wnaivzzzfm 2 MuamgasriBiag'itfuaB8i JBMaaaMafc&)tta!i nm fmsifuvtutunt iESiiKt'HMH w THREE MEALS A DAY, A PLACE TO SLEEP, SfS, IS A SURE RECIPE TOR BEING UNHAPPY f oos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's nlint tho Coos Hay Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo nnil devoted to. tho best Interests of this great section . Tho Times always boosts ami uovor knocks. TIio Coos Day Times Is proud of Its UUo "Tho Jo's rnPcri" l,nd Jt Btr'TCS nt n11 tl,n t o UP ,0 ,tfl naul by ,,orotlllB ,,s CIIorB,0 to promoting tho people's tatcrcst. MKMHERS OF THE ASSOCIATED lAtESS & ' .'$'&&&&(&! fflmiB mmm watt VOL NO. XXXVIII. LOOKS LIKE WAR German Government Has Is sued Orders Prohibiting Ex ports from Germany All Freight Cars Homeward1 Bound Are Intercepted at Frontier Stations GERMAN FAMILIES FLEE I'aisenRcr Trains Arriving In Swlt. trlnnd Today arc Crowded With (icnnnii Families Hurrying Homo to Kuthcrlund. D; AhocUM rr lo Cooi tuj Tlmo.l flUNKVA, Switzerland, April 9. Tho German government today, J,o- .Mcs prohibiting exports from Gor many to Italy, Is stopping nt fron tier jtntlons all empty Itallnn freight cars bound homoward. Passonger trains arriving in Switzerland todny were crowded with aormnn families. 1 ill DUEL OMOHE DYING AS A HESULT TO op Fl:ui Fitfit Takes Plneo in School House Willi Three itrothcrs on Each Side Df AiiofUt! Vttu to CO. J Tlmn.J rOMKHOY, Ohio, Aprit 9. In n knlfo dud at tho schoolliouso nt Lc tirt, W. Va., last night, during a ichool entertainment, Earl Shlrloy and Urson Ilosworth, both married, were killed. Thrco brothers on n ildo were said to havo engaged in tho fight. Two others nro reported to bo djlng. Tho troublo was tho culmina tion of an old fucd. GERMANS CAPTURE MANY PIECE ARTILLERY' Official hint Published of (inns Ta-! LlUI lit !ltMllflllU lt'ltflll lm ' Enemy Iflf AMKtM Vmt to Cooi nr TlmM.l BEP.LIN, April 9. According to a list published todny, thoro wero In Germany on March 1, 5,510 pieces of captured nrtlllory. Thcso Includo 1.300 French, 850 Russian, nnd GO British guns. BRITISH LOSSES HEAVY Carnally LM Issued hy English War Office Shows Rig Donth List in Two Days IBr AuorUlel tten to Coo nr TlmM.J I)NIX).V, April 9. Anothor ox tended casualty list totalling 1,108 names Issued )y thoj British war oi Ilco today emphasizes tho florconcss f th0 battle of Ncuvo Chnpollo In franco last month. Today's list nd dl to lists Issued for two Previous days shows total of 4,058 killed, wounded, or missing nnd to !go extent thcso casualties nro ttrlbuted to tho battlo of Nouvo Cha pello. DOCTOR DEAD "r. Slagruder, Ono tif tho Heads f the American Red Cross, is Stricken Jn Serbia. IB AuocltUl TrfM to Coot Bj TlmM, WASHINGTON, D. C, April 9. Ilr Ernest H. Magruder, of this "y. one of the physicians at tho bead of the American Red Cross unit i Serbia, has fallen a victim of ty Wius fever. His death was reported from Belgrade. M"S. CARL SMEDBERG and little 'on. John Henry, are spending a ,ev days nt tho home of her par eots, Mr and Mrs. Henry Black on South Fifth street. 1'pUcoim, T,.,n,r n..n.i vnnn - .... .,,..,,7. Mllllll ww.. "ih at PERRV & XICHOKSOX'S WITH INLT SOON SUP TALI EUROPE n"". Satmilay nfternoon. Established 1H7H As Tho Const Mall. EITEL IS INTERNED GERMAN CRUISER TAKEN TO NAVY YARD TODAY. Internment Was Delated to l'ennlt Jlitrlal of u Member of Crew With .Military Honors. (Dr AisocUled Tnu to Coos Dr Times. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., April 9 Tho internment of tho Prlnz Eitol Frlcdrlch nt Norfolk Navy Yard, wns dolnycd until Into tdoay bo that Max Imlllnn Prol, ono of tho crow, who fell to death from n lndtlcr Wednes day, might havo n military funeral. Hluo jnvkctB from tho battleship Ala bama marcliod In tho funeral pro cession with tho Eltol's crew. Tho Eltel then proceeded to tho Navy Y.ard. ILL TRY LOHIMEH FORMER KE.VATOK IS CHARGED WITH CRIME Mtt CImlWs ()f Cl.m,i Con- spirnry to AVreek Chicago Savings Hunk Wj AMoclneJ rrtM to Cooi nj Tlmt. CHICAGO, April 9. William Lorlmcr, formor United States sona tor, and 'other officials of tho do funct LaSallo Street Trust and Sav ings bank, must stand trial on char ges of conspiring to wreck tho Institu tion. Tills was tho offoct of a de- cl8'n ot tho criminal court today by which n motion to quash tho in dictment was overruled. FRAME UP ON POLICE CHIEF Iih Angeles (ih I Confesses to Judge That Charges Were Not Pnscd on Fact. Hr AnlitJ PrM U ruii nr Tlmw. LOS ANGEIiES, Cal., April 9. Virginia Desparte, ono. of tho two delinquent girls who mndo tho orlg Innl chnrgCB which cnused tho coun ty grand Jury to Investlgnto tho moral conduct of Chief of Pollco Sc bnstlan, told Judge Taft of tho Su perior Court, todny that tho wholo offnlr wns a "frnmo up." BIG STORE GOES IN S ,i. u. Grecnhiit Co.. of New York City, Full With Assets or -even Millions Liabilities Ih-ss Dr AMOtUt", rr to ro bT Tlmtl NEW YORIC, April 9. Receivers woro appointed todny by tho Fod cral Court for tho J. II. Orcenhut Company, which operates n largo department storo hero. Tho assets nro listed In tho complaint nt 7, 105,119. Tho liabilities nro $3.5 13, 0GO, not Including mortgngo llnbll in.,., ..nnmitini' nnnroxlmntoly to $2,050,000. A fow minutes nftor tho nppolntmont of rocolvors, nn In voluntary Imnkruptcy potltlon was filed by three creditors. Recolvorshlp was applied for In n suit brought by tho Monmouth Se curities Company, nnd tho dofendunt consented to tho nppolntmont. WILLARD IN WASHINGTON Champion .Arrives In Capital I Meets With EnthiislnMlc Xv and Reception (II; AuorUM Yxta to Coo n7 TlmM, iwAHiiiNGTON. April 9. Jess Wlllard and party arrived hero this aftornoon. A reception committee bonded by Rob Fltzslmmons, met the I champion at tho rauway siuinm ushered him out Into an auiomouuu through the ontranco resorved for tho president of tho United States. Married In California. Mnrshflold friends havo been, apprised of the marriage of Charles Rehfeld to Miss Ethel Stadleman, which took placo In California on Easter Sunday, me young couple will mako their home In San Joso. Sumner Orchestra Dance nt Tin nlsh Hall, Saturday, April 10. EAGLES HALL, Eagles Hall, to tonlaht. Martin's Orchestra. Episcopal Ladles' Guild 1'OOD SALE nt PERRY & NICHOLSON'S Si.nv. Satuntiy afternoon. - Times want nds bring results. RECEIVERS AND MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 1ST SEVERE Trenches Around Meuse Are Choked With Dead Bodies of Soldiers ' HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE Battle Progressing With In creasing Fierceness and Both Sides Claim Gains HAND TO HAND FIGHTING On Village on Voce Canal Has Changed Hands Three Times In Threo Days Use Incendiary