WJmSSS. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MArtSHFlEU, OREdOtf.'MONDAY, MARCH 22,' 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO I y-0 TD Ar TTTkJTEQ n number of friends nt a birthdayj LUUu JD1 Y 1 llVlCO I party Friday afternoon In honor of ZT'n ..r7r.T..r. .i. . i. i ' MOr daughter Alios Lillian who re- ;t" '..; ;.' u,v ni. clve'l n"y "enullfiil Rifts. DAN K. SIALO.NRY, .New fedltor, A ,)llfret luncheon wns flc H 7rC 'TH A iff k. Vl fc- hJ 'SV- RjyiKmJi! eSS($Kfifc$!S I I enw . .. !... a .. I nuililli .'.ll.r..MJ.lll nn wnn served nv iMra. Thorwald to .Mrn. Oeo. CralK. 'Mm. Ii. .Mnthlson, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Ueo. Hennessey, Mrs. McDonald, tha Misses: Mable, Cora and Alice Math l&on, Vivian Craig, Minn. Dalgle and Lillian Thorwald. ; l I miHI'S' ART CLim With The Tea AndJThe Toast Monday Progrosa Club with Mrs. F. W. Payne. Tuogday Ladles' Guild tit (iull.l Hnll. Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church in church hall. Wednoidny Cafeteria Club with Mrs. J. H. Lyons. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Chrlstenacn In Hunker Hill. Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. Ir vln Smith. IJnntlst ladles Silver lea In Cluiroh parlors. Hoyal Auction Ilrldo CluJ with Mrs. A. L. Housoworlh. 1). M. C. Club with Mrs. N. 0. Hamcs Narclflsus Club with Mrs S. Dock. Thursday Mlnno-Wls-Club with Mrs. D. A. Jones. Knstslilo Sowing Club with Mrs. Percy Poet. ltalnbow Club nt club house. Norwegian Lutheran Young Ladles Aid with Miss Jcnulo Hofslnnd North Uond (lulld with Mrs. It. Parr. A, N. W. with Mrs. E. Hydo. Prldny Friday Nlnht Club with Mr. and Mrs, Henry O'Mara. Past Matrons with Mrs. E. s. Uar Bolt. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Frank. Hutnner. Saturday DaptlHt ladiuH cooked food salo nt Marshflold Hardware : ! I AFTEK.VOO.V OF Kl.U'l.Vf. I ' ! Mrs. nosa Smltbls home was the scene of the regular meeting of tho PLANTING A HOSi:. Ladles' Art Club Friday afternoon and was Lcauhfully decorated with a profusion of daffodils. Mrs. Smith was assisted by Mrs. A. S. nianchard and Mrs. Foley In' serving dainty refreshments to: Mrs. Jno. A. Walt, Mrs. W. 11. Curtis, Mrs. .las. Cowan Sr. Mrs. Olivia Kdman, Mrs. F. M. Flye, Mrs. Fnlkenstoln, Mrs. Hoacland, Mrs. Lang, MrB. Mc Arthur. Mrs. ItaHrntiBgen. Mrs. Ivy i Condron, Mrs. It. H. 'Walters nnd Mrs. Frank Sumner who will enter-' tain next Friday afternoon. f 4 I a inr.i.viMroaKAMATnuNK. I Kit HILL LnRt Frldnv evening finite n largo ntidlenco gathered at the Hunker Hill school to enjov n "Illloy Kvon- Ing." The Itov. 0. Leltoy Hall, Copt, of the Llfo Line, gavo quite a num ber of Hlley poems and stories. To say that he was highly appreciated by all, Is putting It light. Mr. Hnll Is nn artist In Hie rending nnd Inter pretation of the "Hooslor Poet's" gems. The evenings program wno supple mented bv piano selections by the Misses Violet Hoborson, Marin Schwartz nnd Geneva Archer, all being enjoyed by the hearers. Tho uudlencn Joined, heartily In singing boiiio old time melodies. Hooks wero nrosenlcd to Mnrlo Orandahl, Iris Schwartz, and Homor Crnlg for soil- To be "in line these spring-like days and earn your proper meed of pralso you must plant n flower or budding rose to gladden every breeze that blows. "When winter ralus nf longer roll, go get n spade and dig a hole and bring a rose bush or soino Beed to tnko tho placo of noxious weed. What though with years you're bowed and bent, and feel your life Is nearly spent? Tho rose you plant will please the eye and help tho town to beautify; and Its odor pure and sweet will gladden girls who lovers greet and lovers thero on moonlight nights will get Dan Cupid dead to rights; nnd fervid oaths nnd