BBBSSMSBmim i t nm Wwf7Ty. t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. THREE Koontz Garage Agency for I nnr r-An Tlnro run. nlrr OVERLAND CARS uuuu icnn imw-cAbtuiuti MlflTORCYULtb uiviupj uho cimuiimcd Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front o Vie want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash, GET A RECEIPT DOS Day A ta; - v. xww v,v,ow 1'liono ilDI-.T. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTr r Established 188W. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Utcrewt Paid fin Tlmo Deposit YOU CAN PAY YOUR TAX US THROUGH THIS HANK . ... .. Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. A' J. II. Flunngnn, Vl e-Presldcnt. 11. F. WJHJiifiis, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, ..sit. Cashier. Ji UJriErti . vTi. i (A -4 fr'TfiStm fi, I V FWw i rf vx -, (f I trr 1 II AT ...THE awB Abstracts Iiin RELIABLE ARSTHACTS OF TITLE AND 1NFUHMATION w ' ADOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See fULE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. JIAItSIIFIELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON kvrnAiiAoi:xTS, i:astsidk axd sexgstackex-s addition I AGENTS 10K OAXADIAX PACIFIC RAILROAD LAXDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER fo BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- it been a hobby with us for a good jnny years and n lot of arable framing mntorlal nt tho right prlco wo know our busl ... lint toll what you want to build and tbo amount you want o ipend nd wo'll got busy with our poncll and flguro out tho bott . .mm tin v H'rt ii our Boat) mu uujt - ;, A. 'Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL DILL 1 TWO III USING OUR, WOOD hOSE 100; 1H2 SOUTH HHOADWAY mportant Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF ' DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU ROT NATIONAL BAN OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For 'Rent. arsIifield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service wei Mnrsliflcld nt Uusy Corner 10:00 n.m. 2: 00. p.m. 6:00 p.m. lire North Ilond lt in In- utes Inter Leaves Emplro. 8:30 n.m. 11:30 n.m. 3:30 p.m. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undlvldol proflta $125,000.00 OFFICERS: J. W. Donnott, President Arthur McKcown, Secretary Tom T. nennott, VIco President Donnott Swnnton, Trcasuror Transacts a trust business only. Acta ns trustcu of express trusts and also as executor and administrator of estates. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outside of Portland organized undor now trust law In this stato. .SCAIFKia A. II. IIODGINS fjjj clBpljl PAINT AND JlllltlU nFrnoATiwr: rn m lLVaVilrl I II1VJ y KMIm.itcs Furnished le 110-11. Maihhfleld, Oregon ITY AUTO & TAXI CO. am) Kin it kkkvici: t ltd, phono 20, Chandlor Hotel. ci during cars, phono 20 I mangier Hotol UKN LAMIIETH, Prop, j 'Cmi : : Now Cars I CHIMNEYS FIIU3 PLACES I J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Drlck Work at Prices That Are Right Ami all Work Guaranteed Call at "Tho Flrcslno," Johnson Rldg., 137 Socond 8t. Phone 4.14-J. French Rnngos. Bollor Work AVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS I'liono 1!00.L. f'gtit and Day. IJISM Cafo. iCiri, i. l 1-ooti:. Cnroful Driver HE AFFY AVERN HOME MADE CANDY Wo umlco lco cream 378 Central live, P"ono 13 Mi MTER-OGEAM THAMSPORTATIDM CO. Weekly Servlco Cooh liny ami San Francisco. T IS il SMITH Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, i From Coos Bay Saturdays. run sax niAXcisco Saturday, jiarcu srvu, at i p. m. San Praiulsco Office, flOO l'lfo llullilliif', and l'lct- Number 113 Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McQeorcie, Phono 44. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday Pictures & Framing Walker Studio TUB FAST AND COSIFORTAHLH S S. Geo. W. Elder NKWLV KQUIPPKD WM IT. LflUR.CMPC unTi-i i ptUHean'ofMarshflold ill n.i.n i?ri2ia?. "oms. v.j U'!' NORTH PACiriO STEAMSHIP CO. n. F. McGEORGB AGENT W. . PAINTER Phonu 44, Marshfleld Phono 42t, North Bend L;(f aio- t SfllC Dinmr-v ifENRV&R f'r-0 T Icon l i ,'.IiUL-c l-UML I m " both 95.00 '. fliUHSOX, Prop. in,, . "",0 oruers at "'lljer'. cisar Str. RnnrmirN 'AIBIMR n.H WM MATPRIfll Q ' ftLT,S AND CEMENT ' 8 U BRICE r. aa. LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on Uio most delicate fabrics. Wo posi tively guarantee all work Phono 13 1-X. Address .1.11 Central Arcnuo. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y EQUIPPED WITH WIREIiKSH. s eamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMB. SAILS FROM .MARSHFIELD EVERY MONDAY DURING .MARCH OX THE FOLLOWING DATES: MARCH 15, AT :00 A. M. MARCH Uli AT 1 P. .M.; MARCH til), AT H:30 A. M.; and fnuu PORTLAND, EFFECTIVE MARCH lOlli, AXD EERY FRIDAY THEREAITER. TICKETb ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, BTH AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. Phono 85-J. O. II. LANDEKS, ARenl 47? ..'AA.A ofsi.pi, r.,;.: - --" ll.M 0jf VOUIt SAVINGS Willi !. Si!:ni'iLDixG wl,..i .'- ke- I'Ur m V - 4O'000-00 ,; ::yji" co., ai lifjisur,.,, 14 7 Prom St SOUTH COOS RIVER IJOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfleld every day 8 a. in. Leaves head of river at 3:15 p. in. STEAMER RAIXROW leaves head of river dally at 7 a. in. Leaves Mars'HeId at 2 p. in. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & KMITII Proprietor - I D 100 AT, CAMPBELL'S .W00DYARD Norih Frot Htrsat, Phone S7. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available; for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly modern twenty-Inch hydraulic tlrcdgo In Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Main office, Seattle, Washington. SWEDISH EVAXGELlCAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. U. 1 Hcnctson. Pastor, RcsldcncQ 291 Highland avenuo. Phone !M-U. Sunilay school at 0:43 a. m. Holy Communion at 1 1 a. in. On Palm Sunday, March 2Sth, there will ho Holy Communion nt 11 o'clock. North Head service, 7:30 p. in. NORTH REND PRESIIYTERIAN Rev. Frederick Shlmlan, Pastor . Bible school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at G:45 p. m, METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. S. HlFoy, Pastor. North irend ?& -!- I NORTH REND MIIRARY '. SCHOOL NOTES f i The North Rend Library 'Hoard hold Its regular monthly meeting on Tho services Sunday will bo as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. in. 1 1:00 a. m. Surmon. Vesper Clrclo and Epworth League at 7 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH MARSHFIELD Musa will bo cclobrnted at 8:00 and 10:H0 o'clock Sunday morning by Row Fnther McDovltt. I FIRST 1IAPTIST CHURCH 1 Albert F. Hassfoid, M. A. I I Rcsldcnco CCS So. 11th strcot C0-X I Illblo School at 10 n. m., with graded classes and competent teach ers. Worship nt 11 a. in. A cordial, welcomo is extended to all. 4 UXITED HHETHHEX CHURCH I I NORTH REND Mrs. It. N. Lewis. Pastor Sabbath School at 10 n. in. HIGH SCHOOL First Grado Thursday afternoon nt tho library. Tho following children woro nolth lu tho absence of tho President, Mrs. i cr nbsent nor tardy last month: Dalo L. J. Simpson, Mrs. C. M. llylcr, M,u,70y wllllam Anderson Phllln Vice President, took tho chair. Other r1 , , "' , , '" Aulcr80n' l ' ""P inonibors of tho Association present Coff,' Edward Fourier, Emma Uan- wcro Mrs. Oeo. Hazcr, treasurer, Mrs. sen, ncnry in W. C. Woodbury, secretary, Mrs. C. F. . Loita Lapp, McColluiu mid Mrs. L. C. Reynolds. U()8 RlIb w Tho absent membeis of tho board I,, . , wcro Mrs. Oeo. Hazcr, treasurer, Mrs. sen, Henry Hansen, Myron Harris, Allco Mauzey, Donald right, Kolth Hall,Dur- othy Raines, Alice Durrows, Mcarlo Howe, Vesta McElroy, May San qulst, Lena