MpHA'WH'J ' ' - THE COOS .BAY TIMES, MARSHFtELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SIX t V i'i i It A SUMMARY OF OUR EASTER OFFERINGS New SUITS that are right in every detail. Pretty WAISTS at enticing prices. Tipperary and Auto Veils and new veilings. ' Fascinating Creations in Natty DRESSES. NEW COATS and SILK PETTICOATS. NEW GLOVES, CORSETS and HOSIERY. 1 NEW SHOES 1ST GRADES DONE H jk H m Hj HL V9 H k Jl l If. P. 1IOKV TKLLS OK WILLAM KTTK PACIFIC PKOOKKSS THE NEW DOROTHY'S ARE READY Fresh, Dainty Dorothy's, right from the .fountain head of Shoe Style. The big factory has outdone all previous efforts in new designs. Come in and look at the Dainty, Delightful, Different Dorothy Dodds. Exclusive agents: Regals and Nettletons for men. See our windows Saturday.1 GORDON'S, Inc. FOOTWEAR OF MERIT. Broadway and Central Avenue. Phone 90-J. TO MOVE STATION LlFK SAVINO STATION MONKV .NOT TO liAPSK HciiHlor Liiiio Writes lllds ho Culled for April I.T Project Prob. ably Complete by .Iiiiio ill). Movement or tlio Cooh liny l.lfo Saving Station tlilts spring mill tlio culling for bids on tlio contrnct by tho inldillo of this nioiitli Ih (ho wonl received HiIh morning ut tlio Chnmbor or Comniorro from Senator Horry I.nno ut Washington. This roiura In response to urgent lotlcrH to tho Oregon statesmen asking them to hurry action that tlio appropria tion or $17,000 might not hipse on Jnnu HO. Senator Chuinliurlalu wrntu yoHtordiiy nml Hoproontutlvo llawloy yostoidiiy, that thoy liavo takun tlio inatlor up, At tlio tlmo or IiIh visit hero three weeks ngo Onptulu Cnutwoll, l.lfo HiivIiik Station Inspector, stated that Coos Day would prohalily loan li'ir uioiioy unless lmnudlatoly action Nvnr HPciiroil In tho l.lTo Ouard llu rci'ii, tlio fuml lapsing Juno :i0, pro vldlng nothing haa hoou doiio hy thai tlmo to change tho station. In danger or losing tho of fort or much hard work and tlio $ 17. 000 already nanctlonod by Congretw, tlio Chanihor of Commerce Inline dlntely began an Investigation. Senator I.nno status that ho him written tho Captain Commandant or tho Count (luard, receiving from lilm (ho word that bids aro to ho railed for April II. and that tho Mil lion will prohalily hu moved nnd tho now buildings complete ly June 30, "Tlio rocoinmoiidntlona luivo boon inndt and approvod," tho luttor of Bnnutor I, aim says, "and toward tho romplotlon of tho pro Joe t tho do purl meat la doing everything within Itu power." Captain Cnutwoll pointed out tho ract that there aro huudrotlH or similar appropriations In the nowly cHtablluhcd buroait and that In tho work or uniting tlio llfo saving mid rovontio servlcea there Is no much to bo dono that some or tho proj. ccts aro being furred to lapse. TAKES GOLD SAMPLE; .1. ('. .MOl'lro.N TAKKS SAND INTO LAHOHATOKV ! .Mining Kxpeit SiiIIn Tomorrow With .South inlet IHit For Testing: Rc- lli-M's Indication (loot! Kngluccr Hnys Ittltt of Way Dis putes Held up Lino for .Months Hi duo Itulldliig Ne.xt Summer Orndlng on the Wlllnmotto Pacific between Mnploton and Coos Hay is 98 per cent complete, according to ll.l'.llocy, nsslstnnt engineer who ar rived In yesterday rrom a trip over tlio cntlro lino from Kugono. llrlilgo work on tho Sluslnw and tho Ump- quf ho stntes, will probably not bo commenced until lato this summer, ns tho preparatory work, tho sinking of piling ror tlio concroto caissons will possibly tnko several months. Ho was accompanied by C. H. Honttlo, assistant engineer, ami H. 0. Hlndmnrsh. Itlght-of-woy disputes at Point Terraco and at tlio rock quarry near Acmo luivo held up tho grading and hiving of rnlls considerably, said Mr. llooy, but with theso dlfrorences righted, tlio grading Is bolng rushed through as quickly ns possible Trestle work hos nlready been , lnillt for half n mile leading out to tho beginning of tho stool work on tho Sluslnw brldgo nt Acme, ac cording to tho engineers. Tho bot toms cf tho Sluslnw, tho Umpqua niid Coos Hny they rind greatly similar, mostly silt and