" iww vt " 'I'.JIP'I''" l&fmr "miw wywwwfwW'WwiMnwtip HfBCS SOME SOUND ADVICE: KEEP YOUR TEMPER AND YOU WILL KEEP YOUR FRIENDS Coos Bay Times Your Paper ORuh A Southwest Oregon Paper That's uhat tho Coos Uny Times Is. A South. Most Oregon paper for Soutlnuwt Oregon pcoplo nnil devoted to tho host Interests ot this great section . Tho Times iihvnj'u boasts nnil novel Coos n.iy 'fUuCH w ,,ro1"1 ot ,,s """ "T,, '... imiilt." nnil It Kli'Ivca nt nil limes to peoples nrl' n (o Us ""'no ly devoting lis energies to Quoting IIio people's Interests. MEMIIEltS OP TUB ASSOCIATED UtESS GIflflg flaw VOL NO. XXXVIII IK CAMPAIGN Oil 600 IIIL Greatest Continuous Fighting ! Qinr.fi War Began is Now in Progress. RUSSIANS ARE AGAIN RU FIGHTINGJN AUSTRIA French and Germans Both Claim to be Victorious Port of Smyrna Resists YrnuiVHii AIIOl'T TO FA 1,1, A it, AuoclitJ TrMi lo Cooi D7 Tlmu. PKTHOaKAI), Slnr. 17. Tho capturo or tlio Austrian fortress of Przomysl Is con ildereil In tho Russian cap ital as a matter ot n fow days only. Auulrlnns solillors captured by UusslniiB during two unsuccessful sorties sny tho garrison Is exiting on famlno rations nnil tho hos nltals nro crowded. 1; AuocUltJ Vmt to Cooa liar Tlma. tONDON, Mar. 17. Along tho COO-mlle Kastern front Brent nc tltlty prevails and Potrograd bo llerei tho opening spring campniKii Is at hand. At no tlmo previous ilnce the war began bns thoro boon luch continuous fighting over tho ilole front. A Derlln conimunlcntlon shows Hit In Hie extreme) north, tho Rus tlini arc analn on tho l'riissliin bor der. Tho report mentions tho nt tick on Laugnzargon, which Is on German soil. ., French and Gorman accounts of ftfhtng In tho west nro nt cotnploto mlanre. Doth claim successes in Cbampaghd nnd near tho Delglnn border, Regarding tho battles klch biro Icon In gouornl progress (or the spur ot tho hill on Lorotto Helihti, both tho French nnd Gor ainj claim to hnvo won. London reports negotiations bo tween the Ilrltlsh nnd Turks con cerning tho port of Smyrna have Wled. Tho Vail of Smyrna, nftor i conference with tho Ilrltlsh com oinder on hoard his flagship, do c'ed bis Intention of resisting to Ue end. 1'OhO TOURNAMENT IB; Auoclll Pren to Cooa Par Tlrafi. SAN FHANCISCO, Slap. 17. Tho K"e of tho Universal polo tournn Bt, which began yestorday on tho "Position grounds when Coopor town, Um York, defeated San Sta le 5 to VA, shifted today to Bur Nine, whero Dolso, Idaho, and owungamo will compoto. NS OF NORWAY WILL ERECT HALL Fi THE ORDER HERE Important Meeting Held Which Inaugurates Some New Development Work PUN OF COLONIZATION IS ALS PROPOSED Bring Five Hundred Fam ilies into Coos County to Make New Homes. Te Coos Day Order ot tho Sons J Xorwajr held an Important meot 8 hit week, it was decided to t ' " onCQ "Don tho preliminary k "l01 ewctlutr a hall nnd thoro- """ne a homo for themselves. committee or seven was elected Win fta,n I,l'iCes 0t Ultforont PmP toav!n!r.the I,MrPo t Betting a C Mo fl0Catl0n at tll oat tork , , gures As BOon as th0 itrin.i Under way a gouoral sub npuoa wm . . '?-, ?Ir-D- " Hauau mu. J charman of this com- hk6 ii, been requested to Mktr Iead ,n hs work. Tho hin ,"embers are O. M. Johnson, en 5, ,! Carl Flaaten, L. Strum la "b HowaaUl, Olaf Hansen. Son ,. ,0 tho members ot the "Part- Way' Mr "augan said Wo unlto our efforts thero Established 1878 ns Tho Const MlSI. BEGUN E BATTLE FRONT IS HER FATE Only Unimportant Operations Being Undertaken by Allied Fleet a,t Dardanelles BRITISH I,OS.J " THREE SHIPS tnj Amnelatc.l Prrra to Coon liar TlmM.l v DARDANELLES. Mnr 17 a, Tho Ilrltlsh met with a ro- VOI'SO In nil ntlnimir (n ,.tf,.i. k v tho DurdanoIloH of mines. They lost threo mlno elcnr- lug ships and ono nailing ship. Consfdornblo dnmngo was inflicted on a Ilrltlsh O crulsor. 