'Bun Slfjpjp' rTijaw "WVT HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION 14 The Farmer in Years to Come itL iwKm IHR IwfifHS) fi illtx 4Boft V JACOH M'KINNnY MURIUM pAUMINO la the big business of llin future! It has moro possibilities than any and all other buslue&scs com bined. No lino of human endeavor has been so belittled and lied about as that of the farmer, lie has boon called a mossback, a hayseed nuil a sod-buster, terms that havo silenced tho longings of many a joung heart and driven young, aspiring men from tho tilling of the soli to tho city office and tho city swirling, sweating en denvor, breaking lives on tho nltnr of public opinion when, bad there been no sneers at tno tanners caning, thousands of third rate lawyers, mer chants and office men, with a bare subslstonco for their endeavor, would bo centlcmcn of the soil, rich In good health and dollars wrung from a will- Intr nnd smiling earth As n boy, working In my father's sawmill, afterward In the backwoods store, waiting on Jobbers, mlllmcn and drivers, with now and then a scattering of "mossbacks" from tho rear townships, I had this Intense loathing for tho farmer and his call ing Instilled Into my soul till I Imag ined tho vory namo farmer carried with It a belittling significance. Many of tho farmers In tho now country wcro mere "shack bogs," liv ing from hand to mouth, eating their Jobnnycako, fat pork and "taters" with a soddon disregard for the niceties of life. I had no fellow feel ing for the breed. In fact I shrank from them with a sort of contomptu ous loathing hardly to be accounted for. Lumbermen nntl Funnels. Tho mlllmcn, loggers nnd drivers wero princes In comparison with tho backwoods sand-pipers. I learned to despise them even when waiting on their varied wants across tho counter. Of all tho customers wo had to do with these men on the new lands back from tho river wero tho least desired. They wero nlways and for ever nsklng for tick. "Chargo It, boy, till wo sell our craps," was tho fre quent remark after tho man had got turougn with His day's trading, Often wo did "charge It to our sorrow. Nino out of 10 of theso fol lows wero shiftless, good-for-nothings wno nau escaped from the older re gions south nnd cast, hoping to hot ter their fortunes In the now region ndjolnlng tho Great Lakes. Now and then, ono there was who camo to this western wilderness Im bued with n spirit of determination to make for himself n homo; perhaps n comfortable fortune In tho wilder ness. Such as these could count on tho fingers of ono hand. I call to mind three men who wore honest In their dealings, though "mossbacks." They won out magnificently. Ono be came In nfter years n Judgo on tho bench, another a member of the State Legislature, tho third content ing himself with owning u dozen farms, with a bank account thnt would shamo oven thnt of tho big lumbermen. For ninny years tho occupation of tilling tho soli was considered rather beneath tho dignity of a gentlcmnn. Nobody with n thimbleful of brains would bo caught behind n plow, turn ing tho soil for futuro cropping. Fre quently tno remark, "what became or nan Weston (name not particu lar), who was driving things hero on tho rlvor 10 years ago?" "What, him! Well, what do you think, ho's gone to farming, actually gono to seed up on thn Inland!" "Poor fellow; I thought he know moro'n thnt!" Hotter, havo boon dead In estima tion of tho majority, and I Tolt tho 8amo way toward tho "poor fellow" who was working out his Independ ence next to Nature's bosom. Xml of Fanning; Ituslno-i, A good mnuy of tho early loggers made their pile, took tho money cut llngtons nnd Rockefellers In the lanka of tho farming community, but It Is not because of any Inherent weakness In tho soil method of rising to eminence. Farming In America Is in Iih lufnncv. Tho creat. grand men who shnll succeed at tho plow havo not yet come to the front In sufficient numbers to nttract tho world's atten tion, but this Is not to be always so. The time will surely come when from tho fields of agriculture, horti culture, too, If you please, since I nm speaking of