PWisf T ,'T,11i JrVW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915 EV ENING EDITION. tWo PEOPLES FORUM Tho Coos liny Tlmca wilt bo ptcnsoit to publish tetters from Its lenders on all questions o( public Interest, giving bis or her addroas, r.nd so far ns possible limited tu 250 vords. In publishing these tet ters Tho Times does not Indors9 tho a lews expressed therein; it li slmplv affording a means for tho voicing of different opinions on all qtcptlons affecting tho public wel 14 re. , i j Editor Times!, , . . ( , ' linclosod. j)leas'e 'find gmniurilcn tlon for Tbo Times. The letter was Inspired by reading your optimistic editorials, and by reading In tho Times of tho depression of tho lum bar Industries of your section, nnd of knowing tho ivastqful .methods of clearing land' out there. Chcapor transportation means new llfo to your section of tho country, to nil tho country In fact. Tho Panama, Canal Is tho key that wilt unlock tho doors of Industry to this nation If wo uso it, nnd tho gov ernment ntono can control tho trans portation problem. Hoping that you will boo your wny clear to uso tho article Yours truly, J. 8. McMUriTItY, A fiOVJCKNMKNT ATLANTIC PACI FIO TltANSl'ORTATIO.V SY8TICM Supposo Instead of paying out vast nro mined with death traps, then go,Cal selections, covering one hundred sums of money to get control of tho at your own risks. Tho Btnrry fjag, thlrty-flvo pages of music, Miss railroads, that wo build n cpmpotlng protects you at homo nnd on tho 'prances Datchelor, of Portland, last transportation system, It needs no 'western hemisphere, but not If your I evening nt the Presbyterian Church, argument to show that If tho govorn-,lovo for money would lend you togavo an exhibition of musical mem ment had n competing system that endanger tho pcaco and prosperity orizlng worthy of notice. Without tho railroads would of necessity como of your natlvo land. notes alio presented thirteen regular to tho government's rate of tranB-j The lesson that this war Is teaching numbers correctly. Miss Hatchclor's portatlon: cither that or nult busl- us Is that wo must rely moro on our I playing, though, Is much more than ness. Now then hero Is the plnn of-'American resources. Wo have ship- being correct. Sho gives her mini fered for tbo solution of tl.U nil Im-'pcd our cotton and raw materials I bcrs an expression nnd spirit 'that portant nucstlon. 'nbrond at low prices and then shipped i brings out tho theme of the composer Let tho Government build a lino of back high-priced finished products, Panama Canal ships, theso ships to j This Is nil wrong. American pro bo bo constructed that tliey could ducts should bo made up by American start from Coos liay, or Pugct Sound workmen, thereby giving employment' nnd, sailing through tho Panamn Ca- our wonunginon, ana wo snouia nnl, sail up tho Mississippi river, or sell tho finished products nbroad. sail around Florida nnd up tJo At-! Hut, in times of war like tho present lantlo coast to New York nnd up tho wo should let foreigners como aftor Hudson river nnd on to tho groat, our products, whilst wo Invest our lakes. Let them ho built to carrv good money in building tin American passongcrs and freight, nnd also fit-' manufactures, and in building inter- tho wibs of Song," Mendelssohn IpiI fnr iinttln nlilns. Whv not? ff ' stato commercial linen of merchant "d Wagner-Liszt's "Mebestod." The making ono feel tho Inspiration of tho composition. Sho is a player of genius, meeting the expectations of the large audience that heard her. In tho first part sho presented one number from Dncli-Dusonl, nnd three Chopin solectloiiB. Fnntnsle-F Minor was particularly a strong ono. Among tho second part numbers were thrco by Drahms, closing with "On FOR . BUTTERICK PATTERNS FOR APRIL ARE HERE Quarterly Book SUMIy1ERfasHI0NS na AHRIVEO A IJnttloMilp I I Merchant Marino to CJienpcii Freight Itntcet ; Vllr... rrimV. I w . 1 I . 