Shells and Aspliy.latlou lloinhs llf AkocIiIkI fttM to Cooi D.j TlmM.) LONDON, April 9. A further ad vauro In tho region botween tho Mouso and MobcIIo rivers, whoro n concentrated nttack wns bogun by tho Allies Bovernl days ngo, Is an nounced today by tho French mil itary authorities. It Is said thnt tho tranches wero enptured nt sev eral points nnd In somo instances wero choked with dead. Berlin snys tho battlo Is pro gressing with Increasing fierceness nnd henvy loss of life, but tho of forts of tho allies aro unavailing. On tho contrary, It Is said, Commits captured trenches from tho French. Tho Germans ro-enptured tho vll lago of Drol Grachton from tho Ilol glans. In Russia new fighting has dovolopcd north or Sulwnkl. 1'e trograd regards tho Austrian oper ations In tho Carpathians ns having collapsed. Potrograd claims that all tho main summllts nnd slopes of tho ncskld Mountains nro In tho hands of tho Russlnns. GERMAN REPORT SAYS FRENCH ARE REPULSED Official Statement CInlni.s That tho Enemy's Attacks Ewry''c,'o nro Unsuccessful Heavy losses Suffered. IDJ AmocUIoI rn t Cwt nr to RERUN, April 9. Oflclnl state ment todny reads that the "Ilolglans I W again hnvo been driven out of tho I repelled rountor nttocks. Tho on demolished hnmlot of Orel Grnchton 0my enscd their counter attacks af on tho Ysor canal. Hundred prls- tor midday." oners nnd two mnchlno guns woro enptured. In rotnllntlon for tho bom- SPANISH WAR VETERANS bnrdmont villages suuaieu nuiunu our positions, tho city of RhelniB, In which lnmo nssombllngs of troops and batteries obsovred havo beon bombarded with Incendiary sholls. ' North of tho vllhigo of Rausojour, wo took from tho French last night sov- oral tranches, iwo nuompts to n- ' . .' . npturo positions ero repulsed. ro Fronch infantry attack In tho. Ar- attack In tho. Ar-i . ....,!.... ...I.IMi llmv nL'nln ROIIIIO wruBl llll.."B " i "" ;-, ,oMo. fierce- , UUJ ....i., used nsphyxatlng bombs, fulled ties botweon tho Mouso nnd th sollo continued with lnrroiiK.od ness. tiio froncn sunoreu . heaviest losses and woro con piotuiy unauccosiisiui in mr ... ";.)lnmi0,, ,,.. tho inombors and an ehjo-t tor what tho decision of tho hlgliur tho Woevro plain tho French unsuc- ... ,10.iIr, ressfully nttnekod. An RtUack near So.ouse forest, north of tho St Mlh- lei, broke down boforo our entangle-1 mnnta. t,, tho A 1 Iv forest wo nro progreslng slowly. Tho Fronch ad- vnnce wosi ni Apromoui ...c... French attacks west of Fllory died out "ndor our flro, but north nnd normenBi iney ,eti i .m.r .... hnnd fighting In which our Jroops .drove back the enemy. In Loprotro forest, the French failed to gain any ground. An attempt to capture tho viilniro of BezanRo iJiGrnndo by tno cnoh, vlilcl. w. .CU..M. r.llrt. 5 "'i; "r:rs:i -.. ---- ... -- . u.-ni!tiv wlilnh ns vet are undeciueu.- ......,, -.. . JUMPS TO ETERNITY Wisconsin U'gWaturd'book commlttoo of tho library has Member of Commits Sulcldo by Jumping Ten Stories tDf Ax,l Trm l'"" " Tlni'' MILWAUKEE, Wis., April 9. Chris topher Paulus, aged 01 years, a mem ber of the stato assembly, committed Biilcldo today by Jumping from tho tenth floor of the First National Hank building. He had recently had financial troubles. ltilil'.M ll.llili, l-MKirn ll.ili, "- tonight. Mnrtln'x Otdiestrit. i ... . .... .. w w .. t.... ir..if .. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915 'S RUSSIANS ON PACIFIC COAST CALLED HOME. Hurrying Rack on Every Steamer That Sails from Seattle hi Re sponse to Country's Call. tDT AisocUted Prfs to Coa r7 Tlmm.) SEATTLE, April 9. In respotiBO to n recent order promulgated by tho Russian Couusul General hero, Rus- Blnu reservists from Oregon, Wash ington, Idnho, Montana nnd Alaska) nre hurrying homo on cvory steamer sailing from Senttlo and Vancouver, 11. C. Fifty reservists departed for Vladivostok on tho Japanese liner Awn Mnru and hundreds of others nro booking passage. CARPENTERS OUT 1(1,000 HAMMER AND SAW WIELD ERS QUIT IN CHICAGO Refusal of Demand .for. Increased Wages RcmiIIh In Walkout; Eo- ciithia Roaid Approves M AMO'Utfd Tr-wi to Coon lltjr Tlmn.1 CHICAGO, April 9. Sanction of n strike of 1G.000 carpenters in Chi cago bccnuEo domauds for tucrcuBcd US RESERVES wages wero refused was granted lycloaoly rolntcU( 8lnco lf UuflSn, wlHl mo execuuvo iiuuriiuiiuimi uiihhui- tho hood of carpenters and Joiners nt In dianapolis, necordlng to word brought back todny by officers of tho local district council. FRENCH CLAIM TO HAVE GAINED FROM GERMANS; Capture Trenches Emm tho Enemy nnd Successfully Repel All Counter Attacks inx Auoclttai rrm to Coot Day TlmM. PARIS, April 9. Official commu nication this nttomoon reads "Hrl- tlsh troops repelled Germon attack night boforo Inst between Mouso nnd , tho Mosollo nnd fresh prosress wns made. At Los Pnrgcs wo gained nov ground and romodelled trenches cap tured from tho Germans, which woro choked with bodies, so us to mnko tho parapets faco tho othor way, anil wo repelled nt tho closo of tiny, two countor nttneks mndo by tho enemy. 1 In Montmnro wood nil progress wo enlned wo malntnlned despite vlo-. lout uttacks yesterday. In Allly wood wo captured now trciichcs nnd oi am enn mcmoriai nAY PLAN FOR MEMORIAL UAY inspector C. I!. Fni'iiinn Mwl With -)W (uip; 1 1 Soldiers Present Thoro wero 1 1 Spanish wnr voter- ' M, of Qw0l Blimmor cnn,t ,..,,,, 111.0,i11 ,.,,,.1 iaHt oven- ..rnonnt nt Dm iiwntlnt' hold last ovon- ciliaml.er of Commerce ... . . .. . ... ...... ..-,... ,iSOussed Uliamiier oi v,,........vu I""'". wnou Pians wu.u '"-"'" ... .11, ,...U.,.I for tho Decoration Day exlSn7poc,ed hero llttlo more than n month lis ant. L. colonel It.,, w I o 1 , t Jc" " ! xl,r,,c IkImk It In Arizona Ioh- '"""""'. ,nR"u,,tor fU, 8- S)' ;c" 'I1"'1 '""t,, , ' tr. nm, orls, meets with 1'ayno nnd- HuhkImb. V. or Oregon, was present from Port- V11 , , 0 ,r ,,,, j y M 00 for land. dredging work and that this monoi , ,,... i i,w. roorBaiiUntloii of tho Camp Is TnurHday night, and on --- J ; ' muQi w off,co of , Bi ;- ;- . .' . ..... ,..i. ., excrcl8e8i TJ)(j I)))Ill)0rH WQro ,.0mpllmontod Jjy Froomun for tho mor In Uoy hayo tnken ho)(, of t)l0 w()rk f(jr tho votorallH, Thoeo pros- . woro E(lwar(, j0Qlmx, y K. Get- J v Jm J 0 0raV0j( c.,mr. Jcg Ka,BOri K T, jjunnoll. C. H. Free- jn , g IJr0WI1( J K Tolander, . . , ,, ,,, """"'" 'ZlZZ-L - - Wll. inniiiiiiv muuii.iK ui ii.w .'.. ... ,. , ,,., ,.i ,n. ... 