sort mud, and It Ih through this tho piling rtust ho plorccd to tho solid foun dation beneath. This Is tho work that is now being dono on tlio North Ilend brldgo, a Job not only expensive In construction but ox PoiihIvo in tlmo as woll. During tho summer much trcstlo work will bo completed along tho Tslltcoos lako abovo (Inrdlnor nnd ulso along Ten Mllo Lake, tho rnlls pnrnllollng these bodies for n con- sldorablo dlstnnco. .May Movo Offlrrs. It is possible, .Mr. llooy admitted, that tho engineering offices or tho Wlllnmotto Pacific bo moved to Mn ploton, that tho engineers may bo closer to tho courso of construction. Thin movo hns not been doNnltcly decided, ho nnld. Thoro Is nothing to tho rumor that tho offices might ho moved to Cooa Hay. Business over tho Mnploton road Into Kugono hns not been extra heavy slnco the opening of tho rond last mil, said tho onglucor, nnd through tho win ter It hns oven boon falling off n llttlo, but ho Ih or tho bollof thnt tho main traffic of tho rond will urt commence until It has been com pleted through to Coos Hny. Thoro still remains about three wrekH of work to bo dono on tho big tunnel abovo Ten Mllo, tho llausor fc Hnusor company having chnrgo of tho operations. With this completed, tliolr work will bo prnttlcnlly romplotcd. Whon naked whnt thoy would probably do with their outfits Mr. ra LL MANAGER RKPORT IN NORTH I1I3XD THAT ARKLK1 IS NA.MKD Mills to Stnrt Soon on n Hlg dm. trnct for Southern Pacific Itrldgo Tlmlters According, to nn unconfirmed ru mor In circulation in North Bend tho heirs of tho Simpson Lumber Co. have elected or appointed Mr. A. J. Ark ley ns mnnager of tho company's in terests on Coos Day. It is said that L. J. Simpson has boon chosen president of tho inter ests horo nnd Edgar Simpson secre tary and treasurer. .May Start .Mills Soon According to tho rumor which has been stated cannot bo verified, tho now manager will bo hero within tho next two weeks when it Is believed ho will start the mills nnd logging camps with full forces. It Is clnlmed both Kdgnr nnd L. J. Simpson will bo hero soon and nssist In getting tho work started. It Is also said that a contract has Just been closed with tho Southern Pacific ror brldgo timbers sufficient for n two months run or tho Porter Mill, and this will bo tho first work done. PLAY TEN IIS UKAVKHS HKST ANOKIjH IN A CIjOHK CONTKST. Venice IJrcukH Kvimi With Mormons nnd Oakland Kvcns Percentage With Seals Yesterday. . LESSON ENGLISH FKKNOHMAX .MISINTKHPltKTS MKANINO OK CUSS WOHDS. (us Anoeon Acts Under llellef lllaiik- oly-llliiiiks Sauio ns "Good .Morn ing." Fined ijCJ In Court. So often had Gus Anccon, French man nnd seven months In America, heard cuss words, thnt ho learned to know thorn hotter than oven tho familiar salutations of "gopd morn lug" and "good evening" nnd con sequently used thorn for tho samo purposes. Hu appeared In tho po lice court tit Ih morning on tho charge of iming nbscono Inngungo on tho street. Otis pleaded thnt ho know no better nnd Judgo Hutlcr charg ed him Ti tot his first lesson in tho Kngllah Inngungo. Gus, who vpcnks but fow words or Kngllah nnd theso very brokenly, had tnkon Just a small cargo aboard, nnd thou hnd'Btnrtod out about sup per tlmo Inst night, to get nomo chnugo ror Poto Mirrasoul. It was In tho mlddlo or tho street thnt Chief Carter found him waving $40 about In tho nlr. Ho was In a happy mood nnd insisted on calling pcoplo cuss names. "Here," cut It out cautioned tho Chief. "Hlnukety, blnnkety, blank," ho iiLMirUKTinKS OF TDK COAST IjKAOUK Portland ccc Vcnlco r,0 Salt Lako r00 Oakland B0 San Francisco 500 t.ns A n col 08 333 tnr AnollfJ Tin to Coos B7 Tlm.J PORTLAND, Or., April 2. Tho Heavers won tho rubber of tho three games wllh tho Angels of Los Angeles In tho South yestordny by a l-to-2 score. That tho losers fought hard for tho tltlo Is soon In tho fact that thoy battled to ten Innings ngnltiBt McCredlo's hosts. At Salt Lako tho Mormons lost to Venice, 3 to 4, mnklng a gnmo lor each