i3iiHi. ',m-m-irntn,nim wypfnnjnumWWWmii - THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHF.EL0. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR Wl CHE F ME LDGKHART-BARMUWI WORTH BEND MIMES JO RAISE Till LEVY CODS supreme court upholds judge morrow's decision carries ?i,iia7.(i attor. JfUV'if kees. Judgment of the Circuit Court in the Lockhnrt-Bnrnum caso lias been affirmed by the Supremo Court, according to the decision received hero by the nltornoys. The first decision was given by Circuit Judgo Morrow nt Coqulllo In December, 1913, and thereupon taken Into the higher court on an appeal. According to the decision Hcrbort tocktiard nnd tlio Matlock Invest ment Company must pay the un paid balance on the Port Durnum tract which In 1011 they contract ed to buy for JJ20.000. At that time- $2,000 was paid down nnd further payments ceased when the question as to tho title of the land nroso. Further oalo of land In tho tract was also itoppoJ and tho caso takon Into (he courts for settlement. Tho afflrntnUon ot tho lower court's decision means that tho orlKlnnkoonirdctprA for tho Gl acres ot land nt ykii, Darnum must pay $(4,GG4 to tho Darnum estato and $127.00 for attornoys' fees. This, however, .does not clear up tho en tiro contract, as thero still remains ?5000 that must bo paid as tho In stallmont oomos due. Tho first amount carries G per cont Interest dating, from pecomber, 1913. Guy C. Darnum from whom tho tract was bought, died several months ago, Tho money will bo jinjd over to his holrs and assigns. It( liTposslblQ that tho attorneys for tho other oltfo will nsk tho Supremo Court, for a rulioarlng of tho case. YEARS COMMITTEES CHAMBER OP COMMERCE ELECTS MEN' FOIL ACTIVITIES OF THE YEAR: TAKE UP TEX MILE ROAI) PROJECT FORM BAliiD INTO STOCK ' COMPANY IS SUGGESTED Soli Hlinres On Monthly Payments; Ke,?p Up C(w Uty Kami, ami Plan May Ho Carried Out With an audience that filled the Noble theater, to Its utmost capacity tho Coos Day Concert Hand gavo a delightful concert yesterday nftor noon. HurIi Melanin, president ot tho Chnmbor of Commorco, broached 'tlio Plan of Incorporating tho band, sell ing stock- and keeping tho organiza tion together. Tho mombors of tho band ara enthusiastic ovor tho plan and declare they will glvo their aid to tho utmost. On April 1 tho city support ot tho uana ceases Mr. Mcuiin pointed out. For two years thero would bo noc ossary 3,1Q0 ho Bald. Stock could bo nold nt $1 a share nnd payments inndo monthly. In this way $12 worth of stock would bo only CO cents per month, or $24 worth only $1 a month. 'On tho stroot today," wild Mr. iWoLaln, "many came to mo saying tjioy would gladly do their mlto to Itoep tho 'Coos nay Concert Dnnd. They belloyo that all should havo a hand In boosting It, not only tho busi ness men," Standing committees for tho year wcro appointed at n meeting of tho Executlvo Committeo of tho North Dcnd Chamber of Commerce Fri day. In addition n special com mitteo was named to look nfter tho matter of a road to Ten Mllo, plans for which were adoptod somo tlmo ago. Tho old committees wcro dis continued, all new members being named. Tho following la tho personell of the committees: Membership; V, F. Russell chairman, C. M. Iiyler, J. H. Groves, E. M. Shrlver and Robert Ke lt oe. Now Industries and Factory Sites: L. J. Simpson, chairman, II, Sweeney, Virgil Wattors, R. II. Woldy, H. L. Dergman. Agriculture: H. S. Fackler, chair man, J. R. Robortson, F. E. Glazier, A. G. Raab and A. O. Kjelland. Legislation: A. E. Shuster, chair man, William Dolan.'and E. C. Math er. Transportation: ir. C. Wray, chair man, W. II. Painter, C. F. McCollum Harbor inspection. Docks and Warehouses: Henry O. Kearn, chair man, ,Robort Uanks, Honrp- DIerH, Potor Logglo nnd It, A. Wcrnlok. Advertising: J. H. McComb chair man, S. S. Jennings