:rMsfri' I HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION ai W&wW jwmsm&i u 1 (PAT. APPL'D FOR) "CATPAW" Shock Absorbers for FORD Cars Save Tires and Springs Stop Vibrations Genuine Springs of Pleasure Fully Adjustable PREVENT SPRING BREAKAGE SAVE THEIR COST IN A a FEW MONTHS IN ELIM INATING WEAR AND TEAR ON YOUR CAR REDUCE TIRE EXPENSE 20 to 3096 7 -iAl 8 yj i NOTE THE STRONG, SIMPLE CONSTRUCTION .. mn t nr Have most convenient outside adjustment for load and position. Frictionlcss, noise LAirVV less. No wheels to take off. No holes to drill. Attach to the standard spring perch. Have no dust covers to lose off. Constructed on right principles throughout. Pivotal suspension. Installed in 20 minutes. Absolute guarantee of workmanship and material. SHOCK ABSORBERS A tire will wear longest when tightly inflated, which also makes it ride roughly. CAT-PAW shock absorb ers enable you to drive comfortably and economically with hard tires. Float your car over the rough spots. PRICE $12 PER SET OF FOUR, HALF SET $7 POWER ENGINEERING CO. 179 W. Washincton St., Chicago, 111. Write for Circular and Information. WHEN ORDERING state whether for FORD Touring Car or Roadster. The Profitable Raising of Poultry (Continued From Can 0.) lour mill: givo no water for three or tour days. Forco tho chicks to drink He milk. After they havo learned to enjoy this wntcr may ho given also. , . , A This milk feeding Is so lmportnnt that wo Ish to cmphaslzo It most itrongly. 801110 of tho finest broods ol chicks ovor raised by tho wrltor wero given a good supply of sour milk as they wero taken from tho In cubator, their crops being filled with a medlclno dropper. At the beginning of tho second neek, or oven a trlflo soonor, tho mash mlxturo may bo fed, substitut ing this each day for two feeds of the scratch grain. Placo tho dry mash In small troughs or dishes and lot the chicks help thomsolvcs for an hour. Ihcn removo It. It tho mash Is given moist It must bo removed la a cousldcrably shorter tlmo. Many poultrymon keep tho dry mash constantly botoro tho chicles alter tho first week. This schorao works well .whero tho youngstors hare unlimited rnngo and sccuro plenty of exercise. Dut when chicks are confined In small pens and yards there Is danger of bringing on dlgca tlte disturbances, tho bad results of which will bo apparent lntor. Of course, all scratch grain should he ted In litter after tho first two or three days In order to Induco tho thicks to tako much needed cxerclso. As tho chicks grow and gain great, tr storago capacity, tho dally meals Day bo reduced to three, nut nt all times bo Euro that enough feed Is Siren. Dono and musclo cannot bo grown on promises and good Inten tions. GIvo green food dally wficro tho yarding system is used. Chicks on range will find nil tho greons thoy require. As Indicated above, bono In somo form Is a necessity. Most brands of wet and fish scrap contain a fair Proportion of bone, but this is usual ly Insufficient to meet tho rcqulra nents of tho rapidly growing young ""' Keep granulated bono avnll JWe In hoppeis or add bono meal to ue mash, nothing but good materials; keep feed and water utensils clean; sco that tho feed Is in tho proper me chanical condition; glvo a variety; Include- In tho ration tho four classes of feeding stuffs specified above. Copyright, lOirj. by Matos-Mcnz Adv. Co., Inc. great big cakes of eau-dccolognc soap aro supplied, there is an ad journment to tho study, whero tho mon nro confronted by beer bottles, cutis and a steaming cocoa urn. "Havo jour choice, lads," says tho genial host, and ovor CO per cent, of thorn tako cocoa. DENTISTRY. Tho dentistry of today ahas mado a great advanco In tho past few years In tho matter of saving teeth and provcntlng tooth decay Instead of lot ting tho tooth becomo badly broken down In order to rcstoro it by tilling. It is tho aim of tho dentist who keeps abreast of tho times today to provent tooth decay nnd dlseaso of tho gums and soft tissues of tho mouth and thus provent many serious bodily dis eases. Dr. Hosenow, of tho Rush Medical Collego, and Dr. Charles Muyo, of Rochester, Minn., agrco that bad mouth conditions result In many diseases of tho body through infec tion which comes from 'diseased gums and teeth. Do you havo indi gostlon? Then look In tho mouth for tho cause Physicians today mako a careful examination of tho mouth or send their patients to tho dentist for examination when thoy aro looking for tho causo of rhoumatlsm, ulcors of tho stomach or somo othor disturb ance of tho Intestinal tract. This mny bo news to you, but think It over and sco how rcasonablo it is. I shall try for sovcral months to toll you somo of tho causes and remedy for somo of tho diseases so provalcnt If I find you aro sufficiently Inter ested to wnrrant doing so. J. E. Stovcnson, dontlst, Majestic Theater blldg., cornor Park and Washington streets, Portland, Or. Drink Cocoa by" Choice. London Chronlclo: Tho uninflu enced cholco of a British, soldier somotlmes runs In tho direction of toototnl drinks, as has been discov ered by a non-tcototal friend of ralno near a camp, who has placed his bathroom and beor collar at tho uts- Aiter moy nnsni nf thn nrlvates In conclusion, feed llborally; usohavo bathed in hot water with which w!yyf 31 M IWj Your Crop Returns Dopcnd upon tho slzo of tho yield, and tho yield is closely related to tho productiveness of tho soil. Keep your soil fertile nnd productivo by applying Beaver Brand Animal Fertilizer "A Fertilizer for Every Crop." It revives strength gives new life replenishes tho soil with tho necessary plant food to insure a largo, healthy harvest. Whether you rniso Brains, fruit or vcKptftlilos, NOW. whllo your land p Idle, Ib tho tlmo to royltnllzo It with this famous fertilizer ft Northwest fertilizer mailo In tho Northwest by tho PIONUKH fertilizer manufacturers of tho Northwest. IV rtllUcr Iluoklct V 48 Free, Contain luforniutlon of Value. SlIKH ' Yhwm " .H.M 1 a'nu " iwisomH jb: Mode by Union Meat Ciimpany. North PbRTLAND.ORE i pin M.tM .V i . IIVXI ". ;iw . iiiiV s ih.Vv.vr. nariXL gasssgafcsssvwswgi IBU-flu J&&& t w:r 55WW(J 1 i M