7W .- iVJ 'K' ITl" -TTT inr t, w")'"'!!)',!'1 ",? t-i ECT -iir u 'A-.4W .v., . ' fr l .fii - . y i 1r i i . ,'J mav. i - w. VTFu. , K.-, .-., wxproPLyffijNXjousro uap the man who is blind to his own interest wi&wr ssoak. ai-Jr.tiGi. : r-m Coos Bay Times Your Paper itrf- j - M .-ii jMi--j A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos tiny Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon, peoplo and devoted to tlio best Interests of this great section . The. Times always boosts nnd never knocks. '- t v , rt, i r OK nor Times Is proud of Ha UUo "Tlio '' p-pcr" and It strives nt nil times to r lir..' i.vr Fi VoW 1 to IU namo by dovotlng lis ci.orgles to ng Uio pcopwa iniiw. MEMHKKS OP TUB ASSOCIATED IMESS 0L " i trt'TW 01 on " - PF''!r w ioPE3t mmt& "IP wflOWRr mi "5f Hn k -imJm NO. XXXVIII. Established JH78 As The Const Mull. SOIT IS If SIM rir stock Exchange Re- Ernes Operations With Wild Excitement. 1511 15 STRDWG INJURED li CAVE IN TWELVE MUX HURT IX SAX ritAXCISCO ACCI HUNT MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APPRIL 10, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIGHTING FIEHCEJFREWCH MflT SUNK RAilWAY CAN'T 1 A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mid Coos Hny Aihertlscr. No. 223 of One to Three Points Along Line at trie Opening ADVANCES $2 BALE 11.00 l'er Hale in First TmduiR nnd Later Touch- 150 Per Ilnlo Higher Tlwn JMcrdJ)'ii IiOiv Point, Two Hundred Feet of Forms for Concrete Collnpso In tho Twin Pcnks Tunnel. tDr Auoeltled rrm to Coot B Timet. SAN FRANCISCO, April 10. Twolvo men woro hurt, two of thorn probably fntnlly, when 200 Toet of forms for the concroto llnlnc In tho Twin Peaks Tunnel, under construc tion at tho uppor end of Mnrkot street, collapsed today whllo 200 men woro In tho bore. GLIMS FERCER Germany and France Both Claim to be Victors in the Meuse Battle. CONFLICT STILL ON Tinti:i:-MASTi:i ship sent to I10TTO.U by submarine hClST SAMJ OP .STOCKS IX 0 YEARS li!tl Ifst to Coos n7 Tlmrt 1 fly YORK, Aprll 10. (or two hours on tho Euhango today ng- Utcd 500,000 shares, -tho st total for Saturday lit ill yean. ! A TO GET JURY TRIAL OF SUIT AGAINST EX-GOV. WEST COMMENCED uit4 rrm l Coot In; Tlm. fTORK, April 10.-Scones Itidlemcnt nttciuloil tho re operations on tho Stock itodiy. Tho trading floor ltd with members and tho frti lined with spectators, libera nonicn In gay nttlro. fcb; film wcro from 1 to md trading In tho first r vii on tho largest scnlo , i year of. great specula . A realization of tho ililerlcd to reaction, but ; vii strong-. (lion Market Strong. vent up a dollar a halo w level of yesterday. An of buying orders swept K mini: affi:ctki Mi IWng Chaitm'd to oer to Atlantic Const Xcnily Every Ainu Has Opinion on Copperfleld Caso That Ilrought Notoriety to Miss Fern Ilohhs (tf AmuxUtM Pin to Coon nr TlmM.J BAKER, Or., April 10 Tho se lection of n Jury In u big problem In tho Stnto Circuit Court hero todny In tho opening damago suit of Wil liam Wlegand, saloonkeeper, ngalnst ox-Govcrnor West. Colonol Lnwson nnd others as tho result of Miss Fern Hobh's action in closing, tho Coppor flcld saloons. Tho trip of Miss Hobbs so ml vortlscd tho dlspulo that It is dif ficult to find mon who had not formed an opinion, and only eight veniremen' woro passed nt tlio fore noon session. Wlogand domnnds $lfi00 for tho confiscation of liquor, snioon fixtures and damages to business. A sorles of other similar suits hangs on tho verdict. FREIGHT LIABILITY RAILWAYS SEEK TO AVOID UK- spoxsihility ox-shipments Each Side Says in Official Statement Other Side Repulsed. HEAVY LOSSES BOTH SIDES Germans Sny French Severely De feated and French Sny They Are Musters of I,iist German Posl tlons on Front nt Js Epargcs ID Attoclttal Tint to Coot JI17 Tlran. LONDON, April 10. Official war reports today Indlcnto that tho fight ing In Frnnco, which started Monday with tlio Freneli nttnek between tho Mouso and Mosollo Rivers, has do volopod Into a despornto struggle along n consldornblo portion of tho Western front. Ilerllu montlons one after nnother of sorles of onslaughts by tho Allies and says tho battlo be tweon tho rivers Is proceeding with undiminished violonco. Although at times tho French succeeded In gain ing a foothold on tho German posi tions, it would appear from Horllu statements thnt ndvantngo of Impor tance resulted. A Paris statements mentions des pornto bayonot fighting nt Lcs Epar ges, tho capture of which by tho French was mentioned yestorday. In tlio East no changes nro rocordod. Ilorlln says tho Russians accomplish ed nntlilug by their attacks In tho North. The Chntenuhilmtd, With n Cargo of Chalk, Is Wiped Off Tho Map. tlr AmocUIM Prns to Coo Uij Tlmn. LA TREPORT, France, April 10. Tho French three-masted Bhlp Chateaubriand from London to Now York, with a cargo of chalk, was sunk by a German submarine off tho Islo of Wight Thursday. Tho captain nnd crow of 24 men wero given ten minutes to launch tho boats. Tho crow reached tho French coast yesterday. Tho Chateaubrlnnd wnB n vessel of 2029 tons. 01 BOAT LINE ROOSEVELT ROARS Decision Rendered Against Great Northern Railway by Commerce Commission GET JETTY MONEY COL. MORROW SAYS STILL HOPE FOR COOS HAY WILL ENFDRGE L WRITES LETTER DENOUNCING PEACE PROPAGANDA. Secretary or Women's Peneo Pnrty Receives n Hcmurknhlo let ter from Ex-President. CD AuMKlital rrrtt to Coot B7 TlmM.) CHICAGO, April 10 Publication of tho fact that Theodore Itoosovelt had written a lettor denouncing tho women's penco propoganda caused n sharp discussion among tlio lend ors of tho movement hero today. Tho lettor reposed In tho ctiBtody of Mrs. William I.'Thomns, secretary of tho Woman's Pcaco Party, nnd sho re fused to allow publication of It be causo sho thought "It would bo tin wieo to make it public." Ono report hnd it that tho Colo nol declared the Pacifist in gonornl constituted n "monnco to tho future wolfaro of tho United States." Ownership of Boat Lines by Railways is Strictly Forbidden OREGON CASE IS INVOLVED Ownership 'of Tho Dulles, Portland nnd Astoria Navigation Co. by Spokane, Poitlnnd nnd Seattle Ry. Will Not bo Permitted ttlr Auoclitnl Trm to Coot njr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10 Continued ownership of Tlio Dnllos, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., by tho Spoknno, Portland and Soat tlo Ry. was denied todny by tho ln- torKtato Commorco Commission un der a section of tlio Pnnnma Canal Act forbidding tho ownership of boat lines, by railroads. Tho Commission found tho navigation company to bo a competitor of a railway. GERMANS SAY TREY WOX. Want Ten Per Cent Higher Ralo for! Liability to Full Amount of Shipment. ' IU Auoclitod Titm to Coot B7 Timet, Claim to Rave Defeated nnd Repuls ed French Kvclyulicrc. trty AiiorltteJ Prett to Coot lltjr Tlmn.) BERLIN. Anrll 10. f Via wireless WASHINGTON, I). C, April 10. t to Sayvlllo.) Tho official statement CARRANA VICTOR OHREGOX SAYS HE HAS VILLA OX THE RUX. FAMOUS SCULPTOR DEAD Chief of Department of Sculpture nt San