The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 27, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 15, Image 21

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4 m t . " a
The Secret oi the lMght By Gaston Leroux
TJlllll.iii.xt .ni.111,111 Slum (jir lll'j
..... r.if.i.
t noui.lBbllle. oJten
..f W?!?,il!l.S?Uiin ne.
ilL I -- ii r IIPI1CII --
ch.,"ho Itf. ;
."Vh.'oenr. .J
i hm ' f'Ar Madame Trebaiaof.
iu .nlrVl2,ir injured by the
"m"" delectl. '"" l!!
J'"10!- 7. In lor" with Borli but
lrtMVk. itrrlMa nlRhtmarM that
irBi''S.Mn her Innocence.
,Hlni n """
ne Ofneml I'otmeimde .
" mv dear llttlo fa-
1 miliar m ,r" ao"crn, ",e.Pt
. ... ir. did not touch Ills narcotic. I
,t Jt It l 'at 'w""1 n'turo
anl IUI0 lfc . . I-.4..1 .lnntiltt
SffwdW tittle friend, you
rt'B "pt an Instant. I know It.
KuSi everywhere about the
Hie o little mouse. All. It seems
S?SScd I .lept so peacefully.
"Ail All jwu '""" " '-
I, certainly ol "acl,y ,,.,,e a dcn,f
do not
r.... jMnvlo.doukh. 8eo how
...... .like. Ho smokes Just
! .: r..
.... Vriimnir iian. v .
w.k ury brlsht this morning. You
, worn out. I Imvo Just arranged
hi llttlo guest chamber for you. the
, one wa Imvo. Just behind mine.
Mr bed la waiting for you. isthern
.Mthlns you need? Tell me. Every
Itinr here 1 at your service."
not In nco,l ot anything.
wdanie." the young man BinHlng
"aflir this outpouring of words from
uirood, heroic dnmc.
low csn you soy that, dear child?
in will make yourself sick. 1 wniit
in to understand that I wish you to
JtiL I want to a a ,no'ncr to 'ou'
If jou pleaie, and you mutt obey inc.
ur child. ve you had breakfast yol
Ihli morning? If you do not have
trukfnt promptly mornings, I will
kuv mii ar annoved. I am so all-
lord tfcst you have heard tho secret
it lh night 1 have boon nfrnld that
job would want to lrava at once and
for rood, and that you would have
mlitilccn Ideas about the General.
litre it not a better man In the world
lUn ftodor. and ho must have a Rood,
wr rwd conscience to dare, without
fill, to perform such terrlblo duties
u thoie at Moscow, when he Is so
rood at heart. These things ore easy
etoush for wicked people, but for good
Ben, for rood men who can reason It
out, who know what they do and that
the art condemned to death Into the
lirriln, It Is terrible, It Is terrible!
Why, I told him the moment things bo
im to bo wrontr In Moscow, 'You
Inow what to expect, Feodor. Here la
t dreadful time to Ret through make
cat you are sick.' I bollevcd ho wuii
loin? to strlko inc. to kill me on the
pot 'II Uetray the Kmpcror In such
a moment! His Majesty, to whom I
ot i everything! What aro you thtiik
Itr of. Matrena rctrovnn!' And he did
tot ipeak to me after that for two
iirt. It was only when ho Raw I was
p'lrtj 111 that ho pardoned mc, but
hi had to be plagued with my Jcro
alidi and the appealing looks of
K.UcM without end In his own home
eica time we heard any shooting In
Hi itreet. Natacha attended tho lcc
torta of the Taculty, you know. And
lU knew many of them, and oven some
of thoie who aro being killed on the
hirrlcadM. Ah, llfo was not easy for
hla In his own home, tho poor General I
BMldca, thero was also Boils, whom
lore ai well, for that matter, as my
ots (Mid, because I nhall bo very
hippy to tee bint married to Natacha
ibtre was poor Boris who always came
home from the attacks paler than a
torpie and who could not keep front
Koanlnf with us."
