WW""WWWWthlfflgffHBB RlWKH,lffliimfi SFWkB THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APJRIL 6f 191B EVENING EDITION, . r. r FOUR DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL LIGHT BILLS CITV IJAD.S IIKMOAX IIIOII COST . ok stiikkt illumination Heck ItrOtiitloii To Hold Confer- -ence Wltli OrcKn lowtr Coin- jinny 18 Per Cent Oniric. Six thousand dollnrs a year for lighting tho city's streets Is oxhor bllnnt. So say the city fathers and In their council of last evening nuthorlzcd tho light commlttco to tnect with tho superintendent of tho Oregon Power Company to seek n readjustment. lower big arc lights and more IncnndcBconts Is one of tho means urged for the lowering of tho bills for putting "light on tho subject." Kugcnc, It wab pointed out, Is using on many of her street corners largo Mazda globes with heavy roflcctors, giving practically the same light as tho big arcs and at a considerably lower figure. The cutting down of the number of lights was at no tlmo urged, tho city fathers uniting In saying they nro nil needed. And In addition tho light commlttco will also Inves tigate the proposal to place lights on Tonth street and eighth Torraco, north of Central nvonuo, though It Is probable- that only the smaller globes would bo placed tlioro for tho present. Count tho Hydrant. Useless hydrants, being paid for at 3 n piece every month, and of no uso for fire fighting will also bo Investigated, Jho fire commlttco, with Chief Keating, to mako tho rounds of tho CG now on tho city's streets, it was shown boforo that In smoo spots tho hydrants had been practically burled by tho tills. Twelfth Court Oniric. Kstabllshmont of tho Twolfth Court grado, about 18 por cent, was rccommonded and will bo carried by ordinance. This Is tho street to bo opened from Elrod to 7C feet south of aoldon nvonuo and with the soctlon between Flanagan nnd Onldon hard surfaced, tho romnlndor being authorized for planking. To kill two birds with ono stono nnd tako tho dirt from tho cutB mado In tho grading of.T.raJillv.Court to phico on a fill for Tonth streot on tho Mill Slough fill Is tho project voiced by City Knglnoor Oldloy. "Savo lator oxpensos," ho said. 'And In so doing It la probablo that the cost would bo distributed ovonly Iiotwoon tho property ownors rccolv lug tha cut nnd thoso receiving tho fill. This part or tho project was Jiot carried, tho wholo blng merely nnnctlonoit by tho city fathers nnd Mint como boforo thorn nt their next meeting In tho form of nn .ordinance Hlrio Walk Orriliinnro Pam-d. Allowanco of teams and wagons to traverso tho sldownlks, concroto nnd wooden, of the city nt their will Is now prohibited. Tho city fathers, In council dohatlng, bavo passed tho ordinance carrying with It n fine of not over 1100 anil also n Jail sontonco, should tho Jurigo sec fit. Howovor, (horo Is an ou-op-lion mado for automobiles and all rnrrlugea with pneumntlo tires, tho argument being that ownors should lie fllowori to tako their machines noross tho walkH to garages and lli.it tholr tires nro of no damago to the sidewalk. I'lro Ksnipo for JCnglcs. Out of tho flro limits and anxious lo comply with nil ordinances ro gnrdlng flro escapes, o. W. Trlbhoy, building Inspector, stntod tho Kagles wished tho official sanction of Mio city boforo putting In a flro escape t the rear of their building on Second street. Tho Council con cluded a wooden escape, n stairway outside, would not bo tolerated. Figures wero presented by Mr. Trib ute, to show that ?78.7G was col lected by him for building, plumb ing anil electrical permits during March, tho biggest amount for any March since ho has held tho posi tion. J. Tom Hall appeared asking that (lie unearned liquor license of Chas. Kronholm bo refunded. Tho fl unnco committee reported that noth ing will bo dono until Kronholm and his former partner, Paul nitchlo with whom he was in business, mako a Joint application for the money. "Wo might get somowhore," said Mr. Hull, "If wo'd cut out lonio of this hot air that sizzles around hero and got down to business. " BAi RESURRECTED COUNCIL OltANTS TWO MONTHS' APPIIOPKIATION. To Olvo Organization Clianco to Oct on I'cct Hcfore Turning Off Kn- thcly Hoitow .Money for Music CITlTOBEil DIIAW8 9I! WAKUANT FOB TIIK CITV LIIIKAUV 1NHUBANCK No Intercut