Francisco Fnlr Killed In Automohllo Accident. mr AMociifd rrm uctM nr TimM.j NEW YORK, April 10. Karl Theodore Francis IJIttor, chief of tho department of sculpture nt tho Pannma-Paclflc Exposition, and ono of tho best known sculptures in this country, died horo today of In juries suffered whon ho nnd his wlfo woro run down Inst night by an automobile, Mrs. Hitter's Inju lea woro not serious. Authority Is Xow Vested In Secretary of War nnd Col. Morrow Hns Recommended Appropriation Whllo In Portland during tho Inst trip of tho Breakwater, Capt. Mac genn visited Col. Morrow. This Is tho 'first effort that tho captain has ex erted slnco tho failure of tho dolcgn. tlon to go to Washington to urgo tho United States Engineers to rebuild tho north Jotty. Tho captain has n now theory on sand deposits on tho bar and ho contends thnt tho shoal ing Is caused by sand washing in from tho ocean, most authorities be ing of tho opinion that tho bIU comes from tho rivers nnd deposits nt tho mouth of tho hnrbor. Tho captain's viow is concurred In by Col. McKln stry nnd Col. Morrow who say that ho Is right In his conclusions based upon yenrs of oxpcrlonco and obser vation. Cnpt. Mttcgoen says that ho Intonds to expound his theory boforo tho board of Englncors nt Washing ton oven If ho hna to mako tho trip on foot. Tho objoct of Captain Macgcnn's Intcrvlow was to ascertain why Coos Bay did not got nn appropriation for PUBLICITY FOR : LABOR TROUBLES Southern Pacific Head Says Let Intelligent Public It Opinion Rule. PEOPLE IE RIGHT i Industrial Relations to be Ad justed by Appeal to an Informed Public IMPARTIAL' INFORMATION Solution of Labor Difficulties is lit IVrfortliiK ii Plan by Which Merits of Controversy Mny ho Known To the Whole People, ID? AMorUtoil rmi to Coot nT TIm.J CHICAGO, April 10. Julliiu Kruttschnltt, first assistant to tho Into E. II. Harrlman, and litmiioU ono of tho leading railroad authori ties In tho country, today .jutprossod to tho United States Commission of Industrial Rolatlons an opinion that tho north Jottv osneclallv after tht.,,liu nn,y solution to labor 'troubles recommending It In every particular. Ia lsKnlni" n vchlclo through. Col. Morrow informed Capt. Macgenn ' "whlch tho I)llb,lc' wl,,ch ls n,most thnt It ls possiblo that wo will still lnlwnys rIK,,t," 8,m11 dcc,,, tho morlta i oi uio roiurovorsios. . Keep Public Inforiiietl.,1 I'uMiliiR tho Defeated Army Toumil San Luis Potest After tho Celayn Victory Reprosontnttvcs of railroads and , today says: "Engngomonts botwconlT trnffic associations appeared today tho Moubo nnd Mosollo rlvor con-'T IinTAVA iltfi Tutnliatntn fin rnri I At m . i . 1 ! HUERTA IX NEW YORK boforo tho Intorstnto Commorco tlnued yestorday with undiminished Itt'AINtA . .. ' 'Muaiu, Anm 10. Thoi nimmic.inn .ii,., t,n rt ..,. nl-mi..." .; ...."" """" '" "" l"" ivioionco. ... run,, mong uio tho Cummins amendmont to tho '" ii expected within tho tyi due to tho fact that Botwoon tho Rlvor Orno I and Mouso Heights, tho French were . rato law, which forbids tho llmlta-l severely dofentod. All French nt-, tlon of liability on shipments. j tacks from tho Holghts of Combres. Tho nmondmont becomes offectlvo north of St. Mlhlol, and on tho Allly- - doposod prcsldont of Moxico Mri have been chartored fWlreryat points on tho ward, and that otlior ft expected In tho near ' monthi ago thcro were 'lumber-carriers laid up i- nut wey have- beon Fnnmion gradually and u1 all the craft formorlv tol trade aro busy. i for carriods has boon " if tho