JPk?T.'gJSl pfirti it iiMW7rnwi,,,',1"tTp'lfr'" ivfiifr i'r HE WHO STARTS ff MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER WORLD jgj IF HE DOBNT BEGIN AT HOME foos Bay Times Your Paper ffinuB A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos liny Times Is. A Soiitlu Hi-st Oregon paper for Soulliuiwt Oregon people anil devoted to tho host Interests of this great section . Tho Times nlwiys boosts nnd noTcr k,,ocks- . ki tf bBHUI Coot liny Times Is proud of Its Uilo "Tho lo'a Paper," nml It strives nt nil times to mToP (0 ,,s nnl,1 by lloVol,I,B lia cncr,cs to promoting the people's interest. tf tf MEJmmtS OP TUB ASSOCIATED IVtESS VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ns Tho Coast Ms'I. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) nnd Coon Itnv Advertiser No. 206 i HOISL FALLS EXTRA SUSPECT VESSEL NOIE FLOUR SCARCE IKf&LGri wimtB mm 0 ISTO I P E A GERMAN DENIAL Gallician Fortress After Stub born Resistance Surrenders to Russians Todav ffliMT EVENT Has Been Besieged for Sev eral Months and Garrison Reduced to Famine MARKS RENEWED ACTIVITY Offensive Movement Started Against German, Austrian and Turkish Armies From Hnllic to lllnck fica Germans Arc. Jtc- trentlng From Meinel Bf AUlfcl rrm f Coot Dr Timet. LONDON, Mar. 22. Tho surren der of the Gallcian fortress of Prze mnl today, news of which camo In an official announcement from I'o- trojrti Xn on of tno m0Bt """ portantavents of tho day in tho European war. Przomysl has boon, besieged by tho Hussions for eov eral tnontlis. Simultaneous offonslvo movomontH ajahM tho "German, Austrian nnrl Tarklsh nrmles from tho Haltlo to the Black Sea woro undortnkon by Ruiui, nnd In somo sections dof t&IteT progress is reported. The Germans aro retreating from Memel, East Prussia, and tho Rub ilim are bolloved to havo begun an ether drive nt Tilsit. 'In Poland tliero Is activity nil along the front. Tho Russian army la tho Caucasus nnnouncod a vic tory of tho Turks on tho Ulack Sea coast In Turkish Armenia. After several months' inactivity, Austria ud Serbia and Montenegro resumed flantlng. Cottlnjo reports tho Aus trlani mado an artillery nttack last ing tevernl days against tho Monto nstrln front, but an attempt to fol low up with an Infantry attack filled. An artillery' bnttlo butwoon the Austrlans and Sorblnns is also leported. .. Germans Deny Memel Retreat tt Aiaoclite4 l'rwt to Coot Dr Timet. LONDON, Mar. 22. Tho Gorman official statement is in direct con tradiction to tho I'otrograd state ment, and says Memol has boon ro Men from tho Russians. Tho state ment aays tho Russians looted tho tltr while thoy had It In their pos ition. Fighting continues lb tho northern part of Franco noar Arras, la Champagne and in Argonnn. Tho iMults attained aro unimportant. HAD I-AItCJi: GARRISON IB; Aiwclttt4 Pnu to Coot Dnj Timet. LONDON, Mar. 22. Tho fortress of Pnemysl, which tho Austrlans Ure so staunchly defended slnco tie early days of tho war, fell into the hands of tho IluHsInn hnsleiiera thli mornfng. Tho last of tho outor rti were captured somo days ago nd the. final act of tho drama began t the cloao of tho week, when tho COfflmandant ilnlltinrntnlv nynonilncl 111 reservo ammunition and sent we imiic of the garrison out on a lorlorn hope of cutting their way wara through tho besiegers. With tho strong Russian lines lightly drawn, the effort was ap Prently hopeless from tho start w 6000 prisoners woro captured, olle many more foil. Tho scat tered remnant fled back to tho fort m and they now havo fallon Into we handa of the Russians. Tho gar ;a. 0r,8lnally