feSRsTn! MM4, , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, IGIEVENINGJD THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEIA OREGON TWO ISlSlifflffiBSSijfflfflSPSi I I COOS BAY TIMES M. 0, MALONEY", Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Ktlltor Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY' TIMES. AX IMPORTANT MOVEMENT T' uh TIMKS prints an Important Horn of news this evening In tlio tlio statement of tlio recent meeting of tlio Sons of Norway nt wlilelt wab inttiiRurnteil a movement tor tlio erection of n now linll nml a plan for colonizing Corts County lands with the sturdy sons of this thrifty and energetic rnce. This Ib a lino of development work tint means riitich nrocress and ' n ":DHnn ti-nVUV fj i . Jin 1 J GDNCERT My Stiii' Key. Listening to n youiiK lady ploying on u plnno, I was appealed to nt the conclusion to kIvu my opinion of NEXT SUNDAY Coos Bay f Concert Band will i Render an Excellent pro gram at Nome I neater The following excellent program lias lieon prepnred for the concert to ho filvun hy the Coos Hay Concert Hand under tlio supervision of Di rector Kenton, nt tlio Noble tlienter next Sunday, March 21, at 2 p. m. her style In playing. iiomiilfiil." Bald I. Flattery or ; hnse adulation tlio terms are syn-i .jnich. "Willow drove". .Sorreiitlno ..M.mii. I do not deal In, neither I overture. "Raymond.". .,. .Thomns uch for tho future! ' n6l. tnWnf,( hut I was tied j "KleBle." Czlhullca prosperity of Coos',.. , , ,1lU rnR0. n,ui I had, suite. "Atlantis." fThe host Con- - - in n Altui ... ...- - County. It Is constructive criori t(j cut QWti Bmoothly as pos- blonfc tho right lino m mo mnua (6tx of resources that promise prompt and rich returns to Individ uals and the community. Mr. Han pan deserves and will douhtless re celvo tho encouragement and sup port of tho Chamber of Commerce and nil public organizations and progressive and enterprising Citi zens. It Is a good work and n big work and merits earnest recognition. ,u,' .... "MIbs," said I, "your artistic nt- tnlnment Is of tho highest order. I understand but llttlo about the notes In music, but tho mclodloiiB twanging of n Jnwsharp strikes n responsive chord In. my appreciative ear.' in vmi aim? or nlny any?" Rhn asked, "Do U" I replied. "I nm n singer nnd actor from nwny back. My last porformnnoo took plnce In Coquillo City In nldlng Bomo worthy young men to form a brass band." "What wore tho pieces that you nlnved?" ho Men whoso names llvo j rcrltcd two pieces of on- longest In the human heart aotititotl merit and enduring fnino ST. PATRICK DAZZLES THIIOimir DARKNESS OF PAST and shine with most starlight lustnr through tho darkness of tho post frequently, If not generally, hie men who In their own day Bat in tho seats of tho lowly. St. Patrick, while of Celtic Block, thoy worn "The Irish Mule Driver t nnd a charming solo called "Rrnd ilnr Snook." "Did you not sing nnyinniM i.'Mtitnilu with variations ror all alio nsked. , lustriiincntH "My Old Kentucky "No; tho nudleiicc was noi up oni0" Dallicy tlnent.) , BafrnneK I. Nocturne and Morning Hymn i of Pralso. j II. A Court Function. i III. I Lovo Thee. (The Princo nnd Anna.) IV. Tho Destruction of Atlnn-' tls. I SnyopBls AtlantlB Is n continent inontloned In Plato's History, and extended ncross tho Atlantic ' Ocean approximately from Europo to Yucatan. It Is a subject of I exhnustlve volume by Ignatius j Donnelly nnd has also served as Inspiration for several novelists. This continent It Is believed, wns tho home of a great mm which conquered nml civilized tho world. The Azoro Islands are considered to be the tops of Its lofty moun tains, and nil that now remains above water of the great country wns not or Irish uioou, mu ocm- ,0 (1() HtyIo or the people in inu siavunlu Dance No. 1 Dvorak tlsh. His work In tho fifth cun- great cUPB. thoy Indulged In T,(i stnr-Spangled llanner. tury of ChrlBtlnnlzing Ireland seem- t,,u.orp8i Tho stylo Hint they were ed of little worth to tho princes !,1Iogt ,ugt.