opening of tho ym tho inception of a h tho east const lto grow to nnnrmnno : th0 space or ai FOOD TAKEN TO WAR ZONE Wr Auoclttal Trrat lo Coot Hr Tlrnrt, NEW YORK, April 10. Thorfi was great activity In tho local Mexican colany today in anticipation of tho arrival of Gonornl Huortn, Juno 3. A uniform bill of lading approved by tho Commission several years ngo nllows limited liability fot carriers for ono rnto and full liability at n ton per cent higher rnto. R, B. Scott, gonornl nttornoy for the Burlington, spoko for tho roads In tho West. "I don't undortnko to say that Increuso of 10 per coat 1 Justified," said ho, but I do think Vj will ho subjoctcd to sorlous In Jury nnd should havo some Increaso." Ho sailed from Spain on tlio steamer Antonio Lopez and l duo horo lato today. In a wfreless dispatch, replying !. an Inquiry, lluorta said hn was on n pleasure trip only and had no plnns. GOVERNMENT R..R. gat somo money for this project out of tho blanket appropriation of $2(i, 000,000 voted by Congress as tho Secretary of War has beon Invested with power to uso his own discretion In tho apportionment of n part of this sum. Whllo this fact has not beon gonornlly known, Col. Morrow informed tho cnptaln of tho govern ment's decision In arming tho Sec retary of War with this authority whoro ho deems it nocessnry. Capt. Macgonn will call on Col. Morrow again next Wednesday at which timo ho has nn nppolutmont for further urging of tho mnttor. Tho cnptnln plans to clrculnto a petition "I am convinced thnt tho task of settling labor disputes Is'-.tho- task of keeping tho public Informod," said Kruttschnltt. "Tho establish ment of n mnchlno for tho purposo should bo compnratlvoly slmplo. Tlio Canadians havo a mnchlno for in forming tho public impartially of tho merits of labor disputes. A board of arbitration andy concilia; tlon nt Wnnhlugton sooms n move In tho rlgit direction, but, tlio machin ery for gottlng correct and Impartial Information to tlio great urtlbtrutlng public Is neodod." ALASKA XORT1IERX PURCHASED FOR sur.o.ooo SmmrFiUi-lMinks Route Chosen for Hnllvtuy Government Is to Itulld in Alaska. through tho Port of Coos Bay and, rvQ AMHPI CC PUICC Chamber of Commorco which will bo nc DDI IPIT IntniOTCn forwnrde.1 to Hncrntarv flnrrlRnn i.r... ' Uf" rULIOfc IIMUIUICU Ing him to net Immediately on ac count of tho shoaling of tho bar. NEW BANK ELECTS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS CIIOS EX HY STOCKHOLDERS r the all-wator routo 7 manv shlppors on "' Clrinp. nt I. ..,!.- ! "'Ong the Atlanta . lOarleston north nn. r wall beginning tho "ed by leaps and .O con,Pany has al Wt4 a selling agency in 'r for full lumber car- t coait wero rnnnrio.i l(Hh vo..i i .. . "ouis involved Sny, They Are Mastei-s of Last Ger man Positions nt l.'s ICpnrg'es I Pncknges Mny bo Sent by Parrel Post nt Owner's RlNk A now Agreement With Xoruny. Foodstuffs nnd morchnndlso may bo sont to Gormnny or any of tho othor bolllgoront nations of Europe by parcel nost nt tho Bonder's risk, nccordlng to nn announcement from I communication of last night, othor ' . I. n . 1. annnlnt nf utnnmlrm B.nln.1. Lllttii iiiu iuiuiib til iuiuiin luiniuift Apromonc iront nenr i-iiroy, wore repulsed. Near Fllroy, In conao- quonco of heavy French losses, tho fighting yestorday was less violent. , 4 Further nttacks on Romauvlllo front 1 4 and In Lo Protro forost nnd an ut-l$. tompt to conquor Lozaugo Lo Grando 4 failed. In tho Vosges thoro Is noiAAAAAAAAAAAA chango. Russian nttneks East and 1 I South of Knlvarya woro roputsod l"' Atcitt4 rrt 10 em nr Timw.i with heavy losses to tho Russians, I WASHINGTON, D, C, April 10. ' othorwlso thoro is no change In tho Obregon'B advices to tho Carranza I lariat ' .1 f.nn.11 Iia l n If ! n lu nliul.ltw. !.' ijiioii .hu"W iiviu ou iiu in ii4niiiii iiitl mmm I flnfnfltlrl lllf. tl t.1 I. fl f I 1 .1 tllolnlf 1.U.VI.IUU f.l l llj IU.UI tk tlblUIJ i at Colaya and advancing toward San Luis. Potosl. Tlio oamo dis patches ropbrt tho Villa forces evar- (D AuoelUaJ i'ttu to Coot nT TlmM. I WASHINGTON, I). C, April 10.1 Tho 8oward-Falrbnnks routo hns John E. Ross, Pres., R. H. ONen, beon solectod for tho government Iro-pres., mid R. Huggo, Cashier nillway In Alaska, Secretary Lano Seandlmivliiii.Aiiierlren Rank announced Into today. Tho property i of tho Alnskn N'orthnrn rnllwnv mm. Organization of tho Scandinavian i Charged With Contributing (o lc lliupieiicy of Minor Girls. '. inr AiMMittti rmi t Ctot mj nm.i LOS ANGKLES, April 10. Chief of Police Sobnstlan, liullctcd sovorul days ago on tho chnrgo of contribut ing to tho delinquency of Edith Sor kln, n minor, was Indlctod ngnlti today for alleged oftonsos ngnlnsl ! Victoria Dcsparto, a delinquent girl. I Miss Dospato Was also indicted for ; alleged perjury. FRENCH CLAIM VICTORY pnny from Soward ovor tho first , Amorlcnn Bank of Coos Bay and tho stngo of tho Journey has beon pur- olocllou ' tno officers and directors chasod for $1,150,000. wn accomplished this morning at Dr.T itaim?7.7T ovrt la nicot,nK ot tho stockholders in btlbAI BlillAIN EMPLOYS 'tho Myrtlo Arms, its directors stnto MEN IN UNITED STATES "nit within threo wcolts tho nutw , bank will bo In operation at its tom- j Agency hero say ho Is pushing tho Industrial ("enteiH In England Get- pornry location, tho aim bolng to pur- tlug Alen lino Under Guarantee chuso a doHlrablo lot nnd erect n of Slv .Months' Work mid building later. I'ie Tinnsportatloii j0hn r, hosb, formorly of Kansas (11 Am'kIKM I'rtm lo Coot Dtj Tlinot.J ,,ut HW Of Marsllflold, WBH elected NKWARK. N. J., April 10. A, '"u,"uu"1 ol u, nuw """"' " " LOOAIi OVERFIiOW. f I : J uatlng Dolores, In tho stato of Hit- dago. tnr Amkuim rr. to coot iu, Tin.et.1 villa rtdvlces deny that Obrecon PARIS, April 10. Tho official , Kalncd n victory and contend thoro statement this aftornoou says: "Thoro Is nothing to ndd to tho has been only light Bklrmlshlng. private employment bureau service1 01so"' of J'"1"!, vlco president and horo. It was loarnu.l todav. lin,l rn- ,l! BK9. formerly of Poitland, celved urgent requests from sovoral ' ca8,,lor- To oa"l ot directors olect- Porei Drlfxu Wagons. Samuel Montgomery of Portland, Inventor of a power driven farm and drny wagon Which ho bullovcs will not only cut down tho cost of oporatlug but ot this typo of mnchlno, arrived- this morning and Is horo until Monday In teresting pooplo In his machlno, Ho oxpeets to capatallzo, ho says, ttlr $500,000 and erect a factory. Industrial editors of Groat Britain ! cd bv tho stockholders nro Hon Ost- Postmaster General Hureson, and a now arrangement with Norway as to tho Interchange of parcel post packages containing liquids opens nnothor avonuo, porhnps, through rSet SOUnil n.i.l nn.lwlilxh Mnlililc mlclit lin snnf Indirect Nati. Three of thoso, I ly into belllgdrent countries. , 'l Mahoney 0f tho To ngroomont with Norway wont v' "eet, the steamornto effect recontly nnd provides for "' n. Kelson, for an enango oi purcei puai buitiwo ier of the chari 'vi. on "llnulds. oils, pastes, salves, or other articles easily Hqulflablo," If they aro packod in accordanco with tho regulations govornlng posting of liquids. Tho order announcing tho accept ance of parcels of foodstuffs for bolllgoront countries specifies that they should bo kept segregated from othor parcel mattor, so that in caso of any action by belligerents, the regular malls may not bo delayed that two attacks which yestorday mado us masters of the last Gormar. positions at Les Eparges, led to des perate bayonot fighting." MEXICAN SAILORS ON VERGE OF MUTINY l l-fc . vM-wvH lUI- rV"en chartered by Wlaber Comnnnv t0i ports. v a.i ration f0 ",;:"'"": i. I - " vi ail. ." ' nnderstnmi n,.. P,.no ot 8veral MmPany no'w i,. .... Arch;. """' uo in. . tu reuio to w a t.;r ..""" l!r. s ana iweih..... . otk -urior8, .. "f 10 thfl lll.nll. IUTK,j ""-HB. : Un70theSwa, ers aro to load at Columbia river points direct for Now York city, In the placing of so many steamers in tho lumber trade to the east coast ft QTRo QWrARV mini inn in 111 nil i Aiguo Garnishment. A point of law, whether or not funds In tho hands of tho county clerk .before 'n llliltriiliimit linn linnii nmlnin.l noli II...I !. . II .. ., 'U,,U,'-' "" IUU.IU.UU Vll for men to take tho place., of work- '; -.. r u, . i..,kk, j. v.. )0 ,, vn ,obBto(, , tll0 men who are at tho front. Factories I "'"". " A. KboW, or, O. II. Hon- JuiH.0 cort t,8 momlu K ,i, offer freo transportation and guar- Irlckson and II. II. Olson. Jn uttornoy, brought throe ac anteo nt least six months work. stocl fr tho bank has already ,,. ;' ,,,, ,rftll I rr...,. l......i...i ...... !..... ..i...i.. bceh sold for sovnrut wni.tru 111.. vi. . f Men , II.X...I Vessel Fljlng AmerL; ' ', " - " """""'"-. ,", . "R n' " ... . lvcn I'"n, O'Donnell lu tho circuit . . . .r nnn court following Avlilch sho transfer, surplus of 16,000. L. ., , ,wh ,,, .... . llu'JT iB"b0C!l ,n ll! ,',ank,"Bl Uobftrt ". oy a Miller, slness In Kansns for several vears .. ' . . t' attoruoys, contoudod the garnish, mont was started boforo tho Judg ment rendered. Jtidgo Ponnock'took tho question under advlsemoilt. run I'lng Claim They Haven't Been Paid for Months. t sailed. MPROVE MICHIE SAYS DREDGE (II Amk UU4 Trivt lb Coot IU; Tlmm 1 O BOARD U. S. 8. COLORADO. IMaatlan, (By Wirolcss), April 10, Reports from Acapulco stato that ,.,,. ,.,..,.,,..,, I Ml ft fntf rt tnt r Tunra flvlnrr.' I " , ' ---. ...m,u WILL IXCREASE EFFICIEXOY nn Aiiiuricnu iihk, uuu who wuro uu tlio voi go of mutiny, claimed that . their wages wore unpaid. Tho gun boat Guorroro has arrived at Santa Troops Will Reniiiln Strictly on tholBosalla to tako possession of the iielk-nslvc -Dcrldoil to Sound I Mourner Korrlgan II, a French ves- WILL XOT LAUNCH A FRESH OF FEXSIVE MOVE.MEXT. Russia on Pence. (Of AuorUtx Trrtt lo Cooa lit I TlmM.) GENEVA, April 10- Austria has abandoned the Idea of launching a fresh offensive movement against Serbia, the Trlbuno says it has learned from a reliable source, and will remain strictly on the defen sive and not send additional troops to the Italian frontier. The same sol. Tho cruiser Douvor provontod tho seizure ponding a settlement of tho caso at Vora, Cruz, NEW STEAMSHIP AGENT via the canal, shipping men see n, th Swayne 8Uorta88 of local freights if the chart- authority Is quoted as asserting It iC eSt Helena of' ers Increase as they seem bound to .was decided at Vienna to sound Rus- "-vany. hna, , -. wm n;a III Talk With Capt. Margolin Tells That Power Huh Keen Increased Here May