4. .,-...-..,. w t,IU..I - tnr AnocUt! Vmt to Coot Ilnr Tltiicn, CONSTANTINOPLE Star. 17. (Wireless to Uorlln and London.) Only unimportant operations have boon undortauen by tho Allied fleet operating against tho Dardnnolles tho last fow days. Tho activity of the warships Is limited to demonstra tions. Two attempts by cruisers and destroyers to approach tho outer fortifications and clonr tho mines Is reported futllo becauso of tho of fectlvo flro from tho dofondors. Tho civilian population of Constantin ople Is qulto calm and almost In different to tho efforts being mndo to force tho Dardanelles. TO UNITED STATES Premier Okuma Gratified at Changed Conditions Prog ress in Chinese Negotiations Or AuocUOd Titu to Cow Uy Tluei. N TOKIO, Slnr. 17. Tho Osaka JIJI publlshotl an interviow with Promlor Count Okuma In which ho said ho expected good results from tho ne gotiations going on nt prcsout with China. Tho Promlor spoko strongly of tha changed attitude In tho United States toward Japan. Ho said theso relations nro becoming vory frlond ly nnd thoy wero especially good at tho present moment CONSTANTINOPLE Ifl IN FR UBOMiHA Is no question but what wo can se curo a lot and put up a noat llttlo hall. Wo must havo faith in ordor to do a thing llko that faith In oursolves to bogln with, and faltn in others as a result of- having faith lu oursolves, not to forget faith In tho future of Coos County. Wo bhould allow our influonco to bo felt to further tho development of this county. Tho only way to build a city or build a county is by unanimous effort. If tho business men ot Coos County becomo con vinced that wo mean business thero will bo no difficulty In securing tho means for building a homo for tho Sons of Norway, bocauso this In stitution will bo recognized as a factor In tho development of tho community, "If wo aro good Norwegians and true to our history and truo to our traditions, wo make good Ameri cans. Poor Norwegians mako poor Americans; poor Swedes make poor Americans; poor Danes tho samo way. It Is a blessing to this coun try that wo get tho best in all na tions and all races, and these good qualities and principles -we should make It our greatest effort to per petuate "Lovo of liberty and lovo of coun- (Coimnued on Pago Four.) MARSHFIELD, OREGON, tiffed States Will Protest Action of Great Britain PRESIDENT WEARS SPRIG OF SHAMROCK Pr AiiocUteil Pros to Coos Ilnr Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Alar. 17. President Wilson appeared at tho executlvo offices todny wenrlntf a sprlj; of shamrock nnd a green necktlo . Tho shamrock was pre sented to tho President by Miss Suo Marlon of Jersey City. ALLIES DEFEATED Some German Gains and In decisive Results a"t Other Points on Fighting Lines (Br Auocltl rmi to Cooa Ur TlmM. UEULIN. Star. 17. (Wireless to Sayvlllo.) Tho official statement to day says: "Tho contest for posses sion of an eminence on tho southern slopo of Loretto Heights to tho northwest of Arras has been do cldctl In fnvor of tlio Germans. In Champagne, west ot Perthes nnd north of Lo Mesnll, the Kronch do- llverod several unsuccessful attacks. North of Lo Mesnll nttneks wero ronowed with stronger forces nnd tho engagements still continue In tho Argonno fighting has not yet como to an end. Tho French wore driven back from