1 ' 'Editor', wo of tho eastern nnd central states nro surprised to hear that thcro Is stagnation nnd 'depress Ion (njtho lumhqr Industries, In the groat lumber producing northwest, hero lumbor prices to tho consumer nro boostod sky high, tho nvnllablo lumber in tho central and castorn parts of tho United States is vory tlmltod and prlcos nro ndvnn'clng nil tho tlmo. If wo on tho prnlrlos of Missouri, KariBns, Nobrasko, Iowa, Oklahoma nnd Texan could havo reasonnblo transportation for tho lumber thnt you pcoplo In and around Coos Hay burn up in order to get it out of tho way wo would fool thnt wo woro Indood fortunnto. Your plan of slashing tlmbor nnd thon liurnlng ovcrythlng looks to uR lllco extravagant waste, wo need this tini er that you want to got rid of, woro t not for tho oxorbltnnt freight rates vo could afford to buy your Biirplim Imbor, thoroby ljclplng,ohrkotven nnd ou too. This snmo condition pre Yalls as to your othor products, nnd io ours, our whent and corn and cot- jon nro at times a drug on tho market pocnuso of tho fact that wo can not Eetjt to thoso who need It. This brings, us to'tho micstlon of Government Qwporslilp. pf rnllronds, a question that wo tryt6 relagnto to (ho background,' hut! which lllco ''n.inqtio'n ghost, will not down." Why should you pdoplo wasto tho food-given rcsouroes ,of their fortlto Innds, whon tljoiunudn of their bro thers nro miroly in need of theso snmo rosoureoa? It is not right, It Is not tntc-smnnshlp to shy off at tho Idea of Government Ownership 0f rnl ronda bocnuso, forsootli, it Is not u part of our political party's plntrorm, In tills nation of oiim wo want loss of polltlca and moro biiBlnoas. in writing this Jotter I havo not stopped to consul democratic or republican, fr socialist loadors to nslc if whnt I Jdvocato will liarmonlzo ivith tholr ot doctrine, rather r am trying toi l,lnd n solution for tlilsj question or cbenpor trniiBportdtloil'.'hnvIng found1 tjhnt I know I will hotter tho condl- Von . tUP- Krent mass of American icoplr, north', south, enst and west.1 CJovornniont ownership of rnll-t roiiiin InvolvoR u qiicstlnu of ivillll jiih of money, to take over tliu railroads tho govemiuont must fonflscato them n.nd pay them u fair prlco for tho money Invested, and when wo say' Uio govommont, wd mean tlio pconlo.l ) ecnuso nil thnt tho government hnu Hist como from tho pockets of tho pople, directly or Indirectly, thou tho noBtlcm , would It pay tho ltooplo ip inKo over tlio railroads? liavo Bpcnt millions of dollars In battleships. Wo arc tired of t!.o building tho Panama Cannt, why not . goods that como to us with tho brand uso It ns our nallonnl transportation '"Mado In Oermany." Clvo us Am route to compefo with tho railroads 'orlcan goods, transported through that nro collecting prohibitive ratos I our big ditch by American ships, own as far ns tho transportation of turn- "d nnd sailed by Americans, under bornnd other much needed comniodl-1 "o American flag and controlled by ties. Wo havo spent millions of gold,tno American government. In building biltlcahlps, why not utll- J. S. McMUItTIlY. Izo theso ships In tlmo of poace as . freight nnd passongcr ships. Wliyi not give our sailors nnd soldiers some thing to. do besides draw their pay? I PLEASING PIANIST Why not In tho futuro build battle ships with a view of using them ns merchantmen, nnd thus put now llfo Into our logging Industries? Let tho buzz of tho sawmill ind tho planing mill, tho echo of tho carpen ters nnd shin builders' hnmmcrs bo MISS BATCHELOR A PLEASING Miss Frances IJntcholor, who Is to appear In recital In Mnrshflcld noxt Monday evening nt tho Prca bytorlnn Church, wns tho soloist nt tho concort given by tho Albany women's Musical Club this week nenrd ail over Oregon and Washing- and In nn nccount of tho concort ton, building thoso nntlonnl battle-' tho Albany Democrat says: ships for Interstnto commorco. Stop this wnnton wasto of your fine tlm ber nnd, nt tho snmo tlmo supply tho central nnd onstorn states with lum bor nnd coal, thus giving employment to tho mechanics of nil sections of tho United States, Tho Wilson administration has fought hnrd for tho shin purchasing bill. A bill that Ib loaded with dy namite, nnd, had it passed, would havo almost cortnlnly embroiled us In tho war that B raging In Kuropo, instead of building up an over-seas merchant mnrlno, lut this government put Its money Into nn interstato Pan ama Canal coast merchant marlno, snmo to bo fortified nnd convertible Into battloshlpB If noqdod. ,.iln ordor to kodp out of tho wnr this nation mubt my to tho European nations, wo havo abundance Qf wheat,, corn, pork, beof, cotton and othor provisions, but Blnco you havo your porta mlnod, Blnco you havo let looso on tho trncUIcaa orcan f lontlng mines, slneo your submarines nro destroying uio commerco of tho world, from hoiicorortii, 'If you want American products, como nftor thorn in