THE COOS BAY TIMSS, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE .-.. .,-Itt rivoci&arA tinuMiv QR Very Sniauiy iww yuuug m the new .vai&ny muueis 're showing trom Hart Schaif ner & Marx maklHO , . .,nrtnfQ cnmn hfivnn't? snmo nrn is have paw p-u-w,":Hh, r v n:: call .1. nnmn arn uilhnnt nnr nnrlrlii-m cnme not; auim.- "; ;." " "j i"ih Li,e material of any kiiio wnai we EST coat' Let us show you young men tns new Varsity Fifty Five, one of the best stylos I you've seen. olfer special 'values in tnese suits at JSZb. i keep your clothes pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores. Afield. norm tiend. FIRE PLAOK8 I I M. RAYLISS . Rind of Hrlck Work at prices That Aro night ... .ii Wnrk (Jimrniitcod flit "The Fireside," Johnson .197 Second flt. Phono tit J Mr. 131 secouu -..-. W. reach Rtngo. Doller Work iiitew TORIC LENS OUR BEST Have You Bad Eyes? Some cjo troubles nro beyond litlj) of lenses, us wir in- UlUl.l.MU JIIHKASHS or tt. ill it honest with you If 'yon I b look joii in tho eye." i can't buy eye glasses from Kfje rIiissos Mill not help optometrists or opticians i not as iiir(lciiliir. BroVeii lenses liilica(ol I'urmcrlr of Itt'tl Cross- Optlenl rpwtnifnt, now Itouni 1(), over j Dry (i'inhIs Store. I. H. GRIFFITH oitomi.trisi! WitlflJ, Oregon. ORPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better TONIGHT FRIDAY WHEN A WOMAN LOVES Threo-rool American drama In troducing nn uctross In thu lending part who In an exceptional "find." , Sho will tnko your hearts by storm , - shu will, without doubt, bo 0110 of tho greatest ncressos ever offer-1 ed to thu moving picture public. j PATHE NEWS No. 9 ! Thu world beforo your eyes, j Shows so ninny lute happenings that sonio of thnm will bu of groat In-j torcRt to you, WHISKERS ' Aincrlcnn-iuudo comedy of moro , tlinn ordlnnry merit. ' MOTHER'S DARLING LITTLE BOY Anothor full-reel Amorlrnn-mndo comody. This reel, together with ' thu above, nro tho sort Mint bring people back for moro of tho samo kind. 10c :: ALWAYS :: 10c Any lndy In Murshflold linn nn ; even chnuco In winning out in tho j RUNAWAY JUNK contest at the i Orphoum with tho largest theaters In tho United States. Coining Sunday: "Ilarefoot Hoy," j In threo reels. Coming Monday Wolfram ' Schnicddlng. He needs no Introduc-1 tlon to Marslifleld lovers of music. I Xr J VaL-a (fw- I , r' 'lu P Yl-F w2 I l lik tA ;( I I "" ' ZV VI VIM . SA' ., - I'lFr.'SSSjrjlM as. ss sr ' 'wrir-mim CopjitcM Hut StLitWr Si Mura i BREVITIE5 lino white cedar piles will bo re- robes and were gathered about, tho' 'lulled for this work. gntea of heaven as the play opened Will Tllko Vllnidoll. I)01Hi nll.t nn liv ,i.. ,,-,,,,l., ..... i Kroner who has been 111 for some, of the student body and the faculty' MR. AND MRS. JOHN ! " " i"iK '" 'u a vncauon mm led for tu hurh tin. St. l',.in.. In. week end guests at the John Dash ney homo on South Fifth Street. a sign- ok ;ooi nrsiNKstf from his duties ns cashier of the First National Dank and will spend It at his old homo In Dayton, Ohio, whore the cash registers conic from. Mr. Kroitzer has been Improving re cently but feols a rest will assist in his rapid recuperation. Hut ii Itnl Sign or (ioori Spelling nt UOSS re-1 IuU (Joitm New Slum. turned from Portland wheru Sir.! t.ouls Oorr. wlm rnrntittv ll.tim.i tetcepted them, uucstloncd them I Uoss bns been making arrange- the (Vutrat