i99nvcMnnn! r THE COOS BAY TIMES, NWRSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION. FIVE iraWEWflM3Htiiiiwta World's Standard In Good Clothes first two paRW In thl week's Saturday Evening Post, con T,IC ..... full niiKO niinoiiiicoiiieiitH of lines of men's near car tfllllS tw0 ' rlnl W ",0 FIXUP -. ' ICicltzcis Stmt East. Mrs. Win I Grimes received a telegram saylnc thnt Mr. and Mrs. Kroltzcr and Mr These 1I"M nro Kuppenheimer Clothes AND Royal Tailor Suits II Hi are lenders In their reiipectlvo lines mid both mo carried Coot ll:iy exclusively by this popular men's store, ""duality It alwiijs our vwitih wmil and tlio highest standard of lie In deiiendalilo clothes Is the. only kind jou will rind lieie. One Price Highest Quality ro two of tlio leading featuies Unit have made this store and It' mellHMli popular wit" the men of Coos May. Come In and let ns prove tlielr value to jou. Kuppenheimer Cldthes $18 to $35 Royal Tailor Suits Made to Your Measure $15.00 to $40.00 FIXUP TWO KTOItKK MARSHl'IKM) north bend ', weather forecast inr Amocuicj rrcti to com nr Timi,) OREGON Fair, light rrost south to southwest winds. O LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORM For the 24 houro ending nt 4:13 a. m., April n, by IlenJ. Ostllnd, special gov- ornment motoorologlst: Maximum f9 Minimum 17 At I: i:i a. m 47 Precipitation 4 1 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1911 C7.GC Precipitation same period Inst year 57.27 f Wind: Southwest, cloudy. iTTcl ccted trustco for three years; A. T. llnlnea trustee for two years; Har ry Molir for two years and A, L. Illlfv fur ttt inr. rrlir, worn uinn. " """ -- ...... - land arriving at 11 o'clock yesler- than 40 members present at the meet ing. Orlmcs had n pleasant trip to Port- .. 1 . day. Mr. and Mrs. Kreltzer left last evening for Dayton, Ohio, and Mr. ' Grimes started overland for Coos Haw Brings. Hiding Pony. On .tho Breakwater this morning thero camo a riding pony for J. W. llennott. ".lust a common plug," ho says and ho will uso thn animal for recreation I and cxorclso. Tho Ureakwnter also 11 ... . 1, . . , .. uruiiKiii iwu iiigu graoo .Jersey sires ami two shorthorn slrea for tho De ment brothers herd bf Myrtlo Point. Men (Jet Aiwiy. In answer to a Al .. 0RPHEUM 4 call from Central Avenue tills morn ing both Chler Carter and Officer Richardson responded hut found their quarry had vanished. Two men liml lioim nlinrrnllin; In thn nhnnillnr , Uar and had been ordered out nnd ! then nut out. Iloth dlRammarnd In an 'Where Motion Pictures Look ;;"!t" nJ,ol,on a" trom Saves Ovrr $M. Moro than $700 hns been saved by the advertising commlttco of the Chamber of Com merce by letting tho printing for tho 300,000 booKlcts on special contracts according to tho figures they bnvo Just compiled. At the first time bids called for on tho cntlro work tho lowest bid of a printing firm was S2.0S0 and tho highest $3,200. The work hns now been dono for $1,302.