THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 191 5 -EVENING EPITIOM- FOUR COOS BAY TIMES USIC USIC I.VTKItKST IX MUSICAL i:vi:xts XOTAHM3 THIS WI3KK M. C. MAM).KV, Killlof mid lnl. IAX M. .MAI.OXKV, Sch Kdlfor Official liiicr cif Cooq County Offlcjnl 1'iijkt C'Hy of Mnrjdiflold. ' Address all communications to COOH MAV IIAIIiV TiMKti. f- I I ' M AND HANS M I jH'HIC ' 'Hltlo On' Hide On In .Mnjcsty" N n typltnl roiinty of a Middle, : ' .' ,. Western stnto n careful study, vonuc, in a-iini . . niiiiinK linn been mndo of girl life In wonn i-ain .muhiuikiuii the open country nnd tho small Ml- Boned etc ........... iMnciur nno IriRC Anions tho iiiestlonn nuked i l!enedlrtus, In A-flnt Uuck was tills: "What Is your fnvorlto Hymn No. CIS. nrffiinnlmliinoiit?" Of tho 2G0 t'lrls , "To .ion 8 mil l wu -uy lyyua. iwhn ronllcd. 23S named milsle. Tho; second nroreroiirp. wiileli was lor nmiii-nlilnrv llll.l Mlllv llllin Ot('B 111 ItHfiuor. I ! X- ? .. A. !,.. Ini'o nf 111 linn U not OX- JV" uiui?, j-uiki mill iiuuui. SNAPS COOH HAY OIIU, AVItlTIJS OI XIAfJAltA IX WIXTKIl rniil AVatldim DcciIIiph llio filory And (.'niiKH'iii' of AiiN'rlrn'H Wonderful Ji'tills I'mler Sjifsjll of I'rost Kliifc Tlio following vivid Niagara Falls In tho winter ten by Miss. I'cnrl Watklns In a letter how to cronto an acceptable social , homo and whllo not Inlendod for life for youiij? people in tho country! llllhllrnflllM ,ulll l,n llllim-ll,,,. rn,tj TIlO old-fllslllOIU'd BlnKlllR SCllOol, Anlthdm "Tho Palms" Hastings Faitre-Iiuck discretion of (.optionally J?rent In that particular I . resclmer dlscrlptlon or M0', h))01.)oml wmt a , lho aM Offertory Anthem ".lerusalom." inter was writ- wo.rt ()IW 01 10 Z.K problem I ., I'arker-Uees I'roRotitutlon of Alms "I'rulso Ood." Uourgeols Kecosslonnl Hymn No. JOS Jerusalem the Golden . . Kwlng March.. Verdi organist an .InnH . Mi.t mnffu lf Mill nniltla I ;.H luiiio iimiy coos nay menus 01 ,- -",,, .,..,. ,,,......,, I'ostludo "Trluiuphal way o o stage " ' " "'" ""i-ay.. "an editorial In tho VonthV -Mrs Win Horsfall, Jr., "a" dig u our loins and other 'comnniiloii. It n.lght ho difficult nnd choir director. ..,r;".h ,lp "r. " ,,B. "". -V fr to cot naaln the old-fnshloiled sing-1, iu Kuop warm, wo ion Jlllliaio - . . .. . ,)0Mi.0 . RU Vn:l'or dub li Z e I to h:i.:kat.ox i d a bam wo faced a snowy park and wcro Instantly beslogcd by slulgii drivers wno promised us all tho 1i .. ill llfLlHiilinHMnnjl I ttn tiikl. was showing hard. In an hour's time, ,l - , id ho hes raining we arrived. Slopplnc fiom tho car """ W"V. ',.'...,. ...'?.? Stiowy park and ,.-. ... i,n fnnml uninn mm from a neur-uy town couiii no oinpioyou. Milnt. 1... 1....... .1.... l. n .ml ... . , I - .. . - . , , .U1IUI1 JUIH MUU1I MUMU III nuillU Ht un V... . Vi ' ' " ' .Y "'"".'rit'rouBli tho chuieh choir. In ono f vo conts-If wo would only rMomw a mn,ior ,,! notablo suc wlth thorn. Wo preform! to walk, , r(,M n0 Kflthorcd tho young people However. from ,10 fnrI1H .jMto nB clloil.( nI1(I This being a government rcsorvo, lni)nc(1 ti,om B0 WeU thnt 110t 0iy tho park walks aro nlw'ays :optworo tluy ft of Joy to their Wean. Tho cleaners all had lclclos'OWII community, but they wcro In hanglng from their mustaches and vl(t.,i (o BK (lt festivals all over tho breath was freezing on my veil tlio Btato. Ho revived tho bountiful us wo crossed mo mtio nridge, mid , ,i iaen 0f tb0 Kastor serenade, and wcro on Ooat Islnnd In tho mlddlo H0 brought music nnd cheer to or tho N ngnrn lllvor. tii0 old and tho "shut-ins" through Tho river flowing mound this Is- his