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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
'.WSSS5S - THE COOS DAY TIMES. MARSHFIEI.D, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1915- WWm EDITION. IStX . mui ?lrftr3!s?wWPB US mx NH1KT' E FJMEM I TONIGHT (hANljfjtofiCOMMlTTKH OIWHCTS W inoi()li:i induction in f HaaikiiKivn roncu shttlij ! gufcaxiox toniuiit. -XHIr'phhnilit nblccllon to tllO Coun cil's proposal to cut off onotof tlfo fcn'o paid eriglneers of tho Flro Do jMrtmefji va voiced InBt evening Ht ft'inbotlilg of llio standing com mittee,: A special. 'deisBlon of' tho fircirfcif hns bcon colled for this evening to meet with the monitors of th6(CUy Council and jthrcsh out ilio question that? Wh-Mlpsot tho oaulllbrlom of tho cfenartmont since r -f .tnopropopni yraa .Yqwcjoy mo cuy Urfdomt lliolr mooting Monday night. f TJhat a reduction would ho Bafer In other dopnrtments or tno city WylcalB the expressed belief of the Vlromon': v i ?'JVlth tho fifes wo liavo hnd thlB lntor," said. Flro Chief Keating '(IiIb morning, It can bo Been that wo have rieod of an efficient, cn filnsor at tho Htallon every hour of tWtUfrfrnd nglit." v- Th,o rrien'vpoiit out that tho Coun cil admit fhoy are not In favor of TpducW tho efficiency of tho de partment,, t,lpay tho firemen, tho nofr 'spptom, that of having sonio ohbsleftp. In tho station nt night to, anawor tdny alarms that might ib'e. tiirncd In would practically moan (fajtaW Smlh woufd bo on shift 2 1 hoqrsX ' ', Who, jiroposnl," Bald ( Jtr. Kent )n$ ''Is jo put gfirWnlb alarm In Jill) fyijso 'nvUTat' ho wflj. bo avail able, atght. This would mean ififtL JhjTwouid cither havo to bo at nft?t(onfo or at thi) station nil bourn ,ffiii)&' day and night, so that ul- 'yrP" wd.xoUld put our finger right $rt hlrnwjibh ho Is neoded." j7;iMh? wise tho other mombora 'of tr(o apartmont havo expressed ,llippielycll; , On tho other hand, pdUncl)mah,It. A. Copplo, chairman of tho iflniinpe committee, Says that thf 'oxncnUa of tho city must bo shaved, ' tf "Ifero wq. ,ftro Issuing warrants roW;.wth nothing bohlnd them," ho M$ thin .morrijng. "Wo nro bor rowing ' money cotitlnunlly to pay pur "debts. Next year, at tho best, WIT 'shall hW at least G000 for ijllr exrlonsto. yV'Thore Is no chnncc lof raising moro Tov'dnuo for a law of tho Leg iMtluro' foVlllds tho boosting of tho ltj tdxiftyy from ono yoar to nn her worp lliaii six por cent of fcljp previous Ipvy. Thoy law may ot bo constitutional, but It would Jo, too milch 'for tho city to ells ufo it'.'; ' ilMTi Copplo .was present for n (ijnfi'nt tho .meeting ot tho stand IhK committee, of tho flro dopnrt Vhfnt)ant ovonlng. Homo of tho bombers naked why If tho flromcn )oo tholr GO cents n night for lirMta thp Council docs not abolish IHoIr pay of $2 a mooting night. m EVIDENCE IS FOUND BY DEFENSE RE ADYFDRNORTH I'OIXT AKIXO CLAIM 1l8COVi:itV PUTS PIIASi: OX MVKTMS POISON cash JIK POSTPOXI21). That they havo discovered n lino of now evldonco which when sifted do,h mny( mean tho liberation ot MF. nnd Mrs. Clnrcnco Itussol with out oven a preliminary hearing, la tho announcement of tho lawyers for tho dofenso this rilomlng. Uo ca.uso of tho new trend tho attor neys stipulated with District Attor ney Llljctivlst for tho postponement of tho hearing at least until Monday and mayho later. What tho evidence mny bo Is en tirely a matter of conjecture, noth ing being given out by tho Inwyors, who dcclpro thnt they nro wnltlng dovolopmcnts. Howocr, It Ib known that thoy havo now witnesses who nro being brought Into tho case. Tho final analysts of 13. P. W. Harding, Portland chemist, rccolvcd yestordny, throw llttlo now light on tho alleged poisoning nnd tho unrnvollng of extended technical phrases wero translated Into mean ing thnt traces of nrsonlc had been found, tho samo an tho prollmlnnry