to Construction Com pany, Delinquency In Cnsli 1'ny incuts, ticivcr Cost l?'J,08il.OO. Nine thousand dollars Insurance for threo years on tho Public Li brary was authorized by tho Coun cllmeu at their last mooting when they ordered tho payment of tho 125 premium, thus rollovlng tho li brary board of a burden that has been making their lives miserable for tho last two wooks. Henry Songstackcn, appoarlng on behalf of tho Insurance men, stated that thoy havo knocked 2C por cont from tho premium nnd mndo this a present to tho city, all of which was thank fully recoived by tho Councllmcn, who could hardly bollovo that tho city was about tho got something for nothing. ' It was pointed out that under tho) prcsont nllownnco to tho library not enough remains over each month to tako caro of tho Insurance Tho Insuranco has been taken, tho agonts had paid tho premiums. "As a city organization it seems to mo tho expense- bolongs to tho city," urged Mr. Songstackon and nftor a lone discussion, Mr. Copplo moved that tho ?125 bo allowed. Would Open All of Illrch. Mr. Sougstnckon protested tho op ening of Illrch nvonuo for Just ono block, between Third and Second. Ho bollovod that with any im provement going on tho oponlng should bo for all tho way between Ilroadway and Fourth, though to the last tho Council dlssontod, Hinting that Illrch avenue Is pointing straight up in tho air when It gets as far as Fourth streot and It would not bo wise to cut nwny the moun tain. "Hut that would glvo you n clianco to got tho' dirt for making tho grado fill furtbor down In Illrch" Tho band celebrated Its Easter last night and arming suddenly from the dead, as far as city ap propriation is concerned, hlossomod out again Into tho full bloom of a city band. Two months will tho band bo further financed by "tho city of Marshflcld, tho Council so decreed and tho band members agreed, and beyond this time stated Manager Martin, tho musicians will have had ample time to make their plans and bo nblo to hoo their own financial towb. Threo weeks ago tho monthly al lowance of tho city was cut off; tho band was told that financial burdens woro too great for tho mu nicipality to further carry tho load of music. There was llttlo warn ing before tho storm nnd tho band monitors then appeared before tho city fathers saying: "Wo had no warning. Wo havo bills to meet. Olvo us a llttlo tlmo and wo can got on" our own feet, to bo forever Independent." Tho action of two weeks ago was to refuso furthor monoy, tho Coun cil stating the coneral fund was badly In need of a rest euro and a general vacation. Tho mattor wnB thought dropped and dono for until last night. "I took hold of tho band In Jan uary," said Manager Martin, of a commlttco of himself, Dr. W. A. Toyo and Mr. Illnnchard, "nnd,..I found sovoral bills, somo running back Into October. Ab manager I planned ahead to meet these def icits out of a regular monthly ap propriation and hnd no wrtrnlng tho monoy was to bo cut off." "Olvo us GO days tlmo," said Dr. Toye, "and wo will bo on our feet and Independent." Ilnvo to Hut-row Money. Councilman Forguson, Cook nnd Evertson spoko In the nfflrmatlvo, declaring that tho peoplo had voted for tho band In tho first place, and therefore tho city should not bo too hasty in withdrawing support. "It'o a good business investment," said Mr. Ferguson, "for by giving two months' monoy wo nro to got rid of this exponso for all tlmo to come." . "Do you call It a good Investment whon you know wo will have to go out and borrow this $300?" asked Councilman Copplo. "It's thp samo as running any business; It has to bo dono with a degree of sonso." Ho pointed out that, with tho city losing ono-thlrd of Its Incomo, via tho liquor llcenso routo, Mnrshflold tlon now doesn't look to- me Hko good sense" Hand Makes .Money. Manager Martin pointed out that tho band had been n city organiza tion, and ns such is still a little In debt and thcreforo should bo helped to Its feet. "We made f 168 on tho Jubilee Quartette," he said, "and tho concert of last Sunday netted us $31. CC 'more We nro still about $150 behind." "Every time we face opposition," declared Councilman Copplo, "we fall down In front of it." "Well, I am willing to admit I bnvo no backbone then," repljed Councllmnn Ferguson. And so tho