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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
't$i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, ,1915-EVENING EDITION, . , THREE irA t.' The Central Avenue Booster i irur ,;, m g, rtr CENTRAL AVENUE, FRIDAY, MARCH II), 11)15 iNoass' HEErcN vou ' ., Oil Wlfa a Dealer iKitlicr article Is "Jsl tho wiino" or "Just as good" ns tells J011 n . ifiiiLMiilii'i' that's "shop talk", and moans gioater lil 1011 ll,K ' ' I 1 l... I..T....I ,!..!.. proCIl for (it ls anv,m o give you exactly what y Here I' " . . , . ,.i,u(iiii(,,u f01. mid alHoituci, .. n...- . .9 ORESCRIRTBOK WVrt D. COHAN MARSHFIELD. OREGON. "The Central Avenue Drug Store" rail SPRING VEGETABLES KIll'SII AM) CRISP FROM THE GARDEN ,mu. a fine '" "f I'HKH" I'lH-'ITS and VEGETABLES. Villi, tlilnii Mr Jalcl appetites. Jf it Ih In the market, you just Ui lllntf can get COOK'S GROCERY P ROMPT OPULAR R0GRESS1VE Phono 181). o pportiminiitj THE CEXTRAL AVENUE BOOSTER Published Every Friday In the Inter est! of Coos Hay in General mid Central Aienuo in particular. 4 Subscription Price. Your good will, nml membership in tho Booster Club CONTEST COMIXG. TIIK BOOSTER hits under con slilcratlon n miimnioth ocean-lo-occau movio contest in which the first prize will bo n Jitney. Walt for It. Watch for it. smilk-a-whilk p& K v n era Seldom K : l nocks at the Door of a K TT nocker CENTRAL AVENUE JOTTINGS Garden Suggestion. Henry Song ctnclten, who ought to know, says that Finnkfurter beds should bo mulched in tho Spring with sauur krnut. SMILE-A-WHILE EVERYTHING FOR DAIRYMEN Just take a glance nt our Window and then come Insldo and let us explain tho United States Cream Sopnrator, which lius ken demonstrated as tho best on tho market any plnco. o have Just recolved tho largest shipment of umbrella cover milk cans that was over hrough to Cooa Hay. They camo direct from tho factory to us and you know what that means In prico is cll as quality. If It is in the hardwaro, plumbing or builders' supply lino, wo cn furnish you tho best to bo had. Marshfield Hardware Co. The Best. Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Coos County mav he found at this store AUiAUM CHOICE AND FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA MARKETS BEAD THIS LIST: Choice Cauliflower. Fresh Turnips Pin-snips, Carrots Green Onions. Hot Houso Leaf T.etturo Choice Fresh (iiven Teas ' Hlitibaih Asparagus. Ci'aiil)orrles Fresh Florida Tomatoes. FULL L1XE OF FRESH FRUITS. you know vi: also cahhv the choicest line ok PURE 1001) GROCERIES OHivaet & Weaver pure food grocers, thi: home ok hkix at varieties Phone 100. Corner Central Avciiuo nnd Tlilrd Street. Frcli California Cnblmgo , Cucumbers lllitiibngas i Crisp Celery Fancy Head LoMiico Parsley .Sweet 1'olatoes , lied Heels AltlcllnkcS Sl'HSCUII'TIO.V OKFKIt. For $2. GO of your good money-r-agalnst our good Btuff, we'll put you on Tho Booster list for six months. And we'll promlso not to hoard tho money, but keep It in circulation. Bo a sport sprond Tho Booster gospel of Good Cheer nnd enthus iasm you'll feel better for it. Com pliments and currency should bo sent to tho executivo of tho ex chequer nt tho Booster office. smiu:-a.viiim: vhuv fast. "How fast is your car, Con?" asked Davo Stafford of W. J. Con rad. "Well," said Conrad, "it koops aboiit six months ahoad of my in come generally."