young people's choir, land forms on ono sldo tlio American , Tho boys' band and tho school nnd on tho other tho Canadian Knlls. orchestra can also bo used to advan Words fall to describe tho beauty of tago In country regions. One suc thoso rapids nbovo tho Island. They cossful country pastor In North Da woro tremendous! Hints all, nnd'tor- kota reached somo very rough boys rlfylng! as that rlvor rushed to the 'and young men In his community drop It mndo Into tho gorge, It lash- through n baud, which had ns sooth ed Itself Into it fury, then dropped Ing an Influonco upon their turhu ovcr that solid rock cliff In n groan 'lout spirits ns tho stialns of David's ulicet Into tho mist nnd roar of tho harp had upon Haul. bottomlosH pit that must bo holow. ' Not only does music meet tho "Wo stood first on tho sldo wliero social need of young people, but tho wo could boo tho American Kails, j habit of Ringing together fosters tho Tho snow wns threo fcot iIpoh and splilt of co-operation. Professor tho trees woro all crusted with nolld Carver of Harvard has called at lco from tho mist of tho falls. Tho,'0""0" '" tlint fact. In spenklng of nolso was so great nnd unfortunuto-l "" Improved rural life In Dunmnrk, ly tho mlBt was so heavy, I criuld notl,m W! "Kvory studeul who Is ln soo bo much. Tor below, IMG foot, 'li""'Wy aciiualnted with tho hls I think In tho gorgo, wim tlio llttlo tory of "l0 movemont agrees that lioiiso, tho exit from tho olovntor, ",0 1'opulnr recreations and fes whoro you eo to sen il.n Icn mount., tlvltlos Imvo been powerful nldB In uln. Thnt elevator slmft wns i.inHt...i ' crontlng this spirit, nnd that tho out of tho solid rock. You como out PI'r songs nnd hymns, nnd tho right at tho foot of tho American llnl,lt of ."'""B tlim together on falls. Tho "Ico moutnln" Is formed, "" "ccoslons, hnvo glvon to theso by tho snow and spray that Is con-1 "'creations niiil festivities n patrl. Btantly hooped up nnd freezes all win-1"11''. ""J1 o"kIou chunicter that Is tor. ono ran go very nonr thoro and ,0 '" f0,l,ul "w jo ol" '0,,,1' " you can look up nnd up and boo thnt H,K.? ". H?:x ,' ,, , , ,. , Krcnt green sheet coming, then down' .W"n,1",1',it.J,,Bt lhnt splrlt '" our mid down Into tho blackness nnd ow" L011IUJ' mist nnd ronr. Tho rlvor was frozen ' ' below tho falls. Thnt forms what In ' known nB tho "Ico Ilrldgo" but slnco ' I I'l'IMI.S lti:riT.l inoso pooplo woro lost when tho Iro , broke nwny, they will not allow nny A carefully, selected nnd well pro i The Mnrshflold Musicians Union litis olected Director It. N. Fonton, of tho Coos Uny Concert Dand ns their doloc.Uo to tho annunl conven tion of tho American Federation of Miislcliiiis which convenes nt Snn Francisco May 10. Herbert Ress ner was elected nlternnto. .;. .. .;. Mrs. Ocorgo Wntklns and Miss AIIco Tlckell will sing a duct nt tho morning sorvlco nt tho IJaptlst Church tomorrow. Mrs. H. E. Mlllor snug sovcrnl soloctlons nt tho session of tho Teachers' Instltuto nt tlio high school Frldny. She wan accompan ied by Mrs. 0. V. Knnfinnn. viva wwnwii' "TrfSMk 1 i FIRST ADDITION TO MAR SHFIELD jrdfZSSXTCS!artn, There are opportunities now to get attractive home sites in this beautiful south-side home district that wise buyers arc taking advantage of. Here are u i'ew of lho bargains still open: Choice level lot. GOxllJO foot, on Htreot Unit 1b graded, and has sldo-wnlk and city water sorvlco. Prlco $300. Only ifno cash and ?10 per month. Another lot for $300. Faces California avonuo nnd com mands superb view. Terms, $10 ensh and $10 per month. 