announcement following which Wm. Pcntlnud was arrested In Idaho ns n witness. ""OraveB nnd Mclnturfr, two of tho nttorn,oys for tho defense, wore In Coqulllo ycatordny. They sjato that bonds wero not furnished for tho freedom of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kussoll bccnuBo of n mlstnko In tho two houdsmou signing up for amounts of $2d00 ench rnthor than $3000. Tho men, said Jlr. Oravos, before ho returned to Coqulllo today, wore oxpected to roturn today and fix up tho 10000 bonds whon Mr. nnd Mrs. Itussoll with tholr children, will bo nllowod their freedom, Thoy ivlll return Immediately to their farm, taking up tho work that has been noglected of Into. This question Iibh not bcon dis cussed by tho Councilman, though thoro Is a clauso In tho charter which provides for this payment every mooting night. Hlnco Janunry 1 thoro havo bcon (tight fires, says Klro Chlof Keat ing, most ot those coming In tho night time. Ho hollovcs that tho taking away of a puld engineer will menu n crippling ot tho department. This Is tho bollot of tho flro de partment mombora nnd tonight thoy wilt meet with tho city fnth ors In an effort to settle tho point doflnltoly. DE1D PAID W. E. Arnold, of Warren Con struction Co., Arrives to Arrange Work. W. K. Arnold, of tho Warren Construction Company of Portland, arrived lh Marshflold yesterday to make preparations for commence ment of work on tho paving con tract which his company hns se cured In North Ilcnd. This con tract Includes tho paving of Sher man avenue to tho city park. North Ilond has nlso advertised for bids for cons!dcrnhIo additional paving contracts which aro to bo id next Tuesday evening. Mr. Arnold flays, however, thnt ho does not expect to put In any bids, as tho now specifications which nro a dupllcato of tho Portland specifica tions aro prohibitive hero ns soino of tho material specified which Is easily ncccsslblo and practical In Portlnnd cannot bo obtained here, except nta tOBt that makes it Im practical. Mr. Arnold recently returned from an extended nnd Important business trip east whore ho suc ceeded In disposing of sovoral hun dred thousand dollars In bonds for his company. Ho nays that busi ness conditions nro getting hotter In tho Knst but ho still prefers tho Pacific Const. Tho Warren Con struction Compnny nt present hns lunrly a million dollars of now and (ncomploto contracts on Hb. books, moro than In several yenrs. Mr. Arnold expects to remain on Coos Day for tho next week or ten dnys. LOCAL OVKHFLOW. -I Delay Tilp. According to word re ceived here, C. A. Smith, Aino Mer cen and Vernon Smith who had plan ned to como hero on the next Nairn Smith may delay their trip awhile. (Joes On lUmcli. Carl Matson has moved on to tho Coko nnd Chandler ranch on Isthmus Inlet and has start ed a number of Improvements which tho owners will make In the property. Wither is Itettciv A. II. Wood worth.'was called to Grand Junction, Colorddo, by a telegram announcing tho serious Illness of his father, has wired Mrs. Woodworth that ho found his parent considerably improved when he nrrlvcd there. HERS INT mi E AVIiitkcy Judgement. A Judge ment amounting to $108.r,0 by de fault was given tho Coos liny Liquor Company today ngalnst Fred Muet zel, of Ten .Mile, for liquors nlleged to havo been purchased March of 1009. Tho attorneys for tho defenco havo nn lmdorsUindlng that tho raso can ho reopened, ff they sco fit, with in tho next five days. Oiii'iilslioo: I'ound Xotlilng. Mr. and, Mrs. Wnlter L. CapploiiH, having secured a Judgement of $111.80 n galiiBt Charles and Delia Howard for rent on furniture today, through Con slablo Cox, secured papers to garnish ee any money In tho local banks owned by Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard. Tho Constnblo found nothing there. Mr. Howard' asserted that tho original agrcomqnt