fSSPmimimfm wr" FOUR - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915-EVLL COOS BAY TIMESl: MT M. C. MAI.OXHV, Editor nnd Pub. RAX E. M.U.O.NEV, News Editor Official official Paper "f Paper City Coos Count)" of Marshfleld. ay pcopio I don'l 3know Hie dlfferenqe between whnt they think they know nnd what they know they think. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS HAXDOX HlRGHT Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILV TIM US. Entered nt the Postoff Ice nt Marsh field, Oregon, (or transmission through the malls na Second-class mall matter. Ht'HSCRIPTlOX DAILV. Ono year I' r month weeki.v. One RATES IT Coos Hay people had to ndvor Use tholr mistakes there would bi more advertising in The Times. you stop to think that othoi men are uninsured almos' wholly by thnlr faults you wil ,' have to ml in It that they .mako f , ,50 i '"iBb-ty good showing. c YOU AUTO CALL iiTrto FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS 1'ln.nc Udit-li. -; Mulu nnd Raj. recently of .Marshfleld, but now or ltlf;lii (uft. this city arrived on the Husllor last (;n(W cms. rlREr'l li DRIVERS . fl.SO --. Coos Hay women Kdts lots ol la year ti.au , Wlinn until strictly In advance, the I avnrpUn Iimmliur nt rnnclllHlona nV subseilptlon pilco of the Coob Uny minutes. Hut it doesn't Times is $G.0O per year or $'-.50 for ' ..... six months. socm ,0 ke,,') ,lor from K(,lt,"K fnt This Is n mean old world. Ther( Is more Joy over ono f?ood mnr who koch wroiiK than thero Is ovei An independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Hay Tlmeo Publishing Co. performing dl'ties as individual citizens ton bad men who reform. looking nt the tnngo ns H Is tangoed, Levi Smith says Ik longs for tho good old days of the turkoy trot. - The rest of tho world may regard n man as wise. Hut his wife know he Is n fool. - Woman's lovo inny often soften a man' heart, but Bome Coos Hay mnrrlnges seem to indicate a soft- tcning of tho brain LI VINO In a community, at tho same tlmo that It confers bene fits nnd advantages, incurs du ties and obligations. Service ren dered to the Individual citizen by the community ns u group demnnds that ho bh as Individual shall rendor scr vlco In Jctuni. The more completely tho individual citizen performs his duties and mectp $lif fcb'llgnUqns to his community, the more prompt nnd BUtlsfnctoryjWlir bo tho sorvjrq ,it , , will remjpnjfam. . jV ,., jb'i j.so.MH SAVINGS WISH.. AND J II I HA I HJIWUj; lU Hliuuni linuiwi'T j-i OTHERWISE.- ly discovered tiint tho cHfaeil who Ib '' (julck to complain of defects In So many iiicor things hnppon community service Is slow to perforin every day thnt n married man ex- his duties to tho community. Ills pects his wife to believe n lot of trouble is duo to his failure to rcc-i things ho tells hor. ognlzo relationship to tho cbmrnun-' -- Ity and his fnlluro to see his own Children's shoos ncvor wear very Hlinro In tho responsibility for tho .well If the children nrc well. defects of which ho complnliiB. , -- Kvcry citizen Is whether he wills ' When n boy coiiich back from Inppenhijis of tho Clty-by-t he-Sea evening, and is now permanent -Told hjy Tho Recorder 'fixture with office at the Hienkers. A four team party started out on ' The Tramp called In here last . Mondny morning for on overland trip week both on hor down tilp and o California. T'no party is on a pros- return, whllo en routo from Coos jedlng tour nnd will stoji first ntiUay to Hoguc. Hlvor with fishing Port Orford and Cold Ilonch nnd if supplies. On her way Bouth she , onilltlons do not look favorable nt, landed u small lot of freight for thii I iitimr nr these liolntn will continue : place. ' in to Humboldt county, California. Mrs. J. It. Str.nnnrd, of Oold Bench ' The company consisted of Mr. and ' who was operated on recently nt the ; Mrs. S. D. Keller, and Mother-ln-Law, Mercy Hospital nt North Bond, has i Mrs. Jones and W. K. Johnson nnd i been discharged from thnt Instltu ...ifrt . i tlon as linving recovered. I). I,. I'ODTH. DB WD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Fnmt Sirs, Phono R7 Garrison. lake, about u mile north and west of Port Orford, swept through tho sand spit that holds It from tho ocean Inst Thursday in the biggest run-out since It has been known by whlto mon. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lor inz, March 30th, a girl baby. Mother and babe arc doing well hut Mrs. Lor ?nz Is suffering from blood poison ing In her hand. Married At tho Anderson room ing house In Hnndon, April 4, 191n. it 7:.10 p. m-, James L. l'yburn and Mrs. Sadie Johnson. Tho happy coit- ilc will reside at Wagner where tho iti-cej- Note of Prospcilty Knun the troopi Is engaged In tho logging busl-i Sentinel's Panes llnu !!,.! T It 5111 Htl f Mir. AT I .I.CTD. .. ,, . " .J....., n,. fc.lu CHIMNEYS FIHB PLAPM J. N. BAYLISS Apt Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are night And nil Work Guaranteed Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Bids., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. ., . ,. French Rango. Boiler Work ro'juiiiM-: criiiiiXRK K. church, South, officiated. Tho County Court met nt Bnndon 'ast Friday nnd Saturday when Judgo Inmes Wntson of Coriulllo nnd Com nlssloner Taylor Dement of Myrtlo Point oamo down to Handon nnd met From Hlverlon wo learn that Non dn Anderson, of Handon, Is making nrrniigcnieuts to open u camp about two and n half miles up th river from that place. Ho already hns two donkey engines on the giound ' t t t WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 vi Pays 8 per cent on savings $ o . it or not n member of tho com munlly nnd Is nccountnblo for Its defects nnd short comings. The sooner ho realizes this relations, ac cepts the responsibility that It im plies nnd sets to work to perform his duties by participating In the affairs of tils community, the soon er will iq sco Its defects diminish' nnd bo cured, Its shortcomings mndo good nnd. Its substantial ad vancement promoted. What Is "deeded Is that bvory cit izen ahull bo fair to his community; whllo accepting tho benefits It con fers and thoy are many In every community ho Is bound by every jmoral obligation to perform his du ties to his community. Aro you performing yours to Murshfleld and Coos Bay? ! WITH THE TOAST t I AND THE TEA t $ -- (ioon i:vi:ni.(! No war ought to bo un dertaken, hut under clrciim stances which render nil courtesy between the combat nuts ImpoHHlblo, It Ih a bad thing thnt mon should luito each other, but It Is far worse they should contract tho habit of rutting ono an other's throats without hat- red. Mncnulny. !' Tin: days. - Down Mum's worn pathway pass tho pallid days With uuhun tacos, huurluif on thulr linclu, The multitudinous nnd sanguine nets Of riven Km ope. In thulr woeful ' guzu As o'r- tho woild, nltornnte, udcli ono strays, Tho soul of mute disaster darkly gleams, Awnkonud from lt dim, discord nut dreams, And broods upon tho ruinous, mad mnzu, Into oblivion each, . bIuUh, while Fright, With clutching fingers, clasp the coming day, AgluiBt with terror ut tho starless night. some plain with his clothes clean, you may know that ho hasn't on Joyed himself. - A bashful man doesn't talk much but when he docs speak ho can al ways depend upon himself to say the wrong thing. - A wife Is much llko n safety razor a man can never tell whnt kind he wants until lie's tried one, und then he knows ho wanted some other kind. -- Tho treasuro boforq mnrrlngo of ten proves herself the treasury after. golden ring set full of diamonds will more llkoly win a woman than n heart full