Avonue boostor with n closely and scut them below to var- nieiits for starting a bank here. nw plumbing shop on Central Ave luus agonies and punishments. t, i,ng i)(!eil imVlnir trnubin nt u Tim Miuli Khe Water. Too much To Take Alimony. An appllentlon beforo Judge Coko this morning by Stoll and Hodge for an order author izing tho perpetuation of testimony in uio ease or unarios sneudon vor fire water caused Jack and Levi sua Kllon Sneddon was allowed, llov Nichols to get within tho tolls of ',, Miller, for the ilcronsc. objected the law Inst ovenlug. lloth of them, on the ground that the witness was I appeared quite Jubilant over the not romnninnt atifv nii.,i.. 3 affair and seemed to care very llttlo ' ,, 0 ,10 or unsouml in,Ul,;Thc P0Urt i 5 when they "pungled" over n flvor, hol.l that the miration of whether or IU'DOMMT COPPU: expects to leave I own with u now sign this week. some time next.week for Sail Fran-j I'OUlo wanted It- to rend: "Jobbing clsto where ho will visit at the" Specialty," but when tho pnlnter Imposition for about two weeks. 1 finished this work It road 'Joblng ,a Splclallty" and It required a llttlo J. II. FLANAUAN returned this of the pationro of Job-tiie to stand morning on the Nairn Smith from Sail Francisco where ho has been for the past 10 days on a business and pleasure trip. apiece this morning to Judge llut- ler. Kail Ml tier Hurled. Tho burial of Earl Uttler, aged seven years who was drowned In tho bay 10 days ago not tho witness Is of unsound mind Is one for tho trial judge to decide and Is not involved In the matter of applying for an order to take testi mony. This will bo done April ii be- forn A. H. I.oud. In his suit Charles' s,Ils- 'lV J. W. WATT has engaged passago on tho Nriiii Smith .going- South. Ho expects to take In tho impo sition and visit u while In Cal ifornia before returning here. Wna linl.t Hit.. t ii.. ii.l, " . ',..:. ',.:": ." :c ': si' m timt ti.0 wir0 holds o.. uiiiiviiuimi), iiuiuij, iiiu liov. tho Joshing I.oule got. Will Chnndler tame along and suggosted beforo I.oulso was as busy as a bco was no icnson for leaving one "II" out of Jobbing and ho thought someono was Jobbing him. Ho nlBO rpmnrk od that anyone with half an pyo could soo thero wore too many I'a In "specialty." Anothor one said If Louise wasn't a bettor plunibor than n speller ho had bettor make a specially of soinothlng else Tlnssford having chnrgo of tho ser vices. Tho llttlo fellow wns discovered yesterday near the foot of Market street. Klrcboys Make Quick Time. In their prnctlco drill of last ovniilntr ' tlffl mtlMllmfr. tt ttln t.M..n nopartment answered tho cnll for Fifth mid Ingorsoll streets. In n tilflo less than four minutes tho truck had left tho hall, covered tho distance mid hnd tho hose coupled to tho hydrant. real property In trust for his benefit and asks that she bo required to con vey It to hlin. Judgo Coko nlso holds that ho Is dlsquallflold to hoar tho case. Ho probably will bo called as a witness. A. WBUN1CH. wife of U. A. Wornlch, of the North llend i studyliin tho spoiling book for In Manufacturing Company, returned stance. I.oulso got pretty mad ,but homo on tho Nnnn Smith this I ,le said ho thought It was a good morning after u month's visit In ' 8,Kn wen so ninny noticed his sign tho South. Mr. Wornlch Is not n"d ho rould knock tho oyo out of expected home for sonio time. AT THE