1 ... I'niiii 111 null' iinrury uuuiu n.u . .... in .. ,......i .1.1.1 l,r. ' "w . I held at tho library Thursday after- noon, April 15. at 2:30 o'clock. r c. M. Hvlor will nreslde. Tho recoully put on ualo for tho benefit er the children's corner, a largo assortment of very fine dahlia bulbs grown In tho garden of Herbert Armstrong. ICpiscopal Ladles' Guild 1'OOD SALE at PERRY A NICHOLSON'S Sloiv, Satiirtbiy nfternoon. Hand dunce, new Noble hiilldlug, tonight. TlmPB Want ads bring results. EVENING EDITION. NEW ILLUME CAUSES TALI Possibility of Agreement Be tween Austria and Italy the Chief Topic in Rome ET Separate Peace Pact Between Austria and Russia is Dis cussed by Italian Papers ITALIAN STEAMSHIP RUMOR Report That Orders Wero Issued In Roino for Italian Steamer." to Remain hi American Ports Un til April - Is Denied nr AmocUIM Triw to Coot Hit Tlmw. ROME, April 9. Questions of whether nn undorstnndlng bctweon Italy nnd Austria Is still possible nnd whether n separate Austro-Rus- slnu pento treaty is probnblo nro dls cussed from different polntB f vlow j bv the Romo nrcss. Tho nanors ngreo thnt tho two questions nro ,. . - ,,, Anino ni,ti.,0 liiu iui ininoiw. ui tnu 4iiv, wiio what sho deslrcB nnd comes to terms with Vienna, it Is impossible to mnR10 tlmt Au8trlll wotll(1 i)0 wM. j ling to mako territorial conccsstoiiB to Italy. STEAMER RU.MOR DENIED nr AMOtUlrit rrt to Coon U Tmr 1 NEW YORIC, April 9. Agents or the Itallnn trnns-Atlnutlc steamship lines had not received today any orders reportod yestordny IsBiiod I from Romo directing nil Italian stenmorB In Amorlcnn ports to post pone sailing until April 20. Tho nBonta p,nco mt0 t.ro(lonco In tho ropQrt nm, gftt, tholr V0S80ia wouhl sftjl m Bcncdule. . DREDGE SEATTLE TO FINISH IX j WEEK, SAYS It. E. MILLER . 'Nu1 Completing Woik on Slioal Near Pony Slough; Relieved the Dilution Dredging KcsIh on Supremo Court Deelhloii Completion of tho original projo-st of Coos liny dredging, n chnnuol 300 feet wldo from tho bar to tho Smltn I"111 2C fcot ilc0, w,u b0 coini),t)lca ,)y loxt wL.oU ne(.r,IIK ,0 u. B. Ml. lor, suporlntondent or tjio tireugo Seattle. Movement of tho dredging apparatus to Daiidon, though pot Htated definitely by tho Paget Hound Hr,,lKa & Dredging company, 1 In- r,rr.,i i., rum. i-misldorably on thr r,.ireii lo rest I'OiiHldorably r, i ,....l..l,. I.. Il.n T,irl Rimrnnu, Court decision in i MUpronio i-oiiri u.i..u ... . " - . ,. ....... i l....ll,... lu ..V. ,,r ii.ui.in,, case. A decision Is ox oi iiuiiiuin viu. v .,...,. .., dredging work and tlmt this money v.-ould probably bo expended no mat-1 .should tho di edging company move ;;,. to nUo,, two , , (.a,ud olIorntlii. .. .,. i , , tU; ,,0Bt from IluIllloil ,, if tlio , WOiithor Is good tho long jilpos will probably bo towed down, thus doing nwny wl(h t)l(J neC0SI(ty of loading (lu, ttJ0ard a ship. If tho Ilantion contract Is not taken up tho dredge gouttl0i 8ayt4 j,r. Miller, will not bo moved north for sevoral months, , The North Spit which hns formed i.., ..... .,, , , ,,, ,,,i,,n imr. ,,, Z ,.r Miller 1,, tan .d - - i - - -. -- runuiriiiu oi ...wi. . i.w.i .. '-, .i.... ...i.i. i,t.. .,., n tl,n .intlrn . .... ....... ...... ., .i, .,nirn nullum tnui Willi uus iiu.iu, v..... IRE EC L CUANNELSOONDONE in n.i in .rminrniii iiuiiiiiuuiinu.i uui ga,,,! obstruction Is expected to scour out through tho narrow channel About a year ago tho rlvi oceun Joined In a nurrow A.,t..a... ?",?: , "lU! ?h. Liioxpoetor to bo the high point winner channel aeio the neck loading to tho light 101ISO ali u,0 j0tty on tho north side o( tno rvor. It was the breaking ;Qf t)l0 oueBU through