The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 27, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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fa Wbr ? w jCOwh May .-
A wt. iEKwga. J
f a9w rr at cw - X; MicMstxnC sx Nraflan,
mwiiin rM ruKtr
.. Saw liMT ttfe r"M i
w itaM Mi liflfcttr iu .A-i
A- T
rrTi.uiyjrTTmKaaM 1
feaafJUBfaS-K J aBBBBBBBBsaBBBBBBBBBafffc. tbbbu7jJ t 'at Si -l BBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBam - . tm i Tfc;
famaBBBBBBBBaa 4HPB L " iVs ABHD " In
The Furniture Trade
mi vfVfci??n ' ' Uiln,
Sfi frv -Ttv olVIl l! at Wo Theater Monday and TiiOMby
i ii 'ii , "mam mt MtMtttM4 fvru- yi-vc? at j. v
- ms mil mntltunt frmnm. sit. M! M Iummvmit mH f-
t Ttrt-t ti JB-t. X SBumo". rw- & Imhiijiwm ii Xfe ,Wisi . ,4. .' - ir. J .s.- . r tv monthly business
irtt & mexmamt) gUN1 it ma Jfluur )mw a Wr Unwl nw.o- TW -..- 5-u;.- ad x,..! ?is:on The ladlcu roin-
imirw, jut wri idBt saMS. ;t tMi4 :.v J1.)! ...oi ,' t'.tvt tne urcwsarj nrransmi-ms
i itdit ! iuwimm 'w nnr :uiw? - ?- ,,,. v.,.T.,. . .mp :ani -Ullv Jo tn elo. ullonnry into."-
.if nw Whk U. Ok tw Wsr .. ii- !. j .ij Lt.u' hi. la.nnir.i to b aixei: bv Miss urah
ks:M- mtvi: rtn : ccw yJ J-y rfri- Hr)cnw undr thHr au-ji!ce April
.?wm -mi.. a fMMtW,n,yi,a.nMllw 0. Ii. Th Udl !i arrt)nod for
?2? imM Nm. lji5y rri.-S. Mr. -Satuntay In April. The liostesso
C. H Dpw Jrv .c I. WoldKi. ror iiw rty were Mr, wm. utu,
Hj T HJ?-- Mr. D 0 M-lrt. Wm McNy and Mm. P. W.
Omq. !. v. Vr. Mr T. K. Pataniu.
Am Mrt Mm J T. liaJI. Tbo preent woro: Mrs. V. 11.
n MAI wvMixx wtl b th ChMll. -Mrs. A. I.. Gubscr, Mrs.
tUr r-r tat AjrU. irhli Mr. K. T. Miller. Mr. A. 0. Itnnb. Mrs.
Bd. W. SteveHH. Mrs. C. A. Wilson,
Mrs. C. A. Nollnor. Mrs. A. S. Hlsey,
Mrs. W. K. Ijilrd, Mrs. K. .1. Arms,
Mr. V. MrKny, Mra. C. Everest,
Mn. K. n. Curtis, Mrs. It. 0. Ilulin,
R w& )ntly Mr. F. W. l'utniuu, Mrs. Win. Otis,''
i(nl :tm lumflmin Sin fittmr
1 rji faiKIiau. .Hark KtBMCtaiL
Miliar. 9m. fdmt 33i,mMmi.
.,rn AMUMtt JUS. ri 4tnUMNt. t'l tkatmibt S'rHjf "!ci.
- r 't sawHy. wm. ' Aittfiw- 't:i ten rnm? tfn it
i V BBittHi3Hi&. Mm. F j. kr- tttuc til itutttrr rwtMa mn
1... M-m &. r stHUUWb. a. w. e nan . ta
k ffhOMMl Wem may AniTHP
H-.r, X A VMlw JHN1 an. C. S.
