mmgmmm&R&vt5&ii TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELA OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, T915-EVENINjj COOS BAY TIMES M. MALONEV, Editor mill Pith. DAN E. MAI.OM4V, Nouh Editor Offlclnl orruitii J'upwi nf Paper City t'tKIS (Dllllly of .Mundifield. WHAT COOS BAY NEEDS Some sensible and practical suggestions for the Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce from a Booster way back in Pennsylvania. Address all eoinuiiinlratliinfl to COOS HAV DAILY TIMES. Entered at thu Postoff Iro nt Mnrah f told, Orogon, for trunsiinliwlori through thu mulls h aecoml-tlniiH mnlt mnltnr. T KUIISCHIITIOX RATES Ono year Per Month DAILV. WEEKLY. .jg.oo , .so MB following roninrliihto leUer, rcmnrknule In the fart that It was written by a man thoiiBninla ot mllos from Coos Hay nnd who novor matlo but ono vory brief, vlnlt here, but who keepo In ton ill with this gectlon by rending The Times and who spiihoh the nccdH, re quirements, resources, prospeefa and possibilities of this wonderful country bettor than many who hnvo resided horo for years, conlu'im some Hplandld prncllcal miRKedtloiu for the Coos Hay Chnmhor of Coin- Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOOD YEAR TIRES-EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES-UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: " ' Plionc 180-J mm co. Honesdnle, Pa., March in, IDli". Editor Coos Hay TlmiM! I notlco that you uro discussing; Coos j)ay nnn vnp $ I .r.O nc a Hiiitublo nhuo for nianiifacttirln P, and bocauso you have coal for Whim paid strictly In advance the power and a harbor for shipment, when you pet your railroad H v111 Kubfloilpthm pilco ot tho Coos liny 01)0 of tll0 lnost ,oiniu0 places on the Pacific Coast for ninnufnc s'lx'mouU.H ,orrcaro1' -f5 rorturJiiK. In all probability, after f.ho railroad connects Coos Hay with mo wiiinineuo viuiey, mo coin imihiiiubs win uu iuikuij iiitiranuu. it Ii hardly probublo that tho Southern Pacific will neglect to develop a market for Coos Hay coal until tho government project In Alaskn has .in. .tin. I mi ltd ..runt rttnl In Hint witrffiti Thn Knll t lirirn Pnnlfln utinnlfl TUB letter which The Tlmos pub "i-""v e ' - - - - - ;- lUhcs In another column from n,8 tl,llt '!lllroml aml duvelop markets nloni; tholr lino In Oregon and .... f n- r,,.i,,ru ,,.i ...I.. California Just as rapidly as they can. Increased mining should doil- BOMIJ .SKXSIIIL SlKiOKSTIOXS II B letter which The Tlmos pub lishes In another column from one of its renders and mili ar libers In PeiiUH.vlvnuIn, Is worthy the careful roadliiK and thoughtful consideration of every person Inter ested In the wolfnro and advance men of tho Coos Hay country. Jt 1b remarkable that thu resi dent of another stnto so far remov ed f i mil this section should so ac curately sense thu local situation, diagnose tho needs and point tho way to tho devolopmont of Its re sources. Mr. Blocker's knowledge of Cuos Hay, Its location and resources. Is limited to ono brief visit nnd lend ing tho uows as It develops In tho columns of thu newspaper, but ho has evidently brought to It tlin rlro thought ot a trained mind m d makes logical deductions from care ful analysis. Ills suggestions as to tho manufacturing lustltiitlcus that might bo practically unil prof itably dovetailed hero will Impress even tho casual read or with Its plain common senso and commercial significance. With Its deductions and conclu sions there will bo general agree ment. Coos Hay has u great future, but