-20. Better TONIGHT ONLY. Splendid Showing Of ijestic Ranges 1 (kwij'tizjI fteJwaitti H!gj (SjgM L , WoHiint everyone who Is thinking f "w mngo now or any time In tho futuro to look at tlio splendid line wo are now show ing on our floor. Our leader Is tho famous MAJESTIC range. TliU range does not need a "factory demonstration." .It Is so tlmple mid convenient that yon rim sea Its merits In a minute. There Is no mystery In tho constiuetloii of tho Majestic. Wo uant )m Ui see how 11 range should ho built to ho dependable today, ni'vt month, next your and for many years to como. Wo want to show yon how to save a lot of unnecessary kitchen drudgery. How to have quick and sure results. How to savo time nnd money. Wo dentin ' peat many things for I ho nia- ( Jextlc and base our claims on tho exclusive features of construc tion and the many .satisfied lioiiKoulveH tho country over. 1 Ekblacl & Son. IRarslifield-iNortli Bend-Empire Auto Service Arthur Johnson and Loltlo llris coo In KISS MIC GOODNIGHT. A two-reel Lubln. The principals In this picture nssuro Its (lualtty. PADRONE'S PLOP. Two-reel Knlom with thrilling cll mnxes and altogether Interesting. RUMMAGE SALE A bumnu and nlcaslnu nlcturo 1 ... J which Is distinctively now In Idea. TANGO TRAGEDY A, good now comedy. emeus time ix toymnd A comic trick picture which ro quired consldcrablo art, tlino and pains to bo pictured, Comblnnllon band conceit by tho Coos liny Concort Band, nnd tho big' Orpheum mntiuco Sunday at 2:00 p. in.' Admission will be chnrg o.l at tho door and a part of tho proceeds will go toward tho porma ncnt support of tho band, so be a booster. Combination mntlnco prices: Adults 15c, children 10c nnd fie. Don't many any appolntmont for Wednesday or Thursday nights as It UNA WAY JUNE will bo here. 1.0(0 In Salem. Tho members of the llandou debating team passed through hero nt noon on their way homo. After defeating tho Mcdford High School, In Kugone, thoy went to Snlem nnd (hero were defeated by a two-to-ono vote. Tho question was reversed on them, thoy wero given tho other sldo nnd hnd only two days In which to prepare them selves. The question wna regarding tho government ownership of rail roads. Those who made tho trip wero Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg, Profcs- - " Bar 11. 1.. UOpiUUS, dUBB IV, UV I.UI1H orougui in irom uie camp ni vyagnur nld Jac, Kroncnberg. nfter belnir several ilnvs In a straight! .... llrlng In Crazy Man. Andy P.Da vis, deputy sherlfi, was ovor today from Coqulllu on business. He says that yesterday a crazy man was nner ueing sevcra. unys in a s rn.g .,1, JMtor ,.,)()r.Acor,llng Jacket. Ho has been placed In thot complftlllt flIod by q. 13. Dye, !.. . .! ln.iM . l.n anl... w i CUIllli JUI1 illlll lilli 111 IJU IIIIWII fcU weeks visit In San Francisco, par tially on business nnd partially pleasure. UKV. AND MUS. LAW left today for Conullle. whero Hev. Law will conduct a series of revival ser vices. They have been visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. Kiigone Crosthwnltc, sister of Mrs. Law. It. A. TYLER, of Marshall-Wells Co. and J. H. Rold, Peters Powder man, returned last evening from a soveral days trip over Into tho Coqulllo Vallle'y nnd tomorrow they will shoot with tho Mnrshflcld dun Club. RUDOLPH COPPL12, bookkeeper for tho Inst soven months for II. W. Painter lcrt on tho Nairn Smith this afternoon for San Francisco on a three wooks vacation. Mr. Copplo lives nt Mazatlan, Mexico nnd will moot his father who Is coming north on n visit. II. P. HOKY, nsslstnnt onglnoor of tho Wlllamotto Pacific, accom panied by C. II. llenttlo, aslstnnt engineer on special work, nnd V. O. lllndmnrsh, resident cnglneor stationed at North Inlet, loft this morning, tho first two being on their way ovor tho lino nnd back to Eugeno after a trip of Inspection. Str. CAItLOB will sail from Smith Terminal Dork for MAX FRANCISCO and SAX I'KHItO TUESDAY, April (I, nt -1 p. 111. carrying freight ami , passengers. NOBLE