And Michael r questioned Itoulc-
i,!Jh,,.MI?hel onl' camo towards the
wi. He Is a new orderly to tho Oen
l The government at St Petersburg
m!m .?. becau,, of course they
?,r;lh'P learning that Boris rather
M!i,1,.m rcPre"'ng the student
m did not encourage the Ocneral In
iki,. ! ieyeIe as W,,B necessary for
tMufely of the Kmplre. But Michael.
' a heart of stone; ho knows
nothing but the countersign nnd mas
ancron fatheri and mothers, cryliifj,
'Vivo lo Tsarl' Truly, It seems his
hrnrt enn only ho touched by the sight
of Natachn. And that ognln has caused
a good deal of anxiety to Feodor and
inc. It hn caught us In a useless com
plication that we would have liked
to und by tho prompt mnrrlngo of
Nntaclirv und Horlp. But Natacha, to
ouc great mirprlso, has not wished It
to bo so. No, sho has not wished It,
saylnff that thero Is r.lways time to
think of her wedding and that he Is
In no hurty to leavo us. Meantime she
cntortalns hrrself with this Michael ni
If sho did not fear his passion, and
neither han Michael the desperate air
of a man who knows tho deflulto en
gagement of Natacha and Boris. And
my step-daughter Is not a coquette. No
no. No ono can say sho Is a coquette.
At least, no ono had been nblo to cay It
up lo tho time that Mlchncl arrived.
Can It be that sho Is a. coquetto? They
are mysterious, theso young girls, very
mysterious, abovo all when they have
that calm nnd tranquil look that
Natacha always has: a, face, monsieur,
as jou have noticed perhaps, whose
beauty Is rather passive whatever one
says ami docs, excepting when the
volleys In tho streets kill her young
comrades of tho schools. Then I have
seen her almost faint, which proves
she has u great heart under her tran
quil beauty. Poor Natachal I have cecn
her excited as I over tho life of her
father. My llttlo friend, I havo seen
her scorching In tho mtddlo of the
night, with me, for Infernal machines
under tho furniture, and then she has
expiessesd tho opinion that It Is nerv
ous, childish, unworthy of us to act
llko that, like timid beasts under tho
nufos, and she has left mo to search by
myself. True, she never quits tho
general. Kho Is inoro reassured nnd
Im reassuring to him, at his Hide. It
lias an excellent mora effect on him,
whllo I walk about and search like a
beast. And she has becomo as fatalis
tic us lie, and now sho sings verses to
tho rukIu, llko Boris, or talks In cor
ners with Michael, which makes tho
two curnged each with tho other. They
aro curious, the young women of St.
Petersburg nnd Moscow, very curious.
Wo wcro not like that In our time, at
Orel. Wn did not try to enrage peo
ple. Wo would havo lecetved a box on
tho oars If we had."
Natacha camo In upon this conversa
tion, happy, In whllo voile, fresh and
smiling like a girl who had passed an
excellent night, Sho asked after the
health ut tho young mim very prettily
nnd ombruced Matrena, In truth ns one
embraces n much-boloved mother. Bhe
complained again of Mulrenu's night
watch. "lou have not stopped It, mamma;
you havo not stopped It, ch? You aro
not going to be a llttlo reasonable at
last? I beg ot oul What has given me
such a mother! Why don't you sleep?
Night Is made for sleep. Kouprlano has
upset you. All tho terrible things aro
over In Moscow. There Is no occa
sion to think of them any more. That
ICouprlano makes himself Important
with his police agents and obsesses us
nil. I am convinced that the affair of
the bouquet was the work of his po
lice." "Mademoiselle," said Rouletabllle, "I
have Just had them all sent away, all
of them because I think very much
the same as you do."
"Well, then, you will be ray friends.
Monsieur Bouletabllle, I promise, you,
nlnce you havo done that. Now that the
ponce aro gone wo navo nothing more
to fear. Nothing. I toll you, mamma;
you can bollevo mo and nut weep any
more, mamma dear."
"Yes, yes; kiss mc. Kiss me again!"
repeated Mntrcna, drying her eyes.
"When you klsn mo I forget every
thing. You love me like your own
mother, don't you?"
"Like my mother. JJko my own
'You have nothing to hide from me?
lull mc, Natacha."
"Nothing to hide."
"Then why do you make Boris suffer
so? Why don't you marry him?"
"Because I don't wish to leavo you,
mamma dear."
She escaped further parley by Jump
ing upon the garden edgo away from
Khor. who had Just been sit free for
tho day. '
"The dear child." said Matrena; "tho
dear llttlo ono, she little knows how
much pain she has caused us without
being uwure of It, by her Ideas, her
extravagant Ideas. Her father said to
mo ono day at Moscow, 'Matrena
Potrovna. I'll tell you what I think
Natacha Is the victim ot tho ulcked
books that have turned tho brains of
all these poor rebellious students. Yeti,
yes; it would be better for her and for
us If she did not know how to read,
for thero uro moments my word!
when she talks very wjldly. and I havo
said to myself moro than once that
with such Ideas her placo Is not In our
salon but behind a barricade. All the
same, ho added after reflection, 'I pre
fer to And her In tho salon whero I
can embrace her than behind a. barricade
whero 1 would kill her like a mad dog.'
But my husband, dear little monsieur,
did not say what he really thinks, for
liu loves tils daughter more than all the
rest of tho world put together and
there are things than even a general,
yes, even a governor-general, would
pot be able to do without violating
both divine and human laws. Ho sus
pect Ttnr a nl.n .. ... .." VJi.
whs nwry. Wo ronlly havo lo eon-
siuer that when they nro married they
will rend everything they have a mind
to. My husband has much more real
respect for Michael ICorsakoff because
or his Impregnable character and his
granite conscience. Moro than once
110 llftA 'Ilnr. Iu I.A t1.. t .1 ...
have had In tho worst days of Moscow.
. .i . ."' ,mvo "Pared mo much of the
individual pain." I can understand how
that would please tho general, but how
such a tigerish nature succeeds in ap
pealing to Natachn, how it succeeds In
not actually revolting her, theso young
girls of the capital, ono never can toll
about them they get away from all
your notions of them."
nouletnblllo Inquired;
"Why did Boris say to Michael, 'Wo
will return together?' Do they llvo to
gether?" "Yee, In the small villa on tho Krcs
towsky Ostrov, the Isle across from
ours, that you can see from the win
dow of Uio sitting-room. Boris choso it
because of thnt. Tho orderlies wished
to have camp beds prepared for them
rlaht hero in tho general's house, by a
natural devotion to him; but I opposed
It, In order to keep them both from
Natacha, In whom, of course, I havo
the moit completo confidence, but ono
cannot be sure about tho oxtravagunco
of men nowadays."
Rrmolat enme to announce the petlt
dejeuner. They found Natacha already
at table and sho poured them coftce
and milk, eating away all tho tlmo at
a sandwich of anchovies and caviare.
"Tell me, mamma, do you know what
glvei mo such an appetite? It Is tho
thought of tho way poor Kouprlano
must havo taken Ihli dismissal of his
men. I should llko to go to seo him."
"If you see him," snld Rouletabllle,
"It Is unnecessary to tell him that tho
gcneial will go far a long promenade,
among the Isles this afternoon, bo
causo without fall he would send ui nn
escort of gendarmes."
"Papal A promenade among tho
IfdnmlH? Triili? nil tlm lu ifntn . t.n
Matrena Potrovna sprang to her .feet.
"Aro you mad. my dear llttlo domo
vol, actually mad?"
"Why? Why? It Is fine. I must run
and tell papa."
"Your father's room Is locked," said
Matrena brusquely.
"Yes, yes; ho is locked in. You have
tho key. tacked away until death. You
wilt kill him. It will bo you who
kills him."
She left the tablo without waiting
for a reply nnd w nt aud shut herself
also In her chamber.
Matrena looked nt Iloulotabllle, who
continued his breakfast uu though
nothing had happened.