team In tho two played this season. Oakland got oven with tho San Francisco Seals, trouncing them -1 to 2. Tho scores rollow: At Los jVngolcs It. H. K. Portland 1 0 Los Angeles 2 10 3 (Ten Innings.) At Salt Lake It. II. Vcnlco -1 II Salt Lnko 3 11 At San Francisco II. II. K. Oakland 1 11 0 San Francisco 2 8 2 1 1 U LI C K N Li T WANTED TWIKLKK, who visitkd OUT OF TKAM i.;, tylK, Brother (J. L. Mrs. Williamson nnd .Mrs. Hanson, lluyncs Inlet, Not Asked to llcport With n dozen snmplea or more . coatt. I don't look lor nny moro J. C. Moulton. mining export of Snn ' Gliding for several years." Francisco, returned today from South ' fliiiii- nt Mm nhlnf nml wnn win fin. Ilcey said: "They'll havo to do HkoLc,nrei, , ft nllnut0 Qu8 thinking most othor construction companies, L ,ind do10 n(J wron ,)Ut ,, ,noro. lay up tholr outfit. This Is about , ,,, 8n(, Rood ovonUB( thou t tho only rn Irond construction on thono WJB bon robl)0(, nI1(, 0 tmm for his llfo and wealth. In tho Byron Houck, twlrlor of tho Brook lyn Federals, lormerly or Porllnnd, a brothor of Mrs. S. S. Williamson and Mrs. G. L. Hanson of Hayncs In- lot and who visited horo several months ago la wondering why ho was not asked hy Mnnagor Magco to re port for Bprlng training. jVccordlng to word received horo Houck has been wired to bo In condition for tho opnlng of the season on April 7. Tho ox-Unlvorslty of Oregon pltch or after leaving tho Spokano Indians wont to tho Philadelphia Athletes and last summer hurdled to tho Brooklyn Federate nt an ndvnnco In Modart Front ti Corsets Laced J"" H-o tho actual i Ih to INDITCK . ' fn,W0lm AMINIJ Til M. & "1'c.nly fa.nlIllP lth ,C ""VonploasaatMif,, The WoiknmiiMiln i, Um-IiiIb cannot h0 'J'' Tholr s.,,0 I, Bl,H try then, on. h(n Wo know f , corset us Ko ,ls (ll0 j Hub Dry Goods Co, "Smart Wear for Wonutfi for. Broaduay and Central A)e Phono SOI, Icnl laboratory for making n com plete nnnlysls of soils, but If you will follow carefully tho Instructions given below rognrdlng soli sampling and then sonjl or bring tho saiuplo to J. L. Smith, County Agriculturist, nt Coqulllo, ho will arrange- to havo them tested free of chnrgo for you by tho Chemistry Dopnrtmonl, ut tho Agricultural College, nnd tho re sults of tho test will bo mailed to you. H you wish, you may send your samples, prepaid, direct to tho Chemistry Department, O. A. C, or to Professor II. 1). Scuddcr, Soil Specialist, Oregon Kxperlmont Sta tion, Corvnllls, Oregon. Directions for So'l Sampling. First Tnko samples from nn open field and avoid paths, gopher holes, etc., from which modified nnd not typlcnl samples aro llkoly to bo obtained. Second Select nn nvcrngo spit, pull up plants growing on It, brush nsldo half decayed vegetable- mat ter nnd horo or dig n vortical holo to whore tho soil changes color or texture, or If no chnngo Is scon, to a depth of eight Inches. Got sam ples to this depth from several places In the field, mix theso sam ples woll on n plcco of cloth or stout paper (nvold Juto bagging), dry this mixed sample, put n quart In n clean canvas bag or box nnd lnbol carefully, This samplo repre sents tho surfaco soil. I Third In tho samo mnnnor got an nvcrago of tho subsoil, taken bo low tho surfaco sample, to tho depth I of approximately thrco feet. Pluco in separata bag nnd lnbol. Fourth Dig or horo to tho dopth of six feet, and If hard pan or othor peculiarity In structure Is noted, send sample, properly Inbolod. If solid rock Is found, stnto at whnt nvorago dopth nnd sond small sam- . .J - MHTraTI'ITSlHl&jj " I s PORTWtMmH Tho largest and fineit to tel In tlio Northwest Your friends will be prod to meet you here. Bates to You CO rooms 11.00 100 rooms with bath 1JM 100 rooms with bath 2.00 200 largo outside Your hcatlnu&rtou for every occasion. T. J. SCAIFK IP A. II. nOMUI Marshfield'SStt Kstlmates Fumbled Phono lift-It. MawMlcM. Onfi Inlet where ho has been for tho past week Investigating tho black sand deposits ror gold. Hu leaves tomor row on tho Nann