3TJHirii.i "i n mi!TMiimiHi i iir i i rw p il,'tf ' niiBliBBiiBnMSSSraui "TtHItJI -" 7 w -"T- THE COOS RAY TIMES, MARSHFIBLD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. FOUR i T IMMBm' N. MORROW GOES CHRISTIANS ByiLDlfflbnA iSDIS OFiNORWAY .... -....- ......' w ww m mimwumuim EMM f TO plON'S A CONTRACT FOR SLY MONTHS SERVICE IX ALLIES ' HOSPITAJj AT CALAIS WILL ; leave soo.v for froxt. Dr. E. V. Morrow has signed a CHURCH ADDITION JACK MAST, or McKlnloy. was In Marshfleld today. sisterhood to build suxday school itoom axi .social llAMi XO MINISTER KOIJ Tin: PRESENT. Bids were opened Inst evening for , H. I. It. Hatching: Err. 00 ronts lo en, 1330 No. Sth Ferndale. A. E. TOWER was down this morning from his place on Catching inlet. WILL BUILD lx months' 'contract with the Amer-Un addition to the Christian Church' SCHILL1N0, MrrtIe Pomt, i r.-j r... o i. -.i i...... whlrVi will lio hiillf Immivllntplv hv ' lean Red Cross Society and leaves on March 25 for Washington, from where ho will sail, via New York City, for Calais. There he will spend tho 'summer In the surgical end of tho great soldiers' hospital, returning to Marshfleld In Septem ber. In his absenco Dr. Miller, or Portland, will have chargo or Dr. Morrow's practice. which will he built Immediately bv the Sisterhood as a Sunday school room and social hall. Ernest Smith vas among the visitors here ?ps terday. presenting the lowest bid, about jM,ls . McIXTOSH. or Catching Inlet $340, was awarded the contract and was atnong )e xMtqn ,Q thc cltJ. will start the annex within a few thIs matn.n. uays. The annex will bo a frame struc ... BIMnsnv. , ,,nvnn ,, Miro. 2.". fpn) Jir r.5 tevl am! will ' " "" iu ..I n.. ii . . "as Jiarsniieia uusiuess visi fill practically nil of tho lot on I . . . . ........... . . . i lor vesieraar. d...i .h - n- m . wnicn me cnurcn now stands. At, Several years ajro Dr. Morrow. .. , who has been located on. the Day I V7,, .T s - ""Vi" ? ! R HADSELL. a elrll engineer for tho past six months, passed tho' . . , . . . , , , examination of the United States I " , "" "'," ,u, ""7" "l a u"" yesterday. ..,.,,. , , i al' nni1 the addition has become an Hoard or Medical examiners. Since ' ..,... ,. the war broko out ho has received' .. . gamo . ,. KllIraJ. TOM HALL was among tho vis several offers to go with tho Amer- decldClI that a mln,8ter w not b(J lean Red Cross Society, ca)Ied for the pre8ent wuh a , An April 11 It is expected that assessment to bo paid and sundry! a ivuvi ..! ... oa lur iuuun, olMer expenses, they decided the MTlng aboard nurses and surgeons, heilt procedure to bo that of clear together with supplies, for tho hos- jng up an debts against the church. r-Itala or Europe. I Several applications were recelv- Though ho will bo connected with e,i from pastors last evening, but a hospital under tho Allies at Calais, these will not be acted upon for cousin, Dr. Plat P. Morrow, or, some time. 1... I.-....