I . .M,Jt ML REPORT IS MUSIC IN SOME EARS HOWEVER fALSE THE NOTE IT SOUNDS Coos Bay Times Your Paper (tV&s A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt's lint tlio Coos Ray Times Is. A SoutN west Oregon pncr for Soiitlmct Oregon pcoplo nml ilovototl to tho best Interests of this great section . Tho Times always boosts tuid novcr knocks. Tho Coos liny Times Is proud or Its lltlo "Tho ilo'fl rlcrt" nntl Jt str,vcs nt "" times to up to Ks "H"10 b' loitiiig lta energies to promoting tho people's Interests. memders op the associated iess mUU mmt VOL NO. XXXVIII. U.S.SUBMARINE IS LOCATED sunken Vessel is Found Just Outside the Honolulu Har bor Entrance Will be Little Short of Mirac ulous if Any of the Men Are Still Alive. ANXIOUSLY AWAIT WORD Secretary of Xnvy Daniels Hoping AKiiliist Hope "'HI. Favorable (mh M"y "o Received fnim 'Rear Admiral Monro Of Accident a raising proceeds I SLOWLY ; a It; Aiwi Me i I'rtM to Coo Day Tlmm. a HONOLULU, Mnr. 27. a railing of tho United States a submarine, F-l, lost In deep a u-nti-r nnlnlild of Honolulu it harbor since early Thursdny, a was held up temporarily wlillo tho rnblcs iittnehcd to the snhnierged craft wero t tested. An olecti'ienl buzzor f detlco Is being used to do- t termlno tho cfflclonoy of 0 the fastening on tho sub- marlno. i The work is prococdlngly ilowly. A (DJtwKttlM I'rrM to Coot Ilajr TllilPf. HONOLULU, Mnr. 27. Tho sunken submarine, F-4, which wns locnted Into, yes- tcrday outsldo tho harbor entrance, should bo rnlsed . late today, if all goes well, according to n Btntcmont of Captain of tho Yard Duffy, who inys lie bollpves thoro is a flfihtlng cliauco to trnvo tho lives of tho men lm- prlioned, ID AuocUt.J rrno to Coot Dar Tltnw. WASHINGTON, I). C, Mar. 27. Erery hour that passes without fa Torablo word from Honolulu lowers tope that any of tho men In tho lunken submarine, F-ll, will bo alive. Wlillo thoro always Is a poulblllty of life, naval author. Itlca agrco that It will bo Uttlo inort of miraculous if any shuhl wlve. Secretory Daniels und of ficial! In Washington uro nnxlously mltlng sonio word from Hear Admiral Moore upon which they might l)a8o hope, but as tho day t on, nono caiuo. OUT HOSPITAL HEADY n; AuHKtttxi vnu io coo. n7 thum. HONOLULU. Mar. 27. Tho drod ter California, dispatched from the Pearl Harbor Naval Station in reiponse to a radiogram, reached tne icone at midnight. Tho nrmy department hospital is In readiness to reecho tho mon ot tho F-4 should taey bo allvo when tho submarlno Is raised. LOBBY INVESTIGATION ' RESULTS IN NOTHING Senate Conimlttci) Falls to Elicit Aii)lhlng Sensational in K. niiilmitloii of Witnesses Itf Auoclit Prcn to Cooi nr TlniM.l WASHINGTON D. C. March 7. witn only ono moro witness to bo wbpeonaed to testify before tho senate lobby commltteo, Sonator Sut w and, Ilepublican declared today '"at "Absolutely nothing had como v i ?' tll lavostlgatlon." Sonator vtaisn, democrat, would not discuss e report to ho made to tho Sonato, eut nla view Is understood not to B1I'er mucn from Suthorlands. WlllIB BTHAMEItS LADEX WITH 'HON ODE (JO DOWN . U,.SiUl& m lItlc Sen Ono Yes wl lh Kntlro Crew Is Sunk C'Me Has Not Yet Ileen Deported Ur Auoelttej titu ta Cow Bl Time,.) In SCJ?I.,0LM' Mar- 27. The loss .",,7. "altlo of threo German ves iM t- 8ter'er8 Uavnrla, Germana Irm. KoenB8horg, all laden with dvJ ?re' U announced today in the Ihv.Si per Soc,nl Oemokrnten. Tho ler JIh Went d0Wn Marl I5 wlth ilnkir , crew T1 causo of tho """"S hag not been reported. T- B. JAMES loft for San Francisco Ronra !bort ""sines trip. dav MARSDEN SR.,returned to y on the Breakwater from a Mwlnett trip to Portland and Sa- FEU CHEW"S FATE BIN SHIPS LOST Sck'Ih Corns hurt? Get Red Cross fcw iiaw"i,ay M"u- AlCorncure. Established 1878 us The Const Mirtl. KILLED