Smith. Mr. Moulton is n representntlvo ot tho Merrill .Metallurgical Company or San Frauolxco. Not until ho takes his samples Into tho laboratory ciiu ho toll positively what tlio find has hoou, As nn off hand opinion Mr. Moul ton stated thoro seem plenty or In dications or gold In commercial As to tho starting or n lino through to Kurokn, ho laughod nt tho Idea, characterized it as only ru nioi nnd said that nothing will bo done In thnt direction nt least ror bnvnrnl years to romo. Mr. llooy expects to romnln on tho Bay ror n day or two boforo icliirnlng again over tho lino to his otflces In Kugono. COQIMLI.K CIMjUNOS. County Sent Happenings Belated by The World. qiiuutltlos nml that If tho tests turn I out as (hoy Indlrnto tho South Inlet j J- O. Akor, living at tho northern sand will bo worth mining. , j end of tho city Is very low from A mouth ago ho wont down to tho nmlytlc stroke which ho sufiored I.. 1. MatthowH place nt South inlet Homo three weeks ngo. Both or I porlonco." with J. . .Smith nml was so onthus-h8 hands tiro helpless and ho Is In' lastlc over the. evidences ot gold that a very bad way and tho doctors no returned u week ngo. ensuing scuffle ho broke Chief :Cnr-jh happened In tho lilt H "(lllll I.MIIIII Jll 1IIII.U MIIIVIUIU plnccs beforo landing In tho city Jail. Ho was balled out hy Pcto Mirrasoul. "Didn't you know nny better?" asked J. C. Kendall, or tho forlorn Frenchman this morning boforo Judgo Butlor.' "Oh, mo no savy. Talk," ho said, "Just samo, good morning, good night." "But, Gus, thoso nrcn't nlco words you wore using." "Well, don' know. I hear nil zo tlmo In Mnrshriold." Tho court had n good laugh nnd tho Judgo learned over. "Gus, It's a good losson In tho Kngllsh Inn- evidently has not thought thnt uny- guago. Wo ll chnrgo s for tno ox-1 thing had gone wrong. sniory and wuu a two years contract. ' pi0 or samo. s All wont woll last rail and ho lort Fifth Sond "Description of Land" with his wlfo to como west for a vis- by mall, glvlnu as comnloto n history It. Ho Is mlstlflcd as to what could of tho field ns posslblo, name of mean tlmo. nearest town, probablo selling prlco However ho has a contract and 'of tho land, clovntlon nhovo nearest though ho may not bo called on this j river, direction nnd grndo of Blopos, Benson, nevertheless will recolvo his. drainage, how long cropped, by salary. ' what crops or fruits, what yields, Mageo Is further quoted as saying whothcr fertilizers havo been np ho hns no plnco on his team for tho n,,cl and nny peculiarities which ox-Athletic. Houck states that ho will mW linvo a hearing on tho ngrlcul report nt Brooklyn on tho dato 80t!tn, Qualities of tho soil, for tho season's oponlng and that hoj s,xtn stn'o t'10 Township, Unngo docs not bollovo tho romnrk crodlted nntl SectIon Numbor of tho land to his manager despite tho fact ho'from wh,cu samples nro' tnkon. was not wanted for tho spring train-! SovonU. Do not fnll to label lng. i samples carefully, placing tho nnmo ' At tho tlmo ho was In Marshflold of Benclcr on eilcU 8mlIo wrnppor. Houck said ho expected to roturn and Pitch this year with Brooklyn nnd Times Want Ada for results. H.VXDSOMK PIjATK. .Mahqueiado Dull ut Kaglrs Hall Kjituitluy night, Apr. :i. Don't ml It, Tlinen want nda bring results. Tho now Odd Fellows' building In which tho PoHtofflco Is lorn tod. has hoou decorated with a hand souio pinto set In tho corner of tho building at a convenient height to bo noun and read. It bears tho fol lowing legend lu raised letters: 1. O .O. F.; Coqulllo Lodgo No. 5a ; Myron II. Horsey, George T. Moul ton, JamoH Watsou, Trustees; P. M. llall-l.owls, urchllect: Harry Cloiitior, builders; lilt I." All of thofo parties havo reason to bo proud to hao their names per manently attached to tho haudsomo nnd substantial building, Coqulllo Herald. Tllli Pri'PKT SHOW. Tho shadow's fall, Tho puppets go; This world Is all A plcturo show And most nro tamo, A fow nro rank, But Just the snmo Tiriit- turiiH Hip crank. II II Keller entertain