h, f0.r ,ero, MU. Alice Tlakell. , A ,U W,,h Ul"n'1' U IIork-. X ley. Qallfomla. NtlllTJI HKMi M.'WS P.prr "Children ef Italy" Sir.. Geo. Watkto. ' ItroltatloB "Th rrv r ih. ,ii.i. Mr smt Sir.. Adi4MMraor aad mu. r.rw- v ha.- IMrii miaraod LM wek on the I Ceo. StwHU and Wtle wa ir 8hI mna mlKht b m,de ' A"'ll ' a sevtiral week.' visit , KU Thurwl.y of Mrs. I Jia- Mm. Robert SlrCsna aM Mr E, bit Urn iwi. J-iT-II. Th "' "w "r NUwda !! Hv4.aay ve-'Mrtra rr trWuinr rWrr.hw.nt. 8H mentlaa mlKh( b made a7B, ', c,rr, visit , IfuwU Thurrta, Uatrr " '.JlJ:41'4' , V '' ,HWl4W W" ri I J Unden'. Mr. in Col " - Clur.II. .lace beth of U '"' - h- home. lnT TM. (.. Mm. Dmima Taii tm m.. tfari. .-'. . .... ih 1..11.. i.. . .-..- ....... .... f North Ilend r1.lt .. ... - M AA. . .& . . - -.-, aiMH Miivsh, lw MmM Ilk Vi il Wttl taL-W . 1 --- - """ MW, M ... . -n an lum lii. Uim 1 If fMMMS Mr J i OMH<MU M. . - . . 1. 7 - --- w w-w m ik .axaHBBadLka W UlaftaM. U. M.a.... aw- 4 Mr, U Mk, ZZ Jl "" " U,j. .ii. . . . ... . . " " " "" " '- 'i"r ..w ........ u... iHt bm,, IMn4f . Mr. M.WMB. m J TMrwi- Mwrtk SM. IMin4i . Tft.m wir KMSiy 4.frrate f. .. .j i .. .. .. ... the ladtea hat. rwatlr tlli.l ik rkyr. Mia. J haea a. M as Maui ed4 naea. kL w. .k ''.. .. bewr of th. ahlldrcn tker luia HatiaWkiaa frld( were bl.asM - . wni. bi urtn mx Ub- Dodeoq aad sa rt North llend r1ltor. Tharsday HawiM 4ki M I, It , I M.. H, KM nm lt ., ,. -w. . . 'J KLm. L.. m u u - " "" wi nr -.". i ... ww mrm n a, - - w- .. . . .a. . . . ua fnw aira H . MIW SI t , MH tllllt-MAV tt,ni DAXCK , rWs I.M'tlltIAI. HVItM.NO tfttax. AprM 2 3rd -t-i auitiHss eixm aMMrHi .v L. With an area kjwiI t taat C I lI, two lilira Ol II inmm, - creo haa les. tbaa tea pr r.t Iu It SKHtwi. Mm.1 Ther k . oibk .f U.t..,. ,j.r klt..4fta. .. ....iaf aa4 Illustrated tkHr talk wKh4 Ma. MaatH. 8f, . WfJaw4.y r-it. ah Htb llrWei .,,. i.. ..... ,,.. aorl-a of Ulffewat wrt.. TMr bear. " u Mr - Mrt. L. R &j. c ...aw )a.b - ----.- .ra -. - THTwa. ' . --. -.-. ...... unn nan ipiia edati irn dby rrn wt a. t Uara mf of bm f.r- mmi Mn Rfta for- eru ine ia JttfcftM. They have Weiaki mt H.rLaa. ""' "-" aae than 4mii. la i avltn IB M, M I. a4. afteT-hleli K 7 p. luL "" ' W" ',""',, UMte tTUMm- KJYFrOKS V nKV t!P "" MtuiK (AeiOii Lnri rA..JK?y-a "-""j- "" u Jf r:zi . .J" i M J? LLLsaV-V V.aaB f aT f V yT J f s X Ott lritiAa- IFMsaflB A l )i. a . iWMaf iUaw4y sa . , Itn at U. W-m. m Hk a p-rit . ."!:" ,": IMMmi HteMkaMi. .u uni ' 4.Bakaa ,. """" ""' umi fM uk. i...-. ... . ... .. . - - . . .v .. i J'ry xi Tr . ... . . , .-.-.,. .m m, Mr i ia ia rMiita - lf. Imiu Ha, t..w a4 Mr. c !. V F It .. r' AM '- fat.1 - .k .. .... JUMU Uk ,t w . ... . .... . --..- - " r-flpimBl .b -. . . . .w f ,w nwt re Te bc ).. - warU. ""-'-- - -. M vf4 w-- th Mto Vtaa U4. , m w M tat Mim4 al .IMhullaiHMM xotcru HUM Alt fci. IJIUli CttAI Ttw kt4 ttH M' Hum W: rwtlV rtvr r- 4W u, ..i "'"y " " w - Mr a4 M. F U raai-i ' n. - - UMBkk M .a k r MMMTUMbMl w4sssbm aAaiBBtai m f Mft C 4 .. t IM MS . MMB4J MMk bb4 b pj. a i un T aa TWawtj lHrt. ItajB, , . ,. 9tm Hr It M I a.. Ma W . aVBtSBN MsOkMk. BBS.. r KMMa Mb. I MiH. Mm. ' ft Mbb1b Mm. bibbi Mm m mam Maw E H.., Hmv 4 mbm vm1 ., m aaB4 a tnv " " " ' --w.-w JL w ' X THE OTHER KIND 9 aaav ja-g- laL l f -a-lBBi Hi hn ii" ... viisjs MVK CLASS13S CHURCH BENEFIT SALE foginnins Monday, April 12th APRM IZttr Mtftday. Uttd rktUvtai. APRH. I30i Tututoy. MeUwycSjt Chat APRIL t4lh-Wkto. Clirttliaji Gi&rtk. APRJt 16iv-Priday. Eiwpa! Ccnah. APRIL 19VirMMtoy. 5iA Oast. APRIL 2CWrTti4i4a Bait afe. Tit, wait ad rtas rrtiu. Dddbe Brothers MOTOR CAR A t 4 !i Bma4 iV-? - Ih4 $900 . 4- "T- 10 per cm! ol alt cash purchases wili b given to the churches oa thtse days S. S. JENNINGS NORTH BEND ""a. iian . M.a Byaak TCSBf fc nan .a. a a. (Baa RED CROSS I RED CROSS ONtCAi WBrn aanc hom GOODRUM'S GARAGJt re . . Waaaa .., i, a. ,,'VUAt1Xr iHa. i Prt