AT HKl SAMUEL HVAXS VICTIM OK KAM, iau j ui;i; dodv duhxkd Wits Sirnric mid Knocked Into mtiMi Flro Wheio His Fneo Was Itudly Scarred mid Leg Hunted Off (Special to The Times.) MYRTLE POINT, Mar. 27 Sam- uol Evans was kllloil at Wagner Thursday. Ho was burning brtieli iiway from tho othcrB and when found his fnco was badlv hurninl and ono leu was burned off. Tim body was brought to Myrtle Point Friday morning. A letter found among his things was from a George Evans in Indiana, and telegrams io mai ciiuruss iiuvo ns yet received no reply. Tho letter was dated 11)12. It was first reported that tho man was burned to death, but It Is be lieved ho was killed by tho truo or limb ho hnd cut. S S tnr AiaoeUleJ Vim Io Coos Uy Tlmtt.l ONTAItIO, Or., Mar. 27. Tlireo high school hoys wero shot, two ser iously Injured. In a. raid nnmi n lilirti school endot camp near hero. A party or noys went out to raid tho camp before dawn. Kobort .Madden wns shot through tho lung, William Fltz gorald Hhot through tho cyo: Wil liam Diinoun shot In tho thigh. It Is nllegud tho boys put rocks In blank cartrldgo shells. BANKS HOBBEI tDr AworlttM Vtvtt to Cooi tnr TlmM 7 OKLAHOMA CITY, -Jlnr. " 27 Two bnuks of Stroud, Oklahomn, wero robbed early today. Five thousand dollnrs was takon. Two robbers wero shot and captured, and n cItlzo:t was fatally Injured. Eloven wore In tho baud of robbers. One was captured by n ir-year-old boy. Others pursued ctoahslrldumiotaoi Tho others were pursued nml sur rounded In n wood near Stroud, where tho bnttlo is continuing. Tho robbers rodo Into town nt 10 n. m. and proceeded to loot tho banks. As tho nows spread, citi zens rushed to arms and mnny shots wero fired. Ono of tho captured robbers Is believed to bo Henry Starr, for whom tho stnto offers n n rowan! of $1000. hut his Identity has not been established yet. Ho was shot In tho leg by a boy as ho started to mount his horse. Tho othor robbor, Hill Estes, wounded, foil from his horso a mllo outsldo of town. Jorry Turner, a farmer, was reported fntally wound ed In tho First Notional Hank when ho refused to comply with tho rob berH, orders to throw up his hands. CHAHLEMAOXE TOWKIt AVAIVKS PHIJLIMIXAKY KXAMIXATIOX HoiiiiiI Over to Orantl Jury In April Claims That llo Acted Within His Eights In Taking Wire. Chnrlomagno Tower appeared In tho Justice Court this morning, waiv ed examination on tlio cunrgo 01 forcibly kidnapping his own wlfo and wns allowed his freedom under a $500 bond. Tho caso will takon up next month In tho Circuit Court. Llttlo about tho case has bcon said by tho lutBband. Ho declares that ho was on his way to tho Val ley somowhoro nml thero meant to sottle down with his wife and that thoro was nothing wrong In his ac tions. H. J. Wulratli and G. A. Donobrako wont on bis bond Inst night and following tho nppearanco In the Justice Court Mr. Wnlrath and tho fathor of tho husband went on tho ?500 bond for an appearance In tho April court. Clark McLaughlin, constable of Floronco, who accompanied tho young couple horo yesterday aftor noou. roturned to his homo today. Ho said that both of thorn wero will ing to return. Attorneys for tho dofonso assert that thero should havo been no trouble and that had tho young peo plo been left alone they would have gone away contented. I. D. Poole, father of Mrs. Tower, and who swore out tho complaint and war rant, claimed on tho other hand that violcnco had been threatened. Still to tho Front on Front Street Sartor's Ice Cream and Candles. TPD1CEY and CHICKEN' DIX XEK served nt tho X1KTY CAM.