-,! , .i Jtf, B-srr- -v- M f ' "SM- JS -j . 7f THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE vv iwniijr ri s Special Notice IarshfieW Office to be Permanent Here New M arvels of Dentistry The PORTLAND PAINLESS DENTISTS have been located on Coos Bay since February 1, having two offices, one in North Bend and one in Marshfield. We can do your dental work here for the same prices that you could get it done if you were in Portland or any other large city. You have been paying big prices for dental work on the Bay because it was too far to go to get it at the right prices. - '. " We Will Do Your Work At Prices You Can Afford To Pay TWO THINGS KEEP YOU AWAY FROM THE DENTIST. They are FEAR OF PRICES and FEAR OF PAIN. Don't suffer with the tooth ache and go around with a mouthful of decayed teeth on this account. We will give you the most courteous treatment and not charge too much for your work. Come in and have your teeth examined FREE OF CHARGE and see what you need ' For the next thirty days to introduce our system of dentistry to the people of Coos Bay we will make a special offer. On any work that amounts to $25.00 or over we will pay your railroad or boat fare to Marshfield or North Bend. ' We will put in any kind Qf a crown or bridge tooth at $5.00 per tooth. Our charge for fillings of any kind is very reasonable. ' We will make good plates from $10 to $15 per set. Don't delay in having your leeth taken care of as sometimes it is very dangerous. Portland Painess Dentists TWO OFFICES North Bend Over First National Bank. Marshfield 171 Front street. Over Gunnery. WALL PAPER See " VIERS About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, I Phone 100-L. M.MSIIPIRLII, OREGON ?7ftiiir4aH KJf - 51AHSHFIICLR 5IATKRN1TV 5 HOSPITAL Sirs. 51 .J. Oslrow, 5Igr. Mrs, J. II. Kdmuiids, (Formerly Mrs. Dillon.) Head Nur.so CC2North Second atrcot. 1'liono icc-n Open to All Pliyslclnns GOODRUM'S GARAGE t M , ! I ! ' IIOMK OP TUB CADIMiAU AND .ROUGH AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL 5IAKKS OV CARS !l7 Central nv. Phono UTiWi I j J l :i su POltTLAJW.OMGOAf Tli? largest nnd finest ho tel In tlio Northwest Your friends will bo proud (9 meet you huro. Nates (o You M rooms tijil.oo 100 rooms with bath SI. 50 "0 rooms with bath W.011 100 largo outslili Your lica'liiiartirs for every occasion. ipmAvm-MZt ' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR! H. H. Harper 1IOUSB nUILREH General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. VWn and Piano F' " Anthony In May S. "ulue Orchestra Woik m :i8l, Central Ave. Wo. "O 202.J, Apartment il I. M. Wright rhone 188-R. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on roquest Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Knr, Nose and Throat CLASSICS FITTED Oil. MATTII3 II. SHAW Diseases of Women and ClilUrca Office Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, j 202, Irving Block. We Lead in FURNITURE ni-xwrsi: WK llANRLK ON I A" Quality Furniture WHV PAY 510m:? v Johnson-Gulovsen Company. The Quality Name with a Service Fame. BREVITIES he hold In the high school auditorium, l.nokx tuv llii-dmiul. A letter lin' iiu'ii- win do present nl leaHt lwo'i)00I, received hv (' I Hidimni fmm rvircoiilalla t.oiu one;, hlRh school. ?,'?., , ,, , , , to try for thu honors. Ointions have,'1 ;MlB'1 "oy VoiM" 1" Ho H"t. who boon limited to 1,200 words. iisls Information ot her IniHbnml. At 0110 lime, so she says, aim hoard IIik Haul Tilp. Mrs, Natnllo ho was drowned, at another that, PRE-E ASTER Value Giving Event .la"JhSTM;)iTr;1rI)V hol,nU..ro,Ia.mo,cu. She wants ' l'OR WKIIMWIlAY, T.ltHSRAV - " - - ..nil !., ,rn......,i .. nock, arrived last evening from the, ""'V""K """. north being called hero by tho Illness, m ner niouier. Mrs. Arrliunibenu hud , tecum, HuKoi- liii'iensex. lloat- .! 