-WT THE COOS BAY. TIM2S, MftSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915 EVENING EDITION. ' THREE To The Young Business Man YOUR position where you work is secure only as long as you continue to give satisfaction We recognize the same principle in oUr clothing business, We give it by selling good clothes and guaranteeing correctness of style and service If anything fails to satisfy, we make good We keep your clothes pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores. Morshfield. North Bend. BREVITIES , i CHy-by-tllC-Hea. Ho tulll Of till) . All UVin (.'i-ii.ii Tlimn l .. itniiM 'lil mn.nltw n. o.,rtii - Irownlng accident there this week whether or 'not the ndncn l true J tlonal linnfe that ti.v i,v- ,i.t mi - -- - --v ... . vj iuit , ! WEATHER FORECAST Dj AMo;lat.J l'reu (o Coo nr Time. OREGON Haln, strong southerly winds. Wlinil ll flalif... 1 . ...lit. il . vii & , ioiiihl iiiiiii Willi inn it ' iininn.i ...ill 1.1 ! i .. . . ...... .. .. , , ., , , , , Vl m iuii lor nuiuug tno wear- ol tno ?auu,U00 Port of Coos Hnyl n i, mvnJi' i r" !. '"!0 or" ot th0 Brce'1 on thl8 St' 1,at" '"-oaglnp bonds and that tho money ronS, Hn? Tl, .1 ?" ' '' "ay woro ,1W11" cl,lzul,s "f, TS now at tho credit of the Port. These ' "'V 1),0tllC,1' w. """I ToMlon,c. "brw. Scandinavian bonds are tho series u given to tho won. r..,.p ZnTl J5"1 nl,(,.'ct. "ho nwoared on tho mulu Seattle Dredging Company monthly o hi .a d had nnrrnwu. " ""V, 8lree' l0,,n'. ''r bosoms rcsplcd- for their work. Tho bonds woro nl- I ' "" "" ""'"" "' .lllllUHUI JJUinv, 1I1U B.IIO SIIUWH I I ably bo a sevens one, said Mr. Klin, i ball. According to tho inspectors, Captain Miller Is one who lost his license for n period of 20 months. few months. Onco he tried to come across tho Itogtio River bar In bad a picking up of tho bond market J-.UUAL TEMPERATURE 4 ' RECORD ! For tho 24 hours ending at ' -1:13 a. in. .March 17, by Hon, Ostllnd, special gov- ' eminent motoorologlst: Maximum OS Minimum 13 ! At 1:13 n. m 44 Precipitation tfo I Precipitation Blnco Sept. 1. 3014 51.01 Precipitation samo period last yoar Cl.CU Wind: Northwest, clear. MARCH TIRES I : :Z'n S 1, Uc ; ,J T" "" '- "A-rdlng a TUI. ;.;. a cash fund for tho ! Ions, flonm or ' ion- hro7ghTo !?,,rlt aT,T ,","'' C3 I W7mmi iU M mmvau ! water, another tlmo ho upon o CMUty U ""," 1),StrlCt Att(-' t"'r work of last month and tMs night oft llandon In asmall boat. '"0y nro1,'B te to stop thojnlso puts tho $25,000 avallablo in . I games of chance now going on In cash for inlet Improvement. l'ii(ei Service). ltev. Uengtson will hold henten services In tho North Uond Swedish Lutheran Church at 7:30 o'clock this evening and In tho Mnrshflold church tomorrow, Thurs day evening, nt tho samo time. mo (iiiierent towns, uico games, I punch boards, etc., are said to bo) fi0(s Wrong Man. Slnco Sunday under tho ban and It Is possible the night, when tiros wero cut on both oxtont of tho operations n-jalnst ! hs stago autos out to Uunker Hill them may not become public until tho April term ot tho grand Jury. Defer Hearing. Thoro will bo no hearing of tho complaint of Miss Kato Wed oil against Isabella Cush nian, whom sho yesterday charged with appropriating dresses from her 17Hrs. Pt.. lSjlIrs. in.. 10Hrs. Ft.. 20llrs. Ft. , 21Hr8. IPt.. . 3.33 . r..9 ; 4.oo . r,.o . 4.2G ..n.o . i . r, r, . n.s . r,.27 . n.7 9.38 o.r. 10.11 0.4 10.47 0.1 11.21 0.5 12.00 0.C 3.58 5.3 4.35 5.1 5.13 4.8 5.50 4.5 0.40 4.1 Xiirlli Itnul Mlmiry. Thu regu lar monthly mo'lng of tho North Dsnd Library lfoard will be held nxt Thursday afternoon nt 230 o'clock in tho library building, nil . back line, until word has been re members ot tho association lining celved from District Attorney Lll- 4 i earnestly Invited to bo present. I Jenvlst, according to .ludgo Pennock, I who Bald that word has been scut OonlingH Win Out. Oerdlng ' him and that ho will probably conio 9.38 brothcTH, ot Coiiulllo, took tho Co- hero to conduct tho hearing. 1.1 Ultilllo high school basket ball team 10.04 to a terrific bentlng there Saturday 1.G i night, . according to parties from 10.30 Co'ti"to. . The Oordlngs outplayed 1,8 'tho high school boys at every turn of tho game. THEY ARE HERE 1915 GO-CARTS Tin; ias'1' wom i.v oihlduicn'k vi:incLi:s Tin: i'ikst won i) ix comkokt and coxvuxinxon J-'Olt MOTIIKIIS. Wc lmo the gi'i'iilcsl lliiu slionn In Kiiiilliwesli'in Oicgon Priced from $7, $J2, $13,50 and $1650 CAM AND T.OOIC 'I'llM.M OVIllt. ' Going & Harvey Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Cliili MeolH Mrs. D. B. Malonoy Is cntoTlaluing tho Kloster today. ltclnliic Dead. Mrs. Ancnn Hog 10.54 11.23 I Mcfiliuils Caij I'lnNlied. Lato yes- o,n terday afternoon tho dlvorco cibo of Ohma McOlnnls versus Thomas Mc Oinuls was brought to u closo in ClulrJudgo Coko's court, decision bolng reserved until the attornoys for both ! sides submit briefs on questions of law. This will bo within tho next two I crn cf South Coos Itlver has ittcolvcior threo days, word of inn death of hor H'.omnother at tho advanced ago of 92 la their old homo in Now York. lluys Lund for Home, A tract of about two acres in Portsmouth has boon sold to Otis It. Wilson, jeweler Special Iliislncss Meeting. Thoro at tho Itcd Cross store, who ox wlll be a special business meeting poets to Improve it and mako a this evening at 7:30 o'clock In tho homo thero. Tho consideration was First Daptlst Cnurcli. Alt members 'stated to bo about $1100. Tho deal are urgently requested to bo present. ' was mndo through tho offlco of I. S. Kaufman & Co, limit 'ruins Over. B. A. Kollcy, ! I i now wntchiunn at tho llandon Wool- QHo u Walker. Threo years J 1 on Mills, and formerly "president" H. Sneddon has been In tho sorvlco of tho Andorson-Scoly logging road i of tho Postofflco Dopartmont as a near llandon for two weeks previous' cnrrlor, walking on nn nvorago 20 to its salo to tho Dollar Interests, ' miles n day. During this tlnm ho wos In town yestorday from tho I has walked threo times tho dlstanco to London, or about 18000 miles, 1'roo. Xlght't) TKlglng. Thero was a distinguished visitor last evening in Jack Carter's boarding house. .Ho was A. lllshop and wbb in for being a trlflo to Jublhfnt on St. Patrick's ovo. After several trips to tho sta tion to tell his troubles tho officers finally accomodated htm with a spe cial coll. This morning ho reversed tho usual tactics and paid his ?G fluo and departed. Hall Hay Martin has been looking for tho "varmint" who put tho knlfo In tho rond. Last night while passing the spot nbout midnight, ho camo to tho turn below Uunker I Hill and hearing a nolso In tho ' brush stopped his liiachlno quickly and went