of devotion. signing of a mnrrlngo certifi cate often turns out to he u deep dyed bunco scheuiu for many u man. huw many torments lie in the small circle of u wedding ring. Selected. AT THE HOTELS Chuudler tel, Frank Terry, Blue Itldgo; Oeorgo H. Terry, Blue illdgo; A. K. Kruso. Hnndon; H. C. Wurlng, Portlnud; L. W. Myor, Kan Finnclsco; J. P. Wend- 4 Hug, Myitle Point; it. J. Long, Dim- I don; W. 11. Junsou, 1'orllnnd; C. W. .McKuiin, Portland; K. II. Martin, Portland; Andy p. Davis, C01111III0; (!. T. TiendKold nud wife, Handon: Fell M. Wolff, Sun Francisco; K. Foster Sonu, Onklnnd; U. S. Wrlghl. San rraiiiUro; (I. 1C. Maltosta, Oak laud; (5. finollmuxh, San FramUco; W. (1. IJnloHtou. Sun Francisco; Ku gone Weiss. IVuitn Itosa. l.lo, Hotel. .. . ... . ,.. . ... 11 ,, nrllh Commissioner Armstrong for 1S ko"'B 10 vm in niwuicr. ..e is now engngco 111 muiiiing logging roads nud In u short tlmo will be the purpose of Inspecting ronds irouiiil Bnndon, but owing to stormy j weather, considered Itu inopportune ( lino to look nt roads. I Prof. If. L. Hopkins hns secured nn excellent position In tho schools of Ucnd, In this stnto nn tho suiicrln- tendont, where ho nnd Mrs. Hopkins X t 5 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer t getting out lumber. 1 Still fnrthor up tho river, in Fntl IClIc district near here, George Plko Is said to bo building n logging rail-' roud running nloug tho county road to get tho timber ho Is going to cut will bo located during tho coming ' tl10 river. ycnr After tho suspension of most of A now business project was born In I lho lKB,nB cnn,l'3 ' thlH nolBlibor-' Bnndon Saturday nnd n now frntorn-ihoo'',,url"B tho l'aBt winter, It Is Ity was organized. Porty-flvo farm-' K"0(l ,1nV8 t0 lt,anl thnt activities , ers and others locally Interested wet'1"'0 ,)0,"8 ronovcd in tho imineUintoi in tho Odd Fellows hall and Initiated ' vicinity of this city. In addition to 1 local branch of tho Farmers'. Edit-'11'0 cnl"lm bcl"B 0i,u'l 'lown tho catlonnl and Co-oporatlvo Union of rvor, Anson Brothers will soon linvo America. Tho mooting had been or-, ll,c,r 0,ltf,t running again just J Iglnnlly called lu the First National I southeast of this city. ' Bank building, but tho seating en-1 Mnn' orders for lumber from the pnclty of tho offlco was limited and j railroads nnd tho general revival or tho number who camo to uko part ' business now reported from nil ovor lu the meeting was so great that nntl10 country ns n result of tho mnr-1 adjournment was taken to tho I. O. ' "" of last year s wheat crop at MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Pictures & Framing Walker Studio O. F. hall. good prices also Indicates that tho demuud for and prices of lumber I iiiro bound to Increase. All of which. nienns better business for this coast 1 I The boundary botwc.cn Coos nnd, and for Co(inillo.(Jonulllo SenT I THAT CimVCI) HOl'XDAKY Curry counties nt the south end of. Unci. tills county does not follow section lines hut tho rldgo which makes n watershed between tho tributaries jf the Coqulllo lu this county und those of tho lilxos nud tho Kogue In Curry county .Thnt Is the reiiaon southern Coos hns tho appearance of u bout bow, or 11 full sack. And It Is going to prove uioro nud more of n full sack as tho gold and conl and Iron mines thero uro dovoloped, for It Is amazingly rich lu these miner als. Hut this li regular boundary fol lowing up nud down the moiiutnnous erngs Is mnkliig trouble for the mon who own tho luud nud the offlelaU Qf tho two countlos, ns It Is Impos sible to find a single description of laud where tho section linos nnd tho county boundaries coincide. Thus It happens thnt 0110 tuxpnyer U rais ing a howl because, after he has paid almost twenty yours lu Coos count', iVe Curry county ussesfcor has now not his laud on the rolls there. A simple way of settling thlngu would of course bo for the lCKlslattuo to pass an net lofoniilng tho bouudar led ami making them conform with the section Ilium; hut tho loiiKor this is put off tho more difficult It "HI bo to net such n reformation, if. for Instance, n volu of gold should COOS MAY TIMES WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS llt'Y AX IT-TO-TIIE-MIXUTE WAR MAP WHILE THE SL'PPIiY LASTS !