"SWwrf 52? THE COOS BAY TIMSS, M1RSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915-EVENING EDITION. FIVE fViK jkiWMiinr Ji5E,tf iUwjUMkWMtMlIH)lilll 1MMBHIIWWHIBWWIIWM tf LAST The Last, Keep lW HEALTHY, GOING & HARVEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Whv You Should Own Your Own Home. There are a thousand reasons, and you know them all. The main thing is to act on them. What stands in your way? Certainly not the price, for you can secure a horns for what you are now pay ing each month in rent.1 We can tell you how. We can also select for you a suitable and pretty site i n Bay Park, an addition of homes, with just the right conditions, and tell you how to handle and improve your property so as to be sure of getting the best profjj from it. You can have a gar den, a lawn, beautiful surroundings, street car and jit ney service, in fact, so many things that make a home what it should be that you will be surprised to learn of all the advantages that Bay Park offers you. Complete information for the asking. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. DON'T BE MISLED Hiey say WAH PRICKS nro high. Wo wiy Olllt PRICKS aro t hlftli mid Wl! CAN HAVH YOU MONKY tin wo carry mi oter M eipciihu and niio you Hint on tho cost In IIAItDWAKK, I'U'JlllI.Vd and FAH.M IMPLKMUNTS, wlilrli Is to VOUU AD VAXTAQi:. Schroeder (Si Hildenbrand's Hurdwnru Plumhlni;. Cneral repair shop. Special Prices on Lard For The Next Ten Days T,'e fincM Inline loudoicd li::D en ffcied In tho local iiiuil.'ot. 10 lbs - - $1.35 5 lbs - -, .70 3 lbs - - .45 THE UNION MARKET Jv E Ford Co. ". ,OIU, H,-o;,d,,y ' . THE nnnc uotci WllNCTfi.v AVENUE BTAl'iHV UTTtwm WOUia v.ifvi. 0. A. Mctl'u, Irop. - W MESSENGER SERE M n.,r TWO PHONICS. VlBn, ' US F0U C'VIlS' TAXICAHS, KXPHKSS WAGONS. "SJU'IIH.D CVCLKRV ISO BROADWAY THEY ARE HERE Go-Carts ptr Word in Childrens Phono 58. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 10C-L. MARSIIFIKLW, ORKGON WwZJiXl fcT i Pxetty, Vehicles This lmnlity makes cry exacting requirements for the Go-Cnil. hi this now lint we find (lint nil icqiilioiuciits ura mot ami thou si'tino. Vim ran loavo hiinio in sunshiny a oat hot' ami come homo through lliii uoiMt still m ami ynii ran lost perfectly assured Hint hahy will ho absolutely protected ami com foi table through It all. 'llioy aro roomy. 'I hoy aio good looking., Thoy aio weather-proof. 'I'lioy aro I ho most comfortable. Thoy aio durable. Thoy mo u Willi icncli of your pockctbook. Pi Iced rioni S7.00, $12.01), SjUiLfiO, ami tjtlO.Wf. Call In ami look thorn over. BUY THE VERY BEST ssf mm MAnn UNDKU 8ANITAKY CONDITIONS IN A CLKAN ANI) MODKHN FACTORY. STKKlLIZKD MILK cm vm. PURE ICE IVco delivery, 8 n. m. and 2 p. in. Phono 7!t. WALL PAPER See VIERS About It, Kindly remember to glvo us a trial. Everything In tho bakery lino MAHHIIFICI.D IIAKINO CO., 133 No. 2nd st., noar Central Phono 428. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS ulll lio kept OPUN 0"O TIIK PUIIUO A rcRiilnr Ktato llrciiRcd uiidtrlnkor ulll ho In clmigo Phono 105-J ' GOODRUM'S GARAGE IIOMK OF Tllfi QADIMiAO AND DODfilC auto suppmi:h rou ai.Ij MAKKS OF CAHS SH7 Central nv. Phono 37.1-Ij $ 5 Per Month Will build 'you a home. $10.00 per month pays for your lot $15.00 per month pays for your house $25.00 per month total cost ' $20.00 per month saving on rent. $ 5.00 per monthplus interest, pays for your home We will sell you a lot and build for you. "See Reid About It" W. A. REID, 150 Front MHHMHHHHHHgHHHHHil BREVITIES ! WICATIIKR FORKCAST IDr Ano.ltt.J rrrn to Cool Ur Tlturs.) ' OHEO.ON Showers, north- caBt shifting to buutucast winds. 