- f 1.. A t 1 uiiBuiuK, wusiuuyiun, is a sur- of Dandon, was up on business ltors at the county seat today on legal business. E. L. ROBINSON, ot the Smith- Powers camp nt Wagner, was down yesterday on a visit. DEPUTY UNITED STATES MAR SHAL II. F. HARRMANN, left yesterday morning for Portland. (Continued from Page One.) try wero strong characteristics of tho old Norsemen. It was a notable fact that they could adapt them selves In a most remarkable degree to new countries, new customs, new languages. "From most reliable historical sources wo learn that 'during the Viking age tho Scandinavians were found, so to speak, everywhere. They , rnmn In lnnm ttwnrmn in Prntico. ' r-ngiana ana Spain. During tno . ".uo Ul ..-.. - Crusades, they led tho van of tho t,108 'vll nro ln tho clllcs lmvo chlvnlrv of Eurono In reseulne the com to tho conclusion that to linvo Coming" March 22 and 23 California Jubilee Quartet Auspices Coos Bay Concert Band. .44h. V A a I a fN fl ! v Urpneum Adults auc, Children 25c Hundreds of thousands or geon ln tho sorvlco of the aermans WILFORD ERICKSON AGED ! W,LUAM IOERSOLL went to Co wlth Von IllndenbertT'it nrmvl c nice im nnmiAr. mi i I lullle this morning where he will 5, DIES IN BUNKER HILL with Von Illndenberc's army In eastern Prussia, where ho has teen for soveral months. TuIktcuIosU f Brain Tnkos Llfc 11 ia u u.e uig nospua.s ai uai-, ()r Volllt So, f ,, ., Mrs als that tho soldiers of England, Frauco and Belgium are brought .'l KrlckMm. wnrord Krickson, aged 5 years, tor ,re!lof. Tbero great corps or g0n or MrT and Mrs. Axel Krlck- doctors and nurses toll Incessantly in shifts, through the entire 24 hours or the day, cutting off limbs, block ing 'up bullet holes and mending the fighters so eomo of them can re turn again to the battles along the cist Una of France. By. tho (rain loads tho soldiers are brought up to emergency hospl Uls on both sides of the English Channel and It Is In theso hospitals that tho American Red Cross So ciety Is centering some of Its best efforts. According to his contract, Dr. Morrow will bo gone but six months, following which ho will return to the United States and says that In New York he will enter tho Jew- Insh Women's Hospital to inako a study of tho twilight sleep methods. At Portland letters will bo provid ed for tho English, French and, jiusiian consuls, tneso to aid later an seennng passports In Europo son, of Bunker Hill, died nt his homo yesterday afternoon from tuberculosis or the brain. He had been sick ror two weeks. Tho tu neral will bo held Thursday after noon nt two o'clock from the Wilson Undertaking parlors. The services will bo In charge or Rev. Bengston and Interment will bo In the new Sunset Cemetery. Tho little fellow wncei! n iroml fight against tho heavy odds and his going Is mourned bv manv llttln friends In hla neighborhood, who had known him as a playmate. cnivniry or Europe In rescuing the -"" '- "-- "- - Holy Sepulchre. They passed be- a I,Icc ot lan(1 n fcw cows a fow inu. t.n m, .1 n.,,u. .1.. plus and somo chickens. Is. after all. ".v4. uiu Af...ita u in:-ii.ca, ui; ' vnstated tho classic fields of Greece tho ,nost Independent wny or living and penetrated the walls of Con- nml tl,nt ls tno vcrT l",nB t'lt sinntlnnnlo ,n,i eimvinn. n, intn builds up any country. Dovolop- tho EnBt wo rind them laying tho InK iUo resources or tho solt Is tho fHH.iArn ... t .. i.. I vnv in trim wnnlHi ntiil lintintiinaa. luuiiuuiiuii ui iiiu ivunsian uiiiiiroi "w " - ....,.,....