tearing through tho trees, i Ho caught a man. "Hero," what aro you up to?" ho demanded. A ! flaro ot a match showed him that ho had tho wrong man, an old man who had been waiting at tho road sldo for his sou to return homo. Mnrtln is still looking for the follow who put tho knlfo in tho road. (Jets Hocus Focus Dollar A pros pective bridegroom walked into tho offlco or Judge C. L. Pennock yes terday and after securing tho noc essary papers to mako him happy for life, walked out leaving a jl foo on tho desk. For several mo ments tho Judgo was busy, ho man eunio back to ask a question and then loft. It was then tho Judgo started looking for his dollar. It wns not on tho desk; ho looked on tho floor, In tho coal scnttlo and through n dozen pockets. No dol lar, nud lie began to look suspicious, ly at Tho Times man, who oven then was thinking of spending St. Pat rick's in Chief Carter's boarding houso when tho missing dollar turned up In a by-way pocket, over, looked in the search. Itohullil Xorlli Hull Potor Logglo announced today that ho would liavo a new roof on his hall which was damaged by fire last wcok, within n fow days. Ho is rals inc tho celling to twolvo feet, will put in a ladies' dressing room and will remodel and rodecorato tho In terior, making it mora modern and more nttractlvo than over. Ho will rush tho work as rapidly as possible. Ho said that ho wanted to express Homo April 1. C. B. Mnybeo at North llcnd received a letter ft coup- lo of dnva nco from L. J. Slninson in I h's appreciation ot tho flno work San Francisco saying that ho would , of to Marshflold and North nend be homo April 1. Ho has remained In ; n departments, saying tiint it was Hand of Dciilny Heautlful. -Tho foaturo at the Orphoiim last night, while bolng of ordinary plot and of foreign make, was n tiling ot beauty and art. Thu Hand of Dos tiny Is In natural colors and tho beautiful tinting and gorgeous, fas cinating mountain scenes, togcthor with artistic touches, mako it by far tho most delightful offering of Its kind over seen In this city. This plcturo will bo shown again tonight and whllo Mr. Keller says ho does not favor tho exhibition ot pictures including French artists, ho could not resist this foaturo, -knowing of its most nrtlstlo value. It la ono lit a thousand. fu&iriE PA the south to attend a meeting this week ot tho orriccrs of the Simpson Lumber Company. Mr. Maybeo re ports that thoro was no meeting of tho city council last evening and will not bo until March 23 when tho ques tion of bonding tho city will bo taken up. DON'T BE MISLED Ilify My WAIt PltlCKS mo high. Wo my Ol'lt IMtlCBS nro not IiIrIi and WB CAX HAVK YOU MOXBY iih wo curry no ivr talepciisu nud mivo yuii th nt (io cost In flAltUWAItB, I'tl'MIIIXd and FAHM IMPLBMBXf.S, which Is to YOUIt AD VAXTAGi:. Schroeder (k Hildenbrand's Hnnhvnro A Plumbing. General repair Bhop, NOBLE THEATER Tl IGT and has carried approximately tons ot mall for distribution. Only Cut-lulling. Mr, Jacobson, of tho North Deud Mill and Lumber Company, said yestorday that the report that tho Swnyno & Hoyt logging camp near llcavor 11111 would bo closed down was erron eous. Ho sold that thoy wero cur- 30 tnlllne n lit t In nml rnilurlnir llln torcu temporarily. Thoy nro alto figcrliu on moving tho catiit) tur- Meet. Tho tnor ,,,lo tll() timber. Manager Dim- to