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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
'THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ( FIVE SaDond Tires aiu: Good Tires AM TJJH lMtlCi: OK Non-Skid .d wove tmiJ A3,M- JV OTHKIt MAKE: . A.AAiKAA .A VTV-r-' Lk rniJ k. ON YCHH iiiww with the ESTEXW-W"l,,lll),Na coui'.ixr, f ni ''"" v Assets $2,340,000.00 i. I..--., ilntnlld A iCill or Tvriio to "-"" ' " I. 6. K.l'IM.. v k.u v IKnl Treasurer 177 Front St. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular piace lor Good Meals. Drfrtac Rnacnnflhln. Jor. Commercial & B'dw'y Commutation Tickets $2.00 iiitliXorth Ilcnd Auto Unt i tr:ri te minutes from 8 m. m 112 p. m.; to South biuiign onco a b, luring nt 11 n. iu.; to Lmplrc g trlM a Jar. "OORfiT KIKO. l'rori. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS trill bo kept 0W5X TO TI1K FUHLIO A regular stnto licensed wdtrtaker will lio la i ennrgo l'liono 105-J ! o IDIIESSMAKIXH nnd TAILORED HATS IWork guirantccd and prices rcosonnblo ' MltS. II, 0. WILLEY ! Orer Norton & Hnnson'B rhono 1C9-J. iw Rates for kdling Trucks i hoi trunks between anv uolnti FiiUleM and do general hauIInK piotuble rates. BIRAXSFKK A STORAGE CO utl Kflsucr, Proprietor Mi:rj(W, 4.ii. U8-II H HOME lAFFY MADE IAVERN fi A w n Y I; We make lco cream pjCnital nve., l'i'ono 1.1 l-L I?Jifv8',ronf)m,caI htl QUS.v.orthvcn-Iucludlng .. o iu j.ou .'J c. .. J """i with bnth , oi with bath $:i.oo '" hfS0 outside '40001. Anny dining, u:J 10oea"Vr'V " ' wwiMjJuj iuoma. r& v!jv'zmrir j tnamuiMS: arshfield :: :: North Bend P'dJtTlAND.OMGOJY, " SERVICE envo phoxes pi; 1" 1 11 fu- trr v Copyright Hut Scluffucr & Man Plaids YOU'RE going to see lots of plaids among the Spring fab rics; some foreign weaves, some domestic Hart Schaf f ner & Marx use both; and many new colorings are shown. Glen Urqu hart plaids are a very prominent feature of the line; tartans also; and many smart over plaids. Suits for men nnd young moil ; speclnl values nt $25; nnd more, or less. ' Wo Keep Your Clothes Pressed FREE 01!" CHARGE Woolen Mill Store -Two Stores ROOFING REP,V'"G, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. I.Htf HEAL QUESTION ' The oicstlon Is not, will men Ivriior you for your work? ilut docs your work honor you? Your concern Is not only to croato profit for yoursolf, but to mnko thnt which will profit ninny bo- sldcH ycurpolf. COOS HAY STKAAI liAUXDHY l'liono n7-. 0RPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better TONIGHT Thursday-Friday. LILY OF THE VALLEY Threo-reol Solig drama of tin uaiiiil Intorcst. This Is n general riliii Company's luaHtorploco and la Hato-j a n "special featuro." It contr conaldornbly moro money, but you enn seo It nt our cstnbllshod admission price. A FALSE MOVE' Vltagraph. Thoy'ro always good. DICKSON'S DIAMONDS Edljon, nicely done thriller. SNAKEVILLE ROMANCE A rough-and-tumblo sort, but you'll volcomo It. Mutlneo Sundny nt 2:00 p. m. 10c :: ALWAYS ::-10o A full-pago advertisement In Tin jknfiininv Evcnlnir Post tolls you about our pictures coming next week. They nro rightly called Muiuai .ua-tcr-PJctures. Special' Snlo Union Market, 10 pounds, lard, 91.JI5. 158-0 . i !iST ' r,t 0ARS' TAXICAIIS, EXPRFSS WAGONS. PWUftft iTflFKY. 