-.. and swinging their two-edged battlo ' Looking at tho Central States, it Is axes In tho streets or Constantln-' a marvel how tholr agricultural ro ople, where they served as captains sources havo been developed, and or tho Oreek Emperor's bodyguard, ! t,mt 's principally duo to tho Scan and tho chler support or his tottor-l 'HnaVlans and tho Germans. Tho Ing throne. They ventured out up-'Irlsh nml tl10 Scotc" lltlvo run tho .... .t.' ... i .i ! nnllHra nn.1 Mm rnltrnnila nt Ihn un iiiu Bulging iiiaui, nnu uiscovcr- ' """ '"" .... ..u ed Iceland, Greenlnnd nml Xorth J country; tho Hobrows havo mado Ainorlp.n. tllllR linrnmlnn- 11. n .llo. and distributed tllO CIotllllKT. WllOle- . ..-, ...... ubw......n VIU MIO ciullle this morning where he will rnrnrnr. nnt nu- r Am.n. i... salo Hnuor. etc.: tho Hnllnn has have a hearing regarding tho Ten also or pelagic navigation. The Vlk- 80,a bananas by means or a hand Mile mill. inc worn Mm fir.t nnvinin.. in organ and a monkey until rocontlv rem nro oui or signt or, land, and "u "UB UL,:" rui"-uu un mu viruuK, everywhere they scattered tho seeds wll r,inB i E00l friH store at ov or liberty, independence nnd culture. cr' other corner. Tho nntlvo Anier Thcy brought to Franco that germ lcan ,ns Btck to business pretty or liberty that was planted In tho'wo11 a"iJ controlled tho rinnnclal soil or Normandy, whero tho jor-'",Bl'tut,on8' ""t 'vIon it comes to tnnna nrlnnt.,1 .l.r. -r.AMMt. ....... .. clearlnr? tlln Ininl rnlalnr wlinnf in ........ ..ui'.uu mJ 1'lVilUil IUI1KUU " "'"li ......, w and wero tho first to produco and tl10 extent or 910,000,000 bushels spread abroad n vernacular lltern- ,n 01 crI'. conquering tho for- tliro! Mini Pnrni nt lllinri.. .vli'fnli CStS. fOOllllltT tllO pnUV (libliii. nnvn when brought to England budded ln'of tn I'll", then wo look principal- tho Magna Charta and BUI or Rights, ' '' to f'o Scandinavians nnd Gor- and which In courso or tlmo was """is. I can concclvo or nothing greater C. F. NOYER. who Is visiting hero rrom Ontario, Oregon, went dowi to Dnndon yesterday to look over the country. SUPERVISOR F. A. GOLDEN, after attending the district meeting on Catching Tnlet last night, returned this morning. , D. r. McGEE left on the, morning train ror Coqulllo nnd Bandon whero ho will be several days call ing on tho trade. J7s& i BniB3?iBffi3IMnrvr--J I off, i . nnnnEIEaMMnirlMfc JR .1 I GAME TON IGHTTO MRS. C. E. CORRICK and Mrs. Ly dla Olson, both or Bandon, enmo In on tho Elder and loft yesterday for their homes. DECIDE CHMNS 'V. B. CRAINE, n well-known Ban- i don business man was a Marsh 1 Hold and North Bend justness visitor Monday. Cntrlnil In Ihn Mni'flnn'nn In li,m. ica. whero ft developed rull-blown aml grander ror all public spirited Hewers in our Declaration or Indc- i,uui"o 'n una locality man to tinlto per.dehcn anil Mm rlnnni friii. in 'for tho development or Uiio umiii. -- ...w ....u.. Mill. "i. - . UMI.(- . A --.., tho Constitution or- tho United western corner or Oregon. So that' ":,. t j. i I when theso rich rorcsts nro denuded I ow" re protected agaillSt llllStalCCS in tbtf An UD-to-date National C.aU P:.i. protects merchant, clerk, and customed U fixes responsibility. It climinnJpQ W .. mistakes, prevents forgotten charges, and insures tecoru or money received on account and paidonU It enables good employees to prove their effi ciency. it makes careless employees careful. Rtnlfl. ! wllnn tltnen vlnlt rnMAn. . . .1 1 "."