4 LOCAL TKMPKRATURI3 KF.COIU) For tlio 24 hours ending nt V MI3 u. 111., March 27, by BonJ. Ostlluil, special gov- ' eminent meteorologist: Mn.xiiinun r,7 Minimum. , 4"i At 4: la a. m i!) Precipitation in Precipitation slnco Sept. I, 1914 55.20 Precipitation same ported Inst your 53.13 Wind: Southeast, cloudy. Annual Mooting. Tho annual on giogntlonal meeting ot the Marsh tlold Presbyterian Church will bo hold Friday evening, Ap.il 2nd, In tho church. Wngu.T Picture Show. Tlonry A. Schroeder Is perfecting plana for opening n moving picture bIiow at Wagner In n building being erected by the Smith-Powers Co. Thus does Wnguer move toward a metropolis. Hocehvi) New Machine. Isaac It. Tower, ngunt In Coos and Curry coun ty for tho Ford machines, received a string of bIx on the Ilrenkwator this morning. Paraded down Front Street they attracted much attention. The machines of tho year aio elec tric lighted. Funeral on ."Monday. Tho funeral of Mrs. J. D. M'Kllun who died on Thursday night will ho held .Monday morning at nine o'clock from the Catholic Church. Friends who wish to view tho body may do so between two and four p. in. Sunday at tho Wilson Undertaking Parlors. Taxes Duo April J. Tho first half of tho taxes aro duo and pay ablo April first and not tho first Monday In April. Some taxpayers seoni to havo received tho crronlous Idea that thoy wero not duo until th lattr date. If you wish to escape tho penalty you must pay by April first. Open Hlds .Monday. Uids will bo opened Monday morning In tho otflco of C. A. Sell lb rode, referco In bankruptcy, on the stock of tho Mur-phy-Weaterhurg flvo ten and fifteen cent stores of Mnrshfleld, Myrtle Point and llaudou. Tho bids will bo on tho three stores as n whole and not Individually. Dies la Spokane. News has reach hero of tho death In Spokane or Clair II, Vake, a formeny well known Mnrshfleld young man, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Krwin Vake, of Kastport. He was at one time a driver of ono of tho Conner & lloaglnml delivery wagons. Ills pnrcnts had started to Spokano hut did not reach there be fore ho passed away. Ills brother Otto Yuko left yesterday for Spokano. Food Most Necdort. A letter ban been received by Tho Times from tho Conunltto for Heller In Belgium ORPHEUM 'Where IvTotion Pictures Look Better TONKJIIT ONIA'. OTHER HALF OF THE NOTE Special feature release by tho feature department or the dcuoral Film Company. Such subjects us '(bono do not come In the regular run of pictures, but miiBt bo especlully arruuged lor nud cost considerably more moiioy. It Is In thioo reels. AN ANGEL UNAWARES Clover work by Kuth Stonohouso. A utory or u woiuhu'b sncrlflco. 1 DOCTOR'S MISTAKE Kcllg drama. TOLD BY THE CARDS ' Novel and Interesting. M.Ulni'0 Sunday nt li:0O p. m. 1 10c :: ALWAYS :: 1 Oo "Harofoot Hoy" In threo rools coming Sunday night. "When a Woman I.ovoa" will bo repeated for Sunday matinee only. i WOMWAM 8CH.Mi:ni)IN(l coming Monday. "Hunawny Juno" wns written by Ocorgo Hnndolnh Chester, tho nu thor of Oot-Rleh-Qulck Wnlllng ford. A serial par oxcollonco, the acme of achievement in high-class I motion plcturo production. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domntio CHINA Street ?Tn8Eova? I which ulatcs that enough clothing has been donated from the I'nltcd Stntos to hist for aovornl mouths and asks that special emphnuls ho laid on the sending of foodstuffs, food being sorely needed by the Belgians. From Mnrshfleld a good sized uri nation In money and clqthes was sent to Km ope. ' Fifl.'ld Takes Lumber. 