THE COOS BAY TIMES. MMKHFIBA OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915- EVENING EDITION. 'i FOUR g-gJ55 ! NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS M. C. MALOXKV, Editor aw Pa. DAN K. MALOXEY, Now Address all comnniniratHm m COOS DAY DAILY T1MMS. ruwcMK aurxtv tlW OT OXJUU.K. Mr t Official Paper of ft fVimas Offlclnl Vapor Cltj of NtWMV wO wl HtiP Cmriiaan. rt 1M Hjr. H I w" . "" " ""!- - i .v Entered at the rnatofflc at ntanll- TLTni' & , fa WMWh. a wotilt t 4 fall a field, Oroaon. for trwawwfrtw L Kant aox tomim w mw Aa? w R "? through the mulls oootmn slaw L. ,. mmmk pBf NA Nvon-oiH arr wit of lor mall matter. xw omm. , Hiar Hi flk was. V1W ! aar Ow v- SL'IlSOIMPTflOX IWWRS jET TTMfl f " " 'I'M I I" '" Ono your JTZrwr I a 1 l"- "M1in',d nT Per wonth " j. , , n Hi MmtfUhw ah of NTA! AVKHICLY. JTIiaaWTHW M m w hlWf-, wans H toa mwHa with One year - -i ' - . ja . tnrm cftem , atf to on of When iwtd rtrtrtly tB nu .mji&g ZTL m mrm nii nlr thf wm1H Kwmw. f the South. uln"-ilptlcn pi toe ft a t - ii,Mfir HwTa WVe 1 rffrt with Times is JR W pw jrmr - "".. .. bkwrt finmmft 1 tJ " six months HflUK NKt MWIHSPi iMUilt of " Mftl trratd)", in- ji .. taw .f,j, ner , An indepMidwit Hepaklhm .. x. loan Ow-1tmi. ptvjirito'- of the O. rape', publlnbod Ttiry wtt ""H1--1 Ji" J. "K. bwlr 9wn of tW city, ld rept 5und, mid weofcU. ta b , - ... "H'"1- rwr, w fcWl 'hM'hrr ir to Jack The Coos ItHj- Tlwe pMMftJMac j, j inwffMw Mhi hlMW) Alftwt. Mjrrtl P-Mnt. ho ht (MM 3mm BUntttfMfi iuaav tti Jam tma j a ? that place. , MAX OH MACUfrVK. 'mani' wa, v. Wiilii u& T4r ttunlly te Twn Maioek. rter Byther ami HEVRY rORP k flwt kb 'im m tow9 owl WrtA Wlw frtr, look wlm In the i.lnn fmiPhed 'M-ixlttf 4k W11 '" rf TOWin swamped Mfi"S1m?3EZt XLtK Te.f JUrtWtihe mm taU . ml above ,ow. k 1mb tiio-oMhir imttifio fwai Cotmttw. wa j-v J-twdww 1 Md t lht hv bn a tranmly, crerr jdBt of vje fore iwn tf ibe nt. ttsrned Into a joKe. Hearr TWd l tb yaM-'a aw5- Ocar ltmarrt at 3ln llaawf. aett bu maertokfoi t aaswr tb w? have bea dia a w Sll'SiaW IIAPPIMNOS jiior -wlwOwr the wapleyer , Ttljt rrtond , l BrMve a4 tiw,A repwa tbe w "wl rt , at MawMtoM, retaraei stn Xe, a( norenre s Tolil ly tlio for him n tW bd a aaa- rwrk camp yaKeriay. Pilot. cklf. tad be na aim mhiii to jar. ana r. t. j. .oniuain.. Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: Phone 180-J We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House Pirn no :i()l-,T. FLMieil & BENNETT BMK OLDEST HANK IN COOH COUNTY Kfltbllsh(Ml 1889. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Dcpoilt YOU CAN PAY YOUlt TAX US TIIIU)Uj Tills Vvr Offtcori: J. W. Ilcimctt, President. J. II. ViniinKitn, Vlce-1'resldenf. It. l Willlnins, Cashier. Goo. P. Winchester, jMt auke Hbe oimwioii- Are yon a nuuiCMa U froai BrJde yeterday adn Mm. Montfoxaerr left on the after noon traia for a visit with friends at Xarahfteld. or a a.'e7 wT-rotMoi 10 ereT u -b9 ). Thn i tbere dUdorad a double !pnHk-4fy la tbe Ford qerletit. First, that ta -rorl;er in the eye of the employer matt be a man and that the worker to maintain that N of Curry County ns Ilelnte.1 status must retopnlie rltbln bl-i "y "' t"w. self the power to rise above tbe the OOI.l) lUIACII GLKAXIXOS. Mrs. C. H. Mnrsli and dnuRlttor, of Marshfleld, ino visiting with tho family of J. II. Fisher for n few days. Harlnn Saubert left Sunday for San Francisco by Coos liny on a. business trip. Ills wife will remain here with his mother for tho tlmo belup. Jack Crtor. or .Mnrsiineiti, pnss Abstracts FOlt ItKTilAItLK AUSTIJACrS OF TITM2 AND "iNKOIMIATION A110UTJ COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIISIlFIFJil) AXI) COQUirjLK