'I'M- K"oyliiK nothing of the men from tho Inlets and rlvorn nnv ! AND FRIDAY AT WEATHER FORECAST ID; Aifocliltd rrcn to Coos IUy Tlmrs. 'OltKtION -- Showers to- night and Wednesday In tho West; probably east winds, changing to southerly. LOCAIj TESU'ERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hourrf ending nt -1:43 n. 111., JInrch 30, by UonJ. Ostllnd, special gov- ernment meteorologist: - Muxlnnini 55 5Ilnlmuin 40 At 1:13 n. m 4!) l'reclpltnllon 77 Precipitation sinco Sept. 1, 1014 5C.30 Precipitation same period liihl year 5C.3S Wind: Southwest, cloudy. ,, ,. " ---n "ivii ! iiiv iiiiuio nun lit or uiain on tho stiitjo. A haonvy slonn! . . . , , made traveling quite difficult. ' hlllS l,cou ll ,cal f,,,ll"B ff colts theie in tho passengors curried, duo to tho fact THE FAIR Hurt Seen Siilmitii ino F-l. Until ""t fanners aro now busy with a few days ago thoio was a young their soring work, but to mako up ninn In tho city named Sherron who for thl loss, thoy say shpmenl8 of ?,lil!,ctl l!"u h,0 hl"1 80on tho lu taiCi i butter, milk nnd cream hr.vc Inorcas- U. 8. subniarliio F-1 nnd at 0110 tlmol,,., nnngldiMiilili' Alt Hmis of iii,,- had been aboard a ship that aided In,,,,, C0, ' ual"- A 80 ,8 or 8l,l" towing her to Honolulu where Bho!l,,"B b8lllC8a. 81l' (1, boatmen, Is took her lust trip a tew days ago and I on "' up-grado, and mudi better failed to return to the surface. Slier- lll,m II lll,a l,cc" f,Jl' mouths. ron did not stale whether ho had been I In the navy, no left out on Saturdu) for Portland. 1 What's In a NniiioV Twenty-five years ugo Clold Reach, Curry County, . wns known ub Kllcnsburg. The Oro- gonlnn of JInrch 24, J800, tolls of . f lto nltntl ire It f li frdtnin !. Um., 1 tnu vint,v tu iiiu luiiLnuts n. i T 1 11 HORN HOLCOMR To Jlr. nnd Mrs. U. f a. iioicoiuii in rsoriu iieuu, n uauy 'Tho citizens ot Ellensburg, Curry County, aro anxious to hnvo tho name of their town changed to Gold Bencluand liavo forwarded a peti tion to Congressman Herman nsk Ing that ho bring about tho change" C, A. JOHNSON mado a business trip to Coqullle yesterday. F. O. COLEMAN, ot Coiulllo, Is visiting in tho city. CHARLES CURTIS inndo a buBlncsa trip to Uandou yesterday. Bin. well General Fund Swellx. Thomas Mother nnd child aro doing J-lirlBtonson has n soft spot In his nnd tho proud father U heart soinowherc. I.nst night ho got ill-link, vnrv drunk, niwt llin nnllrn prouder than tho president of a ,,(, j,, iBi,i0 l0 c00i ot ,8 nrdor, ho railway over his first born. Mr. this morning nh this morning ho and Mrs. Holcomb will return to appeared bright, nnd smiling and their homo In Ton MIlo In a fow "punglod" over a shining fiver to weeks. iJudgo Rutlcr for his lndlsQreotncss. ' Again the Judge mulled nnd grinned: 1 ..,..,....