ir'fAMV HIJ m!mmmmmx:jmmmmmiimm CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST, AND A PROMISSORY NOTE DISPLAYS THE SAMETENDW Coos Bay Times Your Paper (Hum 3ftmttB A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos Ray Times is. A Sooth nest Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people and devoted to tlio best Interests of this grout section . Tlio Times always boosts and never knocks. Coos Ray Times Is proud of its title "The 1 'a Vavcrt' and It strives nt nil times to ,i an to Us n10 by lorotlng its energies to .motlng tlio people's Interests. proi MKM11EKS OP TUB ASSOCIATED IMKSS -aft SSisj&aS m$& jjJL NO. XXXVIII. BIB. ORDERED INTERNED 'MY t Secretary Daniels Orders Ger man Cruiser Held in the Navy Yard. HERS ARE, ISSUED Ship Will be Dismantled to Prevent Attempt to .Leave The Harbor ADMIRAL BEATTY IN CHARGE Form! XollflrnHon Sent From Gov trnmrnt t Commander of .Norfolk Xnvy Yard to Take Cluirgo of (iVrinan Vessel. IB; AmrltM rr.M to Cong IUr Tlmw.I WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. Secretary Daniels today gavo formal orders to Rear Admiral Rontty, com manding tho Norfolk Navy Yard to tfco tho Trlnz Kltol Frlodrlch to the navy yard for Intornmont. Hoatty will detcrmlno to what extent the ihlp will bo dlsmnntlod to provent attempt to loovo port. COMMANDER OF EITEL IS OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED ti AwwUtM ITfM to Cool IUr TlmM. NEWPORT NEWS, April 8. Col iKtor Hamilton formally acknow ledged today Commandor Thlrl thtn's letter of loBt night, announc ing his determination to Intorno tho Eltel and Instructed him to kcop the ship at anchorago until naval officials form planB for her removal. IEI P muaiti) gets enthusiastic giuxtixg in Florida fronds Flock to Train, Cull for Speech and Mothers Auk llliu to to Kiss Their liable. t; AuocltiK) PitM to Coot Illy Time. DAYTONA, Florida, April 8. Jets Wlllard, tho now heavyweight thtmplon, continued northward to c"ijr md on tho Journoy toNow York throngs of curious nnd excited por ioni (locked at each hnmlot along the route to greet him. Whonover the train ttoppod, tho car In which Wlllird rode, was stormed by scores ad a cpcccli wns domnndod. Wlllard tried to meet all de-mauds. Mothors tien asked him to kiss their babies. SON OF BREWER BUSCH ' DIES IN PASADENA Ctrl lluoch Die nt, Residence, of His Mother After An Intended Illness, t; AMtlilft Vm to Copt Dij TlmM.) PASADHNA, Cal., April 8. Carl B"cn, son of tho Adolphus Ilusch, millionaire llrowor of St. Louis, died t tho restdeueo of his niothor horo ,My. Ho wns ac years old and had a an Invalid for years. DYNAMITE CASE UP IN LOS ANGELES J'f dinrged Willi Conspiracy In Times Explosion Plead Not Guilty. tBj AMocUi.d Prm to Coot IUr TlmM. I-OS ANGHI.ES, Cal., April 8. unew a. Schmidt and David Cap '"i alleged accomplices of tho Me mara dynamlto conspirators, Jeided not guilty today to tho In dictment charging them' with tho' nurder of Charles Hagorty, one of j score of men killed when tho k Angeles Times building was wn up. Tho plea was entered I,er a- dotal of their motion to h the Indictments. SMALLp0X ABOARD GREAT NORTHERN BOAT 1,16 I'M Liner Northern Pacific Do "'neil at Quarantine in San I'lcgo by Disease 1,7 AuxltJ Prtw to Cooi B7 Tlm.l SA.V niPnn i. o T....1 J rantlue since early today by the wnce of one light case of small- Xorth d' the blB now 11,U Uner dwu a Pacl(lc ws not expected to r k Unt'1 lmTow. Passengers wing relentPd as fast as they can " ttmined. i 1 KslnbllHhcd 1878 Ah Tho Const Mali. oregigold brick seven thousand dollar find is reporter. Fori imo Taken by ltaudlls Near linker Is Deported Found by Sher iff Thieves Escape. tl)r Aiuclatm rrcw to Coot Dr TlmM. RAKER, Or., April 8. That