"Iu It possible that you speak se
riously?" sho demanded, coming over
and sitting down deride him. "A prom
enade! Without tho police, when wo
havo received again this morning a
letter saying now that beforo fofty-
olght hours tho general will bo dead!"
"Forty-eight hours," Maid Jtouta
blllc, soaking his brend In his choco
late, "forty-eight hours? It is ilossl
ble. In any case, I'know they will try
something cry soon."
"My God, how is It that you believe
thnt7 You speak with assurance."
".Madame, It Is necessary to do every
thing I tell you, to tho letter."
"Hut to havo tho general go out, un
less ho Is guarded. how can you take
such a responsibility? When I think
about It, when 1 really think about It,
I nBk myself how you havo dared send
away the police. But here, nt least, I
know what to do In order to feel n llt
tlo safe. I know that downstairs with
Onlagnla and Hrmolal wo havo noth
ing to fear. No stranger can ap
proach even tho basement. Tho pro
visions nro brought from tho lodgo by
our dvornlckn whom wo have had sent
from my mother's homo In tho Orel
country and who aro as devoted fo us
as bulldogs. Not a bottle of preserves
Is taken Into tho kitchens without hav
ing been previously opened outside. No
package comes from any tradesman
without being opened In tho lodge.
Here, within, we nro ablo to feel a lit
tle safe, oven without tho police but
away from hero outsldol"
"Madame, they aro going to try to
kill your husband within forty-eight
hours. Do you dcslro nlo to savo him
Perhaps for a long time for good,
"Ah, listen to him! Listen to him,
tho dear little domovol! But what will
Kouprlano any? Ho will not permit any
venturing boyond tho villa; none, at
least for the moment. Ah, now, how
he looks at mc, the dear llttlo domo
vol! Oh, well, yes. There, I will do
as you wish."
"Very well, come Into tho garden
with mc."
Sho accompanied htm, leaning on his
"Here's tho Idea." said Bouletabllle.
"This afternoon you will go with the
general In his rolling chair, everybody
will follow. Hvcryone, you understand,
Madamo understand mo thoroughly,
I mean to say that everyone, wtio wishes
to come must be Invited to. Only thoie
who wish to remain behind will do so.
Aud do not Insist. Ah, now, I see,
you understand me. Why do you trcm
bio?" "But who will guard the house?"
"No ono. Simply tho servant at the
lodge to watch from tho lodga those
who enter tho villa, but simply from
tho lodge, without Interfering with
them, and saying nothing to tliem,
"I will do as you wish. Do you want
mo to unnounco our promenade before
hand?" "Why, cortnlnly. Don't bo uneasy;
let everybody havo the good news."
"Oh, I will tell only the general and
his friends, you may be sure."
"Now, dear Madame, Just ono moro
word. Do not wait for rne at lunch-con."
(To lie Continued.)
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Grfdjcint jcbcii 3)oiiiicr3tafl wit 20 elicit, bnriiutcc cine
8cttiflc sonn.iia86ciraae mit mir Eefcftoff. Giilf;aft ouljcr
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ffiaifdjlaac flit Sarin, $cut5, $of imb nriett, niUjlidjc SBttirc
fiir bic .?(Ui3frMt, fpmutettuc QJcfifjidjicu tittb fiiqc OJotoclTett,
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ftConnrmriifGlircFe on mir $1.00 ciit. Scbcr neuc JJefcr fir
fomuif aufjcrbem ben re.ifjljnltifleit, OfiDfifj-illtiflrierlcii ftaml
lirnfiilcitbcc lro 1915 it tit f o it ft.
Grffc tinb nfmou sirnr.r, orlfanb, Crcfloit.
acftclfjtttrr. '
cittfrfje 8'it'ii'ft. "PorHniib, Drcnon.
Crftc imb. Salmon Stvnfjc.
CluHrnfitb flnbm clf $1.00 file tin 9nl)rr3?r&iiiii(utfut a"f
bit 2C!t.fn)c fldhmo". ( Zt mir gijrcii Snitiiliciifalcnbfc
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