tho slopes south west of Vauquols. Two French at tacks In Lo Protro forost failed. Tho Russian ndvanco against Tauroggon, Russia. Just across tho East Prus sian bordor. was repulsed. Russlnn attempts to break through tho Ger man lines botweon Skwn and Orzyc Rivers, north ot Warsaw, also wore ropulsed." FRENCH SAY THE! Claim to Have Won Success Where Germans Say Thsy Are the Victors tnr AaaocUted Prut to Cooa Bar Tlmaa.J PARIS. Slar. 17. An official statoment Issued this afternoon says: "On tho Vser tho Ilolglnn army mndo fresh progress and repelled Gorman attacks. North of Arras tho onomy unsuccessfully nttomptod to deliver nnothor countor attack . on tho trenches on tho spur of a hill of Notro Damo do Lorrotte. Solssons and Rhelms again woro bombarded. In Chnmpano, north of LoSIesnll, and west of hill 19C wo havo taken possession along tho front of some D00 metres of nn Important eminonco hold by tho enemy. In Argonno. several Gorman countor uttacks bo tweon Rolnno and Four do Paris wero repulsed," The Pass, Loaded With Cot ton, Goes Ashore Part, of Crw Lost (Hr Aaaoclated PrcM to Cooa liar Tlmca. BERLIN, Slarch 17. (By Wire less to Sayvlllo) An announcement by an overseas news agency Indicates that a number of men lost their Mvps in tho wrecking of the American bark Pass of Pamaha, which wont ashoro near Syle, ono of the North Frisian Islands. The announcement says that seven membors oX the crew wero saved by the life guards from tho coast patrol station. Sho was a vessel of 1500 tone, with a crew of about twenty men, bound from New York for Bremen with a cargo of cotton. Times Want Ads tor results. US M VIGTDR10US AMERICAN SHIP WRECKED TODAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915 Commercial Rights of Neutral Nations Will be Urged by President Wilson regret an Embargo cannot be placed Senators Generally Wish That President Had. Been Em powered by Congress tor Auoclittd rmi to Coot Iir Tlmt. WASHINGTON, Slnr. 17. With tho publication by tho Stnto De partment today of tho complete toxt of tho correspondence between tho United States and tho belllgeront nnllons respecting tho rights of neu trals, Interest was renowed In tho probnblo courso the American gov eruni6nt would pursuo In seeking freu commercial lutercourso with other countries. It Is generally ho Moved hero thnt a vigorous protest will bo mndo against the action of tho Ilrltlsh government. Senator Walsh, of Montana, vio discussed tho situation with Presi dent Wilson Inst night, said the Sen ators generally regretted that Con gress had not empowered tho Presi dent to placo an embargo on Amer ican exports to tho belligerents, al though ho did not bellove the Presi dent would call nn extrn session of Congress for that purpose, DRKSDE.V IlLOWN UP 1JV HER OWN CHEW . '-. Ur AwcKlitcl Vtta to Cooa tiagr Tlmra.) WASHINGTON, Slar. 17. Gorman Ambassador Horn- storff todny lccolved an of- flclal report that tho cruls- er Dresden wns blown up by her own crow after hav- ing been nttucked lu neutral wntors off Chile by Ilrltlsh warships, Tho official report adds that tho Ilrltlsh ships began 4 firing from n dlstnnco of 2000 motorB, but rntlior than bo destroyed by tho enemy's ships, the Commander of 4 f tho Dresden choso to savo tho crow and abandon tho vessel. Tho report enmo from tho German legation at Santla- go, Chile. ! Germans Dropping Shells Into French Town Belgians Defeat Germans Ur Aaaortatoil Pma to Vooa Da, TlmM.l PARIS, Mir. 17. "Tho enemy Is again furiously bombarding Nlou port, this tlmo with slxtcen-luch