tho $7000 gold brick taken from a stago near Ityo Valley Monday by two masked bandits has been found was tho Information brought horo today by Sheriff Price. It wns found In a badger holo not far from tho sceno of tho holdup. Tho Sheriff camo hero to get Information about tho suspects and arrests aro expected boforo night. II PORTLAND BLAZE FIRE DESTROYS ONE OF CITY'S . LARGE CLOTHING STORES Entlio Dulldiug Gutted nnd Iioss of 7H,W0 .Suffered Origin of Flro Ilelng Imcstlgutcd (Or AitoctttM Pre. to Cooi lit 7 TlmM.) ron.TL.AND, Or., April 8. Fire yesterday broke out In tho store rooms of. tho Dnron Fullop Cloth ing Company horo and gutted tho building, In which thrco other con corns wero also located. Tho loss Is estimated nt 178,000. Tho Flro Marshal has started an investiga tion to nscertaln the origin of tho conflagration. lumrer vessel found in a water 1x)gger condition Steamer Proteus Picks Up Craft In Atlantic mid Hi-lugs In Into Port Crew Is Saved. (Dr Aieoclited ritu lo Coot Dr TlmM NEW YORK, April 8. Seven in nn tlin pnntalu and crew of tho schoonor Llzzlo',11. 'Wlfley.j which snllcd April 1 , from, sii jannnh for' Pnwtunknt. with lumber woro brought Into port today by the steamer Protoiis from Now Orleans, which rescued thorn from tho water logged craft south of Capo Huttoras. YACHT IS WRECKED PRESIDENT OF COSTA RICA DAS NARROW lISCAPi:. While off on Official Crulso Propi- Inent Officials Nearly Drowned In Carrlliean Sea. JDf Awitil rr to Coo Bui Tlm.J ' SAN JOSH, Costa Rico, April 8,-r-Alfrcdo nonznlcs. president of Costa Rica, had a' narrow escapo irom drowning when tho presidential yacht was wroeked In tho Caribbean throo dnys ago. No nnd mombors of tho party had to swim ashore through a heavy surf. Tho yacht, bearing tho President, mombors of tho Cabinet, a group of government officials and sovoral Congressmen, wns drlvon on tho rocks by a heavy Northor. After swimming tishoro It took tho ship wrecked party two days, during ...1.1..1. Hum thov woro without food or shelter, to walk to tho nearest point of tho railroad. Tliey reacneu San Joso today. GREAT WHEAT CROP PROSPF.CT FINICST IN HISTORY ' ' " ' OK COUNTRY. Lnigeht Acivago Fver Known With An IMImatcd Yield of OIU.UUO, 000 IllishelK. Wr AuoeinJ mn to coo Dr tum 1 WASHINGTON, April 0 Tho prospects of the winter wheat-crop, planted last fall on thq greatest acreage In tho country's, history, wero 019,000,000 bushels. Tho con dition Is 8S.8 per cent of normal against 80.6 last year. There is an lucreaso "of .5 points from last De cember. Hand dance, new Noble building, Friday night. KAGLF.S HALL, Kagles Hull, Sat-in-day night. .Martin's Orchestra. Times want ads bring results. SCHOONER MARSHFIELD, OREGON, liny puis E Government Claims to be Mak ing Every Effort to Keep Out of War. Wish to Obtain What People Desire Without Recourse to Arms. INCREASES PREPAREDNESS Nation Is Gaining Dally In Military Strength and Economic Itcsourccs in Preparation of tho Conflct if It Comes. Or AuocUtel Pint t C- Iltf nmrt. IIOMI3, April 8. Italy's failure to enter tho war Is explained In of ficial circles as duo to tho fact that tho country's statesmen do not wish to plungo tho nation Into the enor mous risks of war without first ex hausting every possible means of obtaining what tho pcoplo desire without recourso to arms. It is pointed out that Italy Is gnlntng ev ery doy In military strength and economic resources, by postponing her entrance Into the conflict. WAR BETWEEN GERMANY AND HOLLAND RUMORED London Heports Declaration of Hoh. tlHtics, Hut .Minister of Tho Neth erlands Denies Ittiuior. inr Ai'm-titfrl rti '' im nT Timet. LONDON, April 8. Rumors woro current In London today of tho dec laration of hostilities between Ger many apd Holland, but tho Mlnlstor from Tho Netherlands absolutely dls crodltod tho roport. WOMEN AND CHILDREN KILLED BY AVIATORS Twelve Dead as n Result of llnmlw Diopped by Austrian Airmen on Town in .Montenegro. Or AHOclttwJ rir.1 to Cool Dir Tlmw.J PARIS, April 8. Twelve women chlldron woro killed nnd -18 othors Injured by bombs dropped by Aus trian aviators In tho market placo at Podgorltza, Montenegro, yester day, according to a Cctllnjo dis patch. Many buildings woro de stroyed. CALLS MORE IN SULTAN OF TUHKKY ISSUKS MUSTint ORDKR. AH .Men Capable of lleiiilng Arms Must Repoit Immediately For Servhe. inr AmocUIoiI rrrM to Coot fitr TlmM J LONDON, April 8. An irado pro mulgated today by tho Sultan of Turkoy authorizes; tho Mlnlstor or War to call out nil men capablo of bearing nrniB who heretofore -'ore not llablo to sorvlco, Inclusive of tho uges of 10 and 20, for tho doronsc ot tho Turkish coast and frontiers and tho maintenance- of ornor. -Tho Ministry was nlso ompoworcd to fin roll for military sorvlco nil Immi grants, according to a Constantin ople dispatch. BANK OFFICIALS ARE ' CHARGED WITH CRIME Imcstlgntlon Oulercd of Irregular- Ities In Conduct of Fliht Nat'onal Dank of Unlontown, Pa. (Dr Aolll Prat t Coot naj Tlmt. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. Comptroller of Curroncy Wllllnm today announced that Irregularities had boon discovered In the conduct of tho First National Rank of Union town, Pennsylvania, which closed Its doors sovoral weeks ago, which have been placed before the Department of Justice, Sumner Orchestra Dunce nt Fin nlsh Hall, Saturday, April 10. KAGLES HALL, Fugles Hull, Sat uiiluy night, .Martin's Orchestra. Don't forget the big Umd dunce Filday night nt Xl'W Noble Rulld lug. Music by entire build. WAITING I 1NTT0 GAIN POINT THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 BEATEN OmiKGON'H ARMY SUFFKRS SKIU IOUS RFVFRSi:. Yllhi'H Army of U.1,000 .Men Is Pur- suing Defeated Forces Southward With licudcr Hltu.sclf nt Head Ilr AMOclitM Prrti to Cooi nr Tlmr.) KL PASO, April 8. IJy defeat of Obrcgon's nrmy tho last two days in Central Mexico, officials of the Villa faction declared today that n dcclslvo blow had been struck at tho Carranza cause. At latost reports, Obrcgon'H Torco Is retreating south ward from a point midway between Qucrotaro and Irapuato. Villa per sonally Is directing tho pursuit. ICach side had about 20,000 to L'O.OOO men. JUST LIKE NATIONS IN EUROPEAN WAR Roth Coiumanders In Mexico Issue Claims of Victory Take Your Choice of Stories, tDf AuoclttM rmt to Coot IUr TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. Tho Carranza agency horo today laid claim to a victory in n rccont bat tlo In tho stato of Guanajato. It was mndo public in a message from Cnrranzn saying that Obrogon had defeated Villa, Inflicting n loss of over -'000 dead and wounded, n largo number of prisoners, arms and ammunition. It claims that Obre gon is pursuing tho cnomyf FOR WORLD PEACE MOVKMKNTi IlKGUN IN SAN FRAN CISCO TODAY. Woild'A Social Progress Congress Makes Declaration Faorlng In ternational Peace Council Ittf Awocltted Ptrn to Coot Vtj TlmM. SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. A world-wide orgnnlzattdn to work for pormanont world peoco, International co-operation nnd good will Is favored In n declaration adopted by tho World's Progress Congress In scs, slon horo. An olcctlon of an Inter national council to enrry ou tho work Is proposed. STREET CAR STRIKE IIKFl'SATi TO HF.COGNIZK UNION OAUSF.S TROUHLi: Central and Wotern New Yoik Street Railways and Trolley Lines Aro Tied Up (Pr AwoclitH rret lo Coot I)j Tlmw.1 SYRACUSE, N. Y April 8. Strlko ot Amalgamated Association Street and Electric Railway