The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 27, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 18

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In the Home-Household Hints-Fashion Notes-Rec
iriPD :
f 'Jkr lMlli-r t til lie nlrnaril (
f rerrlrr anil imblUh hlnl of In
J lerrtl l wit rcmler-t.
------ - - --I
lloiwltoltl Illlll.
HOT water may be luul the first
thiug in the morning, or an) tlmo
during the night, In nn uuhcated
room by putting boiling water In n
wrapped small crock, netting this In
a larger crock, covering ami putting
a pillow or cushlou on ton. If baby
needs a bottle of warm mill., It will
be right vory shortly if set In the hot
If yarn is thoroughly .teamed
while still In the skein, anything
mane irom h win noi Mirmi; wuen
washed, l'ut the jam on n dinner
plate in the steamer and when thor
oughly steamed and dried it will be
as soft and flufry as ever and en
tirely unshrinkable.
Narrow llncu tape Is belter than
ribbon to run in the allover embroid
ery of underwear. Colored, ribbons
Till! fade after awhile If not removed
far firprv Wflfilllnf ntul tt'hllrv rllilum
turns yellow after a few washlugs,
but the tape gets whiter and prettier
all the time.
If you do not want to stow all of
that large pumpkin at one time, put a
piece of plain white paper orer the
cut edge. It will adhere as though
glued, keeping out air. I'ut an ay in
a dry, cool place to avoid danger
from mold.
When putting a tark in a place
where it Is difficult to hold it with
the fingers, thrust it through a little
strip of paper, which will enable It
to easily he held lu place without
uauger 01 poumung tuc ringers.
Such a quick fire ( needed for
making good cookies and drop cakes
that they are Inclined to burn on the
bottom. Turn the pans bottom side
up, place the cookies and cakes on
them and they will burn less easily
and be removed more easily.
If the furs were put away dirty,
clean tho dark ones by rubbing
heated bran Into them and the light
ones by using hot corn meal, llepeat
several times, if necessary, and bhakc
out well.
May Manton Weekly Fashion Talk
garments arc tho fa
vorlto ones Just now.
In this one u corset cover
or brassiere and drnweru
arc made In one and tho
result Is most satisfactory.
Tho garment Is comfort
able, easy to adjust, and
anything that reduces the
hulk of tho underwear Is
sure to be welcome. The,
lee portions may bo leff
plain or mny be drawn up
nnu nuisiieii wun nanus,
nnd tho neck edge can be
cut round with nrntholes,
or the upper portion can
be cut off strnlghl above
the bust lino nnd shoulder
straps, attached to hold It
In place. In tho largest
view, the garment Is made
of crepe do chluo trimmed
with washable silk that
Is finished with pi cut
edges. In tho smalt front
view it is made of flno
lintlsln MPiiltnliPit. nml Mm
hack view of tho same ma
terial with trimming of
lace. The garment is a
very sttuplo ono to make
nnd Is, perhaps, especially
desirable beneath evening
For tho medium size
there will ho needed 2!
yards materials SO or 2
yards 44 Inches wldo, -with
i yard of washable silk
27 or Vt yards insertion
for trimming.
Tho May Manton pat
tern 852 1 is cut In threo
sizes, small 34 or 315, me
dium ftS or 40, largo 12
or 4 4-incli bust measure
1 yl !'" 3j.
? f IFWS
pun ii iv ihii Hi''fJT rT i f7
LJLd I m l
n fi
l-'ouiulutloii fr ,, '!
iipi.i.,, "'"rfu
two tnlitn...... '. Vtr tnlckm I. ...M
; tablets Z 5-h
tablespoonfuls 0f bi i. . ' r.. hi I
ntmV..Amtloo oi)
l" me ci-ih.. .. MeKMdr,.
cream to the mnu ' lDea Hi 2 i
two infnf. ""SdiiiB aiik ..: ."!
fnrn, "... 10 War " J
to it
Drtlti tr May l,nh
St Combination trndercrnrmnt. si nr r.c. .it nr ia
42 or It bust.
It will be mailed to any address by
paper, on receipt of 10 cents.
tho Fashion Department of this
Tw ,,,',,,",, r'l8C
'!o or two ta'bleln' a '."'W
tablespoon or butter ni Wa' M '
J'tcs, thou boat till ih v "Ieaa
n a buttered i. , V 51 iimi i
walnut, llo I ifff . !
. UL'IIL U'flll .1 i -- J H '
popped walnuts Z i ".'." H
of vanilla. Pour thuVi.'
ureai y in th0 pnil nnd , , ,u' '
oooled, cut It Into "i hen il .