-.., m .. ... . , "" "'i '" hub iiiuiioH j, hi unit DINDIXaEIt To 5Ir. and Mrs. Clydo! lm heen collected by tho city In fines 11. ifiuuiiiKvi, t uit-ii iiuino in mo inst wceic. "Kine," wns all tho s't1 b?KB"rPadMBau! co,,,i sari-ns - 8r?tofi"' their first child, lloth mother nnd .... daughter nnd tho fnthor aro got- . hMc'' Sails .South. At six o'clock ting nlong very nlcoly. ' ,a8t evening tho Georgo W. Elder I loft down for Kureka carrying 1 5lany Years Ago In Its Issue of Passengers. She Is expected back on Mnreh t 1S00 tho Oreconlan T""dny In tlnio to leave, for Port Marcli -I, lSDO, tlio oregonian lnil(, Rt 1Q a m Thog(J wjo Joft y0fW printed tho following: "Mudflat torday wero: Atheleno Q randy, Mrs. proporty on Coos Bay now brings'. H. Orandy, JIIss C. H. Crandy, 1 ?300 per ncro." C. Smith, II. F. Hart, Jr., O. H. I ' Carpenter; Kvolyn Keller, Clara Kel- ' Special 5Ieotlgs.-A week ot J Mrs- Bleanor Kolley nnil lmby nrnvpr U holiiir olisprvpil lhl week ' He,,ry nnKro. ! JIcOco, Fred praci is being oDserved litis wook 0or,.n lt K(,m, c. II. Grnndy, A. I at tho First Uaptlst Church, lead by,0. orandy, W. Foley nnd Kmll Oran- I Pastor Uassford, with special refer-1 Isli. enco to Passion week. K. Ii. ROIUNSON, of Myrtle Point, Is n business visitor lu tho city. I t'lilldion's I'ongeo Coats, Spring I .Models at yil.nti and !?:J.7." each. ? I Ladles Silk Hose, nil similes I limn :t.lo 10 .Sl.."( pair. I - . New Me-sulliio Silks, full :ii. Imlies wide. Rogular fC , ijtl.a.-. Special per juirt ..UjC I I Silk l'ettlcoatsj mhIoiih toloi-s, j the ljWI.r,l, now SIM)."; regiilui' I 91.0U ut flo rn I I mwli PJUU I I lidles SloevoioKs A'esls, fanry I or plain, splendid nlm;s I nt ;i nit U11I1111 Suits, I111IIL (o I'll ut !l for .$1 . U. I,HSWi: was over last (waning and today on a visit from Coqullle. FRUl) STONH and wlfo wero In to day from Daniels Crock on a vis-It. AM5X PROCTOR, of Umpire, was among the ivlsltors In th city ovorl night. I F.LIJAU KI3M.Y Vnmo over from Co- qulllo to siiond Sunday wltli the family. How uliout hod spiralis? Wo aro Noll Ink our tegular !!:t for '2.'2ri j WAH) nt $l.n 1 mill our ijil.no for SI,'.!.- Full slo shoots from l.io to Ml. I (I each. AllHWOI'M ApiH.'lll. ler have propared Hoy nnd Mil an nuswor to Clmintin' to 5Ioet. Tho meeting of tho Chnnibor of Commerco sot forftn nI,pca now , (ho Sl)romo Court I . ... , u.. ...K m...d ..... i ""h taken thoro In the ease of W. II. 511- I forth soveral now road projecls lo bo n0 ftU(1 clmrlofl Wttrden uf tho Mon. later presented to tho county coinmls-1 U8,m Wood0ll Wnro company who ask j slonors for their Inspection tlmt th0 nanilnlstrntors salo ot tho j , , ,, . ,: ,. ,, ,. 'property of iho Flotchcr estate- bo Reiimln In luiHt. R. K. "uoth, hclll valll A llccl,,0I of JmU0 Cofc who wns summoned F.ast by tho n iJecomher determined tho salo to 1 fatal illness of his fnthor, will be ! b void. Tho enso was fought by tho , dotalned for somo timo by tho death I Fletcher heirs and J. W. .Motley. Tho I nt hiH nnrmit nmi mnv mnkn his ' land Involved Is will! to contulu 10,- homo there as his fnthor left - SJJ'J01 f00t 0t t,m,,' "V U1"U tcnslvo Interests. 1 ' MISS 1N13Z HUNCH, of Coqullle, spoilt Suuilny lu tho city visiting friends. a-ORQI-: ROSS, of Catching Inlot, mndu a business trip to Coqullle yesterday. IiKW F. PRICK was down Inst ovon Ingjind today 'from his dairy ranch nt Sumner. W. J. CONRAD loft on tho morning trnln for Coqulllo whero ho was called on a business trip. KKNNKTII 1). 1IA1I8HR was lu last ovoulug from tho Hauser nnd HaiiBcr .camps turning this morning. , I). I. 5ICOKU left on tho Klder Inst evening for Kureka and San Fran cisco to bo gone throo weeks call ing on thu trado. I House cleaning time. You uro j sure to need CinlaliiH. Tiok j ovoi' these special prices. They j I come In Lure, Arabian mid Do). I tort Swiss, full Ii nnd yards j long. SIMM now y'J.SJr.j the j $'2.nr, u( St.7.1, nnd tlio $1.