150 nnOADWAV ylV no MIL r II lJLo WEATHER FORECAST (tlr AmosUtM Frtu Is Cooa Bat Tlmwi. OREGON Fnlr, frost, licnvy In exposed plnees to night, northerly winds. IiOOAIj TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:13 a. in., March 10, by BcuJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum C3 Minimum 3G At 4:13 a. in 38 I'rcelpltntioii 00 Precipitation Blnco Sept. 1, 1011 54.97 Precipitation eamo porlod Inst year G1.C9 Wind: Northwest, clear. MARCH TIDES 10Hrs. 1.20 10. 17 5.13 4.8 G.5G 4.5 G.4G 4.1 7.51 3.8 9.11 03.7 3.14 0.9 4.20 0.8 5.1G 0.G 11.40 G.3 12.35 5.5 1.2G 5.7 2.13 5.8 3.02 G.7 10.30 1.8 10.54 o o 11.23 2.5 11.59 2.8 0.0 0.0 10. 2C 3.9 11.21 4.2 0.0 0.0 G.03 0.6 G.44 0.4 7.22 0.4 7.59 0.C 8.3G 0.8 Ft... 20Hrs.. Ft... 21Hrs.. Ft... 22Hrs.. Pt... 23Hrs.. Ft... 24Hrs.. Pt... 2DHrs.. Ft... 2GHrs.. Ft... 27Hrs.. Ft... 28Hrfl.. Ft... SOJIIra. . Ft... 30IIrs.. Ft... 3J!Ii'3.. Ft... C.9 4.55 5.8 5.27 5.7 C.OC 5.5 G.5C 5.2 1.00 3.0 2.47 3.1 4.21 2.9 0.09 4.C 0.18 5.1 1.22 5.5 1.5G G.O 2.30 C.4 0. 11. 0. 4 24 5 0G G 59 8 02 9 02 0 12 0. 12 0. 2 0. 8 5. 9. 5. 24 0 3G 1' 27 4. 10 5 5 o 0. 20 1 7 1 7 0 8 8 OG 50 0 34 0. 0 Enterfntns Todny. Mrs. Charles Davis Is entertaining Informally at sewing this afternoon, at her homo on South Fifth Street. Skerrctt to Loav t Chas. II. Skor- rott nnd Paul Zielko of Bunker Hill plnn to leavo tomorrow on tno Nairn Smith for San Francisco. (ilft to Llbrnry. Miss Nolllo A. Montgomery today gnvo $5 to tho Public Library to bo used as tho an num subscription to tho Atlantic Monthly nnd ono othor magazine fids Quirk ICosults. Alex Carl son, of Tcmplotoil, wanted n ranch hand nnd Inserted a smnll want adv. In tho Tho Times. Two Inser tions brought him n dozen nnswora nnd Just tho help ho wanted. A Tlnica want nd. gots quick results because ovcryono reads Tho TIiiiob. HeincmlierK Old Friend. Ex Governor Oswald West remembered hla old frlond Robert O. Gravos with a personal lottor announcing that ho had engaged ! tho law busi ness with offices In tho Journal building In Portland, nnd soliciting any legal business that Attorney Graves might require In tho Uoso City. Elks Elect Now Member. At their regular bcbsIoh Wednesday I ovonlng, tho Mnrahflold Lodgo of Elka elected Dr. E. V. Jlorrow, J. W. Bonnott, of Mnrshfleld, nnd E. T "You can't resist that llttlo touch of quality." Lois Powoll, singing popular Bongs. Photoplnjs: Tho great Universal sorlnl atory THE MASTER KEY Fourth Eplsodo A thrilling story of love and ad venture Written by John Flomlng Wilson. MONEY A big piograph play adapted from tho stago play of the Bamo name Presented in two reels of pictures. THE UNIVERSAL BOY As n friend of tho nowsboys. Llttlo Matty featured. Miss MARY PICKFORD in THE DARK HORSE y A ro-lEsuo of the Imp Universal company of ono of tho best pic tures made by this company two years ago featuring Llttlo Mary Plckford. ALWAYS THE REST AND PLENTY OF IT. Lower floor, 15c; balcony, lOcj children, 5c. Free band concert Sunday after noon by tho Coos nay Concert Rand. Immediately after the concert la over we will show our usual mat lneo performance. IBIE HEATER TONIGHT Adams, of Myrtle Point, to .mem bership In tho order. 11. 