and A. E. Mort on. . Special Committeo, Ten Mllo road: M. E. Shrlver, chairman, J. H.' Groves and C. M, Dyler. Myrtle Point Caucus Proposes Increase to Fifteen Mills Candidates Named MA Hlltli lillm E BIG RECORDS TO PORTLAND TU HURRY AUTOG George Goodrum Makes Trip to Rose City to Facilitate Car Shipment. Goorgo Gqodrum loft yostorday for Portland to purchaso a now lino of nuto suppllos for his garngo nhd to litfrry forward his alotmont of Dodgo cars, a -carload of which aro duo to arrive In tho Rosa City this weok. uoodrum says that nt present It Is moro difficult to got Dodgo cars than it la to noil them nnd ho doesn't proposo that Coos Day shall bo left out In tho Pacific Coast shipment. Mrs. Goodrum accompanied him on tho trip, , (Special to The Times.) . MYRTLE POINT, Or., Mar. 22. Tho caucus to nominate tho city of ficials to bo elected in April was held Friday evening in tho city hall. About eighty voters woro present. L. A. Roberts, tho present Mayor, was nominated for ro-olectlon. but declined. W. Taylor Dement nnd Dr. L. G. Johnson wcro nominated, but Dr. Johnson declined, No ono oiso being nnmcu, Jir. Dement wnB made tho unanimous choice of tho meeting. P. W. Laird, Chas. Harrington, II, A. Schroedcr nnd A, II, Render, wore then chosen to bo placed on tho bnllot for Councllmon, two to be elected. A. E. Dodge, the present Record er, and J. M, Arrington, tho present Treasuror, were unanimously chos en for re-election, no others being named. It was a harmonious meeting, good feeling and humor prevailing through nil. Tho fllnyor thou pre sented the amendments to the char ter that aro to bo voted on, Explain ing them and a general talk fol lowed. Of fivo lawyers present, all woro Of tho samo opinion, whi,Ch. ytn noted as a wonderful phenomenon, A iaWyer retorted that it was moro wonderful that tho doctors wort? agreed, but a citizen romnrked that! me mom wonuunui oi an was mo fact that' a largo number of ladles wo'ro present and not- a ono Wns talking. Wo nro to vote to amend tho charter so that property owners may favo or install a sewer Bystom if hoy so desire, by bonding thorn- Bolvcs for tho entire expense. Also to raiso the city tax from ton to fifteen mills so tho city Indebted ness and future improvements may bo cared for. A strong prohibition ordlnanco is, also placed on the ballot to bo sanc tioned by tho people. Social Activities. "h Tuesday evening a hard times social was given by tho Christian Church. Tho costumes displayed real hard times or a protonso of such, but n Jolly tlmo is roportod by nil who nttended. Tho Ladles' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church met Thuisday afternoon with Mrs. David McNalr. Mrs. 1 rouge presented the homo mission topic, and Miss Pratt, the 'Society's teacher, bognn tho study of tho now book, "Tho Child In tho Midst," which many societies aro now studying. At the closo of tho program tho hostess served de licious refreshments. Those pres ent were Mesdamos Kongo, J .Strang L. A. Roberts, II. A. Guorln. Major, Herrlott, Annln, Lnngo, AlcNnlr audi has a two year old Jersey heifer that 10,05.1 POUNDS OF MILK, -WS POUNDS MUTTER FAT YEAR'S RECORD FOR ONE ROSSV TESTER MAKES REPORT. Milk and buttorfnt averages thnt are above the average, are contained In tho annual report of C. I. Sav ago, tester of the Coos River Cow Testing Association, tho organiza tion that has now completed Its first year of existence nnd, two weeks ago, elected officers for a second. For tho Dnst 12 months Mr. Sav- ngo has made the rounds of tho 18 herds in the association nt least onco a day; has been present at the mllklngs twice n month, keeping a written Record of every cow en tered. Somo of the best percentages ho Is making public. John- Hfindrlckson, a dalrymnn of North Coos River, has a herd of 1G grade Holstelns that havo