San Fran- but another ovldenco that when North Demi and Marshtleld worked togcthor not oven tho flames could stop them. If You Want the Best In the Meat Line Telephone Us TELL US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU WANT AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS we buy the best that Coos County and Portland can fur nish us. We have equipped our market to keep and ripen meats and give the most prompt and efficient deliveries possible. . THE UNION MARKET J- F Ford Co. w South Broadw&j, Phone 58 Woman's Auxiliary mooting or tno woman's Auxiliary lncit i,ns returned of the Chamber of Commerce lm! cIbco. boon called for Saturday afternoon nt 2:30, An Invitation to all woinon catu T.oavo Ships. When rats In tho city to Join tho organization lenvo tho ship sailors aro wont to III..I ,l.nH ,.lf, ...lit. II.AM i . ..... .- -1 1...... mill uiliig iiiun iiiuun nun ini-i" biiuko llicir lieaus UllU Hiuy iihiiuiu. has been oxtonded by tho president, j u bids' evil, they say and oftlmcs Mrs. F. E. Allen. j nro right. Uut when tho ship's cat' ' I comes- ashoro and stays behind, this I AV. O. Mason Fined. W. O. Mason, j j8 n now phaso ot tho story and oven father ot Mrs. Oldland whoso bus- sailors .scratch tholr heads, minus! band waB yestorday grouted a dl-nn answer. Whon tho Carlos sailed vorco, appeared this morning in tho Bouth on Saturday "Nellie" tho blj? pollco court and thoro pleaded guilty 'cat stayed bohlml and now meows a to ft chargo ot "riotous nnd dlsordor-j 0ng tho dock. Yestorday tho pus ly conduct" which was preferred a-' tiy from tho Bldor camo ashoro and gainst him yesterday aftornoon by fusod to Join hor vessel nt sailing Offlco nichanlBon. Judgo Butler bus-I time. I ponded tho $10 sontonco during a . A modem society drama with I porlod of good uohavior. "Walter Old- Klder I.euvcs South. Thoro woro Allco Holllster. A beautiful pic-1 j,ul(l tcstlflod that William lllnlcoy,' 12 passengers 011 tho (Jcorgo W. Bid tines that will satisfy everyone . f nc0 ot t)10 Krp ),0r brothor and or when sho left out at eleven o'clock Six reels, all new, big vnudovlflo , father chased him Into n Front street vestordusv Hor lateness In getting pool room, threatening to "chango In yesterday Is attributed to 11 wait his appearance." Mr. Mason told tho for tho tides at Astoria and tho, No Complaint Sent No complaint has boon soit from horo to In spectors Bdwards and Fullor, in Portland, regarding tho steamboat troublo on tho Coqulllo Illvor Satur day afternoon, whon tho Charm and tho Telegraph wero in a collision, nccordlng to Harry J. Kimball, col lector of customs, lto says that it ' mill 1m nn In tlm rrintnlll nf Ihn 11 . ww m. i..iv . ,.. -... Charm to file any complaint, this to go through to tho inspectors. Providing tho story is true that Captain Pantor was at the wheol of tho Telegraph nt tho tlmo ot the accident, tno punlshmont will prob- nosi: AXI) KHXT j III nn entire chnngo of vniidovlllo act. IIBAItKT Sl.I.ir! XF.WS I'lCTOltlAL News that is iiowb gathered by tho Ilearst-Sellg camoramen from all over tho world. TUB WOXDHOl'S SIBLODV ' A drama with a heart and soul. Two reels, by tho American Bclalr company. DOT'S HI.OP.MBXT. A high-speed comedy inndo mako overyono laugh.. HBIt IHfTHR LBSSOX to net. Lower children. floor, 5c. 15c; balcony, 10c; Jiidcn that Oldland had called them facing of a 5D mile wind down the Watch for tho famous Paramount jnrH- nn,i BOveral other names, coast. Thoso wh6 loft for Eureka features pronounced by "thoso who Honry Songstackeii tostlfled that W. wero 11. P. Saubort, T. W, Frcomani know ' to bo "JiiBt a llttlo bettor." c jmson Is working on his ranch and James McNabb, Peter A. Hobinson, Mary riciuoni in -tcss 01 mo Storm Country," will bo first of theso famous plays. 