..-. '"" '" ""win nro iionuucu i ,. ,, , - . . o "win "Vitus Boring, n Dano born ln! thcy w,n ""'"ctllntely bo turned Into j aCCOUIUS. 1 IlC rCCClpt ill tile parcel, printed til uuiiuiiu, uoiimnrK, iu80, is tho gen- " "- l.u......ot:. m union uiii rCfflSCCr, PrOVCS tllC amount naifl inero is strength." s an obi snvimr ' i and It Is ns truo now ns ovor be- OLD G005 COUflTF RESIDE,1.' T5 BOOST THOUGH MOVED TO CALIFORNIA HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN: WRITE , FOR MTERATUHH IX) INTER L'ST VISITORS M. HALL-LEWIS lott ror Co qulllo yesterday arter looking over tho Inlets hero regarding rurther improvements. MARSHFIBLD CIX)SIS ItASKBT HALL SEASON IN NORTH BEND ! OA.MK IN OUH NElGHBORlNfl'a, w. KOONTZ was up Irom Ban CITV don yestorday on a business irln. going with P. M. Hnll-Lowls In- Upon tho gamo with tho North Bond basketball rivo this evening rests tho championship or tho coun spcctlng tho Inlet work. MRS. GEO. N. BOLT Is expected homo tomorrow rrom California, tho flvo high schools of tho county: to lose will plnco tho locals In n tlo with Myrtlo Point. Tllla la lm In.i nn.M . ... - A. 1.1...- ...... I ." Il KUII1U Ul mo a- Asking ror advertising Htoraturo'son. thn clnninr, nf n, i,n.b.i..u and stating that thcro nro many I year. This hns boon on0 or tho voos Bavltos in soulln.ni nniirnmin ...... anxious to boost ror he old homes ? -u, years or tn0 ball a letter was received at tho ChaTuer M ' Tl ' ' C0U.B Vl " ,m8 8.Cn iiviii ui n-wiuo i'iujiiij u ciusa ty league. Winning this. Mnrshrlold will take her plnco at tho head or I nm to"lorrow from California tho flvo hlch srhnoi of .ho r . whoro sll wns called by tho fa tnl Illness or her mother or Commorco recontlv from Mm i O. Harris, socrotary or tho Oregon Society In Los Angoles. This Is i.n organisation formed of old tlmo Ore gonlaus In tho south, tholr purposs bo'ng to acquaint tho thousand, or etrangors comlmr to ih m.,.i f ,we0K Myr,, l'm icW tho oast with th nnMihiim.. n. ,fc i ?con I,,nco 'n f'o loaguo. Should btal tn h rii. '. .1.. . . ... Ainrif hf lehl tlo with hor nolKhbor In ,;:.".." uumen near tll0 VnlIc., ., . ,.., .. - CAPTAIN J. C. CANTWELL, In spector of tho llfo guards, 13th district, left on tho Elder yester day for Euroka on his way back to San Francisco, R. L. WEEKLY, of Myrtlo Point, togothor with It. B. Wilson, nlso or Myrtlo Point, yestordny In spected thn lulots with tho Coun. ty Road Master. torrltory. "Wo keep registers for theso peo ple." says .Mrs. Harris In her lottor, " and It Is surprising to seo how anx. Ioub theso pcoplo trom tho mlddlo west aro ror Inrormatlon. l flmi Mint a good sharo ot thorn nro Interested In westorn Oregon. TIiApa .. . " ru muny t'oos coun- v jno living hero n j.oa Angolea and I find them oxcollcut boosters for tholr old homes." bho further oxplalnod that tho Socloty holds monthly mootlngs u Federn tlon Hall, Ixjs Angoles, whoro an op un Invltutlon is extonded to all vis itors from horo. Not only is San Francisco and San Blcgo gottlng tho visitors from tho fast, but cltlea all along tho lino north nnd south through tho whole waio or Calirornln, tho lottor points out. Los Angoles Is dallv visited on route either Iron, San Frauclsci o" on tholr way rrom San Diego. or ball that has averaged well with tho teams that play throughout tho "tato and enthusiasm has been much bettor than over bororo. By tho doront or Coqulllo last It !??L,l.eilPJ!l T'"!'