() t0 wns "Sitting on t'' of ,Coplo In nny ball or public place, 'of his time, but proved In tho cl ' Stllo, Mary." I where, being led by able singers, to hnvo a permanent nnd transform-' "Well," said she, "be kind enough they slug the old songs, and have lug effect that far outweighs tho to favor us with a stylish song, but i proven to bo n wonderful source of temporary triumphs, power and first permit mo to ask what style ' t. Jiivei gongH 0 wd .. nf llin vlrfnrlniia lflncs. In of melody you mostly airccu i,. . , . ,.ill,lrnn for (o doing ho stamped himself upon "My dear," snld I tho girls are HRCg W)(h U)0 yomi(? C0I,ie, modern I tho hoiiI of n neonle. nnd mndo un partial to endearing opitiicm- io , ,,,,lar songs ro used, us well as . . .. . '.!,, , , nf ei vn effect to my experience as I older ones, and with tlio aged con- t.ppeal to the Imagination and nf- Klu C"c"'0' Soloist tll0 tylo gregatlons, tho Bongs of their youth feetlouB of a gifted peoplo that can a do. rn. me, fa, solo 1st, t o yio hi, ca on . never die. which affects mo Is that llcli en- , , , t)mt tlu A nation Is Judged by Its apprccla-, ti.o,sini,no so ...... h - lion of Its great men and Us choice "o. the P autntlo, is I. h of those among its sons whom u South, the Pthe c . en hlch . , . , permcato every lino Indicates a considers great. Tim Irish revcnl their own ohnr- braces tho. slmplo soul stirring moi- yo,inB lnn.. iearn ,) u nmy not forget tho harmony that has lived mid descended to us thru tho years , gone by. Contributed i longing for something of which thoy were deprived. As nn iiibtnnm of ..Z'm lea"S"K toward negro minstrel Ism and spiritual standards through xr;w musician's Mr. and Mrs. 1 R. Anthony who lit.tr.. li.inll vtulHllir 111 l.?llla..lril nfl'lvPlI i... i win ulmr ilm fnltowlnir beau- ......- . ...m '.. ..t..n.. nlnlrln.r mnn T'ntrlplr na Hmlr Nut. "' " u" l"' I'1"1-1 ""O ""I "I'U" . pltkng upon latrick us their t-lUf,., ,)lll)ft(1. ,, ,,, Blll,0 ,n Mnralifleld. lonnl hero and keeping his niomorj Now Mmo worQ ,u(,, njl(, ,', Jlr Anti,ony. who Is n violinist, Is Kreen. - Not war, though. Ireland has , wore blacker (11 hrothor of Mrs. 0. S. Wlnsor of. duly honored tho warrior, but tho ., ., '' ,,,, ..,. of Nortli llend, nml was a resident of! arts or nenco and devotion to noeN, ' , , t tl,lB "' bout nftoe" yca n0' Hol arts or pence an. iioiouon io poei , n cll(iw of tcrmckor. studied under John Mnrqirdt In I ry, und spreading the blessings (Jol 0t o l)(J wny oU, 1)an rrrkor Sm Kriu:Ht.o. After eight years of religions over pngnn nnd snvnge You're too lato to get yor supper" spent In Kurekn whero ho was tho1 races worn tho truo trnlts of the' ,1() Krn,.0i.s " she exclnlmcd, leader of nn orchestra bearing hlsj Irish race In the centuries before ; ,., , 110 ,;, ,,, (lint. U , , ' "J";";1,.; Xn.'u.ey have the Scandinavians and the Kngllsh-, ,, COI1BeqMence whatever, nnd nt- UonBVoclntcrt with I nnml.or of man mntio mo limeraiu ibio tno ins-i.