Ttw axtctik viMMf 3nwk wa
W. & Mmwl. Ittt, HMOrJl. Mr-
fcv. Mn. EHmmt TSwyjsWL
Kmr M(!inr jane Mft Mart Okt- A
4IMUN- X Jl D Mkr&ar. Mr.
a in A JOCK
nj nimria.
rMimK iwirrv
Mm fnrry fVi. oV
Mr mtt In IL 7 Mmr9kw lhi
ilMur Btuftnr Halt: It Mrrtwi
in Cinch UatbKx. tbt vttAttiK; in
JKIm MtaSUH-wi DM JWMtb-
IiiiVtBc wm iinwr nl trimOtt mfl
tfinn Ki.ll unwim. n,v. btnn. Km- A WJOB! 6bCtirftd TtWH' V. - Tliakt Rotf
Timt urrlviil JMe frpiB rnrtlKM an " ?wrjon. 01 w im -y. nrij anani, i.uri'ii uaxis,
'rur vMi n art LtcaAts. "rtioee WthUi Otmnfc of XorUs BeM Hi? Davis and I'aul lUrgelt.
lion..' 1 m KarttOk. fMkraa, i -: W JX- UUrdt
tln not) rf Mj anfl Mra C W Ua- f r . 4.
jvt j'raoHi. r9, llaiiA Vfl
"" v?" u" miiMil ita TeiB- br nurrv Mrs. K K Wlntfirs. Mrs. J. W. Hus-
. ii a aa - - - - jm ll. cTI Mro T? Cliltiilnn ftu T.m.
t TWm TMUi taa fl -fl BM . .j ...j,, liu iJ.,i.,i i iirwiv Mru II T Pnnklar Alro P
n miv -m tml MX a ta, jkh rlr3hnients S. Uussell and Mrs. Llvlngood.
i-i k4 b lorolched by the
TVw irt re th MImcs , iwi.'.wic m m. 1
Abu Dow. Marjorio Fnlmer, MM ' .-." ..- v.. v.. ,,
llaa Ct. M Church. Myrl Cox. : : : :
and Mers: Howard
Mrs. U. A. Jones wus hostess last
Wednesday to thu Mlnne-Wls-Club at
her homo In Kerndnlu, servlni; dainty
refreshments nt an npproprlato hour
to tho followlnu nieinbers: Mrs. V.
H. Uresser, Mrs. W. H. I'erltlns, Mrs.
W. S. Ilrown, Mrs. Charles La Chap
elle and her sneclal cucsts. Mrs.
Mre. M. E. Thurston, Mrs. Chns. , Walter Wilson and Mrs. A. E. nl-
F. 0 Inert, of ment.
Eastflde. who will r.oon leave for The next mcetlnc will be In twof
PAitKwiti.ij sntpitisi: I'AltTV I
flprc ti InrnvHT ttAnr unf nf tto taJlwfl Mr 3 HM't lim rf Clrik.
rnloo Partrtr ro ttet lncattty 7h' Ai a rtmm for ta lar?
Siiir bf flrat nnt H MJtriWHiWJ aiLWlhiBii in Smntj 3rbtl mt fr-
.,i.... .h ...... m. 1 .a raa imwrai mation tb- clrk W-
hus iituiHyb m0nmeil la ttof TcrtNw onsr J boyt f a P"f,!fn ",.ld m1
,.... i.. -H..IM. -..i Mt .. anal) imbtr SastMde, who will
" flM& - . - . - . 4A Vjl tt, ffah 9llh 4ttn lH.lir4l. ? Attn ...!. 111. --... t
lie in Jcn1 In tbf ttml mm itmw ftwuui wf!r awer iimi "-t... mine mc huhuuhuh ui mu weens wim .Mrs. v. v. lioilgiailil.
