The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 10, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 5, Image 13

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    iiujim '. iwjw'Mw
f rt t
New Utility Art
- . furrnslnO.)
"ortb .liver and sold nro tho
"find" tones from Eastern
'"""sed I for settings.
a usca.Li.,nin the designs
lude?tSn,.t tlic r own Ideas as to
JorLJ although thoy may
ad colorl ngs, ' ny 80urcc,
If MP, n Mrod "I"111 l" 11C8,B-
ftslJ "Jim for the student Is
first Pr"T :ni,icrliiR copper, smco
L,i.e and soiay' '"..' . ,
B!fSidlhiU8. Watch
i10" and hatl'lns nro some 01
'""Mn'stonescttlng, sheet'
,PU o?buc1. problems as tho
i . t, cklcs, chains, ncck
! rn.5 ;,,1' racelets. Unit mujc-
.3MBia"- ,limisat.ant nnci iiii-
"n niilenis used In tho fnsk
it'" 8 ring, bracelets,
rf,aM After some skill Is uc
..tlc.,Ji Is allowed to work
r.hkh presents Its own peculiar
' .AcA metal In the making
i.DOimdcd meini ..,,
W-eTu n various mate
W0K5rl with tlio oxpnn-
I 111 DC IU"W""
"? J?P,"inimltnierct.rlc chloride
foVr agents arc used for color-
ir'., tho equipment tho more
Kit" lrr. i. i,t with tist
Stools a needle, flics, mal
ts,, small Piercing w Ho.
ind coarser, unu r...., i......,
; vise, Pliers, blowpipe, nlco-
ntflt.muca "it courso
rra j..irr,v b,, II.
"Jewelry, by II. uimiru ouuui,
S" I)' Augustus T. Ilosc,
LV&k and Btchlng," by John
,Uitford Inspiration for tho stu-
I i i. nnn.vnnr rnnrflf.
K' "i... f itm iinmont c Hclcnco
Kit is open to other students. '
R,j " SooT iii-
P' . i . t .. . ..till 1 mmln
bit Jewelry uiamiiK u .
tf tie Industrial arts courso now
a the college.
She Was Hoi ii In.
. - iii.i.i ntnl ...lift nrna
x iccosica a mm.- am "
r one of the fnshlonnuio now
its hcre she know tho rules
icefdlngly strict, und nftor somo
". ..,' ..i.i. "Ilniv la It vnii
EefltsT I thought thoy would
h cbtldren. now um juu b"v "
r replied tlio child, " I was born
lilcjico Keys.
Dlrft Vmm tlir Hill.
fcinl ii h your
4 umber bill for
M ll. ....... 1 n
...1111.1 IV , U
a III suvo you
jbout 30 pur
i in ami you
will isct first-
lllSH HOlo CtCll
imiterlul direct
from tlio Inr
eat mill In tlio
irtT.ti.oiiri: m:.t i'iti:i:
IcoBptete catalogue gives you
!;(itrn prices on nil liiillillnx
riiu. Our goods uro Kiiarun
ml we make nroinnt shlmm-nlu
iron ioi u m:i immii:
t different dwellliiirs In our
1 BOOK, Willi C.ltllimtt'll COHt,
iur iw
ltt I'ntf Slrc.l
fEATTI.K. lASir.
Seattle, Washington
t. I.... .
EB .'J""0?.' bulWlns. con-
k ViitrfS" ln""r and shop.
lti,?c.L Ju' newly fu.
fcMKS.?iBova,d' Uxcollont
. II A. . - ...WWW.UVO
wKt" "" """
uue and Union Street.
Mltlf, !VnuluBtou.
The Maximum Tire
Yet Price Reductions for Two Years Total 45
Since the bcfjinninri tltcre Iiave been two
policies on tires. One lias been to skimp tires
to make the price attractive. The other lias been
to secure lowest cost per mile.
Goodyear started many years ago to build the
best lire possible. We went to extremes. We
created a department of experts costinc $100,000
yearly just to find ways to build tires belter.
We created tho Fortified Tire.
That means a tire protected usainsl troublu in
five exclusive ways.
Theso features were costly. For n long time,
these Fortified Tires cost users one-fifth more
than other standard tires.
Jumped to the Top
Yet Goodyear tires, despite the price, became
tho largest-scllinff tires in world. They have re
mained so ever since.
Their success is nmnz
ins. Last year we sold
about one Goodyear tire
for every car in use. Yet
wc have a hundred rivals.
Then came price re
ductions. Multiplied output
brought down our cost.
Rubber and fabric also
i vO&S3'
came down. Within two years we made price
reductions totaling 45 per cent. Our last one
wa3 on February 1st.
Tires Never Skimped
Yet never in one item havo we skimped these
tires. Every year something has been added. And
we still are spending 5100,000 yearly to find ways
to better them.
They still excel in these ways:
In our No-RmvCut feature. In our "On-Air"
cure, which saves countless blowouts. That alone
costs us $1500 daily.
Wo form in each tire hundreds of large rubber
rivets to combat loose treads. In each tire base
wc vulcanize 126 braided piano wires to make
the tires secure. '
Ouranti-skid trend thcAll-Wcathei is made
double-thick and tough. That combats wear and
puncture, llic grips aro
sharp and resistless.