tho present generation should get busy and not leave everything too far lu tho future, I AT THE HOTELS Lloyd Holl B. II. Staples, Hunryvllle; John Nnliloy, Myrtlu Point; A. L.. Hunch, Wngnorj T. Chrlstunson, Wngnor; James L. .Smith, Myrtle Point; Miss Coru V. Smith, Wagner; T. O. Huley, Wagner; 0. Potorsou, Sunnier. St. IjUttrciico Hotel C. B. (llirilllau, Snu BruucUco; Os car ItoHecn, Wngnor; Dan Muoro, Portland; Joo Stuvuns and wlfo, Portland; Fred Stone nnd wile, Unn lels Creek; J, Nenloy, Haiiiloii; Alex ander Proctor, Bmplru. Tickets for EASTEHX MOXD.W HALL to bo uhen by CATHOLIC LADIES, uro now on sain tit. "The Oh I" Phuriiuicy, Cornel' anil WlnulorV. COOS HAV TIMES WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS IIUV AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE WAR MAP WHILE TUB SUPPLY LASTS ble your population within n fuw years. Old towns whore there- 'a ii surplus of women nnd child labor can develop toxlllo manufacturing such as woolen and silk mills and lace mills, but a town like Coos Hay should first develop wooden wnro manufacturing. Most of your wood Is soft wood and I wus not thero long enough to know whether you have hard wood adapted to furniture manufacture, If so Coos Hay Is Iho Ideal place for mnuufncturliii( furniture on the coast. CI rand Hapids, Michigan, Is where the finest furniture Is made In America, but a num ber of furniture factories have bpruui; up in Iho mountainous region of North Carolina, whore they have flno oak and other hard woods. Tholr workmanship Is Inferior to that at (Irniid Hapids. In talking with a Southern manufacturer elmiit that ho said the best workmen came fioui Norwny nnd Sweden, that they tried somo of (hum, but they got homesick nnd would not stay, Coos Hay Is on tho ocean ami near the mountains an Ideal place for n Norwegian or Swede, in fact, I think I noticed some falr-halred Swedes when I was thero. Pos sibly sumo of these people could induce Home 'of their nationality who understand tho furniture business, to locate at Coos Hay, Iron casting for plows, machinery or water ptpu could be done nt Coos Hay. Hoot and shoo iiinuufucturo also might succeed. It will take capital and men that know tho business to make any kind of nian ulacturlng succeed. There will bo an opportunity now that tho Pnnnmu Canal Is built for largo coucerim like Smith's or Simpson's to ship lum ber to Now York itnd ovqn to Europe when tho wnr Is over. There Is a future for Coos Hay. Yours, II. M. STOCKBIt. iwero appreciated vory much. The (lay was pleasantly spent an I n bounteous luncheon was served. ' Thoso present were: Mrs. Olio Hill and daughter, Frances, Mrs. 'Carl Johnson, Mrs. Anna Strang, , Mr nnd Mrs. Conrad llagiiulst, Mr. , and Mrs. John Carlson, Mr. and JIm. A. Storgard, Jlr. nnd Mrs. iCI'i'E. Hngqulst, Jlrs. L. Stone, Jlrs. jjlary Kalno, Jlr. and Jlrs. I.ack- strom, Jlr. and Jlrs. John M.uson, Jlr. and Jlrs. Win, HJoro.vlt, Jlrs. AillMir JtntBon, Jlr. and Jlrs. Win. SI i rug, thu .Misses May .tgist, Tilda" Vlklund, (Jlailyu and Kvolyn Jtatsnn, Blucta Strang, Ellen nnd Slgno HJorkvlat, Mildred Storgard, Hagqvlst, Blvorn I.nekatrom, Blna Kalno, Kiln mid Bdlth John son and Messrs: John Storn, Lud v!k Stone, Walter Kalno, Arthur nnd Alfred Storn, Ituben JlaUon, Arthur Holm, Albln nnd Bordlnnud l.ackstroiu, Ture and Utibcn Iljork iivist, Milton, Itaymond and Jack llagqvlst. We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash, GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House, Phono iltM-J. . FLH1UI & BEiEliifi -mr ty -MM.) jm? i Abstracts FOlt IfBIilAIIMS AHSTHACI'S OK TITMl AMI IM'DltMATION AIIOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIIHUKIKM) AND C0yL'irj,B CITV, OltlX.'ON GBNBHAri AOBNTS, BASTSIDB AND SBNCSTACKBN'M ADDITION AflKNTS I'OIt CANADIAN I'ACIl-'IO HAlliltOAD- JiANDS IIKMtV SBNOSTACKB.V, MANAOBH TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- Las boon a bobby with us for a good .jauy years and n lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to gottli g good, sound, durablo framing material at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build nnd the nniount you want to spond and wo'll get busy with our pencil aud flcuro out the host your raonoy can buy, Try ui. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTAITj DBPAHTJIBNT CUT TUB FUEL HILL 1 TWO 1IV USINO OUU WOOD VHONB 100. 18U SOUTH HHOADWAV SOCIAL CALBNDAK lZ&tSESeBmmiA3unJ! t44944 TUBSDAV Buststdo Ladles' Aid with Jlrs. Percy Poet. Open meeting or Ladles' ilultd. WBDNBSDAV Hay City Ladles' Aid wllh Jlrs, Ilummlugwny. Auction bridge with Jlrs. J. S. Hanson. Coos ay Womon'a Club nt the Public Library. Kloster Club with Jlrs. J. Q. Jarvls. Kill DAY Phllathea Socluty at Hap list Chinch parlgrs. Norwegian Lutheran Y. P. S. at ehapul parlors. Thlmhle Club with Jlrs. W. Viiughan. 4 ASA NT ItlltTIIDAV PAHTV I I'M - On Sunday, surprise party of JIih. John Inlet by the March 21, a birthday was given lu honor Jlatsnu on Catching "Marthas" and the Temperance Society or Munhrli'id. The lodgeti presented the hokleis with somo very useful gifts vhlch Tickets for BASTBK.V MONDAY HALL (o bo given by CATHOLIC LA DIBS, tiro now on wile nt "The On I" Pharmacy, Hiisy Corner mill Winkler's.. Marslifield-North Bend-Empire Atiio Service Leaves JIni-hhrielil nt Husy Corner 10:00 ii. in. 2:00. p.m. r:oo p.m. licnvcs North llcml IS inlii ulcs later Leaves Kinplre. H:;to a.m. 11::10 n.m. !l::t() p.m. T. J. SCAirHC A. II. HOIKJINS lYiarsiuieio DEC0RATING Ca' Estimates Eiirnis'ied Phono 1 I0-H. Maisliflelil, Oregon LIIUIY coal. Thu kind YOU have A1AVAVS USED. Phono 72. Paclflo LUery ami Transfer Company. I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIGHT SEKVICB For 'taxi, phono SO, Chandler Hotel. l Kor touring cars, phono 20 . Cuandlor Ho(ol LYNX LASIIIKTII, Prop. j J New CnJg : : Now Curs 4 OH1MNBYS FIUB PLACSB J. N. 8AYLISS Any Kind of Hrick' Work at Prices Thnt Aro night Ami nil Work Guaranteed Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Hldg., 137 Second St. Phone 434-J. French nnngos. Bollor Work S HE HOME J AFFY MADE g AVERN CANDY Wo make lco cioain .'ITS Central nvo., l"'ono J.'U-L tl lbs. laid, 15c. Union Jliuhel. WHAT WOULD YOU NEED? HERB BUSTUM.THE BAGGAGEMAN, SAYS AMY STATION AGENT WITH A FREE PASS AND THE RIGHT TO CHARGE EXCESS BAGGAGE OUGHT TO BE HAPPY. I TOLD HIN TO BE HOPPING HAPPY I ONLY NEED AW Ssssffi HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. -; YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS ('bono 2II0-L. Night nnd l)ny, itigbt Cnfo. (Jool Cars. Cnrcful Driver D. L. i-OOTB. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" nlao principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE I S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend Pictures & Framing Walker Studio OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 188. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit VOU CAS PAY YOUIt TA.VES Tllltoi'nil Tills nu . Offlcerg: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. FlniMKnn, Vice-President. It. V. Willlums, Cnshlcr. Gco- g' W'nchcrtcr, nMt. Cuhleri luportant Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU L OF' COOS BAY ' Sofcti Deposit Boxes For Rent. FIRST UT ONI BANK BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided protlts $125,000,0 OFFICERS: J. W. Dennett, Prcnldont Arthur JIcKcown, SccreUr Tom T. llonnctt, Vico President Uennott Swanton, Treaut TrnuonctB n trust business only. Acta ns trustee otcxpreutnuti and nlBo as executor and administrator of cstntos. Tho only Trut Company lu Oregon outsldo of Portland organized under new trut law In this Btato. fyTER-OGEAW TRAWSPORTATIDW Cfl. Weekly Bcrvlco Cooh Hny nnd Suit Frnnrhro. STEAMSH P ii SMITH Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays I'OIt SAN VH.lXriSCO SATUHDAY, .AIAKCII 27TII, AT -1 T. 3L Run Vrnnrlscu Office, fiOO Flfo Hiilldlng, and Pier Niimbtr M Coos Bay Agout, O. F. McQeorqe, Phone ii To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TJIM FART AND COMFOHTAUMJ S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED " Svi ISST""53 " teiRSSSZ-Qll coupons in J r pM Mil vj? V-Ovv 20 10 S JH ' NOUTII PACiVIO BTEA.1ISHIP CO. O. F. McQEOROR AGENT W. M. VMSTtn Phono 421, North Ba I 1 PhQM) 4t, Mnrshfleld t ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL j,LAUibS' CLEANING WORKS J In tho Heart of Marshflold Juo l-rcncli Dry Clennlnj; on (no i, ih iieiiiiiio rnnrjes. Wo posl. tlil-ly Kiiuraiitfo nil work I'lmnn .l'(lA- WKKIvl.V ItATKti tt rn n Z ... t. l'v'- .HiSTKN. Mtn-T ii ""roa ji.ii centrul Avonuo. All .Outsldo TtooniB. ., Ste-n Heat . Hof mill Cold Water .DA.V. II VI'IW. 7.V mill UP i' ' ii - 1 1 :! no up ! 't SAVE MONEY by orduriiiK tho Minoiu HENRYVILLE COAL Nut conl, per ton 8-1.00 Lump coal, per ton po.oo! ut. nun ion MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Phono IS lllllyer's 1 "' i--SJIJSliCwmnOTWfiBI I or leavo eiders at , EQUIPPED WITtf WlKEIiESA. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIS02. -. SAlfiH FROM MAHSHFIELD EVEHV MONDAY DIMIIN'O JIAKlU ON THE VOM.OWINO DATES; .MAHCH Iff, AT 0:00 A. ! SIAIICII L'ti AT 1 V. Si.; MAItCII Ul, AT 8:iM A. M.J poiitijAxi), i:ffi:ctive mauch joiii, and kveuv ritio-" TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITVT TICKET OFFICII, ft AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. Phone 8tM. o. II. IANDERS, AT" Clear Store. 8 ROOFING REP,Vn"!G, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L BRICF B. 11 8. P 89 ' ,eaves ,,w,1 of r,ver ,,n,,y t 7 --- .j ' ..: I . in. Leaves Jlarhfield nt a n. I a i. i,'0r cimr(cr ,lliniv. ,. . ' ROGERS ,i H.MITII SOUTH COOS RIVER ROAT SERVICE IiAUXCH EXPRESS leaves .Miirshfichl i.terv .inr h. in. leaves head of river at .'1:15 p. ni. STEAM UR RAlXnow I , EARX K PER CENT ' OX VOIR SAVIXCS with the WESTKRX I.O.VX.V RUU.DlXn , CO.MPAXV. of Suit l4ik. j Aetb ?2,34O.000.0O Call or write to learn details ! I. S. KAUFMAN .S CO., j I.ocnl Treasurer . 17 r Front St. H.MITII Proprietors DR WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Strati, Phono 870. Pug ;et Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction n COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK. Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon coasi work the ;e "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nnd most thoroughly w0,lcrB Dredg tweuty.lnch Iiydraullc dredge In Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Moin nffice. Seattle, Washington. , IK2fegMtfHlMMf!MMNMMM ?wmtitiiiimm i' :. tlfk,' v..