employes jn wrcc( directed against Emplro United Rail-. tang from tho ground with tho way lines nnd nffoctlng virtually on- Hgi,tncss of a hwuIIow, and braving tiro Intorurban system of central am) lR w(n(j wtilclt no aviator would havo wostom Now York, Is In effect today j unrP(j to breast, the noroplnno nt Thoro Is not a car moving in Auburn, tllnt(l to ft height of 150 feet, whore Tho Auburn nnd Syracuso lines aro tied up and other lines aro affected Tho strlko followed tho rofusal of tho company to recognize tho union. SHIP LOBBY PROBE IS FINISHED TODAY .. .' Kamiiliinlloii of Secretary MurM of Trans-Alluiitlc Steamship ('. (ilc.s Com lulling T stlniony rnr A.ooiiMirMiioro, ntrTimM. 4 WASHINGTON, April 8. Sydney r.. Jlorse, secrotary of tho Trnns-At- lantlo Steamship conference testified boforo tho Senate S.ilp lobby commit. tee today that hla organization had! tuken absolutely no Interest In tho Biiin nnrchaso b'lll. His testimony con" .... ii .1 -tn lildcil tlin 1I1VOSI KUIIUU. viiumiii.wi Walsh announced that the committee would meet In tho fall to draft re- port, SERIOUSLY RURXED Emma stroubold, wlfo of Alva i 3treubold of Marshfleld gave birth to' fine boy baby March 2Cth at tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Joe Leuth- nhi In iiandon. Mother and baby are both doing well but whllo nursing Mrs. Streubold, her mother, Mrs. Louthold caught fire to her clothoa from tho fireplace and was badly burned, Tho burns are not healing rapidly. Mrs. Annie Barrows Is as slstlng In the nursing. Tinndnn Recorder, EVENING EDITION. L PAY FOR FRYE Claim of State Department for Compensation is Acknow ledged and Accepted IS Note Says Will Assume Lia bility for Destruction of ' Boat and Cargo. UNDER TREATY OF 1828 Requires That Case Ho Taken He- forti Prize Court for Kstnbllsh- luent Concerning Owuciidilp of Seattlo Vessel. tllj Ataoeltted I'rcn to Coot tl7 TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. The German government has ropllcd to tho claim of tho Stato Depart ment for compensation for tho sink ing by tho Prlnz Eltel Frcdorlch, of tlio American snlllng Bhlp Wil liam P. Fryo. Germany assumed lia bility, not only for tho destruction of tho vessol, but also ot tho cargo, under tho treaty ot 1828. Germany roqulrcs, howovor, that tho enso bo taken beforo tho prlzo court for tho establishments ot fncts concerning tho ownership ot the ship and cargo. To this tho Stato De partment will accept. T BURMARINK OH MINK DICSTHOYS ANOTHER VICSSKL Ziirlun Wrecked In North Sen, and Her Crew of Nino Men Missing Dr Auoclttnl rrttt lo Coot nT TlmM. LONDON, April 8. Tho Grimsby trawlor Zarlna was blown up In tho North Sea today. It Is feared that nlno men on trawlor woro olthor kill ed by tho explosion or drownod. It Is unknown whether tho Zarlnn wus destroyed by a mlno or a submurlno. FREAK OF AIRSHIP tAF.HOPLANK FLIKS RY ITSELF AND LANDS IN HAY Without Pilot or Kuglue Chrlstoffor- bun's Air Craft Rises 1150 feet in Air Hoforo Falling SAN FRANCISCO. April 8. SI- las Chrlstofforson, tho nv'lator, has a flying maehlno that flics without ciikIiio or pilot. It flow In yestor . a0 nml cumo (j0wn on the bay, ,, OMcountorod conflicting air dir rcnt( n,0 wings crumplod nnd It plunged Into the bay llko a stone. Hundreds of Exposition visitors saw tho aoroplano start In Its peril ous Might and shuddered In horror as thoy watched what thoy bollovod to bo another aorlal catastrophe When Chrlstofforson arrived an ., ..V.... ., J..H- ... - - macMno bolng pulled up on tho boach by tho Golden Gato Llfo Saving crow, 1 ho summarized tho matter as fol- lows: "Tho blamo thing was so anxious to fly It couldn't wait. Maybo it , was a little peeved because wo took away Its onglno a few days ago. Tho