0 A largo garden tract, 100x12 0 fcot, with four-room dwelling. This should Interest family that wants to cut out rent, quit buying fuel, and raise, a garden. $700 Is tho price Terms to suit buyor. This is the big, new residence district with good streets, water service, public school, jitney service, etc. Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) . k ' 178 Central Ave. .& il-s DOKCAS CI.LMl II. ('. Clil'II TO MKIIT Mrs. Guy Chambers and tho visitors: Mrs. Geo. Muller, .Mrs. McCulloch, i nnd Mrs. Cox of Camp 1. In two I ,. H.. ..... ...M, ...... l I mi. I..II.. .. .... - !..!. i nuuKH mu ciuu win meet iihiiiii niiii inu inuies oi mo iorcns uiiid Sowing Club will moot JIr8, Jj- D- Smith, Mrs. 11. K. llcssey, spent u very cnjoynblo afternoon nt .ii i h. o, ,ii. uuiup and .Mrs. j. a. uouil- i inu uuiuo ui .Mrs. i, .m. louver nisi will bo the hostesses. 2 ! ! ono to go out thoro. Wo then wont I"rod program was given by pupils over to tho other sldo of tho Island ' "f Ml" KAnn I.oulso Iarson nt hor nnd saw tho Horso Hhoo Falls. They Bl,"" lt Snturdoy afternoon, nro of such troinondouB grnnduro, T" progium wiib opened with a Indescribable. You know ono Ih nb- "rllllnnt rendition of l'nikor'H "Nn- Bolutoly Incapnblo of putting feel- I10"" '" ,l"'' form. MIbb Larson as- IngM Into words, over such u scene. H8'B'I Miss lrouo Holm In this mini- "110 ICOIS IllOIr own iir L'll f rnnra or nnd tho grentncsB of Cod, thnts all n inspirniion overwhelms ono to try nnd ho groat and strong ns tlioy look upon tho mnrvnl. A henvy mist clouded tho plnco thorn, too, Then ncrnss tlio river Inv Ills Mnjosty'a Country, nnd looked It too Ainnv hotels nro on cither bank of tho i Iv or. Tho fnmous Whirlpool was frown. ' ?lH 1I!r,0U M ho I could not seo. 1 shall soon bo , V1r,s,,1r?,1 over In tho KIiik'h Country nnd will '' . " ,1.11' . tl go Ico boating on Toronto liny. I "' ,,,;., ... will toll you nil about thnt." zmr. 3DC D ?nnAlNT jilatform " or jiroiiiiscrt thnt make it groat party, it's tho nii'ii who carry otit tlioso pronuHviJ. Kv'rylhing lKiylioiitKI.M-ri' ih carried out by thu highest toliacco Jiousu in the world. &&& The experienoo mnl ris ourco nf lho iurlil'a largo! IiiImi'ui imixIiiiit arc l.chln.1 YD VKT. lho SiiioKllicut Siniiking Tobac co, Two cnrn' palicut curing J behind llmt ayi'd ill'lllO-XOOll lllclloM lll'HU tlut h M l. 1.1" oiui, 10-ccut tint ami 5i'tnit jncluldiiicd Lag. i V." w Jbai MIbb Holm played a Tarau (oll by Plcszouka. That this young performer has an nhuuilnuco of tnl out Is evident. Under tho compotout guidance of .MUh Larson thoro should bo n big future fur hor In tlio musical world. ! rands Lyons, Kdun Umw, Helon Merchant, Ida Cook, and DorU Soiiim- spluudldly, showing ud inns cut uudor- ht.iiHlluit In their different num. hor. Lust, but not It'iut. llttlo Lois Iluwiford muni bo mentioned. Shu won tho lii'iiitf of tho audlonco with her sweet niiiiiiium. Hho pluyod her two iiuiubuiM nicely Tim program cloudy with u Pol ou:im for two iluno ulKht bunds - -uy uovoll. Tho H. V, with Miss Helen Oulovson next Snt urday nftcrnoon. Tho following girls nro members: .Misses Myrl Cox, Anna Downs, Volmn Hoss, Mnrjorlo Ful- mor, Wllla llonobrnko, Wllniii lloug land, Helen (lulovson nnd Huby Plt muii. f 0 KitlDAV CIjUH I Tho North Ilend Fildny'ciub mot last ovonlng with Mr. and -Mrs. H. O'.Mnin of Mnrshflold. A vor.v onlovuhlo tlinn wns Btient ! nnd tho following mombors woro present: Mr. nnd .Airs. If. .1. Lin den, Dr. nnd Mrs. I. I). Itnrtlo, and tho upoclnl guests woro Mr, and Mrs. Frank Denning, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ocklomun