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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
M'Ej . THREE DISTRICTS 7 THE C60S tfAY, fltffo MAftSHPlfeLp; dQOW $1DAV,.MARCH 19, 1915-SVENING EDITION.1 r II J N IS ASKED Bisifl eiifrr 111 proceedings OF JO OS 5PRN6 SOrTH 1V1.KT SCHOOL MEETING i5CTnc?usTicu.i.Y ron ckx- ItKGI.V lll'lMIING WEATHER ri:oimtcii; xkw gardkxr. XKsrs TKXl. OUXl, HOrK: TIT TO CmKCAgkC f Weitaec TTvptmte .r tsat Sprtag ttrx tt Rrtsi'iwcvWNi f """ kfft Wheal ake ty St I M jw." tttmct at a kaa-w, iir ke :rtr as kaow yrttc ceC UOwt jul t ltfy r : ta Mnii ar aaaaiHtWiwAtw ti KtI ji- l:"4y Mic tJxr aa rJm aifufec s . $ , te 'a11 A -ti -Hiliwe Sac ktttkdu - '? U4 Sana. 2k if J"- Hut tkrfr OuiBfc rae iay t -Jn 3 " H i t'i J ttcn'U nbc. y "" w .rfv actum K ta ewsare juinitwj ! ami tkf X'WtfOmt T'B Vt awaiaa, te'r i"'Jfcn fW & j MftMl n&retfau. at Jw. Mow Stem Jfc Thh. -w r 3t it tSw awHtfinr tow -mwiwr -vtttft -xi alio akMflittti br It 3t Pkkr. Indlgent MM. Support J C. Jsckson 10.00 Lewis Ingram 5.00 Chas. HJden 10.00 vi Eva Anderson 15.00 Cora Gllkcy 15.00 PROPHETS MAKE John B. Fox lo 00 John prorabrllllant 5.00 i MAXY (UT FOR WiJter Andrew 10.00 J. H. Estos 10.00 'Xaacy Xeeler 5.00 Brolly Barns 50 Mrs. C E. CoveH Boys ad GJrls Aid Society Mr Cora Gilpin Mrs. Marr Wadhaia... . Mrs. Mary C Ward Mrs. Mafcel HBtuphrey... Mrs. HoJ McLauphlln... 5Wa nttcroft. Ross E. Moorcs & Co., blanks, Co. JudRO 29.12 County Officers H. Mnnsell... freight... 3.00 ci J. Fuhrman supplies... .3C.5C Knowltons Drug Store.. sup plies 7.95 Coos & Curry Tel. Co. Tel. 91.95 A. R. Loud, ...reporting J. P. DIst. Xo. 2 10.00 iAnflli.iura lvrusc aienog. j. i-. lO.t-0 DIst. Xo. 1 5.00 10.00 a. R. Loud, reporting J. P, Oist. Xo. 3 To the Men and Young Men .10.00 e AA , (l'00 JRobt. R. Watson, cash Adv.. .10.00Coo-""le Vnlly Tcl- Co- Tel " .k'oo! Officers AC mm4lc ! tbr voiUmt jrpb- ktx m te Jits ftck: Apilart 3&c 33 tmi. rfMHL )m retired M the Me. r tlMR r K 3Mkr. ike Hrit xrt s-mImc j MMbic tr mms: te Mbt3 "mem u ti j1;' WMniJe RwtJer 20.00 Court Ilott Brrmt RoNaso 10.00jjohn K. Stnuff cnrponlerlng. , Maria BrH 10.00 .p.,,,,,.,,, irnr.ltvnrn Cn .. Ilnril. w',..l..v .....U1....W w, a....u 31.15 .2.50 .p.00 .8.75 - ?m ifw rtfvtKap ki rfc iaJIt- 4aaty :ta.K wto(M. mt T ,. ,-v. . ,,. v-i Ox kbMAte Vac Is JMkiac jfe MMfr r tV jojiplrf tad safetc-xMt- He ikf teacrs. A. cHts. str mbi jmtol.- Bdly&, 3orkr w ctelxwiz. t 3tlS. rraafcy f tte Urfct fc . . fc Uw U DarlU K aad I. !wt Ji wfc.M tntta wm w w .k , c:tirvi :blt to fciUii - B1L j. j, K rt, te lhT lv of tfe teru aw. MMhl i. jfc, mt flf 7-roa ta ske rt irtaitoc M:w ja hi, n If a irpa Jl ti autrktj tot e!