- Marslifield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service J. caves Marsl'flehl nt Busy Corner 10:00 11.111. 2i00.ii.iu. r:00 p.m. Leaves North Bend lfi min utes later Leaves Empire. H::i() n.m. 11:.10 n.m. 0:30 p.m. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: -:- has been a bobby with us tor a good iany years nnd a lot of our customers will tell you when it comes to gcttli g good, sound, durablo framing ruatorlal nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Junt toll what you want to balld and tho amount you want to spond and wo'll set busy with our poncll nnd flfiiro out the boit your taonoy can buy. Try ua. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. UETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL BILL 1 TWO BY USIXfl OUR WOOD PHONE 11)0. 182 SOUTH BBOADWAY Mr mill lra 11 llmii-i' H....I I.....I I T. Hussey Wagner. ... ..none. South' !""" ttln through .ho hlglu-r . mi .11111 11 j uii nn me uuu nun Inlet; WHlHin Carslen. North Head: Charles lllliiKwnrtli, Myrtlo Point; .1., II. Uoonoy. Wagner; 11. Hoje. Hub bard; Umirgo A. llouck, Portlnud. Bluiicii Hotel, E. F. Uubanks, Pony lulct; John Smith, Coos Hlvor; (Jeorgo Krusp.J Pony Inlet; Mr. It. l.yster nnd' (liuightec, (Inrdiuor; A. (laffney, North Heud, i St. Uiuicuco Hotel. ' Joe Vosse, Wagner; Frank K. Wol- los, Salem; 1. A. MoKacheni, Port land; Hubert Burns, Portland; utliol.j heit Prow, Portland; S. I'. Bunnell' and wife, Pasadena; Mrs. A. 11. Main., In dispute, neither couuty would willing! i.urroudor an aero of prop erly so uUuablo. And llilw rumM and crooked lino between Coos and Curry promises lu the coming yenr to ho tho krone of n groat deal of prospecting nud coiiBldorable developinout work. In deed, It Is possible that within the next ten jours millions of dollars worth of. coal ami lion oro and gold may ho coming out of Coos county s suck there. Coiiulllo Sentinel. HOLD BEACH (ihKAXIXCS We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash. GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea; Coffee and Spice House Phono 301-J. MEM & BEMMETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY EsUtbUshca 1889, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Iutorost I'uld oa Tlmo Dcpotlu Officcn: J. W. Bennett, President. J, II. Flnnngnn, Vice-President. 1L F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, JMt Smile ! The world tnkes off Us hut to (lie man with n smile. It turns tho cold shoulder to the ImlUhhinl who U miiii- us u lemon. Wo nil lovo the lii.iu with a hcartr Imigli. Ilo Is our friend, tho ray of sunshine for which wo jeuin, and mi cess perches on his cheerful shoulders. Hut you sry; "It's hard to work up oven a .sickly filn when you're dead broke nnd up ngulnst the cold old world." Wo will agico with jou sou. Hero's tho reined' . Stnrt u hank account Mltli your first earnings. Add to It. Form tho saTlnj Imlilt. Watch tho account poWy The sinljo will jn-ow with It. 1,1 'is'h'o'troijblj ut n)I tojl'li!uglAw'hc,i, you lmo money In tho bank. FIRST ITIOi L BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits 112500.11 OFFICERS: J. W. Bennett, President Arthur McKcown, SecreUr Tom T. Bennett, Vlco President Bennett 8wanton, Treamter Transacts n trust business only. Acts us trustcoot exprtutrniti nud also ns executor and admlnlsliutur of estates. Tbe