CITY, OIUXJON GKNUIIATi AOKXTS, EASTS I DK AXI) SFXGSTACKUX'S ADDITION AGENTS lOIt CANADIAN PACIFIC IIAIIdtOAD LANDS 1IENKY SEXGSTACICEN, 9IANAGEK m... .. C- ,lvolnnn. n'0I tlirOUK 1 1" lOrCHCO 'lUCSUnr Willi routlno of perfonninc the dally Ufk : . . . . ..!. ,.,...,. ,evorul wltnossos for tho Govern- Just ns would be doao by a machine. . , mont in tho countorfeltliiK enses and with no thought or ambition '"J. B A gjfp wn0 arrived' which enmo off Inst week In Port- t05hP!".OVe Uvl'' ,l.,,1,w fw P 'rom Portland. , land. When employee and employer, v. v i 1 ,. .!....!..- . ,. , , meet on the plane of thU hBher "S.V malarial to .?""' ? .'? lhV.?!"k??.r. m: tlon of a now cannery. ..oyer ana ...s eapwjwj uwi .-C c n ljllntoll of tne ureakers JUUUI JUUUIUI1I IB BVIlCUi Glt.MIIXd ON SIL'SL.UV. Scarpelll Urothers lmvo a force of men nt work on tho strotch of tho Wlllamotto-Pnclflc rlKkt of wny nonr iu.Un"X e"' " J?."!?: , .'returned lat evenlnc from a bus! .iicn win sny mil me nrur) roni,.. -.. , ...i-. t.- ,(... .: "".".' -- ":... 1" .... experiment has not reacbod 1U flnaL -- " -L". ,"; ,wi. V "e ' ol . or.C , ' , ini. determination, and that may b ' " ,a 0, ,??. i Sofoot ,n 00,.,TdWa WlU "l0 l0 i ,, true. Ilut though dlearter overUke "f5 h fe" ' ?" Sikg. A small force Is n ho rcinwli m . ....i.t. ... i-.ii bluff into tne oean a lew ueeKs .11.1,, iiigt n short 1 Rtnnco nhovo TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good .jnny yenrs and n lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to L'ottli k good, sound, durnblo framing material at tho right prico wo know our busl ncsa. Just toll what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and wo'll got busy with our pencil and flguro out the boit your money can buy. Try us. ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL DILL 1 TWO IJY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH liHOADWAY It of which there are now no indi catlons-lts one year". s0e h ? ' " " S. liaSnlTal thfe.,,0,n demonstrated the o.ndne of th,00" b b,R, L"" ft i'Tu'.';' Th f principle on which it to bawd. , nFrrBK. i.L.v Tir Zm ! "liarry ," It la. demonstratod that the ic ' CSt"L5,"?u"' V. .B,B5.. ?. ' ''". 00 is aettlns; along fine and aillitnu point. right or way tnrougn tne ns been sottled and work 1 rriminmirn nt tliin nlnrn. ogn.tion of manhood In tho conduct $?d; ?Z wffi"!?. - S"?0. mZA lS - tf h0dUenZ,ero;,StJ'!n0rb;viSU,,,,'rd if jBbItaJ OVOr to "-'So to 'rush his lnst pKco of, t?l0?JZJlZJ?lXL?" of be operation and tblnka j BradliifJ. which will permit, when' ,J 7 ir ,i.i V..Ir; f"1, sBa?",,r"1 f "! co,,ieromilolcil, tho laying of rnlls to cess. At the same time it hat wrr-, IOr bj- tb first of April. .. cu as a Burauiug 10 m awoiiion of thoso employed in the oaterprl It has made of them not oalr bot- ......'. 1 uiir i.' 1111 11 n 1 1 iLTi-t iii'ii iwh ii 1 ni . tcr workmen, ut belter olUioac it I . . I " ,' ".. "...V .i, , T.....V, (V. . r, ., I I'lteutUy Drinking Dout tau-ed ""'"" ,.",."", ., ' 1 ' ,,.ii ' Trouble at Mapluton Projoct. railroad work will 1H.-. 1 -. .... T .-. """" v .,..... .. ..w amp j'vimw n eti wmjn, iatsv T11I1U1' IS FOl'XD. , Acme. I It Is also oxpocted that n forco I will soon cotnmonco construction work on tho bridge across tho Sl ims proved that the laaetilao idea of working humanity Is all wrong. Telegram. Marshf ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves ' Mnrslifichl nt liusy Corner J0:00 n.m. 2i)0. 11.111. 5:00 p.m. JiCavcs North I tend 15 niln utos Inter Leaves Empire. 