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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
FT. 2 t-t S'iLilfJAl' h klLi& 4 kiM 1 !.! .A J. fc A La Taal B&MI!iiMyiilMil ifyawu"awfl ttmAiUaX 1015- EVENING EDITION. THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELH. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, FOUR f fgBWyirr anaayY mmmmmi v rin'wFjwr' 1 ! rii i!i Ilk! Ma l"' .. 1-4 " . i , If ffift THafflffliTIT . . i j T s 1.B. ii i n urn m i wwiw ii ! ?,i -(nri td A "V7" HHTfiTITrc!1011 "n's: Tll rcVlvnl meetings nov( LUUj J3V X JL X1V1CJ ' lh progress In tlio Christian Cli'i-cli M. C. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. 'hnvo been the most Tar rcnchl.m. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor and are kiiIuIhk innro attention tlinn i nny meeting hold by nny of tlio , Address nil communications to cimlmlls Churches for ninny years COOS HAY DAILY T1MI,S. ouso jeen rrowdo( , nffiri.i 1'anrr of Coos County full capacity, many compelled - i . . i n nrnaniin r f I PI t I ' III MM Mill O DID UUVIfllBU I UN J ED MEADE'S BOOK m k . A iL. n.ntitfflitM at fnvati. nw?""ori,"w,",.fc."r:u:K'n cress, "eAa' ..u.??ou' .,. .. .an7i.rin mlmlre.l for his dear, fair and able larouga iuu wan- . .... - ..,.,., v.i..i IMS HIIUJUUl. H- cliurcii opacity, many compelled to .f) U,K C1KTS MANy The evangelist, Samuel, """'JJ:' oHHERS-U'THOR . of Marshf.e.d OreBon ,, A) J AM I. O A ,,,, .l tn I. la nnnf fall- Dill! nlllt """"" i County full capacity, many stand nail mattor. DAILY. . . una yivu T r A ilef Inil Per month &n mini presentation o no hnvo united with the nnd some old difficulty that have nvnrv nrevlous effort have AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Doubling Hack", tho nutohlog- rnphy of 1111 actor, Is tho title of a book which Ed. 11. Meade, former WEEKLY. Ono year ....$1.50 When paid strictly In odvanco tho ilz months, ubscrlptlon price of the Coos Bny An Independent Tlopubllcan now; paper published every erjnlnc except Sunday, and Weekly by Tlio Coo liny Times PhuIMiIiir Co. Times Is C.OO per year or $2.50 fjri SOME SPRING POETRY been fully adjusted. Miss Marie , mjniager of the .Margaret lies Cont- Urogg l very popular and appre ciated for her singing nnd help fulness with tho young people. When tho flowcrH of spring begin to bloom, I'd like to be whore tho cannons boom. Henry Songstnckon As soon ns young onions out of tho ground, I'd like In tho midst of bnttlo be found. I). Y. Stafford. Deadly Is war, but dull Is ponce; I wont war, Just like Greece. II. J. McKoown. Kitchener Hays, bo the pnpors any, The wur will Just begin In May. (Icorgo Ayro. Jim Hunt's Booster Breezes TWO (JAY MOILS. Two gay frogH from Inland bogs, Had, spout the night In drinking. As morning brolio and they invoke, While yet tholr oyeH were blinking, A farmer's pall enmo to tho swale And caught thorn quick mi winking. 