machno, which Is of tho fly- InK boat typo, was resting upon tho I i 1.1. . Lnlnmn Tfnft Tlll(lt lOOCIl Illiu-nay uumvuii -vtv "- j and tho Goldon Gate Llfo Baring station. Some freakish puff of yes ;. ' -,. tho machine's wings In Just tho rlgnt manlier to givo to givo It buoyancy and It l rose gracefully from tho ground and proceeded to Ball out over tho bay. Tho lookout at tho Goldon Gato i,jf0 Saving Station saw tho maehlno drop, and supposing someono was In R, sounded the alarm. A crew promptly put out for tno rescue. EAGLES HALL, Eagles Hull, Sat uiday night. ,Mortln' Orchestra. LIRRY coal. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Paclflr Llwry and Tniiwfcr Company, 1 W CLUDED 1 RAWLER A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. S MAKES PIERCK AUSTRIAN LINK IN TWO PLACHS. Important Victory Won by's Troops In Strugglo for Posses In the Carpathians.' (Or AuocltlM rntt lo Coot dm TIcbm.1 LONDON, April 8. Tho Russlnns aro pushing forward rapidly In tho Cnrpathlans and Pctrograd reports that tho roads to tho plains of Hun gary now Ho open boforo thorn. A report from Pctrograd says that tho Russians capturod Smolluk and havo driven n wedgo botweon tho East ern and Western wings of tho Aus trian army. Iloth tho French nnd Gormnn of ficial Btatomentn show that a new bnttlo In tho region between tho Mouso and Mosollo has developed Into n strugglo ot particular sever ity. I ,,!.' A ParlB announcement says Hint gnns mndo horotoforo by tho Alltos linvo boon maintained In tho face ot violent counter attacks. Dorlln mentions nttacks nt eight points and asserts that all woro ro pulsod. EnormoiiB losses ou both stdos woro reported. It is announced officially nt Cairo that n small Turkish forco Is in tho vicinity of tho Suez Canal. A skir mish occurred yesterday. Br AttocUlta1 Tmt lo Coot Dr TlmM. PETROORAD, April 8. Tho ad vance ot tho Russians In tho Car pathians has cut tho Austrian army under Gonoral Iloorovltch, In two places. Tho Eastorn wing of his ar tillery Is in a precarious position, Tho Russians captured Smolnlk, oast of Lupkow Pass. Russians Advance. Tho Russlnns havo also thrown back tho Austrlans In Iiartflcd and Lupkow districts. Having ndvanccd through Rostock Pass, tlioy forced a wedgo between tho Austrian armies. Smolnlk controls the only road through tho Roskld Mountains botweon Mczolabocz and Uszok, a dlstnnco ot sixty miles. LOSES HAND IN SAW THI'71'It PLOW PATH THROUGH WRIST OF A. O. ALLAH!) Wrong .Move In Shingle 1 loiter Cause Of Accident; Hand Is Ainpu- tnted Iinxt Night Making a wrong movo lato yester day nftornoon, A. C. AHard, working on tho shlnglo bolter nt tho O. A. Smith mill, shoved his loft hnnd Into tho clrculnr saw, complotoly sovorlng through tho bones and tendons back of tho thumb. Whnt remained of tho hand wus amputated a few min utes later by Dr. Qcorgo I)x. For two or thrco years, AHard, who Is a man of about 28 years, had worked at tho mill without . mis hap. Tho accldont of yostorduy oc curred but a short llmo hoforo tho closing hour. Tho big saw, revolving at a tor rlflc rate of spued, chewed tho bono and tendons, making a path through 'tho wrist an Inch or mora In width, and tho hand was loft hanging by a flap ot skin. It was Imposslblo to bind tho wounded member together and amputation of tho hand wng all that could bo doiio under tho clrcum- 'stances. .MAKE LUCKY FIND Lorrln Forty Finds Government lluoy Neur Port Orford During tho storms of last winter one ot tho largo buoys In use near Crescont City broko from Its moor ings, and drifting up tho coast cumo ashore on the beach about half a mle Bouth of rort Orford. Last week tho government llghthouso tender Manzaulta called hero and took tho buoy on board, which, after bolng repaired, will bo restored to Its ' ''"'to":.. VJSLrSSi i.