8:30 n.m. 11:30 n.m. 8:30 p.m. Trvubltf Enough lower Sluslnw. FIKi: AT IIANDON. Another mldnlKht flro occurred In llnndon Friday night of Inst week. Sunday Constable McLaurhllii re eelved a moaaugo from lapleton that H. J. Dillon, foreman of a railroad gang had bfeen robbed of somo money and checks amounting to Thorn's troubln nunut-k In tha.abOBt $760. world good lack! There's trouble' Wr- McLaughlin found several a cottage belonging to Jttck Counts onotiBh for nil- vet w borrow the ,B " ' ne aBd of (J'en- burned to tho ground destroying nil I rain dav 17 i,d rU wno " aome , contents. The Iioiiho was oceu whin tnnahadw..irii1aa- He took p9,i by Orvll Coiinu and family. Horrnu-V,n, rSm i . iJ ?il ' iuU cu,Um1'' ,h WM nawed Voiib I Wn Mrs. Count! arose nt midnight sorrow that comes to us. nor trouble from whom the hek. were obtained ,t0 attend a sick baby alio dropped tho sad fatoa weave, can pull ua down mMd went (0 Mipleton Wtll Mm Mo.M , Tho flro 81,eU(, ,0 ,,.,. to a sigh or a frown or bid u sit and imy morning. t,at nothing whh saved oxroit n grieve. Its trouble we make for aor- The becks were returned to DM- couple of gannants and ovoiy tlmbor rows sake all on a rainy morn we on ami the Ulenada men were re- nf the limmn was consumed by noon cannot eo tliat clonus must bo, or ov- ptw tbe money they bad advanced. .Saturday. Tho houso was Insurod T. J. SCAIFE 'B$ A. II. HODGIXS Marshfield 'm, rf) Estimates Furnished Phono Md-Il. Mni-hhflcld, Oregon er tho spring Is born. It appeared that Dillon and Young with k. k. o.ikos In the Hartford ln- Thero's trouolo enough In the were old friends and were lutoxicat- auranui Co. for $:()(). Iliindou Uo- world, good lock! There "a trouble 1. loth said they did not remem- corilcr. enough to spnro; ho keeps his greie "r wnini aooui me vamauies ue who IlfiH his fnco to tho sunahliiH lu tnlarrtd from one to the, ?B iuho"a?oVih "22 iJa vuuX!r ".:! "WMk uai.av W nviA W Hnaj WVU , I CITY AUTO & TAXt CO. I DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I For luu, phono 20, Cuanulor I Hotol. j , tor con ring cars, phono 20 I Cbandlor Hotol j LYNN LAMIIET1T, Prop. j j New Ctus : t Now Cars j o . , .. Violin and Piano ' - Anthony j' -May s. 'i'ciuliliiK Orchestra Work Studio 381, Central Ave. Phono liDU-.I. Aimrtmcnt 3 COtjl'ILI.K CITY WORK. CZ2TCS1 H HE HOME I AFFY MADE H AVERN CANDY Wo iimko Ico cream 378 Central ave., P''ono 131-L o'day tho good glad sun Is thrown; Tb "Louev he baJ .uent with Joyful pride he takes his alrlde l"" mo"ey "e Ma vul- to make tlio world his own. It must, .. ... UUII.W (iMSA.UM Llll-IU 11 At a rocont mooting tho city ; Council dismissed plans for tho work ' ,on tho now pipe lino, to bo com bo fun to be the sun and herd the "" .i'. '-" uieiiced as soon as tho wutor bonil drifting mist yet sometimes rain Is attle Is closed up. Tho conclusion good for palti, ami keep thu spring- Plana have been propareil and tho readied was to build tho line by tluiK trst! lumber ordered for building a church day labor, employing local poopln There's troumo enough in thu ln Glennda by the Unltotl KvauNellcal on a wngu hciiIo of IlM'.'i and up, world, good luck! theru trouble denoiiilitatloii. it Is intended to go for an eight-hour day. ('. I. Klmo enough, 1 trow; let us borrow tho ahead wlih the work at oiue. U t-i lmvo charge of tbo Job. Co-1 gleam from tho early beam, and keep T,h IW o 21 by SO feet nilHo lIoruhK j it alwa)s wi If oor u sorrow should " ground. , tome to you, make auro that you do . Tb , rDn .Maple Street CIIAXGK IIAXIIOX DI1IUTE , not woo, then lilt oi.r eyes to the )",t .,u,hJ.)f ' re"iaece of J- ; ' mlstv aklea ami bl.i thu .un i.r-.w , ladom. The lots were purchased iiu-lna- lo the benvv oxnense of through. To each and all there comes !wi61l''lv '"'" ni1 ll Wtt" brliKdng tho .Me.lford high school a uunuing hi wiHi .itbatllig ten 111 and the three outsiile kiniKea prevented Judges that would bo nocomsary to HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE a call, in every rainy hour -O, he '"cd h.i a . 