The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 03, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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- tt
anii's rit-
PERSONAL notices of vialtora
In tlio city, or or Coos nay peoplo
who visit In other cities, togethor
with notices of social affairs, aro
gladly received In tlio social de
partment. Telephone 133. No
tice of clDb meetings will ho
published and secretaries ttro
kindly requested to funilsh same.
CONTItlBUTIONS concerning
social happenings, Intended tor
publication In the society depart
ment of Tho Times, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not later
than G o'clock p. m., Friday of
each week. (Exceptions will bo
allowed only In cases where tho
events occurred later than tho
tlmo mentioned.)
I Heap Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Jus. Nowlin, 'pleasantly In sowing and social chat.
ijtrs ciaud Piper. Very dainty refreshments were serv-
I,i ti,0 luncheon room, prettily dec- cd to the following ladles present:
orated with applo blossoms, the host-1 Mrs. It, 11. Hazer, Mrs. II. E. Hur-
' - nrvn,i nn mmetlzlntr luncheon i molstcr, Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, .Mrs.
to the following: Mrs. Chas. Mahaffy, A. E. Hose, Mrs. P. K., Glazier, Mrs.
Mrs. Ella Uowman, Mrs. I Mahaffy, W. Kennedy, Mrs. V. h. Wattcrs,
Mrs II. E. Edwards, Mrs. F. II. Rood, I Mrs. Konnls Hull nnd Miss 0 Loan,
gnosis, airs. s. s. juiiiiiuho, ...-.
II. J. Linden, .Airs. E. E. Higgs and
Mrs. E. P. Russell.
Tho club will bo entertained in
two weeks by Mrs. S. S. Jennings.
: .
Tho reign of sklmplness la o'er,
Tho skirts aro growing wide
And slender ankles eeen boforo
Can now bo tucked Inside.
The sleoves unto tho fingers reach,
Tlio' collar has returned.
And thoso who sneer and thoso
who prcrtclt
nellovo their lessons learned.
Tlioy know not women If they feel
Her natural bent to plcnso
CAh bo Affected by her zeal
Do checked by things llko these
She- follows fashions and she will,
For scoffs sho cares no whit;
Bho falters only when tho bill
Is sent with "Pleaso remit! "
Sho may look foolish docs sho
, Hho, follows fashion whlio
Her dearest friends would novcr
To lot her boo them smile.
siio'll bravo tho cold half clad, in
deed, ,
In ardor to bo slim,
And suffer, If thoro ho tho need,
To charm Homo soulless "him."
Tho fashions come, tho fnshlons
For oilo thing aro thoy meant
Tlioy frame tho charms of woman bo
Slio'a always dlfferont.
Q IX MONTHS boforo tho grout
war broko out In Europo nn
American Id l'arla said to II
Comtcssa dl Cenlrtnlnl In n tone
of alarm: "Madnmo, Europo Is
danco mad."
"Yes," said sho, "ho Is tho
United StntcH. What of It?"
"Madame," ho Bald. "IliHtory
teaches us that mich wild epidem
ics and brglcs of dancing aro al
ways followed by groat wars. Danc
ing has something to do with war.
Tlio savago tribes always danco bo
foro going Into bnttlo, Tho DrnlilH
Had tlioir war dunccm boforo taking
to tlio war trallH. Our Aiuorlr.iu
Indians put nn war paint and dnnc
od boforo thoy planned to scalp
their enemies, Indian dancing was
n part of tlioir worship. In corres
ponded to tho saying of prayers lit
tho chilrcheH of Europeans boforo
tho troops wont to battle. Why tho
expression of rollglous enthusiasm
took tho form of dancing ( cannot
nay, hut it did. Dancing Ih always
tho bIrii of great Hoclal unroot.
When you linvo groat Hoclal unroot
you linvo war.
"Mndamo, I fear war. It Is
coming to tho United States. It lo
coming to Europo. It Is bound lo
como to ono or tlio other flwt.
Thoro Is n chitnco that tlio Unit oil
States may nvort war, but It Is only
n r banco If tho United Slatott will
toko n loason and chango hor wnyi.
I rcpoat It again wlum you havo
great Hoclal nnd domestlo unroat
you aro not far from chaos. 1
ihliik tho Unllod Slalon Is not far
frciu chaos."
Tho countess did not pay inmli
nttontlou to tho agitation of (ho
American, but now that Europo Is
ntpopod In war, uho has ohnnKod
lav vIowh. Sho Is now In tho
United States whllo oho has -tot
dlrulged tho numb of tho ourmwt
American who forocost tho fiuro
pton war six months boforo It
vnnu, hIio would eavo tho United
States from a similar calamity ond
Ih speaking hor warnings.