To l'rr.,7., i.ZT. ..
io prepare rabbits wc, .
tlioroughly, cook for naVtlMl
cold wnlni- In ,..i.i..ul boor n
vinegar hs bew Sfr3'
Wild lnu,. ti...."re" to ttfflnt.
hoC Urou-,1 " r!.a.a' ? iJMer r ,
to covered earthen auk rt50T
eilOUgU liot Wnlor I.. ,Z7" . 'TO
innko gravy sufficient i. '
meat hakhVua ZK"r"'
to two hours. ayfroB1
That soiled article of undressed
kid need not be turned over to a pro
fessional cleaner. A very fine grade
of sand-paper rubbed carefully over
me suriace is me secret or restora
tion. If a cork has fallen Into a bottlo
that you want to use, pour iu enough
strong animoula to float the cork,
leave It a day or two aud It will be
so eaten that it can easily be shaken
If tho vlnecar rrnnt u-niar UtMn
or vase is stained, fill with soapsuds
iiuuu birong wun ammonia. Let
stand n short time, then drop In a
few shot or beans and shake wcl.
If chilblains appear euro them
thus: cut thin slices fiom mi im
peded potato, sprinkle with salt and
let btand until enough Juke has ac
cumulated to cover the chilblain,
leaving the foot baio till It dries.
If you have varnished floors, renew
their gloss by sprinkling with coano
salt. Let it remain flvo or more min
utes and sweep off with a soft broom
or brush.
Silver will be bright as new If It
Is covered With snnr mill.- nlt,.v.,i i
wtanrt for halt an hour, and then
washed and rinsed.
Use the thin old bluukets In com
forts instead or cotton. Thev will be
light and warm, and will wubli most
Slip a flour snek over the broom to
mako a handy brush for walls and
ceilings whenever they uced cleaning
or dubtlng. "
Don t forget a handful of salt in
mv nun- muut com wnsli-luys. to
Ilae' Cl0tlu"tf trom fre'"B to the
It is worst, than foollth to "hate"
any part ol jour work. At least
take jour buslnebs philosophically.
i. J,rilJeo ral8l,1B "I d currants put
Making Use of the Left -Overs
uv Mns. w. c. vAwtnn.
EIIY Often ninnv n irnnil ncnrlqli
f ing meal can bo made from tho
leu-overs from a day or two,
with perhaps the addition of ontv nn
extra dish. The dishes bIiohM l.n
planned so that thev ran 1m nnlilr1v
and easily made. One should linvo
on liand a Jar of good white tauce to
use In the various dishes that can be
Then bv maltlnr- tiV:o nf Mm loff.
overs or little dabs, as is often tho
case, the work of preparing nnd cook
ing a full meal can often bo saved
and Is especially helpful ou a busy
day for thn lmiiHou-iro. no stm n
plnu and arrange for preparing tho
ii'ii-uters a uay or two aucau. thoii
If they are going to bo used at nil,
they IllUSt be mailn UKit nf In n u)im(
time to prevent their spoiling or go
ing io wiiiie.
Left-over meats can bo used in
meat pics, croquettes, meat balls or
talads ns well as stews, hash or soups.
The left-over vegetables can all'bo
used in any number or ways and
dishes nn Hint nn nnn lint flm nun !
prepared them could tell that they
kito icii-overs.
From left-fivor frnlte rfrocl. nr
canned), nresorvpo nml Iditna cnimin
fruit soups, tarts, puddings and pies
tun uv iuiup, uetiues me numuerless
frozen deusprtB. nnd ntlll mnrn i.
sorts can be made by combining the
left-over Juices from stewed or
canned fruits with gelatine.
Left-over bread can be used in a
ficoro nf wnvK ne ilri- tniti .r.m.
toast or Trench fried toast, dressing
and numberlebs puddings as -well as
fritters, while often griddle cakes,
steamed brown bread and steamed
fruit pudduigs are made of part
bread crumbs. If the housewife knew
how superior bread crumbs were to
cracker crumbs for rolling croquettes
uuu mrui luut in as wen as scallop
ing dishes of all kinds, she would
never bo without a Jarful for this
purpose alone.
Left-over cak nr rnnbloe fir.t 1..
become dry can be nsed in any num
ber of puddings.
Never throw away fresh celery
foliage for It can bo uted for season
ing all manner of and can be
kept for a number of days If tied la
a damn cloth nml imnr i . -,.i
place. When the cloth become drv
wet It again.
BIta of left-over cheese can he used
to ndvantago la Tarious ways aad
in making left-over
Nut Cuke.
lend readily
Often in preparing dislics from left
overs, It needs Just a touch of Homo-
thine tn tnlinnwrt It frnu nn viiltnfiM
;rr; ".j." .:?.. . :"" -"'.""';,J ,.n ;...r.. ,. , .h,.,;im'itwiw
mow iuiu icuiihiuk one. into, iori "?" ""fte in loat or liven in
Inelnnnn If -.. 1 1. ..,..! .. ..... I irlfli lx.lln.1 I ;. K
iumuuv.1., 11 tuv 1IUH UH1LVU HIIUUHI1 IOI' I " " "nwu ILIII,
dinner and thcro Is enough left for a I " "
pie, to change It completely from thn f Creamed Onlun
uruinnry squasa pie, lop 11 Willi whip
Cream tocpiiinr '
aiul two cups of gram n.X""'!
one-third v.uu ,,t ;. ""?""
cu,m -flour sifted with Uo t M
baking powder, one-hulf cud KB
Choeolnto n,. n "" sup mid
".ashed potatoes1 one Tp ?
meats four i-itl'q unit i.....' ul ."'
spoon vanilla extract, one-hi'
spoon cinnamon, one-fourth
Bpoon salt. Mix IncrcdlPni. oJv"
ncd cream and a few ground nutu on
ton of tho crnaiu.