nurabored ubout Will March on Cracow, ne besieging army Is understood to number about 120,000. This je win now march on tho fort ki of Cracow, i5 miles west of memyal, R being announced that ' the determination of tho Rus n to reduce tho ancient Polish "7 ae soon as possible, AMERICAN SAILORS LOST tenant Commander and Three MUom of tho Scorpion Drowned When Rout Swamps l7 AUfeltUd Prt in Pw H Tlir.aa t CONSTANTINOPLE, Mar. 22. ""tenant Cominandor William P.. T.rfr' of. JUo Unltod Stntos con iiii Jachl Scorpion and three j7r flamed Ford, McDowell and lrhii. ' Wero drowned March 20 m l,lteml'tlng to reach their ves ii.J "i a row at. They woro """Ped. in a heavy sea. seattlFman commits suicide there today ction Follows Assault on Woman w Motel Jlurlng Which Ho ,., 'l.Mcr Through Jaw Van,'; .B'.Mar- 2? The body of tt.i.e. W.ebl WBS found today on u ! r,llew he formerly worked Klf .i sht Checker. He shot hlra SLi.rou"h tho "eail. Ho maSo an toi JLu?on Mrs- Clara Robinson rtooiu n,town ,lotol Saturday night, wtliS her through the jaw. MR MS LONER II ITALIAN SKIES All Railway Freight Traffic With Germany is Stopped by Government Today I lily AwmhUIhI I'rwi to Com Ilajr Tlmn.l LONDON, Mar. 22. t The Central News states the Italian gov ernment today stopped all railway freight traf fic with Germany by f way of Switzerland. t BID Pfli FIRE MEN AND WOMEN CARRIED UN CONSCIOUS FROM APARTMENTS CJnind Oak Apartments Destroyed Early Today at a Loss of $ R!,)0( Many Had Nar row Escapes. nr Anocltel Treid to Coot 1317 Timet. PORTLAND, Or., Mar. 22. Two women and two men woro carried unconscious down flro csenpes nnd 3G others narrowly avoided death In n flro which gutted tho Grand Oaks Apartmonts early today. Tho flro started In a paint storo where an explosion caused tho flames, to spread so quickly all means of exit except tho flro csenpes woro cut off. Tho loss Is $42,000. FIGHT TO II ENGLAND SAYS (iERMAN WARS WILL RE STOPPED FOREVER Secretary Oroy in Address, Says Coutllct Might Havo I teen Avert- ed if (eriuany Had So Desired Dr Auoclitxl rrn lo Coo n7 TlmM.l LONDON, Mnr. 22. "This Is tho fourth tlmo within living memory Prussia has mado war upon Europe and wo are determined It shall bo tho last," Foreign Socrotnry Groy told an audience hero today. Ho doclnrod tho war might hnvo been averted by a European conference when and whoro Gormany desired. NEGRO AXE MURDERER IS UNDER GUARD Colored Fiend Captured In St. Louis and Transported Secretoly to .Ill inois ICept Under Guard (Df Auocltttl rrm t Cci Dr Timti.J OALESRURG, III., Mar. 22. Lov ing Mitchell, tho nogro charged with tho murder of tho family of William F. Dawson at Monmouth, September on mn win. mi nvo nml commit ting similar murders In different parts of tho uimeu bmuus, "" hold under special guard hero until nH.ntinAiiinnia inn hn mnde to trans port him safely to Warron County. Ho was urougnt uero huviuh iu St. Louis this morning. rifleWeis in eagle saloon KNTRANCE OAlNED THKOUOII REAR TRANSOM EARIA hUV , DAY JIORNINfJ AUOUT $11 IN SMALL UIIA.MilS Jiioawiw. n.i,!,i, o trniisnm a robber, or n.irii- Sniuliiv iiionuiic cam- ed access to tho Eaglo Saloon, cor ner Front and uommercuu himw. il.l . rnah rOClaterS Of UO- twe'en ?10 and 1 11 in B"a,J change leaving tno uuiiuiuk l"u v? manner in wnicn uiy t. " . f i,o mnn nr men has been found. Tho swamper entering the saloon yesterday morning found one of tno two cubu iw -Imck room and partially torn to :Plw. ' fL.'