You need these proteo
tiom, nnd you ought to pet
them. They mean less trouble,
mora mileage, less expense.
Men all around you are enjoy,
ins these savings.' Ask them
what they mean.
This quality tire at today's
quantity price is tho Rreatest
value in Tiredom. Any dealer
will supply you.
Fortified Tires
Rlm-CuU by our Ko-nirn-Cut feature.
I Blowout,-by our "On-Air" cure.
Looio Trc.di-by many rubber rivets.
I Iniecuritr by 13 braided piano wires.
I'uDctur! and SUIddloi by our Uoublo
i thick All-Weather tread.
Makers of Goodyear "Tire Saver" Accessories; also Goodyear "Wing" Carriago Tires and Other Types
When Is Time to Plant the Garden?
soldiers on nctlvo service are even now
wearing paper shirts.
WIIRN is the proper time for pre
paring to plant one's garden?
The United States Department
of Agricultural specialist says that in
tho Spring as soon as the soil has dried
so that u handful when grasped in the
hand and gripped by the lingers wll
slowly fall apart upon being released, It
is in a fit mechanical condition to pre
pare for plantlug. Clay or lieavj tolls
should never bo worked while wet. Moro
injury may be dono by doing this than
enn be overcome In several years of care
ful culture.
When the tplljs found drj, as de
scribed above, the upper three Inches
should bo niado flue by the use of tho
hoo and steel-tooth rake; all rubbish,
stones and clods should bo removed und
tho surface mado even, somewhat com
pact, and as lovel as the couutour of tho
area will permit. It may then be marked
off for planting In conformity to the gen
oral plan of tho garden.
Much ofjlie soil in the average back
yard is not only poor lu plant food nnd
deficient lu decaying vegetable matter,
but It Is hard nnd unyielding. However,
such is tho basis which many a housewife
or child has to ubo for tho making of a
garden. Teachers who plan school gar
dens for their pupils also have similar
conditions to meet. Thereforo, In order
to get good results, caroful attention
muse be given to tho preparation of tho
Testing Soil.
Soils which nro naturally moty are
likely to bo sour and so not In the best
condition for the crop. Whether sour
or not It will be well to havo tho pupils
test them, which can bo done as follows:
Secure from a drugstoro a piece of
bluo litmus paper then take a handful of
tho soil slightly moistened and place the
paper on It. If sour the paper will turn
red. To correct such a condition lime
should be used. Cover the ground with
a thin coat of alr-slakcd lime, which can
probably bo secured nearby at smull cost,
and work this In well. Tho use of the
lime, whllo not a plant food, will correct
tho acidity and will improve tho physical
condition of the soil.
If tho soil is clayey or n stilt clay loam
and tho location Is lu n section where
severe freezing occurs, It will be found n
decided advantngo to glvo tho area a
heavy dressing of decomposed munuro In
tho Autumn, and before freezing weather
sets In spado the laud .so as to turn tlio
manure under and leuvo tho soil In a
rough, lumpy condition so ns to sec tiro
tho benefit of the digestive action of tho
Winter freezes In reducing tho soils.
This should be repeated annually nt
tho North. If tho soil Is light nnd sandy,
a mulch of munuro may bo spread ovor.
it In tho Kail and the spading delayed
until Spring.
In localities where tho soil does not
freeze, tho manure may bo applied In tho
Autumn and tho soil repeatedly spaded
during tho Winter whenever it is dry
enough to bo worked.
Tho valuo of freezing nt the North can
to an extent bo attained by repeated
spadings at tho South. Tho ono gencrnl
precaution which should always bo ob
served Is novcr to stir tho soil whllo It
Is wot.
Paper ns Protection Against Cold.
Id. Gaston Darboux, tho secretary of
the French Institute of Science, draws
tho attention of doctors to tho value of
paper undergarments as a protection
ngalnst the coming Winter weather. Tho
French army In 1870 kept themselves
warm by means of nowspapers worn be
noath their uniforms, and the Japancso
Community Shipping
Means Better Prices for
Your Stock
DnulitlosH, you know how to
rnlsu stock but tho problem
"How to tell nt n profit" Ik hard
to solve Tlmt oelllnir In a liuril
11088 separata from raising Is
proven by tho fact that our prcx
ont ayatem of markotlmr calls
for n mlUdlo-mnn to negotiate
between tlio Hinnll miner of stock
und tho Htockynrd Salesmen,
niHix-r to tiii: roiiTi. .mi
MUldltt-incn mimt bo pnld for
their risk und time icnt collect
Ini; nnd uhlpplnir stock; you In
directly pay another man to do
for you what you can do for
yourself nnd tho middle-man's
profit can bo diverted to your
pockot If you ucccpt our service.
Wo can put you In touch with
reputable Commission men nt ,
tho Portland Union Stock Yard
who will Klvo you all tho Infor
mation you need. If wo cuu bo
of service to you,
Stock Editor
KIS (IrfROnlnn lliilldlntr, Portland
$atet&i4 g
Let us send jou our col
lection of 0 flower nnd l
gatabia seea paciteis i"
ah nv aiK ii tii-
Arrmla llldio, attU,
KrnJ fur blr ktMl
(uutivcur '.v nt:i:.