JHftai hAffcfJtJtfrS HOME AM) TTAttM MAGAZIKT3 SECTION 'timzs 7 ,0n Quality Tc Desired fclH-vv-.- Crescent Baking Powder oond en br -vour eroccr ESCEST MANUFACTURING Seattle, Washington r. afJI iiHH III 1 fOOD TANKS m Water, OIL Wine. Minlnc IDu Wiulgv' inoa lor Irrigation, Cllr Sj-- Itoi, lltilnff Power 1'lanU. acificTank&PipeCo. ri Oak Mrrel. Portland, Or. RAG SAWS Jffltf m& r&. : ', . tlE PW4g RiiKfsirc&pflaata Ijour wool "with n VniiKhn Port- iiinAu a, wciRtis only zv ku. Can be handled liy one limn rjtanmrn on any mini 01 grounu. Kftcurtd bj- the ltrniiv mot on woitics. HUilmnth St.. I'orlhinil, Or. Irilllf Alrrr 7S Mnrlon Slrnl. Vnit'all Ilracrlptluii Write l'. DROUTH 1 TlBF lall trt PAllIn maIiikk. . I l!ffP ff.ln. fj.f.fi !,. .l.l. IWilt. lb. ' "' '" " IKW' ,'''VKUIZKIt iuj mhttii BKft -..i.. ki. 7.1 . jtMint run, ivvoia L ,h.f JP11. the work of ra.lTt.TI I. aba ..... .. ... lu vitv irip, W.j mora Iniplrmvnla aarea '.,'" ,rlp' ov,r ,h0 Plowed Prtfrann Mf. Co., 11D Hirer t., Krnt, Ohio. T.17Q -TRADE UEaU Your F&rm fLVDS OF HOl'SES TO TRADE tOH FARMS. T. J. LONG W Building, Portland, Oregon. News 3sTotcs of Northwest Tlnln TJrok. Drouth. UAKER, Or. One inch ot rain foil Intro today, bronklhg tlio threatened drought and It assures splontlld crops In tho Bnkor Valley. The rain Is vorj vol. conio, dun to the rnct tlint there Is not ue much snow In flic mountain?, as usual. Urocolll Shipped. TtOSRBtma, Or. The first carload ot "brocolli shipped from Douglas County to Eastern markets has brought $8 per c.rato, or $10n0 por carload. Th0 price recolved Is von- satisfactory to the growers and the acreage will lie increased In this locality this year, at loast ten times what It was last year. FiimiUire Store Sold. ALBANY, Or. The lug furniture store of this city was sold to 11. C. Glrnrd, ot Montosano, Wash., The sale means the reopening of the plant on a largo rcale. This Is one ot the most Important Indus tries ot Albany, and the reopening ot this plant, together with other plants, now running, means that Albany will not be lacking In work for the unemployed men this Summer. Hope to Check l.roun Hot. VANCOUVER, Wash. D. 1 risher. of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the National Department of Industry, has been studying brown rot in this locality and" report, from experience, that tho evil effect ot brown rot will be cheeked this Summer and that the prune crop will be above normal. Chirm Pheasant Imported. DAYTON, Wash. One hundred and twenty young china pheasants have been received this week from Pennsylvania by the Columbia County Commission. The pheasants arrived in splendid shape and will be distributed throughout r-cveral districts In this county County ..ridge .Wurcd. SAND TOINT, Idaho It seems to he nn assured fact that the proposed county bridge across the Pond d'OrollIe Ulver wilt bo built this Summer and that It will tnke tho place of the ferry which has long been In use In this place. The bridge will be 110 feet long and will be of the best construction. Arrange to Ship ("hcrrlc.. WENATCHEE. Wash. It Is hoped that the cherry crop In Wenntchee Valloj will equal 100 to 125 tons ami arrange ments hnve already been made to ship them to the Oregon Packing Company of Portland. This Industry means much to this valley and ninny acres are being plunted. To 1 tu lid Rood 1 toads. LEWISTON, Idaho $100,000 has been provided by bonds for constructing seven nnd one-half miles ot hard-surface rond between Lewlston nnd surrounding orchard tracts. Tho contract Is being let to tho Warren Construction Company, of Portland . I'ropaiv Illg llnml Issue. I.EWISTON, Idaho.-Tho preliminary stops for n bond Issue ot $5,000,000 for extending tho Ncz Perce and Idaho road this year Into tho rich fanning section In Northwestern Idaho, were taken re cently. Hope Good Prune Year. DUNDEE, Or. Tho annual meeting of tho Dundee Fruit Growers' & Packers' Association met recently and repurt that that last year'o prune crop wns readily disposed of at n good figure. The stock holders expressed satisfaction ns to the year's results. Pruuo trees are heavily ladon with blossoms and u bumper crop Is assured for this year. Heavy Unln Helps Wheat. WALLA WALLA, Wash. Tho heaviest rnln In weeks fell today, overflowing the roads nnd thoroughly wetting the wheat fiold8 lu this