nnd Mr. and Mrs. Olo- 111 1111. Tho lud I ea of tho club will mcot Iu two weeks with Mrs. I. II. Ilnrtle In North lleud. : 6 I PAm:xT-Ti:A('iii:it.s cia'ii i Tho Hunker Hill Pnront-Tonehcrs' Club mot nt tho school Friday after noon with a good attendance. Tho following program was rendered: A piano duet by tho Misses Olga I nnd Inn Chrlstonson was much ap preciated. The pupils of tho prl- mnry department then sang somo of their school songB with spirit. Wednesday. Tho majority of tho club mombors were present. Mrs. Chns. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Kd Cof folt, of North llend, wero speclnl guests of tho afternoon. Mrs. Clnr onco Collver, Mrs. 13d Coffolt unit Mls3 Ituby Collver assisted tho host ess In serving dollclous refresh ments nftcr a pleasant hour of Hewing and conversation. Tho members present wcro Mrs. II. Sinlthgall, Mrs. John Collver, .Mrs. Clnrcnco Collver, Mrs. Carl Smedberg, Mrs. Harvey Hussoll, Mrs. Ilnrry Russell, .Mrs. Chas. Spoouor, Mrs. P. I). Jllnke, Mrs. Glsch. Miss '; 8 s Tho pupils of tho First Grodo gavo mi u.Miiuiiiuu oi iiiuir reiiuiu),, wuic u p. ..i. ,a . i,'J,' , i-i" showed excellent progress. MIbb 80l,,'.J r8 Jesao Pnrkor, Mrs. Knlno Doris Phillips then played n Piano itAi.vnow ciii'ii Last Thui'Hdiiy the following ladies wero hoHtosHOA nt tho meeting of the Knliihnw Club In tho club houso Mrs. .lustrum, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs, Robertson, mid Mrs. W. II. Smith who ufter a plonxaut time of nccdlo work nnd social cjuit, served a boun tiful luncheon to (ho following mem bers; Mrs. F. llodson nnd baby Irvln, Mrs. T. F. Smith and baby Margnrot, Mrs. II, K, Ilossey,. Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, Mis. L. 1). Smith, Mrs. W. C. .Morgan nnd baby Wllma, Mrs. W. h. Worth mnl baby Kvolyn, Mrs. Nathnu Cutltp, Mrs. Loronzo Cutllp, Mrs. .1. .1. ClluUeubenid, Miss Ada Cllnkeiibeard, Mrs. .1. K. ChlldorH and baby Luclle, Mm. Win. Rich eoIo, which was woll dono. Mrs. L. Chrlstcnsoii declining to snri'n nn nrimlilniil. Mm llntt Hn 1 wno elected to sorvo for tho balance of thy term. Mrs. W. IT. Phillips rend an ex cellent paper upon "Curo of tho Child In tho Adolescent Ago." Tho club adjourned to meet on tho fourth Friday of April. Mr. Drlllotto presided. MIhb Knlno, .Mrs. Dun Mnttson, Misses Lena Mnttson, Ituby Collvor, Hon rlotta Collvor nnd .Mrs. T. M. Coll vor. Tnko jour family ti TIMIKKV or CIIICKIIX IIINNKIliit tho MI-TV CAFKTintl.V SUNDAV. agjMpfc HKk-H 1. 4HipiKSjH. wmr ssk. oli vji KTb xHPA Try u Suiters. Jtiissliin TlilrMovltcli ut Coos Bay Musical Directory .i ...I. l.... O 11 f..ltl l.l... tnu bh Playing was very ,Sr. M. K. Goo. Smllh and baby Robert, Mrs. Dald Hunch nnd baby I'.'lUuhcth, Mrs. .1, Krouimluga, Miss llhinch Cutilii, MIhh Olu Klclnud, 3DC J good. MIhx Ar who Is ono of Mis. Cnnwuy'K pupllw, nsUted with two uumbar. MIm Ayro Iiiih n wpeinlld volco nnd the umllciiif eiijnyod hor hIukIiik er iniicli. MIhh I .a mo n poMoMoii rnro gifts , iu ii leHclier. Tun recital hmt Sat urdn was another proof of her mnrked ability. I 1 I'llMMNAUi: Cl.lll 'I he ".Mixllny From tho South" four i.irt souk arrannod by nrr llitli PlWo piomliwH to b a special tlun nt the Cliumiunde cou 'it at the i low of the . ennon. Swaiiiv Rir, Carry Mo Mink to Old VIibIiiI.i. Old Hhick .li, .Ms Old Kciitiuky lloiii, .M.Uhn's m di- Cold. Cold Urouii', iui, l)e l..iiid. niako up lho luodlox. lilonil ln the miIcws iu Utfiiuttriii liftc--iiiouy. i Tho darky wrviinilo 'Wako MIm Llndj," u trio, words b Lillian i Footer Colly umi rraiigiHl