'Ere they could gather Bcattered (101180, Or breathe n prayer for past of fenses, Tho granger grave that gullolosH man Had dumped them In tho milkman's can; Tho can filled up, tho rover down, They soon had started off to town. Tho luckless frogs began to quake, And sober up on cold mllkuhnko. Tlioy quickly find tholr broath will stop, Unless they swim upon tho top. They swim for llfo nnd kick and swim Until their weary eyes grow dim, Their muscloB ache, their breath grows short, And, gasping, speaks ono weary sport. "Say, dear old boy, It's pretty toughj To die so young, but I'vo enough Of kicks for life. No moro I'll trly It I was not raised on n milk dint." "Tut, tut, my lad," tho other dies, "A frog's not dead until he dies; Let's keep on kicking, that's my plan, Wo may yet see outside this can." From Alaska's sen-kissed glaciers to Coos Dnj's golden sand There Is n mighty spirit lads, a- sweeping through our land, It Is tho lloostor Spirit, lads, so get out of tho cold; (Jot busy with Old lloostor .11 in, nnd wash out virgin gold. Cotno nil you fair young mnldons with dark or golden hair; Cotno boost with Jim, cause ho Is ullm, boost for tho Coos liny fair. We're going to bring a million bucks down to tho Hay to spend To make n million more, my girls, To loud It to our friends, (lot busy, nil yn booster folk, Ho earnest and bo trim. What's good enough for tjiicen or King, Is good fur mo nnd you. W" ale going to boost the bright steel tracks, from HoIho to the -loti. Wo are going to boost for better lollies for nil of us, you nee. V.'e'.e going to boost for n boule vard from tho bunch grass hills away. Wo nro going to boost, then boost tigalu until Its to tho liny. Wo'ru going to boost for Oregon, and tl.on for Idaho, We're going to boost for ovory thing until wo bnku tho dough, We're going to clear off nil I ho brnrh, burn nil tho logs nnd ; stumps, We'll bring old Bromlwny to our I pony, and now proprietor or tne Kiindy Nook nt tho Noblo Theater, Is putting on tho market. Tho nd- vnnre lists for tho snlo of the book I nrG now being filled up and nearly eoryone who hns seen tho prospoe- tus of the hook has subscribed for tne or more copies. , 1 The Mnrshfleld Lodge of Elks, of ; which Mr. Meade Is a membor, is ' assisting him In putting the hor.k before the public. A llttlo pro.v l-ectus which has Just been written by Mr. Meade concerning his book says: j .MKMOIIY'S DOl'lll.l.VC HACK Had some wrecks nnd walked nar row grades, Hut I'm still hero Intnct, And to mnko n repent Journey, Memory's doubling bnck. Old Sport Is still upon tho trail, But hns an empty pack, Will hn find Borne goldou nuggets While Memory's doubling back? "Doubling Hack" Is tho ntory of my life for fifty years, in sunshino Mini In tihade, not too -wtIoiih and. net nil fun. It contnlns: Stories of My Travels; How I Be. came an Actor; Barnstorming the Mnintaln Towns; Stage Anecdotes; Prominent People 1 Hnvo Seen and Met; Original Pooum (7) nnd Oth ers, Including "Tho Haven," a satire; ' Do Your Knocking When I'm rieiid" "Hello Bill" nnd Somo Nine teen Klfteeners Somo fine III113 ti ullnns. I I had a profound stroke of pni-ul-i ysls August, l'Jl!!, mill recovered by f-istlng .'11 days and my blood got thin, but succeeded In removing tlio clot. However, I did not rognln tlio ( full use of my right arm nnd lox, therefore, ulthough broken physical ly nnd financially, I remnliied hupp. I learned to uso my left hnnd mid my light brain. I outlined my nu-i and plant tho fruits nnd flowois, Jo old Mother Knrth will smllo on ur, with Hiiusliluu and with thowers. (To bo Continued.) Jim Hunt. is Yotnt Is NAMK ON HIIHOTV A Tlll!i:i: sheet, "No use, no use," fnlut heart replied rTnriifwl 1111 Iilu Inn., filul imtttlv illftll. The braver frog undaunted still, There's Christopher Columbus, If..... l,ll,l.,.. v,l.l. ,. rl,.,. ..! Will. I AlllOllgO YOSPUCIO, avv ! iitif "in i nv n,,u" -! 