(10 j ut $1.10 per pair. I THE FAIR OHVrilAb AVUXVIJ NK.VT TO CIIANDI.KU IIOTUH (mm "N mm lm VP Q. l SiB IB J?0kW r For Sale Sponlers Contest. Ton,orrow.-In Valuable ; Kocp.sake.-Tho North Uond. tomorrow evening tho extent to which 'Iho limes wnut oratorical contest of the county will columus aro used us u clearing house . for lost and found articles nnd u medium of oxchnugo for tho pcoplo of Coos Ray was proved ngaln yes- teriluy. Mrs, 51. S. Sullivan , lost a beautiful . ami valuable brootll on Sunday, Monday alio I Insortcd a lost adv. In The I Times anil ordorcd It to run for j tin co days. Reforo tho paper was Issued A. Welch, who found t,ho pin, brought It to Tho Times of fice lu bcuich of tho owner. That's why Times want ndvs. pay. When anyone, on Coos Ray finds or loses anything or wnuts anything from. 'a job to n house ami lot thoy think 1 of Tho Times us tho medium to sup ply their wants. 5lru. Sullivan was' overjoyed to recover her brooch which she valued highly bocauso it wns n koopsako. Tho Times want i advs. hi lug homo tho bacon mid other things. Pool ltioni and cigar stand. Stork nnd fix tures Included. Front street. Good location, liew building. Reason alilo rent. Snap If la ken at once. $:iKO. "Sco Held Aluiut It." W. A. REID 150 Front Street. 0RPHEUM fill T HEATER Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINKER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 206 Irving Block Phono 103-Ij or 2G7-J. M&rsbfleld, Oregon MOTH'S VAKIETY STORE, k fJSI J?!i. CHINA W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Bulldlns Uarshfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen AnCUITECT Marshfield, Oregon. TONIGHT Tickets for EASTERN .MONDAY RAMi to bo glleu, by CATHOLIC LADIES, uro now 011 salu tit. "Tlio Owl" Pliurmncy, lliisy Corner ami "Where Motion Pictures Look i w,,lk,el"H- . Better ; ton 1 (J 1 IT. Moiiday-Tiiosday. , TOO MANY HUSBANDS Vltagraph two-reol special feat ure with Sidney Drow and nil stars. 1 THE BOTTLED SPIDER l Two-reel drama of unusual ln i terest. JANE Ily Jlnry Roberts Rlnohnrt. A Don't forget (lieio Is 0110 tnl In town. I'lioue UO, . JUDGE JOHN S. COKE Iiuh gono to Unudou whoro ho will bo at least j until, tomorrow uttondlng to somo private business mutters. j HARRY RULT.MAN Is talking hard-' waro to tho business men lu tho Coiulllo Valley this week and ' ho Is soma hard talker, too. It. If. ALLKN, of Coqullle, passod through the city yesterday 011 his wuy to California, whoro ho ex pects to make his future ' homo. Ills family will Join him Inter. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTED Homo for two-yenr old I baby girl. Namo terms In first lottor. Address Hox "K" euro Times. FOR REN'IV Furnished room with I steam heat and bath. 311 Com. ART NEEDLE SHOP Corner Sec ond and Markot. PASTDRAGi: for stock nt East port. J. W. FlUgornld. Phono 3117. WILL STAUFF, who returned yea tcrday from Riverside, California whoro ho inndo nil extondod stay, will spend tho summer on Coos Ray assisting his brother Charles lu tho grocery store. Will says thoy have nice weather In Califor nia, but there's 110 place like old Coos Hay whero thoro uro other attractions than cllmuto, ELKS NOTICE. FOR SALE I Initiation and Installation of now officers lina beou postponed until Wednesday evening, April 7, when an elaborate program ot exercises will bo presented and ovory Elk Is expected to ho present. Next tegular meeting will bo held Weducsduy