HOTELS - anyone who said he wasn't tho best plumber on Coos liny qulokor than tho sign painter could knock tho I out of "spoelnlty." (For, Louise. JAMKS HOONK, wns down last eve ning On a visit from Wagner. (WHO OK THANKS. WRATHKU FOKKCAST n; Amu:UIf. Irtu to Coot my Tlmri. OHBOON Probably showeis west, rain or anow flurries east; southenstor- ly winds. LOCAL TIJMPKItATUItli m:cou' For tho 24 hourb ending nt 4:-i:i u. in., March C, by llonj. Ostllnd, special gov- ornment meteorologist: Mnxlmum r7 Minimum :i8 At l:i:t a. m -IG Precipltntlpn M Precipitation since Sept. 1, inn r.i.08 Precipitation samo porlod last year ri2.97 Wind: West, cl'-v. Operated on In South. Mrs. V. C. ' Oorst underwent a successful oper ation In Sncrampnto u few days ngo, ' according to word received from ' there. Mr. mid Mrs. Oorst left for! a visit lu tho South about two wcclci ngo, going thero especially for the , t hcnlth of Mrs. GorHt. They expect I to remain nway for sovoral weeks i nit. II. It. M. MILLICIt, of llandon, Is reg istered nt tho St. Lawrence. MUS. MATTIR 11LAIN was a visitor in Nortli llend Thursday. llAUKY 11ANCUOFT caino lu last evening from Norway on n visit. yet. ! I). SIIF.LDON, of Kugpno, Is logtstored at tho Chandler Ho Chaiiiller Hotel J! C. Moulton, Coqulllo; J. M. i Norton, Coqullle: C.MI. Albert, Port-1 T" tno ml,n' friends, who by land; J. W. llrlstow, Portland; H. l,1Llr words of sympathy and acts of F. nice, Portland; Miss F. Ho Long, '''"''"ess, did so much to lighten our llandon; Mrs. J. L. Kionenberg, linn- ,M"'den of sorrow In our recent don; II. H. Sheldon, Kugono; L. A. K,',,ftl mHH' w" wIhIi to extend our linker, San Francisco; II. L. Hop-1 heartfelt thanks, kins, llnudon; Jnck Kronenborg,llnn-I A's- W. C. HAUHI8, don; (Icorgo Stnllz. llandon; II. II. j ANH FAMILY. Mehlnian, North Inlet; K. I). Ilnu-' ser, North Inlet; J. L. Smith, Co-1 T,vo "" one-hair lines ferlllo qlilllo. ''"'(I close to IliN city. Ideal for Lloyil Hotel. siiburlmii lioiuu uiul ndapted to mimll A. Martin, Itosoburg; Mr. and Mrs. , f"1"'I"K' v,tn ,,",, U'VIW ' C. Norton. Kniiltle: .Tmneo llnni.,, " ' i imm-r, l.M lenllnl live- T -..... , .. ... .,.,...,.., Move to New Miration. A two- Wagner; Mrs. Rtta Ilrown, Unfiir; i Harry llanchift, Norway; (leorgo !a. Mans, Coqullle; 11. 11. Smith, line, .Marslifleld. ! Kutertnlim Today. Mrs. Henry O'Mnra Is outortalning this after noon at five tnblcs of fivo hundred. New Secretary. Rarl Powoll lato of tho North Hond Laundry will suc ceed C. M. Caton as secretary of the Coos Hay Business Men's Association. year lcaso on tho Hank of Oregon M. HOWRON of Isthmus Inlet wns Conledo; J. Anderson, Myrtle Point; building has boon tnkon by I K.I Mnrslifluld business visitor yes-;O.A. Spoon, Mnrcoht. Hague, of tho North Hond Hnrdwnro terday. i , , St. Mnvreiice Hotel. Conipnny, mid the building Is now being put In readiness for tho mov- i MRS. A. K. SHAMAN oxpects to lonvo lug. A. K. Morton, of tho Mor- tomorrow for San Francisco for a ten'n stationery company In North , visit. Hcnd, will probably movo Into the old location of tho hardware com-' RAY WIIITTKI) was among tho vis itors lu tho city todny from Allegany. pnny. Tlmos Want Ada for results. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Auxiliary to Meet. Tho Women's Auxiliary of tho Chamber of Com merce will hold a meeting Saturdny at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. All women who nro Interested nro uiged to bo present. Oratorical Contest April 17. April 17 lias been selected ns tho dnto for tho oratorical contest of tho county, which will bo hold In North Rend. At that time speakers from the five schools of tho county will participate. OratloiiB will bo limited to 1200 words In length. , Mori I n Clinppcllo and Anna Truman will .represent tho North llend High , ,,u,vCAt , HOPKINS, of tho , j Handon High School, loft over- ,MHS. R. R. PINKKRTON wns a Mnrshflold visitor from North In i let yestordny. j ACINUS HENDRICKSON nnd Esther i Holmes were hero from Coos River todny, shopping. 0. I. Vaughn, North Inlet; Harold Taylor, Coqullle; Raymond K. lin ker, Coqullle; W. F. Ocbhard, Salom, R. Jr. Miller, Hnudon; Harold Wat son; Seattlo; W. K. Steward, River ton; Doit Shoppcrt, Portland, lllnnco Hotel. II. A. Todd, Arngo; H. Huch, Hen ver Hill; K. Rubnnkn, Heaver Hill; J. McWhfttock, Lakeside; M, Oood poster, Heaver Hill; John A. Rob bin, Myrtle Point; Charles Domont. Myrtle Point; K. M. WIlkliiB, Port- CiAssmc ju r rvr " JhJ&29l I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I A L WANTED l'linilshcil or jmrlly fur. nlshcd house, three bedrooms, good rare given. Address Hox "H" Times. land; Geo. homn. I. Clark, Fargo, Oklo-!- School. UK WISE mid attend TIM! OWLS' I DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT. ATI EAGLES HALL. I WANTED Hold Practice Shoot. A practice shoot of the Marslifleld Gnu Club, Inntl today for Eugene. will bo hold Sunday morning nt 9:30 ! KENNETH 1). IIAUSER wnn In last These Are Go-Cart Days and You Should See Our 1915 GO-CARTS Till: LAST WORD IN CHILDREN'S VEHICLES TIM: FIRST WORD IN COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE FOR MOTHERS. e date the greatest lino shown lu Southwestern Oregon. fed from $7. $12. $13.50 and $16.50 1 r r 1 CM.L AND I.O.IK THEM OVER. I ' ' O uoiogscn larvey COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Co Father Very Miw. Word recolvcd from R. K. Hooth who wns called east to Winona, Minnesota, by tho serious llluesa of his futhor, is to tho effect that ho is very low nnd his 1 life Is despaired 6t. New Hildge Work StaKeil. It Is reported from North llend that En gineer lL'ouglitou, of the Southern I'nclfli, baa started n crow of men with one of the conipnuy's largo p'llo drivers, driving pile bouts. About nt tho Rnco trnck. This shoot Is for tho purposo of picking n team to shoot for tho Dupout sterling silver I spoon trophy. No cup Is being offered hero this year by tho ntipont peoplo' becauso the application wns received : too lato, after tho nllotcd number had been given out. evening from the Hauscr & Maus er ramps nt North Inlet. G. I. VAUGHN has engaged passage on tho Nnnu Smith for tomorrow aftornoon wl.en alio sails. Ii. Ii. Thoiims Has- ApM'iidlrItK L. C. Thomas the well known music mnn was seized with n violent at tack of appondlcltis Inst ovenlug and wus taken Immediately to Moicy Hos pital where ho wns operated on at ten o'clock this morning. Ho sus tained tho shock of operation well mid lato this afternoon was repored resting easily. His many friends will wrlto lu wlsheo for his prompt recovery. MRS. LANDItlTH, matron nt tho county Jail, went up Coos 111 vor this morning for n visit. ' A. W. ADKINS returned (his morn ing from Allegnny, whoro ho has been for n couplo of dnys. MISS OLIVE RICHARDS of Suinnnor Is a guest this week of Mrs. E. Geo. Smith on South Coos River. THE FAIR AN OIUECT LESSON IN VALUE GIVING AT THE FAIR, OF. FEIHNGS THAT AltE WELL WORTH VOl'lt CAREFUL , ATTENTION. J ' Men's Dress Shirts; good put- tciiiH, plain or pleated front, j Regular price tfl.oll and ijil.7,1 j at. tile astonishing j low price of ,.... I i PASTURAGE for stock at EastporL J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 3117. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS to loan, long terms, on Improved farms. Interest 8 per cout. W. U. Douglas, City. FOR SALE .98c i FOR SALE Furniture for small rooming houso with housu for rout cheap; $1100 $200 rash, balanco easy tonus, AddroBB "G" Times Of fice. ' ' i FOR KALE Gas engine, ti J-J horse power. Good running' order. One halt original price, used one year. Apply J, L. Koontz, Front St. FOR KALE ThorniiRlibrcil Wlillo Leghorn eggs for setting, R. A, Lmidrlth. Phono HO.'M Farmers. HE T HEATEH MR. AND MRS. O. SIKVKRSON, or. Lakeside, aro leaving on the Nnnn ' Smith tomorrow for a visit nt the Fair. Cotton Hose for Clilldieii, iloii hie leg. Elastic lib, at I pairs for , - - T ON HT 1 LOIS POWELL in uu entire cliaugo of bongs. Seven reels of pictures "Just n llttlo bettor." The fifth opisodo of tho great Universal serial story Off On Ocean Trip. Hy Bpoclal j Invitation of Admiral Hnlden Mrs. Floronco N. Preston mid Miss Edith I II. Preston accompanied him on tho last crulso of Uio good ship Gasgo down tho bay. Tho Admiral's hospit ality lacked nothing to bo desired In vnrmth but tho steam heating plant of tho Gasgo wns not operating and tho ladles on ttiolr return remarked Hint If the North Polo wns any oold or they didn't blnmo Dr. Cook for "hurrying back." L. SMITH, County Agriculturist, returned to Coqullle on the after noon train after a visit hero on hushing. MR. AND MItS. 11. F. RHODES, of North llend, will go south on tho Nnnn Smith tomorrow to take In tho Exposition. TapcM iy suitable for porllcics uiul Couch Cowis iciluccil to HOc mill (lite per ynril. Oulliig Flannel, light anil dark stripe mid ilirrks', Regular prlco l-!a', now Q' j per ynul juQ i FOR SALIC Motor boat. .Excellent engine. F. A, Sacchl, FOR RENT o FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Leslie Hiilldlug. Phone 24U-L, FOR RENT (l-rooni modern house. Inquire nt UU2 Elrod avenue. RAYMOND E. RAKER, County Su perintendent of Schools, came over last ovenlug and todny attended tho lustltuto. High Quality Groceries RrSli J1"1. Prompt and particular delivery service Ef- E clerks Tbeing out of the high rent district and ess m kUr PnCes as low as consistent witl1 good busi" Conner & Hoagland 7Q7 cLBdJn9 Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries outh Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 TUP MASTFR KFY r, ,, ... .i .i, Looks nt Randolph. H. A. Bon- llllllllllls iu,iiiii.u tii.ii ,, wiiimu ; ,,,,,, r mi written by John Fleming Wilson. ' "0,s yoBioruny was in i 'rospor wuoro .u& .maijiii iuauiiji oi uoquine i Two reels or action that you will j 't Bal ''0 wo"t to tnko a look ntnssc.l through hero yosterday on- I never forget tho gasoline schooner Randolph lay-, routo to North Hond for a visit Thn RATTl" P nP QMAIcfPVll I P i !" '" tl,cro Btt,, "1,,ls- Mr' Se,r ! wlt" i'Ia"V08- I nib Lin i ibu i """"r;1. , borg Is interested In tho western cuineii; nun i nan u m. i New ilnu of Woiiicii'h (,'ihus and Coiubliiatloii Hulls, of good quality materials, trimmed with lace anil embroidery, Regular tSLitf mid 15 1. .10 a gar- incut. Priced speiial FOR RENT T-iooni house, within 2 blocks of First Nat. bank, on So. R'dwy. Vnuniit April 1. Ren Dr. C. C. Taggart, F. & II. Hank. FOR RENT Restaurant, equipped, 1 host location, ulso olovou-room rooming house, furnished. ,R. A. Hock, North llend. ! 