- TEHIA on Sunday. OR m u TDWEH.GIVESBONDS! ' MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915 EVENING EDITION. Ml ROSSIS IS DEFEATED Berlin Announces Last Rus sian Has Been Driven From East Prussia. S TO REST Offensive Movement Against Enemy Has Come to An End in That Province FIGHTING IN CARPATHIANS Holli Sides Are Claiming Advantage In tho Struggle lor rupture of Mountain Pusses, Itut No Decisive ItuHiiItH Are I tombed Yet. tnr AuocltIM Trtn to Tool tnj Time LONDON, Mnr. 27. Horlln an nounces thnt tho Itusslan offonslvo movement against East Prussia to tho north of Tilsit came to an end last night with tho expulsion of tho HiBt Itusslan from tho province. Tho Invndors wero thrown bock after u brief but hard fight nml tho Oor mans had advanced to n point In front of Polangon. Hard fighting continues In tho Carpathians with both sides claim ing tho advantage In the West, tho French occupied tho too of Hart- mauus-wellcdkopf, on the edge of a noigiit Held by the Germans In Vosgcs, nftor a florco oncountor. swiss Ni:wsPAPi:its emphasize SUCCESS OK CAK'S THOOPS Austrian Troops Are Doing Hani Piessed by HiissIhiih In t'lif- imtlilau ."Mouiitiilns 80,0(10 Loss In One Dattle nr AtaoclatnJ Vtttt to Cnoi Dr Tlmf.. GKN13VA, Mnr. 27. Dispatches to Swls.i nowspupors contluuo to oni phaolzo tho success of nusslnns In a battle which Is still in progress In tho Carpathians. A struggla in UJok and Lupkow Passes on March 211 Is said to havo been particularly desporato, with heavy losses to the Austrlaus. On tho Iliala Ulvor, midway between Przomysl and Cra cow, Austrian attnckB nro sold to havo been repulsed with losses of 8000. (iKKMAX ItEPOHT SAYS THEY OCCUPY NEW HEIGHT French Aviators Drop Dnuilis In Dapatiuio mid Stinssbmg und Germans Itetiillato In Calais. nr AMoclitei I'rm to Coo liar Tlmn.J DEHL1N, Mar. 27. (Wireless to Sayvlllo) Tho official Btatomont to day says: "In Vosges tho French yesterday evening occupied tho top ot Hnrtmaan's-Whellorkopf on tho edgo of tho height hold by Germans, French aviators yesterday throw bombs on Dapaumo and Strnssburg without doing any military datnugo. In Dapaumo 11 Fronchmon wero killed and 22 severely wounded. A French nvlator was compelled to como to the ground northwest of Arras. Wo dropped a few bombs on Calais. Husslun troops which start ed from Tauroggen to loot Tilsit In tho saino way thoy looted Momol, havo been ropulaod near I.ougszar gcn. Thoy sufforod heavy losses and wero driven back over tho Je dlorupa Itlvor. Several Hussion ad vances botween Augustowo forts and and tho Vlstuln wero repulsed and In some placos this fighting con tinues. French CJalni Gains PARIS, March 27. An official statement this afternoon says thnt "Tho Germans bombarded Arras with shells of all calibre. Flro broko out In Arras but was quickly extinguish ed. Tho fighting going on at Lnbol sello Is favorablo to the French. Af ter an enorgotlo ongagoment lasting several days, the French are suc cessful In reaching the ton of Hart mann's Wellorkopf, which thoy cap tured from tho Germans. Tho French also mado progress on Northeastern and Southeastern flanks of tho main army. The Germans abandoned Im portant war matorlal and left num erous dead. A Gorman aviator drop ped soveral bobms on tho town 01 Wilier, Threo children wero killed." IIOMH.S THHOWX OX DUXKIItK I Or AwoiUteiJ I'rew to Coos Uar Time J PARIS, Mar. 27. Hoth Calais and Dunkirk wero visited by a Gorman monoplane this morning, but neith er town was damaged. Six bombs wero thrown on Dunkirk and ono Calais. FOR SALE Team of mares, 1 and 5 yrs. old, gentle. Address Mrs. C. McMullen, Empire, Oregon. Don't forget thero Is ono tul In. HI US u IFREMGH ADVANCE 1 town. Phono "0, BIG SATTLE IS 01 IflJElO Siege of Matamoros is Be gun at Noon Today by Villa's Troops CLOSE Tfll S. LIE Cavalry Patrol Warns Mex icans Not to Endanger Lives of Americans KEEP OFF AMERICAN SOIL Mexican Transport Attempts (o Land ('iirraiin Troops In Touts, but. nro Pi evented by Captain of tho Coast ('iianl lloth Annies