.rr-siSK done the Job seems apparent when the transom is taken into consider ation, but the cash register welgh ng about 200 pounds, was taken from a shelf and packed Into the back room, a distance of at least 20 feet, before being oponed. With the aid of a poker the bot tom was torn off of this machine, if mlRht have been a streak of humor or just an accident that tho mm Hamburg American Liner Od- enwald Is Being Held in San Juan, Porto Rico FIRE ACROSS BOW Movement to Prevent Supplies Going to Belligerent Vessels at Sea HELD UNDER NEW RULING Recent Act of Congiess Empowers President to Prevent War Supplies (oliig to Rclllgerents Vessels (1)7 Aaioctttoil rr.M to Coot Dr Tlmot. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 22 Tho Ilnmburg-Amorlcan lino Odcn wald, which was stopped from loav Ing San Juan, Porto Rico, yostordny, with shots across her bow, Is bo Ing hold undor a rccont Congress lonul resolution empowering tho President to provent supplies going from Amorlcan ports to Bhlps of tho European bolllgcrents at sea. Penalty Is Severe. Under thin resolution, tho presi dent was authorized "tor direct tho Collectors of Customs to withhold clcaranco pnpers from nny vessel, Amoilcnn or forolgu, which ho had a reasonablo causo to bollevo to bo about to carry fuel, arms, ammuni tion, men or supplies to nny war ship or tender or supply ship of a bolllgorcnt nation." It also provides a flno and Im prisonment of porsona In chnrgo, and tho confiscation of tho ship. Of ficials would not dlscloso what grounds thoy had for bellovlng tho Odonwahl came undor tho tonus of tho resolution. It was bollovod, howovor, that tho Odonwnld may havo Intondcd to fit out as an aux iliary cruiser. WILL BE NO EXTRA SESSION Formal Denial of Intention to Con vene Congress Is Denied at House by President Wilson Or Aiiocltttd I'rtu to Coot Dir Timet. WASHINGTON, D. O., Mnr. 22. Tho formal statement was mado at tho Whlto Houso today that Presi dent Wilson has no Intontlon at prosont of calling an oxtra sosslon of Congress. Sonatois Want E.lra Session Sovoral Senators had suggested that President Wilson call an oxtra session for tho Senato to consider tho ratification of tho Columbian and Nlcaraguan treaties. Othors suggested that an extra scsalon of Congress bo cnllod to empower tho Prostdont to call an embargo on ox ports to tho belligerents. SNOW SLIDE RURIES HUNDREDS IN THE RRmYNIA MINE Doctors nnd Nurses Rushed to Sccuo of Disaster, Where Many Were Hurled In Hunk Houses IHr AuocliioJ Trett to Coot Dr Tluiet.l VANCOUVER, R. C. Mnr. 22. A snow slldo last midnight struck the Hrltannla mlno, Howo Sound, D. 0 and struck soveral bunk houBes. Tho steamer Ualona left Vancouvor this morning with doc tors and nurses. More than 1000 men wore employod at tho mine and It Is feared that sevoral hundred In tho bunk houses woro hit by tho avalancho. ZEPPELINS RAID ON CALAIS German Air Attack Falls Iso-nuso Whirring of Airship Motors Give Warning. (Of AwodtteJ Treit lo Coot Btjr Timet. CALAIS, Mar. 22. Tho third Zon-polln-attack upon this city, timed at almost tho precise hour that tho aerial raid was made upon Paris early Sunday, was made Ineffective because tho whirring of tho airship motors gave adequate warning of i,oir ntuiponch. A vigorous bom bardment made thorn retreat before reaching tho city. nlifnrop tanned tho "paid out" key on the second register, No trace was left behind and the night officers declare that there was no disturbance noted early Sunday morning. STEAMER CARLOS v. Ill sail from SMITH TERMINAL DOCK for San Francisco and San Pedro Tl'ESD.U, MARCH t, at 1 p. in. carrying freight and passengers. MANY IN AUGRE RRIO.