was for $5 a month and not $10.' KicrjlKMly like (,'OOI hinging. Hoar tho IIKKT .luhllco Quartet In tho country at tho Orphoiini next .Monday mid Tuesday nights. Kpcrln! Kilo, Union Muiliel, tlirco pounds lard, -15c. Movement to be Inaugurated for Building a line From Kentuck to Loon Lake' A mooting will bo hold at tho fllonn Crook school houao Satur day, March 20, for tho purposo of organizing n telephone compnny to build a now telephone lino from Cantlno's plnco on Koutuck Inlet to Loon Lnko via Allegany. There is a strong demand among tho rcsldonts of this section for tho Installation of this modorn conven ience nnd It is said It will also bo woll supported by thp Smlth-Powora compnny nnd tho Mpnnshn Woodon waro Company, botli having heavy Interests along tho proposed lino. It Is thought tho now project will bo successfully Inaugurated. xotici:. v, Notice-' Is herohy given to all property owners nnd houso bohlort wltliln tho corpornto limits of Marsh flold that their chimneys must be cleaned Immediately. Fnlluro to comply with this ordlnnnco will re sult In prosecution. (Signed) J. W. CAUTBU, ' Marshal. Plays the Lead In "A Newspaper Nemesis" lloofMrnk 13 icntN miiik1 nt (Sor don's OihIi Market on Maiket Ac iiuo, phono 1.T1.J. Times wnnt ads bring results. F1SK Bicycle Tires $2,?5 $3.10 We Repair Inner Tubes FISK TIRES For Real Service And Big Mileage No need to pay more than Fisk prices Better values in tires do not exist LOOK AT THESE PRICES Plain tread Nonskid Tubes I . 30x3 ,30x3 J-2 32x3 J-2 34x3 J-2 34x4 36x4 J-2 $ 9.00 J J. 60 J3.35 J4.90 J9.40 2735 $ 9.45 J 2.20 J4.00 J 5.65 20.35 28.70 $2.35 2.70 2.80 2.95 4.00 5.20 SIP' ;ill i wk vyItSSalHiH Hf ' nf il i ft ' ' mm I Adjustments made on the spot Don't overlook our Fisk service department ' No matter where you arcat home or on the road if you need a tire or a tube call us tin nn f hf nhnnn. Wn hnvn n mntnmvnln .nnrt on nntn nn hnnrl nt oil timnr tn Mr,nnij to your orders We charge nothing for this service Our phone is 34-J. BUY FISK. 'THE GUNNERY" Fisk Distributors for Southwestern Oregon , ,i"A MJV.f I . li I 1 .GfQRST frKlM GARAGE, . KME & VON PEGERT, frnp'flr'Rnnri Anonts.- Hnnnilln Anonis v . MAPLE STREET GARAGE Myrtle Point. S. G. WHITSETT, Bandon Agent. PEGGY DUnKE, THANHOUSEK- MUTUAL STAR. IVjrsy Uuiko lias como Into bcr own with tbo roloabo in tho Mutial pro. ;r.un of "A Ncwsimicr Kem sis." In wliU'li tbo Jna tbo load. Thl.i cliann-1 In? youns nicnibor of tbo Tlinnhouser. Mutual btook co.nnnny when hbo bad oouiidi'tcd bur -woil; In tbla iiuportnut p.irt nnd saw tho lesult of it on the scuoon was delighted thoioug'ily, for hho had tuado tho best of her (pportu nltlos. "A Nowniwpcr Xomoels" has beer produced In tho uttuosphero Incident tc tally Journalism nml hau luturworvn j lolightful lovo seoncw with nny uuui er of thrllllnp hltuaMons. John liar oy ilIriH'totl tho lirodiutlon. lluiil Times ll.ill, At 1:iikKs' Hull Km" short and tall Sutuitlny ntulit thntV all ItidlliiK iu.t 11 ents inund nt nmtU Ch'i Maiket u MnrKet e- " ' W,WW!lt,irf.'0Y- - xl Speoal Saturday JUasplay OF Style Graft Coats and aimd Mfllimeiry ti. nnmnnl nii'n ImH in mitlfl hn: n nnnntnmn.i .. M...rfB nf nffnrinns of. STYLE-CRAFT Ie l HUUIIuailUb ui vi w,,w. ...j,- Coats amd Suits Exltiraoirdiiniaire Startling, striking, stunning are these 'man-tailored' models oIm ish grace and culture. Their wide, flowing lines and their faullb J ting give "poise" and correct carriage to women of various ty ana mannerisms. New Spring Halts We have just received a new shipment of the latest creations Patterns Hats, among tnem are some or ine new transparent brims, Ynii nannot afford to miss the OPPOrtunitV Of visitinn nur uai. Department where you will find that not only the style, but the pii! will please you. DO NOT FORGET That we are sole agent for the famous