HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION getter Drainage rroor lcBsa deplorable tact that many barnyards at rorta n I seasons of tlio year arc practically .mnixsable. Tlio condition 01 many l,ddy weather of early BprlnB Is Sh ! u "ml t0 b0.snld. n n,15 AouM not feed cattlo unlcsajio could lldoinmud"ltneodecp." In many cooes the condition of tho nrds could bo greatly Improved by i tittle provision for bettor drainage, .Plallyln localities where tho, Bur tue of the land Is such that tho barnyard and feed lots cannot bo lo cated on a hillside with nmplo eur fiee drainage. The successful drainage of a barn Yard must receive consideration' other than that Involved in tho practice- Df lud drainage. This Is duo pr linnr !?r to the fnct that tho continued tramping of the stock over tho aur eate has a puddling action nnd tends to make tho surface waterproof. l'roltleiHS Met. This action Is more iiollceablo ulth somo soils than with others; In this connection It ehould ho stated that a gravelly soil malcos by far tho best location for a hnrnynrd, but, of course, this caunot be obtained ofton. However, the selection of tho barn rard should always ho given atten tion by the stockman. Ho should bo careful to plnco tho yards and lots whero tho best surface- drainage may be obtained. Often much can be accomplished by a llttlo grading and stockmen and farmers should make uso of tho proper changes In the surfaco and grndo to produce the best results. I liavo ob served many yards which could bo Separating Profitable From Unprofitable Cows Undoubtedly half of tho cows upon farms other than those composing tbe large modcrnly operated dairies, are kept at a loss. This includes; the ordinary dalr) man's animals, no well as the farmer's herd and tho home dairy animal or animals. Tlicro, are few cow owners who lenow tho iact producing power of tliolr stock. They know that Home of tho animals giro more and better milk than tho others, but they have no Idea wheth er the best cows they possess arc jleldlng them n profit or loss. Tbe keeping of even n singlo ani mal that does not ylold a sufficient return to pay fur the food consumed h an unnecessary expenditure. It costs no more to koop a cow that gives G000 pounds of milk annually than ono jloldlnp but 4000 pounds. It Is the cow that gives tho greatest return for the food consumed that tho dairyman ehould consider. Dairy ing at Its best Is run on n nnrrow margin of profit. What makes ono cow bettor thnn another Is the Inborn tendency to produce and the care sho receives. No matter how woll'an animal Is cared for, If heavy production Is not a part of her composition sho will never bo profitable. On tho other hand, there aro thousands of excel lent animals thnt aro not glvou an opportunity to do their best. Im proper feeding and sloven cure aro keeping them In the class of Binnll producers. The caro tho ordinary herd receives is not conduclvo to great results. Tho host cattlo will not becomo profitnblo ir 111 treated, poorly foil nnd Improperly attended. It is Impossible to tell from an ani mal's outward appcaranco what sho U capable of doing. A cow mny hnvo erery sign that smacks of heavy yielding nnd still rail far short of being a profitnblo individual. Then again the worst looking old 6crub of an animal may be tho greatest producer of tho herd. Outward ap pearances count for llttlo. It la tho actual production that counts for comethlng. Dairy cattlo aro very de ceptive In their conformation and the nest Judge or stock cannot tell what a cow Is capablo of doing when It comes to yielding milk. In separating tho poorer nnlmnls from tho good ones tlio dairyman should first bring tho