the soil as n maker of great fortunes tho creator of tho Ideal life, there will spring men of eminence nnd power as great ns any this free land of ours lias over pro duced. Millions of acres of smiling, not unfruitful, soil lies fallow plead ing from every grassbladc and busn for the hand of tho husbandman to come and mnko good with plow and harrow nnd spade. Ho is coming. It cannot bo long boworo tho great empire of unturned sod fields of the West shall become teeming gardens of living realities. l'osslbllltlcs in Fanning. The possibilities of soil culture nrc so amazing as to cause one who un derstands to lift his hands In won der that tho opportunities have re mained so long unattached. five ncres are enough to care for a family of five. Five ncresl No farm at all, you exclaim. Let mo tell you whnt I have dono on three ucres of tho despised sand of Westorn Michi gan. I began as an invalid from tho heated office of the town, came as mi amateur nt the gaino of land culture. I posted myself In book lore on tho subject. Then I got down to business on three acres of soil left untenanted since the cutting of tho plno 20 years before. There were three of us In tho fam ily, I the only worker for tho field. I will not go Into particulars only to stnto that my Inclination led mo into tho fruit field. Strawberries first, then the bush fruits, followed by peaches, grapes nnd apples. Such berries! Thov wero the astonishment of my neighbors. No body had seen anything llko tho lus cious, meaty strawborrles that grow on my first llttlo patch. I had to buck low prices all nlong the lino. Tho first year was a discouraging one. Even the second was not much hotter. Wo managed to live, how- over. My henlth Improved and I be gan to work and study, study nnd work In earnest. From a trembling, hnltlng, hesitating amateur fruit grower, I came In five years Into the full sunlight or a successful horticul turist. I had my land paid for, n good team, plenty of tools, a nice cottage homo, small fruit of nil kinds grow ing better nnd bettor each year, with a half aero of tho finest Worden grnpes thnt ever purpled In an Octo ber haze, My grapes were tho wonder of the town and county and they grow on tho sand. Around nbout somo of the richest farms In tho stato were lo cated. Some of the farmers had tried to raise grapes, but ono and all made a fnlluro of It. Why? Wrong con ception of tho requirements of tho vine, for ono thing; no Ideal love for tho work. Lovo Your Work. Love! Thnt Is tho word that com passes nil things that nro good. Be In lovo with your work, man and womnu, If you would silcceed. Tho fruitgrower must lovo every plant nnd trco on his placo If ho would make a success of his operations. I was In lovo with mine. I went dally nnd talked with the berries, talked affectlonntoly with my E I b o r t a peaches as thoy yellowed in the Au tumnal sunshine, walked among tho rnspberrles, tho luscious blackberries, giving them friendly good mornings. And the birds! I novcr limi n ,mn on tho place; I novor killed a bird, eat SYRUP is not the most used article of ,iu t its purity and food value ld fife most careful consideration of the ffl ating' housewife. aiscnmin. lea Garden Syrup measures up to tho standards of purity, food valun flavor and economy. Tea Gar den is packed in full-measure cans is healthful and nutritious. Ity uso it for ovcry cook nir purpose ?5d ,fw'.11 g.',v. uniform eaUrfatfioi Wo will Btvo 175 for tho best recipe l or Its use and J25 for tho second boat For Good Molasses Get Pcli PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND. OREGON I had no troublo in soiling all I could raise. My bank account grow and I was happy In tho work that was most pleasing to mo. Thcro can bo no disguising tho fnct that tho great men and women of tho futuro will bo tillers of tho soil. I. am as suro of It as I nm suro that tho sun will rlso tomorrow morning. It Is In tho air, It breathes from ovory hilltop, glitters frou ovory plain. Young men, ambitions boy or girl look not to tho crowded marts of tho city for your futuro Inspiration; turn rather to Nature and to