. . B. WADE, a prominent Co,.,- 1 lug man or Eugeno, with W. It. McQoorgo, also ot Eugene, arriv ed horo Monday nnd will a pond Bcvorul days on tho Bay. tlo will bo played o according to Coach Nlles, who belloves that tho exponso would bo prohlbltlvo. AT THE HOTELS -I J NEWS OF NORTH BEND .t Mrs. Qoorgo Hnrtmnii, who was called to Salom by tho serious 111 new or her slstor, returned homo yesterday. Rev. F, S. Shlinlan is able to alt up arter uovornl weeks' sick ness. 'Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Lomanskl who am Intending to leavo soon lor Sh uttle, wore surprised by a number of friends last evonlug. Cliaiullor Hotel, Charles I. llockborg. Portland; W. J. Mitchell, Portland; P. J. Shee hnn, Powers; A. O. Reed, Portlnnd; W. Conklln, Coqulllo; R. M, Do Witt, Eugene; O. W. Elliott, Port land; J.. E. Norton, Coqulllo; B. Whltinor, Portland; Joseph Look, Portland. M)il Hotel. J. Murphy, .st. l'nul; N. p. n,mt loy, Myrtlo Point; John Wliobroy, Myrtlo Point; Tom Ray. Wncnnr; Karl Rnymond, (Jreen Buy, wis. St. ljUMtMuo Hotel. A. Urblgkolt, Wagner; W. T. Tinkler, Wagner; K, E. Oakos, Ban don; Amlrow (iroor, Duluth; Morris KltxIuiBli; Portland: E. E. Bayloy, Kelso; P. R. Profror, Kolso. llliuuo lintel. O. A, Anderson, Coos River; C. Drew, Coos River; 1). p. Wenvor, Sllverton; James Kearns, Coos Rlv-, or; W. Ingorsoll, Lakeside; Frank Kirk, North Bend; William Bromor, Bandon; (1. Koonts, Bandon; J. Nordeau, Myrtlo Point. GEORQE P. LAIRD, formorly of tho Bandon Water Company, passed through Marshfleld today on his way homo from Portland whoro ho has been for tho past week. tlomnn who first explored tho Hon nf irnmtntinHrn nn.l .ln.lH. n.i. " .., uut! UUtlllK litis ----- ,lu u,ul uv;- voyago ho discovered Bering Strait for0, ot" n'l wako up and go I. ...An m. .. .. it Un1s tin. nnl.. .. II. . K-8. 'iiiiiB as tin jvarwni! nn. " -.., ..uL "iy mr inn success- Loir Erlckson, wns tho first whlto ful cnrr'InS "t of our building! man who sot root on tho extremo ' 0lorlriso which will help In tho eastern part or this continent, bo 1orI'ot,,atIon ot our traditions, prln tho Dano, Vitus Bering, becomes tho 1)lca n"a X(lt'lo'inl Ideals, but also discOT-oror or its extremo western ,I1 a I'mctlcal way, pertaining to boundary lino. They stand nt tho'tho slnto n"(l tho county in which rising and sotting sun, 'and clasp' wo I,vc" Wllal In nnu Mm inrrtlnrv nt .1.. United States In their strong nrms.j" nnd wo might hero tlttlngly add n, AMONG THE SICK I Swede to comploto tho trio. It was .!, John Erlckson, who, with his llttlo i JIIss Gcnova Beet or EaBtsldo, has ! checso box, tho famous Monitor,, beo" " tno I108' two or threo days. ! gavo most valunblo heln to this Mr8, Swuiison and daughtor. Miss' beloved land ln tho hour of Its Farrls Swnnoon, of Eastsldo, nro greatest danger. i confined to their homes, tho rormer "In tho history of thn tinitmi ' wltl ln Brlppo and tho latter with States, our Amorifnn iiiotm-inn n.. in nervous nttack. son John Losslng, uses theso preg-1, 8 Jnc,c IniIl0ff t North Bond nnnt words; "it is bnck to tho Nor-i ,COnflned to her 1)C(l wlth a severe wcglan Vikings wo must look for". ,nck ' La Grlppo. tno naruiest olomont of progress in tho United States." "And hero is what tho ramous When a National Cash Register enter n ftMi becomes a better store better for the proprietor wi.fcv.1 xyji iiio .wupiucc iiiiu ueiicr ior n:s c Luniers. THe National Cash" Register Co., Dayton, OHio MR. W. J. MACAULEY, 354 Burnside St., Portland, Or. PLAY FOR CUE b .Iiw .UIIIUUD, Scotch author and travolor, Snmuol I ,'M,"M' Animuncod for Mllllconu Lalng, says; "All that men hopo ror c,,,l I""iil Tiii-iinineiit--To RAYMOND E; BAKER, county sup orlntondont ot schools, camo down on tho boat tills morning rrom Catching Inlet whoro last evening ho attended a meeting of the school districts'. of, good govornmont, and for Im provoment In tholr physical and moral condition, nit thnt civilized mon enjoy In this day of civil, religious and political liberty tho British constitution, renresonlntivn legislation, tho trial by Jury, secur- llv nt tirmirt r.nn.tAH. n ...i.. . -w . ,-.-...,, .,1-i-uuiu ui mind nnu person, tno Ion ovor tho lairs, tho rorormntlon, tho liberty Start on TIiiii'mIiiv. Handicaps wero nnnouncod today for tho billiard tournament nt tho Slllllcoma "Club, tho first match to bo played on Thursday evening. Tho matches amount to elimination contests, tho winner to recolvo a cuo io entries as they aro announced HE HOME AFFY MADE AVERN CANDY Wo inako Ico crojini 378 Ccnlrnl nvo., P''ono JflMj Ma KM ., iiuL'uuiii ui mind nnu "" "imumiceu Influonco or public 0pln- "" ,,e hn,ul,ea,)8' rllow: "orbort io conduct or public ufJ "!. 100; A' K- I'eck, 80; rorormntlon, tho llborty! ?A ,"f KnMfn"n' SQ- w J- Conrad, MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for .Good Meals. PrifiPc- RancnrmMn I Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y I T. J. SCAIFE U A. II. 110DGIN8 Marslifiplri PA,NT and ':ldiMllieiM DECORATING .CO. Estimates Furnished Phono .,. Mnilioldt Oregon PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 13? NOT KM' 'm l.'l.l.-c Don't forgot the St. Patrick's ball 8UPT. A. o; RAAB, of tho North Bond schools, was a Marshrield visitor yesterday. School work Is progressing nicely. No ono In North Bond npponrs to havo JoN lrlto Information as to when the Simpson mills will restimo operations. or llin nroEs Mm olrlt nt .t "" J a"Klin. 75? P T f -,. ,";..'..."" ." "KO oeorco. so.. Ai .; cA. uur . ...i nml is or nns oeen ot valuo o nt-. --. v; u. u. ii m .. man in modern times s a member v p.i ! ,W;.' Ke""0,,'' U ' " H HW of socloty. either In Europe or tho si.11,?'0?' 7": C,nml T"o'Pso, ! Qonera JWB n01L1)EIJ Now World, may be traced to the, 0, ll TT'' R Q' H'" . PMaklng?nd Cab'n apnrk loft burning po our shore lobort nil iVi fl IcKcown' S0- l?hono s bv theso X'nrMior., l..