hero that brought the sand through the broken Jetty and Into the main ohnnnel.llo oauso of this ships aro now forced to make u turn to tho south whllo en tering the hnrbor. , Don't target the big ImiiuI dance tonight at tho New Noble Riilld Ing. MiihIc li) eiitlit baud. A CoiiMilldntlnii of Times Const Mail and (Nhis Hny Advertiser. iFRHNCEATTHEFRIR'SAY SUBMARINE FRENCH PAVILION IN SAN FRAN CISCO DEDICATED TODAY Women Predominate Iternuso Hus bands, ItrntlvrH, and Sons Havo Gouo to War In Europe In? AiocUtI rrn to Cora Dr TlmM. SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. Wo men predominated at tho dedicatory exorcises of tho French pnvllhm nt tho Panama Pacific Exposition to day. Tho husbands, brothers nnd sous from hundreds of homes in big Fronch colony horo havo gono to tho wnr. llelglum wns allotted an en tlro wing of tho building. SIUTTLE WOMAN MADE .MASTER of 'run i Takes Artlve Command of Vessel of Which Her Husband Is tho .Mate tllr AmooIaIcI rr lo Too nr TlmM.l SEATTLE, April 9. Mrs. Nellie L. Spormnn, having obtnlncd n pilot's llronso for tho waters of Paget Sound, Urltlsli Columlila nnd AlnBUn, nns been nirfolntod master of tho steam iK Hcr1), of which her husband Is innto. She will tnko nctlvo command! of tho vessel, which Is ono of n flcoti ongnged In general towing. Tho np-l uolutmont wns mndo on merit by tho tug's owners. 212ATHLETESMEET SID CLARK ENTERED IN RK1 IN DOOR TRACK CONTEST Columlila Unlici-Mty, Portland, Scene of Gathering of Spike Artists; 121 Suhoels Represented Mnrahflcld will bo represented at tho first big colloglnto nnd lnter schohtstlo track meet of tho year to morrow ttftornoon lit Portlnnd when In tho Indoor stadium of Columbia University 212 nthlotes from 21 col leges and high schools of Oregon don tholr spikes nnd run Hko speed dem ons. Sid Clark Is entered with tho I University track squad In tho running broad Jump. , What thoro lies in storo for him and for tho othor 27 runners " .lumpers from Eiigone is nigniy P"- blemntlcnl. Though Coach Hill Iluy-' ward hns lost but ono moot In 1 0 years each soason finds tho question ono that nwnlts until tho final ovont for nn nijswor. O.' A. C. romped homo with tho "lineou" JaBt spring. Coach Stewart Is known to be coming lo tho Rose City tomorrow ylth u string of 31 men, many of tlium tho bust of the coast. I Graduates nnd old hIiiiIojiIh of both Institutions horo aunlt with iniiuh In tnrest tlio niitiomu of tho half mile HUH IIUI llllll IIVUIILH 1YIIUII I 1 ""h'""H n.. . il... ...II.. ....mil.. ...1I...I II. tin. i.i .1 , . ,.,,.. ,,, , . il. v'. l'"u" '" , .,,.., I I TlioO. A. C. mun Is known lo ha0ngngtirs, being without her regular tlouo the two mllu In loss than U:39 mlnutos and tho mllo undor 1:21 mluiitoH. both "clockings" being on a ZXlXZ h, t,," l"0 n,co" w " I ,b.Q .n"" ' ! tovorcu iracK a iaci uu.i ku"w"' n,t' several seconds dlfforonco In tlio tlmo or tho long ovonts. I iirtiws, Mrs. A. Rose, Mrs. E. F Mor- Hugglns, for two yours has holdrg0y, J. Lolgh. S. Konur, Mrs, Jnmua tho Coast Indoor record for tho mllo. 'jioyd. v. Drown, F. Jlorso, J. W, Pnyno, u second year man, will bo pushing both men eloso ut tho fin ish Though ho has boon Jumping woll,.Murpl)y; R.1.Ioues, A'. Molosl, G. An- Clark Ifl not lookod to us a record j breaker his first season and if ..oj """ '" '"" "'"" "' """ ' ruK "tz :z ::2,:;: si ...npn iitv ltaui mmimiiM .mi iiidi tuu . . ., ... .,. .,... ,..., ,n - -- .