Holmes. Hhtll Glildo Thcso pupils have had porfect wcro Mrs. R. A. Wernlch, who is out of town mid Mrs. Herbert Armstrong, who was absent on account of ill ness. Tho board decided to purchnso a linn- rnt-il llulnv na tlln rnllirtll)ll nf .. ..... v.. .. w ... . ... moro than 700 books Is too largo to ' spelling lessons tins week, Albert handle ea-ly by tho present method. llassford, Louise Oldloy, Margaret The Librarian's report showed G78 , Powers, .leiinctto WIIboh. hooks looncd during tho month and , Tho followlmr mado 100 In tho 800 persons as having visited tho li brary. Tho ninnngonicnt of tho library believes It Is lending moro books in proportion to tho number of books on its shelves and tho population of tho city, thnn any other library In tho country. Tho book coinmlttco's report showed 2 I new books added by pur clmso and 23 donated, ranking n total of 47 boolis added during tho mouth. Tho treasurer reported all bills paid to date and a balance on hand cover ing running expenses for two months in advance. Tho Library Association is deeply grateful to tho Chamlnodo Club of Marshflold for giving olio of its splendid concerts in behalf of tho li brary. Tho concort netted tho library ovsr twenty-six dollars after paying all oxpenses. Tho club gavo its servic es to tho library thru ttio generous Intervention of Its director, Mrs. Win. llnrsfall. Asldo from tho flnauclnl assistance, tho library association spelling contest: Ethel Davis, Edward Payne, Efflo Holmes, Claronco Wright, Mnybcllo, McLaughlin, Ar nold Sampson, Lcona Hoffman, Will iam Kreltzor, Albert Rassford, Franc es Lyons. CronJIo Noblo, Arthur Hansen, Mnblo Drown, Horshal Claus en, Evelyn Fourlor, Fordlnand Lo coci), Irono Mcl'lierson, Jonnotto Wil son, Arthur Hlllstrom, Raymond Durrows, Margarot Powers. Fifth Grado Thcso pupils mndo 100 In tho geog raphy test, Fronds 8acchl, James Lyons, Eniorson Noff, Helen !Mcr chant, Ero Jarvlnou, and Oswald Uergland. Thcso mndo 100 In tho arithmetic test. Herbert Murphy, Francis Flan agan, Gladys Durrows, Helen Perkins EugciiQ Crosthwnlt, Den Soronson, Duncan Dashnoy and Ero Jnronon. Fourth Grndu Thoso who had 100 in tho recent spelling contest for tho work of tho Christian Endeavor nt 7 p m. fw,8 ltBel jimtly rolltl for briB,nB iwst eight weeks were, Walter Sncd Preachlng at n n. m. nnd 8,,,. nll n,nr,ni:.n,10M. . vrnrn, iin,,,i! "Ion, Oeorgo Murpliy, Myrtlo Con- Lin7an? nviinv WcaueBany 0V0" ' that provided by tho Chamlnndo 'V'"'. A'"on nKar(,c" .'V0""0 ." i,: Inlng at 8 o clock. clu, , , , t MtH imt CcM 'omnAnm T " t rnnbi hIiip wltii croat rrodlt boforo Sllowi Alfred Mchlroy, Albort Woh- I NORTH REND CHRISTIAN r?"lrt "VJh... l . .,Cat.". i1.1:. .,?.,? ber. Lillian Johnson. Vlrcll. Lo CHURCH "." ni o cm uu, im , . Vnrll-Irnnl ,in A-. ltt. A lllll L 111! I PLO RllUn LK.IIII11U ll Ul.U , -Mrs. S. Gregg, Minister- tho n class, William "McArthur, niiD. a. u.w-hb, '"' ' ' '., n..,,nM i im. nnlv In n Hlnl. l" '"0 " CIBSS, William .MCArillUr, Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. o "M oxyoct ,c"1yg1l" Jjgl Slnry MeKlnnon. jnrl Nordrum, Mark lib o School, 10 a. m. ropons. inni sucu a niusicni orgnnizn- n Gordon Noff Ell Sftmiison, Sunday School at 12 Sunday. "on oxlsta In Coos County Is causo ! A7,ft wio", ' Haml)son 4 for self congrntulntlon to ovory np- prcciniivo ciiizcn. Tho book committco tins rcroivcu NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Row II. O. Thorno Services will bo hold In tho Nor-1 for tho library some photo roproduc wcglan Lutheran church nt Maish-i tlons of a floral calendar from tlio field Sunday at 1 1 a. m. Sunday school mtots at 10 a. m. University of Oregon which tho Her barium of tho University Is plnnnlng Knrvlpos will lm lmlil In tlm Vnivlto send out from tlmo to tlmo to tho puiiiio iiunwujti in inu nuiiu, iiiu iin-u on tho part of tho University