The rtvanc coanl will awkc UmI Wiiaaen. riorwt LlrC Jtmih Lairtf. ttr 'wo named aro employed In , v
Iiobk- la MaranflMd. ' c" 3Wo. Myrtf TaoaM. Joaa Camp C. were delightfully surprised I ,
Met. Jtaftei Jeataicii. tabl '" equina; ai uie uume 01 .ir. ami
Klotkrc. CamMtlita stmtb Lac Mrs. M McLnlu. with if farewell
tenth. Maud Try and tb boyt, P"y.
KX(.A(liMI!XT A.VNOlWCiOO Uliw Haddoch. AJria Helm. Qw. Those attending tho nffalr wore: A. very IntorestliiR proKrnm has
MlhMHt. Hmrty Mmybo. Matt Smltb. "" anl irs. .1. T. Cono, Mr. nud I been arranged for thu open meet-
Tin nmanMnm nf Mia BJaJirb lMrld Tw. Xvar WbJtaian. Atfrd Mrt. Jno. Olson, Mr. and .Mrs. l'ercy , lug of the Episcopal Guild on next
.Moodj. of Huron. Boatb Iakou. to Vel. Moyd Frl, Forrt Tan "l. Mrs. J. I). McKny, Mrs. W. ITuesdoy ufternoon, whkh Includes
Ttntotby Ii. I'Maancraaa. of Mjrrtri- 211. Hoai-ot- Han uai Mr and Mra. - Hyerly, Mrs. .Mrl.nk'Biui, Mrs. Me-, several musical ltiimbers as well as
1'olnt. wac anNoMtHHMJ Uito woek In W. . Ialrd. Mr and Mrs 3 Ham Hale Mrs. .1. W. Petersen, Mrs. Ilor- two pnpers on subjects of general
I'ortlaud riuriuj; a dtnusr onasa ton. Mrs. C. Lapp. Mrs. F. I'roy and ' Interest. A (,'eneral Invitation Is ex
mem at Uh MulUiotMfa Matl wltb . the MImos .1'ian Mcllnle, Wllia lly-' tended to nil thu ludles of Mursh-
' eny, liutn inurston. .Mt-yureiun and field to ho present.
a number ot frtauda Ta bt1d
to U wait imaant jw wan alao Mra '
JM Ilorcbwrt, of MyrUe Point
We carry one of the largest stocks of Quality Fur
niture in Coos County;
We carry a stock of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums,
and Floor Coverings that cannot be surpassed.
We carry one of the most complete stocks of
Stoves and Ranges in this section.
We carry only the highest Grade goods from
the least expensive to the most costly product,
We believe in quick sales. Depending upon a
small profit and a large volume of business.
JoSinsoivGiiSovsen Company
The Quality Name With the Service Fame
-.(nr c,K I'aktv
.Marie McLnln, Ethel Anderson, Em- Vocal solo
ma O'Duuuell, lllldu Peterson, Crys-1 l'uper. "Hi
Taskrdar afMraoou Mrs Heury tel Lapp, fJenevra und Vivian 1'eot,
O'Mara auutrtabxttl at fle table of Irene and Myrl tillbort and the
. Edgar L. Cason
ow to Make Murshfleld
1 Model City."
DU lllu COIllltDlllllll'K. Ilm mniillinru nf A.
.Mrs. vcrnon a. smith the Cotillion Club started, last Sun- I
W'il fun m Cnliiiwiil.tlti.i .1 . t . -. . . -j.