10SPECIALS Al' THE FAIR FOIl WHDXI..SDAY, 'I'HUItSDAY AXI) Fill DAY. COMB KAIIIiY AXI) OBT YOL'lt SIIAHB OF TIIBSB UXUSFAL IIAIKUINH , I 1216 Cloan Whlto Cotton n I Hatting. Only 0C I C-strand I). M. C. Finest 0111- I broidery, cotton mado. Wo j I havo 35' different shados. rn j Special 'J! fin' Ub j I Tatting Shuttles, whltb or Q W U black, val. to 15c, only always before has borno a Kood reputation. 0RPHEUM! DON'T I-'OllflKT. St. Patrick's dnnco In Hull Wednesday, March 17. Eagles Captain J. C. Cnntwell, Mark C. Will is, A. Nowgond, Chnrlos Oranlsh, Mlko Pedro, W. Johnson, A. N. Wood, on, J. Nedau, Jamea Salmon and It. 1 B. Haiinoii. M .., a fc 1 . ''mm service m XW'S: i'HONKS. CUTl. W5)f AllM. KVPI1KSS WAfiOXS. -ill.' 'J,hW s I7fi J...-Y. IBO I1HOADWAY lM IV ve44 IM.'II. .,... 1 ... i,i-.rtnu. v ;-tcstlonIsnot, will mon , -"f 'uu for your work? '" uoes )oUr work honor '""' Your concern is not ,Z , croa, nro"t for S T' but to ,nak J ch HI profit many bo "lea vnni-cni, ' !W0S,ySTKMMlU.NIIlY ' I ! I , 1 DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PUIJMO A regular btnlo licensed undtitiiker will bo lu chargo Phono 1D5.J 1 , E:K9n Low Rates for "" w" fcu, Handing: 1 rimKS BrfWii.v r'Sp-in. . ,,'.,,,utB 'mm 8 . m L ltrlr- . U "' M,,5 lo Wuilre,ai n!f a Ua)' wiiUlX p KINO. IroMf Wo haul trunks betwoeu any polnti Mnrshflold nml do ceoerai haullnc, am tiAniinnnhla lf1TAB "l,,r'iaTAlt THAXSFEU & STOHAOE CO Tm. iii.iunrr. I'rnnriuior ' rhoneai lO-J, -W-U 0-R 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better U'OXIOHT TueMlity- Wednesday THE HAND OF DESTINY Fmit-'iccl htroiig ilraiiiii with 11 ll'hSOII VlllU-ll Will lit) I-flllCllllHTIMl. TIiIh plctiiio Is ill iintiiriil colors nnd Is 11 lliliiK of art. It must bo been to bo appreciated, PATHE NEWS Xl'MIIBIt SBVBX Includes Cnr llevIeiVH Troops; ' Xoiitrul Ofrici'i-s in Fiiiuco; Zeppe-, llus Ituld Kiiglund; dishing, U. S.I Dchti-oyorj Hospital Ship; V, S. HoldleiN Ilevlowwl "11 Fifth nveniio; I Strikers Shot in Xew Jeiey, ami 'iiiuiiy othi'f items of Interest. Theso ' hiibjccts no new mill 111I1I consldoi-. , able to tho merit or 1111 up-tO'tlie- , iiiiiiulo picture piogniiii. f PETE THE PEDAL POLISHER Anii'iliaii comedy. VALLEY OF CHAM0NIX Heautlful scenic. A scenic pic-1 tu 10 is it wolcfliuo aildltlon U uuy, pi-ograiu. j 1 oc -ALWAYS :: 1 0c ! What 1I0 you know nbout "Iliina" vay Juno" nml I ho Mutual Master Picture advertised lit tho Sutuitmy Bveulng Pokt? I Now is the Time This is the Place To Order That NEW SUIT Kuppenheimer Clothes $20 to $35 Royal Tailor Suits MADE TO MEASMB il $16$40 OTHER SUITS $10 to $20 FIXUP Two Stores .Murbliflcld :: s :; North Ilcutl 05c liilost lluugalow Aprons, various patterns and colors. Only .48c I 1216c White Daisy Finn- mil ,011 special a:c .25c I Miiiiihimiis Postponed. Tho man- ' dumiis proceedings brought through Stoll and Hodge for J. C. llllletrom 