Deceive Winning tnr AuocliteJ Trcsi to Com Utr Tlmri.J DHOWNSVILLE, Mar. 27. Tho Villa slego of Matamoros began nt noon totlny. Tho Infantry opened n heavy rifle flro on tho breast works west of Matamoros near HIo Graudo. Simultaneously the cav alry, totaling r!J00, began spreading to surround tlio city on tho west and south. A Villa officer told tho Associated Press correspondent thnt tho artillery wn3 duo to reach tho firing Hue some time this evening. IIOTII SIDES ADD WAHXED (Ilr AMoclitei TreM to Coot T)tj TlmM.) DltOWNSVILLE, Tex., Mar. 27. Owing to grave apprehension that shrnpncl shells will fall In Drowns vllle, In tho battlo expected nt Mat amoros, opposite heio, Colonel Dlocksom, commanding tho Unltol Stntcs rnvnlry patrol hero, sent word tdtluy to both Mexican forces to avoid firing In any maunor to on danger American lives and property. ATTEMPT TO LAND IX TEXAS Ilr AmocUI! I'rrM to Coon liar Tlmra. DHOWNSVILLE. Tex. Mar. 27. Tho Moxlcan transport Onjaca, with a largo body of mon, believed to bo Cnrranzn rolnforcomont for Mat amoros, reached tho mouth of tho HIo Grande, 20 miles below hero to day. It Is reported that a landing on Amorlcnn soil wns attempted, but Captain Heed, of tho United Stntes Coast Guard refused to por mlt tho landing. Onjaca was said to havo como from Vera, Cruz. GERMAN STEAMER WILL PROBABLY BE INTERNED Prlii. Eltel Kredcrlcn Is Still In U. S. Wat els Although Repairs Have ,Dci'ii Completed Mr An Uli' I ri to Cooi liar Time.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mnr. 27. A 1 1 linn 1M1 11 n wnnl linn cmnn from tho Commander of tho Prinz Eltol Frledrlch us to wlietuor ho Intended to tako his vessel to Bca, naval of flcortt urn confident that tho next two or three days would seo tho ship inieruuit, tho 111110 auoweii 1110 1 Eltol to mnko ropnlrs has been kept n stilct official secret, but the gon-1 o.al underotundlng today was It ex pirns during tho next two or threo . ll.l'B. POSTPONE FIGHT DIG DATTLE IJETWEEN .IOIIXSOX AND WILLARD DRLAVED Will Tako Place mi .Monday April, nth, Instead of ICiister Sunday An Was Oilgiiially Scheduled. J 111? Auih tttcil rrn to ( 71. J Tlinoa ) j HAVANA, Mar. 27. Tho fight botween Jack Johnson nnd J033 W1I-1 a;d, which had been scheduled to ; take placo here on April 4, has been postponed until Apt II ft. I Tho Postponomont was duo to a I requost by Prosldont Menocal of Cuba, who said great objection had arisen to tho fight taking place on EuBter Sunday. Doth pugilists say tho change will not upset training. , $ 4 I EASTER MONDAY HALL I Tho laaios of St. Monica's Catholic Church aro making olaborato propar- atlons for tholr annual Easter Mon day ball which vlll bo given nt Ea gles hall on April ft. Tho ha'l will j ben handsomely decorated and punch served by a commltteo of young ladles. These annual ovonta aro lilo.iPiirnnK' nntlclnated liv Coos Hay 1 society for thoy aro always among tho most enjoyable functions of tho season. Among tho ladles or tho recep tion commltteo are Mrs. B. K. Jones, Mrs. D. J. McKlnnon, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dolan, Mrs. Malr Dauo. Tho QUADRILLE CLUD will glvo 11 dance SAT. NIGHT In Odd Fellows Hall. Xuf sed. ' Broken lenses duplicated at once. Red Cross Optical Department. '.V A : ; LOANS MADE IN NEW YORK Bankers Announce Extension of Credits to All Belliger ent Nations ' Germany, Great Britain, Rus sia, Italy an France are Borrowers $10,000,000 For Germany Franro Will Get $50,000,000 mill (loin iiiiiiiiii DniiDlo That Sum Wlillo Riissln Ih After M ore Xegot bit Ions About Couclutled tnr AuocUtaJ I'n.i to Cooi etj Timet. NEW YORK, Mnr. 27. At a con ference among bankers here. It was nnrounccd today thnt It had brought near to a conclusion arrangements for an extension of credits to Oroat