clean chlnwi
inspection ot
, City ordia-
property ownen to
rompt work wj
OSC So. 4tb. it
" "" -v .. .w.v m..u ...j., v..i..ui .11111 tliv HID. VU1I1UI1 .. milllll I in lntlllfnn f'llll. utm.l.ifl l..o 1IIPIU'lf .t " CliJltl.lli.kik I
MAmmiti iv iirwm i-ii'iiif " . la uiiair i.ibk one boys: Donald and Chester McLai;- Flute so o Wolfram Sninninliiini? ,i..v ,..... .1...1. n ... :...". a ' V "'
l,lJaT MibUul f ,U ,:,"d SHn A,fm' 0,on: ,,a"ur- "Aln-lc In tho Sehools" lUa and plcnle" With wonty cou-l The Christian Sisterhood mot lasT T nm vnmnA ,0
TJm folkmlmt vmm Utetmtcb fro. LTS?'far Wd. , WM wOB L ',",'r VW' V V V. W ?011 "'' on 1,oar,, chaperoned by Mr. I We, nes.lny with l?Trvlii Smith anrt ,"",co "Rh
Hood III. u X horttaad ., by'Srl. jSK.."rK .r"" 4 ' Ass.ste.l at ho piano by Mrs. Wm. am. Mrs Archie I' .tho Allco 0 Tu K S . street ., S 5 nio. Don't delay
'17.u.ZrrTZJ2.v5 tfc - we artUUcally A' " w"' I ' (t) Vocl trio "Lovo lias ( ,V '. m . C 'V" "w Li ', :. m; the ..sunl business. Thoy will I nnco compels
Sffir ttuaT-fuu. cVml Wltb TWM " ut f,0W- Fourteen men of ,ho couKn.Kntlon I m 'l 1 ' " 1 V ' I ' ' ,S"nC0 ' rtlo'. mlmmor homo the I ?" v " oUoy lW WCCU8 W,lh "'7 th,fl work' v
iiere about two yoara Tiw ,,,, ,n, v of X Nor ?h ,, 1 Lm, KS'r'j i" '' , Kh nndl.a.1 my Mvo ntu.cli was deserted and tho luatP Tl. , in l .,... wr. " .
Krooui taa broUwr of h. K. La- Strombara. Mr. A OIa Mra' wet In tho church narloni Tlmrailav ... "', ,.'.. ., .. "ollr was "!MMt !. JclHK on the i Hundrlx. Mrs. Stone. Mrs. Unrrlii ClmracH
W. JS2?MS .,tkla,: Mra. I'm! taHI.: MrE, wool,,- to effect the p.elln.lnary w.'on am .M b" V v" :,, ' ,. "' ' ,- -?Aftt"" ' . !1i,,,0..n' ton. .Mra. MeDuffee', Mrs. Charles A. II. HIJIlf
.r7l T..t ' irJlL'HJ,!?. r.luu. oran.atIon of a Methodist mother- . ; ' ., "". " ' wers. Mrs. W, ,,. Cox, Mrs, I). Fliono SHS-X 1
liaat 8lde orcUar4.. Wodaday rT -1,1. mS l M. E BuHma. Thoa. In attendancn were: MM.r. ,.v -.T..TTT: ? . l"-" conalHtlnB of l,o cream ! V w. (I ci Mm. Wnli. r'nli V. it ;
lliackWTM'" . i- u LJ2' M, R-tao. Mr. K H. Joe Taylor. W. E. Laird, I'rof. Haab w" """' ' """ ' i "' ? "m ' l'0r,K. i1"?. 'P'"3' yf 1' I'"1 " w- ,,'""or' ". MaHI. Ill" In.'
iiiaikmao. K. t, g Herack. wait, u. m--. u.VHn..rf .. Mrliu riiaiinn Kuimm- p vn.i ' .sandwiches and fruit. Followlnu . tr. a,,,,,), ,,,,.1 ,1 tui '1
l.uatoi of tb- Hut OroTf Mvtbodwt H A Walla ' Mra C M Wells' Mrs Yarbroutth llrothors s' llim.i , -''8. L. W. Jacobs entertained yos- that, tho members nil started on n Volhnor and Mis iIIIIh
Ki.iacoin.1 Cbu.cb. rforud Ibe r- y IkdWMra' A I Bkwt A I Oubiur A K Fve'rlt I V ' tor,,N' " HHrprlso pa.-ty In honor walk through tho woods and with! ' and .",,lll.Hl I
tiuoii Mia Tumy. wbo haa bou .TkriJO lUuW Mra rtarrV Woodbury mid J W I uasoll , of ",0 ,i8,h W'JV f r mother, tho drzen cameras the party, took ! . ...