tender words will fall on ears like songs of birds. And folks will say with gentle sigh "Long years ago an ancient guy, whose whis kers grow beneath his nose Inserted In tho ground this rose, Twns but a llttlo rosebush then, and he the kindest of old men; didn't know but he'd bo dead before its blossoms blush ed bright red, but still he stuck It in the mould, and never did his feet grow cold. Oh, ho was wlso and kind and brave let's placo n rose upon his grave!" We'll not forget him, goodness knows, go then nt onco nnd plant a rose. Anon. News of Nearby Towns Sometimes you see n Coos Uny innn who Is n model in oilier re Bpocts, but IiIh life Is ruined be rauso he doesn't know how to dance. We often wonder why somo Coos liny men who boast of tho splen- Every Coos Bav married man knows that he could run the bouse on what his wife wastes in tho kitchen, and every married woman knows she could support two fam ilies on what her husband spends down town. After you cbnnge n girl's name did positions that have been offered for h ' Von mar discover tha a thnm rnntlnno In tinl.1 .Inu-n Mm ,0r. 1or 'ou 'nay "ISCOter tint a them continue to hold snmo old ?12 per Job down the girl by sweet. any other name isn't as A ton-ycnr-old Coos Hay girl hatoa Kvpn ,.. n rna nnr .,,,. to bo kissed. Hut she soon out hns grown daughters she wants her grows It. husband to toll lier that she doesn't look n day older than when she was Tho average Coos Hay man spends married. I NORTH BEND NEWS I , Mrs. E. II. Hodson and daughter Irma visited In Marsnrieid auturany. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Freelhnd and Mildred are spending n few weeks with relatives in Ten Mile. rtobert McCann was in Marshfleld Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Anthony nnd daughtor of Ten Mile were in North Bend Sat. unlay. Mrs. Marlon Clarke nnd daughter Helen of Ten .Vile were In North Bend Friday, I ALLEGANY ATOMS. : (Special to Tho Timer.) St. Patrick's Ray was a wet one. Henry Laird cruno In Monday and said tho roads from Loon Lake were pretty bad. Larson and Barker hauled n main line up to Gould's Camp Wednes day as the old ono wns breaking often. We understand that J. It. John ston has installed n now U. S. Sep arator on trial. Wo received somo samples of cot ton, grown nt lllythe,- In Illversldo County, California, nnd It Beems to bo a first-class product. XOHTH INLET NEWB - I - Inir ton tickets onrh. Horn or nlan wnn nine-tenths of his life trylllir to nr- tho Grand Prlzo for selling the Inrg- cumulate enough money to enable When u Coos Bay woman has ost number of tickets. Tho readings blm to spend tho other one-tenth spent all hor money sho can grab in conuori. r uruum uuu ruisu suuie mure uubi wore Instructive, ns well as enter taining. I IIIRTIIDAY SURPRISE I Last Tuesday aftornoon Miss FIosslo I-Jttln entertained a num ber of frlonds at sowing nt hor homo on Tenth and Flanagan, the decorations consisting of rnro red nnd whltu cnrnntlniiH. .j. ... I IMXIIO.N RECITAL I ; Mrs. Golunndorfor, of Ilnnilon, presented a numbor of her talented pupils In recital at tho Orphoum Tliontur of that city Friday evening. Over 000 Invitations wero Issued for tho ovonl, ami tho program In cluded hoiuo uxrullont niimborH. Wolfram Schmeddlug, flutlHt, of MitrHhflold, iishIh((!(1 with eovornl mimberH. I NOItTII m:.l LIIIIIAItY I - Tho North Ilom Library 'Associa tion has recolvi'd many now books, tho following go on tho aholvea this week. Tho Diamond .Master, Black Friday, Warwick of llm Knobs, Down tho Itlu Grando, Sir Marrok, Prisoners of Cliunco. Modorn Mp chnntcu has also boon subscribed for by Him library. Tho following books havo boon ilounted: Tho Hloeplng Oar, Prac tical Agriculture, by Mr. Armstrong: Short Stories for Children and Others, by Joaulo Armstrong; The Josimniy Hrldgo, Tho Post (lit I, Un dine, by Mr. Austin. . HlltTIID.W PAUTV I Mrs. Henry Blnclc was tho recip ient of a pleasant surprlso In tho form of a big family dinner yester day, the occasion being In honor of hr Boventy-soventli birthday. Moro details will bo given later. TKACm.lt MAUUII.I) Frldny livening, March 19th, Miss Lillian Pitman and Mr. Kn Brauner wero mnrrled at tho brldo'n home, by Itov. It. O. Thorpo. The bride Is n charming and nonulnr Marshfleld girl, nnd has been teaching In tho local schools for tho last few years. Mr. Brainier holds n position with tho C. A. Smith Company. Tho vounc couple will ninko tholr homo In Bunk er Hill, where thoy Imvo furnished a comfortnblo modern flat. 4 INFORMAL CHAT I WIL L BU LD MILE I ADOPTS OIL 1 Y Oregon Highway Commission Votes to Build Road at Cost of $500,000 nr Aioclitl Pr'M Is Coot 114 J Tlmn.l SALEM, Oro. March 20. To build one mile of Columbia river highway nt Mitchell Point, Hood Hlver cotin- m i FASHION (Special to Tho Times.) Capt. Ned Galloway Is building a barn at his homo here. Jack Halns nnd family linvo mov ed into the Win. Judd residence. North Inlet School District No. 53, opened March 1C, with a good enrollment of pupils. Miss Arctura Spraguo Is tho teacher. John Travis and Charles Mlllor are busy getting out piling for Mr. Hnnlon. , The dredgo Is now working close to tho North Inlet landing. W. J. Howard was a business vis itor In Marshfleld last Monday. Taxpayers of Dlst. No. 8, would really llko to know who their road supervisor Is, or la to bo. Carranza Forces Are Digging Trenches at Vera Cruz Expecting Attack Or Aaaoclit PfM. to Com B- Vlam.J WASHINGTON D. C. March 20. Tho Carranza forces nro digging tranches nnd fortifying Vera Cruz with barbed wire stockades, apparent- y. tho Oregon highway commission tu,nVa J ? by Villi', and today .voted to extond G0,000. Tho J zaa'l forces! OiuTniizn Forces llcuten IHtOWNSVILLE TEX. .March 20. Tho occupation of Mlor nnd Cam- county has practically completed a road through its own territory at Its own expense and Mitchell Point will bo a connecting link with Portland. Mr. and Mrs. King nnd baby, of Coos ltlvor, who have boon vis iting at tho J. Q. Jnrvls homo for tho puHt fow daya left this week on tho Elder for Eugene whoro thoy expect to mnko their homo. 4- Miss Agnes Kunklo loft Saturday on tho Nairn Smith for a two weoka visit ut thu Fair und also with friends In San Francisco, FIRST STRAW HAT OF SEASON APPEARS Hurry llullnianu Inaugurate the Hpilng Opening With the First Ktrniv Sky l'lccc. Ono thing that Marshfleld has missed heretofore In Its march to metropolitan standards has beon tho holf-appolnted straw hat arbiter. In tho cities this ubiquitous gen tleman may bo seen nt your elbow twice a year to tell when It Is lime to begin wearltiK your straw hat Mm. Charlea Thorwa.d ,m.er.lnlsa'o"Sle of liear.r"'",,! laud tho first or Mny and tho fif teenth of Soptombor, respoctlvoly, mark tho entrance nnd exit of the straw hat. On Coos Bay every man Is his own arbiter and thoro Is no ono to say him nay. Hero you aro no slave to custom. Thoro Is Just ns much disposition on Front streot nnd Central avenue to observe tho sartorial proprieties as on Washing ton street, l'ortinnd, or J arkot street, Sau Francisco. Howevor, moro is not mo same fotich wor ship horo uh there. Heretofore Tom Hall has been thu straw hut ad vanco agont. He usually was tho first to wear it when balmy spring urcozcH mow and tno last to dig CAXXKHV AT OLl) BEACH argo, Mexico, about 70 in Hod west) It. A. Henhorg, of Portland, Ar ranges for Xoiv Plant There (Speclnl to The Times.) GOLD BEACH, Or., Mar. 22. B. A. Seaborg, of Portland, has been In tho city several daya making ar rangements to build a cannery for tho canning of nalniou at this placo. Ho has leased a slto on which to build tho cannery of Alph Miller, about four miles up Iloguo River from this city, Just below tho Bag nail ferry. He has ordered 40,000 feet of lumber from tho mill at Ag noBs, dollvory to be commenced at once. Tho dimensions of the cannery nro to bo 125 by COO foet In three wings. .Mr. Seaborg expects to I of Brownsville, was confirmed In a bavo It ready for business April 15 tolegrnph messago received hero to- "" at tlolil I.eucJi. day. Tho Carranza forces aro report- At tho bride's homo at Cedar Fork ed to be retreating- toward Mattam- V,Ioss Avorlll, of this city and Miss ornB. rannlo Prlnco wero married. Tho ceremony wim nerformed bv liev. i Hoyt, of this city. Mr. Avorlll is u wlde-nwako young man, Doputy 'Ul.orlrr nn. I ...... - ...II ... . """ "iiu nun ii wiuu iinio UI Member of Noted American Family fiends. Ills wlfo alno very pop- SticcumbN ToUuy. ' ,1,nr among tho young ieoplo In this dj Auoeiiuj nm io c.o B.r Tim., i l",rt of Curry County. His many Tiwr-nrxr -,. ,. ... i blends havo paid their respects ami .....w...., .nuns., .nur. zii, . couKratuiaiions. CIIAS. F. ADAMS DUOS. Pllfl.la T.'vnM.t. t .1 II. . 4.i . - " .'.uiik-ia Auuiua (lieu mis morning at his winter residence at Washington, D. C, according to word rocelvod nt his homo horo. Ho "ivu.un uiuw uuu 1110 IllHl io Ul-I,. in . ... . .' enrd It whon October rains bogln was ," a wcek wlth lu Krlppe. Ho to drizzle. This senson ho was Wns born In 1835. caught nnpplng. Last Saturday Har- Charles Francis Adams wns whin. r, u.iuuih.1.1 .M.iBii lorui nuu pnr- ly known as a nubllcl.t nn,i ,i0. I torlan. Ho was u groat-isrnndson uncii down uonirni nvonuo nnd up Front streot, thus wresting tho laur els as tho straw hat arbiter. Every body saw It aud ovorybody greeted It with gladness. Thus thu liberal attltudo of this laud of eiiual op portunity Is again vindicated. Here's to tho new straw hat I And heron to tho man who wears i Hero It'comos back llko tho lmou.L.A,tt cat, ) nntnil tlini liitii)i, I.. !..' .1 And woo to tho man who tears It. I It was ten years ano. ur ",un of President John Adams, n grand son of President John Qulncy Adams and a son of Charles Francis Adams, Minister to Oreut Britain during tho time of tho Civil War. MlimiAGi: LICENSES March 12 Kal Brnnner und Lil lian Pitman. .March 15 Arthur Itnnsom Uack lcff nnd Alma Nlobordlng. March 15. Harry C. Johnson and Margaret A, llobertson. Co qulllo Sentinel. COQUILLH BOX!) ELECTION f-"vf inroncc INCOMC LCQAL ncsefwe 'rr0 AS3CT9 I 6I4 0QO.QO fiHIH LlA 060001 fMlTslTsw jnA r&Mt3?bb 9q,OQ' r??i427Q60b1 rP5.222.0OOOQ, 'Mf4'0Q'5M f3?7J47.36e..00, 7i?4758.l08A80.00, lHLJi 41 00 , gMl 64 4IA.Q0 fWI 9 1 .2 0.001 119031 9e iSCkrr Mlnt9Aii$ f iV 2 08.30 5.00 ryja.2Z.QQ fgJ2 76.4-83:bQ1 rS4J$3l 1.956.001 Tml f90l 176. &64.QQ- rw264ja8.00 1912 1 $382. 122.00 WJ502.76.QO r9W$63l.69.QO fIO 907.00 V fWZ3.20B.00 fcttf.53 643.00 fX9 t2Q. 133.00 m moiS29Q. 290.00 ryP595.o7e.oo WI21 $5 13. 870 fMfg45.aOO.OQ F9A$66.3aQ.QQ Tho council met in adjourned ses sion last evening to tako tho necos sary stops towards submitting a cnarter amendmont to tho voters ut tho general city election In May. This amendment Is tho form submitted by tho bond broker's attorneys and changed by him to conform to Ore- gun law. Tho required rod tapo ,was gono through with In tho shape of resolutions and ordlnanco, and tho peoplo will ,bo asked to ndopt tho amendmont authorizing tho Council to luue 130,000 worth of bondo to fund tho present outstanding war rants. Theso bonds will bear six per cent interest, run 20 years, nnd will bo redeemable after flvo yenrs. Co- qullle Sentinel. These figures should be a source of pride to loyal Oregonians. They show the marvelous and continuous growth of UKSMIJK-Oregon's Successful Life Insurance Company The only Company which does Business Exclusively in Peaceful and Healthful Oregon Every Dollar of our Assets is invested in Oregon Securities We Help in the Upbuilding of a Greater Oregon SERVE YOUR PERSONAL INTEREST and examine our new "Low Premium Policy" with Special Privileges and Results for Policyholders before you sign an application for Life Insurance in any other comnanv any other company BEST FOR OREGONIANS Home Office: SKK.KiK Portland, Oregon T Jlrmii'li office, ST. laWIUJXCK llOTIH,, Mitrblifleld, Oregon. J. J. Ill HIMUDGK, District Manager, Mais'ifielil Oregon U SAMUEL, BELGIANS MUST FEED GERMAN PIGS: Wealthiest Inhabitants Must oare jor workers Same as , ' Common Swineherds IB AuocliteJ rnn U Cw Bj Tlmn.J BRUSSELS, Mar. 20.-Ono mil lion Gorman ilg3 havo been billeted 2lumh0n.?,Vn,1n '"u,a'o of Bel. Slum. The plSs must bo foil and cared for by tho Belgians, wl o ........ ui.uvuuii as io c ass, must perform this servlco. One of the wealthiest Inhabitants ot DroweU Is conielled to tako is hoes on A "redUCea rale" S" FLAI & BEIETT BANK OliDCHT HANK IN COOS COUNTY EaUMlsued 1889. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 (tcrest Tald oa Ttrao DeposiU you ca pay roun TAxtes Tiinouaii this baxk l Officers: J. W. Bennett. President. , 3, II, Flunnffnn, Vlcc-Prcsldont. . , It. P. Williams, Casliler. ' Goo. P. Winchester, dMt, ohWi Important Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU i OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Bent, FIRST iliA BANK l- mmmmammmmmmmmmammmm BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON 4 Capital, surplus and undlvldod profits .",.. 12BiO(fl)4's OPPicEns: , J. W. Donnett, President Arthur MoICeown, BocreUr Tom T. Bonnett, Vice President Bennett Swanton, Tresiurer Transacts a trust business only. ActBus trusUo of expreii truM and also as executor and administrator of cstatos. Tha only Trait Company In Oregon outside of Portland organized under new (rut law In this stato. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION GO. Weekly Servlco Cooh liny and Sau Francisco, STEAMSHIP NANN SMITH Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays FIIOM HAN FBAXCISCO TURfiDAV, MAItCH 23, AT .1:00 P. M. Smi Francisco Office, 000 Flfo Ilulldlne, und l'Icr Numbw SM Oooa Bay Agent, 0. P. MgGeoroe, PIiom tt lHHMMMMMHHMiHIMaMlMaMMM To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TnB FAST AND COMFOnTABLM S S, Geo. W. Elder NKWLY EQUIPPED NOIITU PACIFIC BTKAMSKIP CO. a F. McQEOUQH AGENT W. . PABB """"' '. rsBfieia phase 431. Nora l"",llll,lll,,lll,,ll,,l,,,, '"iiiBBillli- KQUIPPJdD WITH WIIUBLB64. - t Steamship Breakwater , ALWAYS ON mm. .. SAILS FUQM MAItSIIFIKM) HVEIIY BIONDAY DUIUXO MAW O.V T1IK TOM.OWING DATESt MARCH 10, AT 0:00 A. t MAKOIl 23 AT 1 1 ,M.S MAHCH 20, AT 8:00 A. M,t 10HTLAXI), EFFECT1VH MAKOIl 10th, AND KVKRY VUBMt THEltKAHTEU. XICKETa ON BALK AT PORTLAND CITY TIOJPBT OFFIO AND OAK aTREETS, PORTLAND, - O. D. LANDKIWI, a- Phone M-J, The latest figures show that the state of Washington produced 05 taeturo1? .nf m" U, 8lU"B,ea " Mctured in tho country durlnc the year, tho won.i .. ii-.. "...! "e red cedar. v" K we"w LH1IIV pnnl ni. ii.. . -... . AJ.WAYS USP.n ii. c .... i. "" 1-Ml'HIC Utery uaa Trnnsfer Company, Puget Sound Bridge & Dams, Brldtjes, Buildings. ' General ConsifjJclton n... nC0MPLET- PUNTS FOR HARBOR WORK uur Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nnd most thoroHgfily w . .....mmk uicwU 1H AAV.1MU . Coos Rav nffioa Marshfleld, Oregon. t !.. Main oiiir Seattle, Washington lWi T 'ItfirtM1--" W.0. . . iw- . , -tu -Jul t-wr-v - -JUu fi