- smim:-a-whiti: PUT YOUR WANT ADS. IX TIIH HOOSTKIt. IT IS KSTI- MATICI) THAT ItO.ODO l'KOPU: j ltKAD TIIK IIOOSTKIl KVJJIIY wi:i:ic. j 4 sMii,i:.A-viniii: I I UOOSTKU PUZZIiK COHXKU Q Somo Central nvcnuo men dnro to tnko a kiss without asking for it. Others nsk for It and then don't dnro tako it. Fuzzlo, which is tho typo Coos Bay wonion ndmlro? SMIIiK-A-WIIILK A Good Cleaning adds 50 per cent to the Life of Your Clothes. Jr-y J. Doyle, He win Do it The Only Place That Can. 230 Central Avenue. Phono 2B0-X How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. ley B. Allen Co. L. Ii. THOMAS, Mgr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. UOOSTKU WAXT COLUMN' WANTKD Boys to shnrpon poncils nt Tho Booster office. Wo enn't say Bharp tilings without sharp pencils. Apply nt once. TIjo quicker tho sharper, but wo don't want no sh'arpors, SMiiiK-A-winLn SMIl-K-A-WIIIIiK FallltiK Memory. According to J. V. Bennett, somo Coos Bay men b ce in to loso their inumorieB tho niliiuto they borrow money from their friends. SMILK.A-WHIliK The Trouble Cleik. "If you to lojklng for trouhlo call on Itobort 'iVatson in Coqullle," says n Central Avonuo married man. "Ho will Is sue you n marriage license." SMILK-A-WHILK Hind on the Seat. 'Oono Croslh waito, who claims to bo a neutral In tho present Kuropoiin scrap, say "tho seat of war will need a lot of patching after this struggle Is over." SMILK-A-WHIliK Tiiko.s n Different View. Referr ing to Doc. Toyo'a romark on early rising In last weok's Booster, Chns. Van Duyn says: , "Any old duffer can go to bed, but It takes a real mnn to get up In tho morning." SMIIilCA-WIUU: Uncertain Wenllier. As wo go to pross wo can't toll whothor wo nro on tho vergo of a heavy rnln or a hurst of sunshine, but that don't mako any difference, because time will tell anyhow. SMIIiK-AVHILK lloiv to Spray Spaghetti. Ceo. N. Boll, who years ngo promoted tho first macaroni farm on Coos Vay crimes to tho front with tho sug gestion this spring that spaghetti vines should bo Bprayed with to mato catsup. KMIIjK.AWIIII,K Another F.ulorprlHc. Tho Boost er Is pleased to annouueo another builillnc and business for Contra! Utnno. Louis dorr Is putting up a building Just boyond Masonic Tom plo for a plumbing shop and s p pllos. do er Lowiol '' SMII.INA-WIMLi: (JUY CHAMBKItS was in from his ranch this wook and roports poor luck with Ids now and original Bkcmo of planting clgnrs. Ho says for tho first batch ho planted some cliolco Kntlvldads, and un true to tho last part of tbolr namo "dad" they camo up a now Bachelor. Ho was afraid thoy might develop into n bachelor llko Conrad or Doc Dlx so ho pulled thorn up nnd will try again. A largo crowd who assembled at tho Smokhouso to welcome Guy and samplo somo of his now weods was sadly disappointed. Bettor luck next tlmo, Guy. SMILK-A-WHILK A XKV VKHSIOX. A Contrnl Avonuo married mnn says that his wifo has a now version of an old couplet. It runs llko this: "Laugh and tho world laughs with you, Woop and you weep a loan." SMILK-A-WHILK vfarino Airo E. I. CHANDLER Insurance Accident Plato Glass Burglary COKE BUILDING eld . Oregon Dlt. W. A. TOYK, DENTIST Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 5. Itoom 20 1, Irving' Hldg. Central Avenue. Mnrslifleld Has An Idea. C. F, -McGcorge, who used to bo In tho benn bust iu'sk in Michigan lias an Idea that If ninchors would drop a mnall cubo of pork into each hill of baked beans whon planted, It would grtntly Improvotho flavor of this popular dish. SMILK-A-WHILK IK Week at "Tlio Owl." Frank D. Cohan Is blzzy preparing for Nat ionally Advertised display weak at "Tho Owl" next wcok and is going to ninko tho greatest display of nat ionally advertised goods this sldo of tho llocky Mountains and it won't bo no rocky display nolthcr, but thero will bo a mountain of them. SMILK-A-WHILK Glossop lins u Grouch. Wo un derstand on rellablo authority t.nit Al Glossop has been going around on Central Avenuo running Tlip Booster. In our opinion Al Glossop has mighty littlo to do this, bcl.ig ns ho has been getting Tho Booster regular over sinco it stun ed and never paid a red cent on subscription. Wo don't thank Al 01-naop for running down Tho Booster Tho