1,. A. link er, of the Folgers Cotfoo Company, ! returned yesterday from Crescent Clt to which placo ho diove from Unndon and hack again. Only one day wns he caught In tho rain though ho says the loads ato almost impass ible In some places. Along tho const Mr. Haker repoits business Is on the Increase. At Brookings ho found the I big mill working full shift. Tho FI-, field, he said, has been chartered to ! carry lumber from Hrooklngs, aid ing the steam schooner Brooklyn. Old Plctiuo or Mni-diHcld. A pic ture of Mnrshfleld ill awn In 1SS4 Is on exhibition Tor n few days at the Chamber of Commerce, through 'ho kindness or .Mr. and Mrs. 1). K. Hood. Marshflohl wi.a then n straggling villnge. Tlieio aio trees and stumps of tiees on the main streets and not a gront many houses at that time mndo their appearance. Particularly noticeable about the drawing Is tho abseuco of the big Smith Mill, tho point nt tho entrance of Isthmus In-1 lot showing ns n bare tract or land. The drawing wns niado truo to life, i the picture being a lithograph. Sliuiki Tell Spilng. That sharks traveling In schools toll of spring and ' aro of themselves barometers, Is the contention or Captain Bodge and tho First Officer of the steam schooner Northland, newly arrived In Portland i from San Francisco. The seamen I state that when off the mouth or tbo Umpuun nud also when not fnr dis tant rrom Coos Bay thoy sighted i schools or sharks, always tho sign or spring. Other seaman say tho ap pearance of "Portugese worships,"! Ilttlo animals or the sen thnt drift by the wind on the surraco or tho sea aro tho real harbingers or good wenthor. No Army Coming;. Umitennnt Colonel J. P. O'Neill writing rrom tho. War College, Washington, I). C. states that there is no Intention or bringing nn army to Cooa Bay and i thnt questions relating to tho chances or cailng for 10,00 soldiers horo wero! asked as Information to he filed awayi for possible use. Some time ngo ho, wrote asking If thero aro about COO acres on Coos Bay easily avallabloi for quartering troops and with wood and water wlthlng closo range. Such questions, It Is understood, mo asked i or most every community In the Unit ed States. ' New Hank Assured. Thnt n new hank boro Is assured is tho statement ot John K. Hops, who returned yes terday with his wire. Mr. It. Buggo, associated with Mr. Hobs was ninrrled . yesterday In Portland and will tako a two weck'fl honeymoon trip to thoi l'n Ir before coming hoio to locate, Mr. Hoss states tnat tho $2ti,000 stock for the bank has been sold locally. Tho charter haB been grant ed by tho stato. A locution hau not yet been Bolected but probably will be announced very shortly, bo said. Today .Mr. and Mrs, Boss wore out securing apartments. i lluxo Plenty Money. .1. Shlpton) and Dan Wllliamn weio arrested last night fur celebrating via the liquid , route. When tho police examined tho, men at tho station thoy nearly taint ed to rind more than $'J00 In bright and shilling "yellow hoys." Fiom Shlpton, who formerly worked hero' and who now has Just returned from working nt tho Exposition, wns taken ' $:I2 and Williams carried f 2'JO cash. , Slilptou was Induced to enter tho stutluu only after Cordon Smith limit used tils fists as means of persuasion,! the result of which was a blackenod I optic for the man who commenced It. The police havo no placo In tho station for taking caro or the monoy. In a hag It was taken away to a wife, ty deposit box for tho night. They claim a snro should bo put In tho station tor tho keeping or valuables. J IIARKY TOWKR loU tlila ufteruoon rnr a visit In San Francisco. J. W. WATT Iuik gnno down to spend a couple or wcokti nt tho Imposi tion. TOM JAMKS lert this nriornoon on tho Nairn Smith ror San Fran clsio. MR AND MRS. 0. B. BJKHKK, of Coos River, wero visitors in