1 Until, with Joy too great to utter, He found he'd churned n lump of buttor Ami climbing on that chunk of greimo, Ifo flouted round with greatest ease. .Moral: When times nro hard no trade In town Don't gel discouraged nnd go down, But Btrugglo still no murmur ut ter. A few mure Kicks may lirlug the butter. A. Booster. ilnrn. mill Invfif .Inu-ft .tin liltlnnu We'll clear off nil thin wilderness ' tol.IoKri-i.I.y with n lead pencil and C-1IIIIIIU1UU II 11 IIIIIKUHl llJIIIClllllll upon a typowrlter, with one finger, by September 1, 19 II. .I'TKIl 1'11'TY YHAH.S Praised mid upiilnuded, laughed nt, cheered, Loved and liked, but never feared, Yet, I have been, 011 this trail sub lime, Having u perfectly corking time. Paralytic stroke near knocked 1110 nut, But like the old hunter, trapper nnd scout, While tho years glldo by on fleeting wings He sits nlono and softly sings. The book will bu Issued by Paul Kldor & Company, of San Fran cisco, California. It will bo cloth bound over -00 pages. Tho Illus trations ure mounted duo-tone prims i also small d.rawlugs 011 margliM. (old stumped on side nnd back with gold top and uncut edgos. The appendix contains some good things for 10 in. Tho entire volume Is without nil iiiieleau word nnd full of truth, making an addition to any , library. The price Is $1.2-'. j O.VHDINKlT flOTKI. MKKTINM The (Milliner Hotel Company held' annual mooting Monday night your nntno on u three Up In the hall of fmno? Just look the bill-boards over, Head each and ev'ry iutii; Perhaps they've overlooked you, And It's the bill bny'n fault, He left you In tlio bill room, Down In that old stono vault. Itulluns, French mid Kugllsh, Pnttl mid Cnruso. John Smith mid Pocalioiilus, Washington, Jufferson, Some white mid colored pugilists And Invented Tom Killson. There's a thice-sheet of Lincoln, Ami humorist Mark Twain, Another of Hoosevelt Ami the Athlost Pnlue. You'll find all the I'nwIilouU, Ami the plumed kulght Jim Itlnluo ills PltAISK FOB (iHKOd'S, Itovnrt'iiil T. DeWItt TnlmitilHO And (ieorgo Fiaiicls Train. 1 j There are three nheets mid llthos Of men loved mid hated; I A No atuteiueii and soldlerM, ! Since the wold wns eretiled. Ilemit .Says Tlielr .Mis-lings nt ('lie IiiiIIh llnte lltTii Big Siuti--A letter (111111 Chehalls, W.ihIiIiik 1 - - - ' B EFORE YOU SIGN rVrt'AppIIcatlon for Life Insurant In any other Company Your Own Interest oy examining the New Low Rate Contract Muslchiiis, iiuthora, urtlaU, , Men who fly throiiKh the air; Yet the iiiotU hall of fiiino llus Romo Idll-bonrdM to simro. So, gut your mtuin nnd your face On 11 1 hi no-sheet to slay. I Be 11 live one of tomo kind, And Jump into tliu fray; Make tho hltc chief bill pontor Know that you nro mine DROP: (let your name on a three tdioct With your name at the top. ltd. MiMide, and re-eleetod the old board of dl- UK'tors, whloh luoieedeil to elect 1 the (.nine offireis for the onuiilui; year that sorvod In the past. The I 'lioti-; under the able nuiiiiiKoiuo'it I of Ambrose Laltotu-hn Is quite pip I ul iu- with the public mid Is making mood for Its stockholders. (liirdl.i r 'Ciinrliu. , SIIOK TBI ST WINS. SIMPSON SHIP STOUY Peter B. K.uie Writes About dipt SIiiipniiu'n .Master M lliici'. AHIOUDICICN. Wiwli-. Mar. IS Cuptuln It. Ii. Peusley. of the scheon- XOW d'liM'i niiii'iii DIhiiiN-is Suit Asking Fin- Dissolution. lljr ,u. UImI lfM la I'm Hat Tlnim ) I10HTON. Mar. IS. The suit of the Fedeial government to ilbm-iBc the Fulled Shoe Machinery Corpora tion on (ho ground that It was an lllcKiil monopoly In lostiaiui 01 I Hide, w.ii" (IJHinln-.'d today h. the Fnltttl States District Court. FRECKLE-FACE H fitfiiA pecias r rices mi uuu For The Next Ten Days The finest Home irn.lcre.l liAltl) oxer offered in tlio local niniket. $1.35 t ,4U .45 10 lbs 5 lbs - -3 lbs THE UNION MARKET 1 E Ford Co. 171 .South Broadway. Phone "8. Koontz Gara ge Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: " Phone 180-J We want your cash business and make it an object for you lo pay cash. GET A RECEIPT ' Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. PI111 no :ill.,L II I Marshf ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrshfleld nt Bimy Corner 10:00 n.m. 2:00. p.m. r:00 p.m. Leaves North Bend in iiiln utc.H Inter Leaves Kmplro. 8:!J0 n.m. 11:. 10 n.m. rt:0 p.m. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TIIK FAST AND COMFOIUTABLM S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED t NOBTIl PACIFIC BTKAM8UIP CO. 0. F. McGKOIlGE AGENT W. H. PAINTEU Phono 44, Mnrshfleld Phone 421, North Bond TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has beon n hobby with us for a good tiany yoars and a lot of our customers will toll you whon It cornea to gettli r good, sound, durable framing mntorlal nt tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you wnnt to balld nnd tho amount you wnnt to spend nud wo'll get bimy with our poncll and flguro out the boit your uonoy can buy. Try us. jcm bha-anxciia. ... -t, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. KKTAIfj DEPAUT.MENT CUT THE FUEL BILL 1 TWO BY USING OUR. WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HHOADWAY IN FIKST AND AF.IM1II COSTS FORD CARS TII13Y SAVE YOU MONEY Front Street ISAAC R. TOWER Atfont Coos and Curry Counties. mnnn rnravur.vii J.JUJ U L'H1 Ull 1. Marsh field, Ore. AM) INFDHMATION Abstracts FOB BKI.IABI.i: ABSTHACl'S OF TITLE AHOPT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAUSUFIELB AND COQl'lLLE CITY, OHKfiO.V GE.VEHAL AOEXTS, EASTSIBE AND SE.VGSTACKEX'S ADIHTIOV AGENTS FOB CANADIAN PACIF10 HAILHOA1) LANDS ' HENHY SENCSTACKEN, MAXAGEH Dots Business Exclusively in Healthful Oregon er Ouwgn, ami for many year ,1 le-ldeul of thla illy, i bellexed to Ik the here uf a utory "The .Mut ter Mariner," pubUalied lit a weekly inuKiulue. It written by Peter IS THE TIME TO (JEP BID v. OF THESE It.'I.Y SPOTS. Du ou knew how easy it Is to remove tlioxe unly upeu so that no one Mill tall ou freekle-fiue? Simply get uu ouiiee of othlue, II Kyue. Doullx uf the story eo duublu ttreimth. from your driiuulnt. reupend accurately with Cuptalu . and a fv applleatl-jiis should allow Penaley'a life and ihnraeter. you how ea.y It la to rid youraelf I Peter . Kim formrly worked or deckles and nt u eom na a (euoiiiph.r fur Itickn A ulexton. The run and w.iuU of Simpaoii. and irobubly Uuw Cap- February and March have u atrong 1 tain Peaaley Intimately. Captain twidaucy to bring out freckle, and ' Peualoy U uow Urlngl.ig the tckioon- aa a rasult mora otuliw U aold In Hiamli oft'ltv, S(. Luwreme llo 1 r bark (rum Hani uud will Ua hera i thm tuoiKha. ll aure to aak for, , Best for Orcgonians 110MK orncE Cwtctl DulU1n. Cur. 1'ifth nJ Mention, TwitUa4 LIUIIU I. llMtllt