two-months' appropriation was granted, Councllmcn Albrccht and Copplo voting nay. Contractor Wants Monoy. That ho has long slnco completed tho contract for opening North Eighth streot and Is now in need of tho monoy for tho work wns tho causo of N. Moon'snppcaranco bo foro 'the city-' fathers. Last fall tho work WaB done. "I need tho money" ho said, there being about $1400 duo him. No action was taken by tho Council. No Interest For Company. At tho Inst mooting of tho Coun cil Superintendent Ashby, of tho Warron Construction Company, np pcarcd asking interest on overduo cash payments for tho North Front street paving, nnd tho matter was roferrcd to the flnnnco commlttoo. "Wo nover havo treated other contractors this way," roported Mr. Copplc. "I seo no reason why wo should tho "Warren Construction Company." "And last fall wo granted them an extonslon of tlmo on their Broad way contract, though a clauso gavo us a clianco to collect a fortfolturo." said Mayor Allen. In a Hko man ner tho Councllmcn expressed tholr opinions of granting Interest on de linquent pnymonts for public im provements and tho company's re quest was not granted. Plans nnd' specifications for a sowor on Twelfth Court woro ordor ed drawn. Meeting as a board of equalization tho Council not $2083. GO as tho cost of tho Sovonth street sowor, run ning from Ingorsoll to Kruso and thonco down to Fifth street. 111 SCHOOL IRK TO PUT HIOH RCHOOL9 ON AC CItKMTKI) 1JA818 Frank If. Welles, of Stnto Public In- structlon Department, nnd It. 13. linker, Insixsct Courses INTERS BECOM T ING INTENSE IN FfiEETfilPfOTING CONTEST Inspection of courses of study nnd apparatus nnd tho standardizing of schools found worthy, marks the visit hero of Frank K. Wollcs, assistant superintendent of public Instruction, who arrived hero yesterday. In com pany with Raymond E. Baker, county school superintendent, an inspection was mado of tho Marshflold high school and today tho men standar dized tho Bchool nt North Bend, leav ing on the nftornoon train for tho Coquillo Vnlloy. Standardization of flio grades schools has been a policy of tho state department for sovoral years and Is followed by every county In tho state it has resulted in bettor school houses, bottor teachers, cours es of study and longer torms. But with tho high schools of this otato nothing has been dono in tills regard until this spring when, nftor several months agitation by peda gogues of Oregon, tho movoment was launched to standardize tho pre paratory schools. Results, points rtut Mr. Wollcs,' will bo two fold. In tho first placo re quirements of certain amount of' apparatus makes for better sclcnco teaching, certain books nro required in tho school llbrarlos, tho best of teachers nro roqulrcd. Unless n school can meet thcao marks it can not bo dtandaJrdlzod. In tho socond placo tho now method will allow graduates of standardized high schools to entor tho stato university wthout takuig cntranco examinations, in other words tho high schools arc. placed on an accredited basis. Having tho standard It is now up to every high school of tho stato to conform to it, or bo branded ns lack ing. Every county of tho stato Is bo lng visited by mombcrs of tho depart ment of public Instruction, said Mr. Welles. Ho was strong 'In his pralso of tho local schools, classing them In with tho best ho has visited In this state . New Ultra Stylish SPRING SUITS $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $25.00" $355, A patent has been granted for n sail boat that cannot bo capsized by wind In which tho mast Is hinged and so connected with a countor wolght as to hold tho hull steady. 1 9 1 Red cedar Is now boing used to mako matches, and western Juniper has boon found to mako good ponclls. ) on never Hinv ns Koori miltu ns t!ies0 Mild prices. Suits of Serge, Novelty Checks, Onbiirdin '""Mr Cloth in wonderful new colon. Short, Jiilwr ,, , nni1 tW skirt. Plain tnllorcri offccls or frilghtly trlinnied r rtt trwilttL-lllllluilu1 I., til.tl. it ...,...11.. . A llTV Itn... . ""i' ... n.j.v, ... iiiii.