entire herd up Jo Its greatest producing power through careful and proper feeding and the best of care. When every eow Is given tho opportunity to nro dnco at her beat, then tho real test of producing powor can bo given through tho uso of tho scalos to as certain the quantity nnd tho tieo of tue Babwck test to find the fnt yield. "t Is tho most raluabio part of of Barnyards greatly Improved with little work und at little cost. The surfneo should not onlv shed tho water to tho proper places," where It may bo taken luto tlio catch basins or onto tho coll, which will permit tho water to filter through to tho tile undorneath, but should also prevent any flow of surfaco water onto tho hnrnynrd. Ofton the latter point Is ono which Is neglected, yet Is to easily provided ngalnst. There is no Tieed, whatever, In any case, of allowing surfaco water to flow Into tho yards from tho outside. Adjoining Land. Tho thorough drainage of tho nil Jolnlng land has a marked effect upon tho condition of the bani)ard. If the barnyard Is not too big it ennnot gel Into n very bnd condition It the sur rounding land Is thoroughly drained. Although the surfaco or the soil mny becomo puddled It Is hnrdly pos sible that It will become perfectly waterproof aud there will be some filtration through. It the soil is in cllnod to bo open, ono need not hes itate to put in tue lines through the lot proper for such lines will give good results. Tho wntcr from tho barns and other buildings should not be al lowed to flow onto the surfaco of tho yards, but It should bo led di rectly into tho tlio lines. The build ings, therctoro, must be provided with cave spouts. Thero aro those who maintain thnt thorough drainage of n bnrnyaid per mits a loss of fertility In the manure wnshed away. The objecllou Is not woll founded, howover. It Is rea sonable thnt with n good, firm and dry barnyard, less manure u til be lost than whero the mud Is knee deep. tho milk, the value of an nnlmal Is best Indicated by tho number of pounds of fat sho produces. To find tho amount of fnt a cow produces opo must know tho pounds of milk she yielded nnd the percentage of fat the milk contains. The Hntjiiril Hpenk o (he War Aern- plnne. Clrclo nnd clrclo ami circle and swing. Great white urothor with groat while wlntcl Clrclo for clrclo my own wings black Following your Aplralltng, airy track! Over the city I watch your stoop, Where shivering man thlitgu huddle and cling I.Ike frightened chicks at the rrrriy ltawk'ri uwoop. Quick. Trom your nteely talons tllrur Tho scattering death In the crowd ed coop, For my craw Is empty and hungering. Clrclo and circle nnd circle and swing, Great white brother with great while wlngl Circle nnd circle nnd circle nnd swing, Orent whlto brother with great white wlngl From what weird nut from what atrange egg 'broKc, Do you mount through the shimmer inir drifts of smoke? And what Is tho flaming- seed you sow. Ab over the man-packed field you a oar. That blooms In death on the earth holow; That strews the soil thnt you hoicr oor With richer feast than my beak might Know In many k weary yenr beforo? Clrclo hihI circle nnd circle und swim;, Great whlto brother with great white Wilis! Clrcln nnd circle nnd circle and swing, Man-hatched brother with tireless wins! Clrclo fur circle with Minus out spread, I follow, hovering overhead. You are tho pilot bird for me Quirting to richer gorging still: I circle and wait here hungrily And whet my beak us I wait your kin: I wait till the red feast lies for mo To nettle and perch and gulp my fill Clrclo And drrlo nnd circle and swing. Otver of food nnd guide to the feast. You are cod. and I your orient. Man-hatched brother