toarbor at tbe llu- Orov acbool BwdfUW Mra J W Mltcbll Mr? Tbl tii.norary of'fluers ehosni. Mr8- Jn"' 1,,ur,'y' Sr- " w ns Iiiko numbor of pictures. Iteturn-. l
Mi aud Mrt CkarUw L Turuoy. Mra. M A MrLood M J H Itad Kaab- treus W F lal-.l iy T,, roIlowliiK well known test ot the afternoon was spent lif" '
o. tauly Wla.wko wr lw Sr, rat nEJZ' Mr?J ' ' Ma.sbfleld ladles were Ki.ests: Mrs. Uni.cliiB. Coffee and sandwiches Last 'lYosdav vi ie 11... i.Hi
for , be wMlffc G Hoani Mr? RJ UodJ? of L1J J JV- C,lrllH' -Mr- A. Anderson, were served at six o'clock and nt ' er. K tur " 'il. reiiimr iHonihlv
Tu.- nnmw wa raad la tb Nortb Bold ? vnirrn m-vn n-wm'. 1 MrH' Km,11 N""W. Mrs. Nollloi 7:110. Kieatly to tho reBrct of all s ! m 1 !rl ,
ar. iiYiu room of tbv tllackuai. ow' ,, j MIH 'M I.K.H.HK IqM, Mrs. Hans Itoed. Mrs. L. M. I present, thu start was mnilo Tor re frwli 1 iVm ta 'Ul ii,'. ," Ki". '
Mini which a de.-oraied with . Noble, MiH. W. C. Deubner, Mrs. North Ilend. Tho hon.uward Jour-1 ver lo J Miirin !Kti ' r,"i ,,m,.,U'
. .utiH of daflodlls uud Owkoh Tb ICpworth Iwwkuu of the, . W. Tower. Mrs. Thomas Howard, nny will lonB bo romeinbored by ' iCi ifiv 1. in. .il '.,V. ?uK R i'H"
rrapr Tbo br.d,- . ,t,rl iB a 1AW MATIIOA'S , Nrtb jjU Methodist ZM. -Mury McKnlKht, Mrs. Iliitchel'tho members of thu club. As the f, r' Siin.l i3i ibl I . .V8"
roi. of whiu- rreo. ..tlurm.u .ud M, ,,,. lth Ilov. and Mrs. A '"' J" '' W. Travor. , Inunt-li sturted, threu hearty cheers j kiimiJ tw ..i,.,Vi..,7I,,,,orH
vort u ,-vnMKf bougiivi 01 . tttt- ii... p.. Mairot of it. i:.tri, s lliutv for . LijhI.lmu ..,. u,.i.,i The afternoon was a vorv nlona-l wore Klven for Dr. llartlo. 1111,1 until 4 hiH in a piano duet.
lai'iiatiniih uul nw.-rt uIvkmiii
was ittiriMlfd l bi aiai.-i
Sii. kim I ..1.. ...u. ......h... b. ....... iiu. mil nun llw. tlmn Iwtl.iiv U..A..I in I lllrt fii'rli'fil nl VhpH. Ilnti.l .1...
Iib wm Mr K r Harttlt tor the r- Tby elected officer to fill vn-' roinlnlpi-ont talk, with dainty re-Idioms 0f forty voices rovlowed all,
Tboiw decUl"0,",mt'lll wrved later in the day. i me songs or tno omen days and tho
Picture Framing
l'hono 27.W,
eaiii-hM n the vubluot.
III ft a o
1' (5 r "jtF'iTi i rb 'V
ed wr
Iraldut Merlin Chappott.
Flrat Vlio-iiresldeiit E. E. Drown
Vltv-pren. Mlaa Carrlu KtiH
T Ird Vleo-rb. Mia Idu Nll
auu. Fourth VI4HrHU. -Curl Kaab.