-GEN. SCOTT SUCCEEDS WHERE LARGE POSSE FAILS Arrests Lenders of Pinto Indian Re bellion and Tnkes Them to Den ver to Stand Trial on a Murder Charge. tnr Aisochted rreit to Coot Dr Timet. DENVER, Colo., Mar. 22. Ilrlg adlcr General Hugh L. Scott was on his way to Salt Lako City today with ,tho four leaders of tho Pluto Indians who eluded capturo by a Federal posso for sovoral weeks, ac cording to a message from Uluff, Utah, Scott's prisoners aro Tso No Gat, Old Polk, Chief Posey and tho lattur's son. Tho trouble, which Scott settled slnglo handed, grow out of tho at tempt of United States Marshal Nob leer to arrest Tso No Gat on a chargo of murdering a Mexican shepherd. J L ALFRED JOHNSON. SR., RE CEIVES LAST RITES OF MA SONSFORTY KNIGHTS TE.M PLAR GO FROM COOS RAY. Lodgo tnombers nnd old frlenda from ovor tho entire county yestor day gathered at tho funornl of Al fred Johnson, Sr., at Coiiullle, to pay their last respects to tho man who had been olio of tho first In tho Umber Industry hero nnd who had mado a host of frlonds In his life tlmo. Forty members of Pacific Com mandery, Knights Templar, in tholr full rognlla, boarded- tho noon train from horo togothor with nt least 25 old frlonds. Tho Knights formed tho escort, tho Rluo Lodge of Ma- sous at Conulllo having chnrgo of tho sorvlccs. Flowors and wreathes wero bank ed In profusion at tho church and tho gravo. Row Cloves, of tho South Methodist Church, preached tho sornion, following which tho procession, more than half a mllo long, filed to tho colnetory whoro tho Mnnniiln burial sorvlco was said. L. A. LUJoqvist had chargo of tho service. Tho party from Coos Ray re turned on tho special train leaving tho county seat at 4:30 p. m. WITNESSES RETURN. STEVENS GETS SIX YEARS, HARSHMAN SEVEN YEARS, RAKER TEN DAYS AfiL FIXED 9.1000. Two prison sentences woro handed down and tho third man of tho counterfeiters' gung of throe ox posed horo In February, was given 10 days In tho Multnomnh County Jail, and each man recolvoJ a $5000 flno, according to Chlof of Pollco Carter, who returned this morning on tho Eldor from Portland, whero ho wont to attend tho trial. J. S. Stovons received six years In tho penitentiary and 55. O. Harsh man seven years, he said. Against Robert Ilakor thero was laid tho chargo of having know ledge of tho counterfeiting of which ho said nothing, later perjuring himself to the officers after tho first two arrests. He wns sevorely reprimanded by Judgo Rudkln, of tho Spoknno federal court, who Is now aiding Judgo Robert Roan. Though Raker, nnd In fact all tho threo, aro unable to pay tho fines, Chief Carter explains theso will al wnys be hold as a means of forcing tho men to keep straight when they aro freod again. A hard fight was waged by Sto vmiH for his freedom. Threo wit nesses woro brought fiom horo, but they did him no good. Tho Judgo told IlnrKhman ho had been In Jail twice before nnd therefore ho could expect no leniency on that account, but that no boiieveu soven yours would bo as long bb ho would llvo anyway. Harshman Is us years or uk". n spent nearly 20 years of his llfo In pcnltentlarloa and now Is in a ,vory foeblo condition. Ho was shot In tho head In tho Troutdalo train rob bery about 12 yeais ago. O. W. HUglios wns a mniu wit ness against Ilakor. tolling how Ra ker camo to him after tho first two had been arrested and tried to get him to go to Eastsldo and destroy tho moulds In tho houso thero The witnesses who camo back this mornjng wero Chief Cartor, J. H. Johnson, Mrs. Al. Thrush, Mrs. V. R. Rose, J, T. Illllinan, Mrs. Smith camo back Saturday and O. W. Hughes Is returning by