howitzers," snys an undated mes sago from tho Petit Parlsleune cor respondent. "Thirty shells have fallon In tho town, making enor mous holes and demolishing soveral buildings, but no ono wns hurt. "Belgian troops, profiting by n slight recession of tho waters lu tho district thoy occupy, carried two German ndvanco , positions. Tho warships and monitors of thu Al lies vigorously bombarded West ondo." : lum.v SIAIO To Sir. nnd Sirs. Annollno Slnlo at their homo in Reaver Hill, Wednesday, Starch 17, a girl and on St. Patrick's Day, too, but probably Annollno will cnll her Patricia. COOS TAX COLLECTIONS . Tim Lountv treasury Is so busy taking lu contributions for public j expenses at this tlmo as to requlro I two shifts to keep up with tllo work, j one for the day and tho other for tho night. Treasurer Dlmmlck has tho following forco at work now: J. A. Sullivan, deputy; John Lo- neve, Georgo O. Leach, R. R. Pown der, B. T, Currle, Dan Dlmmlck, Archie Walker and Walter Oerdlng. The Sheriff's office here collect ed more money for delinquent taxes during the month of February than for auy other calendar month dur ing tho past year, tho amount bo ing $7,445,44. Coqulllo Sentinel. NIEUPORT ow BEING 1 EVENING EDITION. TWO BRITISH STEAMERS ARE TORPEDOED (Dr AtioclilM rrria lo Cooi Oar Tlmu.) LONDON, Mar. 17. Tho Ilrltlsh steamer Flngal, CC1 tons, was tor podoed and sunk March ICth off tho Northumberland coast, tho Ad miralty announces. Twenty mem bers ot tho crow landed at North Shields, but six lives aro reported lost, Including tho chief mate and stownrdees. Tho Ilrltlsh steamor Atlnntn, r.19 tons, was torpedoed off InlBhturk, on tho west coast of Galway, Ire land, Starch 14. Tho vessol, It Is reported, was towed Into hnrbor. E IS British Vessel is Destroyed in Dardanelles and Several Lives are Lost AEROPLANE ATTACKS SHIP Ilr Aisotlalei! prfia to Cooa Ilf Tlmu. SOUTH SHIELDS, Eng., Slur. 17. Tho Ilrltlsh steamship Iilondo, arriving 4 hero today, reports she was 4 attacked In tho North Sen by n Gorman aeroplnno, . which dropped a bomb on her deck, Ono mombor ot 4 tho crow wns killed. nr Aaaoclated Treaa to Cooa Par Tlmfl. PARIS, Slar. 17. A Ilrltlsh mlno sweeper wns blown up lu tho Dar danelles yesterday with n loss of sovoral lives when a mlno exploded us It wns bolng romovod from tho btralts, says a dispatch from Athens. REHEARING NOTTO i)iti:i)(;i: Seattle will move TO HANDON IN APRIL PORT OF IJANDO.V CASE UP APRIL lliTIL Despite tho fact that a rohoarlng has been grunted District Attornoy LHJcqvist In tho hearing of tho Port of Bnndon caso boforo tho Su premo Court; Superintendent R. E. Miller, ot the Pugct Sound Bridge & Dredging Company, declares that tho Seattle will go uhead auyway with her contract. This was slguod up nt a meeting hold about two weeks uco. The Port of Baudon now has somo money on hand, enough to start with, snys Sir. Sillier, and as soon as tho dredgo Seattle has con cluded operations on tho Coos Bay project, expected to bo ubout April G, sho will be moved to Bandon. Tho rehearing boforo tho Supremo Court has boon set for April 12, and advices from thero aro to tho effect that a speedy decision will be given as all of the points at is suo havo been decided, with tho ex ceptions of the new findings for warded to Salem by Sir, LHJcqvist. Tho contract signed up between tho Port of Bandon and tho Pugct Sound Dredging Company, calls for about $50,000 or dredging, this to be douu on tho 20-inllo stretch between Coqulllo and the Bandon shoals and to insure u depth of at least