THEATER 1 TONIGHT Salem to tho asylum. The man Is supposed to havo' been a loggor. Report Was Untrue. Tho ninny friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. It. II. Cro woll, formoily of tho Smith-Powers Company, but now located nt Walnut Grove, Cnllfornln, will bo glnd to know that tho roport of tho death of tholr little daughter Georgia was an error. A letter from Mrs. Cro woll to Mrs. Mooro, of Wagner, stat ed that little 'Georgia was well. Klect Trustee. At n meeting of a North Ucnd carpenter, against C. J. Vnn ZHo, a sum of $244 for back work Is asked for, alleging thnt ho has completed so mo buildings for Mr. Van JMlo according to contract and Llins not been paid. On tho othor hand It is claimed by Mr. Van Zllo that Dyo was to havo built thrco houses, taking n lot In Ilangor for part payment but thnt tho work was so noor on tho first two buildings that ho was forced to call a halt on tho work. Ho claims that ho has llvod " , I.. .... . ulil. It l nnitlHnnt tho Presbyterian church hold last 1 ..... .... i.i ii 'with. Dyo. Shlmlnn, or North llond, presiding 0,3 moderator. Charles Lowry was SELLS 350 POUNDS LARD IN ONE DAY HKMAHKAltLK SHOWING MADK 1IY UNION MI-JAT MARKKT SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestlo CHINA 1 I Wlieio the air Is tonle ami tho wind wine Th Ideal Tea Room. SARTHR'S Kiciieh fro.en cream and Ices; fresh fruit fountain menu; dainty luncheons; good tilings to eat for quality folks; dally fresh enndies; salted nuts; everything inado to order. Oa Front, street, opposite Illanco Hotel. Phone orders, 1MM-.I. Leaves Mnrshflold nt Husy Corner 10:00 a.m. 2:00. p.m. r:00 p.m. kavea North Rend 15 mln. utes later Icavcn Kinplre. 8:!!0 a.m. 11:.10 a.m. :ao p.m. DON'T BE MISLED They say WAR PRICKS aro high. Wo say OUR PRICKS nro not high ami WK CAN SAVK YOU MOXKY as wo carry no over liead cxpenso and savo you that on the cost In HARDWAltL, , 1'tUMlllXo ami FARM ISIPLlJMKNTS, which Is to YOUR AD VANTAGE. Schroeder 8b Hildenbrand's General repair shop. BAY PARK LOTS SELL FOR FROM 35 to 150 per cent Cheaper than other Marsh field lots equally close in, and they have all the advantatjes of most that are a good deal closer in. They sell on such easy terms that you can purchase them for a rjood deal less than the monthly rental of an ordinary four-room house. L S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. irnrdwnro & Plumbing. 'KUhESSlUNAL UIREUIUKI 1 I. H. Harper I HOUSE I1U1LHER General RepahlUR and Cabinet Making, bono 549-J. MRS. J. L. MOORE, of Honryvillo, 1a a visitor In tho city today. T. it. SHERIDAN and wlfo returned today from Portlnml on tho llroak watcr. CAPTAIN J. DUNSON returned to Capo Arago today aftor a, visit hero over night. W. M. KAISER wns down last oven lug from tlio Ilnuser ami Hausor camp at North inlet. J. L. SMITH, County Agriculturist, wlfo and sou, returned to tholr homo In Coqulllo this afternoon. MRS. JAMES HROWN, of Ileavor Hill, was In tho city today on a shopping and visiting trip. W. E. LUNDY, a prominent Myrtlo Point hardware man, was horo last ovonlug and today on business. OLE SIEVERSON, of Lakosldo, with his wlfo and sou Hennlng left on tho Nairn Smith for n visit nt tho Exposition. J. W. DENNETT camo back from Portland this morning whero ho has boon in tho interests of tho T. 11. Sherldnn enso. H. 11. DONAHEY, drug salesman.jir rived In today on tho Dreakwator from Portland and will bo hero a few days calling on tho