mMZEBSE HOME AND PAItM MAQA71NP. SECTION M K Before you buy any Farm Emrhic ret ihr- fartc about the money-saving: and money-making- SANDOW. Simpler engine cannot be made. SANDOW starts at -10 below zero starts vithout cranking runs in either direction throttle governed hopper and tank cooled snil mnmii,t .i,:i runnintr no cams no valves no pears nn snrnrl.'.tc ovt v Tiinn? MOVING PARTS licht wcitrht. casilv nnrt.nhir. 1;; ma io n Whv waste money on liicli-nriced fuel when vn mn iiv i. ...-.-f.. efficient, all-around farm worker The Sandow which runs on Kerosene (coal on;, xou can operate a sanuow without change of equipment on Kerosene, Gasoline, Distillate, Alcohol it is all the same to Sandow'. But you can use Kerosene, and javc the cost of the engine in upkeep economy alone. No Agents! Pocket The Commissions burself ! Get Our 30 Day Money Back Trial Here are the rock-bottom prices, unequaled by any other engine' manufacturer, for Sandow Kerosene Engines: Vt H. P. Bull Pup Engine $33.75 Vt H. P. Sandow $42.50-4 H. P. Sandow $65.00 G H. P. Sandow $05.008 H. P. Sandow $140.0012 H. P. Sandow $250.0018 H. P. Sandow $385.00. Sec what yott can save by dealing direct with our big factory. Wc have no agents, dealers or middlemen. You get the Sandow at our low inside wholesale factory price, and save agent's profits and commissions. Our enormous output enables us to quote you the lowest price ever made to you on an engine. Get the facts and judge for yourself. Thousands of users will tell you what splen did service the Sandow gives through years of the hardest use every day. That's why wc can tack every Sandow with out Makes you the absolute judge as to whether Sandow makes good on every claim. Use the engine every day, on every job you can think of. Put it through evcrj' rest you can think of. If you don't say it is the. most satisfactory engine you ever saw, send it back and wc will refund every cent you have paid us with out quibble or question. Coupon or Postal Card urines on Clad lOYear Guarantee JKX F urn BSSSj. j wiu-.r.irv ,. "x. kJS A,yvri r(m'rf r " i a 5K f'Av.K m We have the engine for your farm a size for every demand. The Sandow will run your feed grinder do. your pumping run your cream separator your fanning mill-iyour silo filler your hay baler your grindstone your saws your spray pumps your bone cutter-;-your home electric lighting plant polishing wheels f clipping machincr-shcep shearing machine. It will give you f power for running pulleys or windlasses. It will run vour . whole water supply system pump water for your '"? wi asiunii uuckics or winuows water ing the garden flushing concrete floors. o Send Tor The Free Sandow Boofc It gives you all the facts about this great engine shows by pictures from actual nhotographs just how it is made its three moving parts why it delivers more power tor its rating tlian any other construction on the market why it saves you money ana saves you trouble. With the book comes our low price nrooosition. Remember, it costs you nothing to get the facts. Write today. Counon or postal card. Address DETROIT MOTOR SUPPLY 'CO., HI Canton Ave., Detroit, Mich. x-x fl & V 4 &d a W P. x rti d.kVU .ot :? i a. B BV T .11 J . 1 MtW z sr-c - &y.,p a? a &$ v ? & & t" Schools of Herring Choko Large Harbor THE City of Prlnco Itupert, D. 0., Pacific Coast terminal of tho Grind Trunk Pacific Railway, bas ence more- witnessed tho yearly re wiring phenomenon of having Its "go harbor so densely packed with mine schools of herring na to make " Progress of rowboats n difficult Uer. This year's schools were exceptionally largo and so denso that tho lmmenso body of fish seemed llko one solid moving mass. Men and boys on tho O. T. P. docks hauled In literally millions of these fish In buckets, wlro waste paper baskets und almost any utensil that was handy. Tons of these herring were taken by tho fish companies and frozen In boxes for uso ns bait la fishing for halibut. They are excellent table fish, but so far comparatively few of them nro being shipped, although several Inland cities lmvo mndo In quiries. Fishermen say that tho her ring seek sheltered bayB to escapo tho whales which prey on them in certain localities In tho Pacific dur ing their migrations, Japanese Judges Are Young Men. Cnso and Comment: The Japanese Judges whom I saw wcro worthy young men, writes Georgo AV. Wlck crsham. They are appointed for llfo, but they receive small salailes, and I am told that many of them after eight or ten years' servlco on tho bench resign nnd take up the prac tice of tho law, for which their Ju dicial experience Is considered as especially fitting them. Tho work of tho bar Is largely litigation, as, It seems, tho pcop)6 In Japan have, not yet formed tho habit of taking ad vlco of counsel with regard to ques tions of law before getting Into law suits. i Cuban sugar Interests aro very op timistic over prices for their produce. f E wwwwtwwiwwffiTOr ppttwwiw