- wmkIk; k tWy ue WiWtsc tir wxs .oarst dp izl tt)lirf-MVU. tjtally rTl. CHurf TCKHaf.. vl r U; :Jk y It was points Mt ttet it rr rttft to &r v, -dc.-itrw Out at fciut 15 ckiMrs ric c W in, 30Mt tMF jctirr f tie Swi Inlt rte? r utMt M t-wij ' to Mf i-MixAtr tartar ftttecd school lUe of lartac as tbt -er lt- Jiw p-fcBy irala r w 50 mm cwf wkir. .r i mw, DS'(-fliiiHr xte Earn M&rcaret Hudson 6.00 known as the Lattls 4tiUa, I 45 toixrvr u aW e Itrtk aatH Mary Goodman ........ ..','.6.00 least air miles above ta SMtk IsJIk tttejr ottnn w-a tt amrabic to Fraace A. Kelley 6.00 brldce: District Xo. ttllKlVi Hlje. b- tittor ite-ftiihStntar iter 1V rrY11 "55 6.00 1 ' j . " " . r uitabMSi Draae uuu luau anil . hbb mt wwmuu, t' H&FF IBF 1C"- avnf Saafftfd taw' tme Jicve im to 'haov- si; Jtfwjfl.fa-r r is luny ac Jeta a- xMl ffvi. jriiK HHtrfHlf lum' ooaK t Anna H&s&on 1 'i iiitttr euaii ?Hr TUBE SfHS C Jla R i'Ui it nr inijimmntit 5ttnrc fl?s tm tIh cwnH umit ar tin- aar- !'H:T I' Hw Itnil VhflC ttK - mutt i,j Hiit tin llliMMznr rwt : ror Ivls 1 0.00 Mrs. Vlaa Arrlngton 10.00 Marr CaJertso 5.00 WWiarn Hagaes Care Mrs. R. I city 1 unit n.i t-EiKiron ii mil Tlaa Ray 10.00 Brtl Eaiery 20.00 Haaaaa Hlkutls 15.00 MattM F. Thomas T.50 Z. T Jo&ason. care Mrs. From. 6.00 T. J StHlweil 10.00 Saras J. Wrlgat 5.00 Mary Aralte Raade 20.00 Mrs, Mlaalc Iirsos 10.00 Mrs, Xora Wakefield... '. . . 10.00 Mrs- Harriet Mogae 10.00 Mrs. D. J. Kwlnc 10.00 Lonlfj. Jordan 10.00 Mrs Faaale Miller 10.00 Myrtle 1 Blake 15.00 Mrs. J J. Burns 30.00 H D. McJntyre 20.00 Para Sutton 10.00 Utile Perry 15.00 Loaisa J. Corbln 25.00 iDdiccnt Soldier Fund Allowance Mrs. G.'W. Legcett 4.00 R. W. Landy (From ct al) ..28.00 Maaaa T Barrows 10.00 ' A. J. Wilson 13.00 wnre 5.90 Coqulllo Ldry. & Ice Co. Ldry 10.20 of Coqulllo water dues.. 6. 00 Oregon Power Co. Elec. Cur rent 27.27 Fred McClellnn coal 10.00 E. E. Johnson lumber G.C0 J. A. Lntnb & Co. supplies. . .33i20 Goodman & Goodman, paints etc 31. 1G Allounnco Indigent Hold. Fund (Clilldmi'O C. A'. Rodgers 10.00 Mrs. E. J. McGlll C.00 Martha Piatt 6.00 Ananda Xoslor 15.00 County Infirmary Gilbert Plnkston labor 35.00 Mrs. J. B. Lerowo helper. . .30.00 Martha stovcnB helper 16.00 Ethel Wiseman helper 10.00 Allen McLcod Supt 70.00 R. S. Knowlton, drugs 19.25 H. X. Lorens, supplies 38.80 Coqulllo Ldry & Ice Co., ldry 3.15 Geo. A. Robinson, supplies... 