13. Lara way and Charles Hall affiliated with the local lodge by presenting de mits from tho lodges of their former homes. Annual Ilcport. Complete. Tho an nual report of tho Port of Coos Dny ling been completed by Sec. J. y. Mot ley nnd Is now leady for publication. ' On January 1, 1914 there wns on' hnnd rnsli amounting to $253,9G9.48j and through the year receipts wero. added to this nmount making tho total for tho year, $51G,G43.31 and tho disbursements amounted to $479 12S.40. The cash on hand nt the bo ginning of tho year amounted to $3G S12.2G. AVcd In Portland. Charles llar lockor, eldest son of Judge nnd Mrs. Harlocker, of Coquillo, was married In Portland, on Tuesday to Miss Sar ah Eliza Pattlnson, of Portland. Tho nowlywcds will nrrlvo hero tomorrow on tho Urcnkwntcr. Mr. Harlocker is n graduato pharmacist and will tnko n position in tho C. J. Fuhrman drug store at Coquillo. Tho groom Is a brother to Frank Harlocker of this city. Coquillo friends nro plan ning a warm reception for the young couple. i Dispute Ownership. An injunc tion Is being Bought in tho equity court l)y Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pier son' of Myrtlo Point who seek to keep V. P.. Myers, representative of tho Estabrook company from cutting any moro timber on their land near Myrtlo Point. Plorson, who owns a 120 aero tract, claims that tho timber does not belong to tho Estabrook com pany and that tlioy have no right to touch his trees. Tho enso will bo brough up Monday In tho equity court beforo Judge Coke. Cut Down Knlso Alninw. As a moans of cutting down tho falso n lnrms that last year cost tho city betweon $200 and $300 tho chlet of pollco has Issued his order for tho annual cleaning of chimneys, Soot that has gathered there In a 12 month must vanish ho says. No moro clogging of flues and tho sounding of alarms that bring out tho ontlro flro department at tho ratoof $1 per man for each callThero is a penalty for not oboylng this edict and this, tho officers say, will bo Inorcod. Inquiry From Switzerland. An In quiry from St. Gall, Switzerland, was rccolvcd nt the Chamber of Commorco this morning asking for lnrormntlon regarding Coos Day. h. Tanner, who writes tho letter, states that lio saw tha advertisement in the Sunsot mng nzlno. Tho InBt add of Coos liny ran In this publication last Juno. Also n lottor was rocplvod by Mr. Motloy from John M. Scott, gonoral passen ger ngont In Oregon for tho S. P... asking for booklets for his Portland offico saying Inquiries aro rccolvod thoro dally. Ono Day Institute. On Mnrch 2G thoro will bo a ono dny Institute of tho teachers if the Coos Day section of tho county according to tho an nouncement today of F. A. Tlodgon, superintendent of schools. Dr. D. II. Sheldon, Dean of tho Dopnrtmont of Education nt tho University of Ore gon will bo presonV Ho will spond a week In Coos County, beginning March 23. An Invitation has bcox extended to all toachors nnd Super intendent Ilakor nsks that toachors tnko advantngo of tho Institute Thrco sessions will bo r.old on Friday dur ing which will bo sandwiched In dls- i cusslons on vital subjects by various spoakors. At noon tho domestic eclenco dopartmont of tho local high school will servo a 15 cent luncheon. Riiskct Hull Tonight. Tho last gaiuo of tho season for .Mnrshfleld high school will bo played this ovon lng In North Bond. This Is tho gnmo that was scheduled for Wednesday qvoningfliid called off late that af tor noon, Much Interest