way of Roseburg. I HORN. ' OTT To Mr. aud Mrs. Jesse Ott. nt their home at Allegany. March 20, 1015, a girl, their third child. Dr. Housoworth wa3 summoned nt midnight and on a special boat mado tho trip, returning tho noxt morning at eight o'clock. HUNDREDS TT ONSON SI IHY ID TO H FOR OFFENSES Cabinet Busy Framing United States' Protest Against Em bargo on Commerce TO BE SHT LATER Nature of Representations is Being Closely Guarded Un til' Sent to London NOTE FOR GERMANY ALSO Representations for Reparation for Loss of American Sailing Ship Win. P. Fryo Now Relnj; Prepared roj Auoclittx) Preet to Coot Ii7 TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mar. 22. It was stated definitely ut the White Houso today that a nolo to Great Britain mnktng representations of somo fenturca of tho order in coun cil aro being framed nnd will bo dispatched to Loudon In a fow days. Tho basis of tho representations has not boon disclosed. Representations to aormnuy for reparation for tho loss of the Amor lcan sailing ship William P. Fryo and cargo Is also being preparodl, and will bo dispatched to Rorlln lo two or throo days. Neutrality Will Ro Urged. Representations to Great Ilrltain are expected to dwoll chiefly on Gront Britain's notice Mint she re serves tho right to hold up all goods suspected of having an eiiomy orig in or destination even though they uro consigned to neutral poits. BUSINESS WAS GOOD IN VOTE SELLING Indiana Negro Testifies Ho Voted Nineteen Times In Ouo Day and Received 917 for His Work tnr AnocUtiKl rrett to Cot rr TIom.J INDIANAPOLIS, Mar. 22. Lewis Watklns, a negro.testlflod In tho Terro Ilnuto election fraud cases to day that ho earned 47 by voting and shooting craps with othor ro peators, last olcctlon day. Ho voted about 19 times, ho said. ELDER HIS SMOOTH TRIPF RRINGS nii PASSENGERS AND LEAVES OUT AT i O'CLOCK FOR EUREKA RACK NEXT THURSDAY. After a voyago as pleasant as rld Inir on a mill nond. according to the passengors, tho Goorgo W. Eldor arrived In this morning from Port land, bringing 52 passongors on hor list. No trouble was experienced In crossing the bar and at throo o'clock sho loft out again for Euroka. Those who arrived wero: W. E. Lynch, MrB. C. E. Hannn, Cant. E. 8. Edwards. Copt. Goo. F. Fullor, A. F. Morrill. Mrs. L. O. Nowton, Aubrey Wilson, L. J. Schailo. Robt. Kuhn, aoo. H. John son, W. B. Role, Mrs. ti. Thrush, Rachel R. Smith, Mother Margaret, Wayne Holcomb, J. Payno, F. A. Stewart, J. Leo Ilrooks, J. II. John son, J. W. Cnrtor. J. T. Hlllman, B. F. Proy, R. J. Rutan, Goorgo Mather, Mrs, C. M. Gobs, R. H. Grant, Chas. Williams, M. L. Row man, Albert S. Drown, S. F. Graves, II. M. Whotsel, Michael Mark, Mrs. J, V. Whlto, John Rurk, Mrs. J. A. Conro, Miss Kathoryn Madlgan, Cor nollus Madlgan, Mrs. II. Davis, II. naviB. J. Johnson. II. C. Hiinnur. Mls3 Maude Elliott, W. E. Sharoy: Ferdinand Werromlor, G. W. How ard, Ozro A. Miller, F. Gerkln, J. Talbot. Martin Cheorl, Win. Gold wait, MarUnDurns. Cut Toot. A man named Clinton who Uvea at Empire had his foot cut qulto sovoroly whilo at work Sat urday in tho Tarheel Camp. Hud Accldcnt.E. D. PIttlngly, an employe In tho Emmott Plorco Camp at Tarheol Point had his right hand caught In the lino tliero wnuo at work Saturday and all tho flngora of the right hand woro torn off. Mllllronui Toiuiiament. In tho billiard tournamout at tho Mlllicoma Club on Saturday Ray Kaufman lost to C. F. McGeorgo and Seo. Rustor nd lost to Hugh MeLaln, 69 to 70 In 1:05 minutes Tonight W. J. Con rad and H. J. McKeown are to play. Charges May Ro Serious. Asklug when District Attornoy Llljeqvlst will be over Walter Oldland was In the Justice court this morning. It is Intimated that serious charges aro to bo brought for the alleged al lowing of two minor girts in an um pire saloon on Saturday. W. F. McELDOWNEY of tho Rey nolds Development Co, returned yesterday from an extondod east ern trip Including a visit to his old homo in Chicago. 