flllUtil UitMilUuilu CHIMNEYS PIKE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Apy Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are Bight And all Work Giinrautced c'nll nt "Tho Firoslne." Johnson Bldg.. 137 Second St. Phone 434-J. French Ranges. Boiler Work SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous 1 , HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton $100 nl'mL' w0' ,,or. t?n W0 Or half ton of both 93.00 1). MUSSO.V, Prop. Iliono 18-J or leavo orders at Illllyer's Cigar Store1. OR WOOD t ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL t In tho Heart of Mnrshfleld tel, Mailillfl(l, Oivkdii. J. .1. Biirhi'lde, dls(ile) iiiaiiner, .Mni.Willolil, Oregon. Iu about i wo wMka. many fast puaaaxe. fiom loielKii mm (a. IU haa uiad to thl port double streuith othlna, as thla U aold under ttuaiautee uf money ba k if it fullb to reiuuie the (lecklea. i AT CAMPBELL'S WO00YARD North Kroat HtrMl, Plioae 870. All Outside Booms Ste-11 Heat v...?!:'' fold Water Pnnc Qmi off!... .1 MWmWR breoon. ;; tf 1 ' . . Important Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF , DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU ' FIRST MATIOMHL BJWK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. .- j BENNETT TRUST CO. iviAKonrici-L, luuo v-u., UKKGON Capital, Burplus nnd undivided profits 1125,000 09 OFFICERS: J. W. Bonnott, President Arthur McKoown, 8ecreUrr Tom T. Bennett, Vico PrcBldont Bennett Swanton, Treaiur Tranaacts n triiat business only. Acts ns trustco of expreis trmti nnd nlso as executor and administrator of cstatos. Tho only Tmt Company In Oregon outsldo or Portlnnd organized under new trail law In this stnto. 1 FlUGAN & BENNETT BU" OLDEST I1ANK IN COOS COUNTY KstabBshod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 la t crest Paid o Tlmo Bepoilta Officer: I J. W. Bennett. President. J. II, Flaniiian, Vice-President. It. F. Wllliains, Cubhler. Goo. F. Winchester, Jgit, 0uMr, FBEIQUT. i rwsri'v, BTORAGE RRW . T IE -SAIL FROM- flan Franclico Plor No. 2G. Hvory WodneBday 2 P.M. Ptione 27S. Coos Bay Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS B. JAMES, Ajjonl Ocean Dock Portland AlbersDockNo. I Erory 8aturdr 9 A.M. MirikfWl EQDIPPJCD WITU WIBELKS8. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMB 8A1US FROM MARSIIFIEL1) EVERY MONDAY DURING MAHCH ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: .MARCH 15, AT 0s0(i A. ill MARCH UU AT I P. M.; MARCH lil, AT 8:0 A. M.i and from PORTLAND, EFFECTIVE MARCH U)th, AND EVERY FIIIDAY THEHEAITEB. TICKETS ON SALE AT TORTMND CITY TICKET OFFICE, MB AND OAK STREETS, TORTLAND. Phono 85-J. , 0. D. LANDERS, iil INTER OCEAN TRlSPOfiTATI Cfl Weekly .Service Coos Hay mill San 1'ranclsco, STEI HIP NAI SMITH Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays,. From Coos Bay Saturdays. FOR HAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, .MARCH 20, AT VI NoS San Francisco Office, 000 Flfo BulldliiK, nnd Pier N'"'llber Coos Bay Acent. O. 3?. McGeoroe. Plione U. v fcj t -. . j Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Constr COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WOPu sl Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregf b0lW work the Dredge "Seattle' the most powerful, best equipped nnd most Koroughly ,l,(Mlera tMenty-Inch lijdrmtllc drctlse In rtfio waters Mnin nffiCC Seattle, Washington.