centers around this contest for, should tha locals win, they will have earned tho cham pionship of tho county. To loso will mean a tie in porcontago with Myrtlo Point. The Raudon high school on Saturday defeated tho two teams of Rlvorton, tho tlrst team winning 21 to 17 and tho second five, 21 to 18. Roth games wero fast and clean throughout. Tho trip up from Dandon was mado on the boat Sunset, the Charm having beon Injured In Its collision with tho Tolcgraph that afternoon. To Repair Rollers. C. H. Gram, deputy Labor Commissioner, return ed this morning from Ten Mllo whero ho has been for two days looking over tho saw mill formorly oporated by William Ingersol! and which was condomned for faulty hollers. The plant Is now shut down and In charge of Otto Mitchell, son of the owner. Roller connections voro destroyed making It Impossible to uso the ma chinery until repairs novo been mado on tho holler of the mill. It la ex pected this will bo done within' a couple ot d3s, though Mr. Gram states tho donkey cnglno muBt be completely overhauled beforo be ing ready for use. Ho will appoint somcouo from here to inspect tho work when It Is completed. Mr. Grnm leaves down tho coast for Crescent City within a day or two. N. MOON transacted business at tho county seat yesterday. MRS. LUELLA ALIJEE, of Coquillo, Is a Mnrshfleld visitor. E. L. C. FA UIUX oxpocts to return to San Francisco tomorrow. SIMON ER1CKSON, of Haynos In let, was In today on business. FRANK. HOSE and wlfo will leave tomorrow for California points. Mil. AND MRS, J. L. AASEN, of Coqulllc, aro visitors In tho city. II. LOCKHART left yesterday for Portland on a business trip. GLEN WAGNER wan among tho Myrtlo Point visitors In tho city yestorday. MRS. O. A. TROWDRIDGE, of nan don, was n visitor In tho city yes terday. JOHN E. MILLER is in tho city from tho Sixes country on a busi ness trip. J. ALBERT MATSON plans to leavo tomorrow for San Francisco on business. WALLACE CROUCH was among tho visitors in tho city today from Haynos Inlet. W. II. STULL, road supervisor at Allogauy, was down on tho Mill!-' coma today. E. R. HODSON, of Coos Rlvor, in n do n business trip to Coquillo yesterday. JOHN WHOI1REY has roturned to Myrtlo Point nftor a business visit in tho city. J. W. M'INTURFF returned last evening from a business visit to tho county Bent. MRS. MORTON TOWER was up frpm Emplro yestorday shopping and visiting friends. J. E. MONTGOMERY, of tho tele phone company, Is visiting tho Valley towns on business. MISS RUTH MATTHEWS pinna to leavo tomorrow to visit In Uerkeloy und othor California points. CLAUDE THOMPSON, of tho Coos Dny Produce Co., loft yesterday on a brief business trip to Port land. VICTOR LARSEN, W. C. Swain nnd E. J. LARSEN wero among tho visitors In from Wagner yestor day. J. E. MILLARD, who aided In start ing the Ideal Cafo hero, and wlfo will leave tomorrow for San Fran cisco. J. T. ROSS, who is ono of tho plo noor business men In tho now town of Wngnor, was n Mnrah flold visitor ycBtordny. MISS LAURA MERRYMAN who has beon visiting her siBtor, Mrs. F. C. nirch, will leave tomorrow for hor homo In Chico, California. JAMES D. ROI1ERTS hns rented part of tho Z. T. Thomas farm on Coos River ami today moved up with his household effects, JESS RYERS ot Coquillo spoilt a few days in Sumnor this weok and also visited at tho homo of his slater Mrs. Frank Which of Marshflold. W. M. KAISER was down on liusl ncBs yestordny from tho Hausor & Hausor camp at North Inlet, returning thoro this morning. GILBERT GILBERTSON wiib In from his Kontuck Inlet ranch yestorday and says tho ranchers aro rapidly getting ready for tho spring work. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD KING loft yesterdoy for tholr old homo In Sprlngflold, Oregon, nftor nn oxtondod stay on tho Rogers rnngn on Coos Rlvor. C. II. DUNGAN Is dqwn from hla Coos Rlvor ranch and la busy with hla annual spring assess ment crop. Tho only trouble Charllo says, Is that Coos Coun ty roaps tho harvest of dollars from his diligent Bowing. RAYMOND E. RAKER, county super intendent of schools, and Super visor F. A Golden went to district mooting at South Inlet last ovenlng in a buggy. They did not get bnck to Mnrshfleld until! 2:30 this morning. Mr. linker left on tho morning traliv for Coquillo. FIIIKMK.VH NOTICE There will bo a speclnl meeting of tho Mnrshfleld Flro Department this evening nt 7:30. The City Coun cil will meet with us nt S p. in.. Mat ters of importance to the flro de partment and to evory Individual member will como up for discussion. Each member of tho department and of tho City Council Is earnestly nnd respectfully requested to bo present. George Seollg President, AMONG THE SICK Ivy Nonh of Coos River is con- flllnit r llfa linmn nttMi .....mlia .tvj...u . nil iiU'J. I Eugene Montgomery of Millington t llo Bnmo tlmo for nn increnscd on hns been 111 with mumps. I rollmou In tho Auxiliary, nnd, nc- cording to Mrs. F. 13. Allen, presl- J dent, tl.o Invitation of Joining Is open i Alonrj the Waterfront. I ' nn wion or Marsnrieid. ' Several plans for definite vork will An official navigator's notice , 1)0 brought up tomorrow afternoon from tho Portland Engineer's offico ,, nn,0B Ul0m ls ono BBRC8tcd at reports Coos Hay range llght8 out tlll, Ia8t nlcct11Ki u10 trentmont of of positions nnd thnt 'the bar shoaled two feet recently, being re ported with only is feet of water, by Captain Mageo. At 12 o'clock tomorrow tho Nnnn Smith Is duo to sail for San Fran cisco. Tho steam schooner Yellowstone of tho Swnyno and Hoyt lino, Is duo In hero Monday from Portland on her wny to snn FmucIbco. Snlllng from Portland today tho Rrcnkwator Is expected In tomorrow on her' first trip on tho now schedule. SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY Thlmblo Club with Mrs. H. O'Mara. Norwoglan Luthoran Y. P. S, nt chapel parlors. Ladloa' Art Club with Mm. Ross Smith. I). Y. P. U. with Mrs. A. , Downs. Hear JOHN ('. PAYXE, the mini with n DOUBLE VOICE. Ornheimi, i uet Monday unci Tuesday nights. Bargain Days AT THE FAIR SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY. SAVE MONEY IIV RUVING IJERE 25c Children's pretty Sun Ilon- uots, laco trimmed. J Various' colors only . .10c j $1.25 Children's White Wool J Swcntors, porfect 7Kn ' fitting, only jC I 75c MIrsob nnd Children's f Fords Waluts, mado of Frouch Coutll, only . . . . lib t niiiiiirnn'u So nuii io Hand. I iiiiiKiron h so ami iuo iianu- j kerchiefs, with fancy om- r uruiuureu cuiiio.h. upuuiui u u i I Moii'b Rlnck or Tan Sox. with I I y linen hcols mid toes, vnluus j I to 2UC. 1fi Only, por pair Uu i , . . .... . . .,. ....... i I i. nuieit mill tLUU iiv'st quality Flnnnolotto Night I I Hnu'iiR! I'firlfiUR HtvWtM nr I I Now only dOC I . . f I ir,c Heavy Crnsh Towol QU i' 1 I tt twill I'll Wll tf)i VVl U f $2.50 Chlldron's nil-wool j Swcntor Suits, various (j4 OP .