1 .1 ... .... . time, but (Irt-iuuai u little showur? '- -Selw-ted YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS IM10110 (10-L. iVIght and Day. IsisM Cale. Rood Com. Careful Drivers D. L. fOOTE. I S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend Pictures & Framing Walker Studio lorfiue West. TO IIUI,) HKillWAY THERE IS MUCH WHEAT IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST, The Umpuua Highway from lUMa. llort u tn iilxhvs ay by tho There Is au Hii-iimulntloii of 117.- way or grottsuurg. is retelxing con OtjU.oou biixhels of wheat h'udwi .iderHlile attention, and the carueet- ftwiiv III Mri,nii VV't.Mlil.kui.i.. .! .... .. . .. ... PMiidou. the inter-dlatrict debate be tween Medford and llnndon schools has been switched to Eugene and I the debuting supremacy of Southern 'Oregon will bo decided there Mitnh , 2Slh. Co(ulllo Herald. HOXOH IIANDON Olldi. ooovoooooeooo6voooooo ' - V X ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL In tho Heart of Marshflold All Outside Rooms. Str-i Hear Hot nnil Colli U'nter .DAY.RATI-X and UP away In Oregon. Washington and neae with which the mailer Is bolng Idaho. If the Koteiniuciit flgsies ,h. ,, l,y proiiilnent me heie and for the past Ile years are correct. ol, UlB 0'UUWi. mHkt lt R,ettr ,;, AicordliiK to the gtalu tn.ilf. iroin Miss (irace Dlshor. a former Uau dou girl, but now a resident or O.ik- r- land. California, and well known lu O WEKKLY ItATIsS, UP oooooVooWoooooeoo LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on the 1 most dellcato fabrics. Wo posJ. lively gun runt co all work Phono I3I-X. Address 3.11 Central Avi-nuo, ihiiilv mill il riMtii win iim mini in huiiki. u.....i.... ,. .1... n, ....'.. i,,. i.uo.i well knoai ea Liuit nlestor on Mwl,,,rt tt,"1' -bur with the'tie ot Oregon lu the llxlng flag Coos in r tli on. were ": snu 000 0.U",'," V" ' ,T,,C on,y ",w''Uu" U ' r Ha first exhibition at bushels hi !l!::r,,hrtt.tares 'in he J lU-S ' ""' 11 fwirlF0'111 '" Iho caiH, whereas the government' lr,iir I ourler. , April. Unudoii World. (si: Aiuaiii) aphiij ij. Attorney Tremlgold for the Port flguiis show Therefore , If tho uo ci mucin Nitimut nn ior. WORK I'lMMiltKKSlNC OX reel, then- is conceuled aouiew here ' 'rlK -MV HMv Ittll IH(, In the Noilhwest a matter uf I17.-I - riUO.UOi) biiHhels of which no oiie The new bank building, though 'oiumlsloneis. received a telegram knows t lie existence or whereabouts .quite a way from completion, is n'om ,M0 Supreme Court to the save the government--and Just at rapidly npproachlug that end. W etfect that the Port case will be re u time when there Is a strong wheat M. llernhadt has finished the plumb- ,l""l'd and argued April 12. ll.ui mnrkut and a herfltby price. ! lug for the building ami A!- llou Hecorder. In liHO the gnvoruiueut figures fred Varrelmau has flulHh.ui uiri.. ' T on the crop were and the same aa far us It eau be done o-oooooox6060o Wright floured the rrip at I'J.Kia,-, for the present. The first coat of UUU, J 11 mil tne KOeruiiieiit tig- Pi'iit mis been put on tho outside t NEWS OF NORTH BEND t tiro wan s:i,2::s,Doo uuil W'rlght'M' by .tames Itcnxls. mid the plnxti-icr, rwl.OSN.uOU. In IUI2 the uovcriiiiioni I'M Hummers. In ai uork,,,. figure was and Wilglit'e Iho l.uh. preparatory to pluHining '0Vooo-frco Ca.OGU.UOO; III lUia the government, tho same, whlih will take about two' ,, , l' l', l ,Vl,,m!" a"a Mr- " ".' figure waa ia.lll.uuo and Wright's1 weeks. When riuished. this will be 1,",U ami daughter, are spi-nd-rli,223,00u; lu 1U1I the government ' one of the finest biitldiugs in towu , V,' 'l l xu'ti u rtfUUU" ul flguro was 72,!0i5,ooo uud Wright's, Umpima Courier. 