l TIE MARKET HUPPLIKD. There was uu unpleasant sentm- business In Kansas for several years' boforo coming to Coo Bay two months ago, Mr. Olson Ih mayor ot Empire, has boon on Coos Bay for tho last 27 years and Is well known, especially among tho Scandinavian population ot tho Buy. i For 18 years Mr. Buggo has been In tho banking business, both lu , tlon among tho tlo makers ou nay America and In Europo, After leuv-iday when tho Kstubrook company ing tho Scandinavian couutrlcH ho announced that for the prcHont they was for" qulto a time couuectod as i would tako uo more ties from Indo German correspondent with tho Hank ! pondont workers, doallug only with of Crodot Lyonnals In Paris, said thoso with whom tlioy have con to bo tho largest banking instltu- traits, I.ocnl representatives say tlio Hon in tho world, having nn office company has boon forcod to this Mlchlo will probably arrive on Coos forco of 4,000 peoplo. For the last act'oii by tho sluggish stnto of Uiu Bay about May 1, possibly sooner. ' sovon months Mr. Bugge has lived In tl0 marlet" Col. Morrow expects to come to Coos 'Portland where he had charge of the' .. Bay In about six weeks at which timo J foreign exchango department of tho'nUo ono at (Astoria, whllo l, A. he will look oter the situation on, Security Savings and Trust Co. later' Kaepplor is prominent mill man ot Col. Morrow informed Capt. Mac genn that the repairs and improve ments mado on the Mlchlo tills past month lu Portland will greatly In creaso her efficiency. Her power has been Increased 60 per cent. Tho . i- ., lu me Oho.i. J3?- These steaml do. Tho scarcity of vessels means, of ala on the subject of peace terms, course, higher rates and the pressing of every available crai& into remce hut It was Impossible to know what the result-' Tho Estabrook Company has made n chango In the local office, Vm. 10, Best, who has been local managor for somo time, has reslrmed. and his position has been given to W. J.'Co08 U- A smoker and reception 'the First National Bank Clarkson, of San Francisco, While welcoming the new man, Bandon will regret to part with the old - , Portlund aud who owns Interests In will probably be tendered him at O. II. Hendrlckaon. fattier of Mrs.. several Orouon hanks. Both Mr. Oat- that time. During his stay anotheri Buggn, is president ot the Portland' Hud ud J, R. Paulson, luuibwauva examination of tno nnrnor said jet- ByTMTt ?' " ft !TM f'rIJ8Sr?g?? 'gff.' ''vi")t "li Ifl-MNrt. -Z Sf?P kSw Utttfk. (OkV' ' " 1 "- R' ' w t 2iff " w - ' ", , &' "artej 1JV ' ' jrf VHvt iibijwv V JfMy M w !tMatHVt.4 -- frS j 1-: 9 . t Vfrilt&rJ f l 1 , 3trfr.t -( 'l 4... 1 " Wr mJ t pw.V r: s'?iv&&''.rt if : w,ilf!.-,T",, fT V ". 'w r ' 4 'T 7 t l i . Ir3W. - - - rfhf - WH ll?JL nrJbAV ''M ) i -"'"'' '3BH m m i Mf T M " f " rii" 'flip rf "r -- Ai -m im iillfcififrty . v pftsvsfixr XSK if) w i irf- . . 4 W &4 fcH-ultlLl. jMHtff- y, lfPA- - - . ifc. r4r i fkffC'. -. - WIN lltyl "f-rw- I A iHf " ' iI5trT,r' - .,tKw " - - H?ft- V" A 1 1 vV-j'Sm"- -"-' ' . nrovfi5Wi"v ' ' 1 1 II TS BVWT ' t H Uug doll n & VB ir-old 1. MM S'ortlt hole hul I.,1'! tmmm- '?' V W(W' p1 - n , - At . .. j0' i..'.... .-- - .s kd. A M. r -1 ' "- tiM - w r "" ... - N't :r3SS rF 'mass?.. m tl- " frMrt - ij H S. rf ' r: fWMO . b.mAtri . .. .t-.. Jt.-'fcw ' . .. ,-mltnm, Art Ifcw r ,-!- r r - i urn J- vH- T"Tff . v 4 an -H,"'1 i "." ": -1M PWlf W ?H7S V-vtf l.- - kr9u.A..i .- Vf --. kt lia-r T-1 (-.'-' - - ?. uWtt. 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