$1.65 I bIzoe. Now , . , - Best quality Colored Tnblo Oil ! j Cloth, pretty pattorns. 1n I Reducod to, per yard . . b , O . mm. TOO yards best quality' Calicoes, I variety of colors and pattoniH, I reducel to yil por yard t-U I ' sATLSivv(;ntx always or your MONEY RACK'. THE FAIR CFVrRVL AM M 1' I NEXT TO CHANDLER HOTPL aIa WOMEN HAVE PLiS TO BEAUTIFY G1TY AUXILIARY OF ClIAMHKIt OF COMMERCE MEETS SATURDAY: ALL WOMEN ASKED TO COME AXI) URIXG IDEAS Iloautlflcation of tho city nnd on- j largemont of tho organization aro , two purposes for which tho meeting or tho Women's Auxiliary to tho Chamber of Commerce is called for tomorrow nftornoou In tho Chamber rooms at 2:30. Every woman of tho city, whether or not Bho Is a jnomber, has beon Invited to r.ttond and "bring her Ideas." A BVBtomatln otfort is to bo mado I for the bcautlflcatlon of tho city nnd tho city park, n project that should result In lawns and Bhubbcry for tho plat of ground that belongs to tho city for recreation purposes. At n meeting of tho officers hold a few days ago, meeting with a com mlttco from tho Chamber of Com merce, tho changing of tho. by lawB of tho latter organization was affect ed whereby tho Auxiliary ls now of ficially recognized. Don't fail to hear the JuMleo Jubers .lubo nt the Orplieuin next Monthly night; then jou'll go hack and lionr Yin Tiiostluy mire. Mighty good for tiigrouliiK grouchcM. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WAXTER Toiiiii of good tumult, fnrm horses, weighing about 1400 IbB. Address Carl MntBon, Mnrsh fleld. FOR HUNT Modern ll-rnnin luuive, furnished. Apply J. C; Donno, Phono 181-X. It. 1. It. HATCHING EGGS, 00 I ets. doz. 1330 No. 8 St., Ferndalo WANTED WAXTED Gardening, or any kind of labor. Qeo. Deotor, c-o Times. WAXTED Lady Phono 25S-L. demonstrator. A MARRIED SWISS DAIRYMAN wnnlB position, will worlc for wngos or shnros, sobor, Industrious nnd u flrat-clnsa milker. G. A. Kurtz, enro of drnnd Hotol, North Rond. WANTED Middle-aged woman t work Tor two In family. W. D. Roberts,' Allegany. WANTED Epor!cnmI girl wiuitN place to do housework. Phono 31GG. . . FOR SALE ' FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whllo ' Leghorn eggs for sotting. It. A. T ...wiriti. iMmnn noat Farmors. FOR HAWK Good work team cheap. Apply North Rond Stables. FOR SALE Motor lnt. .Excellent cnglno. F. A. Sacchl. FOR SALE Cheater Wlilto boar, $30.00 Phono 307XG or addross P, O. llox 342, North Rond. " FOR RENT - - . I Vlm ltJ.VlV-Itetminiiit, equipped, - iiost location, aiso Qievou-ruuui rooming hous.o, furnjahod, it. A, Rock, North Rend. FOR REXT HoiisckeepIiiK siiUo( Marshflold Hotel, Cor. Third and Commercial. Phono 137-L. r ! FOR REXT. Rooms vtlth or with. 0 out board. 1GC So. 10th Streot. FOR RENT IIoiimj in rear of Lewlti' candy store John lforguBon. ART NEEDLE SHOPCorner Sec ond and Market. gsaer-jr'jipi FOR TRANSFER AXI) STORAGE O HOUSEHOLD, GOODS Fi eight nnd Baggage, O Call FERGUKOX TRANSFER, Phone 103, ResliU'iiio l'liono ISt-J. t Miulu't live, and aterfiont flASIfU: Anss& I i JVI 1 ,? ':i