Nature's gods. Dig In tho soli, build your fu Hire greatness fom tho sand hills and dales now smiling uselessly un der cover or wild rootH nnd grasses, Tho Farming Duslncss. Cities Itlso from Huliis. London Chronlclo: When tho war Is over wo may bo suro thnt moot of tho towns and cities destroyed by the aermniiH will, llko .tho Phoenix, rise from tholr ashes. Tho teaching of history Is that n city is hard to kill. For instnnco, London has been decimated five times by plagues, In addition to vlsltntlons of typhus, Jgrbi can WS$ j. .., H isIM&! H ' cholera and other epidemics, sit hi been burned moro or less . several times. Paris has ?e ffi eight sieges, ten famines, twoZS nnd ono flro which devastated it Itouio has been swept br pestilent no fewer than ten times. She la been twlco burned nnd six u driven to submission by stamloi Constantinople has been burned oTt tilno times, and has suffered fro four plagues and flvp sieges. Absolutely Free A beautiful 2-plecc m of dlitti Scar." ! Vr?tPodf?rCtp.rrW.hr,fW "" T.S.TOWNSEND CREAMERY Ca 1 O. Hoi 233, Portland, Of. Creamery U b'oenlh nnd Kttrttl !u SK your friends to buy their Eailroad Tickets to Call. fornia, via tho Pacifc Northwest. A out of Michigan plno, removed to Chi- not even tho' doRnin,i k,.ii.i, .:: cago and beenmo men of Importance row, and there wcro hosts of these I In that now nnd bustling city by tho f'KlitltiK my battles against dcstruc-l mo insects, niuing mo in ovory pan- lake. Not ono out of 10 who ninsu backed It In tho back townships over made good. And there were they scratching their bnro living out of n vlnjln soli tho richness of which ought of have made at least thou snndnlrcs out of tho oitiipi-h. Tho slackness of those early farm firs acted as n dotorrent for bettor nun, who, una uioy put their talents Into tho farm work, might have re deemed themselves nnd becomo men of woalth and standing. Kvery muii to his occupation. Our great men la. the scientific, financial and profes sional world havo niado their mark by being on the Job all tho time. Thoro Is a lnck of Napoleons', WoV- slblo way known to feathered friends of tho husbnndman. I nm a friend of tho birds. Even tho hated crow was to mo a friend. Ono field of potatoes, an aero, was completely cleared of bugs by my crow friends. Tho first year or two thn cmnii birds insisted on taking a lot of my red raspberries. I circumvented tho llttlo chaps by a device of my own In vention which frightened thorn away, without harming n feather on nny of them. My small fruit gained for me a reputation thnt spread the country roundabout. I soon made a namo for myself ns "the strawberry man." Lit tle children waited beside the garden gate for tho wagon of tho berry man VXWIl WulM i Woks) mm Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen Practical Hrathful, Economical Garment for Small Children Practical, Utrauie they are nade In one piece, and cin lie iUppi ttltl nitantiy. -mey HI amsiooK well. and yctitclooieindrumroniUiUmfrwi Healthful. Far auprtlor to bloomera, NoUjll tUKklmJjUltojImW litlon ol Mood and retard Ircedomol motion. Economical. Satlnf wear on rood clotbct mint waiblnr- d ailt urjr ate outrrewn lone bctoie they ate wota out. Ask Your I Dealer For . OVERALLS ALL niGHTS RESERVED Made In tilth neck whhlonr ileeret, or Dutch neck and elbow ilcrra UtM blue denim, or blue and wlilte lilckory atrtpra lor ail me rear nr, ui ui ratlrtr ol llihter weltht material! lor lummer wear. All rufflcua trioatt rU tan-color im or Uue ralatea, llzca I to jriri. 75clhesuitA""l!SPEEA:':S II rour dealer cannot luojlr rou, w will lend tbesn, ciarttl ffj"-" rreciji ot trice, yx cacti. MaJt By LEVI STRAUSS & CO., San Fnuidiw, Make More Money On Your Farm Rend fiP til A TVA TiaaMaI "IM. TT A ru1n.l.,A. tt. AfTftiiMittlirA- It Klli ft'l0", w,'y to subsoil, bow to plant tree?, bow to set out itutm nM.0 .?k uR.rocl' how to mako Ultchoa. This booklet coven minr points that will mako your farm mora nroductlvo. Ben below al send today for I'ltliU BOdlCLET. Niime Acldrrai California Trojan Powder Company ItnlltTnjr Uxchnnce llldff., l'orllnnd, Ore-Sun.