lJ ' Waldo Warner, 1 tt Jolly melud) upon wliiiii the club u working to brtnii out tho iliiie linrui-uiy mid ilixlim bvlongluu to th- southern mti ili' On utronui of the utreuuou work nn tin. i lionise nt iht meeOng Frl i'n iih. KkliKid puper vs held oi-r tu- tin- ii-m incHliiK oi the I lib. A A A I'lU'RCIl .MCSU' Henrik Gjerdrum PIANO INSTRUCTION Studio MYRTLE ARMS Phono 356-J irso JriraoH: 110 Eo Conway VOICE Plhooe Violin and Piano I'. Anthony i'- .mj- s. To.iihlug Studli. ItHI Phono U1IU-,). Oivhotrn Work CeiKrul Aii, Apniiuieiit .'! Tomorrow being plw Sunday, Hi- tollowluK program of miule will i.e givon at Ummaiiuel church 1 1 ii - t;.il 1 Oi an. 1 ' i 1; in 1 1 1 1 - K M .- 1 1 , , l i . - 'ii, Jtjn.u .No v'i Becker Brothers HIGH GRADE PIANOS Made In Ebony, Ma hogany, Oak, Walnut. Sold Exclusively By Henrik Gjerdrum Mjille rnis, Maisliflcld, Or, 369L in WATER WASTE Llttlo drops of wntor drlpplnj; from many faucets nnd lenity flMiiros mnkofl a flood of waste. New washers nro easily placed in fnucotB and doos not requlro n plumber If thoro Is n vnlva to shut off nil tho wntor from tho houso n8 thoro should bo In ovory enso. A now washer costs nbout nothliiB but If n leak Is nllowod to continue Iour, tho vnlvo sent may bo cut and an en tiro now faucet required. A faueot leaking to tho extent of only sepnrato drops of water will wasto 10 unllons por day and 5S40 gallons per year V nolo 1-8'.' Inch In dlnmotor is so small that nn ordinary phi will nearly fill it, yet In ono day 528 Kallons or In ono year U1,700 Billions of water will bo wasted, which Is as much as :i or 4 fani llles nWU ubo In the sumo time. Multiply tho waste from ono faucet by seural hundred nnd tho figures nro so enormous that It u Miotic 1.t.n ...! -.1 . .. ' ' a ..iij luiiivt hi vim way waier systems nil over tlio trjlns to educattf tho public In preentltiB waste. country aro Coos Eay Water Company. .MAltSUFIKLD AND XOK'III IIKXI), Olti:(jo. What Has Done So Much Fi A flaM ClM-m 'A o I71nf vinikvl n C44i VAIJ UOWIWV Whether amid thn whirr nf the wheels of in dustry In factories large or small or In the quiet of the residential neighborhood, Electric Light and Power from Central Station clean and efficient has abolished needless grime and soil, at the same time giving better re sults at less expense A Still Wider Application Central Station Service is bound to mean a still cleaner town. The SPnrnnnfmn nf ihn nnnenmntinn nf fuel 10 light and power in our power plant wquld eliminate the smudge Which is invariably a part of the promiscuous individual consump tion of fuel. .. Efficient methods of production mean tnai oy tho lien nf Ponlnol O Infirm CnrilriP VOll Will D assured of absolutely reliable power at less vua. vvny nui invusliiait: iiuvi Oregon Power Co, Second and Central Phone 178 n-' ..- i Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Todnv You cannot afford to bo without health or aoMnf i.. r. Villi , .! .1.. I . . w,k "OUUtHCO. w "' iu uisurniico, out you until in l. li:ivn llin ,w.rn,.. ll.. ... .... . . ' . ' ' V ,u UO "UU ....... ... .vi, t.,. (U mu uosi anu most reliablo IIIU UUSlllOSS, company in See me or phono mo at once and I will explain It to you E. I. CHANDLER, Agenfc Marsh fic'd, ;,.o CoKo Uuildlmr Hiffh Onalitv Groceries Olir 0WI1 nrnmnt nnrl nnrtinnlnr HftliverV ServlCJ flolent clerks-being out of the high rent dis W. keeping our prices as low as consistent ness makes Conner & Hoadand The Leatlinn Grocers Dealers in Good. GroceflfK 797 Smith nnno,l,.,ow DhnnrtC 348-J W --. wwi.i, a ui UUUIVClVi I IIUII-w - " - lrttl3tfea