Hrltaln, Franco, Italy and othor foreign countries, in addition to the $10,000,000 to Germany. Frnnco probably will get n loan of ?G0, 000,000 and England twice ns much. Negotiations aro in progress for a loan to Russia In ndditlou to tho $215,000,000 recently obtained. All money borrowed will bo spout lu tho United States. ITSLy WILL inr amocuis vmt to root m tipm. LONDON, Mnr. 27. Doclslvo ac tion by Italy, nccordlng to French nov.'n sources, Is rcgared lu Homo ns Immlnout. A brief dispatch from that city today states that Italy has taken ovory posslhlo monsure propnratory to beginning wnr on tho bIiIo of tho Allies. Also It is re ported from Homo that thero Is oh scrvablo a tendency on tho part of Hulgnrla to adopt a policy favorablo to tho Allies nml tho government hopes to act lu conjunction with Italy and Houmanla. Notwithstand ing roportcd successes of tho Brit ish In ropelllng Turkish Invndors ot Ngypt, tho Turks havo not beon ex pollcd. An official Btatomont from Cairo says a skirmish occurred Tues day. T HIGH SCHOOL STARTS WITH TRAINING GRIND OX .MONDAY County Inler.scholastlc Meet To Do Held In Mnrsliricld This Year: Likely Can. dldate.s Appear Closed Is tho basket ball season, Forwnid Is the track season. Athletes of tho Marshflold high 'school will begin tholr spring training on Mon day, don tho spikes and bogln fan ning tl.u bicezo with extraordinary bursts of speed. Tho luterscholastlo truck moot of tho soason will bo held this year in Marshflold according to Coach Nlles. What the lliioup will bo Is a mat tor of conjecture with tho coach. This Is Ills first season on Coos Hay and as yet ho has boon unable to lino up his track material. Tho call ls Issued for recruits. When thoy ap pear thoy will bo tagged und slated to their proper positions. In tho 880 yard run and tlio mllo. ovent thero wld bo this year Lccocq, who last year led tho county, Duch and Dackiuan, Co lutter having yet to win his spurs. Tho 410 will prob ably bring out Seaman and Dolt, tlio formor having especially shown ho Is , n speedy man. It Is lu tho sprints that tho coach' finds himsolf non-plussod, hut whoro j ho expects to find a host of candi dates. So fur there looms up for tho 50 and century dasu, .Mcrcnant, uoii and Chapman. The Jumps, broad and high, will onteitnln Wnttors, Durrowsand Dack iniiii and tho polo vaiitt, Wattors and Chapman. As for tho weight ovonts, the illscus. Javoilno and shot put, tho coach declares thero will bo - many changes during tho season, At tho present tlmo ho has lined up Hunter, Lecocq and La Chapollo for tho events. As for hurdlers, 220 and 120 yards candidates aro obscuro, it will take a couplo of wcoks, says Mr. Nlles, to bring tho likely candidates to the front and out of tho sprinters will bo picked the relay team, Just us Good as Ever Specials at Surfer's Sanitary Fountain. Poor vision, poor work; bet ter vision, better work. See Red Cross Optical Dcpt. for perfectly fitted glasses. SPEi MONEY HERE SOON DECIDE RACK SEA 0 0 PEN A Consolidation of Times, Const Mat) and Coos Hnv Advertiser IS rilAS. MILLER WAKES UP IX A LOXELY SPOT, PENNILESS Tolls Pollco Wns Taken In Tnxlcnb To Diidlcn Pink; Loses $18 mill Wakes Up Under Tree Pollco today nro looking for n mysterious toxical) and still more mysterious men who aro said to have taken Charles Miller from In front of the Dlnuco Dnr on Thursday night to n dark corner of Uudzlen Park whoro the man wag rolloved of about $18 and left under a trco asleep. Miller nwoko tho next morning nnd enmo bock to town but not until to doy did his story get to tho pollco. Miller asserts that bo has no mem ory of leaving tho bar and know only In a general way that ho was spirited lu n taxlcab. Ho claims ho was not drunk nt tho time but must havo been drugged. Tho Btory told to the pollco