1 and others against the officers of tho ; 1 Port uud City asking thoin to appear 1 and show causo why tlioy hIiouUI not I ho forced to pay tno juugnient a-. gainst them for nlleged damages west ! of tho Mill Sloub'U fill, wero post- lMlw. Wnsh ,.iuu.0ttl8, , 1 poned until tomorrow iiiurnlnir. It , (rI d c,ianibrnyH ,, BOer- h posslhlo that thoy will not bo, . BUckor Vn,ll0H t0 8Cc. brought up at all. Tho city council nt,,UC0(l to ' at its meeting on .Mouuuy orcicreu u. t ! .,.. rH lm .il,v 1ml In ' tvuitailL uiuwil il t -.rf o A I .... I V ' " tile juiigmuiit (iiat aiiiouuiu 10 uoum ..P.. T .1 t . ..HAI,. l.ll. ..... .IDC i.uiyun iituij inn iiihmid, j mado lu neat patterns percale. Only ....,,. , .35c ?1,800. Takos Deposition hi South. Tho testimony of Amos Hogws, an old pioneer of Coos County who has now moved to California, will bo taken this week boforo a notary public at I 25e (lilt Edgo Liquid 1 C j Shoo Polish, only IdC - 4 $2,50 and ? 'I.UO Samplu Urn- I brullas with ,s ribs; excellent I j materials. 1 I Only llorkoley to bo used In tho case ot , , , , , . 4 Mrs. William Watora versus tho Mart-. A .$1.85 in Davis estate which Is 0110 of the first cases set for tho April docket of tho circuit court. Lists ot ques tions nro being sent him for answers. Slnco tho suit wtiB filed two of the witnesses havo died, Henry Miller and I. M. Noblo. Tho testimony of Jasper Yoakum was ulso taken In California, I luc Crystal I Largo cakes, I Only (llyrerluo Soap. DC THE FAIR CENTRAL- AVEXl'E NEXT TO CHANDLER HOTEL I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Hold knlfo with chain, lto ward for lta return to Uox "B", Times offlco. WAXTED Gardening, or any kind of labor. Qeo. Doctor, c-o Times. SALESMAN WAXTED To sell nu to dovlco to owners; for informa tion, address I. 8. Phlppeny, Uox 480, North Uond, Oregon, FOR REX'IV Restaurant, oqulppwl, best location, also ulovuii-room rooming house, furnished. 11. A. Uock, North llcnd. WAXTEIk Duly demonstrator, Phono 258-L. PUIIL1C STEXOORAPHKR Smith Terminal dock. WANTED WANTED Practical nurso would like to caro for Invalid at own apartments. Phono 337-L, Homo Hotel. ART NEEDLE SHOP Corner Sec ond and Market. FOR SALE FOR MALE Thoroughbred Whlto Leghorn eggs for setting. It, A. Landrlth. Phonu UOai Formers. FOR SALE Motor boat. .Excellent engine. F. A. Sacchl. 'OR HALE Four level cleared Iota on D Street, Bastsldo, $800. Terms discount for cush. Uox 5tat North Uond, Oregon. FOR HALE Chester Whlto boar, $30.00 Phono 307X0 or address P. O. Uox 312, North Uond. FOR RENT I FOR It EXT (Mean newly furnished room with bath for 1 or 2 gentle men. 7C2 No. 2nd. St. FntXISIIED FLATS House No. 2G2 No. -1th ut. Phone -U3-J. FOR REXT Housekeeping suite, Marshflold Hotol, Cor, Third and Commercial, Phono 137-L. FOR REXT. Rooms with or with. out board. ICC So. 10th Street. FOR REXT House lu roar of Lewis' candy store. John ForgUBon, LOST AND FOUND1 I FOFXD lu Chandler Hotel, stlilc plu, Owuor may havo samo by paying for this ad at tho Times office. Hank Sells llonds. Word was re-.SATISFACTION ALWAYS OR YOl It celved at tho Chamber of Commerce MOXEY HACK, 4 FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight uud Uaggago, Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 111a. Residence Phono HJ-J. MiirLet live, nud Waterfront I HMNPMfWiteKttU&MAI