In 12 months mndo an average of 8, 170 'poundB of milk to the cow nnd 334 pounds of butterfnt. Four cows produced over 400 pounds of butterfat. Ono, bossy has n record ot iq,2a7 pounds of milk and 371.8 pounds of butterfat, and tho highest buttor fat production In tho hord is 458 pounds and 10.CG3 pounds or milk. This is also tho best record Ir. tho entlro associa tion. Witlf a hord of nine grndo Jor Boys Fred Brunnell, on Coos Rlvor, stated that tho averago of his cows was 319.y8 pounds of butter fnt and G128 pounds of milk, averages well commented on by tho tester when it, Is understood nil the feed for tho cows 'was nil homo grown. Chnrles Mnhaffey has n Holsteln cow that produced 409 pounds of butter fat nnd 10,314 pounds of milk. With no mirchased feed and with his cows on strnlglit pasturago, W. D. Piper roports that his herd of eight, in eight months, averaged 289 pounds of butter fat and C83C pounds or milk. Ono of his dairy animals produced 7872 pounds of milk and 409 pounds of butter fat. James Lnndrlth, at tho forks of Coos Rlvdr, has tho largest hord among thoso reported, 30 HolsteliiB, that huvo averaged 2GG pounds of buttor fat nnd 7,120 pounds of mllw, all of tho feed bolng homo grown. Mr. Savage points out that tho lowest hord in tho association aver aged at leaBt 218 pounds of butter fat. Mr. Savngo expects to leavo on the Speedwell for Snn Bernardino, Cnllfornln, whoro ho Is bolng called by tho Illness' of his father. in tho Coos uay Association Will lam Dinclc reliorts that Low Prlco Guaranteed Vulcanizing' When Its Time To Re-Tire Red TubK Grey Tub BUY FISK Lowest Prices, Best Service Greatest Mileag Ask Any Fisk User :e Fisk Red Top Bicycle Tires $2.75 $3.10 THE Gunnery FISK Mororcyde Tires. GORST & KING GARAGE, North Bend Agents. MAPLE STREET GARAGE KIME & VON PEGERT, Coquille Agents. Myrtle Point. S. G. WHITSETT, Bandon Agent,;! SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Sicluicss prevented, tho ot a number of inoin- STEAMER CARLOS will will from SMITH TERMINAL DOCK fop Hnn Khuiclfco nnd Han Pedro TUESDAY, MARCH U.i,.t 1 p. in., carrying freight uiul-passengers. Will You Help One of These'to Win, r t- a. Standing of Contestants for Week Ending March 20th. Edna Hawkninn sooo Mnudo Conklln 4480 Carl Thorn G-138 Klzabeth McCullough 0000 l'Vcd .Kulght , . . 4000 1'rolda Holmes ;..39UC0 Adelaide Clarke i.,,8J8C Mrs. II, U. Ilrlnkjoy ..'.. ...1G206 VMan Crnlg . .,, aC'JOO lluiislo Sanduulsl S000 Mabol King G310 Mm. J. Iirown liOfiOO Edward Holt. .. 39820 Myrtlo Isaacson .., 11874 Ldna Mcintosh liMtlo Mrs. Ahblo Ilralnurd 12480 ls.ibello Mrtcgenn B400 Lydla HoluieS 8492 Florence Smith 10000 Kato Anthony 8970 Jlesslo Flanagan 948:! Alum Ueddess 10490 Stella ChrlstlaiiHou ...9940 Violet Moffltt 84C0 Rny Ilorreo 10490 corn Dye ... 8710 Vera Harris 0487 Mrs. Nolla Haines 8475 Kolyn Flanagan 9784 Netllo Sneddon 7481 HrnoBt Drows ... . , G191 luiu Hodsou ... ... ......8470 ... .7491 ...... v 8792 ! Jill .9111 .8174 .9141 .8174 .9171 ! Mrs. Clara llrlggs L'nther Whitney , . Mao Illake ... , Irene Cooke ... Lllllun Dalglo ... Mlna Dalglo ... ...9040 .10480 .12940 ..8400 9444 .8470 FJoronco Holland 9481 Jinooi Mills 9474 Kullo Smith 10900 Wlnnlfred Simpson 1248C Loeta Clinton 9433 (lolda Carey 1074C Lydrt Header 12084 Howard Kolley 9487 Claude Post r.479 lllldur West &8G7 Htolla Petersen 0974 Torn Lund 10480 Ada Cllukenboard ..12745 Jlatllo McKay ,,.,8745 Mlus McCutcheon 7465 Tholrua Dodgo 18475 Mury Mulllu 107G4 Loretta Holmes ..8745 Mm. Amy Cuse 9t70 Kdlth tierinuiiHOU 10487 Lllllun Oiduiurk 9484 araco Karrlu'.,.. 9481 Mrs. II. L. Hurgelt 12,794 Ne Hay Olllfron (lusslu Nelson . . Amy Olemaii Violet Martin Mrs. II. C. Norton Mrs. U. K. Shull . Mrs. V, m. lJelmor Nellio C. Varney , Miss Medoo 8174 J. Slieoiiau 7ui Myrtlo Phillips .. ..'.' 