- . ...... . . .....n, nt least his second season. "Mooso" of tho moot. w lot catching Inlet, underwont n sorl- Dusliiesh Chango r Connor &ous oporntlon this morning at thej llQuglnnd have purohnsod the Inter- j jiurey hospital for gall stones. Lato ests of Goo. Raines n the Coos tng afternoon ho was resting easy. County Fuel Company nnd are pre- according to word from tho hospital. parod to deliver coal from the Rlv erton Mine. W. C. STILES, said to be n rstlred naval officer, with his wife, nr - rived here today for several weeks stay, bringing their machine with them. JH. No. 222 E Navaf Officer Writes to His Brother That the F-4 Was Leaky EXPEuTJISASTER "It Will Go up in Smoke" Some Day Was Lieutenant's Prophetic Warning STARTLING STATEMENTS Letter Received by Iios Angeles Man' Makes Some Sensational Dis closures About Subpierslble Ves sel Sunk in Honolulu Harbor tllr AHitl rrM lo Coot Ujr TIium 1 LOS ANGELES, April U. Allison D. Edo, brother of Lieutenant Alfred L. Edo, conuuunder of submnrlno Fl, which snuk orf Honolulu, Bald today thnt ho had received from n naval of ficer a letter In which ho declarod tho Biibmorsllilo wns defective. Llou tonnnt Edo, his brother stated, wroto thnt tho vessel wan leaky nnd was otherwise defective. DISASTER EXPECTED 1 'ivaiifl "I expect tho whole thing to go up In smoko any time," said Llou tonnnt Edo of submarluo Fl, In lot tor written to brother horo vlth rof orenco to his vossol Just two days bo foro It wns lost oft Honolulu hnrbor. Ills brother gavo out portions of let ter which ho received n day or two ago. WILL DE INQUIRY LOS ANGELES, April 9.--Rccnuso of tho death of Ijloiitoiuuit Edo, who wns lost with tho submnrlno and crow and because of tho probability of a , (J KOVernmont Imiulry, Edo wiib reluctant to discuss contents of tho letter ho received except tho follow ing: "I hnvo Just come back from Pearl hnrbor whoro wo woro for 1,9. ,inys having now motors Installed Previous to that wo had n blowout Tnko n llltlo thing llko that down fifty feet and no bottom below and wntm. wntlo ' tlmo." I trickling In I expect tho thing to go in Biuoko nay SMITH IS IN lll(i CARRIER RHIN'GS II! PASSEN GERS FROM THE SOUTH i!0O Tons f Freight for Coos Ihtyj Hum ulet Tilp Up Though Roll Some, Say PitiM'tiger 1 4,.... . .... h.. ..ln( foil. . tho, I ilUr II U'l) UIIIUI. IH' ! , ..... M , 0llll, ,trrtvt., this ".."I HIU .H.iii. .J..II... ....... -" - ,r m... i nn.i ,,r il. Kx 'for Cw Day bi1 12 pasHengors. ri.ough tht.ro wu. no wind on tho up h lfco i.i.... viiiw,. i.nr rLMilar cargo. Tho Nairn Is scheduled to havo down Saturduy mternoou at nVo o'clock for Sun Francisco TIioko who arrived this morning IS N loriv.nio! (!. w. Hunk. V. Sonic. Dr. w. K. Stolor, Mrs. W. E. Htolor, Joseph , Funuudor, W. H. Roho, A. It. An- Walt. Eugene O'Connoil, Mrs. u O'Counoll, O. W. Audo.-soii. MrHi-O.J W. . Andowon. 1). Pobst, J. W. (!gl, L, ifiiwjsjjaw, P. C. Gilbert aim jj. Stanley. Thoro wero 15 steerage VmW" : , , . AMONG THE SICK , a. jirs. Flossie Nowllu o Coos River I. ,. I A. K. Towers, promluont ranchor - jnis sons, Leverno and Charlomagno Towor wore prosqnt In tho operating roo,n ' M Marsh Is reported very ill today at The Puln, on Market street Tho "W k1'""' ,lia 1,a bce" lU for 1 rui v" i-