Tho rounlos, boforo lmr nmr
rlago lo tho Kronchman, was nn
Amorrcan girl, Hays an oxohmmo,
.losiplilno I.uilwlg. She naturally
hopes tho forpenst for tho Ian.
of lirr birth will not como tnio.
"I inn siiro tho man had no !n-
aldo glluipso of tho voerotg
rtntc." sayn tho romiteM.
moiely mado an nstsortlon baoed
on fact. Ho pointed out lo tno
tho factH of history us thoy ein
In vapid succorfblon. First thro
Ih wlldnoss. Thou thnro U law
It HCdiiiB to bo a natural law, J it it t as
natural as tho law that If any nun
does anything to oxcqmj tie must
suffer tho coniwqiiauceo.
"Now that bin wonU have come
truo I Tocogulie tb fart ami
ognUo that the Amarlcwit people
are drlftlnic to whr tber ermuot
return. Tho peopla bar ion from
one danco to inothar with rckli
nbitiidou. Thoy bar tUaeaO wild
ami wilder dances and bar rMrhod
tho oxtromo."
History shows that whrn tb pen
dulum swings toe far in on dlr'
tloit It must Bwln.' bs k ' n. .
tho owing laK la ' " ' ,
war. Vol It may ho that war aas
nothing to do with tho swinging
of tho pendulum. Thoro havo been
Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Hilda Larsen,
Mrs. E. C. Darker, Mrs. H. I,. Heath,
Mrs. J. E. Noah, Mrs. Claud l'lper,
Mrs. W. II. Piper and Miss Oolo
In two weeks, Mrs. W. B. Piper
will entertain tho members.
I Mi:i-rriN iosttoxki
I :
Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
S. Glvcns, has been named James
WlHuVnfor an undo of Mr. Glvcns.
Mrs. Spencer, tho motner 01 .urn
Owing to tho fact that yesterday
.. ..- ... i. ,... . . .. -. '
so many nn in mo ni.iorjr oi mu.. wns 00od Friday, tho Norwegian 0 , M , f SC!Utlo!
"" """ , U.,uw.uiun luK i-uuimUD ouu.uw u.u , , k n oxtciulCd Visit.
may havo been only n coincidence. not hi(1 a gesslon but will meet In, " . .
v ir. Minolta n Mm plinrrh nlinnnl.
Owing to tho fact that this Is Ilolyj"
Week, there has been a lull In aoclal '
activities but next week tho wheel, Ti(j North 1Jmd PrC8byterl(
of society will again revolve with Its lntlIes. ,,, wll, ,,oId r0BUlBp bU8l.
Ititlnl ..IflnlMla f ll .. niJI1lllt iitnnlf
u... lu.m.v, w.u -"" """ ncBB meeting at tho l)omo of Mrs. A.
UllL'tllllg IW1 II K'llllll uaii lillULT l"U ,,
n. .....!. V .f.n 1n.ll.irt t OI ln..lnn 'i.
Catholic Church. This occurs on Mon-'1, '
day evening, April Gth nnd promises
to ho ono of tho most brilliant af
fairs of tho season.
Tho Drldgo Club which did, not
meet during the lenten season will
bo ontcrlalncd on Wednesday ovo
nlng by Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Kauf
man nt their homo In West Marsh-
NOItTII liEXI) cum
Itoso Wednesday afternoon at 2
T. J. If. CliUD I
A number of girls of tho yourig
set havo formed n "hiking" club
and havo planned many jolly trips
for tho coming Bttmnicr.
They met yestordny at tho homo
Tho North Bond Auction Drldgo
Club will meet Easter Tuesday,
April Gth, with Mrs. Carl Jacobson.
On nccount of tho special meet
ings nt tho Baptist Church, the
Phllathca Club did not meet in the
church parlors last evening, but
will moot next Friday" evening. j
(Continued on pago S)
Tlio A. N. W. and tho Ladles' Art ot M1hs T',olnm J'?0"8 " ",nde
;iubs will meet tho coming week af-i "rrangements for a l.ko In tho near. JITM3V SIWVICK TO
... wi,.- n..,,nm .. nnJ1'1""-". Tho girls will iiicot again 1-IKSl ADIMIIO.N
ter n week's postponement as an
nounccd in tho social calendar.
Tho other clubs and Hoclotlcs will
meet as usual on their respecttvo
Special attention should ho given
tho fact that tho Coos Day Concert
Hand appears Sunday for tho first
tlmo as an independent organization
and as micH should bo encouraged
with a crowded houso when tho mem
bers appear In concer.t Sunday after
noon nt 2:30 o'clock in the Orphoum
& !
I Arrnox iimnci-: n,
In two weeks, with tho placo as IT
yet undecided.