7U9 llattlo llago -ij 79 (loldlu Itlggs 917C Alum Hold ,7al 1 heroH.1 Stein 9741 nttn Taylor 0174 Corn Kcklvn 5179 jiiiio UHing .....1970 Mrs. Hoy Ilralnurd 5170 Mary Giiruoj 14799 Mrs, Ulok llnck 7179 Mrs. H. Hamptun 5179 Mason Noah 8174 Lulu Smith 9175 Noel Noah 58K, '' Noah 3974 l-onnln SU'inmorman 5174 Haiol Cowan inr.qii Hurl drey ... , 0549 Hither Holmes 8411 Horyl Jsouh 5746 Ilobslo Van Ilurgor ,.0174 Huth llowron S175 uth Dyors 0174 Illanrho cutlli 9170 Helen Smith snn mrtih" K.'!",th, 7l!5 aiadjs Nichols U147 Unda Joues 817C Kile llrandt 5i7c Aiinn Truomun 9875 ray Miller 8746 Margaret Hoock S170 Hernlco Hajtor nii7 Loo Hoelliug 9ii Kllzabeth Wilson 0748 ;lany A',.'.h0". " Holla Oldluud 9176 Maudo Zlmmorniun 9145 Myrl Cox.,. , 8175 Miss l'rutt attendance bors. H. A. Schroedor wont to tho first of the week to arrange for the opening ot n moving plcturo theater. Ho will uea tho public hall, nnd as no6n as the now machine ordered arrives, will begin with three nights a weok. W. H. Wnnn, of North Ilend, was n business cnllor In Myrtlo Point tlio first of tho weok. W. 13. Lowollou, of flrnvolford, was in town Friday. Mr. Lowollen makes tho trip down tho North Fork by boat bringing cream 'from tlio ranches along the rlvor, to tho Nor way creamery, in tho summer tho wntor Is too low and tho roads are bettor to uso. Miss KoboIIo. of Drldso. was n callor In town Friday, Mr. and Mm. H. J. Montgomery woro In town from Hrldgo. Mrs. Montgomery took tho train to Marshflold to visit relatives and friends. Little Qllllo Norton Is gottlng along flno. Monday ho was moved fiom tho hotol to 'a room ovor tho llarton storo and nn aunt from Co qullle Is caring for him. Ho Is conscious, knowing what Is said to him, can laugh or cry, but does not talk any. Mm. Wutklns, of Ittnldon, Camo to Mrytlo Point Monday ovenlng and la visiting with relatives In tho city. -.i ' una jiiBi imisned mo year with a record of 444 pounds of buttorfat. Mr. Prlco'B herd has nvoraKed 325 Wfrnertflonmts. A. H. Collvcr. of Catching inlet, has a cow' that gavo 487'pounds nnd T. M. CoIvor five that gavo more than 400 pqunds of buttor fat. Ho states that th'oro aro mnny now mom bors In tho Association for tho start of tho now ya . 1 '1 J 1 !! JU3H Times want ads bring results. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORt H. H. Harper nousB nuiLnER General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phone 349-J. I.M.Wright : Phono 188-R, nUIIiDINO CONTRAOTOn Eitlmatcs furnlshod on regueit MYBTLE PO T IR UTESHRE CHOSEN! Red Cross Drug Store co.VTL'sr i)i:p.HTMi:."n Plume p. H, O. 1HLMHNT KLKCTHI) 1'IlKfll 1H3NT OF COOS AM) CL'HHY AH hOClATION MANY .KV FIJAT- vhi:s Pitoposr.i). Tho directors of tho Coos and Curry County Fair Association 'bate elected tho following officers for the ensuing year: President H. C. Doment. Vlco-pres. J. i,, Masion. Kecrotary L. A. Hoborts. Trousuror Henry A. Schroedor. Commencing Wednesday, Septem ber 8, and continuing four days, wcro decided upon by" the board at their mooting. In other words, tho Fourth Annual Coo mm nnm-i County Fair will be hold on Wednes-, day, Thursday, Friday and Satur- dny. September 8, 9, 10 nnd 11, 1915. This puts tho closing of tho, local fair two weeks beforo tho op-' enlng of tho Stato Fair which dates lint recently Iwmn inininm..,,) .. Septombor 27 to October 2. 1 1 A number ot contemplated changes In tho premium list were discussed nnd tho one on which doflulto action was takon Is to make two separate classes for cattle, par tlrulnrly dairy stock, ono under which pure bred nnlmnls will bo en tered and tho, other for tho grades Another now rxnturn nr 11. i ...-,., -v. fair will bo a cow-vtestlng contest, i lit which prlres will bo awarded to wm cum maKiug uest test In a gl. en period. No doflnlto annouuei meut Is at yet being made, iii this regard, tho working out of fho to. iii ui uio coniest win t)0 done through tho arJoiis caw-teitUw q3-. soclatlons of Coos Colrtt-Mvrllo Point Hnterprlbe. w,,w--MHig Or.