1 MDRTH OFFICIAL REPORT SAYS RUS SIANS DRIVEN FROM MEMEL Say French Wero Repulsed on Slopo of Loretto Heights Last Night Claim Germans Victors All Along Line. Ilf AiaoclttM Trett to Coos Utr Timet. RERUN, "Mar. 22. (Wlroloss to Sayvlllo.) Tho official statement today snys: "A fresh attempt to tako German positions on tho slopo south of Loretto Heights was mado last night, but resulted In failure Anothor Fronch night nttack, this tlmo north of Lo Mcsnol, In tho Champagne- district, also was with out success, furthermore, nil French efforts to win back a position nt Reich Ackerkopf resulted In failure. Tho Russians yesterday woro driven from Memol ntter a short engage ment to tho south of the town fol lowed by tenacious fighting In tho streets. Undor tho protection of Russians troops, a Russian mob looted tho prlvato property of Gor man citizens of Momol, Carloads of goods wore conveyed ncross tho rrontlor. North of Marlanpol, Rus slnn attacks woro ropulsod. WcBt of Orzyc River, near Juilnorosak, to tho northeast of Frzasnysr. and northwest of Ciachanow Russian night and day attacks broke down undor Gerninn flro." CALLED By DEATH FOUND DEAD RY HEART FAH URE IN AUTOMOHILE WAS PROMINENT PIONEER MEM HER FIRST. PORT COMMISSION The funornl of Captain 4 IIiutIh will be hold nt 1 0 : a 0 n. in. Wednesday at tho WIIhou Undertaking Parlors, tho How G. LoRoy Hall having charge of tho sorvlccs. In- ' torment will be In tho new I. O. O. F. comotory. Captain W. C. Harris, aged 05 years, and a moiiifier of the first Port Commission of Coos Rny, dlod suddenly of heart failure this morn ing at his homo. Ho had gono out to his automobllo and tliero sitting in tho car, dead, was found a fow momonts later by n mombor of his family. Tho funornl will bo hold Wcdncsdny. For somo tlmo Captain Harris had not boon In the best of health, though tho mombors of Ills fnmlly woro not sorlously concerned about him. Ro wns down town on Satur day and about his business. This morning ho aroso early and when overcome was thon starting for Forndalo, whoro ho has property. Captain arid Mrs, Harris woro married In 1879, Tho deceased loaves u wlfo and flva children, all of whom llvo on Coos Ray. Tho children aro Mrs. Rosa Mutson, Mrs. Clyde Darker, Miss Ruth Harris, Miss Wilda Harris and ono son, Clnrenco Harris. Cant. W. C. Harris, ox.Postmns- at Sumner, and a former mombor of tho Port Commission of tno 1'orc of Coos Ray, was born In Grant County, Wisconsin, In 1850, When uo was inreo years uni, in Jon!! Ills paronis joiueu ino rusn io v;ui- irornla, locating nrst in I8tb. in Nevada County, where Capt. Har ris grow to young manhood. In 1871 ho locatod In Humboldt Coun ty, California, whero ho romnlned until July 1897, whon ho camo to Coos Ray and locatod at Sumner, on a flue ranch of 101 acres, estab lished a storo and became Postmas ter. . . . Thero ho established a dairy tuai became famous for bringing to Coos County throo gold moduli nnd ono siher medal for the best chceso made on the Pacific Coast, About threo years ago Captain Harris sold most of his dairy holdings aud moved to a tract of land near Flag staff, whero ho lived until last fall, whon ho moved Into the city to the corner of Twelfth and Flan agan streets. With him to Coos Hay In 1807 Contain Harris broueh the first CAPTAIN HARRIS aaaR' TBii7ioooM -; '''VfflLfcllal iB'irflNHil Hli xilaaLHtH aaaaaaKiiWXiaaaaaLaLaV kLLLIaiSSjkw 'AttvJDlaav itNtHtfltBt<ttal CAIT. W. C. HARRIS. paddlo wheel gasoline boat on thel trouble In getting out. Hay. the Ruth, which ho ran to L Coming (rom San Pedro tho steam Sumnor. Later he built tho Curlow'schoonor Curloa camo. In yostorday and tho Sumner, both gaBolIno pio-innd will leave Tuesday nt 4 p. in. a pollor boats, g"l 'or t" south. United States Agricultural De partment Issues Warning to This Country ' SUPPLY IS SHORT Continued Exportation Will En-, danger Home Stocks of Wheat and Flour IT CANNOT BE CONTINUED Exportation at Same Rate ns In De cember, .(miliary nnd Febru ary Will Encroach Upon Amet lea's Domestic Needs. tnr AtiocUleJ Trett to Coot Ilr Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 22. An official warning that the pres ent hoavy exports to tho Europoan nntloiiH of American wheat and (lour cannot bo continued without endan gering tho wheat supplies for food arid needing requirements nt homo woro mado today by tho Department of Agriculture. Tho warning says that exportation at tho snmo rato as during December, Jnnunry and Feb ruary, until tho coming of the now wheat crop would encroach upon normal domcstlo noods. GLAD HAND FOB V. P. OFFICIAL RECEPTION TENDERED Wll-SON'S llEPHESKNTATIVE Vice-President Mnrshnll and Party Welcomed In California Rullct- Ing New Vlci-Pivslilcnt's Flag Displayed tnr Ai.oclileJ rreti lo Com Cr Tlm(.) SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 22. Vlco President Marshall, ropreBontlng President Wilson, officially greeted tho officials or tho Panama-Pacific Exposition? foreign commissioners and othors ut an official reception In tho California building today. Tho program callod for a formal call on Admiral Howard aboard tho flag ship Colorado. The Vice-President's (lag, recently nuthorlzod, will bo broken from tho mast for tho first tlmo. Ho will bo saluted with nineteen guns. BREAiflWSAILS "TI LEAVES DOWN RAY WITH 27 PAS SENGERS AND FAIR CARGOj RETURN HERE OX SATURDAY At one o'clock tho Rroakwator loft her dock and sallod down tho hay bound north to Portland, Sho carried 27 passongors for tho north and will bo back horo on Saturday. Thoso who loft woro: D. G. Turck, II. W. Porry, C. T. Evans, I. R. John son, O. 11. iiolsloy, A. Leako, Mrs. C. A. Smith, A. Knutson, R. Marsdon, E. E. Rayloy. J. R. Proffer, P. J. Sammon, A. It. O'Rrlen, Mrs. A. It. O'Hrlon, T. A Reavor, Mrs. T. A. Heaver, John Reavor, Floronco Reav or, Joo Look, C. E. Stommlor, Will iam Longstaff, Oscar Ekman, Tom Woods, and J. W. Davis. ADD ELDER Thoso who loft for Euroka woro: v. C. Gaffers. W. Williams, Mrs. E. R. Oayor, Violet Gayer, H. W. Day, 11. R. Mlllor, D. O. Nowton, A. II. Flynn, Mat Hlahop, Joo Granlth. O. Victor. Anton Uranoli. Martin oavls, Both FuoBtrou and Uort Nes- bltt. WATERFRONT NEWS I - The SpccdWoll s scheduled to leave North Rond for San Francisco and San Pedro tomorrow afternoon ut 5 p. m. At ono o'clock tho Hreakwntor loft for tho north. Sho will return hero on Saturday. From Portland tho George W. Eld er nrrlved In at nlno o'clock this morning and at 3 p. in. left for Eu reka, On tho high tldo of yestorday af ternoon the Nairn Smith wout down from Empire where she had beon slnco yesterday afternoon aud at three o'clock passed out over the bar. Tho Adeline loft yesterday, not waltlnir In the lower Day. She ar rived about three o'clock aud bad no IT NORTH A r ,- v. I -CJ