-MIm Fay MIIIwIko.
Tr -W. W. Woodbury
IM'OIS.MAli AIM'Eltvruiv.
perfect blondliijc of voices spoko'' '
iyuii iu nm voeui uiieiu 01 inu CIUII. MMrf f!11Ilv,. .. .
tl.. ,,..,.,.i,r.. .. ,i. ....... . , .iiihh iieiiuvlove Sonuslacknn on.
ir LAD.ES' PALL l j their lieaniesttlmnksVpI' "Srt I . Z? ,B"1
ror his hospitality and also to Mr. ! , ' loi , ',"?,'ro,of J,rH-
of tho Catholic Church -eo McUIn for his efforts In mnkliiK1 ' ' !,k" a..'.ul $ra ,""Jc1'
to kIvo a ball April 5, "'" oxciii-bIoii n success. . . .
The Indies
are nlaunliiL' to kIvu a ball A mil
liastor Monday, In thu Eagles Hall.
Elaborate arrangements aro being
made to make thu affair one of tho
Tb. loung nootilu in attendance' "t of lis kind ever given.
re Mlaaoa Fh MllledKe. Cor-1
trgd- Nt'Mklrk. Idu Nullson, Ilortlm'
Chhiniau. laabvllu l.nniian. Myrtle
Hfiu I.uuIm. Kluluilnuer and the I
UMtri W WiMidbuiv. A S lllui.v. I
, Mr.
Sl'ltl'ltlHE FAItEU'ELL I
. .
and Mrs. 0. J.
Mrs. 1. rank .Sunnier ontertnlned
thu Ladles' Art Club yesterday aN
toniooii and a pleasant time was
UlWitli I l -....w " "
woru agreeably surprise! hut Tuoa-1 7 ",... ' . UW,"K .",,.' 80n chat.
.. . a . -.- iiiiif- i 1 1 ii iimi I. .
,. I.v .'..". .."". "V ''
i i-i i , a.. .. . - vninif in i nil nmt it .. n..i
I I1II- II I llinif- VnKlh llmi.l l. 1 --'tt '" . ti t. 111 ill lilt VI U'linif I I
' v .- wi uuiui iiuiuu iir.i. iiiv ir.,.,i. ....- ;:..":. ."-' I
K Uotu. Varbrouuh. Chappull. .1. l,u'. s"1"""' npponrauco of n number i,0i,i i,' J;" ' ,' ;.",u Ju" ,,h
Harbour aud Cba,maii. , Last Wednesday evening a party of ''"'"'l who ea' " l"'l " ! meet In IS a!'1 W 'l
I of Hunker lllll residents Surprised.0, ' before Mr. ami -Mrs. Lo- ,, Wn orlW eks wUh Mr8' l
. Mr. and Mrs. L. Chrlstenson' with " 'loInr n. for I'ortlaml, 'T noSi present wore- v, v a.
t MiltTIl MEND AID ) thoir presence, bringing with them , ''' wn8 ,,,Bt Thursday on tho'iHanchard a"" l y Cot.dron V'
; baskets or refreshment dnlntles. It ,'"I,ljI , , ,. Jas. Cowan Sr mV i t '",, a'
TI, Lad,. Aid of ,heMe,hod,t fi "S thS'S Sot SHS' ' , ' HoAnJ.
fhuirh of North Ilend met at the Jr""" yK1lh nmorsai and w . ,Mt!l,onni,i ,. '' . "'"' MT , L. D. McArthur, .Mrs. F. m Fivo
iii -i utetiru rs? iShoT !;'tno?r o'r r C"" ;!: f " ; &.r? AiS: .