ten feet at low water, with tho exception or the shoals, whero tho depth will bo Increased to 12 feet. At tho present time tho dredge Seattle is working on the last shoals In the project below Pony Inlet, and Sir. Sillier expects that the digger will Mulsh work there. Should the Supreme Court re verse Its decision and knock out the Port ot Bandon, tho contract with tho dredging company will ho void. I SWEEPER BLOWN STOP DREDGE IRK A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) and Coon Ttny Advertiser Crlffl PROMISES TO PROTECT ALL AMERICANS IN MEXICO ASSOCIATED PRESS IS Nfl TRUST U. S. Attorney General Makes Important Ruling About News Association ' tnr AasoclttMl rrni to Cooa Car Tlmfl. WASHINGTON, I). C, Slnr. 17. Attorney General Gregory has writ ten n lottcr to counsel for tho Sun Association, disposing ot tho com plaint ngalnst tho Associated Press for alleged violation ot tho anti trust act, mado by tho Now York Sun, nnd snys thero Is no ground fop action by Federnl authorities undor tho anti-trust act. Frank 11. Noycs, president ot tho Associated Press, In otforing tho Attornoy General's letter, said: "Tho clean bill ot health which has been given tho Associated Press by tho Attornoy aonornl Is highly gratifying, bocauso It Is tho result ot a long, careful and searching scrutiny by the Dopartmont ot Jus tlco of tho object nnd form ot or ganization, and Us scopo and meth ods." TO School Patrons of Catching In let and Esterbeck Districts Start Progressive Plan Tho joining of tho Esterbeck Dls trlct No. 5C and Catching Inlet, Dls trlct No. 12 school districts was practically assured at a mooting ot tho patrons hold Inst ovonlng at tho Catching Inlet school on Catching In let. County Superintendent Dakor and School Supervisor Goldon woro prosont nnd addrosscd tho mooting on tho advantages thnt would accrue from bucIi action and thero wero talks by othors. Discussion brought out tho tact that tho consolidation would allow tho erection ot a two room modern school building. Tho quostlon will not bo definitely decid ed until the school olectlon to bo hold In Juno. About forty patrons woro prosont Including sovoral women. Dnn Ross presldod and among tho othors pres ent woro Supt. Raymond E. Bakor, Supervisor Goldon, Sirs. .Georgo Ross, Sirs. Rosa Preuss, Sirs. Heu porman, Miss Slaudo Thirbor, Carl Carlson, Wm. LaxBtrom, Goo, Boss, Tlllo Culvor, Frod Slessorly, Sir. Grlnnoll. Llttlo opposition wan ox pressed, tho concensus of opinion bo lng that tho school should bo built suits by consolidation, Ho states o( the two districts, A petition was circulated this morning by William LaxBtrom who secured tho signatures of tho major ity ot tho school patrons. TIiobo who signed lu tho Ester beck district are: John Laxstrom, William Laxstrom, John A, Carlson, Sirs. L. Ileuperinan, John Haydou, Arthur SlattBon, Sirs. A, Mattson, Carl Smedborg, Sirs, Carl Smed borg, J. E. Collver, Sirs, J. 13. Col Ivor, C, Esterbeck,' II. RusboII and Sirs. I J. Russell, Those who signed tho petition In tho Catching Inlet district are; Dan Slatsou, Arthur Gunnel), William Chrlstlanson, S. T. Slessorlo, Albort Collver, T. SI, Collver, Georgo Ross, Sirs. Georgo Robb, Sirs. T. M, Coll vor, E. O. GlBch, MrB. B. C. Glsch, South Slough to Consolidate Superintendent Bakor and F. A. Golden, 'supervisor, will attend meeting to bo held In tho hall near South Slough brldgo tomorrow night to discuss consolidation ot districts No, 57 and Gl. Thero has beon somo tulk ot division of these districts to form a new one but