11.65 Valtcr Culln, visits 3J50 of Coos County in ..., . To everyone within a trading radius of the NORTON & HANSEN STORE wo to announce the opening of our mm&u, desire half miles from tfce Wt4r. -wMJ- Ui school of Diftriet Xo. $7. lava; ia tho South Inlet koI It ttmil .ho tllo Joe Nay IateC The present frrtdrt aC yuBixaiow boat that Ioatm tV bti rf 5uCL Inlet ovcr.r airis. oiwMdl rons last cvealar. In bSoauuv In bringing prntU Irtax ithut iotuit down In tte.nraer; imt itutSt it tin afternooa A tPoi, tiny VhIhwbC would lr Hwoy 1 uwib JIHCllllir. pick 8? U JJHh Isiim uiUllfT tilt Bandera rvti. Ta ot Jwpt jmlHiM) -vtlij ulmr of lrAJMiBi,-..nulfi. HuiMirawiir oldea TliiBi- 4iua 1 t Wrntur d vliioa ox i&a pr.flvfc Jlueut Jiairtmrn wosld lt liWifluA. At uunit aniniticr re tar iw Tllif j.oliuiimTf .!. leg drwtlUfit tx lUHUttt Kn. T & E4Jtt M lUmfc. fltick. iu Ku M le Rdm B. Bsiflc. nrl:. unfl ilu o 7 by Hn A. AnduTHun. ?iif immiUuii. lact ttoUac vir trtiwut ttuttr tlMD t& UttHin tM tltfiif tHtt1i twitl Mr. Golaen B rra roung g.00 , ...10.00 Bowman 10.00 rwr! Riley Balllnger 17.50 Alice Saeddon 10.00 Aaaie E. Barrows 25. 00 Mi P. Paterson 10.00 Etitabetfa J. Wyant 10.00 BJio T. Lowe 10.OO iaifca Metealf 40.OO Lacy E. BIther 25.00 Saraa Ellen Randleman 10.00 Mitt M. Richards ft nn jcary t.. vounKer 32.50 Margaret II. Oitren 1 o.nn Melissa Xelson 2.-,.nn Sarah Williams 32.50 saraa b. Ames 10.00 Cor J Conrad 10.00 M'WH 0 MUXnil Jli:M JVIU 2erterblrda Brlner 10.OO MIItHA' 4l!'IIIMIIIilli in MAJOR alUllfiTalaeV .'.'.' '.'.IVO wmhu mm a j'avi: vr nrn ! EvaTi'owSbey '.'.'.' .'.'.I'do rxeceriKa sandqulst 17.50 Laera Alice Mlcheal 25.00 Catherine M riartr it r 'Jtt" w fII Slaia Thomas ... ." .' ""'ii' Vlr. rr.r.1 .... . . . 1U.UU CODS 811 FIRST IMeiBEftl llTh. Wtlti tiit wuctl JuiMTtu hi i. pa tktw BMKictis t Mra Grant fcjiwJul Sl. I1lnu Murl.wU alirr lilliBVjiiul Tl.r Wild TWr iuui A1.WATH UKKH Jlii.n. r. J'nuiTlt lAvry luid Tnumtw Hiuiiuny. A1IW umI MMh iMapc. Jt w jmln- wt that Oum fiay own ta dit ttMatHiii f aavtftg tr t tat Ili. iHit vt it tktm Jttona fewitee st MUf Kmmhv. at (bf ltft rr fair mwmmn. tm MM ttMtiii a htut-auTM Mta um 40 JCurta Bbc wtr Uh MHWii mad nrrytar -wrtHWtt iar two ataata. at t flt mw tan avi ta ma af taat ti... Lyons and Jones. Bunnllcs. . .35.00 15.00lfnc nntl Tnnna tnnnta flOAA G. Jones 10.00 " "'" 1" -""" . " .."T ".I Fraak Taayer 10.66' ' urnno' BPIe -.oo r. Hill 15.00, "Rnuon tiuwo. Co., suppiiea ..33.00 T. X. Brown, supplies 9.50 Coqulllo Hdwe. Co., Hardware. 27.40 S. M. Nosier & Co., groceries 113.60 Mary A. Rundo, boarding Mrs. James and children 40.20 John Dickey, Gro. Dora Sutton. 