Present nt yestorday's meeting i-
woro tho Misses Clara Ferguson,
Ruth Golden, Glcnda Fnrroll, Mary
McArtliur, Wllmn Hongland, Ruth,
Anderson, Lorcna Hoffman, Grnco
Farrln, lloluu GuloBen nnd Tholma
Lyons. I
4. 4. 1
Leaven Blanco Hotol every
hnlf hour via Droadway and
Fifth street. Leaves First
Addition quarter of nnd 4
quarter nftor hour,
may be obtained in Marshfield
t CUIMI OPEX MEET.XO MrS ,Jl,2?l,andf
Last Tuesday ftcrnoon occured 1 352 So, 5tll St. PllOne 200-X
tho monthly open mooting of tln' -
'Episcopal ladles' guild nt Guild hall
Prize for tlio high scoro wob won
by Mrs. Ward M. Dlako at the bi
monthly meeting of tho Auction
Drldgo Club with MrH. J. S. Hanson
InBt Wednesday afternoon.
Tho moiuhors present woro: MrH.
W. II. Konnedy, who will bo hostess
In two wcoks, Mra. J. S. Lyons, Mrs.
Carl Davis, and thu special guests,
Mrs. Charles Hall. Mrs. v. M. Dlako,
Mrs. R II. Coroy nnd Mrs. W. F.
Mrs. HaiiHon was jjbsIhIciI by Mrs.
Davis In fiorvlug dainty refresliiucntB.
4 ;
t :
Mrs. J Q. .InrvlB was hostess lijst
WodnoHdny afternoon to tho Klostor
Club inoniburH, Bervlng dainty re
freshments after tho social and hew
ing HOHhlou to tho following ladlcH:
Mr.s W. A. Reld, Mrs. It. W. Mor
row, MIhh Margaret Shaw, .Mrs. F. L.
(IraniilH, MrH. OtlB Wilson, Mrs. J, V.
Motley, Mrs. W. H. McMillan, Miss
Kindly romembcr to glvo
ua a trial.
Everything In tho bakery lino
133 No. 2nd at., near Central
Phono -128.
wllli n largo nttendanco of represent
ative women.
Tho following excellent program
wns rendered; I
Vocal Solo Edgar L. Cason J
Paper. "How Jo Mako JIarshflold
u Model city."
Mrs. Vernon A. Smith
Vocal Trio (a) "I.ovo Has Gono
Astray" Spenco
(li) "A Highland Lnd My I.ovo
Wna Horn."
Mrs. E. L. Uoblnson, Mrs. F. E.
Wilson nnd MIbs Evolyn Andorson.
Paper. "Music In tho Schools."
Mrs. F. E. Wilson
AbSlBted nt tho piano by Mra, Wm.
Ilorsrall, Jr.
On Enster Monday April C, tho
Guild will meet nt 2 o'clock sharp
for tho annual election of oftlcora.
This Ib to bo n strictly business Kca-
Hlon nnd a full nttondnnco Is doslrcd. !
I am proparcd to clean chlmnoys
nnd mako thorough inspection of
sarno. Don't delay. City ordln
nnco compols property owners to
do this work. Prompt work may
savo n flro.
Charges ItctiNounblo
Phono 2C8-X 10CC So. -ith at
ast Tuosdny afternoon, Mrs. Per-
Ji'sslo Trask nnd Helen and Warren 'ry l)0,l80 wnn tho charming hostess j
jlolil. ;i inoieB ot "iivo iiunarod" nt noriv
Mrs. MeMlllau will ontertnln In two ,,nmo ,u p,rat Addition. Mrs. Norls
Jensen won tho trophy for high scoro
Tho homo wns decorated very bo
conilngly with cut flowers nnd houso
plains. Aitor cams, tlio hostoss servod
a iiuiiruiiis iiiui'iiuou 10 nor auor
Sirs. M .J. Ootrotv, Mgr.
Mih. J. E. Edmunds, 4
(Formerly Mrs. Dillon.)
Head Nurso
CG2North Second strcot. 4
Phono 1G6-R
Opon to All Physicians
Mrs. Win. llyden onturlalned m noon guests who woro: Mrs. J. W.
nunihor of ladlon at mi afternoon of Mitchell, Mra. II. L. Crawford, Mrs.
sewlt.K last Thursday mid served T. S llnrvoy, Mrs. E. F. Lo Mloiix,
them with a most delicious luncheon Mrs W. Schroedor, Mrs. Norls Jonson,
at an appropriate hour. ' jirB. J. H. Stadden, Mrs. It. N. Fon-
llor KuoHts Included: Mrs. Jnnioi ion. Mrs. c. C. nolnir. Mra. Hnrrv
Dtmnett, Mrs. August Frlzeon, Mr8. ; Rradflcld, Mrs. J. 0. Kinney, Mrs. t GOODRUM'S GARAGE
. Murphy, Mrs. W. S. Drown, Mib.j. nudonbrnnd, Mrs. J. Q. Jnrvls,
nm i.Hrm.11, .Mrs. warner ogrun.lMrH. L. F. DonnliiL' Mrs. u. a. v.ii
Mm. Percy Poet, Mm. T. J. Scnlfo. Mr8 Honry Fourier, Mrs. Roy Car-
i About it,
Mra. .1. 1). WlublBli.r. Mrs. Charles pouter, Mrs. Harry Dultmann, Mrs.
