mmm BiSEStSifflHRKSfiijiTii rv--TTJ,iTi?r - THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHRELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. ix 'i Ackerinryi and Gordon Rnstnusscn. SOCI.VIj CALBNDAK Tlio roiiowing Dug uoen coiuriuui-'ed: WpiJII,W9!WHlM VHW! SrSR '!EUi rfXEBCwHL. s&n. 'fls n ' i- (Continued from page 3) I WOMB.VS Al'A'ILIAKV I Knetslde Ladles' Aid with Mrs. Percy Peet, Open meeting of Lndlcs' Guild. WBDNBSDAY Hay City Lndloa' Aid with Mrs. Hemmlngway. Auction bridge with Mrs. J. S. Hanson. Ktoster Club with Mrs. J. Q. Jnrvls. FRIDAY Phllathea Society nt Bap tist Church parlors. Norwegian Lutheran Y. P. ' A COOS HAY PICNIC 4 What is so raro as a day In Spring! When tho winter rains have ull blown by, When birds from their leafy coverts I sing, And tho sun shines down from a cloudless sky! 'Twas Just such a day on old Coos Buy iMtiPZtt'JMMMWmz&m ATTRACTIVH HXHIHIT OP XA TIO.VALI.V AltVKRTISKI) (J0O11S Col.ttimlion Was Xatlon AVIdo and IiM-ul Store Miule .Most In tcsjstliijj Showing of Pop- -uliir Preparations Tho interior of "Tho Owl" drug store rc3omblcd a mlnlturo booth at tho San Francisco Imposition tins soy Kroltzor, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, S. at clmpel parlors. Mrs. I). Y. Stafford nnd .Mrs. A.' Thimble Club with L. Hoticeworth. Mrs. W. II. Ken- $ W. Vaughan. nody will be hostess In two weoks. SATURDAY .Mrs. i That a merry crowd put out to sea. WOli -V 1 1 1 1 Its generous nnd artistic 'Hound for tho place whero tho displny of "Nationally Advertised sands gleam white Goods" and attractive- nnnounce- nu wie wnu winus uiow o cr me tnCnts water free. , n w ns a nation wldo colehrntlon wpok of "National Adveruseu I). M. C. CLl'R At the special meeting last Tues-i day nfternoon of the Presbyterian I Women's Auxiliary, the ladles de- elded to give a chain of silver teas, Tho regular bi-monthly meeting of H. C. Club With Miss lINomoniM wna this tilcnln rftvl ';.. n, .i..l nn. I U'1,ll .l, I. .,..! I..) ..-,.,!.. l.l I vuuo ... -" . T '-,;'V"'"i l i - l " i ""io uuii d."u iieu, i, , an i autnorizou -uoou Helen Gulovsen. did Sleep, .,,.Bi,.,l.,' Stnrrg "Tim Owl" Frank Black's noma on Fifth street, An orange slipped from Its moor-, iolne(1 ln observance of tho occasion, they found themselves surrounded by ings nwny, .... ! Thoro wns a liberal distribution of ii.i.i.ii.inMM.iMMkiiiTi.M .! ,a nit iiiiinifmi inin inn iiHinit iinnn i i flurlng April, each member enter- the North Hend D. M. C. Club wns l"'r.c'V , ' ,, "",'. ", ',.. ,Vo' .." i"-- - -i'. Bamples and many compliments wore i tnlnlng five other members some held at the homo of Mrs. N. G. Hames V ... " ''. 1," '., Tim crmmlli.p. linnW worn milrklv imssed on the enterprise ami nuraci- 'tlino during the month nnd to dls- with the following ladles In attend- was surely surprised. ( Tho grappling hooks were aulckl , vent,g8 of tho ,dca. ths with their nnce: .Mrs. Jinipn Parr. .Mrs. nenry , ", ," '" " '".' ".: wi, i mm .,!,., ,iii, .mn I Tho wlndon dispiny wuicii win uo pense for two months Report of the Kern, Mrs. Arthur Morton, Mrs eo on tho" proceeds of the I Lester Baton, Mrs. Ira Weltze'l, Mrs! If0,1'1. l''e table decorations bolng