'FOR RENT. Rooms with or ultb j I out board. ICC So. 10th Street. :..98c ART NEEDLE SHOP Corner oud and Market, Sec iTiiifliilw Mr. Sen-1 with relatives, now sal-1 ,niti ofliiun.if nnnt. flnl.) llnntli nml ' unQ ir A mr ill AflMAV nn.l llflln . ... . .... ,w, ....., u. l ..., u. ,!...,, ...... .111,11. .,,llll i mu,in ,,iiii ....... IlhLhN GARDM.U in iiagrapn s . t ,nmttte(1 ,hlU ,l0 nill ur. son Maiirleo spent the first of the' latest one-rcei reaiuro . ,. , , T, ,,nn,,oInh ,a WGok with lior sister Mrs. Mattlo THE MOONSHINE MAID ,0f III tons burden, GO feet In length ' AND THE MAN with n soven toot deptli or water. ! A splondld picture with this groat sho was built on Coos Hay lu 1910 movie star. ,and several weeks ngo was report- THE MAN FROM THE SEA solu- uut th0 doal feU t'''Kh. Lublu two-part drama that will BatiBfy, I Part lu Class Play. Madgo Harry ! RRfUIPMn Rll I Y'Q nAnnY I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Harry 1 Tters?or?lw.,rh G. TYsSL "ad a part In the Sophmore play "At ' ,!. n.ln.l ai iUn TTttU'nroltv of Oregon sovernl days ago. It Is tho son. ", Always the best and plenty of It, CLL V ., it.: TWO PIIOXES. S FOR CARS, TAXICAHS, E.VPRICSS WAGONS. JKLIJ CVCLERV Ififl RROADWAV Lower floor, 15c; balcony, 10c; chlldron, 5c. Loum to guy "Paramount." Tomorrow night, "Tho Clutohlng Hand," or "The Exploits of Elalno" "Tho Spoilers" Monday and Tuesday. Hlaln of Mnrs..rield. 1 MRS. J. L. KRONENHERO, or Han don, accompanied by her son Jack, arrived horo last ovonlng mid loft today for Eugene. CHAB. E. MACK, roprosontlng tho National Hlscult Co, left, on the Elder Tor Portland arte.' u trip through this section. Merceiled Table ('lolhs, hem- nied, ready to use, - I-- and :t d.s, long, legular prlco 31.. in Now SI. Ill; the :!.00 cloths at, These me reinaikaltlo hargaliiH, I v . FOR RENT il-rooiu house. KS7 No. First street. Apply LOST AND FOUND ' LOST Roj'h black mid white coat. Reward for return to Times of fice. Wool Kerge Hi esses for gills from ft (it 1 1 yi. Navy mid Gai net, nicely trimmed. You can- ui.t nffoid to overlook these. The regular 1 and V, now LOST Ring mid beys, he(. Mild, mid North Hond. Reward for re turn to Hox "U" TIiuoh offlco. custom each year for each of tho four! WILL STAUFF Is expected horo Mon- Sii.7... The &1.00 miw ci nr: ipiiUU classes to put on a short class play during an assembly hour. Tho skit is written generally by ono of tho members of tho class and tho entlro cast Is choon from the class. Tho "actors" were dressed In Rowing day via Handon irom Riverside, i California, to help in the Stauff , Grocery Store this summer. i MRS. C. K. McCURDY, mid llttlo daughter i'hylllu of Coqulllo aro THE FAIR CENTRAL A EN UK FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Fi eight and Hnggage. Call FERGUSiON TRANSFER Phone Ki;i. k Resilience Phone tll-.l, Maiket nve, uiul Waterfront 4 NEXT TO CHANDLER HOTEL !' 7HSZ3XZ K'lKJkiLir.