only TimI Company In Oregon outside of Portland oreaulzud under new trot law In this stato. T OC i TRIlMtlPnRTTl NIUIl UUI Weekly Service Coos Hay nnd San Francisco. I" STEAMSHIP II S ilH Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco; Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays FltOM MAHSIIFIKLD, SATl'IID.W, AIMHL 10, AT B I Jl Son Frnnclsco Office, GOO Flfo Building, and l'lcr Number a Coos Riiv A front a. 1?. AT rnEORQE. Phone & J a ; . . , To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THfi FAST AND COMFORTABLH S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH I'ACiFIO STEAMSHIP CO. O. F. McGEORQH AGENT W. rAIIi! Phono 44, Marshfleld AGENT m ' . Ill lljll l)lI.IU,IUIIl. J.W Phono 421, NorthM .......i.... ......... That lios before It, whllo o'er; "'i-. ...... all tho earth, With blood stained feet that rock tho world's hlKhwiiy, Tremendous Murder sluiUes with inlKlUy mirth. Ilorliert S. Cormuu. i:.t(.l.i:s IIAI.I,, Kuuleo Hull, tonight, .Mui tin's Oivlutiii. to- Happenings lu furry (Miinty, Clinm. I ii ll'tl ny tin tiiiiiiK The many friends In tills vlclnltv of Frank Thaeker will be ulml to " ' lenrii that ho has fallen heir to a TO TIIK I'llH.lO miiall fortune hy the rocont death I have made niinierous reniiests to -of nil aunt. Mr. TUaeker doo not various people of tlio dty of Marsh- know Just what tho estate amounts in in ...... jo .....mi i. .iii. I.U.-.V I(, ,U uhjs (UJo ,,llH,0 l)f lir0)t,,.v Los Angoles Is allied nt one Kjoontz Garage ':t , Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marino and Automobile Repairing a Specialty : :: :: .. Phone 180-J North Front Street EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. .pmi SAILS FROM MARSHFIHLD KVKHV .MOND.W DUIUM- a OX TIIK FOLLOWING DATES: APHIL AT ,a,S.U1,,L APRIL 11!, AT A. M.; APRIL 10, AT J2:!0 V. M'i 'V ' .T' AT 8:00 A. M. AM) FROM POHTLAXD KVKUV HUA1 A. M. .ft TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CIT1' TICKET OFFIW F AND OAK STREETS, IWIiA AH Phono 85-J. TiTe aro nil sorts of liar on tCuttis Hay lucltidiiiK the man who who are disposed to ho docuut, clean n Wi l" "iraiii i ins iu. ami kuniiiiry iimu coiupiieu wuu ine hundred tliotibaud dollars. Mr. ThacK- -- yuiltnry laws without any hesitation, or left hero Wodnowhiy morniiijt for T at tho .MllUeuinu hlllLsrd tour- mit thoro aro others who are refusing i,os Angoles to look after the mntter iit.tii HcGeorgo remnrkwl that t0 nPt 0n my roquest. Now, I have There aro several heir to this os- iiuv.wABy and hllllurd wre al 'grown tired of helnt; annoyed und it tnte, but each will welve n sub- ii ' ou liavo to ttiKK'thr kisses is my intention to vlsorously enforce etutitlal amount ,v . stratches. Hiu nniiltnr laws ef Marshfleld and Mr C MnswortU nnd brother of i nil of those who arc acting In uola- Marshfleld were uiHus t re tl'o'e tf-STIO.V I'QH.THE D t,OJ of Uw wlu jmvt, complaints filed effl e- en yi ttrdax T f nre t" rcat Uy lint It i8 eriBy to ko to uguHiBt them after April 15. 1VJIB. ciiIuk to become peiinanent rc-ldent8 .ihmUMdUvuvJLtJJLjl -. JWWU. -r"xi& W'Z e,M,u Abstracts FOR RRI.IAHLE ARSTRACTS OF TIT AROfT E AMI IM'ORMATIO.N C00S BAY REAL ESTATE. Sec riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQl'ILLU CITV, OREGON uu ,l.i;TS, EASTSIDK AM) SEXGSTAClKEN'S ADDITION JXTS FOR CAXADl PACIFIO RAILROAD LANDS :r"ZZlV?ZSU2221KSJ3m-,- G P.XrJLVL AGENTS, AGENTS Puget Sound Bridge & uredgmg o. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General 'Co00 COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WOBR , Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon work the Dredge "Seattle" llr r0 the most powerful, best equipped nud most tliorows" twenly-lncli hydrnullo dredge lu raclflo waters Coos Bav office. Main ot ice. . -,.... . sroupj