2.7C John Dickey, gro. F. P. Cole man 2.75 John Dickey, Gro. Mrs. Sutton,.8.05 S. C. Johnson, mattress etc. Ind. Family 6.00 Mercy Hospital, caro Chan - Meyers c.00 Coqulllo Valley Sontlnel, Print ing etc 21.54 Coos Bay Times, pub. notices .55 Coos Bay Times, pub Co. Crt. Pro 60.05 Coqulllo Valloy Sontlnel, pub notlcos 2 i' Coos Bay Times, pub. po. Crt. Pro t Tho Evening Record, pub Co. Crt. Pro 40.55 Walter Culln, health officer 20.9S D. L. Rood, Dealer of W & it 2T.00 Nlclt Johnson, sal, fruit Inap H.PF Edith Thomas, stouog. Dill Atty as.oo C. A. Smith Timber Co., re fund taxos 17.09 A. F. Johnson, Tol Ct. Court 4.17 Waltor Culln, obtaining bmes ...10.00 ...40.00 TORIC LENS OUR BEST The Optometrist Is The Eye-Strain Specialist A MtMIII kUtftwillK iwti htrain, itlio ut tli,. humt, ,Jm u fiijo) liiK iIhi j, bwtWf Liwllli. 1 ofu-ii m n J6 to know mIm,hi Im fjllllllll iniiMill. lt. iUm. mm ftl that In- iimiI u At)u-i)iM. hut Im kiimin tlmt li- ni1 i. lli-f Muili, or iiiHiilj nil, ,f tl- NUfffllllK lll U fliiuljiili, ,tt h rollijuxl Jf iuui ho HfrilrUiJ uoult! lyjihiilt iii rjiitiikmii.t Ju u .iiniiif: iiiMi) umii- lilM-tl ly tlii uorlil in. tfu- ex. iliihito c;c hi ruin t.HHiullM. AfU-r an illuitnn of hk uumtliM I inn ugulii Imi'K' ut my uiifk. hioil Mild would lljlllKM lall' MVllI iiiany of (lio i'IoiiiIn Mlioni I in,.( during my loiuns'lloii wiih (h,. Rod l'ittH Opllinl lli'piu fulfill. I nm lion' IikiiIiiI In Itooni 10 (ht dm I.hikIo Dry Gixxbi Kluit. J. H. GRIFFITH Alii-kliV,, Olt'Kiili. ttM "fad vim afcalMwe1 Witti kmmi of ta UirfOr tiUM U) aatt. U MOor tkout wit tm wImmb. ana. a Hka a, it It:-""- die musette it iHaar mmmk of i. into Mi oIixmH wat to tetoot '. iik m ta boati of iy aUoaxii aud i wit tbw that aaahonaYS trasorfoJ Irsto owe bat to nuutaor. ta a aoaorall' ufcittK aooat It auauUM. dariai; which Uai tiM- tfaoior aad a good eortut u to otwan ta. rml oataia tb Lwoaud Mv4or. tb Jttaof ta Mtw km luaiaomd Mr ta atit oaaot aa. tn JttM a o aioatha aav vm It inrie aaio aaa aproatf a a rraaa to jM-aotieatly avory uoaat clt. MaraafloM kavia ur ttfat ae aat atMfwUM ta ar r tt Maakvr Milt tin- Clara K. Canterbury Xaaey A. Hollenbealc ... Manon r. Langenbcrg 10,00 JSIizabetk M. Abel 17.50 xaade J. Chase 1000 AbWe Bralnard 32.50 AJie Jane King 32,50 Lydla McLay 10.00 Aia Marie Drolllnger 10.00 UWe Dale Flsb 10.OO Kate Freelund 25.00 FWm Mabel Ferrari 25.00 J T K 1) W. H vtaitatt taUod t arlM wtara j Alwha Eleanor Slagle 10.00 Hworletta Mao Hatcher ....17.50 at taat Mte Adellno Stemmorman 10.00 Mrs Emily Wlrth 10.00 Clerk'H Offlco. Its Bunch, clerk is.00 Bva L. Kchrocdcr, clerk 66.00 Kmlly Harlocker, clerk 66.00 at A Joub, clerk 69.00 1 Watson, clerk, January ..7,50 TTrnMirrr'a Offlro A Kulllvan. Bal. 1st dop ,.96.00 H. Currle, clork 70.50 It. Powmler, clork 69.00 U Dlmmlck. clerk 7? nn K. Ourdlng, clork 66.00 J LtMuw!, clerk 33,00 G. 0. Leach, nlcrk 52.50 F.A.Galdon,ital.Hohool aupvr. 