Another Instance, If just a tow bits
of cheeso aro left from tho evening
mcai, nicy cau uo cut into small
pleccB and served with plo tho next
(lav. and thn drv nilirrt (lint nm nut
away can bo run through tho meat
Kiiuui-r uuu sprcau on cracKcrs. Willi
u dash of paprika wo hnvo a dainty
cheeso wafor to servo with u tmtiui
Tho crackers must bo placed In an
oven uutll the cheeso has melted ou
mem. wutcn carefully, as tlioy burn
(Concluded Xcxt Week.)
llrcjii! I'uddluir.
Cut tho crust very thin from tlnen
rolls, nnd soalc tho rolls in a plut of
milk until sort, then squeeze dry,
and place tho milk on to boll; beat
five eCCS llcht. mill mn.lmir ,. r
.- --o -. .....h I.UI Ul
sugar, one tablespoon of butter, ono
iauii-uiuuii 01 cuoppoa orange peel,
one-hair pint of sweet cream, tho
soaked bread, nml nnn.linir .... nr
currants; when tho milk bolls, add It
and stir all tocethor. Pm.r n
well buttered dish, ami imi.-n i. n
steady oven for 4 0 cnr,.
with Duchesse sauce.
Chocolate Vuddlng.
One auart nf mill.- ..,.
ana one-half snunrna nf -.iirv,.,i.. t
grated: wet with cold milk and stir
into Scalded mill.'. WMmn nl..nini.. ,
- - ..... .. vuuiuiuiu ia
dissolved. DOUr lllln n iiiililln !l..
add yolks or sir eggs, well beaten,
and six tablespoons of sugar. Hake
about three-fourths of an hour. Hent
tho whites or the eggs to a stiff froth
and add six tablespoons of sugar.
Spread the frosting on tho top of
p,l,ld ".. s mid 8Ct ,u tuo oven to brown
Cook till) nnlnna In i .
uutll tender aud drain. In a si
'i?!1 vn ,lwo t"'espoons of bitltT
Allow this to becouio hot, then itlr
In two tablPBnnnnu nf tin,,. .
blonded, pour in n geacroui cop o(
luiiu, bt-andii wun onc-lniltn.
spoon of salt and quarter ttaipoono!
white pepper. Uoll until imoothul
creamy, then pour orer onlom til
3loek Mince He.
Two cups water, one cud tmt.
ono cup of rnlslus, one-hilt co?
chopped suet or lard, one cup riw-
gar. OllO Cltll IllolnKHFS. Plrhl mnM
crackers, ono-lialf teaspoon each ol
ground cloves, cinnamon and rntd
nutmeg. Doll together 20 mlatitn,
nnd bako with upper and lower crust
Glblet Oravy.
Stow tho liver, gizzard and bcirt
of tho fowl iu a little water. Strife
nnd mix hot with tho grary thithi.'
dripped from the fowl. Thicken Ii
with a little browned flour, teisoi
with salt and pepper. Chop tie lit
er, idzznrd ntul heart Into fine Hit
add to gravy and serre.
Ojdter Dressing.
Sonic ouc-half loaf of stale krfil
In cold sweet milk uutll soft. &jomh
ntti mlllr tnlv In tarn prfl nnn IM.
spoon each of salt, pepper and me,
ono zniuceu onion unu uaviuui r
oysters. Heat all iugredtcnti bett
or well.
Cream Salad Dressing.
Cook (Uf.t1ilrl Aim r -, i
slightly beaten yolks of eggs, two
'"'"I'w"' ui bugar ana two table-
SbOOZtfl Of lfllinil 4,il.n I.. - i..i.
boiler until no tl.lnk no it -..". "V i bencott CI
. . : " "- a 1MJ1L LUniil I'll. 1 I XabIbhj 11
Add a pinch of sail and strain. 1 1 - ' ,'rr , ' -,
Pntunn fliilf? Tw?
An application of Ban liUe
Lotion afford IniUnt relief. It
Bootlilnr and eoollne In IU cll
... ... .. ... 1, ..ll.r,l
tho Itclilujr and Irritation at oacft
ranldly reducea the JnuamKitlw
and fever, and Jdllr fit ecu i
euro. DrucKlsts refund If It "
Hautlbeutlc iu oUo an fUJcitM
preventive of Oal; and Irr Keep n lupplr ,"'
lentlr at hand. It t"V
fcctlve for all other akin twwM
tiibencott Chemical .UboritMlM..