-iumiy good ( unusual in value. Sec tliciu. ml) vjH fibwe 1 t I If 1 i vl 1 y I Sfc ' -'5 WOMEN'S SPRING COATS M0. $10.00, $12.50, $15, and up to $25 Bi'immlo CmlH, n "' "'""''"I M'lccllon of il Uncllvo t,le-Chlc, koiiio mid enabling )on (o Miiriy stjles of JndlWduilltf! M.itei'h.lH iimrnl (WW., cloth, IIiiitciI ami I'lald CM' ehllluH, H,, aul, Men's Wear Serge, Knglhhr. vert! and Fancy Kuvcltlci. Mod! els include new Xorfolks tlr. culnr nro nnd Mted ttttdi. New BlousesSmart Styles IX CHIIPi: 1)10 CHINK AND l'USSV WILLOW.' ijw.00, $:i.no, 91.no, 91..10 mid, $5.00. riiiiMinl assortment of iliiiriu'ng st) 1cm and colors. Ju4 epened up. Sec them. Hub Dry Goods Coi '.SMAItT WKAIt FOIt WOMK.V Corner llroariivay and Central Avenue. Phone Ml I. 1 r . " " said Mr. Snnuntnrkrn hut !hn fnnn. ell would tako no nctlon. At Its last wl" l, ,inl,lcnPPl nnd tho monoy meeting tho City Knglneor had beon nuthorlzcd to draw plans nnd speci fications for tho oponlng of Wren only between Second and Third streets. Xccd to Clean Up. "And while Mr. BongBtackon Is horo," said Councilman Kvortsen. "I want to say 'that IiIb property near tho comer of Market and Second streols neodB cleaning up. It smells badly there now." lU. .1. L. MASHOX, veterlnarj MirgtHiii, of Myrtlo Point, will hs at TOItllKY'H IIAU.V iiuri Chniidler Hotel fit)in WtMhiCMliiy evening until iniirMiny uixill, wxt lu my H, consulted. sho Is losing now In city expend! tures cannot bo mado up elsewhere noxt year. "It meanB going in dobt, nnd with out n rny of hopo of any extra In como to offset the deficits" continu ed Mr. Copplo. "I am willing to Klvo my shnro Individually to tho support of tho band; I am heartily In favor of It and will go out to Tho two In Mnrsliflcld and tho two out of town rccolvlnf: tho highest vote go to San Francisco as our guests. uei your menus to support you now. Between April nth and April 19th wo will allow HO0O votes on every 11.00 coupon sold and 8000 on every R.00 book sold. Now get busy. Your frlonds nro helping you and n llttlo effort on your part will put you In tho lead. ItKI) CUOSH imUG BTOHK XOTICK TO CItKDITOHS. KOKKST XOTES. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho undersigned executor and executrix of thq estato of William R. Davis, deceased, havo filed tholr flnol ac count heroin. And tho Judgo of tho County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, has appointed Monday, tho 10th day of May, 191S, at 10:00 o'clock a. ni., of said day at tho Court Houso at Coquillo City. Coos County, Oregon, as the tlmo and Placo for tho hearing of any objec tions to said final nccount nnd tho settlomont thoroof, Dated this 6th day of April, 101.5, OLIVK O. SWANSON, I TnifKT up . ... A Plant linn hnon Imlli n a ...... I . . v"i1 UAVlb. ask subscriptions for them, but to Washington, to supply thnt cltv w ! "' d Executor of tho tack on a two-months' nnnmnrin. .. ..il tJl "T mi '" Uh c8tnto of William R. Davis, deceased. I First pub. Apr. 0. Last pub. May 4. q two-months' npproprla-jpas mado from wood. 630 Good people fitted with Toric Lenses, and we are still replacing old-style flat lenses with Tories. Toric Lenses give greater vision and they look a whole lot better. Attention ! Lenses Ground While You Wait. Red Cross Optical Dept. tiu.i.cuoi.s nitro NToi.Krin.iifl vjm. "The Feast Is Spread." M Thousands Notified Thousands of our patrons in Coos and Curry Counties have been notified by newspaper and poster advertising-hundreds have signified their intention o be' hero tomorrow. , , We're Prepared With extra experienced help to serve the multitude, but we shall osteem it a favor by your shopping early.' POSITIVELY QUITTING BUSINESS FOREVER IN NORTH BEND IS Smith's Variety Store. ml r '"' """" sS'raft m rm m m tMaiW 188 ; 'mm tii sMEi 1 j.( I Bcl HvRaaw rftmlliX inSpJBr? 9wShkvM kwUL I ... "RmSttimTkXWD BBkfW -x I tefeshHBBS ' 9$PmwYmtUtitlit L''VrKl . . , NO House cleaning this spring r 'a. m a vjicl an Cieuuii Cleaner Now and there will be no need for the driaW I spring cledning. An Electric Clcajj takes out every speck of dirt, grit m, dust every time you run it lightly about It will renovate upholstery, drapwj curtains and walls too, without the m est ininrv nnri without turninn the !' "topsy - turvy." Once used an Eleclij. Cleaner is indispensable. HI i,"Ask Your Neighbor I OREGON k1 Power Co. Dolt M Electrically Phone.lWi WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. f QUATERMAS STUDIP QUALITY rny'ffiu ODnosite Blanco tp T. .Phono' 10C-L. ulw3nv MABSnPIKT., OKlW9f -wj