small hopes for his re covery. Mr, Aakor Is an old soldlor nnd has many friends In this city who will regret hearing of his mis fortune. Game Warden Thomas was In town on Wednesday of last week. Ho wants to locate a Mallard duck's nest and photograph It to provo that ducks really do hatch out In tho marches around tho rlvor. Miss Minnie Brandt, Mrs. J. W. l.enove and Master Jack Hall wore Coos Bay Iu!,.ors tho last of tho week. Italph Walker, nged 1 1, who was placed on parolo tho first of tho mouth, was taken by his father bo- I foro Judgo Watson this morning, , and, having broken his parolo In several different ways during thu , month, was committed to the reform school. rJ I WATERFRONT NEWS I j At 11: ID the Adollno passed down tho Bay bound for Snn Francisco. Coming In nt one a, in. from Kuro. kn, tho Klder loft out at 10 a. m. for Portland. From San Francisco tho Nann Smith arrived lu this morning. She will leavo down ugaln Saturday at 2 p. m. Arriving orf tho bar at 5 n. m. tho steam schooner Yollowstono was delayed until 11 a. in. because of a rough bar, tho seas breaking across. At Kmplro tho gasoline boat Bust ler is awaiting n favorablo bar to get out to tho south. Both tho Carlps and tho Breakwa ter aro duo In tomorrow morning. SAYS SAMPLE SOILS FAII.MKUS CAN TKIil, WHAT HtOFITS TO KXPKCT PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR! H. H. Harper IIOUSK BUILDER t General Repairing and Cabinet Making. , Phone 349-J. I. M. Wright riiomi 188-R. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on roguwt .1. Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat OLAS.SK8 F1TTKD OR. MATTIK n. SHAW Diseases of Women and CtilUrra Office Phone 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. TIKS BRING IN .MUCH MOXr.Y THE COOS HOTEL Formrly if Marshfleld WABin.NOTOy AKNUK STAL'JKN STRKKT NORTH KN) O, A. .Metlu, Prop. i- March 13 was pay day for the Kstabrook company, ?6500 having been paid out hero ror ties. Mr. Best says that slnco February loth the company has paid out nnnrox. j Imately $10 000 locally Bandon I World Smith, County Agriculturist, Tells How to Take Snmples, Chemical AnnlyMs Free. Sampling or ranch soils ror tho j purpose or chomlcal analysis as a means or deciding the best growing , and tho most profltablo crops is strongly endorsed hy J. L. Smith, County Agriculturist, who has lust I Issued a set of Instructions which 'W. R Phanrllon 'in .. Wl4lUlb "in Kiuao the runners In tholr In-( ARCHITKCT vestlgatlons. Arrangements havo ' Room" 301 ai"l 302, Coke Bulldlmi been made by Mr. Smith whorebvl Marshflold, Oregon HiPSA fitimnlAi ntlll v. a i ' Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTl,N'a KNG1NKKR ANU ARCHITKCT Orrices. 206 Irvlug Block Phone 103-L or 267-J. Marshfleld, Orecoi Wm. S. Turpen ARCUITEOT Marshfleld, Orecoa. mese samples will be tested free! of charge to the farmer who will receive back a complete analysis of nny soil on his rami, ' Tho following instructions are of-1 Perl RjoV Ballinoer fered by Mr. Smith- ' rfffifa? ANDTEACnKR Iho office of tho County Agrlcul- RwMonpo Studio, 217 No. Third li turlst Is not equipped with n chom-l Pnono 3C8-U SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Dooinw CHINA new aiuucia .-. "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal dlitrlbeton "ONYX" and. "CADET UflQP S. S.JENNINGS, No. M z Violin and Piano f. r. Anthony 'd'"1 TencliliiR 0re,,Mtn1 W,A Studio !W I, Oenlrd At. w ttvirtlMHl mono i--j. " Hj ! WESTERN LOAN AND i BUILDING uu. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings t . S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer 11!!1!S ' f . . v s a-nia win. QlsStt J The question is not. win honor you for - , iJut does your wort , you? Vour concern ' only to crei hll f yourself, but 8,,J' L.i.i-1. iii nrofit ma" . sides yoursolf. .nnt COOS 11AV STKAM Uv , lZs DUNGAN UWDERT& will bo keP n OrENTOTHBPO A regular state undertaker will -w " Phono HJ ffnitiiiTTtiifcBriWC uaKM-. &1!L '. "!- - .H. . MrW5