with tlrelcrs tvlni?. Denn Collins, In Portland Oregonlntu Contentment. When I could boast of thirty waist And forty chest, I woro The bottom button buttoned, In The way young men adore. Hut now, with sixty waist, that scheme Alns, I'm forced to stop, I hold my coat together with The button at tho top. Don't pity me for huge waist line (The reason Is a cinch.) Tor when I think of "eats" I've had, I love each blissrul inch. II. S. Hasklns, In New York Sun. 1 " -"aaaap.BaBBBajBOBBBjBsaBj Get Your Farm Homn FromtheCanadianPacific SfAM flfaAtr Olftt whuMVMI lift t.l.fuM. Uuctlvejoli-BoodcKiimte-ftady IflDrkr-fc n-r-it. ..1.7J tlftrl fln rittYlii . - i. i vjwre you cin en oy all comforts F dim 11 Uh nii.d i . i. . r. ......""... aula lama 1S80ICI j ".'" ucrs woo vfiu actually occupy Bad Improve It. YouHave 20 Years to Pay RMi land for trom til to t.1) p-r urc-Irrintnl withiotw-fltr raan, wiUi Interaat at (ft. I-wg tilSlSSiffSSV """" "" ,wr Um w,a $2,000 Loan for Farm Improvements ..Wswnj lend jj-mntotl.OMon eertaln Fond). tUna. with no olher aoCTritr than tha Und Itaelf. rnilnonrn.tjt. You hare UrearMonaR '"'ffilL'S!'6'", 'Jrou want a placa already unhrtiM-jt(h''totn.lnte-iit one of oor reiaMnad; rami, rianned bj eiecn. Our wnriM na df loalj joanfrf. tn"'! P".'1 eWr" ! CMt Lani. tlnrat liad on tirth tt nitti ftrmlas uj 8rm imwias-InisitM sad otlirr urul. Dairy Injf, Moss nnd Livestock nlaka Ola IncomM H-n Stocli brl-kji (m4 prlcM ud rtn b ntlri V nieiwlhu anxwhtr fI-. Ctttii diMiics ffl vgiic.iiiinnrn-nainron limtotk from Cantdt. Ideal rountrr for uitrrlnir, Lut jru t arrratt milk prlco pld br Carllo Dilrr Comrinr. talirfrr. fi Jl 3 per 1M Itx. On tu U-rpiVtiTlandKlIt, In aura Brain crow, jou can anka big proQU ralalns grain. ul prranit condition! In huror tlilt ronUnont tmrt aonlr Uuropo with sraio and food prwlncw. which Inaorra ntaAfX prft mtr kovn Iht bnt land will b tak Orat.aatlna upredouatarao. Call ar wrrta tadiy. I L. O. THOHNTON, Dlst. Iteprescntntivc, 271 Pine St., Portland, Or. mmm wmvw Malce ALL Your Land Earn Money For You UW 11 HAND-POWER ft. STUMP PULLER Makes stump nullinc a one-man job. Tim powerful machine ivttgMoniy , 171 lbs., but It fKHI V6.UUU 1M. .1'voiokJi, Mfb a Ik Httawotl. kw Ivrllotlvriry wart no taunt, itju more (lunbancaaacaioM, opmcmoirirrriuio- cluiioiiOOIcct Wntbcroroo! Hiinm nrci 4UWf, Uiraoru J.uov un maaaa. 34 1) atrtf ttuc ina couwet. VJ..I.U Daak sa Uad (Jlcarlaf IREH Mr cw cablot tclliroiti ol lir CM mrtl.li al und deal- lot. WrltelaritlcxIar.uKrt aarcUl diirct-ta-iroa tllcea. w.j.niy.riiruus. Box Ily.aZdAra. acinic, Wari. Our Baby Chick Hatchery will start January L riaco your order now for chick from high-bred WlllTH L1SC1 HORN vk;. producers. Somo of our blitli have a record of 289 eggs Cauloguo and prices on uppllcatlon. iimtm riHrTia.iiU B..tMi. )rr)COrlJia tni t.l.n tina, Miliknmlir,t FREE TRM. IMNVIM l.'r, (' W tW l HHU OliaaArrCU il. ki .l a Kr V H(Mf ua Mlwllrwi SL.TI mp St Malani rnoakalar Co, To4ado, Waihlnjton WE AltG CASH BUYERS FOR YOUIl POULTRY, EGGS, VEAL AND HOGS. NO COMMISSION. HlKbe.it Trices Always Try Us lATTKUSON & CO., .".I Trout Street, furllnud, (Ir. r.eferoni-e- Northwest National IUnlc. BLACK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED br CaUtr1! BlaiXlu rilll. Low. ivtovil. freal). reUlbtal prffarrrj t WMtern atuctunrn Locaiua tbev Bra. ar jm -. tatt nhara athir itatlaai tall I I, ' HilU for booalel ant tnUnionUli. W m 11-aiu (. Rlacalti fills JI.03 1 Jl 1 . 4 VJaV 50-d.u sua. Blatll.a mil 4.00 ttsa an; Injector, but Cutter! but Tha unertorlrr of Cutter rrodncta la doe 10 oier 1' 7ara of kfiaeUUxlcs bi traaalara nd uracil anty. lallit aa Cuttar'a. ir unoMalaatila. ortter (ltrert. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, OwV.l.y, CHIIirala DAY OLD CH ICKS I'roai ""' I.n;eri, SSsSS3. fftipi Pacific Poultry Co. 10.1 Seoeeit .Street, Seattle, AVn-liliiuliiq. Farm Exchanges and Bargains 8 acres at Mlddleton, Cr on main coun ty rock road. Huh Kood house, fine .,rn, .nn.'' n" "utbulldlnKs. orchard nnd nil kinds of berries; 4 acres now In crop; o4 acres In cultivation. All bulld Itiss nro now and nicely painted: flno f replace,. A very nttractlvo plnce. l'rlco J3500; J1000 cash will handle. .1?.H?r,cs' one ml, from blKb school, at HUlsboro, Or., on niln rock road;' woven wire fenci-; nniall 1-room shock, two larKo chicken houses: nil kinds of fruit trees, small fruit and berries. This place Is worth 3000. but can bo pur chased for 2250; 1000 cash will han dle. A FINE BUY IS ncres nt Mlddleton. Or., on main lock road: 11W ncros In cultivation, ii acres In timber, younp orchard and nil kinds of hcrrlc: uood 4-room house nnd large, fine barn, buildings nil painted, l'rlco 13900; J2000 cash will handle. This IVlo.n Wants a Larger Farm in Willamette Valley 25 acres Just outside of Mlddlc-ton. Or., 22 acres In cultivation, balnnce In pasture: nil seeded for spring; Kood 6 room. house, Uro barn nnd nil out buildings. 1-1 mile to school. With Place goes I cows, 3 heifers, 1 team, 300 Leghorn chickens, wagon, buggy, mower, rake, plow, harrow, disc, fnn inlll, cream separator and household goods, ford wood for 3 years. Also pan ncros rented, seeded nnd rent paid. Price ITBOO. will trndo for larger pluco up to $9000, or will sell on onsy terms. 80 acros 5 miles from Molalla. 15 acres In cultivation, 15 ncres moro slashed and goated, balauco In timbor; flno creek and 3 springs: small houso and outbuildings; fenced and cros.t fenced, Price $2400: $500 cash will han dle, balance long tlmo nt S per cent In terest. 400 acros 7 miles southwest of Dufur, Or., 3 miles to It. It. station: partially fenced; 320 acres tlllablo, balanco flno pasturo: rich black soil, will grow any thing; flno creek flows through tho land. Price Is $15 pur ncroi can be pur chased on easy let ins. A SNAP 270 acres Wlllametto river bottom laud, stoambout landing on tho place: all under wovon-wlre fenco nnd cross fenco; cUra large barn nnd good hoiiBe. This plnco Is worth $20,000, but can bo Furcliased If tnkou at once for $13,000; 5000 cash, balanco e:iy terms. Full particulars on application, John E. Howard :S00 Chamber of Commerce, 1'orlliiml, Oregon. 1 1 TA 1 1 B flu bfe sS&M tt&iviT5l Vlmar.llrrjr Mm ara ncc mrv If tha chlclia nro to ituira and mature qukVlr. CONKRV'S ma then f . Uanol right i started fight and k c thcoi dCKai qr 4lt. (IMaaaf), CONKET'S WHITE DIARRHEA nEMEDT tlo-iki Ix tinn iu tkt dntiklng water front Ihaaurt. Il win help lo bring; ywir chl.ka llirwiri ntry a5C atnt 50c Send 4c forConVey'a l'oultry IkxJc worth (uiuuiioyou. tk rir?! H3HU. MilZ tnllBBBBBBBr THEG.F.C0NKETC 1 Conkay DUn ClaTalanJ, 50,000 CHICKS S C WHITE LEGHORNS Why waste feed on scrubs and In bred stock when ou can eat chicks front pedigreed Oregon free range Trapncsted. 17J eggs and over for $12 pr 100. geut far the JUBILEE INCUBATOR World' Ileal. IIUI.IIItOIIKS J OBI. l,i:i: IIATCIIKItV, 1 ia. .iraaup aa I'orlland, Oregon. rj Fish Bite SSSiSSJI.'ffVSI Litre, iieai J.K. Orcgory, lop. BO . tools, Me Iteds, per 100 SI5.U0 Itocks, per 100 JN.00 White Leghorn', per 100 l--iift White Wyandottes, per 100.... 18.00 Mgyr i a. J 'Zr l..lt vith Naelo-Tliu f TJT' flahlialt eror dlaoofariKl. Kewpa 70a buai or L-Ili L .1.2... ui wrtiM tAfAAr and net I Vf7 (Jtw ..fhi,,lnrm.lnnnlt. Aarents waotexl y owm f5gj222TOjjj22522j msZESZZSSm