100.00 X K. Lmidrlth, Janitor court house . , . A. II. Collier, O' HIicrlff'M Offlre. A P. I).nl, clork 69.00 Alllo Phillips, Htenog 20.25 0w. O. Leach, clerk 21.00 Iliirtlm Htultti, dork 7.50 Myrtlu Lund, stonog 12,00 Alf. JohnBon, Jr., oxponsoa 43.95 Alf Johnson, Jr., oxponsoa dig. body of A. Russell 6.00 W. C. Laird, expenses 16.50 H' C. Laird, expenses r.4.:m W. Oddy, oxponses 1,85 A. W'alkor, auto hlro 16,00 A. Walkor, onto hlro ....7.50 I). Cunningham Co., stamp 1.15 u. Lairu, expenses 16,00 New Gents Furnishing Goods Dept, Where we have installed a Complete New Stock of all the very latest and best things that meii wear. ,; . d:tiize that your patron age, your appreciation of go-:.d service and good values urices that mean a REAL saving to you must be the loundation upo n which we will build this important de partment of our business. We are laying this foundation solidly by making our purchases Direct From The Factory and selling direct to you. And now we extend to you a whole-hearted invitation to call and view our com plete showing of the new styles for spring and summer. Compare Our Goods and Prices Then Use Your Own Judgment NORTON 9b HANSEN ..: STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY bET. IN MEN'S WEAR. PHONE 106-J dop. Co, Absohh- .50.00 .25.00 . .75 186.61 33.00 18.00 28.50 ..1.55 .3.28 .70.50 KAIttt miKh IUM, hi it.., um. aA'triiiiAv. MAiim ao. ikj MT MiK Til Ik. Htal S4i'. faiu mu4o Li4, aJM. Marl.ttt, (iii . 1 . . . bOlTIll COOS R1VKK IWAT KMKVICK LA W.N 01 1 KXl'itKhX iaM Murniflold rrrr dr I . m. l Lewi f H.M- I I t . 16 p. ut. I I bTKAMKK HAIMIOW I leuo hmd of rlt dally a 7 I a. 111. IutM Ma"fld a a p I in. 1'or rluirtrr npiJy ou board. I ItOGL'ltK & MMITII I IYujri-Ui Wutson, stamps , . llolman, supplies- 10.00 74.90 .9.77 T. J. KCAIFKj A. If. IIOUGI.VH Marshficld PAINT AND ?l0l!lligm DECORATING 4C0. I tliimttM liiniUlitid irnouo ho-ic, Mnulillehl. Orcaouu,,, L T. T ! U Itobt. R. DaUs & ' elerk , llushdiiK & Co., supplles-clork SehiMil Hupt. i:ptiiso.s. Raymond B. llakor, oxpenses .17.10 Olass & Prudhommo Co., sup- J'"" 1.66 Coqulllo llorald, blanks 6.00 AMOKMntt' KxiH-n.sivs. Oo. II. Anderson, supplies ,.5.80 Doiieai Abstract & Trust Co. "uppnes , 2 50 F Sttuiff, shelving , .... 