Is straight forward and with all tho ear mnrks of truth. It wns through rrlonds that tho pollco officers wero first Interested In tho matter. Such practices, thoy assert, havo been fre quent within tho city. Though his money was taken Mil ler nwoko tho next morning nnd found his watch still thoro. Ho looked at tho time. It wns 10 minutes to six. Ills bedroom bo found to bo tho "great wldo opon" nml his bend had been resting on n rock under tho spreading fir treo. "Novor mind tho money. Doltor let tho wholo thing go," ho told tho' pollco. Miller for tho past six months I hns been working on a donkey on-! glno of tho Smith-Powers company. Chief Carter mado n round of tho ' tnxlcnbs this morning endeavoring to 1 find whnt thoro Is In tho story nnd 1 what trnco, If any, can bo gotton of tho men who nro claimed to havo1 committed tho robbery. JOY RIDERS IN MUD DR. DULL ARRESTS AIEX FOIt TAKING HIS MACHIXi: Charges Ijirreiiy Auto Returned Splashed With Mud and Mii.hIciiI Siren Refuses to liven Squawk. For using his nuto lost night lu n Joy rldo Dr. M. M. Dull this morn ing appeared lu the JubMco Court and arrested Chnrlus E. Isbell and R. F. Schronborn on a charge of larceny. Hoth mon wero released on tholr own recognizance with tho understanding thoy shall pay Dr. Dull $2ft by Monday night or again bo arrested. Ho nllcgos tho men took tlio mnculno from Goodrum's Gar age unbeknown to him and wero I out nil nlulit. nftor havlm; beon 1 stuck In tho mud near Empire Furthermore, Dr. Dull Is angry, for ho clnlms tho eight bnrrol olren Is ruined. Formerly it was able to play "Homo Sweet Homo" nnd "My Irene" without a tremor. This moinlng It wouldn't eeu squawk, 1 lot nlouo attempting anything Ilkol "My Hero." The machluo also hnd I lost Its appearance of shining white nnd was splashed hero nml thoro with mud In great "gobs." Isboll, who was well dressed, was first apprehended lu bed at tho St. Lnwrenco Hotel, Ho told tho officers he hod boon driving the car for Dr. Dull and also that ho was tho Innocent bystander. Until Schronborn could bo arrested ho was placed In Jail. It is alleged by Dr. Dull thnt Schronborn has been masquerading hero under an assumed niuiio, that of McDonald. Tho young man, also woll dressed, but without any money, , alleged that ho hod beon working! for Dr. Hull In North Hond. -Hut I I am douo with you now," said tho! Doctor. "You've gotton Into this scrape; It's up to you to got out." Tlio mon suy mat tlioy wont to North I lend und out to Simpson Park 11ml thou turned back on tholr way to Empire, whon two ot thorn tried to steer at ouco and the car wont into tlio mud In u ditch. An othor machine cumo by and pulled them out. Thoy arrived home curly this morning. HERELS THREATEN TURKS 4. Ilr Auod.te.1 I'reM to Coot Ur Timet. ROME, Mnr. 27. Sixty 4 thousand Albanlntf robots aro said to bo engaged in an as- sault upon Duruzzo, designed to forco tho retirement of Essnd Pasha, Turkish pro- visional President. lloni- bardmout ot the port con- timics, The residence of Es- 4 sad Pasha wus badly damag- 4 ed by shell flro, .MASONS, ATTKNTIOXS All members of Dlnuco Lodgo No. 48, A, F. & A. M., together with any sojourning Master Masons, aro hereby asked to assemble on Sunday morning, March 28th, at 10:30 a. tn., at tho MobouIc building, and procood in a body to uttond dlvlno service In tho Episcopal Church, Fourth streot and Market avenue, by special Invitation of tho Rector to Marshflold Lodgo, received In rog ulur communication DY ORDER OF THE W M. Attest; Norls Jensen, Sccretur). No. 211 MANY TESTIFY IN Depositors Had Implicit Confi dence in Methods of Roseburg Banker ' Prosecution Concludes Its Presentation of Case and Defense is Commenced OUTSIDE LOANS PERMITTED Witnesses nt Hearing of Roseburg Financier Tell of Signing