trntlo. ED. HANSON, of Gardlnor, Is a Mnrshflold business visitor. Tho Gleaner Is tlod up at Gnrdlnor, no ho mndo tho trip down tho beach with Admiral llolden. J. C. MOULTON, mining oxport, re turned to San Francisco toduy on tho Nairn Smith with samples of ..South Inlot black sand that ho expects to tost In the laboratories. F. C. GETTY, Empire Btorokeepor, with Wllmoth Getty, loft on tho Nairn Smith today for n thrco Rlggest Day's Iluslness In That Prod uct Ever Dono Is tho Result of Times Advertising Campaign Thnt tho pcoplo of Marshfleld re spond promptly to ndvortlslng prop erly dono nnd effectively plnced was proved on Thursday of this1 wook. On that day .1. R. Ford &, Company, of the Union Mnrkot, Bold 3C0 noundB of lard. It wns tlio I largest slnglo dny's business In lnrd ovor dono by tho firm nnd wns tho direct result of a brief but offoctlvo advertising campaign in tho Coos Hay Times. This special lnrd snlo wns adver tised exclusively In Tho Times. No posters or nny other kind of ndvor tlsliiB wns dono and tlio sales wero traced directly to tho announce ments published In this paper. This result Is not so surprising whon you stop to figure that tho TIuioh sorVPH SO per cent of tho homos In UiIh dlty. Just n Utt'lo moro ovldonco of tho pulling power of Tho Times ndvortlslng. It nlso proves thnt notwithstand ing talk of quiet Union tho puhlln responds to ndvortlslng that offers them real values. NEW YAUDEVILLE. REIKJ .M WliSTON Singing, talking, character ohnngo An net thnt will please, everyone. Rest line of photoplays, ovor of fered In tho city at pcpuldr(iiHces. Frnncls X. lliiBumnn In ANY WOMAN'S CHOICE A woman Is comnclled to choose between her husband, who has de ceived hor, and n mutual friend ,who hns protected her. llushmtiiPat his best In this film. THE POISONED ROOM. Doing tho fifth eplsodo of tho EXPLOITS OF EliAlNE Tho Berlnl story Bhowlng In moro theaters than all other Bcrlals com bined. Tlielr must no a renson. )T I HAS THE KICK IN IT. THE IIOXI) SIXSTERS Illogrnph dramatic subject that will please. CUPID RACKS THE W1XXEH Knlom comedy with Ruth Holland. Six rcols of pictures nnd a high class vaudovlllo net. Lower floor, lfic; balcony, 10c children, Gc. Remember tho big mntlneo Sun day mid tho special attractions In tho evening. Coming Wednesday. "Anita Sto wnrt" in n Vltngrnph mnstorploco: "Tho Painted World." It will bo tho talk of tho town. Make no ap pointments other thitu seeing this big feature. CUCTic u irk c v I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR SALE Household furniture. Phono 70X. ' FOR RENT Largo front apartment In tho Myrtlo Arms, completely furnished, to rent to desirable party. Now ready. Phono 309-L. WANTED to hear from owner of good farm for sale. Bond cash nrlen nml doacrlntlou. D. F. Hush, Minneapolis, Minn, Don't forget thero Is 0110 taxi In town. Phono SIO. Str. CARLOS will sail from Smith Terminal Dock for SAX FRANCISCO and SAX PEDRO TUESDAY, April , at I p. in. carrying freight and passengers. Masquerade. Rail ait Eagles Hull Saturday night, Apr. . Hon't miss It. Tickets for EASTER MONDAY HALL to ho given by CATHOLIC LADIES, aro now on sale nt "Tho Owl" Pharmacy, Husy Corner ami Winkler's.. Ticket for EASTER MONDAY HALL to bo given by CATHOLIC LADIES, nro now on salo nt "Tho Oh I" Pharniacy, Rosy Comer and Winkler's. M)ST Hmall gold beauty din with two pearls, Howard at "Tho Owl" FOR HALH Will soil very reason able, forty acres cut ovor land, flvo acres la bottom land, partly cleared; cabin and hon houso, garden nlrendy planted. Location, hoad of iBthmus Inlot. AddroBS C. V. Dniilolson, Mnrshflold. FOR SALIC Team of mares, 4 ami r yrs. old, gontlo. Address Mrs. C, McMullon, Emplro, Oregon. WANTED I FOR SALE t! do. Hrown Leghorn young lions, 0110 3-year-old Stand ard bred filly. Mrs. C. McMullon, Emplro, Oregon. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIME? YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS1 Phono' 200-L. flight and Day, Hial't Calo. CoHl Care. Caieful Driver 1). L. I'OOTK." DRY liOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD 1. M. Wright intone 188-R. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Etlmates furnished on requeat Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Enr, Noso and Throat GLASSES FITTED .R. MATTIE R. SHAW Diseases of women anu t,iinnru Office Phone 330-J. RoomB 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. 3eniamin Ostlind CONSUMING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices. 206 Irving Block hone 103-L or iiw-J. Mhrabfleld, Oreaos BUY THE VCRY BEST Marshfleld BUTTER Creamery . Noilk Fromt Btw!, Phone S70. Jar- W MESS E NGER SERVICE m mll'( IlliaVlJI!. eLL US FOR CARS, TAXICARS, EXPRESS WAGONS. , MAltSIIFIRLD CYCLL'RY. 130 RROADWAA V. G. Chandler ARCHITECT loomi 301 and 302, Coko Building Uarshfleld, Oregon 44' MADE! UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. Qet Yimr Films And Kodak Goods at "The Owl" and be assured of fresh stock, which is a big aid in the taking of good pictures. If you do not do your own developing, bring the films to us. Free catalogues tor the asking. Let us show you the new Auto graphic Feature. "THE KODAK STORE" "THE OWL" FRANK D. COHAN The Central Avenue Drug Store FOR KALE Registered llolstoln bull, 0110 yr. old, good slzo, well inarkud. 11. A. Landrlth, No. Coos River. Phono 3031 Farnio'rs WANTED First class upholsterer. Wovou Wlro Matt. & Bedding Co. FOR SALE I FOR HALF ThornuKhbretl Berk shire plgH from registered stock. E. L. Bcssoy. Phono 3108. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Freo delivery, 8 a. in. and 2 p. m Phono 7il. Vm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marabflold, Oregon. 3erl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER teBldonce Studio, 217 No. Third HI Phone 368-L. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also prluclpal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend $340 Buys good cigar stand AND POOL IJA LI TERMS. "Seo Held About It." $650 Buys House and Lot ONE.HAI.F MILE FROM CILYNRLHH HOTEL. "Keo Held About It." $300 Buys a 40x100 Lot IN PERIIAM PARK EASY TERMS "Seo Held About It." W. A. RE1D, 150 Front Street ?ptcon8Eo2Sf FOR KALE 1) ae. half bottom, ll foncod, 4-room house, 1-2 nc. or chard, 1-4 nc. atrawborrlea. prlco $2300, oW tonus. N. C. Mc I.ood, North Bond, FOR RENT I FOR RENT Completely furnished flat, largo rooms, botutlful marlno vlow, close In, $22. DO. Seo Mr. Wilson, Red Cross Drug Storo. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. Mrs. Hazard. Phono HC-X FOR RENT Furnished room with steam heat and bath. 211 Cora. ROOM with or without hoard in private family, 1C0 Kp. 10th at. Q FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight and Baggage. Call FERGUSON TRANSFElt Phone 103. Residence Phone ltl-J, Mi.i-k..t nvc. and Waterfront , - 4ft LJi qHyWj.WHJWTiVTW Jp!WP(P V w..v ,f Aitft, iK ' it:tt. f . . j .- . . ' wpi1 ;rr wawewaww