your own ships. Wo will protect you throo miles from our shore lines, uftor that fight to your henrtB' content. Say to tho ship owners, f you aro not satisfied to help build up a South American trndo, or cugngo In n coast wlso trndo, hut nnut go to sons that "Ilondorlng nbout fifteen classl- last part brought out tho beauty of Campbell-Upton's work. Memory Boomed to ho especially appreciated.' Miss Untchelor is appearing In Mnrshflcld undor tlio management of Perl Illloy Iinllinger nnd tickets for tho performance next week may bo secured from tho Thomas Music store and from G. W. Kaufman. Among thoso In the audience was Mmo. Carroll, of Portland, instruc tor of Miss Uatnholor, who takes a speclat prldo In her musical accom plishment. Mrs. Carroll has had a romnrkablo carcor as n teacher of pi ano playing, numbering among her pupils many prominent plnycrs. Tho construction of a now port on tho onBt coast of tho iBlnnd of Luzon Is expected to reduco tho tlmo for trips between tho Pacific Coast of tho United States and Man ila by four days. Saturday's Selling EVERY GARMENT THIS SEASON'S CREATION. LADIES' SUITS MAN-TAILORED In the new shades $12.50 J16.50 $21.00 CRISP NEW WAISTS Embroidered Linon, Flare Collars, full and semi sleeves $1.25 each WHITE SILK WAISTS handsomsly embroidered LADIES' COATS M'l'tary, Balmacaan and three-quarter lengths $9.00 $12.00 The Union Market SPRING LAMB MILK VEAL CHICKENS PORK PORTLAND BEEF Our meats and poultry nro nlivnyn tlio host on tlio market nml nro properly cooled In our refrigerating plant, ulilcli Insures (heir icnclilng you In (lie bout, of condition, OXliV ONIJ MOHH WKHIC OK LAUD 8ALK. i k.ifj....m.'ji..ii T ' T" - -- --r l,VU K fK? tMj ifcSr j3yAi BfcrTw! New SHOES HpiAAlKKALflVitaH Cfi aVTni cibt rc& ', . kmsj Home Made Marmalade I'lltK A.VII l)i:i.l(;UTKUIiA.S A A full pint, of Colilcn Seal nn'iitli Prohorvo ,lnr only .., COOS HAY .MOIt.MXfl. Wldo 40c A 1'1'Mj 1,1 XH OK KUKSII VI(!OTAIH,ia THE UNION MARKET J. E Ford & Co. sociaii cAr,i:xi)Au Pit IDA Y Friday Club with Mrs. I. I). Ilartlo. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. It. II. Walter. l'lillatboa Society nt Ilap tlst Church parlors. ! o NASBURG'S GROCERY Tho flood Housekeeping Store. Times Want Ads for rosulto. Times Want Ads Bring Results 174 Koutli Ilroiuhwiy. rhono n. FISK ii TIRED OF LIFE Constant Backache 1 and Rheumatism R.ed Top Fisk Bicycle Tires tO 7c: ip'i i """ IVI TIRES No need to pay more than Fisk prices. Better values do not exist. LOOK AT THESE PRICES Ford and Bulck Agency Complete Stock Ford parts and accessories FORD SPECIAL CYLINDER OIL Mr. Business Man : Do You Know That The Koloy Kidney, I'lIU fU0,i 'ivvns f-flkiMimii ho Iio'h ttuotl.iik VT, Aimosi down nnd.v JULAVUh Jthlnov tmublo IthoiiTnntlsiu bo imi 1,.. niuld scarcely Kot up whon lio sat down. Duck nched nil tho tlmo. INo wondor Mr. P. A. Woolty, liHakeman on tho road from Dallns to' JnckHon, Texas, "was tired of Jiv ing." "I saw Poley Kidnoy Pills iidvor Unin.' 'ho said, "i tool: sonio and nftor a abort tlmo I wns thoroughly cured and an havliiK no moro trou ble." Your klduoy pills will disappear' and with it tho bnckaobo and rbnu-' matlsni, by tho uso of Poluy's Kidney Pills. Onco your kidney becomo strong and active, nohos nnd pains vll dlsappoar Ilko mnglc Thero'.H nothliiK to oaual tlie rpiui Ino. (lot them, .' Plain Tread Nonskid Red Top Tubes (1,000 .Mites (iiinrnutcod.) 30x3 $ 9.00 $ 9.45 $11.35 $2.35 30x3 J -2 J J. 60 J 2.20 J3.40 2.70 32x3 J-2 J3.35 14.00 15.40 2.80 34x3 1-2 14.90 15.65 2.95 34x4 19.40 20,35 22.40 400 36x4 1-2 27.35 29.70 31.60 5.20 Coos B ay Times K Adjustments on the spot. ..JNotc We have never been called upon to make on a Ford size Fisk tire. Use Fisk Tires and Forget Your Tire Troubles THE an adjustment I Fisk Service Gunnery Fisk Service Fisk Distributors Southwest Oregon. G0RST & KING GARAGE, KIME & VON PEGERT r wuitoctt North Bend Anents. Conuille AnnntfRT' S ?;J?",T.SiIJ uuiiuuii Mycin. Goes into more than 80 per cent of homes of Marshfield? Do you know that The Times cir culates widely in all sections tributary to Coos Bay? Do you know that The Times will sell your merchandise if you use its columns? This has been proved by many who have tried it Do you want more business? We do! Let us demonstrate! It's your business and ours TO ADVERTISE x ., v ','Kfcmg3!arvaP-v - ,$' . . ." f?ffifrffiliElpi"''rT.lliT jSoHPW3L lfi! jjB;