vlo-' w," ,irnvoiv ' generally and generously coinpll pie Hipper showed that tho W. Vaughn, Mrs. Steward, McDonald "d f"'." Us Bafety tl,cy voly a , cA of tllt 145 ns MrfcWallwItil.MrtI.A.I- Btoml slIont (7) wlth paratlons that hove become familiar . .. "'. ""." "" ""' """"'" "'i'i ..i i II-. i,.i.. i. ". i, .i,' 1) ooil n-rhl 1 , lO a " imuuBii i"'" ii'u' ing or mo refreshments were served nt tlio '"V""-11 " ""u" h"i i i"" i cooked food sales 'commltt .chltken Auxiliary netted about rep ii It of their efforts The next rectilnr meutlnir Auxiliary will bo Wednesday April I eloso of tho sowing and social ssslon. 7th nt tho church. The ladles pres-,Mrs. Honry Kern will bo hostess to ont lust Tiieadny were: Mrs. A. T. ' tho club moniboru In two weeks. Hulnes, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, Mrs. I . Q. O. Sutherland, Mrs. Eva Onm- mill, Mrs. W. K. Wilson, Mrs. Dun can Ferguson, .Mrs. 1. S. Smith, .Mrs. C. II. Wnltor, Mrs. A. B. Dlmont, Mrs. M. A. Swcetman and Mrs. F. M. Flye. 1 .j. 4. 4 ITho color scheme wns lavender nnd While brave men worked with Iron I entered In the prize competition wns ment- 0 prc- r VIU1 a Virh-nlii ....! TT cniov l yAUZ::1me. f . Tk. Wt. I. ik. - w .w, I ,,,.. OCJl ftUMc t .imut yoa 19 in4 tr tyH inJnjrmtQlfa1lth muueof II fvf ill l yon in (Mr frt. df tht mutKil ffiri ei th itt. Ii Inftrf la you th rt arxt fron. Irtv of h mftrt fcmoui mgert tn-1 InMrumcnlilnlf. tt prrMiff n tmllct viricty tf melody tnj mirih l iu!t fwr ierv moo.1 TKil it lh rharm th VKtrotx MlruMMyafeML KT IZ."S ". H 5V4a! M I Rirr vm ??R iLLH rT" " ar COOH ltlVCIt CI, Ull IIHXHFIT RICCITAh ' Hinnniitnna n II 1 ! nH'Olm Ilfrfl end. Tho dinner was n most delicious ... , ,...,., .1 ir-m,,, ima imnn pniisldoralile one Its crowning feature being the t spite of the kindly warning There, has b consl ah 0 of fato Tho Bpwortli I.caguo of tho Meth odist Church hns engaged tho ser vices of Miss Omit Darkness of Al bany nnd n graduate of tho Coliitn- bla School of Oratory In Chicago, lll llflll lllll.. .. Hnnit.ll m. 1ir...l...l "ii" "III hU l ItllillUI Ull UUIIfO .1 t.... ..ll I..4...I I... Tho Coos River High School ,,, "'"": " . '. ."'..""S. J?. ivuiiim() IUMU IMIVI!, ill VJJU iIf1Ulfcll League Hall. Miss Harkncss comes with the beat of recommendations anil n raro treat for Coos Hay peoplo Is looked forward to. eleVcanZsmrasmall blrffl Thoy woro bent on a voyage o'er the east the last few years" Mr. Co cake with four canmcB Xso nroud l,, watera bluo 1,nn remarked, "as a result of tho ov J?lnli$Xrt. So the anchors they heaved not n I er Increasing popularity of Nation- !,- T 1 moment Into The following relatives were pres- (Thls ,nIe ,s 8nd but trllc-) cnt: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Illack. Mr. nnd They landed afar on n foreign strand, Sewing Club met IIiIh week at Hie hotno of Miss Dorothy Dungiiii nnd elocted the following officers: Pros,, Miss Jesslo Smith; vlce-pres., MIsu Ruth Ucstjey; sec, Miss Dorothy DuiiKun; treiis,, Miss Mary Hmltli. After a few pleasant hours of scwjng, games and music, n boun tiful luncheon was served to tho Misses: Ruth and Lucy Ilessoy, Jes slo and Mnry Smith, Pearl Rogerx, Freda Milton, Alceu Kgeuhoff, B11 h'.o Worth, Agues Hull, Bllen and llle Kncgrun, Doiothy Diingan, Mrs, J, A. Smith and Mrs. C. II. Diingan. 4 .) prto(iiti:HS cum SOCIin'Y BLIHTIOX I- Among thoso whoso election Into Kiiiiina, ti Soiihomoro society of Bu gene, Is announced appears tho unme of Miss Lucy Poweru, of Mnrsh flehi. 4 I i.rrri.B sox cintisTBXKD 1 - niT llMnSllSiJo1?.0 U'onUed their household store. ?;,aL.eVO,8Geo'rge5"dloebOer"0S8 A" th nt,VU9 '" 8kl11- So! Sffi1UrcJiiftaSSda5l?.,W9" -' cln- - " 8llorc- Ruby Ulack and Mrs. carl SmedburBWth rflcg ,oadcd nd BWords n. mid nun juiui. uuut irieiiua wuru ulnntpil Miss Ida Mattson, Mrs. Mattlo nialn, , They ,nstened to the spot. Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs. J. C. Hlggi. ilut tile nntlvcs never u Mrs. Rosa Preuss I breathed. -'irouuio they wanted not. protest ally Advertised products. Peoplo linvo been educated to insist upon getting what they call for hecauso they have learned thnt substitutes aro never equal to tho original. I nttrlbuto tho rapid growth of tho business of "The Owl,, to tho fact that my customers have always got ten exactly what they called for." Tho celebration hns been n suc cess nnd Mr. Cohan is to congratulat ed on tho Inltlntlvo displayed. The llttlu sou of Mr. and Mrs. John (1. Mullen, of North Ilend, has been christened John FranclH by Rev. Father McDevltt In tho North Doud Catholic Church, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanks acting us sponsors. Tho buby was born Fob- nii'iy 1 sin IIAPTIST hADIKS TBA At tho IlnptlHt Ladles Sliver Tea Last Monday nfternoon the Prog r.cH Club met at the regular tlino f6r tliulr program nt thu homo of Mrs. F, W. Payne, nt tho Myrtlo Arms. The topic for discussion wuh "The Pacific CoiiBt StnteH." and papers wore ably prepared by Mrs. B. (. Flanagan 011 "California Mis sions," nnd reail by Mrs. V. A. Smith: Mrs. Otto Schetter on "San Francisco;" Mrs. A. II, (lldley on "Yoseinlto Valley," and Mrs. Rolf Nurdrum on "Ml. Rnulur'H Natural Park." On Monrtuy; April H, the club will meet nt the home of Mrs. HJallo rvpriirtun when tliu following la I'()h will be on thu program: .Mrs. Don Mnlonuy, Mrs. F, A. Tledgeu, Mrs. It. 11. Corey mid Mrs. 0. W. Towor. Those present last Alondny .woiu. Mrs. W. M, Illuko, .Mrs. Hen H. Chandler, Mrs. It. II. Corey, Mrs. A. II. (lldley, Mrs. J. K. Hanson, Mrs. R. W. .Morrow, Mrs. HJnlto Ner ilruni, Mrs, Rolf Nurdrum, Mth. W. 8. Nicholson, Mrs. F. W. Payne, Mrs. Otto Schetter. Mrs. V. A. Smith, Mrs. A. T. Lagerstroni, Mrs. Harry NiiHhurg mid the two special guests, Mrs. Thomas II. Drew nnd Miss Margaret Drew, who aro visit ing hum nt thu homo of Mra. Ver non .A, Smith, i t r : I NARCISSUS CLim Mrs. Hhepnrd Rock was liuBti'usj last weiliieHday nfternoon to the memhers of thu NiutIbhiih Cluh In l?IIUf ulil.) Sewing, following by dainty re-1 'Mr8' c; W OuniberB entertained froBlimeiitH. were enjoyed by Mra. n fw , frlendH Informally at sowing Ingle Pedorson, Mrs. LeNoIr Rngs- nH ' '"tiny afternoon, her guests iliilo, Mrs. Lloyd Prescott, Mrs. J. llrown, Mra. Curl West, the MIbscb Torn uiul Aiiiiii Lund, lllanclio Tel- LADIICS GUILD I Ono man dug deep with his hands Hisicr Janet 01 unicngo tola or' nil grime her work In tho .Missions to tho mom. Until of a sudden, thoy heard a ! nora nnu menus or tho Ladles' Guild ; snout! at Guild Hall lust Tuesday afternoon, 'Tho clnins pulled him in so far which was both instructive and in-. thnt tlmo terestlng. That only one foot stuck out. Thoro bolng no particular business' to attend to tho rest of tho tlmo was 1 The next attempt of theso pioneers spent socially, tempting refreshments hold, being served by thu hostesses Mrs. Wns n tablo and flro to mnke Harry Nasburg and Mrs. . C. Vcs- And how they succeeded can best tal. no told A Carrying 31 passengers tho Nann ' Smith luft down at (o'clock this nf- t fnrnnnii linn tl.1 fnn Snu 1t'r'itwlrn ! Next Tuesday at 3 o'clock will bo Uy " w' wns thoro to partake. ! carrying a full cargo of lumber. Sho( SMITH SAILS OARRIKU TAKKS !M PASSICXGBRS FOR SAX FRANCISCO Loads Cargo In Quick Time: Sched uled To Leave South For Coos liny Sometlmo On 'J'ucMlay onen in not 1 11 ir anil nn lnvltntlnn In uxtended to all clubs and societies, 0f tl10 loads of good things on that to attcnu. I tablo plied, Tho program to lio rendered Is Forgot It they never could! given on tho music pago of this Is- I,or '" n" t,,u yuars B'ce each wns kuo. Tho inemherH out Inst Tuesday... child, wore; Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. Jns.lNolninK cvor tasted bo good. Forty, Mrs. Arthur McKcown, Mrs. . ., , ... J. ll.Flnnngnn, Mrs. Lndd, Mra. Doub- ""en away to tho low beach they nor, Mrs. Geo. Dlnd.ngor, Mrs. Bb- ,,,1,,,iu(,,.1 , . becka, Mrs. L. W. Jncobs. Mrs. Jas. ! wl,ul' tho wann sun bents on tho last Wednesday afternoon In tho Ferry Sr. Mrs. F. A. Sacchl, Mrs. ,., snowy strnnd, church parlors, Mrs. Oeorgo Wat- Geo. Murch. Mrs. Hugo Qulst, Mrs. ""tched the bouts cross out with tho IflllU riirillttll.lfl lln 111 I li1lrl..jl lnlH.n fH.. Itf rlSlhg tUIO. which consisted of n reading cn-j II.' Curtis. Mrs. H. Reed, Mrs. V. A.' , SUelCl1 by n trU8ty 1,llol'a ,mn(K tilled "spiritual HousoKeopliig," and 1 lloldon, Mm. Otto Schetter, Mrs. B. n ouuuiig Hong 01 popular niri. DaffodllH and Bugllsh bluo violets were iiucd In the decorating. At thu eloso of the nfternoon thu following peoplo were sorvod dainty refresh ments: Mrs. Joe Houser nnd baby, Mrs. J. B. Ford. Mrs. B. Gldmnrk, Mrs. B. Crundoll, Mrs. Geo. Wnt ktns, Mrs. F. II. Dressor, Mrs. I). L. Rood, Mrs. M. Glass, Mrs. II. R. Blllott, Mra. J. M. Wright, Mrs. M. Dye, Mrs. John Naglo, Mrs. D. I). Itoss, Mrs. J. C. Donne, Mrs. Geo. Gulovaon, Mra. B. W. Luwls, .Mrs. A. F, Ilassford, Mrs. Alva Doll, Misses Mamie GuIovbuii, Guorglo Guluvsen, Carrie B. Rohb, Row A. F. Il.issford nnd Muster Paul Hush ford. 4. .j. 1. Lewis, Mrs. Mary Drowning, Mra.llJ ' "r. I,""?t1 ("to Ret in her work, Robert Drowning, Mrs. S. C. Small, llr ,lttlo'mU( la the surf did wude, Mra. Guy Wnrner, Mrs. Harry Na-A ' "? ,.8 t?,rrl,ttwful ' Brc0" burg. Mrs. Bmma Naaburg. Mrs. A.,nr i8.U W r,,:,.,, c. Vestal, Mrs. Horbort Lockhart, ' KrrtK.S.Ss.E,"! """W this maiden's one (Stnuff, Mrs. Melvln llozanson, Mra. n, mado 1.1... vorv H,ekx 11. Preston. Mra. Alice Sneddon. Mra. ' ,'ut S nlny It wn. Join Henry O'Mnra. Mrs. A. T. Haines. noV ', Is expected to leave San FrnnclBco somctimo next Tuesday. Those who went south wore: T. u. ! Jnmcs, J. C. Thomas, Mra. Prlco Dav is, Mrs, Paul Roubach, R. II. Allen, T. 11. Ulnke, J. V. Watt, Arthur1 Frank, Louis Golovson, L. A. Con-; nelly, Julius Knlenter, Bgles Thomas, 1 Mrs. M. Hlrsch, .Mrs. J. C. lloycl, Mra. A. B. Seaman, Charles G. Hlrsch,1 Harry Tower, 11. II. McLaughlin, G. I. Vaughn, Joseph Galloway, Mlko Ourlch, Josoph B. Lewis, Stevo Dan-, lels, John Anderson, Allen Ander son, Tony Maven, John Mlrue, p. I 1 aiikoii, u. Knsier, o. liornnnss Yqu can have a concert of own with the world's artists to sing for vou. That's What you can do with' V;, trola m your home. All that is best in music is ever at your instant command You have only to select the kind music you wish to hear; and it is render ed for you by the greatest artists as true-to-life on the Victrola as though you were hearing the artists on the concert ot operatic stage Stop in and get acquainted with tk Victrola, We'll gladly play your favoitt music for you Victrolas $15,00 to $250,00 Terms to suit your convenience, m$mvMMeii, n I. L. THOMAS, .Minuter Plumes i:t.-J nml l."(l-J BREAKWATER IS INI: Mrs. Q. O. Sutherland, Mrs. C. F. MCKnigiit, Mrs. c. II. Wnltera, Mra. Carl DiivIb. Mrs. John I). Gobs, Mra, Gobs Sr., Mra. Mnry Smith nnd Mra. 10 va Gammll. A. X. V. CLUH INFORMAL ArrBRNOO.V lefson, Frances Franso. Hilda Weal and the hostess, Mrs. Hock. In two woekB, thu elub will meet ugulu, tho plncu being as yet un I KOVAIj AUCTION llltllKi includlng: Mrs. C. R. Peck. Mra. J. S. Lyons, Mrs. H. Kennedy and Mrs. R. M. Jeuulngu. Dainty rerresh ineutB were served. . I 77th IHRTIIDAV I ; Last Sunday. March 21, Mrs. Hen- little shoo. All uloug tho sandy shoro, And she wondered what In tho world $; Biio would do Unless they hud ono shoo Mooro. V . I Mrs. Bllzaboth Hyde cntortnlnod A mormnlil fair (ono of tho group) tho A. N. W. Club Inst f hursdny nf-' Rolled a driftwood log bo high ternoon nt hor nomo on Hnll Avenue 'Out Into tho wuves, whoro alio nnd had as special gucstB, Mrs. A. i watched for a nloop J. M. Robertson, Mra. R. B. WaltoWhero tho ocean inceiB tho Bky. nnd Mrs. A. C. Vestal, tho last named helping tho hostess servo tempting Saw on distant horizon, thoy know refreshments to tho following lndlos: not wlint, Mrs. Robor son, Mra. Wnlto, Mrs. Plunged Into tho seething foam, Allen, Mra. Bdnmn, Mrs, Frledburg, at nn Ac(t)ormuu hadn't boon on Mra. J. 'i. Hnll, Mrs. Hazard, Mra. i tho spot, R. B. Irwin, Mrs, Kaiser, Mrs. MIn- She inlght hnvo reached hor deep gus, Mrs. Murch, .Mrs. v. p. Murphy, sou homo Mra C. F. ..IcKnlght, Mrs. L. M. Smm'' ,Mr?!i"Bn,Q"!8,,o:l,r8;Mnry A,ns! Alns! for "lormnld fnlr, Smith, nnd Mra. Charlos Stnuff. nv a flro shu hu.i o t Next week Is Holy Week, conso- And dry her clothea In tho warm BRINGS FRBIGHT SIIIPMBNT !l7.- ll WOtlld 'J. l'HU.H I'tlKTia.M) HOVIIP iln Sho wns unaware of Ills trick. ! '"'"'nger List Ciinles :il Persons: Will Liivo Out :: .Mondny 'llioy Hunted In vain for tho poor. Jiorwnjj on Retina DRICSSMAKINCJ nnd TAILOHBD HATS Woik guM-niiteeil and prices reasonable. - MRS. II. O. WILLKV Ovor Norton & Ilnuson's Phono 1C9-J. 404 Mrs. A. L. IIoiiBuworth enl cd tho Royal Auction Club nt lunch-' uny School class and few thnt saw ry Rlack," of Fifth StrJe ' oiobnUed noU y the clu'll will dlBpenBo'with Its' ' '"' L 1" "W ' r -Beven,h birthday. AB has ?n""eti.?g but Til? mmSn ' w Nor" no," d w .been the custom for many years. bIio weeks with Mrs. Frledburg. could ft ertaln-' went to church, and taught her Sun- ut-minn,. couiu rut. lllnrll. ' dav Sl'llOOl cIllBS Ullil fW Hint Hntv 4 4 .... eon and bridge Inst Wednesday nf- her could realize that bo many sum-, M,?' VioiT.i-ni. . I rC8l,,1"t of , '".. ternoon, the souvenir for high ! mors had pubboiI over her head but ' "'"' State ABSomhly ro- ''l -od, Pnn, score being awarded to Mrs. F. K. ' would easily class her In with he. J11""1 0ny, t' Rreukwator, (" was cleverly OettliiB. Mra. F. M. PnrsonB, Mra. Benerntlon younger. !rom,u "r .f ' ,0 8,nto ,n tho ""i i, , iV ...mi . Win. Orlmoi nnd Mrs. C R Peck "Aunt Sally" ,, ho Is fondly anil ,orMt f tho U,l,Ke' ,.?.' l " bloW piumhj ns suiistituteB and the mem- lovingly called, by all who know her bora prOBont were Mrs. A T. Haines, had been Invited to dine with tho llh tho merry crowd Trip Ilrlnglng ono of tho heaviest ship ments of freight for boiuo tlmo from tlio north tho Ilrcnkwator nrrlved In this morning from Portland. Tho nns- Bonger list enrried 31 persona. Tho1 iirenKwaier leaves out on Mondny nt 8:30 n. m. ,Thoso who nrrlved wero; N. John son. Wilson Tlnger, B. M. Spauldlng, lorn Domos, Oeorgo Lang, Joo Hoff man, Frank bmld, Nlcholna Bsk, John Popplck, Albert Gesalor, N. Oaks, Tom Johnson, James Doyle, John Rlnimor, A. Drown, Chnrles urown, ucorgo Jolmson, Frank Lavln, W. C. Duvln, A. P. Rohflold, F. N. nrown, Joo Iddinea, Arthur Moroy, Mna IllBturb, R. Mnrsuen.Sr., T. C. RubsoU, Mrs. J. c. Reed, Mrs. Kato ' Lando, Mrs. M. M. Rluford, Charles .Mondo, w. J. Jensen and and C. II. ! Day. I ii fin InriTWYni WATERFRONT NEWS Mro. C. F. MiKuiBht, Mrs B B family of her boh Frank nml wlmn I siraw, Mra. Mnlr Dano, Mra Dor- alio and 'Uuclo Henry" roached Mr. , INFORMAL CHAT can. ' Thoy nil thought 'twaa a cry for holp. TT - ; My space Is too Bhort to toll in ...i, ....ii ..uo. viiuuiu asuurg ' uetnll Save Money Keep Fresh Eggs Fresh BY USING SODA SILICATE SOLUTION Buy fresh cfjgs at 20c per dozen and have them fresji when eggs are 75 cents per dozen. Soda Silicate, pint 25c Soda Silicate, quart 40c Red Cross Drug Store rllt)ii(l PJ-.2 iiMrnu...,r' TAn i' K,t",erlck ' O' tlio "last remains" enrved In tho llrowne, of Gardiner, wero hoiibo i Band. sand, . . , , I '-"to yoRterday aftornoon tho Hnr- fnshloned from , dy nrrlved in from San Francisco nnd ... im-,. n i llL u,,oni"K ""'I taking aboard - .i " i'6ii ui uuuuer lor tlio eoutli. . -mi i .u.r pmiseugor list and 375 tons of frolght the Breakwater cross ed In this morning from Portland. At 4:30 tho Nairn Smith left down bound for San Francisco with a cargo of lumber and a good sized passenger 11SI quests last week of Mr. and Mrs. How Pun played on his pipe n sad 1 1 " -r ". ?r Ht t,,0,r 8uimer homo ' funorul wail, ... .v., .ii til. Mrs. Vernon A. Smin. ontnrtninn.i iiirormauy mat Tuesuay afternoon I Aa around stood tho mournful nam). POtTLAND, OKGOM Tho largest nnd finest ho tel In tho Northwest Your frlonds will bo proud to meet you horo. Hntes to You 60rooms $1.00 100 rooms with bath $I.B0 100 rooms with bath 2.00 200 largo outsldo Your headqunrters for every occasion. lPtrAVia-bsGi: PROFESSIONAL DIBECICI H. H. Harper HOtSR nUlLDER Gonornl Repairing ind CiVwtl MaklDf. 'hbno 34'J-J. I. K. Wriniit rnoM IN DUILD1NO COXTIUCrOK Bttlmntes furnltbed oo vs& Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Bur, Nose and Ik" GliAHHKS Ml'iut DR. MATT1K II. 8IIAW 1I.uiri-h nf W'nnipn and I Office Phono 330-J. RoowIM,f 202, Irving BloO. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING KN0IXKEBI AifPlllTEOT Offices. 206 Irrlnf Bl Phono 103-L or "T-J. . Mhrabflelo. ( W. G. Chandler m Rnnma 301 and 302, Col I Uarahflold, Oregoi SELL ll L D forhermother.Mra. Thomasll. DrewOr tho thouBnnd nnd ono othor nnd her coiiain M sa vaiEirm nrf ...o.,. u ,u oulur ii ?. TK,"K, ,,or uu tondea Which happened this fateful day. Wt from the oaat. , Ullt at )ll8t cr08g d , MIh Vera O'Loan. of Richmond. aupper they went, hi "f"rn'"' ."' , '" North Bend Bro they willed to their homes away. MrtU,l,a'J?. v,?"h1an; l0 thing there la which I must u-SSS-r3H HSKSSSl ,,u Z1' ?.. Va "y 7 nof- wll'cU ooa results that thoy have lor i,i.,i to contlnuo tho sale for another rubber week In ordor that all make tnko advantage of the sneclni i..i i., I ducements. Thoy are solllnr n fine ! Patrons of Union Market Take Advantage of Sale ... J,..B; Forl & Co" Proprietors of tho Union Market, havo been offer ing for tho past ten days special Oil ln i liU.miiTiTi. iiiani picnic was Just tho fit (?) From u flsheriuau's old boot. -iiTSLCSS U.dy ,.c.hM' of the' ftor "ww w saivrim Uh afty bat Hnd 77 V ,""' r tut ocena .in. .Many M MM Wrd atul lb nftnlr ... . 1 I ft nml atntr .1 tA !., 1... . .Ill a . jvv ( uitih uui iuu iiuiirN tain mil nor irttiv on a..i..u ... . ,.,. - - - -" " D "uui jour laru llH lLf"lr Vs ' Th volcea' loud did swell. - avw,,, .JOy by the partv.i' UXU'tta ! ww Mr a! Mra. R. B. At lasttb JM. ! Ml. Klhel Roea. Klfli U SVTT. ' tho rldo homo on tlm oiu nuy tho cabin's top was ono lone iimmer uay ,JIK,V,S,: ,,,", "tteiul TUB OWLS' f.llMlV ...l r,n. i.. , ..,.. . 1 ,Vr Sncs, .' J'IA,,d ,,,l"U"8 W0,Jli,nAVfe',?. . ?,'WAVH rSi:- ,,,,0,, 7a 1,df,c ' J -Ono Of Tho Biiirh Uirry nnd Transfer Company. I BWMMBBBBBMHHRaMIBBBlBBBBBaBBWaBVaBBHMBr I JAP A LAC 15 cents and up. Lv AifalVkaMiiK ! SwhenvaubuM ; vfPu,hebes it mimad.u&rr Wm. S. Turpen ARCiUTEOT Marahfleld. 0reio Perl Riley Ballinper a Residence Studio, I1T!TII Phone 3-u 4f''" . r,Tjw URAL QUESTION rhe question Ii not. wffl" honor you for your ' Hut docs your wort M you? Your concern ft only to create profit .....i i,t m main f .t mini I wiucn wui i' - A. nl.lnn KAIlfKAlf. COOS liXV STK.AM WO ... .. KTf. vvww-v-v - - - Commutation Tickets $2.00 rtlifield-North BfVfi lar. every te ."-, o ... to South o'1" e Any, leaving nt 11 IB" llireo inps n "' wfl pt OOItHT V2l' TTTT ' m SKVICK.V . alT&55' Im ... "" - nuaiter after Jiour ' Marshfield :: :: North Bond Blanco Hold via Broadwr Fifth stroet- M". 1 Addition quaner Leaves uixr iaki ' half hour via B'oadw'U i -ificwrfiec --"' a. ,cwmy -5JSJt- X" - "