Booster Is bad onouiin run down without' no asslstuuce from Al. SMILK-A-WHILK .j- IM.KMJ.Alj .MKM'IOX. all GKNK CnOSTHWAlTE says that tho Jitney clgnrs nt tho Smokehouse aro Just ns popular as tho other Jitneys. SMILK-A-WHILK A. T. HAINES says tho reason wnr affects tho prico of flour Is because tho flour of all European manhood is in tho army and that is why they aro drawing supplies from Uncle Snm. SMILK-A-WHILK A. E. NEFF says that advices from J. T. Harrigan confirm Kitchen er's report tlint tho war will start In May. Ho will bo back by thnt time and Sengstncken may bo propared for tho worst ns woll as tho welncrwurst. SMILK-A-WHILi: Before Parting With Your Money Phoiy 399 City Cleaners tJtOS8 KHOM CHAXDLKH HOTEL. M 1K NOW HICADY TO DO Ffrst Cl&s Steam or Dry Cleaning. AND PHKSSIXG. "VKlXa AND lAv,lKS' WOKK IS OUIt SPECIAIiTY Club Pressing $2.00 per Month IX HUYIXG HKAIi ESTATR SRCURB A COMI'MTTH ABSTRACT FKOM THE Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. iirlill. In nronnrnd to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance and expense afterwards. Wo also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. .Mnrslifleld office In Coko Building opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 11-J. Coqulllo Office adjoining Farm ers' Hiuik Illock. Phone 101. Ilaiidon Offlco, McNolr Building. Phone 482. Henry, Sengstacken Manager. Xov Is tho Time to Subscrllx'. Suhscribo for tho Booster now nnd pay cash In advance. Then you will liavo tho satisfaction of getting tho Booster for a whole year from tho tlmo you subscribes providing of course, wo don't mako au as signment for tho benefit of jur creditors boforo the year is up, which is getting to bo quite popu lar wo mean tho assignment, not tho creditors. In that caso you would como out at tho littlo end of tho horn. Them as pays In nd vnnco for Tho Boostor does so at tl'olr own risk and thorn as don't does so at our own risk. It's fix in ono and half dozzen In tothor as you might say. SMILK-A-WHILK MEL DUNCAN says tho statement that ho played on tho stage as tho original "Undo' Tom" is a fowl libel on his fair youth. Ho says ho is only "swcot Blxteon" nnd don't caro who knows it, and ho wasn't a resident in tlih vail of tears whon "Undo Tom" i first camo out. Ho has only appeared on two stages ono was' the Masonic Opera Houso mil tho other the Drain stage. Ho says ho prefers tho Masonic--next to the Owls, He also jaya if he can find out who started tho slander ho will get tho law ou him. FLOYD SMITH, ono of Marahflold's popular young men, was a North Bond visitor Wednesday evening. Whllo In that town ho called on his old friend, Billy Woods nt tho North Bond Shlnglo Mill nnd they oxchanged many reminiscences. SMILK-A-WHILK MAKY ELIZABETH, our fashlonnblo ladles' shop, Informs us that she has been awful blzzy fitting tho elite of Central Avenuo with now shirt wnists latoly. Mary Eliza beth has given soveral different ladies fits In tho pant fow days. How's this for fits? FltANK D. COHAN, our managing editor, lins boon so busy nt "Tho Owl" this weok owing to tho nb boiico of his nsslstnnt timt. ho couldn't wrlto his usual batch of items and thnt accts. for tho nllin nows this wk. Watch out for big doing next wk. though. Now Is tho tlmo to subscrlbo. SMILK-A-WHILK EDITOR AUSTIN, tho orudlto pen cil propeller on tho Gnrdlnor Courier, was soon ou our Btreot Thursday. Ho says ho wasn't named after Ostond, although high-brows pronounco It tho same way. Ho also says that Wnrrou Heed still stands for strict neu trality nnd a great harbor nt Ileedsport. W. n. DAVENPORT, of S.-P. hond quartcrs camp, Myrtlo Point, Is spending tho weok in tho city having somo dental work dono. W. B. says If Shormnn ovor had tho toothncho ho would think war was a pleasant summer picnic nnd wo aro inclined to ngrco with W. B. Ho says Wagnor is livelier than Contrnl Avonuo theso days and that is sura going somo. GEO. COOICwho says ho don't kno.w as tho soldiers in tho tronchos liavo any worso tlmo than n City Councilman who trios to please tho band boys and tho firo boys and tho taxpayers at tho samo tlmo, ,Ho says its about what Sherman said war was anyway and wd guess Georgo is right, al though wo liavo - never boon to war and wo haven't been no Coun cilman, nolthor. CHARLES VAN DUYN, tho enter prising and pop. dork at Tho Chaudlor Hotel, who Is a regular subscriber to Tho Boostor, Is working a scheme to got his sub scription for nothluk, Aftor Clmrlfo gets thru with it ho ped dles it around until ho noils his copy for what it cost him, to somebody elso who ain't a sub scriber. Clinrllo Is a protty shrewd business man that way. SMILK-A-WHILK J. W. HILDENBRAND was ovor from Market Avenuo tho first of tho wcok and expressed surprise at tho numbor of automobiles on Central Avonuo and It wasn't a good day for autoa olther. Como again, J. W. Safety First It is not Mile to look Into your nuto gasollno tank with u lighted match, even if It Is it wifely match. It Is idwajN safe, howcier to get your clgaiti mid tobaccos AT TIIK Smokehouse They carry nil tho popular brands and yours is biiro to ho there. A pleasant place to spend tho evening. llllllaids und baseball. CUAXDLKIt HOTEL HLliq. CKXTRAL AVKXUK, SEA FOAM KISSES CAXDY AS LIGHT AS TIIK FOAM OF TIIK SKA, AS SWEET AS A KISS AXD XOl'HISHIXG AS AX OCEAN BUKK'K Sells regularly for CO cents a pound. me Special Saturday and Sundny only 4UC AT STAFFORD'S New Cross Stitch Patterns THUKK PIKCK SKTS TABLK HUXXKH, CENT Kit PIECE, PILLOW TOP. SKSc EACH OH $1.00 PKH SKT. NEW OUKKX KLIKAUKTH HUCHINGS. , A nlco lino of PIKCK LINENS and plenty of I). M. C. MARY ELIZABETH'S SHOE ... TIIK SHOP THAT'S DIFFERENT. " fitf ItUSSKLL BUILDING 222 CENTRAL AVENUH CHEER. UP H t Though you hnve everything you llko mid riches como toyoiC You Nt III may lu unhappy, son; jou'll find that this Is true. But you can fill our dny with Joy; get this, It Isn't wUvo, Tho way to bo real happy Is to llko tho tilings you have. THERE'S NOTIIIXG BETTER FOH A HAPPY LIFE THAN HALVES' FliOUU IX TJIE HOME FLOUR, HAY AND FEED. HAINES Wnlorfi'ont Central Avenuo ED. MEADE Sells Pugsley's Candy at the 'r ' KANDY NOOK" ' I M Also Cigars and Tobacco. , Noble Theatre. Central Avenue.' PIONEER GROCERY CO. i Phone 84 :: :: :: :: :: 81 Central Avenue EAT ORANGES They were no ver cheaper or letter. Wo .Imyo them front lfic per doon up. TIME TO PLANT Wo cany u full lino of. pockago and' hulk need and fertilizers. ""t " RKMICMBKR Wo urn agents for Chase & SanlKirn's ,801 riituti) Coffee and Canister Tea. ' Wv'' ,' ! '.'i .' Coos Bay Stationery Co. 03 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE -130 Sole Agents Carters Ideal Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon PapeVs If it's Carters Ideal it's a good deal. Tine Momey Yom Deposit with us does not remain Idle in the bank, but It is used for tho development of homo Industry. Most indlvlduaLi, firms and cor porations need to borrow money nt times to terry on their busl ness, and it Is largely your money that they borrow .for thin putv pose. Money deposited lit hanks a way front homo doW tills com munity no good. Therefore, It is to your host Interest to de posit jour money where It will not only benefit you, hut uUl aid home Industry also, We welcomo all depositor, htrgO or wull, uud take sincere interest In their welfare. Open u chocking or savings accounts in thls'bank. First National- Eaimk : Of Coos Bay Central Avenue Marshfield, 0reti6n k PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hole v. a Good Menu TU link 9i Central Aveityd . ,'. :? ... mM H25K3