tho city today. LOUIS GOLOVSKN was n passongor on tho Nairn Smith for u visit at tho Kxposltlon. C. F. PAPK. or tlio Bnmlon Kporry Flour Company, wns n Mnrslirield visitor yesterday. A. '., DOWNS nnd rnmlly havo mov ed rrom South Broadway to Kast eldo wheio thoy oxpect to mnko their home. C. II. SPROAT, or Portland, who was hero some time ngo In tho Interests or tho Coos Bay Produco Company, Is visiting hero. DR. I). II. SHKLDON loft on tho 11 o'clock stugo for Kugone, oxpoct Ing to nrrlvo there tomorrow ovon Ing after a week l Coos County, RAYMOND K. BAKKR, county super intendent of schools, returned to CoqiillUi this morning after at tending tho Institute hoio yester day. V. ABIIBY, with t'.o 'Warron Con struction Company, returned yes terday from Portland. Mr. Asliby lert here last fall alter completing tho Bioadway street paving. 'mrrnmmfa i & vg r mm&r Insist on Squibb's Chemicals IN THK FILLING OF VOIR PRKSCRIPTIONK Ask Your Doctor WHAT KOl'imiK MK.VNS Wo u u their chemicals ami drugs hi one piesiilplliiu department. "THE OWL" 1 RANK D. COHAN, Ppii The Central Au'iiuo Drug Sloio 0. I. McCKK, popular drug salesmnn Tor tho I.nngly nnd Michaels Co will leave .Monday for Kurekii nnd San FinnclBco. Ho sajs he hates to go hut needs must secure a new line of drugs and stories. 11. A. S1CAI10HO left on tho slngo this morning for Portland whero ho goes to mnko preparation for his Oold Beach cannery, expecting to bo back In a few days. Mr. Sen horg has been In the cannery busi ness since 1871. i . .T. C. HUSSI5M returned from nn extended trip to Montana nnd Wyo-1 mlng points. Mrs. Russell and the baby lomnlned for a longer visit. Later Mr. Russell will join them and proceed to tho San Francisco Fair. MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE RUSSELL VISIT HERE Both Out On Bail Como For Confer. once Willi Altornojs; Living On .Mytllo Point Farm Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Hnssoll, of Myrtle Point, both charged with tho poisoning ot Aithur Hussoll threo years ago and both now out on ball, came over this morning to hold u conference with Attorneys Craves and Mclnturyy. With them eanio their throe children. Tho couple now nro living again on their dairy farm nt Myrtle Point. Ordinary Country people, their ap peal anco was anything but thnt of people suspected or murder. Neither had anything to say about tho case, icsorvlng everything until tho grand jury Investigations In nhout threo weeks. They expect to romnln In tho ctty nt least until tomorrow. AMONG THE SICK i - A George W. Kelland Is exceedingly low this morning. Much or the tlmo tho old gentleman la tumble to Ho down. Pneumonia and pleurisy hnvo hold hlin conilned for two weeks nt tho Lloyd Hotel. Mrs. C. L. Pennock linn been con fined to her bed for the past six weekH and each day Is said to bo get ting lower. Last night she wus very sick. Victor Bach Is reported snmowliat better totlajv Ho has regained con sciousness nnd Is nlilo to reiognlr.o those about his bedside. Miss C. Ksthor Whitney Is confined to her home on account of an attack of tho grippe. A. I). Boone, ot Sumner, Is ex ceedingly low this nftcrnuon nt the homo ot his daughter Mrs. R. "W. Kardoll, on Klrod Avenue. Ho haB, been III tor several weeks. i 1ews of north bend f . Goo. Black and family havo moved from North Bend to Marsh flohl, where thoy havo purchased u home. Rev. F. S. Shlmlnn nnd wife hnvo movod from MePhersou nvouuo to the Flunk Woods placo in Bangor. Miss Alice Wnttora will loavo noon , for a visit with rolntlvea In Ore gon City. John Suydor, ot Mnrshfleld, wns a guest Thursday at tho K. K. Hayes. homo in North Bend. KvcrylMidy Ik Doing It