(iri.. ui,9un." tlio best inuslcul organizations In tiosHful UIuiul, The strouKtlienlng of these ten lstfttj.lv ! !rt HA.tl.. 1 It A n Alllfk1fnlnll I A ..H.b KBA iitnu'iitH ud luiniy iiiu uvriuut uiiiuui. scUUIIieUl II II 1 1 l'0llB0llieilUH uru l'i-i i teriy unsurii. iiiu nesi iiiusicui urguuiznuunH in I "It may be absurd," I remarked that city. Mr. Anthony was a inom "nnd all lacking In stylo, but Its '"or of the Seattle Symphony Orcl.es I ..'..,. , .,..,.,. P nr. H". un aggregation of slxty-flvo men, of Saint Patrick, nnd tho honmgO amount. Obsorvo the effect It muHt the Phllhariiionle Orchcstru of forty- ft.... ...n.. ...1 l...r.r. ...nu niiiiilrtKn.1 I., i that has been rendered to lllm forh.nvn .... ..t,i nn.i Tuelcor to Ioq Ills '""".' """ " " """ " '. ,.','u " I " - . , - , . , , mo urpneuni ruenior oi aeuuiu. centuries expresses the lenl nature lHuppr, n inomont h thought devoted jlrHi vutlicny Is a pupil of Hugo' of the peoplu of Ireland. .to the hungry object will couvlnco j j,ullsftlljt of San Kninclsco. She bus I you of the sorloiiH uspect of the case ' hud n wldo oxpeilonce ns u toachor, and arouse our synipnthy. ncroiupimlHt nnd orchestra player. , TIIM WIURIXfJ OK Till'. (IRi:i:X T i.01,,onillon that loads us Mr. and Mrs. Anthony nro at pres- .... ...,.i..i ,.r .... i.,iHiir.. m,t visiting nt the homo of Mr. nnd A bit of tune to mo ear is brought1 l" mtoW " '" y ! , , , ". Otto J. Rudloff but will open n A bit or tune to iiiu ear is broutm m, , , ,ilu lolof of sl,fft.r. H(U(o H0()n n( ,,, ,mrtor8 cim. ily a passing vagrant breene, , ,,,,. 1,mty tiuiiHceiids nil the ho obtained, when they will devoto , A bar from n tunu mo ears once ; K,oim ,uu, u,uy ot t,e absurdities their time to teaching and high class knew culled style. concert und orchestra work. In u land ucross thu seas. , IU U,00rlle"n.,a "W0"rl"8 "' tllU, I tOMMrVsTxTT ' And It beavs mo fur nwny; Another ultra-modern Innovation in mind and heart I'm In Kiln's lsle,.g l0rlng over Mnrshfleld. And It's morn, St. Patrick's duy. During lecent meetings of tho Chnmlnndo Club. Mrs. Kred Wilson St Patrick's d.iv In tho morning' ,,n8 ,,,,0n roa,,l" Mc conrernliig mi. jautcKH tui) in tno morniui, t)U) I(U))tt forwu, m0Veineut In there I lightening tin burdens of llfo thru 'Twiis many n year ok the Influence of song. I l uuvnlixi i. lomi i nniiiichiiiiirn ' Mrs. Wilson Is very much In enr- Wltli n .-lil t nse.i to know ' st rM'mUliig those "Comiiiuiilty With a hi l I usul to hiiow, )8,UB8.. uml t ,.,. llor tou om,t rfll.ll nnu llt.fl U IIIIIIUII 111 1IUI Mllll As green ns the emerald sod, And we tramped that way us gay a pair As ever thu dear soil trod. Garage i i Koontz Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOOD YEAR TIRES-EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES ar Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street Phone 180-J .. , "- i I We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash, r GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House. Phono UIM-.F Important Notice to erty Owners Prop in ii M . GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PHOPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF , DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. Marshfield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrshfleld at Husy Corner 10:00 n.in. 2:00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Leaves Nortli Ucnil 15 min utes Inter Leaves Empire. 8:80 a.m. 11:.10 a.m. 0:80 p.m. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFOKTAULK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC BTEAJISHIP CO. O. F. McGEORGH. AOKNT . W. . PAINTER Phono 44, Marahilold Phone 42t, North Demi TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- bAs been a bobby with in for a good many years and n lot ot our customer; will toll you when It comes to gcttli b good, sound, durablo frnming mnterlal at tho right nrlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spend and wo'll get busy with our pencil and flj;uro out tho best your uoney can buy. Try us.J. 4j. j, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAIL DEPARTMENT OUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO HY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 1H2 SOUTH HROADWAY m FIRST AND AFTER COSTS FORD CARS THEY SAVE YOU MONEY Front Street ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos niul Curry Counties. "THE aUNNIUEvY" Mnrshficltl, Ore. Abstracts FOR RELIAHLE AHSTHACTS OF TITLE AND INFORMATION AIIOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAR8HFIELD AND C0QU1LLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EAST8IDE AND SENGSTACKEX'S ADDITION AGEXTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER them umlit'8 un nil nh to try them here. These Sluss" me n KiitherliiK SOCIAL CALENDAR WlU'll old tho dio, In the deepening dusk, I Onco uguln n civiuo that wny. The path wo trod was n nlory road, E'en tliouuh the dark uluidowa lay Athwart (lie path, (or lovo shone lirlht Ah stain n the blue o'erhead Wo whispered o'er us wo tripped along Thu wordH that the priest bad said. I Ht.t Patrick's day, and I'm far nwny 1'ioui the Isle ot emerald sheou, And many u year u dear grave there Huh been wearing or the groen. Ah, 'tis hero am I In freedom's hind Please God I'm hero to slay . Rut mo heart mid soul go homo, each year For to spend St. Patrick's day. Arthur J, HurdUk. 5 CENTS PER DAY UlSsroYuiV Pays for $1,000 JJFE INSURANCE (At lh As of Twtny-nln)( Older ju m only. tiuU higher NewJLpivJUtc Contrncl et Oregonlife WEDNESDAY ltoheitsou - Johnson imp tlals at Eastslde Elks ball at .Masonic tern Pie Presbyterian ladles' chick en dinner nt Guild hall. I'llsclllus with Mrs. Hob- orison In Hunker Hill. Auction llrldgo Club with ' Mrs. Carl Davis. THURSDAY Alert Club with Mrs. 11. Piper on Coos ltlver. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. ' J. T. Hall. ! Fit I DAY ' Thliublo Club with Mrs. 11. O'Mara. , Norwegian I.uthoran Y. P. S. at chapel parlors. I Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. ' Ross Smith. H. Y. P. U. with Mrs. A. '.. Downs. ' ! o EVENING WEDDING I 1 v X ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL X J In tho Heart ot Mnrshfleld I .....,, ,Du I'liuBiimi uisiriouiors : : ah o'.t?io nooiuB. 0NYX and CADET . ! rfVSWsw hose . f LLM!$!SS.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend -- New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" niso principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" i THE COOS HOTEL Formerly ot Mnrshflold WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH IJKNl) O. A. Mctllu, Prop. I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE For taxi, phono 20, Chandler , I Hotol. I For touring cars, phono 20 Chnudler Hotel I LYNN LAMHETII, IVop. I Now CaAs : i Now Crs I 4 HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. ALL I'NIO.V FARMERS niv RH. QCESTED Io ATTEND llw MEET N nf MARCH UOlli, I.MPORTANT Best for.Orejionians Cwtll DulUinS, Cw. tllUi 4a. HonUwi tmiiuJ 1. 1. SHU I. UMVIl tiHt tiil'll MiiilW MUs Marsaret A. Robertson and i Mr. Harry C. Johnson will bo mar ried this owning nt S o'clock at ' Ooo" Can. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono 'JllO-L. Night nuil Duy, Right Cafe. Careful Driver CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES k J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are Right Anil sll Work Guaranteed at Ti,e F'fwWe." Johnson BIdg., 137 Second St. Phono French Ranges. Roller Work , SAVE MONEY y onlerliiR tho ruinous HtlMKYVILLE COAL the huiue of the former's parents, i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robertson, of,1 hastslde, Rev. (i. I.eRoy Hull or-, delating. ' It will be a (pilot homo nffulr, Invitations having been extended to a few clooe- friends only, They will D. L. FOOTE. Vi. l . ur half ton of both $n.ool MUSSOX, Prop.! Phono 18-J or Iwivo orders at ' Hlllyer's Cigar Store. I BR 100 ItiiiiH-li office, St, Ijiuu'iire Ho Hl'KINESS. IIKJ HASIvin1 DINNER tel, Marslifiehl, Oiegou. fcur ilio MEETING, RUING oui' J, .1. Hiiiliiltlge, ilMilct iiianag-'i', .leave khortly for Ilehlew, Idaho, MIVKH. iMai.-hflclil, Oivgon. 'to make tholr liome, imm$m&mw AT i CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD Nortk Frost HtrMt, Pltoue 79. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, , North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic BENNETT TRUST CO. MAKSMHtLU, LUt JU., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits 12C,O0O.0 OFFICERS: J. W. Dennett, President Arthur McKeown, Secretary TornT. Bonnett.'Vlco Presldont Hennett Swanton, Treasurer Transacts n trust buslnesa only. Acts us trustee of exnross truiu nnd nlso as executor nnd ndmlnlstrntor of estntes. Tho only Trait Company In Oregon outsldo of Portlnnd organized under new unit law In this Btato. F CAN & BENHETT BAN OLDEST DANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Officers: I J. W. Reuiiett, President, J. H. Flnniignn, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cn&hlcr. Goo. I Winchester, .hit. Ctshler. I FREIGHT. rummer STORAGE ARROW LIME STEAMERS flan Francisco Pier No. 20. Evory Woducsday 3 P.M. --BAIL FROM Coos Ray Evory Friday To Portland And Tuosdny To Sau Francisco Portland AlborsDockNo.l Erery Ssturdi; 9 A. M. Phono 27A. THOMAS II. JAMES, Agon I Ocean Dock MsnhfM! EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMB. SAILS FROM MAR.SHFIELD EVERY" .MONDAY IH'ltlXfl MARCU ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: MARCH 15, AT 1:00 A. '.', MARCH til! AT 1 P. M.; .MARCH Ul, AT H:0 A. M.S and from PORTLAND, EI-'I-'ECTIVE MARCH 10th, AND EVKItY" FHIDAV THICREAPrER. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY' TICKET OFFICII, 2 AND OAK STREETS, PORTIND. Phcno 85-J. O. R. LANDERS, Af INTER-OCEAM TRANSPORTATION C Weekly Servlco Coos liny niul San Francisco. STEAMSHIP HUI SMITH j $t Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays; From Coos Bay Saturdays. FROM HAN FRANCISCO, TUESDAY", MARCH KITH, AU !' Ml San Francisco Office, flOO Fife RiiIIiIIiik, nnd l'lei- Number Coos Bnv A p-nrif . n v -rr.avrmnv.. PlioDfl O W" ' ww. w Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction n COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK . Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon coast -. work the Dredge "Seatt!e,, llio most powerful, best cqulpiieil niul most tlioronglily wdr twenty-lncli liyilraiillc ilrcilKo In Paclflo waters Coos Bay office, ' Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. iiMaiiiiaiwPWw iM TW-LtJ '. .. - ,..U -k iii. ,.. '-"iii ? v t ",TT T-'"T""' -- -r-r r-T " -.--- , J A . . . - -- v..ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss i