The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 27, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 13, Image 19

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Notes on Health and Sanitation
-. tn or jJiiKS.
.nnrh the time to begin tho fly
N JmI Jt because tho
N "m.enrcd with tho nd-
bfl.8(lf Zd rather, do not consider
J. hibernate In manure, and tho
flj may hide In crevices. All
Slo bicedlnK places, such as man-
Li snrbaso and refuse dumps
f fi therefore, bo eliminated at all lort. thorough
' Lrieanlng and fumigation Is as
lM y In the Fall a8 In tho Spring
1" whether crevice, attic or base
p nle files how a Preference
for undisturbed warm places during
oJw HhoHcrcddurlnBtho
'?:. .i. moro VOU will havo to
,rt will in the Spi Ins. Don't think
fare exempt, for no house or stable
L now entirely frco from flics.
11 TA T forget that tho common
toSrny lay r 10 osbs it a
if? taring the laying season In tho
S: & eggs hatch In about
.i,m hours Into larvao (maggota)
jJUtout 10 days into full-fledged
FIRST aid packets, In tho present
European conflict, as In tho Span-1
isn-Ainorlcan and Uusso-Jnpancsc
wars, havo plnjccl a very Important
part. German physicians writing
from tho front, comment very- favor
ably on first nid packets with which
tho German soldiers are provided. The
iiuuuuiH nro iasicncu on tlio front of
tho coat Instead of being carried in
an inner pocket, as tho French sol-
uicrs carry mcirs, bo jbnt they arc
quickly nnd easily accesslblo to tho
Ucrtnan bearers of these packets. Tho
United States soldier carries his fas
tened to his cartridge belt or waist
belt, which too, is very handy for
quick uso. Tho first nlil nnolrnf la
Bin-passing-all expectations. Ono phy.
slclan mentioned a typical instance of
porltonltls in a caso of nbdomlna)
wound with protrusion of tho iivnr. I
Thcso or similar packets should be
ready nt all times In ovory household.
Under Penally of Disease.
Spitting on sidewalks, Btreetcars
and other public conveyances as well
as tho floors not only is prohibited
by law, under penalty of fine and Im
prisonment, but also under penalty
ui uiouunui
theS wwni 3Car ?fter car ""
wm CP chcnn nnd tin busy house-
mini i ' U,"e nnrt trouble of an
nual planting and tho necessary enre
connected therewith. '"-'3S'ir cnrc
uJJXl mJ?c Brown ' almost any
..-li "'-ra Plants aro wanted,
under trees, among shrubs, alone
sundCr?f1.r,y thom. In shadoof
hi D,,r,B ."went years there has
tnwnr.1 m.A y I1,crwisR tendency
. r? .tLe ??? Cneial use of thcso
materials, which should be commend"
- uu uiicoiiragcd.
(Concluded Next Week.)
' r
HnnP'lln,e your t,,no calll"K atten
tion to other people's mistakes is a
bigger mlstako than nnv 0f theirs
("" .. .n ,. .irt vmii alinrrt tnwnril
.itVMt ork of preventing nearly Consumption germa left In public
1 1 forms of contagious and infectious Places arc almost sure to be carried
3ti via: dlpntlieria. smaupox,
S'fcvcr, tuberculosis (consump
m .Uphold fever, all forms of dys-
eiVry and other intestinal diseases.
Wrapped Hrend Itcltrr.
The Kansas State Hoard of Health
b recently mndo somo interesting
HDtrlmcnts in testing bread wrapped
nd nnwrawicl. Tho tests were
made for tho purpose of ascertaining
Ho correctness of claims mndo by
Uiera that tho wrapped bread did
not keep, soured sooner, beenmo
mmildr. lost moisture, nnd finally
u (oo much. Suinmariilug tlio ro-
Blti obtained, the report says, "Wo
found that the loss in weight for tho
unwrapped loaf was about twlco as
treat as for tho wrapped loaf; tho
iddlty (or souring quality) remained
trattlcally the same; tho salablllty
(is prolonged to twlco tho ordinary
period. Wrapping Improves tho
Tho Cancer Problem.
Cancer Is ono of tho chief causes
of death. It claims about 75,000
IItcs crery year In tho United States.
At aces over 40 tho dlsoaso causes
m dMth In eight among women
ni one death in 14 among men. At
ajes over 10 It Is a grcator mennco
ttan tnoercuiosis or juiuuiiiumu.
Much Is known about cancer, but
tie present knowledge Is not suffi
ciently utilized. Cancer Is not n con
illtutlonal or blood dlsoaso. but is at
fint a local growth which enn, at
Hit time, bo easily removed by
prompt surgical operation.
Housing Fuels.
Some Interesting figures have
ln Dreuarcd by Dr. lluchau. tho
Medical Officer of Health for llrad
ford, England. Tho death rato last
year in ono and two-roomed homes
u about :a per iuou, tnrcc-roomcti
homes 20. four-roomed houses 12.4,
asd in houses of more thnn four
rooms only 3.C per 1000.
Thui the mortality rato whero pco
r! are crowded together la thrco
times what It Is in othor plnccs.
"Common Cold'' Hints.
Pretention Is easier than euro.
Keep away from thoso who havo
If you have a cold keep away from
Krcqnently enter the ontsldo nir
conns tho day.
Compel yourself to breathe plenty
i ireia air a; nignt.
Clothe ouraelf properly; lightly
Indoors, and moro heavily when out
coon. Upmplring don't go Into the out
ride air.
II mother 1ms a cold alio should
eoter her nose aud mouth when nura
le baby,
Eating utensils of one afflicted
lto a cold should bo sterilized be
fore being, used by another member
of the family,
- m
Avoid draughts.
iJ!ea,0,lr ll0ura, in bed brcath
S pure, froh nir j thjo best.treat
t for a cold. . -
on shoes and tralllnc skirts lnn
private nuiiuings and homes; they
may bo carried by files, blown about
In tho nir, in dust and in manv othrr
waja aprcad whore they may cause
Hickncss and death.
Not many people who have tuber
cle bacilli (consumption germsl In
their mouths know It. You may havo
them, in your own mouth, hence do
not endanger your fcllowmun by the
vIcIoub and filthy habit of pernicious
Health Note.
Wnr h greatest ally Is dlscnse.
Public health la purchasable and
it is tlio ucst bargain ever offered.
The koynoto of the present cam
paign for public health Is education.
More than HiO cities In tho United
Stntcs now havo bacterlnl standards
of milk.
Now York City Is sendlnc 2.000.000
units nf tetanus antitoxin a month to
tho warring nations of Europe,
Venereal diseases constitute prob
nbly tho most Important factor In tho
degeneration and depopulation of tho
There arc 1,000,000, or four out of
every 100, in tho United States, who
aro victims of morphine, opium or
The aggregate cost of llliiewt, duo
to occupations alone, in tho United
States amounts to J772.8a2.8C0 and
this is for tho most part proventabio.
In Now York City it was found
that 30 per cent of tho children llv
ing witn tuuercuioiis parents wcro
also affected with tho disease.
Tho peoplo of tho United States
nnd Canada upend over $110,000,000
on patent mcdlclno overy year. Most
or this patent mcdlclno contains nar
cotic drugs nnd ninny contain alcohol
to develop tho liquor habit.
Inspection of- housing conditions
should never bo neglected by a wide
awake henltli department: this should
bo dono no matter what sizo tho city
Is; it Is ono of tbn greatest oppor
tunities a health officer has at his
command to bring better health to
tho community.
Jhe following Is a warning from
nuffnlo, N. Y.: A Btnte law should bo
passed compelling parents to consent
to tho uso of antitoxin for their chil
dren oven though they don't wish It
used upon themselves. If tho chil
dren wcro of ago they would prob
ably demand It. If a child commits
n crlnio tho parents don't havo any
thing to say about its punishment;
tho courts tnko charge
H I i 1111
Ms Jul
ft l H
PhlAlllv . llttA l.
rifles from tlio HBh
5. Blnce tho big
Tire tltoiifiamln of
ni n litre been
work In ir day mil
iilKli.t rebuilding th
ndlsan factories.
Thi-y are nuhlnr
talking machines
na rtcordn nrnln.
Thin was Tliomas
A. Edison's flrnl r-
mrl when h hRnl thin latest Instru
ment, mat he had spnt four years to
Diamond Point
Have No Equal
This one aenl
on Free Trial
trated hert, In
oak or malincnny,
with 20 sc- con
lfclloim ... HiV
Ttrmn 11.60 week.
Write for Catalogs
They Are Free
, rNvH I
I mSm
tVLLV 'aLflj I
P r
,! ill ff
a nition's iiimucrAsr
1 your dealer does not handle
tend lEo stamps for regular six
package by Parcel l'ost to
Jjr li-wYov
Dr. J. B. Stevenson, of the llnjea
tlo Theater nuliatnc. of 1'ortlanU,
Orffon, will ufcc this space or 12
months In giving- you plain, modem,
up-to-dato facts regnrdlne dentis
try. Every statement ho will mako
can bo proven by the beat dental
authorities In tho United States.
ui:.Tivriiv watch
MaJeMlo Thenlrr nidify Park A
Wnxalairtoa St Tortlnnd Or.
Manning's Improved
Table Lamp
I'mitr l.lgbi
JO Hours'
Light to
Ono Gallon
of Gasoline.
for All Kinds nf
Seattle, Waak.
Write far lrlc- I.Ut aad
Shlpplas Tag.
(riease mention this paper.)
Lamps nnd Hollow Wire ByetemB.
03 VI Sixth St., rortland, Oreroa.
aPir '
Planning for Home Garden
(Continued Krom rac i.)
selves. Hero ther nre likely to ro
celvo abetter cnlturo and mora fer
tilizer nnd to give correspondingly
larger cropti of finer blossoms.
Tho hnrdy perennials ns a. class
nro far easier to manage tnau tne
annuals nnd are cheaper nnd moro
natural In tho effects they give. Once
planted thoy aro always planted and
In most cases need little or no fur
ther rare. Their ability to take core
Water Tanks
Write for Catalogue
Grays Harbor Commercial Co.
Cosmopoli.s, Wash.
SAvn yoijk Tcimi. :
COMB IN ami havo your mouth
examined while In Portland. I
uso the very latest Scientific
I'alnlm Method.
)lk A. W. KEGXi:,
Addrekm MnJeMlo Thrater Illdirv
U3 1 YVaMK(iu tit, I'orClaBd, Dr.
Cut your wood with a. Vavughan Port
able DRAG SAW. weighs only 240
pounds Can bo handled by one man
or by two men on any kind of ground.
Manufactured by the
vi;niii. siotoii woiucs,
210 Kast Setenth St., Iortland, Or.
KruUlc Aarracr 78 Jlarloa Street,
I -or n Full IUcrltloa Write Vm.
L-rra vmiB aifl umt.
100 cnlW rMr lntaMa
mr. hlt Hrht f net (kCTMOM) rl
g2 ro?rs omt i core rea iws
Tl 4BUt ' oar Sport" OffMr to
ttmn m Iharan HurmT rill. Writ
H0Mi;SLrrlVCO lOI HtroeBMf..Kaasncny,K.
jm fr trJen and lairn.
-frF.tSVZ- j'runi jam farter
l&CiWJttlm ''" LodJod, e eland.
Tested Vr7ie"to
- Arvad Bid.,
Inc. (XHtlle.