Is to enrourngo tho study of local botany. Thcso photo reproductions nro excel lent pictures of tno wild flowers or Oergou. Tho sheets contnln dotallcd drawings of tho plants Including tho flower, seed nnd roots; also nug gcstlvo notes on tho plants thus Il lustrated. Every studont of Dotany as wnll as ovory lover of wild flowors, will find thcso photo reproductions or much interest nnd of valuable as sistance In analyzing and classifying tho common plants of Oregon. Tho following books havo boon nd ded by nurchaso to tho library this weok. "Mrs. Wlggs of tho Cabbngo Patch, Two Roy Publishers, Doctor Ramsoy'H Patient. Tho Ross of Wild Itlvor, When Knighthood was In Flower nnd tho Dimllng MIhb David son. Tho series of essays by Rnluh Waldo Emerson, known ns English Traits, waa donated by Mrs. Geo. wcglan Lutheran Chapel at North Rend at 7: in p.,m. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. 4 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ItliumlMailict. R. E. Drowning, Rector 8 a. m , iloly Communion. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. Address J. T. Ilrniid nt 10: in. 11:00 a. m. Special Masonic Ser vlco. Subject: "Speculative .Mason ry n Ilnlldlng of God not M.ido by Hands," All Masons are to ns soniblo nt Masonic Hall at 10:30 and march to tho chinch In a body. 3 p. m. sorylco in St. Mary's church North Iloiul. 7:30 Service In St. Luko'u church, Empire. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. Local Eldor, J. H. Quails. Seventh Dav Advontist services nro conducted ovory Siiturdny as follows: , Maudlgo Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Dlhlo Study nt 11 a. in. Young Pcoplo's Socloty nt 3 p. in. Prayer Mooting Wednesday nt 7:30 n. m. : . I CATHOLIC CHURCH I I NORTH REND V- AT THE HOTELS I 4 llnv. 1,'athor McDovltt Mass will bo colubrated Sunday morning nt 8 by tho Rov. Futhor Wallace. 4 rhaiidlcr Hold II. II. Kollpriiian, Portland; Anna Kimo, North Inlet; ,T. 13. Gnrdnor and wlfo, Lakeside; W. D, Slovonson, San Francisco; Charles F. Papo, Dan don; H. Hunch, Reaver Hill; C. D. Oahrllhion, Salom; W. W. Ashhy, lnrMniiil. A T. Ilnnrli. Ilnnvor Hill! CHRISTIAN CHURCH lln c i ,.',,,., iriln,l. f ir Sorvlccs as fo lows at tho Church, .,.ortIim',,. 0i u .kstroni, North In- cornor Sixth and Control: ,ot ,,, j 1)or,lnn(1. A. E. egular services every Sunday. C01Icl, cnqulllo; Sol. Dralnd. Sac- Dlblo School at 10:00 a. m. raI,10nto; J. L. Masson, Myrtlo Point. St. utwivuro Hoici Arthur Frank, Dig Rnplds, Mich igan; 13. N. Farloy and wlfo, Oak land; L. 11. Ilagor, Soattlo; Arctura Spraguo, North Inlut; Clara 13. Spraguo, Coos River; Mr. and Mrs. O. RJorko, Coos Rlvor; Harold Taylor, Coqullle; Rnymond 13. Dakor, Co qulllo. Rlniiro lloU'l John Smith, Doavur Hill; II. Good pastor, Reaver Hill; William noye, Ilandon; II. A. Senborg, Portland; A. Docker, Portland; Claro Domont, Myrtlo Point; John A. Dobbins, Myrtlo Point. Lloyd Hotel Ci IIP llnnvlu nnCta Dliini.) A T W ,, IWIMIW, W"n IU1lil ... ... Jonos, San Francisco; Etta Drown, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian .Science Hall. 237 Third Strcot North Sorvicos at 11 a. in., Sunday and 1 8 p. m. Wednesday. SubJecU "Reality." I Roadlng room opon ovory day oxcept Sunday and holidays from 1 to I p. Ill, 4 .METHODIST EPISCOPAL. .'osoph Knotts, Pnstor. - Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning Sorvlco ut 11 a. in. All nro cordially Invited. Epworth Lenguo "at C:30 p. in. Junior Loaguo Servlco Thursday afternoon at 3:46. Tho A class won ovor tho.D class, with an nverago of 98. C. Allco MeKlnnon hns been HI for tho past faw days. Thoso whoso attondnnco was per fect for tho past month ore, Mary MeKlnnon, Allco MeKlnnon, Wnltor Sneddon, liuronco Koontz, Elbort Nlcsh, Ell Sampson, Virgil Lo Clair, Lester Post, Clraco McElroy, Archlo Snow, Oeorgo Murphy, John Nord strom, llnrry