-..- -u --- ruu,u l"" w"" 4u """" l up ou mo uonun u luuiiuu ii. ui Rattlo Rock, from which place it was towed to tho steamor. Lorrln Forty was tho first to discover tho wander er when It was cast upon tho boach, and for making it fust and roportlng It he was rowarded with a present of $50. Tribune, ' ' A - Don't forget the big Iwuid dunce Filduy night ut New Noble lliilld lug. Mulc by entire band. Times want nds brine rrsultB, No. 221 FRENCH FIGHT.i 1 Assault on German Front on the Mcusc Continues With Heavy Losses German Official Report Says Their Army Has Withstood All Attacks FRENCH AVIATOR CAPTURED French Attacks All Along tho Kn tiro lii-ont Said to Involve Knoi iiioiin Sacrifice of Life T Weather Had. "'' P Atiocltl4 tmt to Coot htf TlmM. IIERL1N, April 8. (VlroIossMto Sayvlllo.) The offlclnl roport' to day says: "Fighting botvcon tho Mouse and Mosollo Rivers continued yestorday. French ntacks failed in tho Woovro district, on tho heights of Combres, near Solous forest; north ot St. Mlhlol, In tho Allly for est, nnd near Apromdnt forost, north of Fllroy nnd In Lo Protro forest. French losses on tho entire front woro enormous without obtaining tlua slightest Bucceas. A French avia tor from Paris, compelled to land, said that nothing Is known In Parja about tho French losses in tho Campaguo fighting. In tho East there havo boon no dovolopmonts. Tho wonthor Is bnd and ronda aro Impassable. FURIOUS ASSAULT MADE. Ur AMcUt4 TrMt lo fXM Br TlmM. RERUN, April 8. A furious Bank on Gorman positions botweon tho Moubo and Moselloln bolng mado by tho Fronch in continuation of their now offonslyo movorrtoiU. Rorlln mentions nttack nftor at tack and says thoso losses woro ron. pulsed with extraordinary loss for tho Fronch. Tho Gorman report says that on some of tho battle Holds tho ground Is covorod with bodlos of Fronch soldloro. Paris gives fow details ot tho fighting, although It Is claimed that ground was gained In soma Instances, Berlin says tho Gormons abandonod tho vlllago of Drol Orachton, which thoy capturod from tho llolglans on ac count of tho hoavy artlllory flro. No furthor official Information from tho onat was given except tho Dorlln statomont that tho Russians woro ropulsod southwost ot Momol and near Augustowo. FRENCH CLAIM GAINS IN THE MEUSE DISTRICT Official French Statement Buys That Gains am Ilelng Mado and Held.. In Spite of Advome Conditions, inr AMOfitifi rrM to cm ntr 'iimw. PARIS, April 8. Tho Frpnch statomont this afternoon says: "In Holglum tho day was mnrkod by ar tillery engagements. Ill tho Mlsno Valloy and district east of Rhelms our efforts, In splto of abnormally bad weathor, continued with groat nctlvlty and wo malnlalnod our gains between Moubo nnd Mosolle, whllo at tho samo tlmo wo worq proceeding to mako furthor prog ress. In tho Uoulo forest wo cap tured a German trench at tho snmo tlmo taking a largo number of pris oners on this section of tho front." nFfiPFRATFlY V mm I ' 9m 1 1 1 I I M h rauT SUCCESS GERMANS HAVE RIG LOSS. ,. t llr AMOtUt4 rcM ! Coot JIr TlmM,) PARIS, April 8. "Wo maintained ull our advances dcsplto countor t tucks of extraordinary vlolonco. 'At Lea Eparges especially, Gornwn counter attack carried out by a reg tmont and a half was completely ropulsod. Throo hundred men who advanced from a Gorman position woro mowed down by our machine guns. Not ono of thorn, eacapod, A combination of tolophono, micro phono and phonograph ha been in vented In Franco for transmitting sounds to distant points or to sev eral points at once. To prevent an automobllo spatter ing mud upon pedestrians there has been Invented n flexible metal ring to bo attached close to tiro, .m "-1