Killing at tlio NIFTY CAI'KTKRIA Chicken and Turkey Dinner on Sunday, Try u (iciiuaii .Submarine Kiclnl at Kaiiei'H. HK WIKK ami attend Till': OWLS' danck katurdav nmjiit. at kaolics' hall. NOBLE THEATER IT LOIS POWELL Kinging Now Songs. The. fourth episode or The Clutching Hand, or The Exploits of Elaine entitled THE FROZEN SAFE More people see this serial every Saturday night tli...i any other feat ure nor exhibited In Mnrxhflold. Thiillluic iiom start to finish At tend this popular play houuo tonight and sou for yourself the drawing power of good pictures that me "Just u little bettor." KATIILYN WILLIAMS III THE LADY OR THE TIGERS I A thillllug wild animal drama I made by tho Sollg Company In their 1 wild animal 'oo ut Lou Augulox, I California. ; THE WINNING WHISKERS This Is one of the famous "Ham" toniedles n scream rrom start to , riuUh. j THE LADY OF DREAMS Beautiful two-part Blnitrnph thnt I will entertain ror tho full length or tho picture. Longest, host, hlghcBt (iass pro gram. Lower floor, 1.1c; balcony, IQc; children, 5c. I Sunday Matinee By Humorous requests wo will repent Mary Plck fonl 111 TK08 OF THK STORM COUNTRY. In addition to our rejj- I ular program. Special program or jiniblc and photoplays for Sunday 1 c tiling. MM If Your Feet Hurt You Boit Kick If You Don't Wear Crossett Shoes, They Make Life's Walk Easy. FIXUP To ,Stoio Miu-diNcM : s: .. Xcirth nel)(, CLfissint I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! FOR KALI) It. I. Hod Males, tlio $f, to $lo kind at $2 each, Sotting eggs, fide lms. 11130 N. 8th at., Forudalo. FOR HUNT Attractive front room i In private family, one block from Chandler Hotel. 280 Central AVo. i FOR UKXT Cottngo on Coos River I Tor tho Hiiininor. B., enro Times. i i . ART NF.ICDLK SHOP Corner Sec oiid nud Market. LOST A dlamimil Milling out or ring. Finder please notify Mrs. R, A. Wornlch for rowurd. I WANTED WANTKD (iirl willi limited exper ience dcclrcH position as chamber maid. Address "K" caro TlmeH. PAKTUKAOK for stork nt Kuslport. J. K. Fitzgerald, Phono 11117. (WANTKD Furnished or partly ftir- ulshed house, threo hodrooniH, good caro given. Address Box "II" I Tlinus, KKVKRAL THOUSAND DOLLARS to loan, long terms, on Improved fnruiH, Interest 8 per cent. W. 1 U. Douglas, City. FOR SALE I FOR SALIC Fiirnlliiro tor small looming house with house for rout cheap; $1)1)0 $200 cash, haluuco easy terms. AiIdroBS "11" Tlinus or rice. (FOR HALK Will sell very reason able, forty iici'oh cut ovnr land, flvo iicroR Is bottom land, partly cleared; cabin and hen house, garden already planted. Location, head of Isthmus Inlet. Address C. 1 V. Dnuleloon, Mnrshfleld. ! FOR KALI': Gas engine, UJi liorso power. Good running order, Onu 1 half original price, used one year. Apply J. L. Koontz, Front St. FOR HALK Thoroughbred Wlillo Leghorn eggs for netting. R, A. Lumlrlth, Phonu :io:i 4 Farmers. i FOR SALIC Motor bout. .Kxcollcnt , englno. F, A. Sacchl. FOR RENT FOR HUNT Housekeeping rooms. Losllu Building. Phono lit'J-L. I'ur Rout. .Modern furiilshod bung alow. Phono 117 J. FOR RICXT ll-rooiii modern Iioiixo. Inqulro at 1102 Klrod nvenuo. FOR ItKNT 7-i ooin house, within 2 blocks of First Nat. hank, on So. B'dwy. Vacant April 1. Sen Dr. C. O. Tnggart, F, & II. Bank. FOR I IK. NT Restaurant, equipped, bust location, ulso olavou-room rooming house, furnished. H. A. Bock, North Bend. FOR RKNT. Booms ulth or ultle out board. ICQ So. 10th Street. FOR RKNT :i?i'ooiii hottbo. Apply 887 No. First Btreot. FOR TRANSFICR AND KTORAGK l HOUSICIIOLD d'OODS Fi eight and Baggage. Cull FKRGUSON TRANSFKR Phone Kill. 1 Residence Piioiio UI-.T. Market live. Mini Wateifiont I i ,1Mm IUM