-- that fact. Whist and "H3" Inter- "" Vb,' 'Mr. a,I,,I,1M' Hlmnn, Mr.Ji,. (j' & AM Ji' ll?, f w,orth' Mrs-
nud at a late hour, luncheon was',1.""1"' Mr; mid Mrs. Wnltor HiimoII,
nnv ho nlti'iitifvi in Mii:lifinM "ruul to tho following: Mr. nnd ' """. -V . !:ool' iruomnn, tho
may w, uuuimen in Maisniioi(ilMrila .)oims011( Mr, uml Mr8i Mostou-i?11"08. '-"''oth and otoiia noon.
er, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan. Mr. and ",H' ',V""1 "uu,". .Mildred Hud. ' i
Mis. Hostdubl. .Mr. and Mrs. II, M. ,"'1"' '" and Elizabeth Hart, Co- "
Mrs. Annie Holland,
Onpenj jpp
3fj2 So. 5th St, Phone 200-X
Alboe. M,-. and Mrs. A. II. Snow, Mr. I !
" i
"nil uuiiy l. nice lllnek nml M.u i m..,
i,...u. ,i ii. . .. " "".' in. j., v in iBinilRfln nf n...,i. i
and .Mrs. Dan Orr, Mr. nnd Mrs. I.uo, ;r" " ," -,"" uussen, uoorglo lllll, entortalnod th nivL .
Mrs. Wm. I'hllllps. Mrs. Wm. Nol- rriionian. (leoruo Ituaoell and Cyril Wednesday ' t , afiir L Z?" In8t I
son, Mrs. Wm. Archer, Mr. ami Mrs. Umanskl. , ,,'?,," 'nnf. ?"?,?""' 80w:
L. Chrlstensen ami the children TZT, - tho seaaloi servo?! 'J.L .ho, T1"80 otf
present were cienovrn Archer. Edith I CAI'IMEHIA CLfH fresh,, "u to ho tMoJl.V i
and Aldn Duncan. Edith Corliss and TT. . : lber: roiiowlug ,,ieni-
Mritna Oft' Mn tirn f.-tt tin.l Tliiitlnn 'ir 1111(1 M Tn, .1. H T.Vltllu nniAr.
Snow.Olga nnd Ina Chrlstonsen.How- tnhiod tlm Cnfeterla Club mombors! II.' .Snow Mi
,, Hen- ln. , " IU" "iosdHy ovenlng, th0 spwlal u
...... uoss, .Airs. Johnson. Mrs. A.
fS. l M. Allinn n.l l
Ml. M ..I. rui.i.H- M,.r. A "'" WIIIH.-..U. huiihi viiiiaiuiiaei
. - , rv Allinn xnrninn llrr. Wlllln l.TI. i ".'" KnimiH .Mr. anil Mm ll i 01 ". . u. iouoy.
Mrs. .1. E. Edmunds, 4 ,lrllR0( aarnot ulu, Harvoy Archer, l',1'0' Mr- n"' a. W. F.McMr' F d iimi., Mr"". V.'. A,cllr.
(Foimerly Mrs. Dillon.) Archie Snow nnd Willie I'hllllps. kWownoy, Mr. nud Mrs. J. s. Han-I Flunaan la" "lul -Mls3 Hesso ,
. njrsjr. , t ,.OT:,IS; f rA'aK?. I ?";iivr- !
l'hono 1CCU I (QIILLIONCHm I Mr ,, v cuttorlln. ' "" ?,1 i" ot ,lor B,ster. Mrs. I
Have You
Bad Eyes?
Somo oyo ti-oubles aro bej
the help of lenses, aj; 'r
tho eye.
I'll ho honest villi J"" J J9"
let mo look you in tho '
Yon can't buy eye Blades ffJ
mo If eye glasses will not bef
Somo optometrists or oitk
are not s paiticular.
Hroken lenses dupU"111
Formorly if Hod Cl n0lS
Department, now Hooni 1.
Lnndo's Dry (Joods. Htore.
(Continued ou Pago six.)
u huu wv ww ittit wtvMu oi lu IHWViiO, I