Walp, Alma Wlosor, Katlo Krouiiuga, Lillian Johnson, Cecil Doll, Third Giiulo Perfect In arithmetic for tho wook: Anonn nildonnrnud. Porfect In spoiling for wook; Eu gouo Snmpsnu, Anonn Hlldonhroiid, Margaret Wood, Mahle Nolsnn, Helen Payno, Loona Holmes, Evelyn Koontz Josnphlno Savagn, AugustiiH Hoffman Knrlno Soronson, Sis-olid Grudo Tho following pupils stood 100 In mi arithmetic test. Marlon Knrdoll, Dornotn Lapp, Charles Hoffman, Curtis Nnclo, Frank Ilnbson, Glonda Abbott, Sid ney Nordsirom, Richard Krominlnga, Hjallo Nordrum. Lots Rlack, Will iam Dashnoy, Charllo Vasoy, Allco Holmes. Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. Holmes paid tho grado a visit last Tuesday. NOTICE. Tho aiiuunt meeting of tho Marsh field Laud Company will bo hold In tho office of I. S. Kaufman & Co., on Front stroot, RarsJiJlold, Oregon, on Monday, April tho nth, 1 9 IB, at I o'clock P. M., for tho election of directors and. forvtho transaction of such other business ns may bo brought boforo tho moot ing. Dated at Marshfleld, Oregon, tho Cth day of March, 19 IS. O. W. LESLIE, Socrotary. First publication March G; last publication April 3. Prayer Mooting Thursday ovon-j,, F'rBncUco. aono drnnt. Wagner; Ing nt 7:30 o clock. IT u MyorBi i.omonu, cal.j E. C, YOU MAY BE SORRY IF YOU ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE FOR NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In tho County Court of tho Stuto of Oregon for Coos County. In the mllttor of tho ostato of Marlon Jaspor MacDouald, soma tiiiios known ns M, J, McDonald, also known aa M. Jaspor McDonnld. deceased. Notlco Is horehy given to whom It may concern that Henry Songs tnckon, administrator of tho abovo entitled ostato, has filed his final account herein and that Hon. James Yarhorough, Rcavor Hill; P. J. Smith, I Watson, Judge of tho abovo entitled Coos River; Mrs. C. V. Smith, San Court, has ordorod that April Cth, Francisco; Jonnlo L. Smith. 8an,191Ci , , ,.,.. A .. . th I Francisco; J. W. Runcli, Coquillo. This Reliable Cough Medicine w'";- (1)"v''?'4 ,riuT That cough I. nature'. c forho.p. It', a K"f "oby given that tho T-arnlng-a tyuiMom, mabo of bronetiltU, undersigned, eXOCUtllX of tho ostato ihSs-ffofCyrtidrogffiSifS of Robort August Horman Krugor, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound uocoased, has fiie.i hor imm account andubsiuuithtiihoenvinii horoln. And tho Court has appolnt- Ttnn't int.. rhmM wild n anl.ttltuto. Unrn. ' ml Mnnilnv I lm 3rd day of MaV. U'fMUBbsqutoklywowpoel.llr jy, ftt , hmf flf 10.00 .,,,,. i!"Wiiii.,ih,S!i!a' "' or sal'1 lluy' "nd tl10 Cour- liaal tho irritate.! ,1101180 nt Co(iilllo City, Coos County, uVida'nua11; "iib'5 tllS Oregon, ns tho tlmo and placo for t.ju"Z,oQcaaattl'o ,,0lirlK ol objections to said for sur kind of cough, final account and tho settlement rirnter forlr jtearj ' , , Fotet' Hone and theroof, , SSfitSr.'KH'i.ywlK -. JOHANNA S. KRUGER, tlmuiAnds of faiullle.. Ivn.nlrlv nf !.. ntilnln nf llnliorl Iteinemlier the oamo I''H IIo.vei anu , . Tab tViuraiDu4 look for tho Uwuira ou August Herinrn Krugor, deroasod tU? y.Uow ra.r. .,. . ..., .,. , ,, ,st ,,,,. ijtltx Lvtni v)w is n iiuuiu, i .Sold by Owl Piesirlptlon Pharmacy April 10. tlmo appointed for tho hearing of objections thoreto and tho settle ment thoreof, All porsoiis having objections to snid final account or to tho settle ment theroof nro hereby , notified to file tho same with tho Clerk of tho uliovo entitled Court ou or bo foro tho tlmo appointed for tho set tlement thoreof. ' , Dated .March C, 191G, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Administrator (First publication March C; last publication April 3rd, 1915; pub lished weekly. l4iiiurli Mllllconui will leave for Allegany Sunday morning at (I o'clock for tho coiunilcnco of tlm i fishermen. 75 cents round trip. lU.ULLL,IIJJgCEB! 5