as tho fiunncos would not warrant a now district Supt. Bakor hopes to effect better re sults by consolidation. He states tho present boat schedule would bo convenient to servo a consolidated school. Blnkey Fined. Lato this after noon George Blnkey arrested by Of ficer Richardson, takou before Judge Butler and fined $10, with seutonco put oft during good behavior, It U MORE SCHOOLS CONSOLIDATE No. 202 Transportation to Be Provided For All Foreigners Desiring to Leave Mexico City SITUATION IFCAPITAL ' HAS BEEN IMPROVED New President Garza Has Re turned and Business Houses Have Re-opened. FOREIGNERS ALARMED (Dr AaioctatoJ Prraa to Cooa Mar Tlmfl. WASHINGTON', Slar. 17. Foreigners nt ProgreBso, bo- coming alnrmed nt tho dls- orders lu that vicinity, havo asked for rofugo on the American cruiser Dca Moines. Curranza, however, after con- Terences with tho American " naval and diplomatic offl- cors at Vera Cruz, lias prom- Ised full protection, (Ilr Aaaoclatxt Prrta to Cooa IHr Tlmta.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Slar. 17. Consul Sillimnn at Vera Cruz re ported todny that Carranzn had ngreod to co-operate In providing transportation for Amorlcnus and other foreigners wishing to loavo .Mexico City and to facilitate tho transportation ot Rod Cross sup plies to tho Sloxlcau capital. Similar assurances of co-opora-tion hnvo boon rccolved from tho authorities controlling Mexico City. Official advices reaching thu Stato Dopartmont told of tho return to Mexico City of Roo.no Gonzales Gar za, elected Provisional Prcsldont by a. convention of Generals January 17, and ot his Issuing a statement assuring protection for tho public In tho capital. SIcBsnges said thnt thoro woro no dlsordora and that business houses hnd re-opened. MANY MEXICANS KILLED. .Mexican Bandits Slake a Haiti on Bonier Town nr Aaaoclatotl Vnu to Cooa Oar Tlmu. SANTA FE, Slarch 17. Sovoral Mexicans havo been reported killed nnd others captured and two Ameri cans wounded in a battlo with Mex ican bandits who raided tho city ct Dwyor, BouthoaBt of Silver City, last night. Tho sroxlcans escaped and at last accounts woro racing for tho bordor with possos In pursuit. Tho Sloxlcano woro from nearby sot tlomonts. i "" WILL TAKE REFUGEES (Or AitoclalaJ Praia to Own Ur Tint. WASHINGTON D. C. March 17. Secy. Daniels today authorized tho crulsor Dea Slolnes at Progrcso to take aboard any Amorlcans or other foreigners seqklnir safety. Tho col lier Brutus was ordered to Progreso from Vora Cruz to afrord nn asylum for tho refugees. L Florida Minister Commits Murder and Suicide When Crime is Charged Or AiKKUlaJ Praaa to Cooa car TltnM. MIAMI, Florida, Slarch 17. Roy. tho St, Agnes Episcopal Church here, today, shot and killed Harriot Do- lanoy, a mombor or tho church, and thon commitod sulcldo, Rev. Tucker yestorday was bound ovor to tho Fed oral Court on tho charge ot sending obscono lltoraturo through tho malls to Silss Moloney, When arraigned on a chargo of violating tho postal law, Tuckor waived tho preliminary ex amination and was released on ball furnished, by membors of tho con gregation. Object to Xudo Bathers. Somo of the school patrons are objocting to permitting boy bathers lu tho now swimming tank as FIJI Islandors, without even a fig leaf to cover their nudity. It Is also thought that the water lu the tank Bhould bo changed more frequently. Waaaiaraaa-a'"j i a ww w -. chargod that ho, togothor with W. O. Slason attempted to "smash In" Walter Oldland's face. RECTOR COMMITS m lit twiimmmvii&wvilPH&WHim&2' aWMWIUUUM