district, making tho wheat crop In this locality nn nbgoluto certainty. To "Open New Section. MORTON, Wash. Tho Tnconin & Eastern branch of the C, M. & S. P. Rail road will build down tho Tllton River nnd connect at Morton with tho OnalnBkn Lumber Company road, about -'0 mile west of Morton. This will open up otio of tho Jlncst farming sections lu the Htnto. Dl-posos of Illg rami. PULLMAN, Wash. A. I). I.urkoo has disposed of his 480-acro farm west of Pullman to T. F. Lyons, of Walla Walla, for $80 per aero, making tho total price $38,400. Mr, Lyon expects to Improve tho farm In the near futuro and ninko It ono of tho finest In thnt section. Spraying for Lice on Stork, Using an ordlnnry hand sprayer, spray stock with UlackleaMO, ono tcaspoonfiil to each gallon of water plus whalo oil soap at tho rato of ono ounce to each gal Ion of spray. Apply thoroughly to all parts of tho Infested animal nnd repeat Boven days later to catch those forms which may have escaped In tho egg utato, say tho O. A. C. authorities. m m WFt A. ...i : fcw r:::: ':: -pjjar i-TflffTF8 "lA S3Bfi:iVYlX!flE Your Crop Returns Depend upon the size of the yield, nnd the yield is closely related to the productiveness of the soil. Keop your soil fertile and productive hy applying Beaver Brand Animal Fertilizer "A Fertilizer for Every Crop." It revives strength pives new life replenishes the soil with the necessary plant food to insure a largo, hoa.thy harvest. Whether yon rsloe RTIn, fruit or veKctRbl, NOW, while vour lurid li Idle, In the time' to revftallcc It Vlth trilb famous fertiliser- a Northwest rortlllvor mode In the Northwent hy the riONUion fertilizer rnnntifnciurer oC the Northwest. I Vrlller PonKlot P 4S 1-. Contiilnii Informmton of Vntne. Made by Union Meat Dump any. North Portland. Ore. rts ? tli S iiw" ""'. S ,.ln "T jfr.?' in.45A. . . K im I I l" H Mtaa I would not le ono cent I 11 ator thnt brings off a 100 i ii without knowinic it ru-oiiRUt 1 H cent ftronK, vltMlt -Vlsroroim I '. tSJJI Vroreror W. It. Orahnm. n -fUi. Airileiiltin-Al Oollesre 1-enort llV .. - -9r more moiiality In dry mi. " molut incubators , JUBILEE HATCHERY 1 M lIOI.nUOOK, Prop. 15 .len Mreet, I'ortland, Or. THE JUBILEE FOR QUALITY for an ln n- per cent hat- h on ip per clileka. of the Ontario a 6 per ci'nl machines than In the .ll'ltll.KK that waim, freh, molal ovyiren-laden atr flowlnit throuah the eior chamber brlnsra ehlcka that lhrl' and Krow to matuilty. Write for pnuk-ulars. lleay l.njrra. DAY OLD CHICKS Pacific Poultry Co. lteda, per tC .l.l.Oi Uocka, per 100 ih.00 White T.eRliorna, per 100 ,. 12.00 While Wynmtottea, per 100. ..... . is,oo 10S rnera Street, Seattle, Waalitaatnn. 1m atkl vtrr ara nviuiv II lb chl Va an ta ihmt and malar quI.IV COKFS rrt'" ur.l ntm aivi irern irwm w.x i i. v or pai. JC f r: oiifj. coN.rs wiitrr. durrhf RrJIlDT anaiii.1 iw tirrn in " dnnWlnr attr frwn lh Mart. It lll h'lr 11 b nr ronr tbkVa lkrrh liwlr aje an.t v, Sn.(i-fof CciVy' IVmtin IVwl vx tlc4Uia to ) M. TlliatCORHtCO, 131 Conl.r I1U. CUralaaa. O. Our Baby Chick Hatchery vlll atari January 1 I'laeo your order pow for etilelca fiom liluli bled I1ITI, I. i:d II O It N chk produce! n Home of our Mntn linxo a recotil ot 280 euR OntaloRiie nnd prlco on appllentlon ar aaiiB i aaaaaviar J fTfii ti fT i Iffai IB tl 1 1 lM Blilv I Ml1 1 1 i I! H "ww (rfftltri Ml fltWaa 11m IfllCMMtl PAIO K rttff lifM h-r, imrt lwmt mt rVM f !. f L MUn IncubaUr C-, Tlt df Wah(n4an ?il m WK ARK CASH 1IUYKKS FOR YOl'It FOULTRY, K(5(!H, VI5AL AND HOGS. NO COMMISSION. HlKheit l'rh'ea Always Try t. PArriJHKON ei CO., M l'miit Ntrrel, l'orilnml. Or. lleferen e Nortliirealern Nntlunnl Hunk, 4 1 nf i nir tossts jwnr rWNTtn 111 Al.H I" CattarH BlarVl5 ri- I" Lf LrlvIV iw.. rmd tnwr pft'wi iq t itr uvVm a biiH ttiay rro vrs, ImI vhrra Mbar viln-i rill. " m W'ttt NwaVrt r t"n- i!il. B T I . ! va, fiiafVli t'liiil'.m JLjA-4Xj& H m pVta. Blorklaa PHH 1M aa n fnir"f but V"la - btft Tin aupMlrttr ti'1 D'''', ' ' "t" " 7r ft arwlalliln la aaian 9 taniwa ab. in.1,1 PW l.llfT ,. 1! TinirT,in.i, ""ff' '' Till CUlTtR LASORATORY, IM1 ? '" MaaM3fA5j?H tr"m4 SSTk! .iisxsfjp.sirs iro5i 2.'T3 ', par. ". jmM K"TttW hW rSm&:KM:rJ mrturj, 'eaiinrm '-- "- !k- ' -''mM o I 1 iigiftF - iiiHMHMWBMBr1 i'l iiBiiiw I jiuajajajBfUaajaajajfajjajajajdjBaajaja ,, ittJ,mUiL41Li!