Revises PORTLAND, March 27. "Just nB good ns gold." That wns tho kind ot a loan T. II. Shorlilnn promised to moko for here, nccordlng to tho tes timony of Mrs. W. T. Dewnr, of Gar diner. Mrs. Downr told how sbo in sisted on "good and safo security." Tho ovldenco tondod to show that Sheridan loaned $3000 ot Mrs. Do war's money to A. M. Kolsoy, taking Kolsoy's note, which Sheridan him solf olgned for Kolsoy, with tho no tation "T" for Thomas. Tho Kolsoy note was dated November 2G, 1909. Mrs. Dowar said no part ot tho prin cipal had bcon paid, although she had received Interest at sovon per cont for ono year. Mrs. Tim Hnrry, of Dothan, Indo tlficd notes and memorandum checks showing lu all that Shorldnn loaned $1000 to himsolf and $500 to Kolsoy, nono of which 1ms over beon ropald, It Is alleged. J. D. Cooloy, of Agnes, told of authorizing Shorldnn by lot tor from Alaska to loon his mouoy, Shorldnn too); UjoJMiaupor.'B onth", fortifying ho noadod Charles Hol lnnd, of Myrtlo Crook, ns a witness but had no means ot bringing hint to Portland. J. 13. Marks, of tho firm of Mnrks Brothers of Hoschurg, testified that ho hud signed a rolonso without un derstanding It. Shorldnn had taken $3000 of tho firm's doposltn nnd when tho Nntlonnl Dank Exnmlnor Goodhnrt sont him tho roloaso ho attached his nnmo. J. A. Colloy of Agnes, -was tho first wltnoss during tho cntlro trlnl to slato ho had given wrltton permis sion to Shorldnn to loud monoy ho foro thn monoy was actually borrow ed bv Shorldnn. Ho wroto from Alas ko, ho said, tolling Shorldnn to nut out his account of $1400. Sheridan took tho monoy, but later told Cooloy ho would check nu'nlnst tho ncrount nnd tho punor would ho honored. On his basis Cooloy sntd ho Imiornntly put his account In ovordrntt. A letter written by Sheridan to Georgo II. McNameo, 708 Fargo stroot Portland, a contractor, offorlng 8 por cont Interest, resulted In McNnmeo giving pormlsslon for Shor ldnn to loon his mtftioy, ho said. Tho bnnkor, howovor, nccordlng to McNn meo, continued to honor his chocks wlillo tho overdrafts piled up. In nnswor to a request for nn account ing, Bhorldan wroto from San Fran cisco that ho was trying to sell somn of his Oakland property nnd would wrltn n full stntomrnt as soon ns ho got to Rosobunr, Tho proporty mon tlnnnd Is ono of thoso which tho gov ernment bollovcs wns hold In reserve by tho banker to cover his loans. ARGENTINE BATTLESHIP IN SMALL COLLISION Huns Into nnd Sinks Dnrgo In Del- nwnm River mid Puts Ashoru Flouted Without Dmimgo I Mr Amo IttMl I'rr.t to Coot nr Time, PHILADELPHIA. Mar. 27. Tho now Argojitfno battleship Moreno, which sailed from horo yostordny for Hamilton Roads, collldo'l last night with a barga in tho Delaware rlvor. Tho bargo was Blink nnd tho Moreno went nshoro, whoro sho remained until morning when slip floated, apparently uninjured. VICE-PRESIDENT AND PARTY LEAVE 'FRISCO President's Official Hcpmoutntlvo Will Visit Senator Plieluii'u Homo mid Then to Kan Dlegu (Or AuocUtfc ritf to Coot Utr Tlmta. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 27- Vivo Prosldont Marshall, Mrs, Marshall, Assistant Secretary of tho Navy Roosovelt, Mrs. Roosovolt and party loft today for Sarutogu, California, to visit ut the homo of Sonator Pho lun. Luto today they will contlnuo their Jouruoy to San Dlogo, POTATOES WITH WHEAT FLOUR MUtuie for Dread M111I0 Compulsory by Muglstracy In'Horlln DEHL1N, March 26. The magis tracy o( Dorllu issued orders that March IS potatoes must be mixed with wheat flour. Droad coupons may bo used anly to a limited oxtont for tho purchase of flour, of which only 12G grams may bo obtained on a coupon which is good tor 250 grams ot bread. N 1 IN NOTES f mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tmmmmmmm meUESEmBm it i -x. mmmmmLsm