1 00 of A. Russol! Jnll nnd Prisoner. Klmo & Von Pegert, labor . X. B. Lnndrith, board James Richmond, mod sorv James Richmond, mod sorv James Richmond, mod sorv Court Iloiiho. Geo. P. Goodman, labor . . . E. I). Goodman, labor . . . Goo. Mohr, labor 50 II. L. Houston, hospital fees Mr. Rundo 125,00 M. L. Custer, team hlro, sheriff . . 6.00 G. J. Armstrong, com oxponses 52.20 W. T. Dement, com. oxponses 33.60 James Watson, exponses 1.40 V. L. Hamilton, M. D opera tion of Croy 75.00 Jtml District Xo. 11. Anderson Klocknrs Co., on Cont 710.17 Anderson Klockars Co., Hal, Cont 3358.00 Coqulllo Valloy Sontlnel Print ing Road District No. 12 2.04 M. Snydor, Dal. Cont. Road District No. 18 640.00 Tnos. Smith, labor, Road Dis trict Xo. 20 209.38 Homl District Xo. 2 W. F. Xeal, Supor. Jan 75.00 Glon Wagnor, labor 50.00 Chester Langlols, labor, Jan 46.90 John Wagner labor, Jan, ... 43, 75 John Noal, labor, Jan 2.50 Lloyd Wlso, labor and team J"u , L. F, Xeal, Super. . , Glen Wagnor, labor, uucsier uingiois, labor 50.00 John Wagner, labor 40.00 James Xeal, labor 15,00 John Xeal, labor , ,, 2 co T. J. Bowman, labor 10.00 Myrtio Point Grocery, supplies 53.35 L. F. R. Heller, Lbr. Road DIs- trlct Xo. 30 100.88 Road Muster's Office. P. M. Hall-Low Is, Sal. Rd. Mas- tor First Nat Dank, olflco rent U. L. doctor, team hire 4.00 tfyrtlo Iinit, typing 4.75 Sitrvojor's offlco. . '-. McCulloch, Co, Sutvuo- t 130.00 1 (' lley, iubor, 50.00 . T. Whsor, holpcr. , 20.00 Wlitlo i.uudqulBt, holpor 6.00 ilorgo Koontz, holper, 34.50 Amos Hudsall, holper, 22.50 P. Lorenz, holpcr o.OO J lock CriLslier J. D. Clinton, foromnn 20.00 'loin Clinton, Inbor 18.00 Theo. Clinton, labor 15.12 Dort Clinton, labor 13,75 Jim Darkdoll, labor 11,00 Elmer Bell, labor 12.50 John West, labor 2.50 Ad WcBt, labor c.00 P. F. Cook, labor 12.00 Wrltor Rhulo, labor 37.50 James D. Clinton, Staty. etc 85 Kouth Slough Ilildgo Wyman Albeo, ferryman 50,25 Coos Bay Sheet & Motnl WkB 1PHC8 fi.00 Wat- No. 3 10.00 C. J. Van Zllo, towing, Road Ul"t. No- 3 10.00 Bast Mui-Mificld Ferry. Alox Hall, master mnn S. C. Stecklo, engineer, 75. 00 'fir H "-.. iiiiuua, uuck nnnu,,. .,15.00 Standard Oil Co. oil 19fl2 C003 Bay Iron WIjb. supplies. . l!92 Pioneer Hnrdwaro Co., supplies 2.3S Union Oil Co., of Cal., oil 2.S5 Tho Evening Record Pub. No- tico Road District Xo. 12 J. I. Sprlngstcad, labor 7.50 Jonn Padgett labor 2.50 Graco V. Cresswoll labor .... 1.05 A. H. Smith labor...... ..'.'s.' Henry Prolsendauz labor 10 0" M. C. MUlor labor c'oo Carl Vogol, labor .'."s.OO Lorren Oland labor '..3.75 Henry Vogel, labor .10.62 W. L. Miller, labor g.75 1. W. Oland, labor .' V50 Itwiil District Xo. 1:1 O. II. Fish, labor 1ft.., K. J. Lehman, labor i312 . a, Lawrenco, labor 1137 P. A. Spanl, labor '.'..8;75 C. J. Davis, labor... m nn Spanl, labor 25 6" Fish, labor !! '25.00 Davos, labor 14,37 Wood, labor .'.i,'25 Cotton, labor, W. W. Endlcott. labor 15.00 CMllllo I'flTJ" J. X. McXalr, ferryman 140 00 Coqulllo Hdwe. Co.. sunnllos. . 'ir. T . 1 ... . ,. :. - l&UOO, " '-unit KIO, SllpplloH ,.3 . 750'- Nationally Advertised Goods Week March 22.-2? Vim iiik ciiidliilly invited to (his tdoro lo hoo mid Mimfh many uf die urtlck's you liino road about in your fmorlto mg n.lno or uvit Niuiiur. NASBURG'S GROCERY 'I'lio Good HousckwpliiR Slow. mmmammmm ii n i ii ii. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR H. H. Harper HOUSK RUILDEIl Genoral Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. I. M. Wright 0- . RUILDIXG COXxKAC?rR' Estimates furnished on roquost .1.20 M. Shaw Eye, Bur, None anil Throat i.i ..i;,"lBl'KS HTTED OIU MATTIB II. SHAW Diseases of Women nnd ClilUrea Office Phono 330-J. Rooma 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. 2.50 70.50 .41.25 Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND nmmM ARCHITECT oi. 0,f,'HB' 20C Irvlng Block Phono 103-L or 267-j. Mnrshfleld, Oregor CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I IJAV AND NIOIIT sunwcH I For luxl. phono 20, CbmdUr I Hotol. , e'v .curing cars, pbons U Clundler Hotel j tifX MMUBTn, Pro?. ftetv .ii.n j : New Cm W. G. Chandler mti ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 1 302, Coke Bulldln, Uarshfield, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold. Oregon. P. A. G. H. O. J. C. B. R. W. Perl Riley Ballinper i-mftibT AND TEACIIER Residence Studio, 217 No. Th rd It Phonn ans-U LADIES' CLEANINGW0RKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on tlie most dclh-ato fabrics. yQ vosl. tlvely guaranteo nil work Phono -lai-X. . a ... v,nirai Avenuo. THE COOS HOTEL For'Tiy if MirihfleW ft"Hi IIKXD O. A. .Macl't-. lP- YOU AUTO CALL tn A1Tnc 1 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS I'l.ono LVIO-Ti. (Vlgiii mul Daj. Careioi "-"" Good Cars. I). L. t-OOTi:. , 14. ivoii uiit i.tinifin i .A.. I w w . daa r ""w L'UUD, I ' Ml r " , . .i I New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS also principal a ?"'."" f "ONYX" and "CADET' unoc S. S.JENNINGS, No. BerrfJ fHAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. so Pictures &framing Walker Studio SMITH'S VARIETY m North Bend. . for Fancy and DomeW ? I C, J, Fuhrmau, supplies 35i (Continued Tomorrow) CHINA w iw.