-i..t... .. , U0Ue "Ward, 80. w w .,......tt imwnuuna, - "SUPPOSO tllC80 Sanin linr1ifirlnn' . WATERFRONT NEWS CIIIEP JACK CARTER, J.' H. John son, Frank Proy, Arthur Rohrold, J. T. Hlllman, Mrs. F. 11. Rose, Mrs. H. II. Smith nnd O. W, Hughos, loft on tho stngo yestor day ror Portland whero Thurs day thoy will bo witnesses In tho counterfeit cases. DON'T FOIKSl!' i ?,' ,.Vn.tr'ck.'8 Uunco I" Eagles Hall, Wednesday, March 17. i.mnv coui. In Coos County, or tholr descend ants, should Join In a great move ment for securing 500 families who! Tomorrow morning tho ann are nblo and willing to clear d; Smith la duo In rro, sa Francis 2 till tho approximately 300.000 ncm with carc n,i ,.o.. " rJllc,SC0 or. tho best land that tho sun ever With liar cargo of .,. .,. snono on? Under tho Insnlratlnn steam schnntm tt-.,.. .... . ' ..' of tho past, tho chivalry, tho great! morning bound for San Francisco ,.. Mfc I'Jhwim aurs. mrpHT f ni X rntu L'tirAim ai. r, -- 'owiuh, - --... w...vni i q ViOOrCft r ll,lrt ii AtltUI Tho most cconoralcil loW In tho Northwest includlsj everything Hates to You CO rooms '"''"'! 100 rooms with bath I'-50 100 rooms with bath l-W 200 largo outside 550 bedrooms, many dial' rooms, beautiful "" nearly 100 sample re ' M. Wright agTODBO CONTC,1;88-11' Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw m ,J?MSKS FITTED ViV '""li, . SHAW OfS?pSoSS 330"jennn,,a a",dro .D i none jjo-J. Rooms 200. 201. 202, Irving Block. Pictures SFraiA Walker Studio tho victorious wars and ih Z Is oxnoei", ," Z" .w' K,l,' umiihnnt r.il.i8 ,, mi, ....... i., ... ,11 ,"'"u"u" nml is sched- "" .t..ua, wny ...vu io IfUVO OUt for PnrMin.l n . not every ono strive to tho utmost1 12:30. IorUnna atl Benjamin OstHnd i oo a usetui, loyal, active, aggros- no American citizen? American Rnncmir CONSUMING ENOINKKIt AND Orricos. 20G Irving Block Phone 103-L or 267-j Marshrield, Oretot erals, fmln Intn l.ilnnll. " hi .Bibiliuiuiico. J. I . HKII'U n ".ivjii, "During this financial ,!,..,. . R 11Q " . "um" 0" """.S, Coke nulldlna " . --.. Mui'ivooiuii u. ni-i uirahfuu -x all over tho counirv. ....., ... r oa. , .u. uregon n.. .V" V" "",u .: ti... n...i v "vvl' l" " ", citizenship, In tho right sense or tho'RFP'IDiiin LL. -on., is a high distinction .S R fZ 32 KBipTING, ! "-" l" l,,,C8 01 Kings and gon- Wr, 4- ... m ' CHIMLJ), ,, rn, T urass buttons and epaulets. rciID AWU CEMFMT " u nanaier ln ,, J- L BRICE ' Room. 301 MTO, LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & .Trn.1 C. , thoroughly dependable, a dlato sorvlcl), Pr0?,r JSUt I. S. KAUFMAN l&ft i we iiavo all , i . i'. Iin n.o, i I inirm n, . ... lAm Q Timn. Mr v v Ui.voo .. i .1... i. '"' "orgoi uio St. Patrick's ball " c"i. iiio kind VOU havo a new mvii-.i .,. -HU CO ULtAN I1MG WnRIQ v MlJ'il Mrs. h. L. Huyes and daughtcrlat tho Mnsonio iinii vn.in....inJ auvavk pimi '. now roln coming, ami ihnf ...., .. .u"",,,,,vu VVUnNo AiinnTPr Flossie, havo returned -to North , "W,. AM niomber. and visiting - Livery and Tranter Con min - I ?? T na "r,a,n,- a tho sun most ,S ! ?Z .Vea"'"s on the Marshrield, Oregon. went! aiior upeniiing tho wooK end "";',' """ ,,,u,r lumuics nro ox- ' smuea jn tno Heavens. Tho. "baii.- .1 . ";. ve iwsl. with friends In Coqulllo. '" ll.Vo.-S-i.ne. Cm.,,.- ' Time. ., Z, .U, "" ot tak " "- ' " - w...U IVOUUD. I'old or tho working pooplo ns novor lively guarantee u work i'liono -13 1-X. Address 331 Central Avenue, T cmiriT nnns RIVER BAt SERVICE j I leaves lursi,",c,u "'' . JJ leaves lie"" j 8 m. in. I at 8:15 p. in. Perl Rilev Raliinnnp PllVIQ'n .... I I ResldnudiorTSd .t' ! Phono 368-L. at :iu i" , STEAMER lUNnOWT bs neau 01 "'""::. a . ji a. ,,,. Leaves Mars" -- j. i . i.ln nnfUV V" I lur -""" ""...'11TII ROGEKa .V P"- Proprletors mpmaNft 3S13 ?iranLi T1