Cadet Hose for Boys and Girls. Heels and Toes reinforced with linen. Every pair guaranteed. & J J WW Co Co fesS'O jenning: The Store that sells tho Best for Just a Little Less. Tlio Coos Hny Conceit I'nnil wijs that, tho Juhllco SIiikci-s arc nil to tho Kol. Thoy ought to kuoiv. ' I ItooHt tftv the hand ami go to both coucci (H. YOU! Mr. Business Man The following wns NOT Million by alio TIiiich ndvcillslng depart ment, although wo havd been liaiuiucrliig nwiiy along tho ,niiio lines for jenrs. This In cllppwl from tho first pngo of u catnloguo ollt out by a largo firm nf piano imikcra to their iIonlcrH. llio aiUcrtlslug man uho wroto tho folloivlng Is nn expert and knows whereof ho hpeaks. Itcnd it, .Mr. Hiislncs Man, rend it. And then think It over. YOUR ADVERTISING Doforo ontorlng Into an advertising cnmpnlgn, tho apiount of money avnllablo for tbo purposo should bo decided upon. This is usually a certain porcontngo of tho gross salca por month or pqr yoar, although many times a specified sum Is appropriated. The appropriation should then bo apportioned nmong tbo various methods vlileh nro to bo used. It Is Importnnt, of courso, that a dctlulto plan bo followed, and this plan must bo prepared In advance. Just ns tho architect prepares com plete plans for building n Iioubo, tho ndvcrtlscr or his agent must pre pare doflnlto plans to bo followed In building n profitable advertising campaign. i , Having decided on tho nniount to bo Invested Iri newspaper adver tising, cnleulnto the number nnd slo of tho advortlsomouts. It Is also woll to bear In mind thnt It Is bettor to appear often with a small spaco tlinn only onco or twlco with full pages, unless tho Binnllor spaco Is so small that It la Ineffective. Uopotltlon Is ono of tho strongost factors In advertising and can bo obtnluod only by frequent nppcarnnco. If you havo not been ndvortlslng rogularly, do not expect largo re turns from tho first few insertions. Advertising does not net that way. Hut If persisted In, Hko a child, It growB and develops in power. And onco full grown, It Is a poworful ngont In tho salo of goods. Dollar for dollar, consistent advertising pnys far groator dlvldonds than Intermittent or spnsmodlc appearances. It Is tho steady, consistent pound, pound, pound, which forces tho public to know who you aro, whoro you aro, and what you havo to soli. Do not stop nchcrtlMiiK bo (iiuso liiMlnesN Is dull. That Is when jou need It A hick man is iiioio In need of tonic than ono In perfect health. Ami mlvortUlug Is tho proper tonic for a olck business. Tho wonderful forco of ndvortlslng s splondldly brought out by an cxporlmcnt with a cork nnd a bar of stcol. A heavy stool bar was sus pended by chains, nnd alongside of it on a cord wns suspended a cork of ordinary slzo. Mr. Cork began to ndvortlso on tho bar ot stcol by bolng thrown forcibly against It. This was kept up for some tlmo without any vlslblo effoct on the bar. Aftor anothor period hal elapsed tho bar bogan to tromblo slightly, tho movoment becoming moro nnd moro pronouncod ns tho cork swung to ajld fro, gontly at first, but with a steadily increasing movement, until tho momentum was tremondous. Tho scorning Impossible had been accomplished. And so it Is with all our probloms. Thoy look impossible at Jlrst, but If we plan correctly and stick, to It, concentrated, well-directed, effort will produce wonders. It is tho steady drop, drop, drop ot wator that ears away tho stone. Results may not bo noticeable at first, but we keep pounding, pounding, pounding, sales aro bound to wing ur way. And after you havo been advertising regularly for some' time you will notice Increased returns from an equal investment. This Is ne cumulative effect of your advertising, brought about by your persistent efforts. F - ,11110, lllliIO t.11.1. , :.. I ng" MltmiMsmmmmmmtlmltttmmm