- H. M. Shaw Eye, Far, Noso luid Throat GLAHSKS FITTED on. m:attie n. siuw Ulioasca of Women and ChUJrea Office Phono 330-J. Hooma 200. 201. 202, Irving Block. Benjamin Ostllnd ' , CONSULTING ENGINEER AND AltOHITEOT Offlcos, 206 Irving Block Phono 103-L or :87-Ji Manhtleld, Oreioa W. G. Chandter ARCHITECT Roomi 301 and 302, Coke BulldUg Uamhfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon, YOU AUTO CALL ' FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS I'liono SOO'Ti. Night nnd Day. Itight Cato. Rood Cars. Careful Driven D. L. i'OOTE. We want your cash business and make It an object for you to pay cash' GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. PIlOJlO 30-1-J. NY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Froat BtrMt, Phone X7D. Abstracts FOR RELIAnLK ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AHOUT AM) IM'OIUUTM COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT C0.,!t MAHSHFIHLD AND COQUILLK CITY. OHEGO.H " GI3NERAL AGI3NTS, EASTSIDE AND BKNGSTACKE.V8 ADiaTW AGDNTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD IANW UENltY SKNG8TACKKN, MANAGER , 0r iaaia-iBiH-. oi. LAWKtNUE HOTEL J In tho Heart of Marshfleld All Ontsldn Rooms. Mte"n Heat rW"..v!J.,.,...i;oiii m 1 wi: Y ILV :ekijV .TIN. HATI 4'iWto Water nil up ..7C Jim ,B.tfcg?0P Perl Riley BallingGr PIANIST AND TEACnER RMldbnco 8tudlo, 217 No. Third Phone 368-L. I T. J. SCAIFEtg A. II. HODGIN8 Mnrcfifiofrl PAINT AND '""" DECORATING ;C0. Estimates Furnished 1'1'01'0 1 ". Marshfleld, Oregon CHIMNEYS CLEANED, REPAIRED IF NEEDED AND INSPECTED I am prepared to clean chlmnoys and mnko thorough inspection of snme. Don't dolay. city ordln anco compels property owners to ao mis worK. Prompt work savo a fire, Charges Reasonnlilo A. II. SERGEANT, '''""'P 258-X 1056 So. 4th st. LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on tho most delkato fnbrlcs. Wo posl. thcly gunranteo nil WOrk Phono 431.X. Address 831 Cciitrol Avenue. Special Prices on Lard For The Next Ten Days Tho finest homo rendered LARD over offered In the local Pw 10 lbs - ' - $1.35 5 lbs - - .70 3 lbs - - .45 THE UNION MARKET J. E Ford Co. 171 South Rrondnny. may Pictures & Framing Walker Studio New .Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE I I Ne S, S.JENNINGS, No. Bend 1 I UITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE For tatl. phono 20, Chandler Hotel. For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotel JJXfl.-M iiAJIIIETn. Pro.. ew Cajg t 1 Vw n. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME let ol for a good uany years d r """. ij. our -. ' ...- .niint TOO " V... . . .. uoou a noDoy witn ua Our Customer: Will toll vnn whan l pninnS to Kettltg durablo framing material at thp right price we n ".. jusi ion wnat you want to build nnd me u" l,l.d to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil nd figure out w- wu jjuuey can nuy. Try ut. 4, C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfg.& CUT THE phovp- ion RETAIL DEPARTMENT fuel nnjj 1 two mr vsixo our wj 182 HOirrns SAVE MONPY by orderlnR the rumnn. ROOFINR REJS C.9HlACTING,!NoteHENflYVILLE COAL uuuriiu IrtltMIALb, FELTS AND CEMENT 11Q i. L URIQE 118. p. 89. wut coal, per ton nn wirap coal, per ton ' in . half .. li "' ivu ui uom Or. 95.00 M n. MUSSON, Prop. ....u o- ur leuvo ortlers at Hllljer's Clgur Store, Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOOD YEAR TIRES-EXCELSP MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES .. Marine and Automobile Renairlnfl a Specialty. North Front Street ?! :: :: Phone 1 BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY T II vWIFHpf - ,- . -'r--- r- .- ..im. ., rmmitB