05,775.000. Statistics compiled by the Her-J REV, PRATT ILL. chant's Exchange account for ever 1 bushel whliih wont foreign or was ev. tl. I,. Pratt, pastor or the Hhlppcd east or for the routt Hade. 1 Pulled l! Church lu Flo -On top of nil cropa thu- m-'mm, ufi. r. il .1 n.i.. 01 pni il I tOlUlto.l for (lie gineillllit'llt tlrillex.tlurdux iMiiiii ,n,l -in. c thai nun for the r I'd ln tin miiKintoii- i,.ij, i,n ,u t i.'ii.l 1.0 . Burnlutf, ll'lvuiuc Wvsl, I Muv Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ca..uaugl. a. id fnuilly were In Marshfleld Sunday. T imcs' Want Ads Bring Results SAVE MONEY by ordering tlio famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton ft l.on Lump Conl. per ton $0.00, Or hnlf ton of both ijs.l.oo D. MUSSOX, Prop. II10110 18-.I or leave orders at lllllyer's Cigar Storo. ROOFING " REPA'n'V'G, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 18. P. 89. -ooootoooooo " o i:aiix k pi 1: ( i:.t tl U)PR SAVINGS with the ( WUVI'LRX MUX It IH'ILIMXO COMPA. of Knit l4i'ke. HHvli I2.SI0.UU0. 00 Call or wrlie to learn details I H KM I .MAN .V CO., 4 I . I in iMircr p .!,(!-, - 0 MERCHANT'S CAFE ropular place for Good Meals. n Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y SOUTH COOS RIVER IIOAT PERVIOK I.UNCII EXPRESS leave Marshfield every day H a. 111, Leaves head of river nt 3:1.1 p. in, STEAMKR RAIXHOW leaves head of river dally at 7 II. 111, Leaves Mm. shield at 2 p. III. Fur charter apply on board. ROGERS .Vi SMITH Proprietors DR WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Btrsei I'llOBO 919. Important Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR Y.0U AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF i DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST UTDIIL BANK OF C00S BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $125,000)0 OFFICERS: J. W. Dennett, President Arthur SlcKcown, Secretary Tom T. Dennett, Vlco President Dcnnott Swnnton, Trcaturer Transacts a trust business only. Acts ns trustee of express truiU and also ns executor nnd administrator of estates. Tbo only Trait Company In Oregon outsldo of Portland organized under new trust law in this stato. KHTER OCEAN TlBOnTnTI D Ul Weekly Sorvlco Coos Day nnd San Francisco. n STEI1 11 1 Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays. FOR SAX FRANCISCO SATURDAY, MARCH S7TH, AT I P.M. San Francisco Office, flOO Flfo Iliilliliug, nnd l'lcr .Number 23 Coos Bay Agent, 0. 3 McGeohqe, Phono it To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFORTARLH S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McQEORGB AGENT W. . PAKTM Phono 44, Marshflold Phono 42t, North Ba EQUIPPKD WITH WIRELESS. Stearashjp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. ., SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD KVERY MONDAY DUIIIXfl 5MBCU OX THE FOLLOWING DATES: MARCH L AT U:00 A. Ml MARCH aa AT 1 P. M.j MARCH ao, AT 8:!10 A. M. and tron PORTLAND, EFFECTIVE MARCH 10th, AXI) EVERY FIWW THEREAITER. TIOKETt. OX SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE Aim f -my n.....w-. .-. B.m- IV1I o.4ii jti. uTiti'iivrw, ruiiiiuiii". , C. II. LANeh:. " I an.... v I illUHO HiVJ, Paget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coasi work the Dredge "Seattle" ' the most powerful, best equipped nnd most thoroughly iw tvventy.luch hjdrnullo drcilRo In Pacific vvntcrs Coos Bay office, Main office, marsniieirj, Oregon. Seattle, wasnmyiw 11