La Chapollo and Mr. W. K. Hoag-' F. K. Raymond, Mrs. II. O'Mnra.
nllllt I 0. 1,1 Ln.n. Il..l..
and Floronco Hobort.
Sit" Central nv. Phono J17JI-L
11.1 1 iiuraitay 1.10 moiniiora of tho MH Monday ovonlng, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Alort uiib of Coos River wtthored j. 0. Klnnoy were entirely and ngree
at tho holiiH of Mrs. V. K. Rood and nbly hiirprlsod when enough friends
spent most ot the afternoon In dls-.ealled to make up C tables ot flvo
viiimIiik plans for n Fourth of July hundred; tho prize for high scoro
celebration which tho ladles of tho uolmr to Mr. ,.,... m- 10 v i
f club will Blvo and wlilrh will bo tree Mlouv. At a lato hour, appetizing ,e
"V for Bvor'oll Coo ' Tho pro- froalunoiita which had been furnlsh-
ram m m planned by the Indloa oil by tho surprise schemers were
nwlatod by tholr Inikhands. Kvirioiio aorvod.
la oxportod to lirliiR a blK basket Those of tho party woro Mr and
filled with good Uilngs to oat, Mrs. J. W Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Kd Noah will put Ills boat on tho.j. q. jnnls, Mra H. A. Wolls Mr
run from Allowiny to tho groNo. cap-. mid Mr. W. Schroedor, Mr. and' Mrs'
tulua lMwarda and Ott will run fromL. F. Donning, Mr. nnd Mrs. T s'
Marahflold and thoro will be other, llarvo), Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stadden
boats from dlfferont points. Furthor.Mr. and Mrs. Norls Jonson, Mr. and
details will be glvon out later. , Mra. K. V, Lo Mloux, Mr. and' Mrs
Sometime in May tho ladles will J. w. Hlldenbrand, Miss Ruth Mat
alvo a banquet for tho husbands nt.thows. Mr. and Mrs. j. l5 Klnnoy
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rood. and Messrs C. D. Landers and Louis
Ibo follow lug couuuittoos wero ap-'schroodor.
llauimet: Mra. Chas. Mahaffy, Mrs '-
Ulld Uraon and Mrs. W. B. Plpor.j
KBU-rtalninnt: Mra. V. K. Rood.
Vrn r. r Darker. Mm. F. II. Rood Tito North Demi Thimble Club
Mr M14 p. inan and Ml" Oelo met jesterlav afternoon with Mr(
.r. .i.rnti Mrs K J, 'Win, au:;lnn tho Umo being rpent
Tho largest and finest ho
tel in tho Northwest
Your friends will be proud
to meet you hero.
Rates to You
CO rooms $1.00
100 rooms with bath 1.80
100 rooms with bath $2.00
200 largo outside
Your hcadquartors for
every occaslou.
irt ix-wft
- iPMatXHSAj
Where Quality Rules,
Discriminating buyers do not purchase
Furniture for use for a day or a week or
a month
So o
is bought for years of wear and it is expected not only lo
stand the strain of usage during that time but should also
retain its good looks. .That is , why "QUALITY" should be
your first consideration whenv you contemplate buying Fur.
niture for your home. Quality rules at this store. This re
liable firm stands behind every article with a guarantee ol
which is your protection and also a source of continual satis
faction. You know that in Furniture from Johnson & ,6lil
ovsen's you have the best to be had. An inspection of our line
will show you its Superior QUALITY and the reasonable
prices will be equally pleasing to you.
Johnsoia-Gulovsen Company
The Quality Name With the Service Fame
I o 0
A Little Campaign of
Want Advertising in
The Coos Bay Times
Will Sell Your Useful "Second
Hand'' Things to People who
Need Them.
There's a notion, pertaining to most
articles of use, that as soon as they
become "second hand" thev. in some mv-
I sterious way, lose at least one half of
their market value. And one hour s use
makes most things such as vehicles, ma
chinery, articles of clothing, etc. "second
A campaign of want advertising will
sell your little- used or your much used
things to people who NEED THEM--and
who will pay a FAIR price.
Vi. . . "- . "''IfiLVil, " '' h ' "" "r
."&"-- t " j