evening, .March 31 Hy ordor of D. Y, STAFFORD, Exulted Ruler. FOR SALE (his engine, !i hnrso power. Good running order. Ono half original price, used ono year. Apply J. L. Koontz, Front St. FOR SALE Will soil vory ronBon nblo, forty ncres cut over land, flvo acres Is bottom laud, partly cleared; cabin nnd hen houeo, garden nlready planted. Location, head ot Isthmus Inlet. Address C. V. Dniilolsou, .Murshflohl. FOR RENT Times Want Ads tor results. Tho uicntest attraction over brought good offering. ( coos county. ' TO MAKE THE NATION THE SPOILERS ' M PROSPER Thrilling mid cultlng story of , To aid tho movement for promot- , ., 1 ..-11 n .1.1 ....11,.... 1... lug tho ptucbiiBQ of goods mado In the Alaskan gold fields, wrlltei, l A,merJl.a K(Illcat0nul to a high Ri;.V REACH and priMlucert in nine d0(reei fI10iy ,ade and acted and 1 win of pletuic by the Sellg com- presented 011 a practical basis, A .Mj. critlo says; "This picture should 1 Featuring tho popular stars WIL- gjV" U,U,J "u"ov '" v"" vuwu ILIAM FAHNOI and KATIILYN uini pRAM CPUMPnniWR Perl Rilev Ballinaer will.a.s oicr jo w opens on i.t IUANIST AND TEACHER ' '" h ,,,,' "r,,,,,, l"',,,cl,,'l ''"' No advunco In prices. Residence Studio', 217 No. Third 81 evening and even more will bo in fjc:: ALWAYS ll 10C Phone 368-L. I attendance tonight. Tlio fact has Mutual 5Iaster-Pictures, Keystone 1w.,m. ,linniistiateil Hint tlio NOIILE rnmnillnii und RUNAWAY JUNE ' ., .l, ....... ,1..., .im.. I hfli'a nntiBfttl fiulln 11 11 llllpnill mnll TJIl.llM',11 bliuill ll(.iii:i 111,11. hii .. umwu .,..v ....-w w.- ,, , ii.Vii m.vm'i.'it stir In Marshfield. Wo aro contom- JlSr A LiniL RLI1LR. elating reserving tho entire house Showing for tlio luftt tlnio tonlgtit i for tho 0onK 0f nunaway Juno, only two' full Miows, 0:0 and :QO. April 7th and tth, so thut nil wll)' Adults -5i, upstnlis or down; 'bo satlsfloxl. ,,.,,... .-,, Keystone comedlos and Mutual milium, j.k. Girl Wednesday, , Learn to say Paramount. Leani wd anlmal picture coinlug FrI to wiy Paranioimt. day night. "I MESSENGER SERVICE 153R , TWO PHOXF.S. -ii. ! l S Von CAIJS, TAXICAIJS, EXPRESS WAGONS. ?"(SIII II mi fiYMjin. isil IIIIOAUH'AY ,,r,,ii. -..-- -- --- Eggs 20c a Dozen (At Your Grocers) Here's a way to cut clown the HIGH COST OF LIVING APRIL 1, 1915. 15 dozen eggs at 20c $3.00 1 quart LIQUID GLASS .;. .35 f,kilr ;,!" tflfcjfr- 3 OCTOBER 1, 1915. 15 dozen eges at 65c $9.75 Your saving, if you preserve eggs NOW $6.40 Liquid Glass (Sodium Silicate) 35c a quart, or 30c, if you furnish bottle. Full directions giveiu "THE OWL" FRANK I). COHAN, 1'roju Tho (Vulinl Avenue Drug Store I'OR RF.NT Housekeeping rooms. Leslie Riilldlug. Phono 3IU-L. 1'Olt ItlINT Atlractlvo front room In private family, ono block from Chandler Uotol. 381) Coutral Ave. ' II -I II II I !- I HI t FOR HUNT 7.100m house, within 3 blocks of First Nat, banlc, 011 So. R'dwy. Vacant April 1. See. Dr. O. C. Tnggart, F. & 11. Rank. l'OR RI3.V1V Restniirant, eiiulppcd, best location, also olavon-room rooming house, furnished, R. A. Rock, North Doiul. . ..-..- mi . -ii 11 1 .. 1 mi 1 mm.! i .- l'OR RUNT. Rooms with or with out board. 100 So. 10th Street. I'OR'RICNT ll.rooiu liouso. Apply 887 No. First street. 4 I LOST AND FOUND ' I , LOST A diamond hotting out of ring. Finder please notify Mrs. R. A. Wernith for rownrd. FOR TRANSFKR AND STORAGK HOUSEHOLD COODS $ Freight and Raggage, Call FFRGUSON TRANSITU Phone 10:i. Residence Phono HI-J. 4 4 5larl.et inc. and Waterfront 4 !$$. '1 fy